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File: 127 KB, 782x782, jordanpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15654719 No.15654719 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously do not get the hate this man receives.
Psychology is a science fuck you jannies.

>> No.15654740

Why are all alt-right biggest stars just a bunch of losers?

That jewish guy with the big tits sister
and many others.

They are all absolute failures.

Flat earth believers, climate change deniers, antivaxxers, etc.

>> No.15654760

Don't forget Elon Musk :^)

>> No.15654763
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If you want a real answer it's that conservative figures like these are rarely attempting to conserve anything of importance or substance. They signal to the past but often have no concrete insight or material that actually relates to it in depth or anything that isn't surface level pop-culture or basic adult knowledge.

So from a left-wing POV it's extra frustrating because there is just no real content and mostly disjointed symbolic efforts (building a wall, yelling at Trudeau, gotchaing college students or whatever). Instead of a coherent vision we just end up with basic authoritarianism with vague ideas. Your typical modern-day conservative basically lives on capeshit-tier consumerist culture and/or a watered-down pop culture understanding of their own religion and values.

Consider the contrast between Peterson and Ernst Jünger or Robert Nozick. Even Thomas Sowell is a step above.

The irony is that a ton of left-wingers would actually enjoy seeing conservatives be actually conservatives instead of just boring authoritarians

>> No.15654765
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>Psychology is a science

>> No.15654771

I'll agree with you, if you agree that leftists are bunch of globohomos who are hell bent on de-population, political corruption ala Biden family trading money for favors, authoritarian rule that is hellbent on destroying small businesses and enriching the ultra elite megacorp politically left donor class as we see with the covid shutdown of small business while megacorps remained which then led to all the money being funneled into Amazon/Apple/etc, forced castration of children for the purpose of depopulation and possibly pedophiliac urges, forced spread of gay/tranny ideology for the purpose of depopulation/deviant fetish, forced vaccination of untested vaccines for the purpose of command/control and depopulation, forced spread of manmade virus for the purpose of depopulation and command/control, and explicit and continuous funding of these dangerous virus to be spread to the population for depopulation scheme, the drive to destroy American values like the 1A or 2A that the very foundation of our democracy/society is built upon, etc

>> No.15654778

>dude licking boots is le archetypical western virtue
>the democrats want universal healthcare, better infrastructure and equal rights? That's literally communism, you know? Let me refute that argument by cherry picking patterns from children cartoons and some slavic guy who hates himself
Psychology is a pseudoscience

>> No.15654783

Conservative/right wing ideas are built on fear and lies, with homoerotic icing on top.

>> No.15654786

He's just another fake opposition grifter.

>> No.15654787

>I seriously do not get the hate this man receives
he spreads lies and bullshit.
>Psychology is a science
not in its current or past forms, it isn't.

>> No.15654810


Fortunately no one gives a shit whether you agree or not weirdo.

>> No.15654833

Define "absolute failure" in this context.

>> No.15654844

Jew-lover >Trump
Jew-lover >Peterson
BTFO'd by Greta Thunberg of all people >Tate
Literal Jew >That jewish guy with the big tits sister
Jews all of them >and many others.

What the hell does alt-right have to do with any of these?

>> No.15654855

Has this dude thought about psychology at all in the last 5 years or does he just post on twitter constantly?

>> No.15654870

Failure to create a narrative that has any sustained, meaningful longterm effect which ends up attracting exclusively right wing losers and failures.

Musk is a class on his own, he might be the most stupid motherfucker on earth right now, easily.

>> No.15654889

You redditors used to love Musk. What happened? Was him trying to introduce free speech to twitter really enough to turn love into seething hatred?

>> No.15654898

So, basically left wing is good people gigabrains and right wing is badman dumb dumb.
Very cool and substantial argument.

>> No.15654899
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he fried his brain from abusing barbiturates, and posts cock milking porn on twitter captioned as being Chinese population control (for his daughter to freak out over LOL)

>> No.15654913

freeze peach on Twitter? where?

>> No.15654915

Right next to your reading comprehension.

>> No.15654926

Wasn't he telling people that they were well-motivated to constantly poison me with estrogen due to his lies about me wanting to be a tranny?


>> No.15654946
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>> No.15655148

He basically used to say - "Straighten your life up, bucko. Don't have a girlfriend? Life is a mess? Depressed? Here's some tips, m'kay." Some of it was valuable info, psychologically framed with a bit of political common sense, and he clearly knows a lot about psychometrics. Now that he joined up with Ben Shapiro's network he's just another right-winger pundit.

>> No.15655156

You're very intelligent

>> No.15655171

You can't stop being antisemitic for fucking 10 seconds, do you?

>> No.15655182

No that is literally the opposite of what I said. There are gigabrain conservative ideas but they are getting smothered by the focus on Peterson and co. The whole strength of conservatism has to do with drawing on literal millenia of experience and culture war conservatism offers none of that. Only watered down, boring youtube-tier commentators

There's a mirror dynamic of this on the left but it's more of a Red Guard ideological dynamic

i.e. loss of education on the right, and misguided education on the left

>> No.15656470

Twitter and social media more broadly fried people's brains. Same thing or worse happened to Taleb the Arab

>> No.15656471

he loves niggers and jews too much

fuck him

>> No.15656603
File: 55 KB, 704x639, 1675781872798733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology isn't science
It's actually way better than science
It's practical

>> No.15656641


well he was ok until the schizo meds
he became a popstar and deranged after and stopped practicing science
some of his claims are very much inductive reasoning

>> No.15656645


he literally mentioned nozick you midwit

>> No.15656647

>what is controlled op

>> No.15656649
File: 1.08 MB, 828x1513, MarxistTactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear of what and what lies projecting midwit? Be specific

>> No.15656657


you both are correct btw
conservative chuds like peterson lie a metric ton, and so do marxists

however theres a non marxist left and an erudite right wing

>> No.15656688

>and posts cock milking porn on twitter

>> No.15657063

fucking cope, seethe, and dilate retard. Musk is based and if you think otherwise you are a midwit

>> No.15657103

Nothing about conservatism is gigabrained. It’s just a reaction that seeks to ground us more firmly and not move forward wantonly. The problem is that more and more conservatives are about le returning to archaic times and old ideas that are no longer compatible with the world. They fail to keep up with changing times and variables because they don’t care, they have a vision of one size fits all. They’re the opposite of nuanced, well-read and intelligent. Cons can have their uses when they act as a kind of watchdog to keep things from getting too hectic too fast and without a due process that insures greater stability, but it’s not about trying to brute force humanity back into the past. That’s why so many conservatives are stupid. And so they latch on to idealized concepts about their nation like le guns and christianity (not that these things are bad on their own but we shouldn’t really need to plant our entire identity on them.)

>> No.15657107

Extremely low IQ take.

>> No.15657113
File: 61 KB, 600x600, e3b16e90170475ea002cc7bbdcf0f74e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychology is a science fuck you jannies
Science of what exactly? lying?

Psychology is pure philosophy wrapped up in a mantle of "science" to pretend as if it is a legitimate subject.
>"Oh, did you call that le hecking Stoicism? You mean Cognitive behavioral therapy, right chuddy"
Just one example, but many more. Literally entirely based on philosophical rusings. Freud and Jung were nothing more than philosophers who learned the tongue of a scientific man.

The vast majority of psychology "research," nearly 70%, is not replicable. Will it be retracted and renounced? No. Will it continue to be cited? Yes. Why? Because just trust the science you Nazi.
As for the other meagre amount of "researches" that actually are replicable, they are bullshit and find nothing
>"Is... is that a correlation of r=0.2? an r^2=0.04? Oh wow so amazing, we've completely figured out that OUR worldviews are correct. Give nobel prize for my discovery, we izz scientist"
Literally in any other "scientific" field, even the replicable studies would be all thrown in the trash because of how shitty and useless they are. I reckon a total of 1-3% of all psychology papers (and I'm being very generous with that number here) are of any use.

Now this is not to say psychology is useless. I like philosophy. I like to read it, it's good stuff. And JBP is a philosopher as well. Just like every other psychologist. These niggers just need to stop pretending that they're scientists though and just accept that their views don't come from any concrete research. But then again, how will the retarded masses believe them if it's not wholesome "Science approved", so I understand why they LARP. After all, tell a man "Suck my dick and you'll be happy", he will call bullshit. But tell him "There's a SCIENTIFIC correlation between sucking my dick and happiness," it's now a fact that he MUST believe. (doesn't matter that the correlation is r=0.1 and has never been replicated, just ignore that you bigot)

>> No.15657115

He is a charlatan. A cerebral narcissist. And an insufferable attention whore in general. Thats where the hate comes from.

>> No.15657117

Global warming is a lie.

>> No.15657120


>> No.15657126

The clotshot was neither safe nor effective.

>> No.15657127

Dangerously low IQ response.

>> No.15657130
File: 23 KB, 608x456, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is that more and more conservatives are about le returning to archaic times and old ideas that are no longer compatible with the world. They fail to keep up with changing times and variables because they don’t care, they have a vision of one size fits all
So tell us, what has changed about human nature over the last few centuries?

>> No.15657138

Ummm, sweaty? Retarded conservative reactionaries can't even cope with the natural evolution of gender and want to go back to the archaic two-gender paradigm.

>> No.15657143

He is a lying piece of shit that pulls the proofs out of his ass.

>> No.15657149

and generally abhorrent retards with no concept of basic decency.
they think they're bullish but they just come off as dicks.

>> No.15657150

There is no such thing as an "alt-right", brainwashed normalgroid.

>> No.15657219
File: 378 KB, 1084x1199, 1691830099373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that need to watch his shit to understand life is most likely retarded and I'm right wing.

>> No.15657607

i don't care, right wing whatever. All of their idols are just bottom of the pissbowl trash.

>> No.15657610

so what is actually closer to the truth is media personalities lie. wow huge revelation. troons like him always lie too so pot and kettle and all that

>> No.15657612

Greta Thunberg posted a generic insult that can be applied to any situation. It wasn't witty, it's equivalent to just calling someone a retard. To top it off it's body shaming which contradicts her and her supporters' entire ideology but it's cool because it's against their enemy.

>> No.15657623

ironic coming from their opposition who are dark triad narcissists. it more important to say the right thing than do the right thing right? I hate you fucking snakes

>> No.15657626

>their idols
you mean the people Jewish media props up as the (((opposition)))? mouth breather

>> No.15657639

Greta Thunberg is eco, not PC

>> No.15657642

Do you have an example of her or one of her supporters saying something that isn't PC? Has she explicitly denounced political correctness?

>> No.15657643

Holy fucking take your fucking meds, damn. Why is every other third order alt-rat a paranoid schizo? This is a genuine question. How do these two mentall illnesses relate?

>> No.15657653

>Thinks depopulation is bad
It's good, it's only bad that they're trying to do it to white people

>> No.15657654

You seem to be falling for the myth of the all-encompassing "Left-wing compounded ideology" like Peterson thinks. Ironically Peterson and similar pundits have a pretty static compounded ideology.

>> No.15657665

Leads to infertility
Leads to infertility
Leads to infertility
>Leaking manufactured virus
Leads to population culling

I dont see how its not all related. Especially since they're all advocated by WEF/Leftist nu communist.

I dont get the communist and depopulation campaigns. First it was the soviets, then China, then now in the west exported by the Germanz

>> No.15657672

You seem to be extremely retarded to think that Greta Thunberg would be okay with a man making fun of a woman for being ugly, having small tits, etc., and you think that she doesn't support LGBT, BLM, and other retarded groups. Or perhaps you're just trying to save face after realizing the tweet her twitter handler made wasn't so epin as you thought it was.

>> No.15657680

The homosexually promotion is acceptance being forced on us, rather than us being forced to be gay, and there's no evidence of the vaccine doing that.

>> No.15657684

I think everyone who has a Twitter account is a stooge. I'm not invested in her tweet.
A man making fun of an innocent woman for having small tits is rude. A young girl saying a sex trafficker fake-chad has a small dick is based.

>> No.15657685

We're forced to exist in a world where you posted that. Now fuck off.

>> No.15657692

Attacking appearances is the lowest one can go, whoever says it. Since you're so dumb it must be explained to you that making fun of one person for having a small penis is attacking everyone who does since you're saying it's inherently bad.

>> No.15657699

Yeah small dicks are funny. Men should be real men, and weak men are dangerous in a bad way. The fact that Greta called a sex trafficking fake-chad a dicklet is hilarious.

>> No.15657708

So you think it's cool to attack millions of men for the way their born that isn't their fault. That's nice, guess it's okay to hate faggots, trannies, niggers etc. Hopefully Greta Thunberg also agrees with this as you claim.

>> No.15657720

Do you hate "faggots, trannies, niggers etc." because you are a dicklet?

>> No.15657726

Because they're annoying, retarded, and ugly.

>> No.15657743
File: 1.07 MB, 812x3171, antiftwats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isnt 2016 anymore fucktard, this doesnt work on the zero information normies anymore

>> No.15657744

>Why are all alt-right biggest stars just a bunch of losers?
Because right wing politics in America work with feelings, therefore the people who are successful at pandering to that base are the ones who inspire feelings. If you look at left wing American policy, it's usually stuff about numbers that involves reaching a goal seeking to improve something. On the other hand, right wing policies are about reacting to perceived or exaggerated issues in order to create 'justice' I guess they'd call it. Examples of some right wing 'policies':
>put Biden in jail, lock her up, impeach Biden, or something Biden
There's no proof that Biden did anything wrong. And this is not a policy; this is not a change that improves anything.
>stop trans people in sports
Trans people are like one in 10k or something, and in sports they're even fewer. This is not the most important issue to fix in society, but people react to it.
>the border is the worst it has ever been, the economy and the job market are also at their worst
They're saying this all the time, despite the economy and job market being at their peak in many years right now. The border is as it has always been and it doesn't matter. This is not actually a policy, policies are creating a good health care plan for Americans, or finding ways to make university more affordable. The cycle of an American right wing platform is as follows:
>point to something small that has no effect in society
>amplify it so that people are scared
>tell them that you're gonna fix it if they vote for you
>just say that you'll do it with the least nuanced solution possible and they'll believe it because they're high on fear
>repeat with other issues and in other campaigns
So that's the answer to your question. Right wing platforms are mostly based on rhetoric and feelings of fear and rage are what makes them work on the least emotionally intelligent, so the people that preach those platforms successfully have to be demagogues.

>> No.15657749

nta, but honestly, not a huge fan of attacking people for what they can't change. If you choose a certain lifestyle though, then hate is deserved. Hating on faggots (who chose to have buttsex with men) is different than hating on somebody who is born with an unchangeable deficit like a small dick.

>> No.15657753

I will concede this point because I engage in good faith, even though you are a colossal faggot

>> No.15657758

The short answer is just that right wingers are mostly barely literate TV-watchers. It's even obvious here on the chan. Ask any one of them to make an argument and they'll just post a youtube link instead (Zoomer version of watching Fox is just watching alt-righters on YT). So all their heroes are naturally going to be media popular midwits like Peterson and the others that anon mentioned. Most don't even know about the actual literary basis of their ideology. Because again, most barely know how to read.

>> No.15657767
File: 131 KB, 861x958, LiberalismIsAMentalIllness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ask any one of them to make an argument
Im your huckleberry. I have trounced every single one of you troons who ever try to come here and lie to these people. If you could win an argument on facts you wouldnt have spent the last 7 years trying to get everyone banned from the internet you slimy shit eating maggot. You will never and can ever win any battle of the minds with me. You are so hopelessly out classed you are driven by pure delusion and ego or perhaps mental illness

>> No.15657774

it should be obvious why he is hated, the guy is a fucking moron, there's no depth to anything he says

>> No.15657776

But saying race is just pigmentation and homosex is healthy has nothing to do with feelings, purely factual. As is claiming mass immigration is good and cultural homogenization, or pulling down war memorials to dead soldiers and other heritage monuments because something that happened hundreds of years ago.
>Trans people are like one in 10k or something, and in sports they're even fewer.
Then that makes it all the easier for you to stop giving them special privileges. But you refuse to making it a national discussion.
>despite the economy and job market being at their peak in many years right now.
In Europe it's at the worst it's ever been. We can't afford houses or even get jobs.
You're post is rhetoric like you claimed your enemies do because you're a liar.

>Ask any one of them to make an argument and they'll just post a youtube link instead
Because you intentionally only argue with massive retards like flat earthers or virus deniers for ego boosts. What would you like an argument for?

>> No.15657778


>> No.15657780
File: 996 KB, 1439x1858, troonbrigade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only time you fucktards APPEARED to be winning was when the audience were zero information and used appeal to emotion through distasteful labels to make yourself look like a victim of the meanie nahtzees. That ship has sailed however as most people who arent completely clueless caught on to what were doing, many thanks to elon for that. You lost the good will of the politically illiterate and now you have nothing left in your gas tank, no more tricks to pull to avoid defending your "ideas" and because of it you have ran through the gutter like the retarded, delusional, narcissist whores you are

>> No.15657786
File: 198 KB, 2190x1338, 20230806_011808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that high mental illness exists at both ends of the extreme. If you are very strongly political on the extreme end, it is likely you are mentally ill. It just so happens that single white women tend to be the most strongly extreme political group in the country and are also less averse to getting diagnosed for their mental illness. So obviously they are the most mentally ill. Only respectable position to be is in the centre. I don't care either way, you think you're insulting me with that post but you're not.
Who are you talking to retard? Are you hallucinating? stop being paranoid, take your meds.
Pure TV-watcher mentality. Thanks for displaying that I was right.

Thanks for engaging, this is the last response from me to you. You are not worth my time.

>> No.15657794
File: 173 KB, 1200x600, AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when challenged by someone he claimed he could soundly defeat in rhetorical debate he scurries off like the lying rat he is
Yah I expected as much, thanks for playing and keep sending your best sweaty

>> No.15657800

>this is the last response from me to you.
Kek yeah fuck off you dumb tourist. You won't win an argument with him or anyone here, and you know it. You're even more of a clown than anyone could have expected.

>> No.15657803

>Because you intentionally only argue with massive retards like flat earthers or virus deniers for ego boosts.
Nope, I really stop engaging with a person as soon as I realize he's a retard. I'm not intentionally seeking out retards lol. And I don't argue beyond or 2 or 3 replies with anybody anyways. It's just that there is typically no real substantive argument that most of them provide. Not that an argument doesn't exist. It may. But they cannot provide it. Some do, yes, but most cannot.
>What would you like an argument for?
Right now, I wouldn't ask you to give me an argument for anything other than what is being talked about. That would just be digressing from the topic of discussion. Just be good poster in any of the other threads where your fellows might be tarding out. Raises my respect for that person, like a flower booming inspite of being in a heap of trash.

>> No.15657806

Are you sure the reason you stop talking to someone isn't when you feel intimidated and are scared you might lose the argument?

>> No.15657973
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Quite an argument you have there retard. Get off /sci/ and go back to watching TV, Jan 6 tourist. I can never defeat you in an argument, you're right. Because it is impossible to argue with people at your intellectual level.
Yeah, I'm sure 100% anon. See I'm talking to you even though you disagreed with me. If I was intimidated, wouldn't I have stopped responding to you by now? I continue because you haven't displayed any intellectual disability yet. But I'm done talking to the Indian guy & the other tourist anon because they displayed mental instability and an inability to generate a coherent argument. I haven't seen that from you at this point though and your other post that you responded to me & the other guy was lucid and not retarded at all, so I don't mind engaging with such a person even if he disagrees. Because then it is at least fruitful. Do you think it is worth any man's time talking to somebody who is incapable of intellectual discussion? Would you argue endlessly and hopelessly with a retarded child or a schizophrenic psych-ward inpatient, for instance? I sure hope not. It would be a fruitless discussion.
You're right that I'd lose if continued arguing with a retard. So I just concede early on and move on to better people. Because with a retard, you always end up losing in the end no matter what, for being stupid enough to even waste your time on a hopeless person.

>> No.15658301

>psychology is a science
Read karl popper.

>> No.15658310

>but the skin color
>and there's gay people in our society
>people of different countries move and mix
>stones aren't eternal REEEEE
>what about the situation being bad in the other side of the world dude?
>I live in a country that has nothing to do with yours, and I can't get a job, therefore your politics are bad
This is exactly what I'm talking about; lack of nuance, and instead feelings-based arguments. How about a platform based in something useful like better health care, taxing the ultra-rich, or free education? Blacks, gays, trans, Europe and your housing problems in a different country don't matter.

>> No.15658347

all your posts smell like you a psychiatric illness shit with low iq. pls kys

>> No.15658368

>I seriously do not get the hate this man receives.
Look up "Jordan Peterson religion"