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15651753 No.15651753 [Reply] [Original]

But I did eat breakfast.

>> No.15651757
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>> No.15652065

I never eat breakfast so I WOULD feel as I DO feel, hungry at around noon.
If I had eaten breakfast I'd feel bloated.

This meme blows. How do you explain this to a normie?
>Oh yeah, there's this infamous 4chan post about fictional psychology research that never took place and people use it to build strawmen arguments framing their opponents as incapable of abstract reasoning. It's somewhat humorous tbqhwy

>> No.15652077

Well, shucks! If I missed breakfast yesterday, it would have caused quite a ruckus. You see, breakfast is mighty important 'round these parts, and it sets the tone for the whole day. Without a proper morning meal, I'd be as grumpy as a bear with a thorn in its paw.

Now, picture this: the aroma of freshly cooked vittles fillin' the air, and the sound of sizzlin' bacon in the skillet. If I missed breakfast, I'd be missin' out on a plateful of fluffy pancakes drenched in sweet syrup or perhaps some warm, buttery biscuits fresh outta the oven. And let's not forget about that strong, black coffee that gets your eyes wide open.

If I went hungry yesterday morning, I reckon I wouldn't have had the energy to tackle the day's adventures. I'd be movin' slower than a snail in molasses and as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Without a hearty breakfast, I wouldn't have been fit for nothin' more than sittin' on the porch and twiddlin' my thumbs.

But fret not, my friend, 'cause I made sure to fill my belly with a proper breakfast. I savored every bite and had my fill of those good ol' country flavors. So rest assured, I ain't missed a breakfast in ages, and I ain't plannin' on breakin' that streak anytime soon.

>> No.15652108
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but how would you feel if you didn’t?

>> No.15652110
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>> No.15652132

If you had missed breakfast tomorrow how would you feel?

>> No.15652136

atp i think the english language must have some serious problem with the grammatical building of conditional phrases if it confuses so many people bro. we should go back to latin

>> No.15652503

It's not tomorrow yet so I wouldn't know

>> No.15652623
File: 6 KB, 241x209, 1691701708861866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... I did eat breakfast

>> No.15652634
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It's the only correct answer

>> No.15652658

>infamous 4chan post about fictional psychology research
It is defendant testimony in a "knockout game" court case. It is infamous because of its similarity to the Bladerunner void comp test.

>> No.15653992

Your post is from yesterday. Now I can answer. I had breakfast today.

>> No.15654056
File: 90 KB, 502x676, media_FxYDMSnaAAAoHMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the test data visualized.

niggers run into problems when the word "if" is presented in a sentence. there are 16 other clause types in the data. they have trouble understanding other hypothetical clauses as well

>> No.15655740


>> No.15655745

It’s also not real. He never said that.

>> No.15655891

But how would you feel if he did say that?

>> No.15655895

>How would you have felt yesterday evening had you not eaten breakfast?
Who speaks like that? Who asks a question like that? I would probably answer the same thing

>> No.15655902

But he ain’t say dat your honuh

>> No.15656298

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like THOUGH?

>> No.15656948

Why did you eat breakfast?

>> No.15657858

What did you eat for breakfast?