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15651224 No.15651224 [Reply] [Original]

My dear /sci/enfrens, ITT we will attempt recreating the RTSC LK-99.

The aim here is to make this process as simple and affordable as possible. To create instructions so easy anyone willing to replicate can have a clear guide to follow, regardless of their knowledge and background. Please contribute as this should be a team effort. The more frens join, the higher our odds of success will be.

Here are the points we will be going through in order to achieve this.

1. List of materials and how to obtain them
2. List of equipment and how to obtain it
3. Review together the South Korean methodology, set up three variants (including original) and begin testing.

>> No.15651229
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Materials: let’s please star by reviewing this. Let’s make sure all the equipment, instructions and sources for each material is correct. Let’s also add a link to reliable suppliers so frens who want to save time can just buy the materials they need.

PbO - if there is a better way please update the following.
you will need: lead nitrare (tutorial for lead nitrate: https://youtu.be/ZYNEHwHAtqk [Open]) , a stainless steel crucible, a blow torch
Here is a tutorial: https://youtu.be/KeDV3zmowwM [Open] [Open]

PbSO4 - need to confirm this is a viable method, if not please propose alternative.
You will need: old car batteries
>is the white stuff that collects on the plates of car batteries that have been sitting around too long. go to local mechanic and ask him access to the discarded batteries. Scrape the positive electrode to extract any concentration of PbS4 that has formed.

Cu - you will need: copper sulfate, aluminum foil, h2o, and salt
Here is a tutorial: https://youtu.be/dlHMYxZ99Gw [Open] [Open]
>the quickest way to make relatively pure copper powder with very common materials while avoiding the annoying electroplating is chemically precipitating it out from solution.

P - you will need: match boxes, acetone, cotton, water, a small spatula
Here is a tutorial: https://youtu.be/5ZrfNAHDjWU [Open] [Open] [Open]
> can extract red phosphorus from match boxes striker strips. Wet the red striker strip with some cotton, try not to let the cardboard soak. Scrape the red phosphorus into a small recipient, add acetone to melt any glue or impurities. Let it dry. This will give you small quantities but might be enough for what we need.

>> No.15651231
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Step 1 - Preparation for lanarkite, Pb2SO
>PbO and PbSO4 powders were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. And then, after the sample was transferred to an alumina crucible, it was reacted at 725 °C for 24 hour in a furnace. After completion of the reaction, white sample was obtained. It was pulverized with the mortar.

Step 2 - Preparation for copper phosphide, Cu3P
>Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

Step 3 - Sample Synthesis and Preparation of LK-99
>For the sample synthesis of the LK-99, the general solid-state reaction was used. Lanarkite and Cu3P were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. The sample was put into a reaction tube and reacted at 925°C for 10 hr. After the reaction, a dark gray ingot was obtained reproducibly and then made into the shape of thin cuboids for electrical measurements. For other analyses, it was pulverized and used as the form of powder. The reagents used for the above solid- state reaction was PbO (JUNSEI, GR), PbSO4 (KANTO, GR), Cu (DAEJUNG, EP), and P (JUNSEI, EP).

>> No.15651239

will this board start the replication?

if so i hope you'll get a good results

>> No.15651262

Yes, that’s our aim. However before we get started with the actual attempts. we must first complete the list of materials, where to get them, how to process them. We need to make a list of equipment necessary. We need to go over the Korean methodology. We have to set up different variables. And o bunch of other stuff I’m probably overthinking. We have to create a clear full guide on how to recreate LK-99. Then we start testing!

>> No.15651300


apparently some people are saying ze rock floats because of ferromagnetic iron impurities in the samples (proven by xrays)
idk how it would get in there but maybe try and minimise it in your synthesis

also people say its so hard to find superconductivity because its limited to tiny1 dimensional channels so i guess measure all over the place or try and find the grain boundaries
good luck

>> No.15651306

Thank you, noted. We will make sure to avoid any contamination. We will do this by first identifying what processes might allow for such thing and counter.

>> No.15651334

Also - when we will reach the point of being able to start replication attempts. I will make sure to film and document every second so we can later review and perfect.

>> No.15651336

Thanks for doing this, Sunny.
I'm the guy from the last thread who was kinda thinking about trying it in two more weeks. How many watts does your kiln use maximum, and how many does it use on average to maintain its temperature once it has reached the maximum? Does it have any exterior parts that could melt or catch fire if I wrapped the whole kiln in insulation?
Trying to figure out if a kiln is even feasible for me.
I live off grid with 1600W of solar panels. Want to put up 400W more regardless of kiln. Batteries hold 5kW-h but I need to keep a least half of that in reserve.

Also calling on anons to come up with a better way of getting red phosphorus. Burgers should be careful about researching this and should definitely not attempt to buy red phosphorus online. I came up with some methods involving phosphoric acid but have doubts about all of them.

>> No.15651352
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Here you go, happy to have you here. Hope what we are doing here can give you a head start if you chose to try.

>> No.15651359
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Here is another pic of the kiln I will be using.

>> No.15651363
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And this is how it looks inside

>> No.15651369

I think you could find much more efficient ones today. The one I have is from 1998. It’s a bit beaten up. It would definitely drain all you power. However, nothing that can catch on fire or melt.

>> No.15651426

Think I'm going to have to sit this one out due to my 120V, 1500W inverter. My generator isn't much better.
If things really start happening I could possibly Max Max my own small kiln. I already made a heating system to stop my prep stash from freezing when I'm gone. It redirects the sun juice directly into the heating system when needed, bypassing the inverter and the batteries.

>> No.15651478
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cool it slowly over a strong magnetic field like how magnetite aligns with the earth

-source, dream

>> No.15651530

Thank you will consider. Might help align the molecules to form the desired structure. But I’m just guessing.

>> No.15651787

Holy cope, Batman. They've already proven its just a ferromagnet.

>> No.15651800

not you, not us

>> No.15651907

You need a different kind, one of those where you put in a sealed quartz tube with your reactants.

>> No.15651908
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>> No.15652000

that settles it

overchads you won

>> No.15652191

we wont even have light bulbs with such defeatism

>> No.15652321

I have finished reviewing this, please give feedback and help improve if necessary.

Lead salts are highly toxic. Nitrogen dioxide is highly toxic. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself, especially from the NO2.
- https://youtu.be/KeDV3zmowwM
>you will need:
- Precision scale
- lead nitrare (tutorial for lead nitrate: https://youtu.be/ZYNEHwHAtqk))
- 1 stainless steel crucible
- blow torch
- aluminum foil

- Lead compounds are highly toxic. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself.
>you will need:
- old car batteries
>is the white stuff that collects on the plates of car batteries that have been sitting around too long. go to local mechanic and ask him access to the discarded batteries. Scrape the positive electrode to extract any concentration of PbS4 that has formed.
>Alternatively here is a tutorial for another method:
- https://youtu.be/bnbxYPMBz9M

- Copper sulfate is toxic. Do not eat, drink or touch. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself.
- https://youtu.be/dlHMYxZ99Gw
>you will need:
- copper sulfate (can be bought in store as root killer)
- aluminum foil
- h2o
- salt
- precision scale
>the quickest way to make relatively pure copper powder with very common materials while avoiding the annoying electroplating is chemically precipitating it out from solution.

>you will need:
- match boxes
- acetone
- cotton
- water
- a small spatula
> can extract red phosphorus from match boxes striker strips. Wet the red striker strip with some cotton, try not to let the cardboard soak. Scrape the red phosphorus into a small recipient, add acetone to melt any glue or impurities. Let it dry. This will give you small quantities but might be enough for what we need.

>> No.15652327

Indeed. It took Edison countless tries with random materials before he got it right with bamboo filaments. Verifying yourself is real science.

>> No.15652366

STEP 1: Preparation for lanarkite - Pb2SO
>you will need
- Agate mortar with a pestle
- Aluminum crucible
- Furnace
PbO and PbSO4 powders were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. And then, after the sample was transferred to an alumina crucible, it was reacted at 725 °C for 24 hour in a furnace. After completion of the reaction, white sample was obtained. It was pulverized with the mortar.

STEP 2: Preparation for copper phosphide - Cu3P
>you will need
- Quartz tube
- Furnace
Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

STEP 3: Sample Synthesis and Preparation of LK-99
>you will need
- Agate mortar with a pestle
- Reaction tube
- Furnace
For the sample synthesis of the LK-99, the general solid-state reaction was used. Lanarkite and Cu3P were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. The sample was put into a reaction tube and reacted at 925°C for 10 hr. After the reaction, a dark gray ingot was obtained reproducibly and then made into the shape of thin cuboids for electrical measurements. For other analyses, it was pulverized and used as the form of powder. The reagents used for the above solid- state reaction was PbO (JUNSEI, GR), PbSO4 (KANTO, GR), Cu (DAEJUNG, EP), and P (JUNSEI, EP).

>> No.15652495

Tomorrow we will start making each compound necessary. I will be following the steps I have provided. Will be recording the hole process so anyone can pick up any mistake I might make and help improve each process.

>> No.15653361

Magnetism during cooling is just gonna make it a magnet.
Source: The process of making magnets

>> No.15653444

How do you get cool dreams? I just get nonstop nightmares about being back in school.

>> No.15653449


>> No.15653957
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meditation. figuring out why you are having those nightmares and making peace with whatever is causing them. not running away from or drinking/smoking away the things that are making you anxious. eat well,sleep well, light exercise. it may take weeks or months or for me it was just a really bad high dose edible trip that put my entire life into perspective

>> No.15654479

The reagents used for the solid- state reaction of LK-99 are PbO, PbSO4, Cu, and P.

Lead salts are highly toxic. Nitrogen dioxide is highly toxic. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself.
- https://youtu.be/KeDV3zmowwM
>Materials you will need:
- Precision scale
- lead nitrate (tutorial for lead nitrate: https://youtu.be/ZYNEHwHAtqk))
- 1 stainless steel crucible
- blow torch
- aluminum foil
- Tongs or heat-resistant gloves
- Safety glasses and gloves
1. Ensure you are working in a well-ventilated area and follow appropriate safety precautions, including wearing protective gloves, safety glasses, and working with the necessary equipment.
2. Obtain a piece of lead metal or a lead-containing source, such as the terminals from a lead-acid battery.
3. Clean the lead or lead-containing source to remove any surface impurities or contaminants. You can use a mild detergent and water to clean it, followed by rinsing with distilled or deionized water.
4. Preheat your furnace to a temperature of around 800-900°C (1472-1652°F).
5. Place the cleaned lead or lead-containing source in a crucible or a heat-resistant container.
6. Transfer the crucible or container with the lead into the preheated furnace using tongs or heat-resistant gloves.
7. Allow the lead to heat in the furnace for a sufficient amount of time to oxidize. The lead will react with the oxygen in the air to form lead oxide (PbO). The duration will depend on the temperature and the size of the lead sample, but typically 1-2 hours should be sufficient.
8. After the desired reaction time, carefully remove the crucible or container from the furnace using tongs or heat-resistant gloves. Exercise caution as the crucible will be hot.
9. Allow the lead oxide to cool down to room temperature.
10. Once cooled, you can collect the lead oxide (PbO) as a reddish-brown or yellow powder. Take care to handle it with gloves and avoid inhaling the powder.

>> No.15654481

- Lead compounds are highly toxic. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself.
- https://youtu.be/bnbxYPMBz9M
>Materials you will need:
- Lead (Pb) metal or lead-containing source (e.g., lead-acid battery terminals)
- Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution (concentration around 1-2 M)
- Glass container or beaker
- Stirring rod or glass rod
- Distilled or deionized water
- Filter paper or filter funnel
- Wash bottle with water
1. Ensure you are working in a well-ventilated area and follow appropriate safety precautions, including wearing protective gloves and eyewear.
2. Obtain a piece of lead metal or a lead-containing source, such as the terminals from a lead-acid battery.
3. Clean the lead or lead-containing source to remove any surface impurities or contaminants. You can use a mild detergent and water to clean it, followed by rinsing with distilled or deionized water.
4. In a glass container or beaker, prepare a sulfuric acid solution with a concentration of around 1-2 M. Take care when handling sulfuric acid, as it is corrosive. Always add the acid to water slowly and while stirring to prevent splashing.
5. Immerse the cleaned lead or lead-containing source into the sulfuric acid solution. Ensure that the lead is fully submerged.
6. Allow the reaction to proceed for several hours or overnight. During this time, lead sulfate (PbSO4) will form on the surface of the lead as a white precipitate.
7. After the reaction period, carefully remove the lead or lead-containing source from the solution, taking care not to disturb the formed lead sulfate precipitate.
8. Rinse the lead sulfate precipitate with distilled or deionized water to remove any residual acid or impurities. You can use a wash bottle or carefully pour water over the precipitate while collecting it in a filter paper or filter funnel.

>> No.15654483

9. Once rinsed, allow the lead sulfate precipitate to dry. You can place it on a filter paper or a clean surface and let it air dry.
10. Once dry, you can collect the lead sulfate as a white powder. It is recommended to handle it with care and avoid inhaling the powder.

- Copper is toxic. Do not eat, drink or touch. Safety precautions must be in place to protect yourself.
- https://youtu.be/dlHMYxZ99Gw
>Materials you will need:
- copper sulfate (can be bought in store as root killer)
- aluminum foil
- water
- salt
- precision scale
the quickest way to make relatively pure copper powder with very common materials while avoiding the annoying electroplating is chemically precipitating it out from solution.
-1. you can just eyeball the measurements. just add an excess of aluminum foil then remove it once the reaction's done.
0. do not use iron/steel/cobalt/nickel tools that will be in contact with the copper sulfate crystals/copper powder. plastic spoons are recommended. for the hot parts, you could use a clean wooden stick - just anything that isn't a ferromagnetic metal
1. get some root killer (the blue copper sulfate crystals, CuSO4), dissolve it in DISTILLED water. you can try using hot/warm water to dissolve it faster
2. immerse aluminum foil (Al) in the blue solution.
3. add a pinch of table salt (NaCl) to start the precipitation reaction. the aluminum will dissolve, while the copper forms in the solution. THIS WILL GET HOT, so try wearing mittens or dilute the solution a bit with distilled water
4. the color should change from blue to cloudy brown. if it's still a bit blue, try adding a bit more aluminum foil and maybe a bit more table salt just in case.

>> No.15654485

5. let the solution cool down a bit (so you can hold it), then filter with a coffee filter. wash with boiling hot distilled water to remove as much impurities as you can (so the soluble aluminum sulfate gets washed out).
if you do not care about wastewater volume, you can use like a liter of hot boiling water to wash out any remaining impurities.
(if it were me, i would also wash it with pure hydrochloric acid (HCl) BUT commercial hydrochloric acid is usually contaminated with iron (which is why they're yellowish), so i would advise against this - unless you want to also purify hydrochloric acid too.)
6. if you're planning to store the copper powder for a decent amount of time, store it immersed in clean distilled water in a sealed closed container - this is to prevent the copper from oxidizing into copper oxide (CuO). if you have some dry inert gas around, you could store dry copper powder with it so you can avoid the hassle of having to evaporate away the water.
7. if you're planning to use it right away, dry the moist copper powder. you can do this by leaving it out for a day or drying it in somewhere warm (maybe like around 100°C max).
8. just make sure the powder doesn't turn black. the problem with drying copper powder is that the longer you leave it exposed to air and the higher the temperature is, the more it'll "rust" into black copper oxide. i'm a bit concerned about contamination by aluminum, but i think this is the best we could do right away

Red Phosphorus is a controlled substance in certain countries
>Materials you will need:
- Matchboxes with striker strips (lots)
- Safety glasses and gloves
- Scissors or knife
- Mortar and pestle or other grinding apparatus
- Filter paper or filter funnel
- Distilled or deionized water
- Glass container or beaker
- Heat source (optional)

>> No.15654488

1. Ensure you are working in a well-ventilated area and follow appropriate safety precautions, including wearing safety glasses and gloves.
2. Obtain matchboxes that contain striker strips. These strips typically contain red phosphorus.
3. Carefully remove the striker strips from the matchboxes using scissors or a knife. Take care not to damage or contaminate the strips during the removal process.
4. Grind the striker strips using a mortar and pestle or any suitable grinding apparatus. The goal is to break down the strips into a fine powder. Exercise caution during grinding, as the striker strips may contain other components that can be hazardous.
5. Transfer the ground material into a glass container or beaker.
6. Add distilled or deionized water to the container, covering the ground material. Stir the mixture thoroughly to help dissolve any soluble impurities.
7. Allow the mixture to settle for a while, allowing any insoluble impurities to settle at the bottom of the container.
8. Carefully decant or filter the liquid portion of the mixture into another container, leaving behind the settled impurities. You can use filter paper or a filter funnel to separate the liquid from the solids.
9. Repeat the decantation or filtration process as needed to further remove impurities.
10. If desired, you can evaporate the liquid portion using a heat source to concentrate the red phosphorus content. However, exercise extreme caution during this step, as phosphorus can be highly flammable and may ignite if not handled properly. It is recommended to use a fume hood or work in a well-ventilated area if you choose to evaporate the liquid.
11. Once the liquid has evaporated, you may be left with a residue containing red phosphorus. Handle this residue with care, as red phosphorus can be sensitive to friction and may ignite under certain conditions.

>> No.15654489


STEP 1: Preparation for lanarkite - Pb2SO
>you will need
- Agate mortar with a pestle
- Aluminum crucible
- Furnace
PbO and PbSO4 powders were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. And then, after the sample was transferred to an alumina crucible, it was reacted at 725 °C for 24 hour in a furnace. After completion of the reaction, white sample was obtained. It was pulverized with the mortar.

STEP 2: Preparation for copper phosphide - Cu3P
>you will need
- Quartz tube
- Furnace
Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

STEP 3: Sample Synthesis and Preparation of LK-99
>you will need
- Agate mortar with a pestle
- Reaction tube
- Furnace
For the sample synthesis of the LK-99, the general solid-state reaction was used. Lanarkite and Cu3P were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. The sample was put into a reaction tube and reacted at 925°C for 10 hr. After the reaction, a dark gray ingot was obtained reproducibly and then made into the shape of thin cuboids for electrical measurements. For other analyses, it was pulverized and used as the form of powder.

>> No.15654499

I have again reviewed the instruction, made correction and perfected. I think we are all set to start. let me know if you have any feedback pls. Also, thank you all for taking part. Even if this leads us to a dead end (and my gut feelings tell me it won't), what we learn, the knowledge we gain, this is a victory. We will be persistent. We will keep smashing those rocks till something magical happens. We shall will it into existence. Fuck oversluts, fuck institutions, fuck the science community to busy up their ass, and fuck you too for lurking and not getting involved.

>> No.15654567

>Take a few pictures of shit lying around
>Claim that you will also do the epin replication
>Announce any fake results of a process that you never did
>Ask for donations later to continue with le experiments
Sorry to have preemptively blown up your scam ranjeet

>> No.15654571

Unfortunately for you everything will be live-streamed. I will always remain anonymous. I will never take donations of any kind. I am motivated by knowledge not by money. Now go demoralize some other thread you fucking slut.

>> No.15654575


>> No.15654633

>and fuck you too for lurking and not getting involved.
How? I dont have a lab nor i am a chemist... i am here for the electric properties. How anons like me can help?

>> No.15654642
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Fren bump

>> No.15654668
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anon two last things
how is your safety setup and plan for the experiment, especially if SHTF?
what is your waste disposal plan? i know this is a bit annoying, but we're dealing with lead here.

the lead oxide part looks good; it's just that i do not recommend dealing with lead nitrate - it's the nitrogen dioxide fumes i'm concerned about. heating clean lead in air should be way more safer. in fact,
>Lead oxides are produced industrially by thermal processes in which lead is directly oxidized with air.
so you should be good to go. the purification part, that i don't know yet (i am tired and lazy, i am sorry). maybe try playing around with solubilities in different solvents.

oh and ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry is a really good starting resource for how to make everything

>> No.15654682

anons like you can help with literature search in chemistry, safety, and new LK99 information and also getting the attention of other anon chemists.

i swear they're all scattered around in every board but so far /diy/ seems to have them although that board is slow.
idk try your luck calling them in /a/
or just make a bait post that baits in chemists and call their attention with anime booba.

/pol/ can help with the autistic motivation and coverage but they need to be on a leash

>> No.15654694

another idea: tell spacebattles or eirifu that /sci/ is going to try making lk99
thoughts? remember, we can say anything we want here

>> No.15654725

mods should sticky it

>> No.15654732

Eirifu thinks the Russian catfaggot is legit and not an obvious hoax, he is not to be trusted

>> No.15654812

Thank you anon for raising these points.

Along with the safety procedures I have listed, I was thinking of setting up my lab outdoors, somewhere that won’t burn down if anything unexpected happens. Let me know what you think. Also working outdoors might allow contamination? let me know what you think about this too.

For disposal of waste I will take the necessary precautions and will dispose of it in the designated spaces at my local dumb.

>the lead oxide part looks good…
Will heat lead in air rather than using lead nitrate then.

>> No.15654862

As anon in other thread points out, we need to have a plan on how to test the material once synthesized. If anyone can help us get a head start on that it would be appreciated. Try to come out with solutions that are easy to test and that do not require expensive and sophisticated equipment to achieve, if possible.

>> No.15655052

For a start we may need a list of tests and what equiment it needs
We need a 4 probe or kelvin probe measurement, i have seen in some other attempts to reproduce this that they use a small pcb board with 4 test points that gets soldered to the sample test. But it is not an easy solder job. It is probably the best way to get consistent meadurements. Then we need a circuit to measure such really low resistance, i would need to check i have never needed to go bellow 10-4 ohms

Sugest more test and ill try to help them defined

>> No.15655111

How exactly are you going to test its superconductivity

>> No.15655137

>everything will be live-streamed

>> No.15655388
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The key is in how it physically responds to magnets, and making the video in a way that precludes hoaxes.

>> No.15655956

Hi frens, sorry for the slow day. Been very busy with work. I have to go get some rest now. I already know tomorrow I will not have the time to begin cooking, and same for the day after tomorrow. I hope Monday we can start. Also I have bought online Cu and PbO of very high purity and trying to find a source for PbSO4 and P so I can have a control for my experiments. I’m very
curious to see how these lab made compounds react compared to the ones I will be making myself. Let’s us this time to again review the guide and make sure we come up with a final version we all agree with to begin experimentation. About the live stream. Please let me know what you would prefer. I have never done this before so if you can help me set this up it would be appreciated.

>> No.15656016

>I have never done this before..
sorry didn’t mean to sound like a faggot. But this stuff is not my thing.. and it’s the part I’m looking the least forward to. I don’t like cameras. I don’t like to be on video. I will do this because I want every step to be documented for future analysis. So we can review, spot mistakes, improve procedures and techniques. Suggest a platform for the livestreams and I will follow as I do not have a preference or something I already use.

>> No.15656176

try asking /g/ on how to remain anonymous
i agree, we need a list of tests. i also think we need a list of sample types e.g. one is contaminated with sulfur, one uses lab made ingredients, one is oxygenated in final step, etc.

>> No.15656274

I'd recommend recording ~1min videos, ffmpeg converting them to webm, and uploading them to the thread. Livestreams run the risk of not getting saved properly or accidentally revealing personal stuff.

>> No.15656396
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You will never be a real scientist.

You have no mind, no creativity, no Faustian spirit. Your worldview is entirely reductionist and materialistic. You cannot see the big picture.
You are a soulless bugman. A glorified office toady. You are afraid that your few petty comforts and your illusions of wisdom and status will be taken from you if you
don't toe the line. Your discoveries, if any,
will only be used to enslave humanity. You are a cog in the machine.

You are a slave to bureaucracy and credentialism. You can't do anything without permission. You spend more time on grant proposals, meetings, PowerPoint, citation butt-kissing and job hunting then you spend doing actual science.

You will never fly to the Moon in a spaceship that looks like a high school stage prop.
You will never scare the crap out of JP Morgan.
You will never make a nuclear reactor in your mom's shed.
You will never get the Spicy Ball.
You will never learn how consciousness creates reality.
You will never believe in science, magick and God at the same time.
You will never see beyond the veil.
You will never have a dream in which the Ouroboros serpent gives you the structure of benzene.
You will never accidentally discover LSD.
You will never realize that the internet needs to be decentralized while tripping on LSD.
You will never come up with the PCR process while tripping on LSD.
You will never blow the whistle on the worst genocide ever.

You wasted the best years of your life memorizing formulas you will never use. You are wasting the rest of your life on a treadmill to oblivion, chasing endless minutiae, and tweaking computer simulations that will never work because they were built on false assumptions. Most of your efforts will be lost or stolen.

You feel powerless. The only power you are allowed is try to silence and demoralize those who go against your masters. You do this for free, out of jealousy. You have fallen for the system's neatest trick.

>> No.15656424

This is a good way to test if it's a ferromagnet.
Cool it down through its transition temperature and see if it retains the field. A ferromagnet will. A superconductor will expel the field. A ferromagnet will also always be attracted to another magnet (possibly after re-orienting itself if it has retained a field) but a superconductor will try to maintain its position relative to a magnet.

>> No.15656474



chinese think they have achieved full levitation with their lk99 sample
TL;DR of the post, apparent full levitation achieved regardless of magnet pole and orientation (upright or upside-down). when the floating flake is pushed down, it bounces back to where it was floating originally.

>The first part of the video shows the pinning effect. The video shows that when the sample is pressed down several times, the sample immediately rebounds to near the original suspended position.

they will try to measure its resistance soon.
>Third watch: I am about to measure the resistance, and I am waiting for a new magnet.

also, the poster ranted about "unscientific people"
>It is better to eat melons from the technology circle than to eat shit from the entertainment circle.
>it’s just that at this stage, many children on individual platforms have turned scientific research into a fan circle, regardless of right or wrong, only winning or losing, Daxing Literary prison, random labeling, leading to confusion in the public opinion field.

on the other hand, a forum user from space battles found HTK's video lecture on superconductor theory:

for now we will wait for more results.

>> No.15656625
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looks like my schizo dreams where right again
pass or fail im excited to see this play out

>> No.15656639

it's already been debunked this is a waste of time

>> No.15657344

this replication video seems to be a good visual guide for trying to replicate lk99

>> No.15657346

That effect isn't possible.

>> No.15657453
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>it's already been debunked this is a waste of time

sounds harsh, but it is the truth

>> No.15657485

A experiment is not a waste of time if it fails.

>> No.15657553

The west is so utterly fucked
The top video on chinese YouTube is instructions on how to potentially replicate a superconducting material
The top video on YouTube is a trailer for the latest capeshit movie
And any videos mentioning LK-99 are just DEBOONKING it
No goy, it's dangerous for you to attempt this, you'll get lead poisoning
We are so utterly fucked

>> No.15657558

Back in the day when I was a PhD student, we learned to assume that anything in the lab was hazardous, up to and including the deionized water. In this case you are also going to synthesize a material with properties we don't know much about in general and in particular with respect to toxicity.

At the minimum, use gloves, and after use assume these to be hazardous.

>> No.15657571

>A experiment is not a waste of time if it fails.
This is the underappreciated truth.
Remember also that YBCO in the early days was failure prone and finicky. It took time to realise 221 does not work but 123 does, especially if it is a little bit oxygen deficient:
Then they discovered also 124 and 247 also worked. We are again in very early days.

>> No.15657574

>failure prone and finicky
None of that means "completely unable to be replicated"

>> No.15657577

i swear it all boils down to bashing rocks together and seeing what happens

>> No.15657583

Spain literally cooked up transparent crystal meth. India cooked up total dog shit and changed the instructions the first time before they emailed the korean team.
The attempted replications are all over the place and the patent says it requires great purity and removing of the Cu2s impurity. They have another methodology that is not in the paper at all to remove the impurities. You're looking at it from the perspective of "cooking up the rock in the muffle furnace didn't work the first time so it's bunk." There's degrees of certainties, impurities to consider.

>> No.15657588

Ther is a reason why it was called "shake and bake" back in the glory heydays of High Tc superconductors.

>> No.15657840

Bump candyass. OP is a newfag and won’t deliver

>> No.15658264
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Hello frens. As I’ve said yesterday, today and tomorrow are very busy days for me and I will not have much time to move forward with this. However please rest assured OP will deliver. Here are some of the things I bought. I will be making each compound my self but as I’ve said, I want to have a control. I bought from Amazon as its at everyone’s reach, let me know if you’d like me to share the links for these.
I bought the following:
Cu - 38µm 100 g 99.9 purity for €6
PbO - 40 g for €4
P - 24 large Match boxes - €24

>> No.15658284

I can’t find a source of PbSO4, they all seem di be out of stock or the product has been removed. if anyone can help with that would be appreciated

>> No.15658296

Also - I have to buy something to seal quartz tubes, what’s the cheapest and most simple solution for this?

>> No.15658316

Thanks will add it to the guide.
Will add this to the tests
I will try to list all tests for the sample and variables for the experiment that have been discussed. We can move on from there. Thanks
I can do that, please let me know if everyone is ok with that or if you have suggestions

>> No.15658325

>it's a mexican
Not happening boys, maybe next time.

>> No.15658375

Yes indeed, he too busy to cross the border. OP won’t deliver, I can sense pussy-ass-gots from miles

>> No.15658394

Not reading that shit, cool gif tho

>> No.15658401

>the guy attempting the synthesis is an italianbro
I wish you the best

>> No.15658408

Can you show a picture of the quartz tube you're using?

>> No.15658490

I was thinking of using this. Let me know what you think.

>> No.15658548

Not sure if trolling or if just dumb burgers. Didn't know mexico adopted euro as currency, also was not aware their official language is italian

>> No.15658567
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I think it would be better if you used a quartz tube with a tapered joint like pic related.
If you want to use the tube in the amazon link you showed me then perhaps you can use something like a ceramic disc to cover the top of the tube and then seal it by putting ceramic paste over the edges of the disc.

>> No.15658597

A handheld blowtorch should work. Make sure it gets up to ~2000C. Pull the melting tube and twist off.
Acetylene torch gets hotter but they're not cheap.

>> No.15658600

That looks like the most simple option, thanks! Could you send a link on where to buy? I can’t seem to find this.

Also - would it be ok to use for the following procedure?

>Preparation for copper phosphide - Cu3P
Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

And one more thing - The original method describes sealing the tube under vacuum. Is this necessary? Can I skip this and just seal it with no vacuum?

>> No.15658607

will test this with what I have and see if I can achieve. Could also be a good solution. Thanks

>> No.15658625

If you have problems with tubes cracking due to thermal stress you might consider getting some welding gloves and trying to blowtorch the tubes inside the kiln but wrap the gas bottle in a wet towel or it might blow up in your face.

>> No.15658663

Actually, nevermind the torch, a sealable test tube will probably be better. Didn't know they existed.

>> No.15658678


Found where to buy.. a bit expensive though. It’s $320 for 10 25ml d20 x h150mm. Might be a dumb question, but are they reusable?

>> No.15658688

>That looks like the most simple option, thanks! Could you send a link on where to buy? I can’t seem to find this.

https://www.micquartz.com/quartz-glass-products/quartz-lab-glassware/quartz-test-tube-with-standard-ground-taper-joints/ this is where I got the pic
I also found another website that has cheap prices (unfortunately you have to pay in USD)

>Also - would it be ok to use for the following procedure?
I think so, but using a blowtorch like >>15658597 suggested might be a more cost effective and convenient method

>And one more thing - The original method describes sealing the tube under vacuum. Is this necessary? Can I skip this and just seal it with no vacuum?

Did they just seal it under vacuum or was the reaction itself under vacuum? Obviously if you seal it under vacuum then you'll have a tighter seal but maybe it's not a big deal, if the reaction itself was under vacuum then yes, it might be necessary.

>> No.15658690
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this is not particularly relevant but anyone remember the guy who was cutting up rats and connecting their digestive systems
one of my favorite /sci/ memories
pic related is his rat anaesthesia chamber

>> No.15658697

>r the guy who was cutting up rats and connecting their digestive systems

>> No.15658698
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Here is what they say on the paper.

>> No.15658699
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>> No.15658714

>The original method describes sealing the tube under vacuum. Is this necessary?
This is where things get tricky.
Yes, originally they said so. HOWEVER, they found just a few samples really worked well, and apaprently they had video recorded everything, so he went back and saw that for the sample that worked well, the quartz tube had cracked, admitting some air inside. This suggests some oxygen is needed.

So you might want to divide a batch into several tubes with different oxygen levels if you want to save time.

And when you have something that works, gently powederize the sameple and "destill" it over a magnet, then compact what levitated, and that way you have a known good sample for XRD analysis as well as demonstration. Make sure this process is ion an enclosed space so that powder of unknown toxicity doesn't get out.

>> No.15658731
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Yes I’m aware of that but I thought that was referring to the final synthesis though. there is another step that uses a vacuum, Cu3P.

>> No.15658744

Come to think of it I don't think it's even possible to seal a tube without pulling a vacuum in the tube so yeah the reaction was under vacuum which makes sense since you'll form phosphor and copper oxides if it's not under vacuum

>> No.15658746

is that even legal

>> No.15658753

> So you might want to divide a batch into several tubes with different oxygen levels if you want to save time.

Will try to do that. can you explain how I get different oxygen levels in the tubes and how I can measure this?
But wondering if this applies to the preparation of Cu3P as well.

>> No.15658766

So I might need to get a vacuum.. what type do I need? Can you send examples. Bonus - for the cheap cheap?

>> No.15658771

If you put some kind of high temperature oil on them they might be reusable but then you would have to worry about contamination. Maybe blowtorch is better.

>> No.15658783

>So I might need to get a vacuum.. what type do I need? Can you send examples. Bonus - for the cheap cheap?
I apologize but unfortunately I can't really help you with that

>> No.15658803

Chatgpt says the following…
> To prepare copper phosphide (Cu3P), it is not necessary to vacuum the test tube. The synthesis of Cu3P typically involves a reaction between copper and phosphorus in a controlled environment. However, it is important to ensure that the test tube is sealed tightly to prevent the entry of any unwanted gases or impurities during the reaction.

So vacuum or no vacuum?

>> No.15658818

I guess if I want to test different levels of oxygen I will need a vacuum.. am I wrong?

>> No.15658820

For the final synthesis I mean, not Cu3P

>> No.15658825

Doesn't sound very reasonable to me: how are you going to prevent the formation of oxides without a vacuum?

>> No.15658842

> You are correct, preventing the formation of oxides is crucial in the synthesis of copper phosphide (Cu3P). To achieve this, it is common practice to perform the reaction in an inert atmosphere, such as argon or nitrogen. By purging the test tube with an inert gas or creating a vacuum, you can minimize the presence of oxygen and moisture, which helps prevent the oxidation of copper during the reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to evacuate the test tube or use an inert gas environment to ensure the success of the Cu3P synthesis. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response.

>> No.15658856

So vacuum it is

>> No.15658857

>/sci/ we cooking now
don't do it it makes meth

>> No.15658867

Don’t forget the ketchup gas

>> No.15658876

my bad, I should've known better, obviously you can use an inert atmosphere as well but I'm not sure if it's cheaper than a vacuum

>> No.15658912

Found this one for a reasonable price.
Have to see if I can find a tutorial on how it works. Also if you have a better solutions please propose

>> No.15658916

Shit, I didn't realize this. It's probably only the last step that doesn't need the vacuum.
You might be able to use a noble gas, but this is going to be fiddly and probably expensive. You could buy it by the tank at a welding supply store.

Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are fairly inert gases so maybe you can use them, or use oxygen absorbers. They are used for food storage. You should be able to buy a bunch of them cheap.

The goal is to get your Cu+P in one end of the sealed tube, and the oxygen absorber contents in the other end of the tube, with NO cross-contamination.

If using a quartz tube open on both ends, you can just shovel stuff in each end using small plastic spoons.

With a closed end test tube it's harder but can still be done. Use some tubing or a Slurpee straw or something to get the iron absorber MOST of the way into the bottom, deposit oxygen absorber, and deposit Cu+P into the other end using a small plastic spoon.

If this is too hard, try putting it into a smaller test tube, put a big test tube over it, flip upside down and withdraw the small tube without touching the walls of the big tube.

If your tube is not reusable, blowtorch the middle when the reaction is done, so that you separate the oxygen absorber before breaking the tube.

Oxygen absorbers contain iron powder, charcoal and salt. Obviously iron contamination would be bad.
You might be able to use a fragment of a car battery plate as an absorber. A little PbO in your sample is probably not going to hurt anything.

>> No.15658929

anon friendly eminder
for very basic chemistry questions it's mostly right. the thing with chemistry is that it has a lot of patterns with a bunch of random exceptions, which is rather hard for an ai to predict. only a human with the intuition and experience can give you mostly correct answers assuming they aren't drunk.
to answer your question, Cu and P must be in a vacuum, since P will IGNITE AND EXPLODE if it is heated in the presence of oxygen - please see again that chinese video i posted. a vacuum is essential for the CuP synthesis.

>> No.15658960

Just realized oxygen absorbers cut it down to ~100ppm which is the equivalent of cutting down the air pressure to 1/2000th of an atmosphere. A Torr is .0013 atmosphere. They say the vaccuum pump gets down to 10^-3 Torr which is about 1/700,000th of an atmosphere.
Might still work
Might not
Probably won't work for other reasons
Who really knows with this stuff?
If the point is to get a process that can be done by amateurs then ditching the expensive vaccuum pump would be nice.

>> No.15658963

For the final synthesis you could start with a cheap option: use flowing nitrogen to displace oxygen. And during temperature rampdown you could add varying amounts of oxygen to the different samples.

Hard mode but also more interesting: use a heat proof 4 point probe and test resistivity during rampdown as a function of oxygen fraction in the gas flowing through the furnace. My hunch is that the right amount of oxygen will trigger a change that would be visible in the I V curve you trace out with the 4 point probe.

>> No.15658976

using inert gases will run the risk of the inert gas itself diffusing into the CuP matrix and getting trapped especially so if the temperature is high and the powder having very small spaces between particles. very minute traces of inert gas could get locked in - assuming its a noble gas.

main reason is that mass transfer occurs due to some sort of gradient such as concentration. examples of diffusion are air diffusing through saran wrap slowly and helium diffusing out from rubber balloons.

nitrogen N2 and carbon dioxide CO2 at elevated temperatures are more likely to do unwanted reactions because of thermodynamic fuckery. for example, N2 reacts with O2 in lightning or in a car making NO2 gas.
if the inert gas route is to be tried, use the least reactive noble gas. the best should be Helium, followed by Neon and Argon. Argon should be the cheapest I think.
oh and fun fact, some noble gases can react and form compounds as you go down the periodic table.

>> No.15658983

but as with all chicken shit scribblings on the whiteboard, i could be wrong experimentally. im just stating reasons here just in case the final sample doesn't work due to some sort of contamination

>> No.15658995

I really appreciate the help. I have a lot to wrap my head around. Going to sleep now. Need to digest all this. Hopefully tomorrow I can come up with a plan for this.

>> No.15659002

I watched the Chinese video again. I like the guy. I see a lot of equipment I don’t have and that I will have to find alternative solutions for. My biggest concern at the moment is the vacuum or inert gas option. I have to get a better understanding.

>> No.15659095

OK so it looks like these are the options, ranging from cheap and potentially sloppy to expensive and rigorous:

-Oxygen absorber (possibly DIY without carbon), but any oxygen absorber leaves a lot of N2 plus small amounts of O2, NO2, NO, CO2, CO, Ar and Ne. Some of these will get trapped in the sample. N2 and Ne are probably mostly harmless; the others not so much.

-Helium from the party supply store. Get the smallest possible leak to blow through the sample, let it run for a while to ensure it replaces all the air. Seal one end of the tube and get an assistant to shut off the helium AT THE SAME TIME. Then seal the other end of the tube. Some helium will get trapped in the sample but it is the least likely gas to do anything. However, party helium may not be pure helium. Likely contaminants are neon, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. So might not be much of an advantage over oxygen absorbers.

-Buy vaccuum pump. 10^-3 Torr might be overkill; they probably had a great pump so they used it, but this is going to cost some money either way and probably preclude a lot of amateurs from doing the experiment.

Suggest helium first?

>> No.15659164

Anyone know if there is a difference between party grade helium and physics grade helium? Do they come from the same place? If not, who sells the good stuff?

>> No.15659171

Evacuating a quartz tube can be dangerous since it could implode and you would have sharp quartz shards flying around. Since quartz is harder than glass, the velocity would be higher.

>> No.15659219

If a pump can be found at any reasonable price it can be combined with helium at any reasonable purity.
I.e. 1 Torr pump and 99.9% pure helium will be as good as the authors' setup.

>> No.15659249

Are there any alternatives to phosphorus? It seems like it's been a bottleneck to a lot of independent attempts.

>> No.15659276
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>You feel powerless. The only power you are allowed is try to silence and demoralize those who go against your masters. You do this for free, out of jealousy.
Do you think that these people have different, evil souls friend? I see that there will be people with true, good souls amongst countless wicked ones even in their own families.

>> No.15659324

it's really hard to find any other source since making red P needs a lot of equipment, chemicals, and know-how - not to mention knowing the dangers in making it.
a more practical alternative is to make [math]Cu_3P[/math] from other chemical synthesis routes that doesn't need red phosphorus, but i haven't bothered looking into it yet

>> No.15659345

purity. they can come from the same natural source. you'll need to search how helium is purified.

>> No.15659482

There are going to be contaminants in the phosphorus for sure. Hopefully they will bake off but they need somewhere to go. A thin stream of helium, or a vacuum, will have to carry them away as the sample bakes. So can't use helium+ vacuum at the same time unfortunately. Gonna need a copper gas line going into the kiln regardless. Going to need to angle grind a notch in the lid or use fiberglass insulation around the lid to keep it open a bit.

>> No.15659493

Probably easiest to use helium because it won't matter as much if the seals are fucky.

>> No.15659501

The helium will be cold when it comes out of the tank and needs to be hot when it goes in, so send it spiraling down, like in a still. Wind the pipe around something to make the spiral.

>> No.15659581

Actually since the helium will be contaminated too, you will want to make sure there is so little helium that the amount of contaminants passing over the sample will be far less than the amount of air that was in the tube to begin with. Say you want 10-20 tubes of fairly pure helium over the course of the bake. No need to make the input tube a spiral. It will be perfectly hot when it goes in. Now the problem becomes making a hole or valve that will admit such a small flow. I think the way to do this is to have a secondary container that is near atmospheric pressure, like a bellows, and helium is released by slowly squeezing it. I think a water bottle in a vise would do fine. The helium output has to go down into the bottom of the kiln and out though a very small hole. This ensures that any off-gassing leaves the tube and does not return.

>> No.15659628

why use gas displacement and risk all these problems. you don't have a $500 small electric vacuum pump? no big deal. use an old vacuum ejector. I don't know what's going on, but it sounds like the requirements for the vacuum aren't that important and the goal is more about sucking off

>> No.15659775

it's the vacuum pressure requirement the paper claims
no idea what's the minimum needed vacuum pressure

>> No.15659834

It's probably a lot higher than 10^-3 Torr. What could be achieved with a $500 pump?
I think it was mainly getting rid of SO2 and keeping oxygen out in the final step but that might not be necessary. But if they can get oxygen out of their other products they would have used it there too.
BTW helium output tube would not need to go out the bottom of the kiln.

>> No.15659898

It’s 10^-5 on the paper not 10^-3

>> No.15660241

fren bump

>> No.15660322

maybe try peracetic acid I've had success creating metal oxide nanoparticles of erbium and other rare earths using it as an acid oxidizer, let evap and acid do the work. If you want to meticulous about particle size change molarity. won't attempt personally as I don't want lead oxide nano particles around

>> No.15660346

you could try peracetic acid, I've had success making metal oxides with it

>> No.15660369

How can one realistically probe a sample while being cooled down with homelab equipment?

>> No.15660430

I don't think that is hard, you need 4 copper wires, and make sure these don't short circuit, for instance by using small ceramic beads around the wires.
One pair connect to the ends of the sample, the other in line around the middle. The only problem will be if you use a sealed evacuated quartz tube, but if you use flowing nitrogen gas you should have no problems.

>> No.15660521

>Chatgpt says

>> No.15660549

just because some people are saying to electrically probe the rock does not mean it will work. the authors of the original paper did not mention probing the rocks for superconductivity. they used a thin film sample and the recipe for making it is not public.
there's nothing in this info that implies you should electrically measure the rock, and that it should show superconductivity, specifically for the baked rock.
you can try to measure it, but failing to get a superconductive result does not mean anything in the provided context. especially with the whole 1D superconductivity thing which further complicates matters (and measurements)

>> No.15660594

>just because some people are saying to electrically probe the rock does not mean it will work.
I didn't expect the material to be superconducting while in the furnace, but I do expect some conductivity. It was thesame for YBCO, in the normal state it had some conductivity.
>the authors of the original paper did not mention probing the rocks for superconductivity.
That is no reason to stop others from trying.
>they used a thin film sample and the recipe for making it is not public.
The papers including the patent applications published, had the receipe published in sufficient degree for others to attempt replication.
>there's nothing in this info that implies you should electrically measure the rock,
So? It doesn't say you shouldn't do it either. And research at this stage is all about trying variations, exploring possibilities and numerous dead ends. real research is not like a generic Star Trek episode where "drama" means that they haven't cooked up this weeks solution until 5 minutes before the credits are due to scroll.
>and that it should show superconductivity, specifically for the baked rock.
I do not expect that. What I expect is that the degree of oxygenation will change the conductivity.
>you can try to measure it, but failing to get a superconductive result does not mean anything in the provided context. especially with the whole 1D superconductivity thing which further complicates matters (and measurements)
I cannot see how that will change anything of what I proposed.

>> No.15660606

>It was thesame for YBCO
apart from the fact that they are both ceramic...there's different materials with different structure. I wouldn't make parallels between them.
you can try to electrically measure it. you can do whatever you want bro. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the subject.
> had the receipe published in sufficient degree for others to attempt replication.
that would be interesting. I wasn't able to find much info on diy setups for CVD. there's some examples for PVD tho, which is not what's needed in this case I presume.

>> No.15661085
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>> No.15661333

Still here. had a tough day. See you all tomorrow.

>> No.15661474

>apart from the fact that they are both ceramic...there's different materials with different structure. I wouldn't make parallels between them.
Research is about many things. Replication is important, but I am confident that the big labs have replicated according to the receipe with the utmost care and with more resources available than OP has. The other part is exploration. Exact replication does not give the big payoutr som now is the time to try variations. The old shake and bake route explores a huge parameter space which is good for those well equipped labs with robots that can make exact compositions with 10,000 variations. OP is not there, or he wouldn't have asked us. So I propose to take a very different route: explore the IV curves as a function of T and O2 for the bulk pellets. We don't know what the electrical properties is, but semiconductors have been mentioned so it is fair to assume we won't see a good insulator.

>you can try to electrically measure it. you can do whatever you want bro. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the subject.
Sure, we all do, anon. And I hope OP publishes some results, at the very least on viXra.

>> No.15661483
File: 22 KB, 300x169, Picture9-300x169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't we using magnetic ressonace response times to actually test for ferromagntism, it's fairly easy to determine ferro/non ferromagnatism with a coil of wire, basically just a metal detector, they'll be a massive power factor difference between a diamagnet, superconductor and ferrous item

>> No.15661603

it turns out 99.9% of scientists aren't aware of such a thing

>> No.15662297

It's philosopher's stone.

>> No.15662303

Lies and liars are the cornerstone of all evil, people like OP for instance

>> No.15662578


>> No.15662597

And what is the lie here exactly? Trying to act and expand my knowledge? I never claimed to be a chemist of physicist or whatever. This is not my background at all, there is a big gap I have to fill, but I’m willing to put the energy to try tu push my understandings and figure out things for my self. This might be a slow process, but it takes time to learn, to do things right. To understand what I’m doing and how to do it safely. Understand the reactions I might encounter, the potential risks… and so on. If this is what evil is for you.. maybe you should reconsider your point of view. Also, I have a job, a family and a very busy life. I try to make the time whenever I can. But it’s not easy. If you don’t have the patience to follow at this speed, there is not much I can do about it.

>> No.15663144

bumpity bump

>> No.15663202

That should be easy enough to do so and to measure

>> No.15663304

For someone with a job, a family and a very busy life you surely have a lot of free time to always reply to any sort of criticism 24/7, in multiple different threads mind you. Anyway 2 more weeks am I right?

>> No.15664475
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>> No.15665826

Come on man. Bump this shit. I need an anon to make LK99.

>> No.15665973
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1595977753742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep me posted

>> No.15666162

Hello frens. Sorry for keeping you all waiting. Very busy days. I will be starting now. Today we will be extracting P from striker strips. I will record and post webm here. Let me know if that’s ok or if you have a better idea for sharing the process

>> No.15666339

Nice OP! Do not feel overwhelmed by the amount of new things you will learn during this journey! You will feel lost and demoralized by trolls. But keep going. You will look back in a few years and you will smile. Take your time, you have plenty. Good look!

>> No.15666515

Are you also going to stream the process other than posting webms? Good luck btw

>> No.15667461

All these amateurs trying to make a dumb rock are going to cause an explosion and blow themselves up

>> No.15667463

What explosive components do you seehere?

>> No.15667477

Guess this grifter gave up the moment the memeconductor wasn't the flavor of the month topic, sad, many such cases

>> No.15667793

uh maybe the 2000 Celsius chemistry???

>> No.15667843

a recorded live stream would be cool though I understand if you felt a need to have better control of your privacy. You're not doing anything malicious, I'm sure twitch.tv's "just chatting" section would happily host you, plenty of people do shit like woodcutting and art on there. A little chemistry would be a nice change of pace, plus who's to say people won't donate.

>> No.15668141
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, KO5XnbSu5xyWE_m3E_-zVRky6kDLxCLOC_g7om1LHWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you be making one of these from avatar if you manage to get it to work?

>> No.15668308
File: 191 KB, 827x1079, 325E3BF5-80B9-48CE-AC8A-CD21B12898D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I will be using to extract P from striker strips. will be posting now webms of the process. In the future might consider using some live stream platform. But for now this can work.

>> No.15668328

- 1 glass pot (already had it)
- 4 match boxes with long striker strip (4€ each still waiting for the cheaper ones I got from Amazon)
- 1 bottle of acetone 4€
- set of spatulas 4€
- gloves (had them around)
- plastic container with water
- tissue paper

>> No.15668332

- precision scale 14€

Total cost: 38€

>> No.15668340
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1. the metal spatula I’m using might leave behind some contamination? I can use a magnet on the final product to remove metal impurities?
2. I have some pieces of cardboard in the final product, does it matter?
3. I have to say I was a bit too rushed and could of done things more clean and precise. But I’m happy with the results.

>> No.15668344
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One box yielded 0.24 grams. I could of extracted more if i would of put in some more time. But that’s a good result. From the 4 boxes I will be able to extract around 1 gr of P

>> No.15668353

The process took 5 minutes to complete one box that produces .24gr. So we can confirm this to be a viable, fast and accessible source for P.

>> No.15668361

1. yes it might. since you actually need that, you'll have to use a magnet. just cover the magnet with say plastic or paper. i recommend an old neodymium magnet from a hard drive.

2. cardboard will cause carbon contamination (it's made of cellulose, so carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen primarily). no idea how to separate that from the red P. probably decantation or solvent that only dissolves cardboard? idk.

3. no need to rush. just take it slow. science takes time.

>> No.15668365

you could get a small thin plastic bottle, put your dried red phosphorus in, tape a magnet on the outside of the bottom, then shake it such that any loose ferromagnetic materials stick to where the magnet is. preferably a bottle with a cap so you don't inhale it lol

>> No.15668366

Perfect will do that and add to instructions

Should have an old hard drive laying around somewhere, thanks for the idea.

>> No.15668370


>> No.15668371

I was rushed because i didn’t want to make the video too long so I went way too fast but this might be counterproductive. The next three boxes I will do patiently.

>> No.15668377
File: 141 KB, 827x481, FC2AE68B-F631-418B-8C2F-F80B9EB2E46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have a 5 min video I recorded with my phone I have to convert to webm possibly from my phone as I don’t have a computer with me atm and share. Let me figure that out.

>> No.15668387

You can just google [format] to webm there's websites that just do it.

>> No.15668407
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Great, anon on this board is going to successfully synthesis that gook conductor and launch the planet straight into cyberpunk, as if we didn't have enough glowies sniffing around already.

>> No.15668408

It’s taking forever from my phone and it keeps failing at some point. I cut the video in one min clips and it still fails. Will do it from my computer later. Sorry for the wait.

>> No.15668445
File: 664 KB, 720x1280, P results.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the final weight. Will post the actual process next.

>> No.15668467
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, P part one.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1

>> No.15668488

>RTSC LK-99 debunked
It's so over

>> No.15668838
File: 2.96 MB, 480x348, P part 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.15668845


>> No.15668883
File: 2.91 MB, 480x348, P part 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3

>> No.15668905
File: 1013 KB, 480x348, P part 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 4

>> No.15668909

Part 5

>> No.15668932

>what if mengele
>but with rats

>> No.15668936

I would appreciate criticism as that can make us improve. I’m sure there are tons of things that could be improved and it would be helpful to point this out so we can do better on our next attempt. So please take the time to review the videos and point out anything that needs attention. Other than that, I think this was a success. P is ready. 1/4

>> No.15668953

Some observations:
I might have not let the P in acetone long enough, just few minutes. How long should I let it in for?
How do I store it for later? I have it in a sealed glass jar is that ok?
At the moment the cost for P is of 16€xgr

>> No.15669040

Here is current progress report:

1/4 - 0/2 - 0/1

>> No.15669048

>At the moment the cost for P is of 16€xgr
how much is it needed for a small rock? that's not 100% phosphorus. I think it's mixed with glass dust. you might have less than half material than you have now, only the phosphorus. don't know how to purify it to like lab level purity

>> No.15669058

Yeah that’s a good concern, is there anyway I can test to see if it’s actually red phosphorus I got?

>> No.15669086

I don't know, I just saw this bit:

>> No.15669314

Probably not. A former colleague of mine had some background in lab animal testing, and there were very strict protocols in place for lab testing and also how to put down lab animals.

>> No.15669321

>Will try to do that. can you explain how I get different oxygen levels in the tubes and how I can measure this?
This is a bit complex but you could bleed in some oxygen at very low flowrate at one and while sucking out at the other end, and hope that this will set up a gradient with the highest O2 concentration at the entry.
>But wondering if this applies to the preparation of Cu3P as well.
Not sure, but I think it is the last process where this is important.

That is more of meltdown than explosion. I have some more experience with the difference than I had hoped for.

>> No.15669823

they make durable glass rods used for science stuff, I'm a laymen but I watch chemistry-in-practice videos on youtube often and they use them for fucking everything, might be worth ordering a few if doing chemistry is going to be a new hobby for you

>> No.15669826

that dude is definitely in prison for something by now

>> No.15670240

glass stir rods. they come in a variety of sizes. they're pretty useful since they're made of glass and won't contaminate your samples.

you just need to make sure you don't accidentally break them in half and stab your hand with it. oh and watch the lab safety videos.

t. did lab work

>> No.15670285
File: 401 KB, 1500x1101, C2C5A287-1E3A-424C-96AE-87BFC38EDD4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to many words but your right. To many people are demoralized and should be more creative!

>> No.15670299

Has there been other DIY experiments on this board? Coolio! But also kinda sad. What’s the archive link for this?

>> No.15670301

Posting in epic bread

>> No.15670538

Would the following also apply to storage of P? If not how do I properly store it?

>if you're planning to store the copper powder for a decent amount of time, store it immersed in clean distilled water in a sealed closed container - this is to prevent the copper from oxidizing into copper oxide (CuO). if you have some dry inert gas around, you could store dry copper powder with it so you can avoid the hassle of having to evaporate away the water.

>> No.15670549

Next we will be making Cu. Before we move on to this I would like to make sure we are all good with P.

- how do I know I actually extracted P?
- any concerns with the process I used?
- any tips on how to improve this process?
- how do I get rid of the cardboard contamination?
- how long should I keep the P soaking in acetone to remove impurities such as glue?
- how many grams should I be aiming to extract in order to move on with the synthesis?

>> No.15670591

Will get one will be useful