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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 231 KB, 655x599, shirtless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15649179 No.15649179 [Reply] [Original]

>action potentials
>electrical signals
What the fuck does any of this mean?

Can someone break these down one by one and explain this in simpler terms?

>> No.15649198

you are a machine made out of those parts, you should know how you work

>> No.15649238

Every single time someone makes a retarded ass thread, surely enough, the picrel is Reddit frog.
What's the scientific explanation behind this?

>> No.15649244
File: 43 KB, 640x717, 1690785398737626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit frog

>> No.15649266

pepe the frog is 4chan culture. if you hate it, you better migrate to other social media

>> No.15649295

A nerve has neurons, neuron has dendrites, a dendrite has receptors, the receptors generate an action potential, the action potential becomes an electric signal.

>> No.15649298

surely you mean pic related

>> No.15649308

I don't see any "retarded ass thread". OP asks a genuine question and wants to learn. Frog posters are honest on-topic posters.

>> No.15649330

>a nerve cell
>small appendages (?) of a neuron that send impulses to the cell body
>terminal part of the dendrite that gets stimulated by something. it then converts the stimulation into an electric signal and sends it to the body of the nerve cell
>basically how nerve cells send impulses to each other
>are you retarded
>neural fibers through which electric signals travel

>> No.15649335

Argh sweet a schizophrenia thread

>> No.15649341
File: 426 KB, 739x739, 1688479035933427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an action potential

Did academia teach you this phrase?

>> No.15649347

This machine is so complex humans are only starting figure it out.

>> No.15649355

It has an potential. Fuck off now lowwits

>> No.15649360

Kys now

>> No.15649363


Funny cells regulate the flow of ions through their membranes to create an incredibly complex Boolean system which, for some yet unknow reason, constitutes what you experience as consciousness and being.

>> No.15649373

Fart with me. Come now fart for me. Not near me not on me but with me. Fart for free. Gotta. Wanna. Fart for me pls

>> No.15649375


Neuron is a long boi
Dendrites are frondies
Receptors are num-num-chemmy-pouches
Action potentials are zip zappers
Electric signals is THE JUICE
Nerves are your itty-bitty-feelerinos

>> No.15649379

>action potential

Spotted where academic educators apply Jewish chains