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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15647200 No.15647200 [Reply] [Original]

because of science we have injections causing autism, fuck you science

>> No.15647220

and yet you post this using a science machine hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.15647334

I agree in the sense that science has advanced the quality and ease of human life so much that it allowed genetic trash like your parents to reproduce and create more ungrateful autistic retards that would be coyote chow in any non scientific society

>> No.15647866
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>> No.15649433

Why does the IFLS crowd always credit science with inventing things that were put together by people outside the sciences? Computers were invented by the Lyonnaise textile industry, science had nothing to do with it.

>> No.15649437

based chink

>> No.15649967
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no injections = no autism

>> No.15649974

>diagnostic bias

>> No.15650096

>not going to the hospital means you won't be diagnosed with a broken arm
>hospitals cause broken arms
I will give the Amish credit for not letting their kids become fatass fucks though. Sugar is literally Satan.

>> No.15650179

why do people blame vaccines for autism when it's clearly TV/video games/computers

>> No.15650235

it's women having babies later. many such cases!

>> No.15650245

Retards it's phthalates, microplastics, forever chemicals, basically mostly environmental toxins. It was SHOWN in a lab that babies who were exposed to pesticides in the womb had higher autism scores later in life.

>> No.15650254

ok libtard

>> No.15650271

>feed your kids xenoestrogens
>they turn into fat, autistic troons
>blame the vaccines
America was a mistake.

>> No.15650287

nobody wearing this shirt would share anything joe rogan said/tweeted, it goes against their programming

>> No.15650301
File: 199 KB, 995x1129, A03BA96E-39BF-43CA-B9B5-43DF2F54B15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would call you a slur if i used slurs but i try not to, you fucking troglodyte. woman has baby later means that woman has spent longer exposing herself and her eggs to (retarded scapegoat environmental effect du jour goes here) so it comes back down to the age of the mother

>> No.15650303
File: 103 KB, 793x719, 14CE42C8-4E4E-49DB-B71B-6A51432E0350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the age of the father is much more relevant for the autism factor, though. many such cases of elderly fathers creating sperglings even when the mother was in prime baby time

>> No.15650305

The effects of BPA exposure compounds across generations. Younger mothers and fathers won't undo shit.