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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15645792 No.15645792 [Reply] [Original]

They were mandating it for 5 year olds, what changed?

>> No.15645829

>why is it no longer necessary to get a vaccine AFTER the herd immunity kicked in?

>> No.15645838

what herd immunity? It never prevented transmission just hospitalisation???

>> No.15645849
File: 43 KB, 320x480, muh anti-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly, the UK government must have been infiltrated by a covert network of Russian KGB agents and far-right anti-science neo-nazi extremists in the UK government. This is what happens when your regulatory appartus is infilitrated by white nationalists and Russian assets like Drumpf. You end up with all these inbred troglodyte conservatives who hate science and they hate the west.

The goal here is that the Russian government probably wants to cause mass deaths amongst the British youth in order to weaken NATO and the west, and the conspiracy theorists and white nationalists types are trying to trick POC and the BIPOC community into not getting vaccinated, because the conspiracy theorists and white nationalists want to cause a mass casuality event amongst the non-white British population.

>> No.15645856

no seriously, did they redefine herd immunity not to be based off people not catching it to people having lesser symptomps in the hospital? And how does that work for a 4 year old last year that missed the juice and now won't get it again, are they just left to die?

>> No.15645881

But herd immunity is an alt right conspiracy theory

>> No.15645895

afaik herd immunity was based off immune people not catching it and therefore not spreading, now if we have enough spreaders with lesser hospital symptoms somehow magically we no longer need to experiment on children

>> No.15645902

there was never a covid vaccine mandate

>> No.15645919

your right to travel, visit family in hospital, work without a vaxx passport was not a mandate, it was just recommendation, people prosecuted for not wearing a mask were just a... Non-mandated cannon fodder of non-mandating, gov has f35s now if those were used you might have an argument

>> No.15645920

Boris Johnson originally planned herd immunity in the beginning of the pandemic but it was called off by tyrannical health minister bureaucrats and they out us all under house arrest except for politicians who attended parties and that can be assumed for the rest of the elite. There was no vaccine then for "immunity", the idea was just to carry on as normal and people can wear masks if they wanted.

>> No.15645939

how does boris plan on herd immunity without a vaccine that prevents transmission? If 95% have lesser hospitalisations you will get your rights back sounds like a dumb argument

>> No.15645948

The vulnerable were to stay inside if they wanted, and wait for a vaccine or cure later. Normal people could just get infected and develop their own immunity making the vaccine unnecessary, because very few people were ever admitted to hospital. As you can tell this plan was utterly mad and anyone who supported it ought to be admitted to Bedlam.

>> No.15645961

half a year ago 5 year olds were vulnerable and could get a life-saving treatment, now only 65+ deserve it? We need term limits so the old people don't hoard the cure for themselves

>> No.15646059

Government over ordered the doses so they made up a reason for why everyone needed to take one. This is a good case study for why technocrats will never work, they only have authority as long as they're right so everything that challenges their assumptions challenges authority.

>> No.15646125

why do you hate /sci/ence? All the talking heads were settled, 5+ is the best year cutoff, now 5yos need to wait 60 years for life saving treatment???

>> No.15646144


>> No.15646680
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, vaxd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15646743

You deserve to be flayed alive.

>> No.15646767

>herd immunity
>leaky vaccine
Lmao vaxxtards

>> No.15647021

The science anon, the science

>> No.15647090
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>immune people not catching it and therefore not spreading
Because the clotshot did either of those things...

>> No.15647137
File: 329 KB, 2800x1440, black-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical herd immunity that descends upon the people from the sky is an alt-right conspiracy theory.

Herd immunity based on vaccination was always scientific.

Do you seriously think Scientists didn't know about herd immunity before Qanon said that "if we just let people die en masse and don't intervene, at some point they will stop dying"? No shit, you just killed everyone vulnerable to dying from it. Vaccines help us reach herd immunity without killing millions. Herd immunity without Vaccines would require more than 3 million deaths in the US alone. And that is if everyone got infected at the same time and never got infected again. Which doesn't happen in reality. Realistically we would never reach herd immunity without vaccines because Covid immunity only lasts a year. So you can keep getting it over and over again. It's not like smallpox where you just get it once and then never again. You would end up with many many more millions dead, much more than even 3 million and Covid would still be as much of a problem 10 years later. And it would keep coming back forever to kill millions every now and then, it would just become a staple of life.
But sure, /pol/ invented herd immunity.

I can only imagine if they had /pol/ in the 14th century
>Just let the Black death run it's course brooo.
>Don't wash your hand, the scientists are lying.
>It'll only last a couple of centuries and only kill half of Europe. Then you'll reach herd immunity and no more deaths.
>Don't take any precautions now, just let everyone die, we'll get herd immunity in a couple centuries.

>> No.15647247

literally no one fucking said scientists didnt know about it, the problem was they knew, we knew they knew and they said it didnt exist and you were a conspiracy theorist for trying to say it existed. they also said a 70% vaccination rate was needed to reach herd immunity. when the rate was 80% in certain countries they backpedaled and said it didnt exist. i know you stupid fucking vaxxers want to pretend it all never happened but it did and many people remember

>> No.15647259

>>Just let the Black death run it's course brooo
The fuck else could they realistically do?

>> No.15647265

>Vaccines help us reach herd immunity without killing millions.
I know anti-vaxxers who are anti-vax for the sole reason that they consider the vaccines responsible for enabling genetically inferior humans to survive.
And the merger between the anti-vax movement and the modern-day 'alt-right' movement, at least in the sense of the latter effectively consuming the former, implies that this argument/this line of reasoning is probably more prevalent than what you would think at first glance. Anti-vaxxers always depended on a weirdly eugenicist notion of equating a person's worth with his capacity to work which vaccines ruin by inducing physical or psychological disorders or so it's claimed. Depopulation conspiracies are also fairly common.

>> No.15647296

>Herd immunity based on vaccination was always scientific.
with a leaky 'vaccine' that didn't prevent infection?
while a pandemic was in full swing and infections were at high levels, meaning people partially 'vaccinated' (2 more weeks) were exposed to infection, thus helping the virus evade their ineffective antibodies and evolve immune escape variants (omicron)?
nice 'science.

>> No.15647300

Yeah I've heard that sentiment before as well. Knew a guy (irl, not even online) who said that Europe only entered the renaissance after the Black plague because it killed the bottom half of the population. Left only the top 50% rich & educated men. Said, just let covid do the same and society would come out better (especially since Blacks had the highest mortality from it, then hispanics, then whites). He was open about his beliefs, but many, I presume, hold the same belief implicitly or confidentially. And the anti-vax push is just a front for that. Not only is this factually wrong, it's just the wrong way of thinking imo. Quite psychopathic.

There's definitely a eugenicist, natural selection type mindset present among many in opposing healthcare. Quite explicitly so when they blame modern healthcare for "dysgenics" by allowing the poor to survive and reproduce more. It's quite a twisted hard-on they have for the apocalypse and collapse of civilization so we can go back to "the survival of the fittest" with no Vax and healthcare. So they can live out a fantasy of poor people dying en masse around them.

>> No.15647307

your speculative pop psy fanfics have nothing to do with science. you belong on /pol/ but you're too scared to post your nonsense there.

>> No.15647328

I know people who choked to death on dicks because of the covid vaccine

>> No.15647358

>not understanding terminology
>parrot it incessantly because you think it makes you sound smart
lol antivax brain soup fucking morons

>> No.15647399

>nooo you can't remind me of my survival of the fittest concept and not call me a god magician after repeated failures of playing god, such as playing with virus genome, leak it because lmao a perfectly good freezer won't shut from layers of frost in chink hands, failed to contain it in lab, chink city wall, and global trade route, now procede to mass scare, and scrub information, breaching rights and corrupt legal system, and change dictionary of vaccine to lower that bar.
And ofc your hack shots lasts no longer than 3 coats of varnish under the sun.
You pseudes are as scientific as running an experiment with no control group, and the fucking control group lives yet you still claim it is only your cure that had worked.
The future generation look at you guys with like the plague doctors, and this time you don't have the drip mask and cane.

>> No.15647546
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Good boy, now cut your penis right now.

>> No.15648895

for saying the truth?