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15645179 No.15645179 [Reply] [Original]

wife wants to vaccinate. i don't. baby is already 11 months old and no vaccines, he's extremely healthy and doing great. i don't wanna do anything to endanger him needlessly, whether that be vaccinating or not vaccinating.

I'm not 100% antivaxx and need some more opinions to make up my mind.

>> No.15645185

You can do it all later on, it literally changes nothing what the age is except potentially endangering an infant. The only worry is the chance of actually catching the disease.

>> No.15645237

do you not think there is a risk of potentially endangering an infant by giving vaccines?

>> No.15645307


My sister had a terrible negative reaction to being inoculated as a newborn, so my mom delayed my inoculation schedule/went the ultra-safe route. Which, in a nutshell, started when I was around the age of 2-3. Like, old enough to wear shoes and capable of rudimentary communication.

With that said my mom kept me pretty close. I wasn't put into any kind of daycare and I had all my 'basic' shots by the time I was in preschool.


It's a matter of risk assessment: when your baby is fresh n' new their exposure to disease is going to be limited, but as they grow older and become more exposed to the public their exposure to potentially 'quality of life diminishing' diseases increases. I think I'd personally delay the inoculation schedule of my infant just to not risk cooking them, but there's no way I'd put my child through school without their shots and risk them catching something weird like whooping cough of measels and now their lungs are small forever or their spine is bent into the letter C.

>> No.15645325

There was an anon posting here who realised his baby died because of a vaccine reaction after he started researching the topic.
Anyway you should read engelbrecht's virus mania for a start..

>> No.15645384

Disease is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race. It's not real. It's just a bunch of paid (((Hollywood))) actors with makeup for splotches on the skin.

>> No.15645585

rockefeller bought out the medical system to sell drugs

>> No.15645587

the best way to become an advocate for vaccines is to not vaccinate your kids

>> No.15645597
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Wow, that sucks. I mean, it's an isolated case and it probably doesn't happen very often. How old was the baby? I'm thinking of waiting until year 2 or 3 to give him anything, because until then he's not going to preschool anyway, even though I hope he still is in contact with children in other places. Just not in the sort of constant contact you would see in preschool.

>> No.15645600


>> No.15645613
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excellent insight, but consider the following
1: you're a faggot
2: go back to r*ddit

this is kind of how I see it. i don't feel comfortable giving him vaccines yet, but also don't feel comfortable letting him go to preschool without any vaccines. 2-3 years seems like a good range.
Do you know what happened to your sister? Also, do you feel like you missed out on anything, not getting vaccinated earlier? I mean, they innoculate at any age, so there's really no point giving the vaccines to babies who are going to be at very low risk.

>> No.15645614
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Kys now

>> No.15645618

Why would I leave my child fatherless, I'm white.

>> No.15645622

And what. Your child is a fag.

>> No.15645624

He didn't really expand on the topic.
This place is full of shills retards and redditor/normalfags repeating what the shills told them.

In the US and a few places vaccine companies are under no or very little legal consequence if they injure or kill people due to a law Raegan passed in 1989 since then the number of "recommended" vaccines has exploded.
This leads me to the conclusion that most of them are probably unnecessary or outright dangerous.
But you'll have to look into the topic yourself.

>> No.15645656

I'm not american though, dunno how that applies in Portugal.

>> No.15645725

you are clearly looking for somebody to contribute to your preexisting cognitive bias, or perhaps a nice straw man argument or ad hominem to justify your suspicions. So, here is one for you. I was born in 1993, received all of my inoculations on the recommended timeline, and I now have severe ADHD, (9/9 symptoms) and a 135+ IQ. Enjoy.

>> No.15645729

Is the child the medicine? Should we eat children? Should we feed babies to our dogs?

>> No.15645758

From what i´ve read in this post it sounds like you want to vaccinate your son, just not now, is that correct?

if so why not talk to your wife, how she feels about? if he is 11 months old the beginning time span you would want to vaccinate ist in 13 months, so why not
a.) do it in 13 months
b.) if your wife does not want to wait offer a compromise and do it in 6,5 months

it is all a big games of statistics after all, yes vaccines can cause damage, disease as well and from the numbers i have seen the chances for any bad vaccine result are still smaller then the chances for the worst possible result from a disease even with the chances for infection factored in

so my opinion would be to do it now, but i can understand it, if you do not

>> No.15645765

u r a nigger and a retard
dont fucking ask for opinions on basket weaving forum
ask for books
then read em and make up your mind
im sure a nigger like u can read atleast 2 books from each side (for and against)
i hope your child doesnt grow to be a retard like his dad

>> No.15645932

disingenuous and homosexual

>> No.15645953

The majority of vaccines we give people are decades old and have a lot of proof backing that they don't give you super aids. If you want to be a stickler about it, you can just refuse any that were made recently or have high rates of side effects.

>> No.15646018
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Dont do it. Wait till they are adults and can consent themselves

>> No.15646905
File: 786 B, 20x20, 1691421729451823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the names of 2 books and thanks for the bump nigger.
considering reading Turtles all the way down for antivax

>> No.15646912

that's crazy, but you have to account for the fact that antivaxx people are probably less likely to trust medicine and go to the doctor in general

>> No.15646923

Get him vaxxed faggot 4chud retard just make sure it's not mRNA bullshit.

>> No.15646928

also a high/low iq bias

>> No.15646981

almost like retards who dont believe in medicine dont go to the doctor. what a novel concept!

>> No.15646991
File: 59 KB, 410x617, Rockefeller Medicine Man by E Richard Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favour and read this. Or at least download and skim a copy.

>> No.15647111

>Do you know what happened to your sister?

Not medically, but from what my parents said she turned beet red, ran a mild temperature, and cried non-stop for nearly 36 hours. She was fine after a day or two, but what my mother remembers most is how the hospital basically had no response and no support for such an occurrence. Which makes sense if it's uncommon or rare, but that doesn't really help you if you win that lottery.

>Also, do you feel like you missed out on anything, not getting vaccinated earlier?

Not particularly.
Like I said, I wasn't placed in any kind of daycare and by the time I was in preschool I had completed my basic innoculation schedule. It isn't too much of a sacrifice to be a stay at home baby- your socially formative years don't really start until you're 4-5 anyway.

>> No.15647123

Your kid is already protected against all the diseases because the other cucks have vaxxed their kids up. Don’t worry about it OP.

>> No.15647785

hope you didn't get the kid a social security number

>> No.15647928

Vaccinate your damn kids just dont get the Live Polio vaccine (until much later) or any vaccines made with the mRNA tech. Also, don't forget to expose your kids to chicken pox when they are young

>> No.15647933
File: 99 KB, 1170x1149, FsPmSpCXwAAscvK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't vaxx your kid.
look into chlorine dioxide, it's much safer and innoculates infants much more effectively than (((medicine)))

>> No.15647934

Misread the OP post, *you can vaccinate your kids when they are older/toddlers and take a more conservative vaccine schedule. The thing I said about polio and mRNA vax still stands.

>> No.15647954

>have a lot of proof backing that they don't give you super aids
except they don't

>> No.15647964

so instead of improving their own countries they try to drag down the west with shit like this. sad.

>> No.15648286
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yeah, what really worries me is how they're tested, it's just complete bullshit, there has not been a real control group in new vaccine tests for decades. and then when something bad happens like >>15647111 they basically gaslight you into believing it had nothing to do with the vaccine. 36 hours of non-stop crying can't just be swept under the rug, if your body has an intense reaction to the heavy metals (adjuvants) in the vaccine or something like that then it might set off things in your body that would not have been set off otherwise. I just don't want my kid to have crazy allergies, asthma or some kind of hindrance to their mental development.

and then the fact that vaccines are billion dollar business by big pharma makes me very skeptical about how good they can be. if there's a profit motive then how can you trust it?

>> No.15648293

>if there's a profit motive then how can you trust it?
I would trust a profit motive if there was accountability which sadly there isn't.
If I had informed choice and could sue a company into collapse then I'd trust their product, but the fact you can't and have to almost be forced to take them is a huge red flag anyone with two braincells should be able to spot.

>> No.15648327
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yeah that sums up how I feel about it. i don't know much, I'm just skeptical and since it's about something as precious as my own child, i can't just mindlessly agree

>> No.15648453

I want you to understand how many illegal immigrants that we get from countries that have rampant illnesses.
As a heads up, I just switched pediatricians. When filling out paperwork, they had a disclaimer on their paperwork that they won't see patients that aren't on a standard vaccine schedule. You're possibly going to see a lot of that.

>> No.15648455

It is that

>> No.15648473

I know about this when it comes to pediatricians.

>> No.15648474

turtles is def worth a read.

>> No.15648476

There's a lot of weighing of your options to deal with. There's also the burden of thought that you could be the person responsible for unknowingly exposing your kids to people that aren't vaccinated and possibly carrying a vaccine-preventable illness. Or that you're potentially exposing them to an overactive immune response or other problems with vaccines. It's all risk, and it's not an easy decision when it's a tiny person that you're responsible for keeping healthy and alive.

>> No.15648484


>> No.15648485

Do your research beforehand and make sure that you've got someone lined up that will take them regardless. You can get into deep shit for child negligence if they're not at least being seen to assess growth and do their standard check ups, and reasonably so.

>> No.15648487

If you give up we won't hell you but if you don't you go to hell

>> No.15648499

Is this ESL or are you mentally retarded?

>> No.15648500

Fart in my mouf now

>> No.15648626

he's just the kike shill bumping my thread.

>> No.15648802

MMR, IPV, and DPT are all fine. If you’re still anxious just tell your pediatrician you’d like to stagger the appointments out. More doctors visits, but you’ll put a few weeks between clusters of shots instead of getting dozens all at once.

>> No.15648814

>on a standard vaccine schedule.
How many dozen vaccines is that? Anyone demanding this is a bought and paid for retard that I wouldn't want to leave in control of mine or my family's health.

>> No.15648835


>> No.15648838

vaccinate him or else he'll have a mid-life crisis at 3 years old

>> No.15648853

You are a fucking moron and the only reason you have the luxury of "skepticism" is because you grew up with the MMR and Polio vaccines. If this were not the case, you would have known kids in your childhood that had been killed, crippled, or disfigured by these diseases.

>> No.15648860

>Polio vaccines
You need to actually research this before you go off spitting phlegm and spounting nonsense

>> No.15648876


>> No.15649155
File: 69 KB, 648x1079, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe faggot, I do have the privilege of thinking twice, just like you have the privilege of thinking twice on the meaning of life because you were not born a nigger in some sub-saharan african tribe. please excuse me for using my brain and critical thinking abilities instead of blindly accepting the status quo like 99% of people.
now go back to r*ddit

>> No.15649282

Why are you so obsessed? Do you want to be a tranny or do you want to be with one? Or do you secretly want a transbian gf? Spoiler: if you're like this, no one will sleep with you, tranny, cissie, man or woman.

>> No.15649381

>noone will sleep you
do you know how children are made?

>> No.15649504

About 2 dozen when you remove the flu and covid vaccines. It's mostly boosters of the same thing though to slowly keep exposing and building up antibodies. Flu vaccines are somewhat worthless.

>> No.15649517

flu isn't even caused by a virus so yeah