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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 216 KB, 590x645, ferromagnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15644267 No.15644267 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15644276
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I knew it all along.

>> No.15644278
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Damn, it's over

>> No.15644295
File: 357 KB, 700x641, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backbros are all michio kaku fans and marvel connoisseurs

>> No.15644296

It's already shown 0 resistance below 123 k, therefore it is a superconductor. Calling it a ferromagnet is dishonest

>> No.15644298

Oh boy chink scientists again

>> No.15644299
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Over and Out

>> No.15644300
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Take your meds overfuddie

>> No.15644305

>It's already shown 0 resistance below 123 k, therefore it is a superconductor. Calling it a ferromagnet is dishonest

overposters got refuted already, but instead of participating in discussion they decided to ignore it and just make a new thread.

>> No.15644312

>it's over
It's only just begun.

>> No.15644314
File: 90 KB, 491x512, x7rhb3i2olh41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guo, Li, and Jia
Chinese pulling all the stops to suppress this science.

>> No.15644325

>it's a scam
>it's an extremely weird diamagnet
>it's an extremely weird ferromagnet
Which is it?

>> No.15644328

Who cares? GPT5 will be capable of discovering a RTSC in no time.

>> No.15644331

how does lead and copper become ferromagnetic

>> No.15644338

High concentration of seething overtard psi waves.

>> No.15644340

It's also paramagnetic. But only in one sample.
These are all just fitted calculations.
Expect dogshit and crazy until the white man replicates.

>> No.15644343

Backbros, I’m sorry. I’m switching into an overchud.
It’s officially over.

>> No.15644344

It's an insulator, semiconductor, and superconductor

>> No.15644346

Obviously from the iron contamination from the air anon. Stop asking silly questions.

>> No.15644349

overbro here sorry but its over being over, im back.

>> No.15644356

I declare that LK99 is the philosopher's stone of modern science. It has all the characteristics we want.

>> No.15644357
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>Our sample
>Doesn't show effects others have observed
>We argue that...
>This is a ferromagnet because it just is

It's very good to be skeptical, but this is just plain shit science.
Chinks didn't manage to get a levitating rock so they claim it's just a ferromagnetic effect all across the board for all samples.
Besides it's already show on a video not to be ferromagnetic compared to a ferromagnetic spec behaving very differently compared to the sample.
I think these guys just got angry because they didn't get results, and they're trying to save face by saying everyone else produced nothing more than a regular fridge magnet.

>> No.15644363

At this point I'm just waiting for the Americans and Koreans themselves, I don't believe it's a rtsc but I also won't believe a chink's or pajeet's word on the matter.

>> No.15644367


>> No.15644370

How could every single researcher, including the original ones who played with this for years, be so retarded?


Fuck they're all going to make me go full Qtard with this, just from the "They can't possibly be this retarded" argument.

>> No.15644373

Somehow it is all of these things

>> No.15644375

they don't have a sample. They just picked a bunch of equations and said they analyzed it and that it's ferromagnetic and paramagnetic and maybe a little bit diamagnetic but absolutely not possibly superconductive.

>> No.15644389

it is totally and finally over

for real this time

i can't believe the koreans fooled everyone with magnets

well it was fun, now get back to work

>> No.15644396

Every person who unironically believed that it was a superconductor should be forcefully feminized and given to overchads as maids. It is only fair.

>> No.15644397

Not gonna lie, backsissy here, it's been hilarious watching overchads crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let LK-99 hype disrupt the global economy.

>> No.15644398

1 gram of LK99 weighs like 15 grams

>> No.15644401

I've seen this movie too many times. People think it's over, but then find out something has been overlooked and it's actually real.

>> No.15644403

>disrupt the global economy
Was this even close to happen?
More like crypto scammers scamming other scammers, not even being successful at it.

>> No.15644405

Every person who unironically says shit like this should be forcefully institutionalized and given to wranglers as patients. It is only fair.

>> No.15644414


I didnt see any XRD pattern for the other samples but there were no indication of CuS right? They probably fucked up the synthesis

>> No.15644419

How a single chemical formula can produce so many different materials is becoming an interesting scientific question.

>> No.15644430

it also turns lead and copper into gold

>> No.15644434
File: 42 KB, 446x456, 1691157462807402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the earth is about to become a blackhole

>> No.15644435

it's kind of stupid to really care about anything until the lab analyzing the original team's samples is done and releases their findings

if it's not a hoax it took them 3 years to find a method to create this stuff and it still only produces usable material 10% of the time and that material is impure and barely testable

what are the fucking odds anyone is actually able to make anything with their shit-tier vague instructions that they half-assed to save face after one guy went rogue

>> No.15644436

there is a easy way to determine what kind of magnetism it is why is everyone holding onto his dick and not doing the normal experiments?

>> No.15644440
File: 105 KB, 408x402, 1690660977678381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire screeching bughive of troons on twitter were wrong?

>> No.15644470

>The entire screeching bughive of troons on twitter were wrong?
Fucking kek!

>> No.15644485

Yeah a rtsc has been discovered sooo many times
I've seen the movie as well, it's as always fucking nothing

>> No.15644500

i do wonder if there is vested interest by the Chinese to downplay this now, especially if they have proven that there is something to it, but its not quite clear cut. Get the rest of the world to give up on it, and do it in secret to get a huge momentum advantage when it comes to up scaling and commercialization.

>> No.15644509

Who cares? Stop asking

>> No.15644511

Guys, I made a bit of LK99 myself and my dog ate it and now he's floating around upside-down, speaking in tongues, and his eyes are glowing every colour of the rainbow
What the fuck do I do? I thought this was supposed to be a superconductor, not some kind of fucking chink scam to get our dogs nice and ready for their ovens

>> No.15644515

Copius Maximus, commander of the copers in Germania and Gallia

>> No.15644524

Nah I don't hold that opinion, its a hypothetical question. It'll be the standard /x/ argument though.

>> No.15644536

>they don't have a sample
Wait really? Are you sure about that? I thought they had a sample because they were referring to X-ray crystallography measurements

>> No.15644541

That's just standard perromagnetism. Just heat him above his Curie temperature to correct it.

>> No.15644548
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A cicada meth-fungus orgy of noise.

>> No.15644557

Wouldn't surprise me.

Stands up or sticks to underside of magnet = ferromagnetism.
Full levitation = superconductor IF no dimple in field (true for single can shaped or square magnet)
Repelled from any pole of magnet = diamagnet. For tiny samples or partially levitating samples, try floating it on water and see if you can push it around with either pole of a magnet. The opposite will also work for weak ferromagnetism.
Come on everyone, literal kitchen sink physics, why has it been two weeks and this is not settled?

>> No.15644561

It's weird how Andrew McCalip described some odd behaviour of it hovering oddly underneath the magnet and said he'd upload a video, then announced he changed his mind and wouldn't upload it after all and instead sent the samples to some lab

>> No.15644568

Oops, meant to say diamagnets can only fully levitate in a dimpled field, but only superconductors can levitate in any field and in any position.

>> No.15644570
File: 200 KB, 633x819, 1691471869715067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. The chink levitation videos were fake.

>> No.15644573

I smell glowniggers.
This, and the Chinese ferromagnet and all the fakery that has been coming from them.

>> No.15644576

fuck off retard

>> No.15644589
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>> No.15644620

Two more floating speckles

>> No.15644627
File: 139 KB, 678x1200, a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.15644645
File: 517 KB, 332x498, its-over-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15644661
File: 416 KB, 1080x1808, Screenshot_20230808-161330-049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over... But not for backsies

>> No.15644665
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x3758, Screenshot_20230808-161524-263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr the ferrochinks fucked up the synthesis

>> No.15644674
File: 18 KB, 579x216, F2-zUhfa8AAwlxm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also report one sample they made as being diamagnetic and two as ferromagnetic. It seems like it can have highly variable properties.

>> No.15644698

Unironically this. In 3 years Models 100x more powerful than GPT4 will arrive on planet Earth. Goku will be killed by a ruthless heart disease. We must train now.

>> No.15644705
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>> No.15644710

>here's why this is good for bitcoin....

>> No.15644711

Lower your average price by slurping cheapies

>> No.15644712
File: 72 KB, 634x798, 1669573448135411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644714

> no hysteresis
> no measurement of M at zero field
> seemingly incomplete measurements
this seems retarded why would you publish this where are the other measurements are they just farming citations like github stars or what?

>> No.15644732

>no hysteresis
Fig. 2 contains a hysteresis loop.

>> No.15644742
File: 21 KB, 303x332, denholm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a ferromagnet, that's why it levitates.
okay, these twitter fags are getting retarded, I'll stick to the anime and batgirls until the white man replicates.

>> No.15644755

CMTC declares the dream is over

Alex Kaplan says it's just a ferromagnetic material

Any update from the believers?

>> No.15644756

the chudssyrian wasn't wrong after all. Assyria went to shit.

>> No.15644764


Alex, stop linking your own tweets and honestly rope yourself

>> No.15644766


>> No.15644768

And what about CMTC tweet, my fellow reddit cuckchud?

>> No.15644770

If the troons said it was fake, it must be real.

>> No.15644776

Are you telling him to cook his dog?

>> No.15644781
File: 7 KB, 390x470, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are you now back cucks? hahahaha

>> No.15644782

no one cares about that faggot either, but I'll make for some hilarious screencaps
if these chinks made something where resistivity goes down as tc goes up, it's not something three other teams have replicated so far. they literally made a shitty anomalous piece of dogshit that ticks every box but is like an anti-superconductor. it's almost comical how WELL their calculations fit.

>> No.15644785

>invested in crypto and failed
>invested in AGI and failed
>now invested in LK99 and failed again?!

>> No.15644788


>> No.15644789

It's over. Science has fallen. Billions must buy tarot decks

>> No.15644790

>don't follow the method outlined in the original papers
>get no results
absolute state of chingchongs

>> No.15644793

all physics is, is variations on the theme of curved space
stereoisomers show this most simply

>> No.15644801

Stick a power cable in his ass and see if he holds a charge indefinitely.

>> No.15644804
File: 125 KB, 1536x864, Frech-1536x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/cucks that lost everything are on major damage control


>> No.15644805


>> No.15644811

You faggots sure love making new threads every five minutes. Here's something interesting:

>> No.15644814

Korean and Chinese chads making magnets while USA chops their penis off. The west is over.

>> No.15644829
File: 42 KB, 512x512, xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a ferromagnet westoid
>nothing to see here
>wh..what? No ferromagnetic materials?
>flat bands stupid westoid

I kneel. They just convinced the West that a copper-lead mixture could be ferromagnetic.

>> No.15644833

Fiat bands can do anything, you chud
>including inducing superconductivity under the right doping conditions?
Help! Police! This schizophrenic is attacking me!

>> No.15644836

Is this the last cope Asian bois can come up with? Your race is masterful at transitioning to women.

>> No.15644840

This. I'd like to see the West try make a magnet.

>> No.15644848

With this the west will stop every research onto LK-99 as a RTSC. While China stop their leaker and Korea not sharing their real recipe, the west will finally fall behind technologically.

>> No.15644888

uh huh

>> No.15644890

>No Fe
Substantiate your claims.

>> No.15644892

they have sulfur in their "sample"

>> No.15644895

We were so close and now it's all gone. I can't believe we were trying to create a superconductor and yet people faked said property on multiple social platforms.

This is why unity was a mistake and people don't deserve it.

>> No.15644898

The peculiar electronic structure of LK-99 means it's ferromagnetic under the specific conditions of this paper. There's no evidence that it has any other properties and no need to investigate further.

>> No.15644905

I've read an article about this strategy recently, I just can't remember where.
tldr if you want your enemies to stop focusing on a certain field, get as many scientists as possible to publish a shitload of crap papers to discredit the field in its entirety
bonus points if they're not YOUR scientists

>> No.15644909

>Peking University

>> No.15644914

>we crushed some material in a press and it didn't magically turn into a perfect doped crystal
>we conclude that such crystals do not exist

>> No.15644919

Imagine wasting years of your life creating a room temperature superconductor and it turns out to be just a regular ferromagnet.

>> No.15644928

literally who

>> No.15644944

The chinks
They fucked up their synthesis and analysis

>> No.15644950

that's actually the best in the country

>> No.15644951
File: 546 KB, 1080x2820, 1691486546825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Iris, save us from overfags, I beg you

>> No.15644981

No i mean who is this random twitter user you're posting as an expert.

>> No.15645003

Yeah, I hope he's vaxxed and boosted

>> No.15645005
File: 168 KB, 595x715, Screenshot from 2023-08-08 19-11-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm ok
He thinks they don't know how to interpret their own signal to noise ratio

>> No.15645008

I have no idea, but if it's true the points he's raised (which anyone can check by reading the paper in question) then the paper is suspect.

>> No.15645009

Iron contamination from the furnace/cookware?

>> No.15645012


Sulfur is NOT iron. It is NOT ferros. Whatever energy company you are astroturfing on behalf of does NOT know what a ferromagnet is and neither do you.

>> No.15645014

I am always a little suspect of literal who posts with zero attention but I suppose I know literally nothing about whether he's wrong or not so it doesn't matter.

>> No.15645015

That's not what the paper says. They accept that the sample is Copper-Lead-Oxide whatever according to X-Ray Diffraction and nothing else
As for why it's ferromagnetic?
>idk lol
>hmm :/

>> No.15645019

Despite the name ferromagnets don't need Iron. Nickel is considered ferromagnetic by itself for example.

>> No.15645020

how does 2c fit into 2d? Why did they not do a temperature sweep at zero field?

>> No.15645023

Ok but why specifically is the ceramic ferromagnetic

>> No.15645029
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>> No.15645034

The main contents are Copper-Lead-Oxide according to that paper, and they mention only small flakes of the material displays ferromagnetism. Not an unreasonable assumption that might be from iron contamination. They'd need to test those specific flakes to determine their composition.

>> No.15645037

No clue, my guess is probably contamination from the kilns or cookware that the puck is baked in.

>> No.15645058

anon, I...

>> No.15645060

the chinks didn't bake, they just pressed some powders together
contamination is probably from the press itself lol, chink "science"

>> No.15645064

You need to be less bigoted
Not all women have a penis

>> No.15645093

I don't know if I'd go that far but they don't seem to report anything about their synthesis other than it was done according to Lee et al

>> No.15645094
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>> No.15645099

It's the philosopher's stone.
Just wait, next they're going to say that it can repair DNA.

>> No.15645102

Fuck someone beat me to it.

>> No.15645104
File: 62 KB, 1105x171, Screenshot from 2023-08-08 12-20-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, it says here you're a lying faggot, and probably a chink too

>> No.15645108
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>> No.15645117
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>> No.15645119

Well it's close enough

>> No.15645122

>below the melting point
how's it gonna react and how is it going to magically turn into a crystal if it never stops being an amorphous solid?

>> No.15645130

Not my problem

>> No.15645135

They probably let it cook for under 24h
Even though you're actually supposed to let it process for 48h+

>> No.15645146

not mine either
bit of a problem for Peking ducks claiming to be scientists tho

>> No.15645147

So this is the true power of Beijing
More screen caps for me from butthurt physicists taking chinks who don’t know how to use a muffle furnace at their word

>> No.15645172
File: 203 KB, 600x633, 1691491277670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, gooks scamming the entire scientific field cause they cant recognize a suprconductor when they see one. They wasted everyone's time. I honstly think they should suffer SEVERE backlash from this. This is a lesson to never read/trust/listen to any gook "science" cause its just garbage

>> No.15645180

the paper is hilarious
they find bits of anomalous material, set them aside, then test resistivity on the puck of bulk crap with sulfur and whatnot that they pressed together
they find it's semiconducting, instead of an insulator as expected
this does not arise their curiosity, and does not get explained in any way

>> No.15645192

they are phd gigabrains, they know when sulfur will actually change the shit in a meaningful way or not. you can keep moving the goalposts, it wont change the fact that lk99 is not a sc

>> No.15645194

Gooks are good with scamming. Just look at all those cult religions that koreans have made.

>> No.15645201

I am sure you can point me to where they explain what sulfur does or doesn't do, and what those other impurities were, in what proportions, and how they determined none of them had any effect

>> No.15645223

>they are phd gigabrains
Apparently not gigabrain enough to bake the shit according to the instructions? But smooth brain enough to frame it as a replication?
Their resistivity literally goes down as it warms up. These gigabrain chinks pressed together an anti-superconductor. Absolute galaxy brains.

>> No.15645236

>they find it's semiconducting
>does not get explained in any way
Why explain it? It's not relevant. You're there to test superconductivity - either you find it or you don't. Who cares if it's some stupid semiconductor?

>> No.15645252

>either you find it or you don't
They didn't replicate the paper. The XRD doesn't tell you if it's the same structure.
These retarded chinks compressed the shit together, had contamination, observed "half-levitation" and said "YOU MADE FERROMAGNET, NOT SUPERCONDUCTOR OH-HO-HO."
At least HUST replicated the shit.

>> No.15645254

>follow a duck recipe that says to use pate de foie gras and feathers from a pillow
>the end result starts barking loudly

>> No.15645279
File: 3.72 MB, 581x327, But Why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should we create more samples and do more test?

>> No.15645302

Sounds like bagholder cope to me
If this superconductor is ever going to be worth a shit, it has to be able to tolerate a bit of variation in manufacture.

>> No.15645308
File: 21 KB, 333x527, 1690939617021699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how modern processors are made?

>> No.15645311

Could you retards stop bizzing science up with your mouthbreathing market speculations?
>bagholder! overfag! backfag! muh betting!
Kindly invest into 5 meters of rope and tie a noose

>> No.15645312

so they made peking duck

>> No.15645316

>implying I'm a /biz/ fag
Even if I were, I wouldn't bet on prediction markets because some rulecuck will probably jew me out of a few thousand dollars considering everyone is betting for/against the Kwon paper which will probably be retracted. I can read the fine print.
I just enjoy laughing at retarded physicists and faggots from HN making asses out of themselves over what is (probably) RTAPsc.

>> No.15645324

Very scientific. Better do more tests.

>> No.15645329

I am not a betting man

>> No.15645330

Why are (((they))) trying so hard?

>> No.15645332

I said this in another thread, debunking good things became a hobby for some people, they want the world to be a miserable ball of loosh.

>> No.15645335

It's a ferromagnet AND a diamagnet
Loads of things are like this

>> No.15645336

I'm convinced it's simply manmade horrors beyond our comprehension's death rattle. They know RTSC is the end of the current social structure and whoever controls it is apex.

>> No.15645337

Kek you're seething incel

>> No.15645340

the whole house of cards is predicated on muh anthropogenic climate change and muh dwindling fossil fuel supply
affordable clean energy destroys this paradigm

>> No.15645343

This Beijing paper is worth jack and shit. The HUST replication showed it wasn’t ferromagnetic. Considering they followed the instructions and used a fucking furnace, it takes precedent over some retards sintering it. Learn to read.

>> No.15645344

name one

>> No.15645345


>> No.15645348

You can look at the prepaper to determine that. It has no iron in it. You're as retarded as the person you're replying too.

>> No.15645349

Pencil lead

>> No.15645353

There's no evidence that not using a furnace alters the properties of the material. Without that, we must assume the paper is legitimate and LK-99 is a mere ferromagnetic crystal.

>> No.15645355

>The HUST replication showed it wasn’t ferromagnetic
They obviously did something wrong. They should have tried sintering instead of whatever schizo procedure they followed.

>> No.15645368

Iron doesn’t determine ferromagnetism faggot.
Shut up nigger.

>> No.15645405

This backie has lost his composure

>> No.15645417

They're playing dirty to be the first to figure out 100% refinement and to patent it, such a patent is worth hundreds of billions of dollars
Psychological warfare is being used to get a upper hand, they're doing it by spreading FUD

>> No.15645418

People that don't know what ferromagnets are, are the ones defending LK99. It's starting to seem like it's over.

>> No.15645427

it's actually the opposite, retards that don't know what ferromagnets are, are the ones shitting up that quantumfag probability market with shitposts, and here. the only mention of ferromagnetic property out of every single paper, even the failures, was this piece of shit paper, and they did it wrong. plus that butthurt Harvard physicist grifter the other day on twitter who was upset that his metallic hydrogen rocket fuel and covid-19 grift wasn't going to pan out anymore, so he made a fake demo.

>> No.15645429

This is what people don't get. This LK-99 has huge applications in a lot of very high end industry. People have been doing way worse to keep a secret. I don't get how some people at /sci/ don't get this. You people are smart for fucks sake.

>> No.15645430

>metallic hydrogen rocket fuel
I'm still in awe of the balls on that fag trying to sell something like that.

>> No.15645432

I can tell you what is not, an ambient temperature superconductor

>> No.15645433

Yep, the amount of conflicting papers signals there is something interesting about the thing and they are now deliberately spreading misinformation to keep people out.

>> No.15645435

>it's a Qonspiracy!
So it's come to that. Sad, really.

>> No.15645438

/biz/ here, we know it's real but we want to buy for as low as possible before the confirmation so we've activated the disinfo bots (filipinos we pay 50c an hour to copy paste our ChatGPT responses here)

>> No.15645439

Lol /pol/cucks really love their stupid
conspiracy theories

>> No.15645441

ferromagnetism in this material is even more unusual than roomtemp superconductivity retard

>> No.15645443

The oil industry is just too powerful, they would NEVER allow us to have something as game changer as a room temperature super conductor.

>> No.15645444

Backsissies on suicide watch

>> No.15645446

so let me get this straight, you're all listening to like one single guy? what, "they" couldn't get to him? for some reason we trust that this guy is going to tell it like it is? gonna tell us the real truth? no influences on him? are you all nuts?

>> No.15645461

Well, it is a conspiracy - a guy went behind other authors backs and published the original paper without their approval.
Something fishy is going on.
The most likely explanation being that he was afraid of losing a Nobel, but it doesn't explain why they sat on the thing for so long - "99" in the name stands for a year.

>> No.15645472

why are humans like this

>> No.15645473

I have to say though
That rotating that Andrew McCalip showed in his video
That's quite odd.
I tried and tried with a piece of steel and a magnet and I can't make it do that. I guess because of the symmetry of the dipole field.
But, now that we know he was just encountering ferromagnetism, how was it possible?

>> No.15645480

James Cameron correctly predicted humans have no issue with space genocide for RTSC.
what did you think will happen if LK99 is for real? kek

>> No.15645484

Joe Biden is behind all this

>> No.15645488

Same. We're cursed to be midwit iq the rest of our lives.

>> No.15645491

It is real but James Cameron killed it so as not to interfere with the release of Avatar 3

>> No.15645500

There are already superconductors that exist with a higher critical temperature than that. The claim was LK-99 was a ROOM TEMPERATURE superconductor, if it isnt a super conductor at room temperature this whole thing is a nothing burger

>> No.15645521

This is not your shitcoin hype wave. If it doesn't physically do what was promised then it belongs to the trash.

>> No.15645522

we all saw the beast in action during the pandemic. every "harvard" academic and their dog were pumping out papers and interviews and signing letters supporting the narrative. are you fucking imbeciles?
since the truth is manipulated and not allowed, current betting should be considered void and null as the truth is being manipulated.

>> No.15645531
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>> No.15645543

They don't even know how to consistently synthesize it to get the floating rocks, but somehow you're telling me they can skip and change steps, get NO floating rock, and just say it's whatever they want it to be?

>> No.15645609

We need to fast forward through this month already I'm tired of waiting for a definitive answer

>> No.15645619

>I'm tired of waiting for a definitive answer
you've been told already, the covid vaxx works, it came from bats, I mean pangolins fucking bats, and it's safe and effective. and stop attacking science you raycist faggot

>> No.15645636

>backbros have moved the goalpost so much that we went from ambient temperature superconductor to 'its ferromagnetic might have mysterious magical properties!'
Overbros, we are so back. It's over for backbros

>> No.15645639

>Overfags still trying to sell their rhetoric thinking it'll eventually be accepted

>> No.15645647

I don't need to sell anything, the absolute lack of results speak for themselves

>> No.15645652


>> No.15645666

>Nooooo how they dare crush my dream!!! I hate these internet meanies
You know, if the original extraordinary claim had any merit whatsoever there wouldn't be a valid way to contest it. You are literally defending scammers and liars just to preserve your silly illusion, literal peak copium

>> No.15645668

>You are literally defending scammers and liars just to preserve your silly illusion, literal peak copium
You're talking about the ferromagnetic paper, right?

>> No.15645734
File: 109 KB, 1058x574, 1691504881008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overbros /pol/ is shitting on us...our response??

>> No.15645748

Why would I care about some shitty claim of ferromagnetism? The only important thing is that this would be a superconductor at ambient temperature, which clearly it isn't

>> No.15645760

So this is the formula I’m gonna try to bake. Copper oxide, copper powder, red phosphorus, lead oxide, lead sulfate, and a tiny bit of obsidian flakes. No vacuum. Heat up to 1000 degrees over 38 hours. Let it slowly cool down.

>> No.15645768

Highly variable depending on impurities and internal structure. That makes it an interesting material, if impractical to use until we can nail down how to get consistent results.

>> No.15645770

Is real or no???

>> No.15645771
File: 231 KB, 800x1130, LK99 death knell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, "science lovers," here we are at last, right where I told you we would be when all this started.

Say it with me now: YOU CANNOT MAKE AN STP PHONONIC SUPERCONDUCTOR. It is impossible. It can't be be done. The thermal oscillations of the electrons will exceed the lattice spacing. It's a physics thing. This is how I knew from the very first moment. I used the science you always claim to love.

>> No.15645774

see >>15645330

>> No.15645780

>be me
>board tourist
>go to /sci/ to see what they're saying about that controversial LK-99 superconductor thing
>nothing but schizophrenic back and forths where supposedly scientifically minded people attack eachother's personalities
>both sides siting new sources both for and against the existance of this superconductor thingy
alright then, clearly people got very emotional about it so i'll come back when a global consensus is reached. how long do you guys think that will take, two weeks? two months?

>> No.15645788

3 months. The gook team would be able to patent everything they needed by then.

>> No.15645811

No bro trust me if I alchemically mix these materials some mysterious quantum pits form that give superconductivity trust me please 2 more weeks

>> No.15645814

Clearly this is a overfag concern troll

>> No.15645831

This makes sense in code.

X = X + 14

You're all about to realize that we're a simulation

>> No.15645839 [DELETED] 

Let me know about the simulation, please
I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.15645843

Yes, positive, 100%. It's all right in the paper.

>> No.15645846

I'm just waiting for the original sample studies, who cares about samples random labs came up wwith in a week?

>> No.15645852

why did they ditch

>> No.15645853


>> No.15645885

i don't know shit about science, i hope it's real but i have no strong opinion either way, i was hoping to get a slightly more educated opinion here but it's just monkeys screaming
like they just jumped straight out of summercamp.

>> No.15645893

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.15645904

/biz/ cryptoniggers on suicide watch
Stop watching capeshit superhero movies, virgin.

>> No.15645959
File: 92 KB, 672x448, ADE 651 is a fake bomb detector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hearing that the secret ingredient to make LK-99 superconducting is polywater

>> No.15645963

>Without that, we must assume
How about we assume the paper is bullshit until they determine the same thing using the correct method? Retarded nigger.

>> No.15645984

Being a cheap and easy to manufacture superconductor is still a pretty big deal, just not revolutionary

>> No.15645992

>If it doesn't physically do what was promised then it belongs to the trash.
That's the most anti-science statement I have ever heard. It isn't a fucking toaster, it is a material that has extremely strange and potentially useful properties

>> No.15645993
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>> No.15645997

>overfags still seething about the retard who didn't follow instruction procedures or even confirm he had the proper structure in his replication.
hello sirs

>> No.15645998

I get the meme is funny with the
>We're back
>It's over
but one paper doesn't make or break anything. Especially one from another asian country. It's still up in the air for me to what this stuff is. We also have papers suggesting the diamagnetism is stronger than Bismuth, and that's worth investigating the material itself.

>> No.15646001
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And does it float?

>> No.15646003

don't care im just here for shitposting

>> No.15646006

How do I make Lk-99 in minecraft? Has anyone even tried?

>> No.15646008
File: 74 KB, 504x445, 1667836447143465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire scientific community is waiting for a White man to replicate the results so they can be considered credible
Really makes you think

>> No.15646014


>> No.15646023

The fact that you could only think in /biz/ terms means you surely have placed a bet on this shit being fake.
>there wouldn't be a valid way to contest it
You realize that most of the shit we use today "can be contested" right? We still don't even fucking know all the effects of coffee and it's one of the most studied substances in history. This isn't how science works.

>> No.15646035

But muh white men have already made their judgment. It is not a superconductor.

>> No.15646043

twitterfags aren't human, therefore not white, Elon really hasn't punished those fuckers enough

>> No.15646047

If the technology gets out (like it would seem to have happened) there is not much they can do about it except flooding the internet with over cringe and falsified papers to kill excitement and discourage future attempts. This is whats happening. Don’t let them discourage innovation. Keep pushing.

>> No.15646054

middle europe group

>> No.15646057

If the final stage doesn't need vacuum you could make the recipe with ~$500 of equipment.

>> No.15646105
File: 151 KB, 1189x682, media-F2DNOX0aAAIVtLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are just asshurt physicists
It's not actually science, they're arguing from dogma
Upset that they've wasted 60+ years
Physicists don't know shit about finding superconductors, after all - JH Kim

>> No.15646110

>Verification not required.

>> No.15646129

>chemical vapor deposition
how do you even with LK99?

>> No.15646134

>admits fraud
its just the jewish science gatekeepers shutting it down, they've been doing that since 1900

>> No.15646200

no explanation they're literally just bullshitting out their ass

>> No.15646256
File: 36 KB, 600x497, 1691060636338839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me straight /pol/tard tourists, can the RTSC start a war?

>> No.15646260

michio kaku is the first guy I think of when someone goes on a spiel about commercial superconductors

>> No.15646320

people start wars, not objects

>> No.15646331
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>> No.15646337

I knew it from the beginning.

>> No.15646338
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>> No.15646346

And what about all the other replications that followed it to the letter and got nothing, then? Hmmm?

>> No.15646356
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>> No.15646370

Only if a RTSC is discovered that involves some element only certain nations have natural deposits of. If it's a rare earth metal then bet on it. But if it's something like LK99 which is made of common materials then no.

>> No.15646375

what about the 9 replications which followed the recipe and did?

>> No.15646377
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>> No.15646382

Give me a proper definition of a ferromagnet NOW.

>> No.15646392

No need to cope or seethe. I just know lk-99 is a rtsc. Ugggh I know, there has been no successful replication or whatever! I just don't care, I just know it that's it

>> No.15646425

They did not replicate you absolute idiot. My God you are so dense. Did you lose tens of thousands on a betting market or something? Is that it?

>> No.15646444

/sci/ is waiting for Japan but Japan is completely ignoring these Korean grifters

>> No.15646456

Nobody is waiting on Japan you wannabe

>> No.15646458

Fuck. Was a big backsissy for a while. Now an overcel. It's Joever

>> No.15646461
File: 236 KB, 1454x490, Screenshot from 2023-08-08 13-57-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, you are listening to someone with a Sociology and BAS. It isn't over

>> No.15646464

We will die on this rock

>> No.15646466

superconductor. Possible, but not with all the jewish drones who want to use it in fusion or other maleficent tech kys

>> No.15646469

but didn't the chinks produce a LK-99 variant superconductor at 100K? how does ferromagnetism tie into that?

>> No.15646470

Nothing (not one thing) has ever happened

>> No.15646472

I thought the consensus of overchuds was that the Chinese papers are not trustworthy?

>> No.15646478

>Korea not sharing their real recipe
The US military can walk into their building and seize everything without having to consult the Korean government. They are literally our client state, why wouldn't they share it?

>> No.15646480

>get as many scientists as possible to publish a shitload of crap papers to discredit the field
So the Chinese are trying to discredit every field?

>> No.15646482

I am, you stupid bug. Koreans cannot be trusted. Japanese are the only trustworthy and smart Asians.

>> No.15646488

Loser. 9 replications. Get bent.

>> No.15646493

>if you don't follow the recipe and get different a different material, then the original material was worthless to begin with
holy fucking cope

>> No.15646494

They've already had enough gook scams. You can't really blame them.

>> No.15646496

why does it levitate in a stable position?

>> No.15646503

>whatever schizo procedure they followed
you mean the procedure the original authors clearly laid out?

>> No.15646509

stfu, the oil industry is weaker than fucking Apple

>> No.15646549

What makes you think americucks have any more weight on the matter?

>> No.15646556

They're white. And honorary white. You have chinks putting out the dog shit paper we're currently discussing, for example.

>> No.15646557

>in our samples
so they are shit at following instructions, good to know

>> No.15646558

Because the US, the UK, and Germany created the entire 20th and 21st centuries?

>> No.15646564
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Do the research yourself or they will use it against you.

Why would anyone act like that?
Spamming low effort meme posts.
Wouldn't science types want the super conductor?

>> No.15646585

A ferromagnet is your usual fridge magnet. Have you seen it levitate?

>> No.15646620

>how does 2c fit into 2d?
2d is the center of 2c magnified. Look at the axes.
>Why did they not do a temperature sweep at zero field?
Who knows. Probably because they're trying to shit out papers as fast as humanly possible in case it actually is legit.

>> No.15646683

Thank you for convincing me that LK-99 is over. If only retards like you are hyping this up it can't be true.

You literally are trusting a nobodies interpretation of a study instead of just reading it yourself. It takes a special kind of retard to do that.

>> No.15646698

>2d is the center of 2c magnified. Look at the axes.
then its not a hysteresis its supposed to saturate not keep on growing there is no material that works like that
>Who knows. Probably because they're trying to shit out papers as fast as humanly possible in case it actually is legit.
thats stupid they paper is all about the material not being legit confirms my original suspicion of citation farming.

>> No.15646701

Serves you right for believing those chinkmunks.

Never trust an animal cock eater.

>> No.15646711

>then its not a hysteresis its supposed to saturate not keep on growing there is no material that works like that
It does saturate pretty clearly in 2d. It looks like it's ferromagnetic in the low-field region and diamagnetic in the high-field region. I'm not sure if there are any other single materials that behave like that, but it would be trivial to create a composite with that kind of behavior.

>> No.15646724

Yeah 9 attempts. They saw none of the things the authors claimed.

>> No.15646729

yeah, they didn't see a produce a fridge magnet in any of them.

>> No.15646745

anon I don't think you understand what diamagnetism is look it up how it arises its very hard to achieve and its often tiny a diamagnet would not show such a magnetization curve. There is the chance of course that the probe geometry is causing some weird effects like rotating the hysteresis but something like that should be investigated and not just published.

>> No.15646760

If I could made that shit real, I would send free samples to the top youtubers out there, so they can play with that shit. With a warning of course, so they don't crush their balls with the magnets.

>> No.15646781

IF it's superconductive, you are more right than you realize lol

>> No.15646845

there is no point in reading anything on this that wasn't published by an NA/EU university

>> No.15646851

To epistemological for you anon?

Did your appeal to authority failed in the face of basic scientific terminology so you had to ad hominem an entire continent

>> No.15646860

>cringe reddit post

>> No.15646861

They're too quick to dismiss it. They synthesized it incorrectly

>> No.15646862

stfu zhang you know damn well why your kind has a shit reputation
chinks are unreliable is the only statement itt that has scientific basis behind it

>> No.15646865

no clue, bu the smart question is how long will it take it to finish it

>> No.15646866

>solid-state sintering method

>> No.15646879

>asian paper supports LK99
>asian paper goes against LK99
>also didn't follow instructions

I am thinking were infested with biz tards trying to make a quick buck and don't actually care about whether its true or false

>> No.15646882
File: 261 KB, 470x1100, LK-99 magnet types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping OC meme to cut through the bullshit and maybe inspire some better videos.
Did I miss anything?

>> No.15646897

Your kind has a bad reputation because you think you can write "elite" and people must assume what you meant

As far as I know you may be trying to score a dumb teenager that hates chinese social credit and not trying to figure out what went wrong or right with ai developed knowledge

>> No.15646903

Lets say I have a furnace and some equipment. Can ypu give me the supposed simple recipe of this zhit? Wouldn't it be faster to have a million retards trying this shit until something clicks than having supposed scientist with zillion interests trying a couple of bunches each week? This is not even a theory nor any invent born from analysis, it is fucking alchemy and the old "Greg hit two rocks and made fire hurrr hurrr"

>> No.15646913

forget the rock. try CVD until you crack down the process. that's the good stuff, not the rock. rock is for demo only, maybe desk toys. the rock might also not be easy to use for electric purposes.

>> No.15646919

Ok, whats CVD?

>> No.15646940

chemical vapor deposition
you can get an idea from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81jJsDixO70

>> No.15646969

Have you tried replicating the process? No. So shut the fuck up you useless npc and keep letting them feed you whatever they wish.

>> No.15646973

Sample Synthesis and Preparation
For the sample synthesis of the LK-99, the general solid-state reaction was used. Lanarkite and Cu3P were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. The sample was put into a reaction tube, sealed under the vacuum of 10-5 Torr and reacted at 925°C for 10 hr. After the reaction, a dark gray ingot was obtained reproducibly and then made into the shape of thin cuboids for electrical measurements. For other analyses, it was pulverized and used as the form of powder. The reagents used for the above solid- state reaction was PbO (JUNSEI, GR), PbSO4 (KANTO, GR), Cu (DAEJUNG, EP), and P (JUNSEI, EP).
1) Preparation for lanarkite, Pb2SO5
PbO and PbSO4 powders were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. And then, after the sample was transferred to an alumina crucible, it was reacted at 725 °C for 24 hour in a furnace. After completion of the reaction, white sample was obtained. It was pulverized with the mortar.
2) Preparation for copper phosphide, Cu3P
Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed under the vacuum of 10-5 Torr and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

>> No.15646979
File: 286 KB, 740x1272, 44095FA6-41F2-41DC-BFD9-38C6461F937F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note however that a vacuum is not necessary as oxygen contamination is what potentially resulted in the creation of the RTSC

>> No.15647032

Let me make the process more clear.

Step 1 - Preparation for lanarkite, Pb2SO
>PbO and PbSO4 powders were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. And then, after the sample was transferred to an alumina crucible, it was reacted at 725 °C for 24 hour in a furnace. After completion of the reaction, white sample was obtained. It was pulverized with the mortar.

Step 2 - Preparation for copper phosphide, Cu3P
Cu and P powders were mixed in each composition ratio. And the sample was transferred in a quartz tube. The tube was sealed under the vacuum of 10-5 Torr and reacted at 550 °C for 48 hour in a furnace. After taken out from the tube, a dark gray ingot was obtained and pulverized.

Step 3 - Sample Synthesis and Preparation of LK-99
>For the sample synthesis of the LK-99, the general solid-state reaction was used. Lanarkite and Cu3P were uniformly mixed in a molar ratio of 1:1 in an agate mortar with a pestle. The sample was put into a reaction tube and reacted at 925°C for 10 hr. After the reaction, a dark gray ingot was obtained reproducibly and then made into the shape of thin cuboids for electrical measurements. For other analyses, it was pulverized and used as the form of powder. The reagents used for the above solid- state reaction was PbO (JUNSEI, GR), PbSO4 (KANTO, GR), Cu (DAEJUNG, EP), and P (JUNSEI, EP).

>> No.15647035

>>15646940 (me)
there's actually more types of vapor deposition. chemical vapor deposition is more like thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZuhK3jsMMY
previous video I linked is for PVD. I'm not even sure which type of vapor deposition is adequate for LK99

>> No.15647075

not a ferromagnet

>> No.15647079
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>> No.15647083

get fucked

>> No.15647085

calm down schizo
organize your thoughts before you post

>> No.15647195
File: 73 KB, 432x487, 1C458880-ACFC-45FC-9054-4FF4B386F75B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon I don't think you understand what diamagnetism is
Tell me how fig 2c (minus the weird ferromagnetic response in the center) isn't a diamagnetic response? M decreases with H and vice versa.
>look it up how it arises its very hard to achieve
I am perfectly aware of how it arises. This is potentially a novel material, that fact that other materials don't do that isn't relevant.
>There is the chance of course that the probe geometry is causing some weird effects like rotating the hysteresis but something like that should be investigated and not just published.
One would hope.

>> No.15647272

stop probing rocks for superconductivity you fucking imbeciles
>retards fell for sticking probes in rocks lmao, let's release a paper where we do it and it doesn't work kek
do you see any rocks here anons? >>15645531 no? wonder why?

>> No.15647784

Yep it's over

Shit lost money again