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15641110 No.15641110 [Reply] [Original]

LK99 is a one dimensional superconductor, that is it only superconducts down nano channels in the crystal grains seperated by the crystals insulative remaining material. This explains why it displays magnetic properties ONLY possible by being a superconductor (stable levitation over a single magnet Pole) but is notoriously difficult to measure low resistance, this is because for it to measure superconductivity the probes need to be touching precise overlapping channels otherwise the current have to go across insulative material to reach the other probe to form a circuit, this also means the critical current is actually much larger than the 0.26 amp/cm^2 in the original study as there is a low probability of a high percentage of overlapping channel in relation to the contact surface area of the probe, this means the critical current even in its heavily impure state is likely orders of magnitude higher than measured presently

>> No.15641150

Am I correct in interpreting your blogpost as: WE ARE BACK?

>> No.15641156

so it's dogshit and all these hype screaming reddit onions boys should kill themselves, right?

>> No.15641193

That but also I expect the channels to not be straight lines but rather have structure similar to random walk/fractal

>> No.15641201

Overchads... we won

>> No.15641204

We have a material here if OP is right that is basically unrefined cotton. We need to make some fantastic fabric bitch!

>> No.15641210

In a minute you're gonna get farted on and you won't like it

Let me fix the San now.

>> No.15641221

unless you're talking about actual singularities

>> No.15641224
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>> No.15641242
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If it really works like this, expect there to be only a single country that's capable of creating usable bulk materials out of this stuff, using huge machines that cost hundreds of millions of dollars each.
Since this material will be so strategically significant, I think we should be careful, and only invest these resources in a country that isn't geographically isolated from most of our allies, and isn't facing an imminent existential threat with thousands of weapons primed to destroy it at any moment.
I think we should choose South Korea to do it.

>> No.15641252

I've suspected this as well. The original paper suggests that it conducts between adjacent 1D channels but its pretty clear that in the samples we've made so far the resistance when this happens is the same or slightly worse than copper like 10^-6
If it displays messiener and quantum locking then the 1D channels are definitely superconducting with 10^-10 resistance or less

>> No.15641254


>> No.15641257

A singularity would be 0D you retard

>> No.15641258

my cock is a 0D superconductor

>> No.15641262

LK-99 Zero Point Energy CONFIRMED!

>> No.15641270

>would be
at least you're willing to admit its completely hypothetical without any existence in reality

>> No.15641285


>> No.15641299

All this means is we need to do better when it comes to the contact points this doesn't affect its practicality it just means we can't just put pinpoint electrodes on a sample anywhere and expect it to have zero resistance

>> No.15641311

damn you bastards are so cryptic its almost like some sick $multitrillion joke

>> No.15641370

How is this cryptic lol? It just means we need to be more spatially aware where we place the electrodes in relation to each other and make sure the electrodes make as much contact as possible with the same to make sure there is as many 1d conductor channel overlaps as possible

>> No.15641386

I'm retarded but could they use a magnet or something in the manufacturing process to make sure they all face the same direction?

>> No.15641392
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>How is this cryptic
>more spatially aware of electrodes in relation to each other
>as much contact as possible with the 'same'
>as many 1d conductor channel overlaps as possible
I'm onto you clown

>> No.15641399

No, it means there is some insane potential here to be untapped. If we can do that, then time travel won't be a fantasy for much longer.

>> No.15641420

You are right, you are definitely a retard.

>> No.15641430

Just so I understand this correctly: if the outsider Korean prof (Kwon) had NOT leaked the info to do some Nobel trolling, the invention would have remained unknown for possibly many more years while they tried to extract money from it?

>> No.15641434

Does seem that way doesn't it.

>> No.15641465

It's over oversisters, the backboys are back

>> No.15641475

I'm not sure about that. They submitted the paper (probably earlier version) to Nature in 2020, and filed for patents in 2020, 2021, and 2023. Also they submitted a paper to some Korean journal, also in 2023. (source: wikipedia)

There might be some pressure to give as little information out now, maybe investory to the lab want bigger headstart.

My guess is that they were trying to make a little splash (maybe for more funding), but the splash was too big, and now, if there is some validity to all of this, they'll be outrun by everyone.

>> No.15641547

fuck you

>> No.15641575

just dont fucking put em IN TAIWAN

>> No.15641644

Shouldn't be too hard to test that. Cover the ends of the sample with a thin layer of silver. Yeah silver isn't superconducting no shit but if the goal is just to measure the real critical current then this setup should still work.
An other problem could just be the channels not going all the way through, there's defects in the way. Idk how to deal with that.

>> No.15641721

I was more thinking Ukraine

>> No.15641742

russia is losing btw

>> No.15641746

how are we supposed to know what way the channels are orientated, is it random? are they not perfect cylinders? are they tiny like paper or long like asbestos?
is there anything we can do in the manufacturing process to get longer boundaries

this WOULD perfectly explain why no ones able to reliably replicate it, its easy to make but hard to get the perfect crystal structure

will be cool to see someone test out the silver coating idea

>> No.15641748

anon get off the fucking /sci/ board if you don't understand /sci/ence

>> No.15641779

>it doesn't need zero resistance to be a superconductor.
This feels like when they changed the definition of vaccine so the clot shot qualified.

>> No.15641790
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They will be epic le butthurt because they are soiboy cucks kek.

>> No.15642440

the koreans only test confirming superconductivity was on a film spread over a thin plate

so yeah, they absolutely know that

>> No.15642738

>russia is losing btw
>losing so hard the ukrainian fighting force is now scraping the barrel as russia holds the most important territories as they willingly throw themselves into a meat grinder.
>scrapping nato, us doctrine as in their own words "it hasn't been working."

>> No.15643208

then that answers OP's question. there might still be gaps along the superconducting channels.

>> No.15643303
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Has Thunderf00t deboonked this shit already?

>> No.15643305

no retard

>> No.15643343

I'm tired of this prick. gets everything wrong and is frustrated beyond measure

>> No.15643350

>gets everything wrong
mention one single time he got things wrong

>> No.15643370
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>> No.15643375

Your trolling or stupid. Or both and will never ever admit it.
And superconductor production would be US based. We need showy toys for civilian market more then the rest of the world

>> No.15643391

>Your trolling or stupid.
because I am not simply repeating your little unreality? Ukraine is fucked and I am not saying that happily.

>> No.15643437

Ukraine is fine, Russia is fucked. Their military is gutted, forever 'russian' territories of kharkiv and kherson will NEVER EVER be Russian again, making a mockery of Putin and his annexation attempt. Donbas and Crimea will never produce anything for Russia while under bombardment from Ukraine which will continue to do so indefinitely from the western mic, Russia WILL NOThold Crimea going forwards as they do not habe the resources to sustain the front indefinitely and their supply lines are absolutely fucking obliterated. Mines are the only thing slowly Ukraine down, not Russian meat. Ukrainian military is trading very favourably with the Russian, and so many Russians are dying it's literally like chemo for the world. Little old nato has royally fucked Putin in the most savage way possible, it's fucking beautiful.

>> No.15643459

hopelessly delusional

>> No.15643472
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god damn
i think were back bois

>> No.15643479
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Russian people are the same as me and you.
This is a globalist war on white people. They are the only ones who will stand up to the genocide perpetrated by jews and satanists.
Do you think everybody in America agrees with Joe Biden?
And not even that matters because Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both jesuits.
I pray the world wakes up to the globalist war against innocent people.
Only innocent civilians pay the price in these make believe wars.
The borders were flooded with people trying to leave Russia when the war started. And when they started conscripting random people.
Please look with a human heart.

>> No.15643542

>Russian people are the same as me and you.
ESL discarded.

>> No.15643545

Nah, he made another elon musk video

>> No.15643630

but anon, elementary particles ARE singularities
a channel which can fit only one electron at a time is for all intents and purposes one-dimensional

>> No.15643637

you can probably do it at home with paint chips and matchboxes lol

>> No.15643638

no there little bitty 1d strings

>> No.15643649

go to bed Susskind you're too old to be larping as a physicist

>> No.15643686
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Am I or am I not going to have a floating dinner plate?!

>> No.15643698

you will have a plate that sits at 56 degrees to the table and you will like it

>> No.15643716
File: 61 KB, 693x529, this kills the twitter troon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superconductors by definition have zero resistance. LK99 has resistance, therefore it's not a superconductor. QED.

>> No.15643720

>Ukraine is fine
obvious troll. europe is fucked, russia is even more fucked, ukraine is turbofucked. thank god AI is going to replace us, humanity was a mistake.

>> No.15643723

English is my first language, my good friend.
Politics are a lie. They work together to diminish and enslave the human race.
Talk with Russian people and you will see they are no different than anyone here.

>> No.15643730
File: 185 KB, 474x423, look, flux pinning!!!1! pyrolytic graphite is a superconductor!!!1!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh stable levitation over a single magnet
Can be faked with a multi-domain magnet.

>> No.15643740

agreed and this is good to keep in mind but we have 8 replicated samples behaving like diamagnets at this point.

>> No.15643867
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What if the probes are already in contact with many crystal boundaries? All depends on how far that surface lightning thing can go to connect up crystal boundaries not in direct contact.

Have the discovered shipped samples yet? Or is it a jekyll and hyde case of 'whoops forgot the recipe'

>> No.15644008

I don't think they have tried lining up the probes to be specific when it comes to crystal grains

>> No.15644029

>Europe is fucked
>Russia is even more fucked
>Ukraine is turbofucked
It was this easy to trick them into murdering each other USA bros

>> No.15644032

>Ukraine is fine
They've been invaded by mongol hoards, things are not "fine"

>> No.15644084

The coating idea is the most basic solution. This shit is fake and gay.

>> No.15644102

>Talk with Russian people
I have, they're subhuman.

>> No.15644111

What do you think of Americans?

>> No.15644146

How come no one else can make the machines? Can't they buy one, take it apart, put it back again, document it? What is this nordic alien magic?

>> No.15644152

You hate russia because they're the designated outgroup that's not a minority or some form of sexual degenerate, and you're too scared to think about the jews. Fun fact, your moral cowardice is why you'll never, ever be a good scientist. I bet you unironically read papers written by female researchers instead of doing a quick author check and immediately closing the tab, pulling up google scholar and finding an equivalent article written by a white or asian man

>> No.15644399
File: 30 KB, 300x289, coin-cidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will wake up to the fact that satanists are trying to kill white people so that they can go on to diminish the rest of humanity unimpeded.
It's just so insane it's hard to believe.
There is no reason for any thinking individual to hate an entire country of people just because they don't speak their language.
And why would there be satanic symbols in the Washington DC streets? Why do presidents go to the bohemian grove to worship moloch?
These questions must be answered.
People are defending insane degeneracy like perverts reading to children.
A poison inoculation is sold to people 45x times over for a sickness they would have to test for to know they have and the flu somehow disappeared at the same time with this level of satanic symbolism attributed to it:
>666 gaoxin east lake rd wuhan china

https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 "world order 2020 666"


it sounds insane but how can anyone deny such blatant coincidence?

why turn a blind eye while America is taken over by satanists that want to murder and sterilize them?
i cant believe this goes on on a daily basis and no one can see such a blatant trail of logic and symbolism
please just try to see with your hearts and ask yourself how that could be before we are all killed
the show is fake. do not believe what they show you in media
they own all of it. such a small population of people who has been doing this type of thing
since the dawn of man is in control of all of the media, and all positions of power and influence.
its much easier to burn something down than to build it up with any integrity

>> No.15645022

No it would have remained under wraps possibly forever

>> No.15645065

it's quite telling, how much energy goes into the deboonking

>> No.15645087
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>> No.15645986

It has a length, that is a dimension...therefore 1D...

>> No.15647100

that's what I said

>> No.15647315

IF it's 1D, then charge could not circulate, but instead would pile up and then slosh back and forth radiating power away

>> No.15647754
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what if you make the points of contact really big? wouldnt the electricity find its way to make almost all channels 0 resistance? this could be really useful, we just need to perfect the process of making it, so we can make nice, long, superconductive beams.

>> No.15648677

basically if you really want it to work you have to make it in nano thin wafers like graphene and bitch the fuck no that ain't happening

>> No.15648679

U 2 slow

>> No.15648683

ill do IT