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15640558 No.15640558 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15640564

Obviously not, silly.

>> No.15640570
File: 73 KB, 727x680, 1690366119688689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not yet sure but it looks like it might be real

>> No.15640571

kek stupid frogposter actually believed that shit

>> No.15640573

It's diamagnetic and the guy who published the paper is in trouble as the fallguy because Korea needs a patsy.

>> No.15640656

it's over and it will fade into obscurity, with retard anons still making conspiracy threads about it in years

>> No.15640818
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No it's all fake, see

>> No.15640844

No. Not a single lab has demonstrated better conductivity than lead under any conditions. It's just a weird compound that has odd magnetic properties probably due to being a mixture of two or more different electronic substances.

>> No.15640848

>odd magnetic properties
Such as?

>> No.15640850

Really really strong diamagnetism and a pretty strong phase change in resistivity.

>> No.15640852

>Really really strong diamagnetism
Isn't that kind of amazing tho?

>> No.15640855

Not especially. You can achieve similar effects with plain old bismuth

>> No.15640861

May I see it?

>> No.15640862


>> No.15640867
File: 75 KB, 758x378, LK99 resistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Observation of zero resistance above 100 K in Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O
>"Figure 3(a). Fig. 3(a) shows the temperature
dependence of resistance sample S1, with a clear zero resistance characteristic observed at 110 K,"

Except the data is actually 10-5 ohm M lol

>> No.15640868

Holy shit you are a fucking nigger. Yeah, "plain old bismuth" has a transition. At fucking 0.00053 kelvin.
You are a nigger. Seriously. This is getting to be ridiculous cope at this point.

>> No.15640874

I'm talking about the diamagnetism, not super conductivity.

>> No.15640883
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You were talking about bismuth in the context of resistivity transition, nig, which is the hallmark. Don't backpedal now.

>> No.15640884
File: 385 KB, 1080x888, Screenshot_20230807-170733-492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like complete shit in comparison to Andrew Macalip's results

>> No.15640887


>> No.15640889

it's pretty shit
what's wrong with your brains? you are willing to accept ANY new weird and magical phenomenon from this material APART FROM FUCKING SUPERCONDUCTIVITY!!!! why? why are you willing to accept a fucking genie can pop out of LK-99 and grant you 10 fucking magical wishes, but no fucking way it's superconductive. how come? are you really that fucking broken?

>> No.15640895

You illiterate nigger, I was talking about the diamagnetism.
>>odd magnetic properties
>Such as?
>>15640850 (me)
>Really really strong diamagnetism and a pretty strong phase change in resistivity.
>>Really really strong diamagnetism
>Isn't that kind of amazing tho?
>>15640855 (me)
>Not especially. You can achieve similar effects with plain old bismuth

NOWHERE did I say or imply that bismuth was an especially good conductor, I was talking about its diamagnetic qualities. FUCKING READ. I don't need to find some weird example of something that conducts better than LK99 because a lot of fucking things do. Including both lead and copper, primary components of LK99.

>> No.15640897

Because nobody has shown that it can super conduct, you fucking retard. Every reproduction effort has shown conductivity on par or worse than elemental lead at even cryogenic conditions,

>> No.15640900

Oh, and I should mention that EVEN THE ORIGINAL PAPER does not show superior conductivity to regular metal.

>> No.15640904

But bismuth is garbage, diamagnetically speaking, compared to this

>> No.15640907

but that makes perfect sense considering the manufacturing process (fucking primitive) and result. you get a fucking rock. which has some superconductive channels, somewhere inside. good luck tapping exactly those, and characterising them, how wide the superconductive channel is etc.
flux pinning is typical of superconductors. if we see it, pretty good chance it's a superconductor. it's more likely it is a superconductor than not, if you get full levitating flux pinning, which we already got, two videos already, one had the material fucking suspended in the magnetic field, it was dangling.
bismuth has shit diamagnetism compared to what we saw about LK99. no comparison, and bismuth should be the best or something.

>> No.15640918

It's a 3DPD turbomagnetic and the guy who published the paper is already sucking tiny Korean dicks in prison

>> No.15640920

>strong diamagnetism

>> No.15640925

σ = 1 / ρ
Where is a material that conducts better than LK-99 at the critical temp (above 100K)?

>> No.15640927

looks nothing alike. but for midwits it's the very same thing.

>> No.15640930

keep coping

>> No.15640934

Except, that's ferromagnetism. LK-99 and related are locking to the poles. That simply rotates. Once again, physicist cope. Imagine sucking dicks for 60+ years over Cooper pairs and wasting humanity's time.

>> No.15640940

>that's ferromagnetism
no shit faggot that's the point

>> No.15640946

>no shit faggot that's the point
It has nothing in common with the demonstration in the New York Times, or from the original release. Weighting graphite and then putting some ferromagnetic shit so it fucking rotates freely is not the diamagnetism displayed. You are a retard. I can't wait to see the physicist cope in the coming months.

>> No.15640947

Some fag professor in finland just got curious about it and goes to shop (sic) to buy the necessary items.

>> No.15640957

This paper shows resistivity of 10^-5 ohm M even below the critical temperature. That's worse than lead.
A "rock" that's mostly lead and copper by weight and conducts worse than lead. Lmao. Even if it did have some low concentration of super conducting material embedded in it, the concentration would have to be so low as to not be a viable explanation for the observed partial levitation.
>if you get full levitating flux pinning, which we already got,
No we do not. The two videos of LK99 fragments bigger than a grain of rice floating show them turning with field lines, that's why they touch the magnet. It's not flux pinning.

>> No.15640964

>this amount of cope

>> No.15640972

>No we do not. The two videos of LK99 fragments bigger than a grain of rice floating show them turning with field lines, that's why they touch the magnet. It's not flux pinning.
there's two videos with specks completely floating, without touching the magnet you retarded faggot
these are fucking bots, they are the only ones who can't update on the new videos we got.

>> No.15640982

So what are we looking at here?

>> No.15640983
File: 490 KB, 2248x1492, Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 4.05.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's worse than lead.

>> No.15640984

name? twatter account if he has it?

>> No.15640991
File: 441 KB, 2248x1562, Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 4.09.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15640995

Supposedly the missing element of the replication attempts is the copper coating, y/n?

>> No.15640997

Didn't the private space company already do that and got the rocks to float? What more proof do we need?

>> No.15640998

>I talk about the videos we have where the chunks are large enough that we can actually interrogate their behavior
>You bring up videos of levitating specs
lmao. Technophiles can't read.
Look at the scale, dipshit
Who the fuck knows. The piece is small enough that there are tons of forces that could be at play

>> No.15640999
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690586947815539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's worse than lead.

>> No.15641000

>Who the fuck knows.
Lmao so this is the power of the overcel

>> No.15641004

This is referring to this >>15640983
Resistance on the order of 10^-4 ohm cm can't be "regarded as zero" just because some gook says so.

>> No.15641007

>This rock has some weird properties
>So therefore it's a room temperature super conductor even though it doesn't super conduct even at cyrogenic temperatures

>> No.15641016

>is referring to this
Yes, that's why I posted it, nigger. That is the original paper.
And >>15640999 is the korean peer review, completely separate team.
And >>15640862 is the chink reproduction, completely separate team.

>> No.15641021
File: 13 KB, 220x220, D8C97735-0E94-47D6-BA93-413A20E63B44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the buckbroken overcopers in this thread
Daily reminder
>Trump won
>LK-99 is real
>Russia will prevail
>nu-Trek failed
>nu-Wars failed
>myocarditis is coming for you
And there is [math]\bf nothing[/math] you can do about it

>> No.15641028

And the chink paper argues against you, again showing resistance higher than fucking lead. The gook reproduction actually DOES show super conductivity. But it's interesting that it's also the only one that you didn't even link a pre-print for.

>> No.15641031

Of course some neocon trump cuck would think that some impossible wonder substance made by alchemy and dreams is going to save the world

>> No.15641037

Alright I need to go to sleep now. I'll dunk on you snake oil drinking retards some more tomorrow.

>> No.15641042

>Russia will prevail
stopped reading right there

>> No.15641208

the mvther vf all nvclear trvth bvmbs

>> No.15641214

you may not like russia but they're definitely winning. Their population is fucking decimated god. I do not give a shit about the conflict as it does not affect me.

>> No.15641240
File: 58 KB, 566x480, IMG_0383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards like you prove eugenics is good and the French Revolution was a disaster for humanity

>> No.15641264

Isn't it like went complently on the deffensive at this point?

>> No.15641268

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.15641427

>Trump won
and lost
>LK-99 is real
in your dreams
>Russia will prevail
in it's self-destruction
>nu-Trek failed
It's bad but it hasn't failed
>nu-Wars failed
This is true.
Nor would I want to be.
>myocarditis is coming for you
I never got the symptom mitigator.

Now here's one for you Zigger, IT'S OVER.

>> No.15641917
File: 140 KB, 595x842, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real superconductor. You have no conductivity, you have no diamagnetism, you have no magnetic pinning. You are a mixture of elements cooked in a pizza oven into a crude rock similar to slag.

All the “replication” you get is unrigorous and methodologically suspect. Behind your back people mock you. Your inventors have already stopped working on you, your “videos” on Tiktok are transparently hoaxes.

Solid-state physicists are utterly repulsed by you. Years of experience have allowed them to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even replications you “pass” look suspicious and possibly fraudulent. The data is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Twitter user to believe in you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of blowback from people who know better.

>> No.15641921
File: 797 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20230805_165437_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but it really pisses off these "scientists" every time you post about live streaming replication efforts and that's enough for me

>> No.15641941


>> No.15641949

Why are "scientists" so butt blasted about that?

>> No.15642367

>Ukraine is totally winning bro
>80-90% of its fighting age population is basically fucking dead. Allegedly 16 year olds are fairly low in pop too there as well.
But by all means keep huffing nafo copium.

>> No.15642426


>> No.15642431

It makes them look like old fashioned bitches.

>> No.15642436

Been replicated again by American whiteys, with an iron filing in the shot to show the direct difference between ferromagnetism and the diamagnetic effect

It's 100% NOT a fraud. Not sure if it's a superconductor, but at this point, it's absolutely something unique that deserves a lot of attention and excitement.

>> No.15642453

Where's the sauce then nig?

>> No.15642498

Uh oh, looks like the scientists have spoken.

>> No.15642698
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No, they are just consolidating their gains midwit

>> No.15642774
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>> No.15642787

Just from reading here and not looking into it anywhere else. I have no idea. Both sides seem equally determined, and I really do not care.

>> No.15642794
File: 3.01 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Sixty-Six_Theses__v4-20230726.pdf_compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]