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15639416 No.15639416 [Reply] [Original]

only people above 140 IQ are allowed to answer

>> No.15639425

All I know is frogposters go to hell.

>> No.15639426

Your body decomposes forever until you're dust. When the Earth gets swallowed by the Sun and the Sun explodes, everyone's dust will become matter in space. When that happens you'll become nebulas or new stars or maybe even part of the matter of new planets.

>> No.15639433

He said 140 not 104.

>> No.15639460

We live on through our descendants.

>> No.15639494

As one NDE researcher said that he does not know anyone who has read the literature on NDEs who has not been convinced by it.

And NDEs are more real than this world. NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So that book, "The Self Does Not Die", and Chris Carter's trilogy of books should let you know that there is an afterlife.

>> No.15639502

you return to a sexless state and travel uncomfortably through the sun or stars to the previous monarch dimension

>> No.15639518

Your atoms will go back to earth, some of your Hydrogen atoms might escape through the atmosphere. These atoms will be used to make a new organism. In that sense, you're eternally stuck here in some form.
Soul is not real so none of that schizo x bullshit
>I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail!
Where's his Nobel prize then?
That nigga has a severe case of delusion. Sometimes I dream of some weird shit too and it feels absolutely real.

>> No.15639522

After you diet you rebound

>> No.15639569

>What happens after we die?
You stop living.

>> No.15639589

There are two paths of assumptions that you can take in general to answer this, one is religious which is not necessary to explore further, since something religious will happen that will be fulfilling enough answer your question.
For the other alternative - a materialistic world view - we are actually forced to arrive at the same answer, because, if you consider consciousness being nothing but physical and logical operations we can apply De Morgan's laws of logical equivalence and then we must expand the illusion of consciousness to encompass all interactions of the universe. This follows by De Morgan's laws.
This necessitates a religious world view, same as the other alternative, albeit much worse.
I clocked in at 157 when I was a child (some team of people came to investigate) and I haven't measured in since then, but that's my take on this question and like many questions, this one seems to have an answer.
It's still a somewhat hard question though, because a solution can only be given by using a problem solving technique.

>> No.15639602

>What happens after we die?

>> No.15639610
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Everything that makes up your body returns to the cycle. Your consciousness ceases to exist and (You) are simply... gone. For most people, within some decades not even the memory of you will remain and it will be as if you never were, the only thing remaining of your existence is the genetical information you passed on to your descendants, if you had any.

That's it. All other crap about souls and afterlives is an utter delusion borne out of the human mind when faced with the complete oblivion of death. You should move any such discussion to /x/.

>> No.15639615

your crap should be in /popsci/

>> No.15639625

There is no such thing as personal identity. Assuming physicalism, there is no soul to which your experiences belong. Every experience is equally real, it makes no sense to say that these experiences are “yours” and those experiences are “theirs.” But experiences are defined by their locality, the illusion is built into them. If you were experientially aware that you and I are the same person, then you would cease to have the experiences that are determined for you to have. Your death will be no more momentous than any moment in this life, because at all times, you are every conscious experience that has ever existed and that will ever exist.

>> No.15639633

we never die, time is an illusion and we will always persist in the present

>> No.15639635

Physicalism implies open individualism, pseud.

>> No.15639665

Either you will experience the exact same life again or you will simply wake up in another body.

>> No.15639678

No it doesnt.

>> No.15639679

Then explain why my 5 year old self is equivalent to my current self if the brain changes every second, and why none of these brain states have the same fundamental consciousness as other people.

>> No.15639686
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Proud sub 80 IQ here (IQ is a scam)
There is no difference between living and non living things. That means you will always exist and experience the world in some form after you change form. Everything has a soul. Every atom is pure sovl.
Dying now or dying in 200y makes no difference when you are the the moment of death it will not matter how long you have lived life always lasts for a mere moment.
Make a difference don't be a cuck, see this post:
>not even the memory of you will remain and it will be as if you never were
Your life can influence the course of the world and thus the impact and the value of your life will be how much you have influenced and changed it so die BIG. Don't die silently and alone like a loser. Everybody can become BIG. Go on a shooting rampage. Break Breivik's record. Influence the world more than anyone else and as much as you can without caring how you're seen. You're dead afterwards and none of that trivial shit matters. What matters you made your signature on the world and it better be BIG.

>> No.15639712

You degrade in stages until you repeat something. The first stage of death is the individual experience of your body. You as you know yourself touch oblivion for an unknown amount of time, probably not your first. Whether some are truly able to collect themselves in this state and accelerate beyond the three stages I'm explaining is to be determined. The second stage is the death of your memory. People who remember you and every conscious being you ever met were directly impacted by your presence. One day, they will all be dead, leaving no perception of you. Many of us will leave a history behind that extends this stage because our symbols last longer us. Books and text on the internet will leave some evidence of your reality that slowly fades into obscurity and/or misinterpretation. The third stage of death is absence in the natural order. You changed inorganic matter as well during your time alive, which starts with apparent markings like footprints, moves on to whatever you consumed as a member of society, and ends with a breakdown of the chemicals that composed you. It's possible in some cases that the first and third stages occur before the second, and in those cases, you'll be rearranged into something else that may or may not carry the spark of life. We're not all truly dead until there's no way for life to propagate again, meaning the conditions for its initial emergence simply cannot be repeated. Whether the final outcome is being able to perceive every experience you had in this and other lives (which could just be every experience living things ever had as the derivatives of a single spark) or leaving the cycle with a final resignation to infinite nothingness is not possible to determine. You have to wonder if the ultimate riddle of existence is using our true power of choice to decide which outcome is the end. After all, this universe tends toward balance and we apparently did not choose our starting points. The religious version is judgment

>> No.15639722

Most of you retards should be on reddit lol. Hen you die you go to Paradise, Purgatory, or Hell.

>> No.15639744

The party goes on without us

>> No.15639822


>> No.15639829

There is no intelligent answer, because your question is stupid. Next

>> No.15639834

"We" never die. Only our physical body dies. So your question is wrong.
>t. 152 IQ

>> No.15639838


fucking kill your self!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15639846

Don't listen to the 20 something year old autists here OP. It doesn't matter how smart you are if you make categorical errors. Religion is to the subjective, consciousness mediated aspects of our existence as science is to the objective material aspects. They are more or less orthogonal and you can't answer a question from one using the framework of the other. You might as well ask a priest to explain LK-99 in terms of catholic theology.

>> No.15639848

I just enjoy the fact that every asshole every human rat every fleshling will be dead in a few decades. Every single one of the them, the scum of the earth. Nothing gratifies me more. Their suffering and their death enriches my life like nothing else and I will do everything I can to painfully kill as many as I can while I live so they die before me and to kill as many vermin apes as I can while I die gloriously and impactfully.

>> No.15639853

>Go on a shooting rampage. Break Breivik's record. Influence the world more than anyone else and as much as you can without caring how you're seen.

>> No.15639854

I can't figure out how a setup of electrical switches can produce a consciousness. I guess we will soon find out because we have a very rapid progress with brain imagining.

>> No.15639882

If you have stopped investing in the nothingness your mind will ascend and be healed, escaping the illusions and joining infinite intelligence.
If you have succumbed to the errors and physical devices nothing happens, you just die and dissapear into the void.

>> No.15639892

We'll never know, so it's better to assume the worst (absolute nothingness) will happen so that you don't waste time believing that there will be a second chance, or that you'll be at peace in the afterlife, etc.

Make the best of your life, and if there's something after death - it's a nice little unexpected bonus.

>> No.15639916

This. Technically -you- are immortal, only other people die

>> No.15639921

Nooo but I'm so cool :(

>> No.15640301


One thing is for certain. You can not trust any conclusions on death derived from the idea that the world is physical/material because that worldview does not explain consciousness.

>> No.15640315

Unironically, you are joined again with the creator

>> No.15640319

honest must true answer itt?
Theres only one way to find out

>> No.15640326

Jannies clean it up kek

>> No.15640332

No you still are

>> No.15640333

That's a 041

>> No.15640345
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I personally think that the existence in that non-exsistent state is a state of time that can only be understood as both nothing and everything. It'd be as if I closed my eyes, and in that time my eyes were closed it would last both infinitely and yet instantly end - a state outside of comprehension. I think this is the state known as heaven.

>> No.15640355

hopefully nothing.

>> No.15640481

Your physical body is decomposed and recycled by the biosphere to create another set of organisms

>> No.15640545

Those who had an IQ > 120 in their previous life are now reincarnated as <85IQ cretins and vice versa

>> No.15640653

If you're a hard atheist you're making a category error. There is no "you" after death. So nothing happens to you after you die.

Correct answer is you go to some region of the astral planes most matching your temperament. Same way matter in a centrifuge precipitates across a gradient, sorted by its own specific gravity.

>> No.15640674

When exactly did this place get infested with so many religious crazies? He also put a triple digit IQ requirement, which immediately filters all sky fairy retards.

>> No.15640709

OP said 140 not 100

>> No.15640834

If anything does happen it would happen instantly

>> No.15640846

if we have infinite time in which we are alive, isnt it pretty much unavoidable that you will have an accident which results to a brain damage which will make you forever so retarded that you cant even formulate simple sentences in your thoughts?

>> No.15640961

same thing that happens to a lightbulb when you smash it

>> No.15641014

We're very early in the Universe.
(Universe should last trillions of years, we're here in the first 15 billion. That's wild.)

1. We know that life will arise.
2. Intelligent life is a permeation of this.
3. Intelligent life will become more complex over time.
4. Via this complexity it is likely that your entire brain structure, down to the very core of whatever consists of your consciousness will be simulated/recreated at some point in the future of this Universe.
5. Accept Boltzmann Brains as a possibility.
6. Accept that Boltzmann Brains may be created ON PURPOSE by future intelligent civilizations.
7. Ta-da, after you die, you're going to wake up, either by a random chance, or a directed recreation by an intelligence in the future.

After that, I have nothing more for you.
You can start believing in a religion that supersedes these ideals if you want, or think that maybe there is an ultimate death, and you can avoid being brought back. (I doubt it.)

There's a chain of individuals on 4chan that are set out in using a phrase to symbolically link their consciousnesses after death, so that they get picked up on purpose. It's a bit of a cognitive hazard if you choose to go that route, and they end up being reconstituted for something undesirable, so take that for what you will.

The phrase is Blue Eisenhower November .

It might land you in paradise.
It might land you in Hell.

Either way, if it works, you're going somewhere.

>> No.15641020
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If you want to participate in the experiment, all you have to do is remember the phrase Blue Eisenhower November after you die.

It's that simple.

>> No.15641260

you shit your pants

>> No.15641294

based schizo anon. Now to write the phrase down and repeat it on a regular basis.
See you on the other side

>> No.15641343

I get to feed cute lil worms and cute lil blades of grass. Protip if you get cremated you are a piece of shit!

>> No.15641349

You go back up your mothers cunt

>> No.15641356

You're born again, to much evidence.

>> No.15641358

You have the evidence that the same person was born twice?

>> No.15641401

Not really, as schizophrenic delusions are not evidence, fortunately.

>> No.15642354
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If you have not achieved a proper level of psychic fitness via meditative practices, you'll deliriously wander into another reincarnation. If you have achieved that, you'll have the lucidity to decide for yourself where to go from there

>> No.15642879

Subjectively death is only a concept, and an utterly meaningless one. Death can never actually happen to you.
Death either is really the continuation of your life/experience in a new way ("after"-life, reincarnation/rebirth etc) i.e. you're not actually dead, or it is the total absence of any you that it could happen to. No one can ever experience death in the second definition as it means the end of experience, and the end of experience is absolutely irrelevant to us because we can't imagine or say anything about it and it can't be substantiated. It's incoherent to say "death (total cessation of experience) is real and will happen to me" because it's impossible to know or experience your own death as anything other than a concept.

>> No.15642895

care posting some of this 'evidence'?

>> No.15642897

This paper came to mind. It makes a slightly adjacent point to mine here >>15642879 You may find it interesting, whether you find it tenable or not.
>This paper critiques the widespread secular misunderstanding of death as a plunge into oblivion. It uses a thought experiment about personal identity similar to those employed by British philosopher Derek Parfit in his tour de force Reasons and Persons. By degrees, the reader is supposed to see that the notion of a blank or emptiness following death is incoherent, and that therefore we should not anticipate the end of experience when we die. This conclusion has a bit of a mystical feel to it, even though the premises are naturalistic.

>> No.15642906

So, all this mean suicide is good?

>> No.15642909

yep, see >>15639625
notice how the above post was ignored

>> No.15642918
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>wake up and see this

>> No.15642962

>be born in guinea or some other shithole, living in a dirt hat
I'll pass thanks. I'd rather fade away to nothingness

>> No.15642964

Your consciousness faced with the reality that it is dying and has no place to go, continues to persist in an infinite loop of your last moments. Never progressing forward or back, unaware of your situation, like a form of purgatory until you finally give up and shut off.
Heaven and hell are based off how these moments feel for you, if you've lived a poor life full of regret, if death is a release, whatever. For some they are able to navigate this loop, dragging pieces from the past forward like a mess of deja vu, which assists in accepting their death and moving forward into being nothing.

>> No.15642967
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ze hurting is more rewarding than ze healing

>> No.15642975

Scientific Above-140 IQ Answer: We don't know, however I wouldn't.

In the chance that our existence was designed, by default, killing yourself would spite the creator. The only way it would be the correct choice is if we were intended to kill ourselves, as some kind of test. Given that we have no data to indicate this is the case, it is not wise to make that assumption. Intelligence seems to be an overall positive trait in this Universe, and to perpetuate intelligence requires survival, an innate necessity for natural selection to occur, which is a necessity for natural intelligence to develop. So, survival is positive, as what we observe within this Universe. So if we are created, then the "data" would seem to indicate that staying alive > killing yourself, in general.

No need to invoke religion to deter suicide. It can be scientifically argued that suicide is bad, if we associate known positive attributes of our existence with the mechanisms in place within this Universe. It's not very far of a logical leap, even if you believe in simulation theory or some other crackpot theory.

>> No.15642993

Bur what if life don't bring a joy?
Yep, it's all cool, but my life is full of suffer.
Why can't I just end it?
I'm not so smart to make new data or give genes of smartness to my kids

>> No.15643019

Is your soul worth keeping around for eternity, if you couldn't even find a way to be happy in a limited lifetime? Or at least concede to find a way to help make others happy?
Happiness comes from within. Your brain is a machine. You can trick it. You can vicariously feel joy, if you figure out a way to bring joy to others, then trick your brain into feeling their emotive response.
(Primal instinct of mimicry for societal benefit is hard code in us. Monkey see, monkey do. If you see someone else happy because of something you did, it's way easier to feel the happiness for yourself, by witnessing their joy.)

Might as well remember Blue Eisenhower November and be part of that experiment if nothing else.

>> No.15643042

First question : what is Blue Eisenhower November? All links are broken
Second question: why people cares about another peoples suicide?

>> No.15643044

That's 240
Christfags go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15643053

On that note, I find a way to reverse this methodology quite often in my own brain, by enjoying things created by others.
I think about how they would feel, knowing the enjoyment that I get from their creation.
(While playing videogames, listening to music, watching movies...)
I think to myself. Another human, like me, managed to make this. How would they feel if they knew I enjoyed it?
Then I substitute myself for them, internally in my mind.
I kind of steal a hypothetical vicarious joy.

I'm a high IQ individual, so placing my mental and emotional state into hypothetical scenarios where I imagine I am someone else, is fluid and easy.
Lower IQ individuals find this process a little difficult. But I may not have any emotions on my own, when I really nail down the specifics of my mental interactions.
My emotions may be derived from placing my emotions in simulated hypotheticals.
It's how I learned to really feel.

I like to watch the live E3 announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 remake, for example.

The way the fans cheer for the FF7 announcement, when they think it's just an add-on game, as had happened in the past (Crisis-Core, Dirge of Cerberus...) Or possibly a movie...
Big cheers not too heartfelt...
But suddenly, the word Remake flashes on the screen, and the crowd's emotion erupts. You can hear the audible increase, they go wild. I can make myself feel it every time.

>> No.15643060

What happens to a river after it flows into the ocean?

Certainly, the aspects we think of as attributes of our person quickly fade. The body decomposes, all the lifetime's memories disappear as the neural tissue degrades, any aspects of personality traits vanish as the brain linkages fall apart.

Subjectively, you may find comfort to know that the process is described more as being subsumed into a much greater light, rather than fading to isolated blackness; though an end is an end, and any stories people have made up to tell each other are mere fantasy.

Source: 140+ IQ and have studied ancient texts on death from egypt and india to tibet in addition to western philosophy, also have experienced ego death on large doses of psychedelics.

>> No.15643087

there is no death. you can only ever experience being alive. it really is simple as

>> No.15643090


I don't truly, but that's why I stated "I wouldn't do it."
They are free to do whatever they want. I just wouldn't.

I care about the existence of all things that want to exist, in an altruistic way.
Many people choose suicide not because of a desire not to exist at all, but because this existence in particular feels bad to them.
Maybe there is an existence where they would enjoy existing, but perhaps by opting out of this one, they may never know it.
I think they should give it a chance because I took feel things could be better in this existence, but I wouldn't trade it for non-existence.
I won't try to restrict someone from making their choice, but I will always offer my view as an example, in case they want to consider more options.

>> No.15643102

Listen for the crowd change when the word Remake flashes on screen.

>> No.15643116

Yep I know that feel.
Something like this I feel on the Pixel canvas events.
When you unite with the people.
Well, I try to think about it

>> No.15643128

this is the scariest one

one one side we're every form of life, and will experience everything good in this universe, over and over again.

on the other side we will experience the most terrible deaths possible, like torture, drowning in shit etc

at least I will bang the hottest girls ever forever

>> No.15643185

What bunch of pseud drivel.

>> No.15643231
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shit, i shouldn't have picked engineering

>> No.15643238 [DELETED] 
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here's a lien of though
> consciousness is not matter itself, but the interactions and information/energy exchange between neurons in your brain (every single atom in your body is different from when you were a child, but you're still yourself)
ps: that's why I believe you would not "die" during a quantum teleportation
> therefore matter is able to create consciousness
> before your mother got pregnant, your consciousness didn't exist in this universe
> after you die, your consciousness will not exist in this universe
> therefore death and `not being born yet` are exactly the same thing
> you can't experience time when you're not conscious or alive
> therefore when you die, you will instantly become another consciousness, you will be born again as a human, or any other living creature
now entering in subjects that I'm not so sure of
> since existence itself is eternal (you can't something out of nothing), things may repeat itself forever
> you're the universe experiencing itself
> you will experience every consciousness forever, in a loop
that's terrifying tbqh, so I hope God actually exists so things can be more interesting and non-repeating. In my opinion there's a good chance that God exists because all it requires is this eternal existence to be conscious, which is not impossible since it's already able to generate consciousnesses in planets.

> inb4 our consciousness fades into the dark matter realm and we enter the spiritual world, where we will be able to see the real world but it will be extremely hard to interact with it

either way, I think we're fucked

>> No.15643318
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Here's a line of thought:
> Consciousness is not matter itself, but rather the interactions and the exchange of information/energy between the neurons in your brain. Every single atom in your body is different from when you were a child, but you're still yourself.
> This is why I believe you would not "die" during quantum teleportation.
> Therefore, matter is capable of creating consciousness.
> Before your mother became pregnant, your consciousness didn't exist in this universe.
> After you die, your consciousness will no longer exist in this universe.
> Therefore, death and 'not having been born yet' are exactly the same thing.
> You can't experience time when you're not conscious or alive.
> Therefore, when you die, you will instantly transition to another consciousness. You will be reborn, perhaps as a human or as some other living creature.

Now, I'm venturing into topics I'm less certain about:
> Since existence itself is eternal (you can't get something from nothing), events may repeat themselves indefinitely.
> You are the universe experiencing itself.
> You will experience every form of consciousness eternally, in a loop.

Frankly, this idea is terrifying. I hope that God truly exists to make existence more diverse and non-repetitive. In my opinion, there's a significant chance that God exists. All that's required is for this eternal existence to be conscious. This doesn't seem impossible since it already generates consciousness on planets.

> On another note, perhaps our consciousness fades into the dark matter realm and we transition into a spiritual world. In this realm, we might be able to observe the real world, but interacting with it could prove extremely challenging.

Either way, I think we're fucked.

>> No.15643345

Brain pumps you full of chemicals and you live in eternity in your own mind until it decomposes.