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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15637442 No.15637442 [Reply] [Original]

>As of 6 August 2023, successful replication has not been verified, despite the initial experiments being completed in 2020. No replication attempts have yet been peer-reviewed. After the July 2023 publication's release, independent groups reported that they had begun attempting to reproduce the synthesis, with initial results expected within weeks. However while positive results can come quickly, negative results are slow, as "falsification needs to verify all possibilities, and it will take a lot of time."The first attempts that published results did not observe levitation or diamagnetism, and their samples had high resistivity.

>> No.15637450
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>successful replication has not been verified

>> No.15637463

You must be very happy. Congratulations.

>> No.15637466

Why are people so excited about keeping humanity down?

>> No.15637478


The truth isn't supposed to be pretty, and it's the shortest path to grow in life as a person.

In a month nobody will be talking about this hoax trash.

>> No.15637492

You are a sad and very little man.

>> No.15637548

Not him but

>“There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.”

You are now in the running like an idiot phase

>> No.15637572
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>Why are people so excited about keeping humanity down?
It's how we make _real_ progress. For thousands of years people have appealed to authority of the ancient-, foreign- and occult writings to hamper real progress in natural philosophy. This an extremely easy pen trick to do: just promise power. No one questioned alchemy deeply because it promised everything from immortality to the power to turning lead to gold. But to get all those nice things you just had to believe everything you were read, if you have doubts then you are just "too dumb to get it" and not intellectually worthy of the power of this hidden knowledge.

By thinking skeptically and critically about everything we were able to make advances extremely rapidly from Newtonian Physics to Differential Geometry and Electromagnetism to Quantum Mechanics and all the countless technologies in control schemes for advanced manufacturing, digital computers etc. that followed.

This is hard for non-Whites and /r/Atheistic self-hating Whites who never study Western canon to understand. That is why you should read Western canon instead of just directly reaching directly for the fruits of our labour, which just results in the inevitable naive regression of wishful thinking with no real progress. You are wasting your on twitter/reddit getting hyped by other zealous retards. Your time would be better spent studying what we already know so you can contribute towards making real accomplishments one day. Zealous retards with a superficial bare bones understanding of our field absolutely deserve to be made fun of chastised for their nativity.

>> No.15637577

>skim message
>see /r/

>> No.15637578
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You never even needed to look at any data or replication attempts or anything at all. You could glean enough to know it was a scam and fraud from the actions of the researchers themselves. A lot just didn't make sense.

>> No.15637584

Psudeo-intellectual bullshit from one or possibly two weak morons who really have drunk the academic cool-aid. Instead of trying to make yourselves feel better about your own inadequacies, why don't you both fuck off? How about that? Eh?

>> No.15637587

you belong to tiktok scams by broccoli haired crypto bros. Fuck off.

>> No.15637600

Muh crypto scam. Cope your method is flawed and paradoxically anti-science. Fuck academia.

>> No.15637610

looking forward to your nobel prize in getting scammed. You're amazing at it.

>> No.15637614

Yes and yours in achieving fuck all you utter hack.

>> No.15637615

It's not a scam or fraud, they just got it wrong. What angle could they have to try to fake it?

>> No.15637619

Well I won't post it on tiktok so according to your once non-fried braincells it won't exist, I agree.

>> No.15637620

Realism doesn't keep humanity down, in fact it uplifts it. The thing is real or fake independent of your opinion on it but fakes can only succeed in blind soi environments which is what allows all sorts of snake oils and scams to propagate and sap resources away from productive things.

>> No.15637622

Honestly mate calm down, have a hug and remember that I love you underneath it all.

>> No.15637636

Okay well if you put it that way we're frens. But I stand by my positions.

>> No.15637665

Why is there so much fud on this board? I'm unironically starting to prefer to follow LK-99 on Twitter, there's less bullshit there, which is very strange.

>> No.15637674

>everyones calling out that this shit is fake as fuck and im angy because i dont want to acknowledge the authors are suspicious as fuck and the papers are as sloppy as all get out
just go to twitter and stay there floates. people even remotely serious about discussing the plausibility will stay here.

>> No.15637677

Show credentials, you're just an Anon. For all you know I have a PhD in Physics and you don't.

>> No.15637678

Don't care. At the end of the day I have an actual professional position in science. You're just filthy LARPers/fanboys and you have no business on this board.

>> No.15637679


>> No.15637684

It's yet another Emdrive, but at least now all the rats will go back to /biz/ and /pol/ so we will be able to chat about how much we love science

>> No.15637692

Real science is slow and progressive, anything else is entertainment for brainlets with boring lives

>> No.15637697

How about you show axewound first you tranny freak.

>> No.15637699


>> No.15637730

/sci/ is complete shit these days, 45% of the board is the same old /pol/ talking points (vax bad, niggers bad, women bad, muh scientism, etc) and 45% is retarded frogposters asking how do i shot web. The LK99 happening is the most fun thing on the board in years.

>> No.15637742

the real story is how did /sci/ once again completely fall for ANOTHER false positive. when will (you) learn.

>> No.15637746

Farted on

>> No.15637902


>> No.15637909

keks it's fucking over isn't it? Nothing exciting ever happens