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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1563569 No.1563569 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, i'v been a regular lurker here since i was laid off from wallmart about a month ago. You had shown me khanacademy, and i learned physics and some calculus.

Seeing as i'm not getting a real job any time soon, and still have no life, i decided i should learn a new language.

I decided between a few, and then crossed off others at a lacking of availability.

tldr, which language?

>> No.1563573

And yes, i know this may be somewhat off topic. But since when was /sci/ on topic? we normally have atleast two religion threads on page 0

>> No.1563572

Spanish.... lol

>> No.1563582

I FUCKING HATE SPANISH. I'm not learning spanish. I crossed it off for a reason

>> No.1563574

C# is useful, or maybe some matlab.

>> No.1563588


matlab/octave is god tier.

>> No.1563589

I learned enough math for now.. probably after i learn a new language i'll do more math

>> No.1563590

German, dutch, swedish, norwegan and danish are pretty much interchangeable, learn one and you can communicate in all.

>> No.1563593

Spanish will be the most useful.

>> No.1563597

yeah, i was told that. i was leaning toward German for that reason, and that it has all 5 levels.

>> No.1563601

I dont want to learn spanish ;_;

>> No.1563606

Well, I don't want to reply to this thread but I'm doing it anyways.
Go learn some fucking spanish.

>> No.1563608

fine ='(

>> No.1563610

i would go german out of that list.

>> No.1563615

What languages can you speak already?

Obvious ones are Spanish, French or German, or Mandarin for hard mode.

>> No.1563622

Spanish isn't a foolproof languaje, if any can learn english in 5 months, 12 months aren't enought to domain a 50% of spanish.
Good luck

>> No.1563637

I speak english, and did up to spanish 4 in school because my parents forced me. i had hot 20s teacher first two years who didn't teach shit, then two hardasses and i had to learn 4 years of spanish in two.

I don't like spanish, but i can communicate better than most people.

>> No.1563640
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>> No.1563648


That's a load of bs. Swedish, norwegian and danish is interchangable to a certain extent. German and dutch are completely different and there is no way a swede or dane can make himself understood to a german without studying it.

>> No.1563650

wow what fucking browser/OS is that? btw learn Chinese and live there undercover as a ninja.

>> No.1563651

I know Spanish. Shit's useless. Go for German, or French, or Italian. Hell, even Japanese or Chinese is better than damn Spanish.

>> No.1563656

OP, go with German or French. Either of those, combined with English gives you pretty good coverage for most of Europe.

>> No.1563660

that sounds good, thanks russian sniper guy

>> No.1563667

German, then French for godmode.

>> No.1563688

Someone asks /sci/ for a new language to learn and nobody suggests lojban? For shame

>> No.1563691

That's because lojban's pretty much useless as a language.

And it also sounds awkward as fuck.

>> No.1563696

German dude. Even Wolfram Alpha says it's the most similar to English (and hence easier to pick up).

>> No.1563748

how did you learn anything from that?

>> No.1563762

I'm learning chinese, and going to school for electrical engineering, hopefully designing consumer electronics. Chinese will help me establish a working relationship with the poor fucks who will be building my shit.

>> No.1563765

Op said (s?)he works at Walmart, can't be too smart to begin with.nigger liteek

>> No.1563778

naw, my friend's dad is the manager and hooked me up with a job. Shits just easy work.

I walk around in the video game section and tell moms what games their kids want.

20$ an hour aint bad for no effort

>> No.1563780

Khan Academy is bad?

>> No.1563784

oh, not to mention everything is like half price

>> No.1563796

yeah, that guy blows cock at teaching.

if you want a good calculus teacher:

his videos are good. i'm not sure about physics vids though, i never needed help in physics so i never really bothered to look.

>> No.1563801
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>> No.1563809
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>> No.1563814
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>> No.1563819
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>> No.1563820

ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1563842

arabic. then work for fbi/dhs.

>> No.1563848

>implying i didn't like my comfy job at wallmart.. although state pensions are chill as fuck

>> No.1563871

We'll still scold you in your face with our native dialects, white trash.

>> No.1563877

and then proceed to lick his balls clean while you build his shitty ass toys


>> No.1563903

Go over to /int/, post your image and ask your question.
For extra points, say you're leaning toward Swedish

>> No.1563917

Chinese, you don't have to do any of that gay conjugating shit.

>> No.1563941

Chinese will be the most useful.

>> No.1563950

the correct answer is any programming language. learning a new way of talking accomplishes nothing because everything that matters is in english, which you seem to know pretty well.

>> No.1564055

I take it you're learning one of these languages for the novelty factor, since none of them are particularly useful in real life.

>> No.1564081
File: 180 KB, 600x600, 4866187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German would have to be most relevant and easiest for an English speaker to pick up out of that list. But if you do want to pick up the rest too then:

Start with German, learn it to near fluency, then pick up either Dutch, Danish or Swedish and learn it at a lower level down the track. Now learning two similar languages at once isn't usually advised but if you're doing them at different levels you /should/ be fine. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

You'll find once you know German, the other three should be easier to grasp (hurr, not sure about Dutch though, they are a tricky bunch).

>> No.1564096

C++ would be best

>> No.1564112

Learn Japanese because this is 4chan.

>> No.1564181

forget about latin.
Learn German first, it's pretty easy and by far the most useful one there (most common mother language in Europe). The other ones are all in the Germanic family, so they will be easier to pick up after you know German. If you have your heart set on a Scandanavian language do a little research, as they have varying levels of mutual intelligibility.

>> No.1564395

Meh, el español no es tan difícil.

Learn German.

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