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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 291 KB, 558x316, Superfake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15635356 No.15635356 [Reply] [Original]


NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Twitard attempts to summarize the first four simulation papers

Replication attempts

A roundup of replication attempts, including hobbyist

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

New video from original team

Meissner effect demonstration in a recreated LK-99 sample by Andrew McCalip

Other videos purporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)

Floating chink sample

Previous thread: >>15632584

>> No.15635364

overbros.... I don't feel so good

>> No.15635368

Thermistor bros.. This wasn't supposed to be our ceramic...

>> No.15635371


>> No.15635372
File: 23 KB, 597x159, Science class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bongs are taking a while to produce their results, should lay off the teaching imo its cringy

>> No.15635373

buzzwords bros... it's so buzzword meme phrase

>> No.15635376


Why do I give a shit if LK99 is real.

AI will kill us all in under 10 years anyway.

>> No.15635379
File: 79 KB, 1138x712, needo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needle update

>>15632685 probable video evidence still applies
>>15632845 possible tilt theory based on 1D superconductivity

>> No.15635380

that's Prague not bongs

>> No.15635382
File: 3.25 MB, 2103x1650, blunderfoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typing ceramic past this post will curse you with bad luck for 7 days.

>> No.15635385

if this is real, then sulfur must be the needed impurity
it's another FOGBANK situation where having an impurity makes it work

>> No.15635387
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>> No.15635388
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Doing it wrong doesn't disprove past videos.

>> No.15635395



yeah, i'm thinking we're back

>> No.15635396

>The sample was baked at room temperature

>> No.15635397
File: 95 KB, 1237x687, 97B8D46D-A017-4ED0-933F-950173215EEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple-ass Easybake Oven recipe
>requires only 4 or 5 ingredients
Why can’t these idiots make a sample that’s bigger than a grain of rice? I can make a bigger rock than that in a goddamn erlangmeyer flask if I want to

>> No.15635399

Why don't they grab the magnet in any of those videos and throw it around the room. There's no way that can be faked

>> No.15635400
File: 476 KB, 760x716, jkjgt6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean bros?

>> No.15635401

>Taiwanese team
>Makes semiconductor by mistake
It's their destiny

>> No.15635402

Yud please go back to twitter.

>> No.15635405

The temperature resistivity curve means the tested sample is a semiconductor.

>> No.15635406
File: 238 KB, 1138x712, 1691129093040674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

status report?

>> No.15635410



>> No.15635413


>> No.15635415

Still leaning back despite another failed replication.
Overcels have to be right every time, Backchads only have to be right once.

>> No.15635416

Likely back.
We're at the stage where OVERfags are creating elaborate hoaxes just to try and cope with LK-99.

>> No.15635421

its over

>> No.15635425

the stream is over but my heart is back

>> No.15635436

>Overcels have to be right every time, Backchads only have to be right once.

except it's not a gambling you idiot

>> No.15635440

No, it's science.

>> No.15635443
File: 232 KB, 132x128, 4x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not gambling on this?

>> No.15635455
File: 202 KB, 500x360, kimw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dare doubt him?

>> No.15635458 [DELETED] 

Are you genuinely this stupid?

>> No.15635459

Let's stop the memes. We all know LK-99 is a superconductor. Do you really want to be remembered for pretending to be (?) a retard on the cusp of the next technological revolution?

>> No.15635460

Engineering news site discussion in my country is solidly on "we're back" same for a few physicists I've talked to. EEs will be rock hard 24/7 until it's disproven

>> No.15635480

Ok call me crazy but what if they spin the ingredients while it’s cooking really fast

>> No.15635483

That's a good trick.

>> No.15635488
File: 20 KB, 702x772, basedjak 1488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw buzzword became buzzword itself.

>> No.15635489

>compounds seperate by density undoing all your mixing
Centrifuges aren't really for achieving a homogeneous mixture

>> No.15635491

So... we're back?

>> No.15635492

Waiting for the results from the Czech team desu

>> No.15635493

You're crazy.

>> No.15635507
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Flux Pinning-R2Hy6F_8n58.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaniqua El-Jamal is on the cusp of a revolutionary advance in the theory of systemic racism using public tax dollars and you chuds are here giving this fake news the time of day.
Shame on you.

>> No.15635532
File: 177 KB, 1200x738, 1691241590114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does it mean bros?
Clearly they are checking the accuracy of a wristwatch

>> No.15635550

Thunderfart's silence on LK-99 is deafening.

>> No.15635557

Thunderfoot's an outrage farming dipshit and his words or silence mean literally nothing.

>> No.15635558

btfo'd, last i heard (s)he is ordering estrogen online

>> No.15635559

We def back. Full erection has been achieved.


>> No.15635560

So do we get starwsrs blasters now?

>> No.15635566

No, we go full speed towards /halo/.

>> No.15635571

Choose your titile

Or alternatively:

>> No.15635572

it's not happening

>> No.15635576

btw you can all cap 2nd form' prefix for clarity

>> No.15635583

Your title is "dumbfucks." Get this stupid bullshit off my board.

>> No.15635592

make a table and a png from this, we need it

>> No.15635593

cringeacks, we are literally godvers rn

>> No.15635594

cool it with the overcringe
my new pronouns are back/backs

>> No.15635596

fuck off, this is now a over vs back board

>> No.15635597

bruh this shit is moving very fast no matter how you look at it.

>> No.15635600
File: 14 KB, 220x220, 1691242822887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your link's not working

Anyways, there are currently two problems with the floating chink video:

1) Unverified individual, so until he tells us his name, affliation and methods he can't be trusted yet. However, there are rumors that he is from a university and that he did have a sample 2 days ago showing the usual tilt. He claimed that he changed something in the formula and is rushing to get a paper out. (Source: plebbit/r/singularity). So sit tight

2) We NEED an R-T curve to make final conclusions. What that erection shows is very highly suggestive of superconduction but if its resistance is still worse than copper at room temperature then an alternative explanation has to be sought (new unexplained physical phenomenon?)

Only If the above is addressed then we can reach the conclusion that it is indeed a RTAP superconductor

>> No.15635605

>it's levitating

>> No.15635606

I'm surprised this is getting around so much. Pretty sure we don't even know who this guy is, and he isn't related to any institute or lab as far as we know. Just a random video on billi billi. Pretty sure it's fake.

>> No.15635608


>> No.15635609

just delete all the Elon-minati shit: https://twitter.com/Andercot/status/1687740396691185664/

>> No.15635611

>Your link's not working

>> No.15635612

Could this be /ourconductor/??

>> No.15635614

I actually can't believe it... it's real...

>> No.15635616

that would be HH-88

>> No.15635618

>new unexplained physical phenomenon?
It's so unlikely that this is almost a form of coping at some point. Remember, RTAPsc is not impossible, we just hadn't found them. So many aspects have been demonstrated of the behaviors of superconductivity, including the data in the original (second) paper.
It's much more likely that this video is just flat out fake versus "NEW PHYSICAL PHENOMENA, BREAKS OUR SHIT, NOT A SUPERCONDUCTOR THO LMAO."

>> No.15635621
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1691240579553233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15635622
File: 36 KB, 671x519, 1690908284016604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody explain flux pinning vs meissner for me please. how/when/why

>> No.15635623


>> No.15635625


Kim and Chang get them.

We get to discover new intersectional pronouns with our billion dollar state-of-the art identity collider.

>> No.15635626

magic rock get ghost trapped in it. ghost goes back to sleep when you disturb him because he was comfy.

>> No.15635627

flux pinning is when a nigger gets impaled and stuck to the spikes. the stuck impaled nigger represents the superconductor. the sharp spikes represent magnetic field lines.

>> No.15635628

so is flux pinning a good sign or what?

>> No.15635630
File: 36 KB, 600x600, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635633

I say this

>> No.15635634

bitch we never left

>> No.15635635

Its a great sign, it practically proves its a superconductor. ONLY if the video is real though

>> No.15635638
File: 16 KB, 236x236, 1691095814811916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fucking chopstick

>> No.15635639 [DELETED] 

I like Science too.

>> No.15635640

Not yet.
See >>15635600

>> No.15635641


yes because the only thing we know that flux pins are superconductors
but it could be another unknown phenomenon, which is great too

>> No.15635644
File: 149 KB, 378x363, sdh4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.15635645

Metal cutlery would stick to the magnet

>> No.15635646
File: 57 KB, 847x673, implications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you love science too?!!??
oh gee wowzers looks like I am in the right place!

>> No.15635647
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, Giga Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635648

yes. you can also flip the invisible spikes and the black corpse will still be stuck.

alternatively the superconductor can be an 18 year old anime idol girl while the magnetic field lines can be tentacles.
a girl being violated from all holes is a unique characteristic of a superconducting slut.

>> No.15635652

Why would you submit a video like this anonymously? Isn't the whole point to be recognized as someone in line for a nobel prize?

>> No.15635656
File: 21 KB, 389x324, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635660

Still funny

Also: BACK

>> No.15635661

the nobel belongs to three from the original team, not those who replicate them.

>> No.15635662

Even with the Taiwan failed recreation attempt the few attempts that have replicated already means this won’t be over for a long time. Really it can’t ever be over, this is just the beginning honestly

Because we still gotta figure out why some attempts work and some fail. So strap in, because this might take a while

TLDR: overchads lost, but it might take a long while to figure out wtf is going on

>> No.15635663

>He claimed that he changed something in the formula

>> No.15635665 [DELETED] 

Every other video, I could conceive of ways that they could be faked, but with this one, I am coming up with nothing

>> No.15635664

but then what is the meissner effect? how is it different from flux pinning?

>> No.15635669



>> No.15635670

complete rejection of ghosts from entering magic rock

>> No.15635672

A few months at the very least.

>> No.15635675

2 weeks

>> No.15635676

>RTSC enables fusion
>fusion creates economic prosperity
>economic prosperity enables the arts
Where were you when koreans saved anime?

>> No.15635679

>we still gotta figure out why some attempts work and some fail.
We more or less know from all the simulations.
You need to get the cobber buddies in the right places. and only one for each lead group of the crystal.
It has to be a gangbang, and it has to be a specific position, otherwise it doesn't work. And we can't tell leaddies how to fuck cobber (yet), or that they only get on cobber per group, so we have to make a lot and hope some of them figured it out by themselves

>> No.15635680
File: 32 KB, 529x502, 1688485912337744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messianic floaty rock.

>> No.15635681
File: 275 KB, 1080x888, 1691244213147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing official yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.15635682

Never, the science is already settled. Overchads won, this is /cope/ general.

>> No.15635683

It's certainly over already. How many failed replications do you need until you believe it's not a superconductor?

>> No.15635684

the longer it goes, the more over it is.

>> No.15635685

The meissner effect is specifically the act of cooling the superconductor down to its transition temperature and watching it spontaneously start levitating as the magnetic field lines get expelled. Flux pinning is the specific nature of the levitation. They call it the meissner effect because of how the transition is abrupt. It's not a gradual onset of levitation as the electrical resistance smoothly approaches 0 as the temperature drops. Nothing happens until a critical threshold is reached, then it pops and starts exhibiting flux pinning. This shows that the only explanation is some weird quantum bullshit, which disproved the other leading explanations for superconductivity at the time. Since Miessner was the one to first show this, they named the phenomenon after him. Since LK-99 is supposed to have a critical temp of like 400 K, you'd show the Meissner effect by heating it up to 500 K, putting it on a magnet, and watching it spontaneously start to float the instant it cooled beneath 400 K.

>> No.15635688

ayy lmao

>> No.15635689

lines of women avoiding you by walking around you since that is characteristic if a type I superautist
i might be wrong. go check out the twittard stellerator engineer.
need to play koikatsu again

>> No.15635691 [DELETED] 

>saved anime
I like to formally announce that I am switching my vote to 'its over'?

>> No.15635693

my bet is that he added sulfur or some element with a large atom size(?)

>> No.15635697
File: 38 KB, 657x527, cdf-1783033728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit it

>> No.15635700

>Goes on /sci/
>Memes on people who are interested in science

>> No.15635702
File: 583 KB, 800x666, 1674453052397932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> changed something in the formula
i fucking bet it's mercury or gold, alchemychads finally won the struggle

>> No.15635703

we need to replicate it again and again until we know it's 100% over

>> No.15635704

>gold doped lead was the key

>> No.15635705


>> No.15635706

thx for expln

>> No.15635708

I hope the Chinese government is already working on it, without posting any results, bad or good.
I think it's possible to design a type 2 superconductor at temperatures that only requires a bit of cooling.

West is going down.

>> No.15635709

i am unironically excited about it
its a funny joke happy good thing

>> No.15635710
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>> No.15635711
File: 540 KB, 1080x1840, 1691244849323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, the pure LK99 without the Cu2S "impurities" did not show any magnetic levitation (the 100K korean paper) which implies that sulfur is needed in the formula. The russian anime tranny did say something similar

>> No.15635713

been happening for a while unfortunately

>> No.15635714

thanks for making this clear for me fren

>> No.15635715

What are the realworld use-cases for one-dimensional superconductors?

>> No.15635716

Ok then based

>> No.15635719

Can we add buddies as postfix? I’d like to use “back buddies”. Sounds good in my mouth

>> No.15635720

The question is if the sulfur is actually incorporated in the crystal or if it's needed for an intermediate reaction critical for producing the proper structure.

>> No.15635721

100K chinese paper that is

>> No.15635727

where does the impaled nigger fit into this?

>> No.15635728
File: 194 KB, 589x476, 1683404410510731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635732 [DELETED] 

Superconductors are racist and we need more gibs to nogs as reparashuns

>> No.15635733

you're just skating on dead niggers in this scenario, not impaling them

>> No.15635734

you have a good point. maybe sulfur has an effect of locking in superconductivity during quenching?
we'll need to wait for the analysis of the space cowboy's sample and look for the CuS2 peak just to be sure. how long does analysis usually take?

>> No.15635741
File: 203 KB, 600x633, 1691245401021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both do not float to begin with. Those without any magnetic levitation should be discarded as R-T curves will be a useless test for them

>> No.15635742

A superconductor just flew over my house!

>> No.15635744

finally, through the power of copied science, the dastardly west will taken down somehow

>> No.15635748
File: 662 KB, 1024x1024, 00007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I still come here

>> No.15635749

I wonder if the korean team can even hope to scale up LK-99 if it is even true that you need the impurities. I wonder if the patent would cover what actually happens in this scenario.
Would be funny yet appropriate that these basement Koreans discovered RTAPS, worked on it for five years, and it turns out that their process was such shit that when they go to scale it up for the big bucks they can't replicate it. Synthesis like this is so unforgiving.
I wonder if the nobel will go to the two from the basement lab and then the first author of whoever works out how they fucked up. Or maybe they just aren't public with complete precursors and steps.

>> No.15635750

>inb4 it's a ceramic
They'll make it work. Anytime the electrical current only ever needs to flow in 1 direction is a place where superconducting in only 1 direction is still valuable.

>> No.15635752
File: 1.52 MB, 634x640, ltg-gmod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635755

that seems like the kind of problem that can be solved by throwing money at it

>> No.15635756


>> No.15635763

I mean yes, you can continue to throw bugmen making it in the exact same way with the same chemical precursor supply chain at the problem, but it becomes very expensive, and then your precursor chain fixes their shit and then you suddenly can't make the magic rock anymore. it's a very inefficient way of doing things versus knowing exactly what you're supposed to do every time with control over your setup and precursors.

>> No.15635766

oh cool, it's a semiconductor. A shitty one!

>> No.15635768

copium. seethe and dilate.

>> No.15635769

Than it can only mean one thing… real and straight

>> No.15635773

It is possible.
1. Get a real HTSC, say YBCO
2. Cool it down
3. Break into small chunk (expensive!)
4. Float it on magnet
5. AI-edit out the white steam from the coldness (Doable, existing filters/lens can specifically remove smoke)

So its possible, but extremely expensive ($500-$1000) for a hoax video that's not tied to any crypto schemes.

>> No.15635774

Isn't LK-99 being a flux-pinner less useful than having the Meissner effect?

Can you use room temperature flux-pinning for fusion reactors/MRIs?

>> No.15635776

Are you from the institut für sonderanwendungen?

>> No.15635777

even if they used low temp SC in 0 humidity environment that spec is too small, it would heat up faster than duration of video. unless it's some AI CGI shit.

>> No.15635781
File: 2.04 MB, 1405x1509, Grinch_leak(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never underestimate how autistically dedicated people can get to hoaxes thoughms't. Pic related rented out an entire professional print shop to make his leak plausible.

>> No.15635782

The author claimed he was busy writing a paper, its not fully anonymous (The watermark is his chinktok account name).
He'll probably upload more videos once the arxiv paper is out in the next 2 days. It'll be an mass-cited nature/science paper if it works.

>> No.15635785

https://imgur.com/a/AY1oaIO flux pinning video is fake, overchads are so back

>> No.15635786

Have the Koreans released any statements or such since that one presentation?

>> No.15635787

anon, flux pinning is just a scenario that happens with the superconductor. it's a superconductor.
"flux" a bit of the field, in this case let's call fields "ghosts". a ghost gets trapped in the magic rock, specifically at a point in the rock where there is a defect. Meissner is just complete expulsion/rejection of ghosts from/entering the magic rock. A region around the magic rock where no ghosts are, and no ghosts inside of it.

>> No.15635789 [DELETED] 

I can't imagine that a tiny sliver of YBCO would have the capacity to maintain the SC temps for long enough to film the video. There is also a second video from the same account and it would be even harder to fake

This is a good point. There is a race to release scientific papers if someone is able to conclusively verify RTSC. They would not be as concerned with getting updoots on r_ddit and twitter as they would be with being the first to publish a paper on the results

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

>> No.15635790

That's called compression artifacts you retard. Tiktok's algorithms are not designed for you to pixel hunt. Don't forget the video probably got converted 4 times to reach 4chan.

>> No.15635791

>5. AI-edit out the white steam from the coldness (Doable, existing filters/lens can specifically remove smoke)
Except one small problem, unless hey doing this in a completely moisture free environment (near impossible to achieve realistically on earth in such a large space) There will be ice crystals forming on the superconductor.

Your cope is getting out of hand and you need to start learning to employ Occam's razor.

>> No.15635794

>clearly touching it
I am an over guy and this is lamest cope ever. Bring back something better or fuck off faggot

>> No.15635795


>> No.15635798

If it's real what will happen?

>> No.15635800

if this shit becomes widespread, will we randomly see floating dust around magnets? like bits of superconductor junk randomly floating in magnet's fields?

>> No.15635802

>my arm is levitating at a 45 degree angle

>> No.15635803

When will you fucker learn about the thing called lossy compression?

I'm so tired of ignorant idiots.

>> No.15635804

the aliens will decide we’ve become too advanced and destroy earth

>> No.15635806

i get to work in the superconductor industry and become a senior engineer while banging levitating asian girls

>> No.15635809

holy shit, so you know like when you use iron filings to get a sense of the fields? would it be possible to have a suspended superconductive particle cloud trapped in a magnet's field? holy shit that would look fucking insane

>> No.15635810

tell them to call you Señor engineer

>> No.15635818

Wouldn't it be easier to just digitally add the "LK-99" into the video?

>> No.15635821

https://godownloader.com/#link=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.douyin.com%2Fvideo%2F7263715495256378659 download the original video and look yourself, this is what using the clone tool looks like

>> No.15635824

jeez, 4chin falling for a boomer-tier fake. How the mighty have fallen...

>> No.15635825

Five years and it will be in all electronics.

>> No.15635830 [DELETED] 

>banging levitating asian girls
You mean hang your weaboo body pillow from a clothes line while you bang it with a broom to get all the doritos crumbs off of it?

>> No.15635831 [DELETED] 

Imagine if the US didn't cause the fall of the Soviet Union. We would already habe this by now and our tech would be way more advanced. Looks like the soviets being autistically smart isn't just a meme.

>> No.15635832

No anon, it's what a compression artifact on a demonstration of flux pinning looks like. It's time to stop huffing copium. We've been so back that it's almost over. All that's left is the paper pointing out how the Koreans fucked up their steps in the original paper and deciding who the nobel goes to, out of both teams/individuals.

>> No.15635837

Yeah Koreans we're doing research for 20 years, then random anons improve formula in a week.

>> No.15635839

In the past couple days we've seen the Superconductivity and Superconducting Material Research Laboratory of Southeast University at Nanjing (SSMRL-SEU) post arXiv paper reporting
>superconductivity at 110K
>strange conductivity transition at higher temperatures
in their SECOND sample, but nothing in their first sample.
They saw no levitation or strong diamagnetism.

and we've seen in America, Andrew MrCarlip, Robotics Engineer at Varda (that puts things in space) have a successful creation of something that shows
>levitation / strong diamagnetism

This are both high trust sources that both report significant findings. This makes it a confirmed happening. Samples are being produced by the original team for those who are requesting them. A sample is being looked at by a powerful electron microscope in a university in south korea.

>> No.15635842
File: 180 KB, 1080x477, 1691247866231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635845

They've been doing LK-99 for like 4 years. 20 years ago was when they original trace compound was produced. They didn't make LK-99 on purpose in 1999. And they're mired with reproduction themselves. It's not a "random anon", there's no telling if it's a team of accredited individuals. Save us the copium.

>> No.15635847

>you need external opinions to know it's fake
is this your first day on the internwebz?

>> No.15635849

>reddit comment
unironically less trustworthy than a random tiktok video

>> No.15635850

yeah, it's just a puck of material, 3D render it. normies forget digital video effects have existed for decades, it has to be AI this, AI that

>> No.15635854 [DELETED] 

In the hierarchy of proofs, reddit comments are one of the lowest. Almost as low as reddit comments and 4cham posts.

>> No.15635861

3D render and rig it to track the exact movements of pushing against a small piece of flux pinned superconductor? That's an expensive piece of media not tied to something like a scam. Especially something partially validating the findings of Korean dogs.

>> No.15635862

overs will go into flatearth territory soon. will be fun to watch

>> No.15635864
File: 65 KB, 593x333, Korean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese aren't too happy about Koreans.
Imagine the seethe if this turns out to be real.

>> No.15635868

>reddit comment
>outside opinion
>"think" its fake
phew lad

>> No.15635871

The Varda video is objectively the only unimpeachable example of LK-99 behaving as demonstrated because Americans made it.

>> No.15635872

Only /biz/tards and /pol/ack imbeciles would believe a random video from fucking tiktok. I really want them out of this board, I'm so tired of this bullshit.

>> No.15635873

I’m still hesitant on what side to pick. Do I wanna be an over sister or a back buddy… feel bit lost

>> No.15635874 [DELETED] 

Why stop there? Just render everything in 3D. Use some green screens and motion capture. Totally a good use of time for a chink to validate a gook theory.

>> No.15635876
File: 81 KB, 960x589, bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said quit it

>> No.15635877

3D rendering is literally cheaper than photography. Most product images you see in any catalog anywhere are 3D rendered because it's faster and cheaper than hiring a photographer.
Keep coping.

>> No.15635880

Levitating desk toys

>> No.15635881

some girls are bigger than others

>> No.15635883

ah fuck I left it on

>> No.15635885

this settles it, it's over

no coming back from this

>> No.15635886

My wife says I can get the bh if it turns out to be true

>> No.15635888

>If it's real what will happen?
Anime becomes real

>> No.15635889

for you

>> No.15635891

I want the superconductor to be an 18 year old virgin white girl and the magnetic field lines to be my cock

>> No.15635893 [DELETED] 

Well if some rando redditard said so..

Please kill yourself.

>> No.15635894

It's expensive in terms of the time, you retard.
Why would a chink spend the TIME and EFFORT to VALIDATE the claims of gooks? What is the purpose? What BENEFIT do they get out of it?
You're talking about a skilled 3D artist with a decent rig who would spend time faking shit validating Korean dog science, for what?
Pure copium at this point.

>> No.15635896

without imperfections it will totally reject your cock. a perfect one will always reject you. think about that

>> No.15635898 [DELETED] 

Everything electric would be masivelly improved. Like way smaller motors, or eolic generators hubs that are smaller, dont need a gearbox, and are very efficient a in a bigger range of winds
Better magnets and maybe fussion out of them
Losseless power lines.
And if it can get downscaled we could have quantum computers and superefficient computers
And of course hoverboards in skaparks made of magnets

>> No.15635901

>the meissner effect is where the field lines are expelled from the superconductor.

>> No.15635904

Would need a better material to do it well but that will probably happen. You could even dip the particles in fluorescent pait, and move the magnet near iron, big chunks of LK-99, pulsating electromagnets, pass your hand through the cloud... It could all be very cool and psychedelic

>> No.15635909

You have no fucking idea dude. 3D work is NOT intricate high IQ work. It takes a bit of training at first, but it's really tedious manually labor. It's literally shitted out by minimum wage poo computer farms in Bangalore, and they can get most things done within a day.
I bet a hoax video like the ones we're seeing would run about $100. Well worth it for some internet clout.

>> No.15635911

Will RTSC really enable fusion power? I mean there are other engineering challenges, not only plasma containing magnets.

>> No.15635914

yeah move your hand through them and they snap back in place. damn whatever is coming next will be fucking insane.

>> No.15635915

some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers

>> No.15635918

>4chan user can't grasp what "trolling" is
the end is nigh

>> No.15635921

cope more schizo

>> No.15635922


>> No.15635923

bruh I need to get me some fucking magnets. like a nice collection of different shapes. holy shit this is going to be fun

>> No.15635925

what the actual fuck is LK-99, Schrödinger's material?

>> No.15635929

Animating about 5 seconds of movement for a small black blob is not that much work.

>> No.15635930

>but it's really tedious manually labor.
Yeah no shit, rigging that video would be very tedious.
>would run about $100
Okay, give me the chinese VFX artist who will take $100 to produce an exact replica but but with and give me the blender file with the camera that he used to produce the entire scene, and it better be from scratch because that chopstick skin and magic rock texture/lighting is looking mighty fucking realistic.
>internet clout
They're an anonymous account, retard.

>> No.15635931

It won't. RTSC would be amazing but the fantasy tech magic attitude about them is annoying. There are significant other engineering problems for fusion.

>> No.15635934

I don't think you understand how much Chinks hate Koreans. This is getting to be more cope by the minute. Especially with other replications already.

>> No.15635938

>Especially with other replications already.
I only see failed ones though. Edit the wikipedia page if you disagree.

>> No.15635943

so you're saying LK-99 won't touch my peepee? it's over

>> No.15635945

None of the legit attempts to replicate have shown full levitation.

>> No.15635946 [DELETED] 

It helps a ton with the magneti parts which could help bruteforcing fussion without having soo much controlled the exact plasma phisics.

>> No.15635950

Yeah okay retard.
I'm sure when Argonne gives it a fair shake and replicates whatever comes out of this shitstorm you'll say it was obvious.

>> No.15635952

Argonne wont publish video of it working or not working, they don't serve the public for social media clout

>> No.15635953

>Okay, give me the chinese VFX artist who will take $100
you serious? well I'd try fiverr, I found dozens of listings under $100 when I searched "3D animation"

>> No.15635954

Sorry, I'm supposed to trust literal trannies on twatter instead. My bad.

>> No.15635957 [DELETED] 

Well see after the legit labs start using phospor with sulfur impurities to make an exact copy of the koreans, same way as amateurs have been doing

>> No.15635959

Typical crab in bucket oriental mentality lol

>> No.15635962

>clout clout clout clout
Clout entails having an identity to tie the clout too
You are retarded
I'd probably trust that tranny over some faggot spewing "I-it's fake! because CLOUT"
At least you could actually say that with the dumb tranny, that they're doing it for clout, which all evaporates once it will inevitably be proven fake in your mind, so the tranny will have to disappear in shame.

>> No.15635969

why are you so angry lmao

>> No.15635970

that's a lot of words to justify your OVER status

>> No.15635971

They used quick cooling and fucked their work

>> No.15635974

>Filmed on a tripod
>Good lighting and good camera
>10 secs
>So far away that the rock is 20 px in diameter
Yeah this shit is cgi. Tripods are used so it gets easier to comp in the 3d model. 10 secs so animating the rock does not take too much time. Far away so you do not see the buggy movement and the incorrect interaction between stick and rock. All still detectable inconsistencies can be excused with muh compression.

Also real diy have in no way the proper kiln and tools + vacuum. Only universities, science youtubers or comnpanies. And muh I changed the formula in some unknown way is also fake.

>> No.15635981 [DELETED] 

I saw them do that and thought it was probably a bad idea. I didn't realize that was probably what that tweet referred to

>> No.15635982
File: 1.85 MB, 1978x1554, nogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15635983

Because you are a dumb nigger saying dumb nigger things. "T-t-they just 3d rendered it! it's so cheap bro! you could render and rig this in 30 minutes"
These are a lot of replies to justify your OVER copium. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/claims-of-room-temperature-and-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1106083/page-11?post=94266395#post-94266395

>> No.15635987

Ironic when Corridor are probably the worst CGI artists ever

>> No.15635991

I'm the one who said Argonne won't release a video you retarded nigger, kill yourself

>> No.15635994 [DELETED] 

Reposting the second video since no one seems to have noticed it

>> No.15635995

>These are a lot of replies to justify your OVER copium. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/claims-of-room-temperature-and-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1106083/page-11?post=94266395#post-94266395

kek, you have to be 18 to post here. I can feel your angry teen hormones through the screen. Study something then talk.

>> No.15635996

yeah but they're somehow comped as fuck and i don't think it's purely because of their standing as og youtubers

>> No.15636001

Is it over?

>> No.15636006 [DELETED] 

It's only just begun

>> No.15636007
File: 1.49 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03162_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People keep asking if we're back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' we're back.

>> No.15636010

No one cares about your identity in the thread, faggot.
Yeah I'm sure I'll go study some SOIENCE physics, which are the only faggots poo-pooing this shit. EEs are rock hard, engineers are rock hard, chemists are rock hard, MSEs have a chub. Physicists are asshurt that they don't know shit about finding usable superconductors and wasted 60 fucking years of time.

>> No.15636013

you are embarassing yourself, please stop

>> No.15636014

If youre that same nigged that keeps posting these ai generated shit stains, just know you are currently the absolute worst poster on this board.

>> No.15636015

Okay let's say we figure out an RTSC. What happens if you cool it to near absolute zero? Super-superconductor? Black hole?

>> No.15636017


>> No.15636019

Mustard gas

>> No.15636020

Cope more

>> No.15636026

thankfully there is no such thing as a perfect woman

>> No.15636033

No kidding. It really is a game changer in terms of changing their current positions in the field of science at once. In a few decades or so, we'll be seeing Sukbae's name written on everywhere in every corner of the galaxy. This truly is a water shed moment for them.

>> No.15636044
File: 1.89 MB, 2590x1394, Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 11.57.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is the true power of the copium. Complete blindness to dogshit.

>> No.15636045

In a few days you'll be seeing their name in every news headline as scammer gooks then thrown out of whatever institution they work for. Even their own people will make their life miserable hell (as they should) and any gooks spouting anything regarding science will be ignored and humiliated (as they should).

>> No.15636049

>mental illness

>> No.15636052

sup bae

>> No.15636054

I love you ComfyUI anon!

>> No.15636057

Just ignore them, they literally can't help but cope to the point where logic doesn't even matter.
These people actually believe that some random guy hired someone on fiverr for a few bucks to create a completely realistic CGI clip for them which they then uploaded anonymously...
Just let that sink in and you'll understand the average oversister's level of coherent thought.

>> No.15636058

If that pic is legit then it's over.

>> No.15636063 [DELETED] 
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, MOGGED.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15636064 [DELETED] 

Let's say it works and they can also make wires out of it?
Now what, how does this improve our lives?
>muh MRIs
I can already afford them
>muh maglev trains
Literally don't care

>> No.15636066

All LK-99 everywhere in the universe stops superconducting at any temperature.
You must not ever cool it that far.

>> No.15636072

Imagine the power of the asian continent if they didn't all hate each other so fucking much

>> No.15636073

as I understand it as a layperson (retard tier):
the meissner effect describes the expulsion of magnetic fields; it doesn't refer to the perfect diamagnetism itself, but rather the phenomenon of the expulsion

flux pinning is where a type-II - or possibly thin type-I SC (?) - has /almost/ entirely expelled external magnetic fields (via the meissner effect), aside from points where there are defects in the material, allowing the magnetic field through these points, but preventing the penetrating magnetic flux from moving, causing the SC to be 'pinned' to the external magnetic field

>> No.15636076

I showed the videos to my wife and she thought it was real.
I’ll show her bf and ask what he thinks

>> No.15636077 [DELETED] 

You are posting examples of cartoon cats as evidence that the video was fake?

>> No.15636078

can those gooks ship/bring some of their sample to mit or europe labs or something ?
also the japs should be the first to disapprove it due to their rivalry autism

>> No.15636079

Rajesh and Kumar don't know the physics of flux pinning and levitation resulting from Meissner. they do half assed animations of cartoon skeletons all day, not intricate physical simulation and/or extra tedious rigging.

>> No.15636082 [DELETED] 

Ask her son too

>> No.15636083

your title is cringe/lord

>> No.15636103

It basically means "hot chick" in italian.

>> No.15636105

as i understand it: getting energy production away from population centers, maybe getting closer to usable fusion, maybe batteries that keep charge indefinitely
and maybe read the op, retard

>> No.15636106

I'm demonstrating that the retard I replied to saying these are multiple videos 3d rendered on the cheap with highly realistic skin, lighting, and perfect physical simulations of obscure physical phenomena, was retarded. He's talking about retarded pajeets doing money for pennies who only knowing how to animate a scene of a retarded cartoon cat with like, 8 bones, and it looks like shit, and their assets are always stolen.

>> No.15636118 [DELETED] 

You posted examples of shitty cartoon CGI that STARTS at nearly $100. None of the stuff you posted is even on the same continent as realistic.

Couldn't be more accurate

>> No.15636126

>None of the stuff you posted is even on the same continent as realistic.
Anon... I think that's what he's trying to say...

>> No.15636128

damn that's some photorealistic cgi!

>> No.15636132

Yes, learn to read. I was replying to someone who said that I should just "search on fiverr" because "animation starts at $100."
Meanwhile, the animation: dogshit cartoons with 8 bones, not:
"indistinguishable physical demonstration of flux pinning from the real thing with real skin and real chopstick perturbing the flux pinned sample and aperture and this CGI will make you cum."

>> No.15636135
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 1605134150666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backsissies what's today's copium gonna be?

>> No.15636136

Mate it's a fucking blurry video of a floating rock, no rigging required, that takes LESS cgi effort to make than a cartoon cat. What the fuck are you smoking.

>> No.15636137 [DELETED] 

Are you aware that there are no ID's here?

>> No.15636141

The electricity would go back in time

>> No.15636147



>> No.15636149

you're such a stupid nigger it's unreal

>> No.15636151

this just looks like ferromagnetism, can someone explain why this proves anything?

>> No.15636153

Yes, but you can follow the conversation with replies. Do try.
Okay, hire Babu and produce some for the lulz. It's just that easy. Also, the rock is completely in focus versus the background. Yet another thing that Kumar would not know how to do.

>> No.15636157

2 more days

>> No.15636160

even freetard Blender does depth of field and auto focus. nice try though

>> No.15636161 [DELETED] 

>Do try.

>> No.15636162

and it's enabled by default I think

>> No.15636166

>then do it
lmao the cope intensifies every single thread

>> No.15636168
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>> No.15636169

why is everyone acting like the chinese video is the one thing holding the universe in balance?
i personally think that one is is a fake but it doesn't have any implication on the whole thing

>> No.15636170

Don't call me the s-word please or i'll relapse

>> No.15636180
File: 1.71 MB, 638x618, 1668159832043824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pessimists have to search for faggot reaction pics to false flag as optimists as their last resort

>> No.15636181
File: 327 KB, 3630x1615, EsGq9hwXYAEwx1U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of seething
Yeah. I think we're finally back Hwan bros...

>> No.15636183


>> No.15636184
File: 425 KB, 600x783, buck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, literally nigger-rigged tier
back bros? more like buck broken

>> No.15636186

And just a touch of cinnabar

>> No.15636190

Yeah, and Kumar rigs eight bone monstrosities, of cartoon textures. He doesn't know how to do aperture. It's not "default" for a camera to do that in blender, that would be retarded. Just fuck off.

>> No.15636194

Funny in Spanish, bonanza means prosperity or buenaza a slag for "hot chick".

>> No.15636195

so.. are we back?

>> No.15636198
File: 64 KB, 711x360, backover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15636199

Its back forever now

>> No.15636203


Imagine if the Chinks got the formula right and can now patent it.
Not that patents mean anything to them, because they'll steal the tech anyways but this way they'll be able to do it for real.
Chinese are going to make the West look like a bunch of incompetent retards if they manage to get this right, while Western big boy labs haven't even been vocal about looking into it.

I almost hope that the slants get this and rewrite entire concept of superconductors, because it would make Western science look retarded and it fucking deserves it.
If this had been about discovering a new gender, every god damn university would have been on it immediately and they wouldn't have shut up about it.

>> No.15636204

As long as the new chinese videos don't get debunked, we are extremely back.

>> No.15636209
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>> No.15636215

So what happens if it turns out the alchemical compound has shit conducting but still levitates like one?

>> No.15636216

we're over, but it's back
it's we're and back over
over back we're it's back, over
in short, wit's oack

>> No.15636217

How many bones are in the LK-99 puck?

>> No.15636219

Then its still really fucking good for bearings and shit

>> No.15636220

yeah the flickering of the sunglasses makes it extra super realistic
definitely beginner premier work

>> No.15636226



>> No.15636230

It ain't over till it's over


>> No.15636234


>> No.15636239
File: 445 KB, 804x660, 1680569758720747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> US carrier battle group when they see Sugmadong-5 Rail Way Proplusion System suspended on 400 Mavic 3's like a shitty Harry Houdini trick re-enactment heading in their direction

>> No.15636242

We need to ask /a/ or /c/ to make the avatar

>> No.15636266

Something most people are missing how much better drones will get from this
Better motors and control units will make them fly twice as long or twice the payload

>> No.15636271

what's with these weird chinese fantasies?

>> No.15636280

to be fair, the west will have deserved it
I just saw a video of the NYU quantum lab sitting on their ass for a YouTube video with two diversity hires laughing about it and saying how everyone should be skeptical of it instead of getting in the fucking lab and reproducing it

>> No.15636290

>just saw a video of the NYU quantum lab sitting on their ass for a YouTube video with two diversity hires laughing about it and saying how everyone should be skeptical of it instead of getting in the fucking lab and reproducing it
Wait really? Link?

>> No.15636307

if the fact is that imperfections along grain boundaries reduce the superconducting ability, just create a monocrystaline solid

>> No.15636314 [DELETED] 

It's actually a guy in a costume, filmed in front of a green screen and then transposed into the video

>> No.15636321

liberal arts degree mill for rich kids, who cares

>> No.15636326

>we might finally be getting back to mid pre-diluvian Babylon

So much time lost…

>> No.15636398

I hate china but i too would feel happy seeing chinese scientists dabbing on the western tranny cult "scientists".

>> No.15636424 [DELETED] 

Some guy already did in a previoys thread

>> No.15636539

>product images you see in any catalog anywhere are 3D rendered because it's faster and cheaper than hiring a photographer.
yeah, because it was designed on a computer so they already have the model. Photography is easier/cheaper otherwise

>> No.15636841

Still a ceramic...

>> No.15636943

even this has been debunked. phil mason has been on suicide watch for days now

>> No.15636950

Quantum lock have been proven to be active in multiple replications

>> No.15637091
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>> No.15637260
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 1649031777556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a chink video again

>> No.15637616

literally just edit in the chunk in post

>> No.15638802

If it's one more chink video of dubious crediility, I'm gonna go take a shit