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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, 1691146951997945.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15630429 No.15630429 [Reply] [Original]


Well looks like the rock floats

>> No.15630558

heil himmler !

>> No.15630565
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>> No.15630603

So can we confirm it's absolutely not ferromagnetism or diamagnetism? Is this the float?

>> No.15630609

>it's always pinned at one point
>it always rotates in circles


>> No.15630624

I think he's spinning the magnet underneath it

>> No.15630630

>it stops when he stops the magnet

>> No.15630632

Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.

t. certified 156iq.

>> No.15630635

new cope has dropped. Now that there is only one point of contact it becomes obvious that it is not pinned.

>> No.15630638

I'm buying Vardaspace for this shit they have some smart cookies

>> No.15630643

then how does it spin? It's inside a jar it's not touching the magnet at all

>> No.15630649
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>> No.15630657

its private
they don't need pleb bucks, they're improving humanities future

>> No.15630661

you don't even know how magnets work
you simply don't have enough money

>> No.15630667

correct, and neither do you

>> No.15630672

based cope overchad

>> No.15630674
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>> No.15630679

seriously what the fuck is with this astroturf campaign, literally nobody accredited is hyped for this crappy paper

yet there are a million threads about it on 4chan across every board for no reason

21st century better bring a revolution in psychology because I'm really getting tired of people faking group think with proxynets

>> No.15630686

you're the first person i'm blasting with my rail gun

>> No.15630689

Crossboarders from /biz/ and /pol/. Also, outside 4chan, the biggest shills for this Korean scam are cryptocurrency fags.

>> No.15630691

Spinning ahoge

>> No.15630693

the accredited people are getting hyped in private with their bros, they don't need to go in public in order to find people who share their interests/hobbies or at the least understand why this could be big
by which I mean I am friends with smart people for some reason and they're quietly hyped in private, although they don't spend very long thinking about it and just get on with their lives while they wait

>> No.15630699


>> No.15630950
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>> No.15630957

It's just bots, probably from those betting sites that are spammed.

>> No.15631749

first time this image made me kek

>> No.15631760

You immediatly know something is a scam when cryptoniggers are astroturfing it and flooding discussion spaces.
Friendly reminder that no one on /biz/ or twitter ever got rich from crypto.

>> No.15631762

Interviewer with Andrew Mccalip

>> No.15631763
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You'll float too

>> No.15631765

it's a little worm

>> No.15631771

In a flying car, yes

>> No.15631777

Isn't this evidence against Meissner? Shouldn't it be locked in a specific position?

>> No.15631790

It is. As he rotates the magnet below it follows through, however the point of contact seems to be creating some kind of flux change that stabilizes the magnet. The key here is leaching stabilization. It's diamagnetism with an off balanced kilter.

>> No.15631798

so basically, it's over.

>> No.15631804

Unless you break it in half and make it float with the floaty bit, yes.

>> No.15631818
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Not. All. Superconductors. Flux pin. In fact most of them don't. Jesus christ I hate this board.

>> No.15631822

It literally never even began

>> No.15631824

>Well looks like the rock floats
>never loses contact with the floor

>> No.15631826

Its literally over. The scientist on the paper just admitted it does have 0 resistance.


This retard seems to have confused an insulator-metal transition for a superconductor.

>> No.15631831

Me: What is the evidence this is a superconductor
Me: But it isn't pinned.

>> No.15631841
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Fucking knew it.

>> No.15631858

You are both retarded deranged animals

>> No.15631869

The cope is too strong. Any real counterarguments?

>> No.15631872

Name other stones that exhibit the same exact phenomenon. I'll wait.

>> No.15631886


based old scientist trolling the internet

>> No.15631889

Doesn't matter. Its not a superconductor. If the headline was "Korean team finds new rock that floats differently than other magnetic rocks", I would buy it. But the headline was "Korean team finds room temperature superconductor". And they didn't.

>> No.15631890

I asked chatgpt to explain this interview and she said that material only acts as a superconductor in one dimension.
She further explained:

In the context of superconductivity, the term "one dimension" refers to the dimensionality of the superconducting behavior in the material. It means that the material exhibits superconductivity only along a specific direction or axis, rather than being superconducting in all three dimensions (length, width, and height) like conventional bulk superconductors.

>> No.15631900
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You can't, because there is nothing that can do this other than superconductors.

>> No.15631918
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>> No.15631956
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To verify that it's flux pinning and not just diamagnetism, couldn't you just increase the magnet power until it lifts off and see if it floats steadily vs repelling away? Should be possible to beat neodymium with an electromagnet and a car battery

>> No.15631988

>23x graphite
>No videos of it floating like graphite

>> No.15631997

Every single video from Diamagnetics show massive powerful magnets.

>> No.15632005

Korean Wiki about LK 99

>> No.15632006
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>> No.15632007

lmao look how teeny and thin that graphite is compared to four gigamagnets, yet it can float maybe half a millimeter?

>> No.15632020

Do these help you cope with the impossible "superdiamagnetism with self aligning characteristics" explanation?

>> No.15632024

How more powerful are the magnets than the ones the Koreans/Chinese/Americans used?

>> No.15632025

Hey coffee twitter man did it. Im impressed, i was confidently saying he wouldn't accomplish anything a few days ago, clearly i was wrong.

>> No.15632032

It might be the golden goose for his space company if it turns out these crystals are easier to make in their space labs

>> No.15632041

You are coping

>> No.15632047

That's not coffee twitter man. That's rocket science american.

>> No.15632058
File: 353 KB, 1555x639, magnets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal magnets, the magnets that you see in other videos of diamagnetics are neodymium magnets which are the most powerful permanent magnets, even in the linked video, the author puts wooden boards to prevent them from sticking, they are so strong that not even he himself could detach them or even the collision of two could break his fingers, neodymium magnets are dangerous, they are magnetic fields hundreds of times stronger against other ferromagnets.


>> No.15632076
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>> No.15632082
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>and that when I actually measured it, the resistance was zero. So we didn't put it in the second paper. We didn't write it down because we knew it.

>> No.15632085


>> No.15632088

Meh, so small and not even really floating. They should try at least at 40C to see if it is worth to keep trying.

>> No.15632090

Why was this submitted to arxiv instead of Nature?

>> No.15632096

Nature reject it after a pajeet poisoned the water a year earlier

>> No.15632100

nature rejected the paper due to inconsistencies and non verifiable information in the papers...

>> No.15632143

Well,it's over i guess.

Nothing good ever happen

>> No.15632156
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Its finally over pft

>> No.15632160
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>> No.15632189

Did you even read rhe redditors replies? It's a 1D conductor

>> No.15632191


live stream of them cooking it

>> No.15632192

Let them have this. This back phase lasted too long for them to handle.

>> No.15632199

Guess I'll play cyberpunk for the next 3+ hours

>> No.15632202

What do you think a “metal-insulator transition” means retard?

>> No.15632204
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>You're excited for something?
>Okay, and your credentials are...?

>> No.15632206

a new team on it

>> No.15632213

why is Elongated Muskrat not trying to cook a lk-99?

>> No.15632218
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For fuck sake, he acts surprused when hears the something called MIT materials exists. Fucking worthless gooks wasting everyone's time. Dumb fucking gooks should all be banned from making any scientific papers

>> No.15632241

>facebook memes
>strongest diamagnet by several orders of magnitude
>muh flat bands therefore MIT!!!
Overtards are finished.

>> No.15632246
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nothing ever happens in this gay earth

>> No.15632257

They're actually doing a pretty good job for nerdy scientist streamers.
I hope they succeed

>> No.15632262

He's turning the magnet. At one point he tells the guy to stop and it freezes in place.

>> No.15632265

it is great to be able to watch this. very exciting in a watching paint dry sort of way lol

>> No.15632273

It's so fucking over

>> No.15632278

Pretty much, yeah
I also don't have any idea what they're measuring atm. Came in a bit late

>> No.15632283

I'm guessing it's resistance, but why is it cold? isn't it supposed to work at room temp?

>> No.15632284

Unironically yes. What are your credentials? If you aren't an expert on this topic why do you even feel the needs to post and discuss it? You have no basis to analyses any of this. How can you ever tell if what you're reading is reliable or not? If someone came up and said "I have a magical rock that cures cancer", you would take that at face value and then get mad at anyone more knowledgeable than you saying you shouldn't believe it. You might as well be arguing if God is real, you can't know because you don't have the capacity to know.

>> No.15632285
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I came from/k/ because I need a 9,000 FPS rail slug that can blast through armored vehicles and a coil gun that sprays flechettes so fast that it's basically a flame thrower with 2,000 yard range.

>> No.15632290

/a/, /v/, and /co/.

Here because I love scientific discoveries and shitposting.

>> No.15632292


>> No.15632293



>> No.15632294

It's over, isn't it.

>> No.15632299

You failed shill.
We're back,

>> No.15632300


>Dicking around with a superconductor
>Casually point out an undocumented fact about it having to be spinning in order for it to move towards the magnet while it's warming up.

Sounds like established university labs are way too rigid of an environment for proper discovery of interesting things.
Just let bunch of people play with the science toys and you'll know all kinds of the attributes about the materials soon enough.

>> No.15632302

Yup over

>> No.15632303

can we archive this now? I can't believe /sci/ was taking gook, chink, jeet and woman science seriously, seriously the lowest this board has ever been. Anons have turned into a bunch of baseded hypefaggots.

>> No.15632305

It's over. No quantum shit for us.

>> No.15632309

>mobile links
keep yourself safe

>> No.15632311

Funny how this only applies to the excited people and not the doomers who propose even more impropable things like it being unexplainably the strongest diamagnet in the universe. You have a flat earther's idea of "reel skepticism".

>> No.15632320

>open stream
>first thing said is "i've never actually played with superconductors before"
>close stream

>> No.15632324

they are just waiting for the vac oven too cool down before they do the next step. the oven should be cool enough shortly.

>> No.15632328

you don't understand, so basically one guy they appealed to authority had a knee-jerk reaction to dismiss it therefore the only position possible is to think its wrong. Also don't bother trying to replicate results because the science is settled.

>> No.15632331

being an unusually strong diamagnet is a way more realistic claim than the world's first room temp superconductor that we currently have absolutely no theoretical reason to believe actually exists.

there's a reason no real institutions are investigating this, experts are not impressed at all by this unfinished, amateur as fuck paper. every "replication attempt" is some amateur student in a third rate lab with left over equipment, it's all nonsense, and anyone with any degree of expertise recognizes it as such

>> No.15632334

what a dogmatic unscientific view lol

>> No.15632336
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>The question of whether the resistance of a superconducting state is zero or not was debated over 100 years ago. This is a debate that follows every time a superconducting phenomenon is discovered. I had already written in my first paper that there was a discontinuous "jump" and that when I actually measured it, the resistance was zero. So we didn't put it in the second paper. We didn't write it down because we knew it.

>> No.15632337
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>we currently have absolutely no theoretical reason to believe actually exists

>> No.15632341

Perhaps develop a way to withstand point blank sound barrier shattering first

>> No.15632343

>guy claims to have magic cancer curing rock
>medical and physics experts say that's impossible and dismiss it

>> No.15632345
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Argonne National Lab is a serious institution

>> No.15632346

If this is real it will change the world like no technology before has. If it's real, we will have time machines in less than 10 years. Can you comprehend how huge that is?

>> No.15632347

>guy claims to have magic cancer curing rock
isn't that literally happening right now? kek

>> No.15632349
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>unusually strong diamagnet
>a reason no real institutions are investigating this

Yeah let's not research or care about what's potentially the world's strongest diamagnetic materia by a wide margin, it probably has zero uses in anything after all.

>> No.15632356

What the fuck am I gonna do with a time machine? What good can come of that?

>> No.15632357

It's the several orders of magnitude stronger diamagnetism that has no theoretical reason.
>there's a reason no real institutions are investigating this
>literally hasn't been a week yet
>serious institutions aren't constantly posting about it on twitter therefore it isn't happening
Average overtard ADHD subhuman.

>> No.15632364

pressurized spray can on a fucking gazillion degrees oven. great

>> No.15632366

So if this things claim to fame is how it's simple to produce from cheap materials, how come some big dick western institution hasn't already tried it? Cost or time can't be an issue. Instead we only see chinks and some Twitter randos. It's over. In fact it has never even begun.

>> No.15632368

Is there some actual theory/hypothesis that time machines can in fact become real?

>> No.15632371

No, it's an unscientific view to dismiss a hundred years of repeated and verified research and theoretical understanding to try and shoehorn in your magic rock.

None of this can explain this finding. Try harder, grasp at more straws.

Forcing a reputable lab to waste time debunking nonsense is unfortunate. And when they turn up nothing, none of you will believe it anyway.

Yes, and that's why I don't believe it. You probably believe the guys in Greece who try to sell you "ancient artifacts" on the streets for $10

You can study that but study it as what it is, not as a miracle God rock

>> No.15632373

No. Had it been true, we'd be messing with timelines like there's no tomorrow. Besides, have you seen a time traveler anywhere yet?

>> No.15632375

ur supposed to put the "Its over" part in a reply to your post, not the post itself

>> No.15632376

>>15632364 me
and topside looks like venting area. part of it is covered by some paper sheets. what the fuck lol

>> No.15632377

Causality violations are only possible on the quantum scale.

>> No.15632378

Hold on nigger hold on

An unusual diamagnet is also something that there's no theoretical reason to believe it actually exists. That's what makes it unusual. There's probably tons of hypotheses for both anyway.


What is the realistic difference between an unusually strong diamagnet and an unusually high temperature superconductor?

You can't rule either of them out. We just haven't found any yet. There's no theory that they can't exist either. Not accusing you, but don't confuse the utility to humanity with the claim being extraordinary.

>> No.15632381

So you are saying...

>> No.15632385

>time machine
lol how does superconductivity relate to time travel

>> No.15632386
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Two recent preprints in physics archive (arXiv) have called the attention as they claim experimental evidence that a Cu-substituted apatite material (called LK-99) exhibits superconductivity at room temperature and pressure. If this proves to be true, LK-99 will be the holy grail of superconductors. In this work, we used Density-Functional Theory calculations to elucidate some key features of the electronic structure of LK-99. Although some aspects of our calculations are preliminary, we found that: i) in the ground state of the material the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic configurations are practically degenerated, ii) the material is metallic, iii) the Cu atoms seem to be hosts in the lattice with not covalent bonds to other atoms and supporting almost flat bands around the Fermi level, and iv) the electron-phonon coupling of these flat bands seems to be dramatically large.
>the electron-phonon coupling of these flat bands seems to be dramatically large.

>> No.15632389

lol keep telling yourself mass replying coper. You are a disgusting entity of stagnation against people doing actual science.

>> No.15632394
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we are so back bois

>> No.15632396

>gets btfo for being a narrow minded retard
>mass replies in an attempt to save face
Lamo cry more fag

>> No.15632398

they said that spray can handle temps of 3000C

>> No.15632399

its a well poisoner. Its like feds throwing in flat-earthers into a group.

>> No.15632400

>the wiggling that will define a generation

>> No.15632402

thats just a mexican jumping bean

>> No.15632403
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What is the realistic difference between an unusually strong diamagnet and an unusually high temperature superconductor?
Superconductors are perfect diamagnets.

>> No.15632405
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>Forcing a reputable lab to waste time debunking nonsense is unfortunate. And when they turn up nothing, none of you will believe it anyway
goalpost moved

>> No.15632407
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>> No.15632416

>getting this mad from getting deb00000nked
oof, lmao. It’s over. Let that sink in.

>> No.15632418

Why the fuck is gook moot not doing anything about bots like this guy? Jesus fucking christ you can see the actual bot fucking up

>> No.15632423

Great Scott, did you leak from /v/ or some other shit hole board? Please go back and never come back. The illiterates we got here are taking up enough oxygen as it is.

>> No.15632425

your analogy is retarded and a contradiction of reality. Even if you think its doubtful if they have some evidence its worth investigating on the chance it could be big. Especially if its relatively cheap and simple to replicate.

>> No.15632428

we're so fucking back

>> No.15632434

>0 resistance
Yay superconductor!

>> No.15632440

Dramatically large =/= Superconductive. Unique properties are not superconductivity. You are all working backwards in the most unscientific way. You are looking for evidence to support your conclusion, not building a conclusion from evidence.

>has no real reply
>"cry more fag"

Am I wrong? I specifically said that it's all third rate students with left over equipment. And also, it's 100% true that you won't believe it if they turn up nothing.

Real scientists don't waste their time on every frauds magical rock. Real archaeologist dont waste their time on every "mystical artifact" from street scammers. Real phsycians don't waste their time on every Snake Oil Pill. We use theory to inform our decision on where to look.

>> No.15632448
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>it's 100% true that you won't believe it if they turn up nothing.
>if they turn up nothing
Which won't happen lmao, we are so fucking back overfag get lost

>> No.15632459

i think he knows quite a bit about MIT materials

>> No.15632462

>Real scientists don't waste their time on every frauds magical rock.
>hurdurr everything I think might go against what I already believe is a scam.
a completely unscientific point of view. That's not science that's appeal to status quo.

>Real phsycians don't waste their time on every Snake Oil Pill. We use theory to inform our decision on where to look.
you aren't one, you're a neet on 4chan with just a high school diploma at most. And its very evident.

>> No.15632473
File: 212 KB, 367x454, prblematic 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess you took the genetic therapy, more than once even, right?

>> No.15632474

Like earmuffs?

>> No.15632477

>not building a conclusion from evidence.
An alternate theory of superconductors, considering the use of cooper pairs as a special case electron-electron, can use lattice phonon-electron, the theory is based on very reputable Russian and Polish researchers, between 1958 to 1959 and the publication of the book in 1970, it just happened that everybody preferred to look for cooper pairs as the only way to superconductors.

That is why the theory that explains the LK-99 has more basis than believing that it was just an invention of another professor or a coincidence of mixing materials.

Given this theory, the evidence is the LK-99 material, now the conclusion is missing, it is shameful that a theory of superconductivity was dismissed for decades without proposing flaws or even using Nikolay Bogolyubov's own work on this theory in other areas of science.

>> No.15632481

Is this a good thng or bad thing for whether lk99 is really a superconductor?

>> No.15632482

>it's an unscientific view to dismiss an obvious fraud as an obvious fraud
>science must take every magic rock claim seriously because all evidence and theory before is irrelevant in the face of one new claim
>all claims have equal legitimacy regardless of the evidence for and against those claims
you are supremely retarded. please leave this board

>> No.15632488

>you are supremely retarded. please leave this board
>>it's an unscientific view to dismiss an obvious fraud as an obvious fraud
>its an obvious fraud because I said its an obvious fraud!!!!
please move to canada and go through the legal procedures to end your life.

>> No.15632489

So it can't work with alternate current?

>> No.15632490

Don't trust the ai-auto generated interview lol. The translations are so bad.

I can't believe you guys don't think he can't tell the difference between MIT and a superconductor. In the original interview, he clearly states for his reason why this has to be a superconductor and not a MIT.

In Korean forums, even people who were calling the team scammers are having second thoughts now.

In the interview, he also states his reason for the "crude" quality of the interview

>> No.15632491

No superconductor can, AC fucks them up

>> No.15632494

He's saying that their instruments can't detect 0 resistance, too much noise. But that other facets of lk-99 indicate that it's a super conductor. Idk how true any of that is.

>> No.15632500

isn't it more about the impurities than their instruments? they would need a very pure sample to actually measure 0 resistance

>> No.15632509

sorry "crude" quality of the papers I mean

>> No.15632512

That's what I thought. Goes to show this place isn't full of weebs anymore if people are taking google translations of east asian languages at face value.

>> No.15632513

"The notion that tiny invisible creatures could cause illness is preposterous. The medical community should ignore this delusion and focus on more realistic theories"

>> No.15632517

>Given this theory, the evidence is the LK-99 material, now the conclusion is missing
Yes the conclusion is missing, which is something that everyone else is missing. And the evidence is incredibly weak and doesn't point at superconductivity, only at weird magnetic properties. The evidence isn't even there to say that this theory of Superconductivity works, must less that LK99 works because of it. Again, don't work backwards. Build the evidence, then draw conclusions from it. Don't desperately grasp at anything that can help justify you're predetermined conclusion

If you cannot tell why it is an obvious fraud, you probably require a caretaker and maybe a specialized helmet for day to day activity. I can't help children too retarded to not take candy from strangers in vans.

>> No.15632516

you are anti science and should be inprisioned

>> No.15632518

>it fucks them over
>that means we'll have to remake the entire electric grid
>my third world shithole can't even achieve proper coverage
It's over for me bois

>> No.15632520

>furthermore it also has the ability to spatially lock themselves in free space relative to a surface whi

that's cool and all but what the fuck is that even supposed to mean, fucking esl scifi is the worst

>> No.15632521

These anons are clearly not familiar with how asian languages get machine translated. Due to differences in subject dropping and word order and whatnot an English translation can often say the exact opposite of what was actually written. The question with MIT materials seems particularly butchered.

>> No.15632522

>verified accounts only chat

>> No.15632525

Teach yourself to code and get a green card. You'll have to stay chained to an American corporation for 10 years before you qualify for permanent residency or citizenship, but at least you'll be able to go to the hoverboard park with us.

>> No.15632526

>If you cannot tell why it is an obvious fraud, you probably require a caretaker and maybe a specialized helmet for day to day activity. I can't help children too retarded to not take candy from strangers in vans.
>uhh its fraud okay?! IT JUST IS!
very scientific. Now please, move to canada and go through the legal procedure for euthanasia.

>> No.15632532

Please explain how having previously accepted models for super conductivity support the claim in every simulation that has been published about LK99 is making "all evidence and theory before is irrelevant in the face of one new claim"?
You won't because you are a coward bitch that tiptoes around arguments

>> No.15632536

Is it that easy? I already do some coding by modding a few games, sometimes even without any documentation.

>> No.15632539
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, 1673927182247434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's excited to get their very own Gauss rifle?

>> No.15632542

I love how the very fact that this mystery compound is even diamagnetic in the first fucking place is, scientifically, reason enough to look at it more closely.

Isn't there some anecdote about how the best science starts with "huh, that's weird..."?

>> No.15632544
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>> No.15632546


>> No.15632548

rape kyoko

>> No.15632550

more of a levitating thrusting dildo guy myself

>> No.15632551

It's not THAT easy. But it's a path. Tech companies are more willing than most to sponsor a green card.

>> No.15632552

>s-stop bringing this up

>> No.15632554

That was my first fucking post today nigger sit down and take your schizo meds at the appropriate schedule

>> No.15632555

Let's not get too excited. This is an interesting theory and material. While I have my doubts I am of the opinion if that this doesn't end up working we might have some new concepts to try with material science.

Right! I mean worst case scenario in my opinion is that we end up getting some new ideas. >>15632513
I like this considering what has been said in this thread repeatedly.

>> No.15632557
File: 211 KB, 960x960, 1676992214344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any news about KN-92 supercocksucktor?

>> No.15632558

>new material shows characteristics that neither can be explained and are part of the characteristics that a superconductor has
What the fuck is this crab bucket mentality? According to the "current models" the thing shouldn't even display any of those characteristics, that's enough to prove that the model is incorrect.

Do scientists just "assume" that they know everything they don't know?

>> No.15632567

a historic livestream gets shut down because of some troll from /pol/ lol

>> No.15632569

Remember that some people put money on this. Things are looking good so it's bad for people who bet "no".

>> No.15632570

>Do scientists just "assume" that they know everything they don't know?
Academia has always consisted of 80% people who think they know everything and 20% people actually trying to innovate.

>> No.15632574

That ratio might be optimistic

>> No.15632575

will this help my AI waifu

>> No.15632578

Leeuwenhoek didn't make claims beyond what he had observed. He didn't see animalcules and say "These possess magical properties ", he simply reported his findings. He didn't work backwards, and these tiny creatures were in line with the already popular miasma theory of disease hence why such a connection could be made.

>this guy over there claims he's Jesus, I have to believe him on his face because there's no way to prejudge the validity of anything or any claim
that's the level of science you're on

Again, caretaker please. If you don't understand why someone claiming their magic rock violates and contradicts previously validated research is likely fraud, please seek help.

We don't have evidence that those "previously accepted" models apply here. We don't have evidence that LK99 exhibits anything more than dismagnetism. We don't have evidence that proves it's structure. We don't have ANYTHING that gives us the conclusion of superconductivity. We have people claiming superconductivity, then working backwards to try and support this conclusion. STOP APPROACHING THIS BACKWARDS

>> No.15632580

"Science advances one funeral at a time"

Look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck's_principle..
Remember the doctors who refused to believe the germ theory?

It's always been this way. It's just that now we get to see it realtime because of twitter or X or whatever it is called now

>> No.15632583

probably the same as when they leave a negative peer review to try to bury the work of their competitors. academia is broken.

>> No.15632588

Do we have any idea as to why it only acts funny with the sulfur present?

>> No.15632597

>Do scientists just "assume" that they know everything they don't know?

Yeah, pretty much. I used to like such physicists as Smoke deGrasse Tyson, but his weirdly hard-line approach to science is counterintuitively institutional, and he is unfortunately an influencer.

I think his absolute distaste of religion has tainted his imagination, and that sort of thinking is just kind of baked into modern academia, at least in the US sphere.

Most people don't understand the scientific method, let alone materials science. I'm huffing some quality hopium with this compound, but I'm also utterly fascinated by what it could be. Even if this turns out to be absolutely nothing like what we think, it's proving itself to be something, and there's no way to tell what might come of it yet.

There was a video on twitter posted of some homebrew scientist demonstrating the diamagnetic effect - it's proof of something, which is notable in its own right.

>> No.15632599

You can examine it more, that's all well and good. But don't expect respectable researchers to waste their time on every wild, nonsense claim. And don't put the buggy before the horse. We do not have the evidence to make the conclusion of superconductivity. We have weak evidence of weird magnetic properties. Scientists don't assume they know everything, but they can assume that something that smells like a scam, looks like a scam, talks like scam, is a scam.

>> No.15632604

Again, you make no scientific arguments and cannot back your statement as to why its not even worth investigating.

So, please again look into the legal procedures on Canada on euthanasia.

>> No.15632610

Magnetchads won
Electriclosers lost

>> No.15632618

is it a scam

>> No.15632623

what do you think???

>> No.15632624

is anybody asking for money?

>> No.15632626
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I can't tell which way things are actually leaning anymore

>> No.15632630

Nobody knows. It's best we wait it out and check later for more tests.

>> No.15632634

as it should be. We are in super-positioned over, back and every possible state in between. Until its proven or not.

>> No.15632646

sulfur is used to summon demons, it's demonic, we are in the DOOM timeline

>> No.15632662


>> No.15632742

this being a "scam" is very unlikely and is worth investigating. To the pseudo-scientists, this does not mean I think it even works I just think its worth checking out.

>> No.15632828

Is fucking sketchy, but there are enought proofs making it worth investigating, and there is also the initial korean drama of the desperate fired doc leaking the works bc he really thinks is real and worth a nobel

>> No.15632852

Buy monero

>> No.15632874
File: 177 KB, 1080x1650, 1691186023809553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 1 Dimensional superconductor and only exhibits magnetic field rejection when the magnetic flux is perpendicular to superconductor Pathways this explains why no matter how strong the diamagnetic effect is it won't lift its tail from the ground, it will lift itself upright until the ever increasing magnetic flux permeability caused by aligning it's superconductor Pathways results in enough dead weight it can no longer lift itself, resulting in a slant.

>> No.15632894

Based paint infographics

>> No.15632954
File: 27 KB, 500x260, 0F6D276E-290B-4061-A2BB-0D84914414ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put that on a pendulum and you have yourself a piston they’re big boy. Makes sense sort of.

>> No.15633030


>> No.15633033


>> No.15633040

IS there any hint of a precedent for one-dimension/axis diamagnet in physics?

This shit keeps getting weirder. I wish it WAS an outright hoax at this point.

>> No.15633048

> I let others make up MY mind!
And the worst thing about that is that you think it makes you smart or intelligent.

>> No.15633053

Yes. a one dimensional superconductor

>> No.15633059


>> No.15633094

>If you aren't an expert on this topic why do you even feel the needs to post and discuss it?
So you're telling me that you've never had a conversation with other people about something that you're interested in while not having a degree in the subject? This basic social interaction is just a completely foreign concept to you?

I'd ask if you're on the spectrum, but I'm pretty sure that even autistic people understand this one.

>> No.15633124

I don't think this is right. The Meisner effect arises because of eddy currents, which are currents that go round and round in a loop. But a loop needs two dimensions.

>> No.15633135

To add to this
1d superconductor - no meisner at all
2d superconductor - 1d meisner in the direction perpendicular to the superconducting ones.
3d superconductor - full meisner

>> No.15633151

>rips bong
so what if
>hacking cough
what if they took the LK99 and like
>blows nose
put it into one of those magnetic induction heater coil things
would it melt the lead? or the superconductor? would that refine it somehow?
>swigs bottle, exhales
cuz really is it even the whole nugget that matters? this whole "cook until golden brown" shit seems really imprecise

>> No.15633163

Wouldn't the expulsion of the magnetic field still occur if you have a series of 1d superconductors?

It would occur in a direction perpendicular to the superconducting pathway.

>> No.15633203

Perhaps a Eddy current can form around only a handful of atoms within the superconducting pathway but the other direction doesn't allow for Eddy currents, regardless of the exact mechanism the reason of how, Eddy currents Form when the magnetic field is in one particular angle of incidence to the superconducting pathways but not when in the other

>> No.15633304

Look at the pics from that article and think about them. Basically the rings form around the field lines of the magnet and create an opposite field. That's how the field is expelled.

>> No.15633344

Actually.. the more I think about this.. I suppose it could be like that. Not so sure though.

>> No.15633368
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>What are your credentials
I have a physics degree from an accredited university and have passed multiple classes on both electromagnetism and solid state physics. Why do pseuds subscribe to the false dichotomy of layman/expert? You can be educated on a subject without holding a gorillion PhDs and an h-index of infinity.

>> No.15633446
File: 20 KB, 310x148, Laminated_core_eddy_currents_2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically Eddy currents are loops of current flow and are at right angles from the Field lines of the magnetic field,when the superconducting pathways are parallel to the magnetic field lines the cross section of the conductive path is like 1-3 atoms and that may be below a critical threshold for an Eddie but when the magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the superconducting pathways the cross section is enough atoms for an eddy current to form hence allowing a Meissner effect in one direction but not the other, the material is in effect a laminated core and the "laminations"are atom wide wires so Small they allow Eddie currents in only a range of angle of incidences

>> No.15633450

Earmuffs won't protect your body from the shockwave

>> No.15633464

>but at least you'll be able to go to the hoverboard park with us
The US will unironically be one of the worst places to get hover boards and hover bikes. Unless you live in the suburbs, american cities are not designed with pedestrian or bike paths in mind. Almost any other country with developed cities in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd world will have a better infrastructure for hover vehicles than the USA.

>> No.15633465
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>> No.15633485

painfully awkward

>how do you spell your company name? varda?
>am i saying it right? ok cool
>3 minutes later
>varda with sponsorship from this fund with whom i have a vested interest is working on this yay!

i wish nerds had better journalists available

>> No.15633512


>> No.15633540
File: 108 KB, 1000x1207, 1678089683657258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. I want to fling tungsten cored steel darts at 18,500 fps.

>> No.15633559

I suppose you could time travel into the future by reaching close to light speed

>> No.15633742

scientists are just a bunch of scifi writers that hope that if they publish 2000 papers that one of them will guess things right so they can pretend to be smart

>> No.15633785

so there is absolutely no evidence that this is a superconductor? got it

>> No.15634054

>breaks every bone in body
Now what?

>> No.15634064

nah I just have a projectile firing the other way to negate recoil

>> No.15634087

looks like a little worm

>> No.15634428

Only what you see pal

>> No.15634945

>literally nobody accredited
vaxxed and boosted

>> No.15634954

when am i getting my floating graphics card

>> No.15635506

I guess it works like a tripod that you can turn on and off.

>> No.15637886

we're so back!

>> No.15639646

buy QRL if you want qauntum protection

>> No.15639709

Why does anyone give a shit about it floating?! Does it have zero resistance or not? This is literally the only important thing and nobody has tested it?

>> No.15640088

People keep saying this is gamechanging
Why does superconductivity change the paradigm? I'm not familiar with the practical applications beyond having no loss transmitting electricity

>> No.15640120

1. Means you can pack your circuit board design as densely as you want and not have to think about heat dissipation to stop your circuits burning out the instant you put any power through it meaning all electrical devices shrink by a factor of like 5
2. Quantum computers are as easy to install in anything as a CPU
3. Nuclear fusion becomes energy positive as the energy you used to expend on the superconductor cooling system can now be harvested in output

>> No.15640130

A superconducting ring is the perfect battery.

>> No.15640140

>Means you can pack your circuit board design as densely as you want
stop it with this bullshit. I am tired of hearing this shit. it does SHIT for power dissipation of most devices. FUCKING ZERO! nothing, nada, fuck all.
all consumer devices we use get hot because of CPU processing which gets hot because of the gates of its transistors. there's no fucking ubiquitous device that will directly be helped to stay cool by just using RTSC "on the pcb" you absolute fucking dimwits. stop fucking mentioning heat reduction from CPUs, and transistors and shit like that you fucking buffoons. you don't understand shit, you're just parroting other moron's idiocies, just because it "sounds right" to your retarded brain.

>> No.15640142

wait 6 months for the bones to heal

>> No.15640145

>not buying next gen superconducting cpus
Brb overclocking my cpu to 99petahertz

>> No.15640151

SMES batteries that can charge and discharge almost instantly and never degrade
Electric motors with 10x torque density and power density
Generators become more efficient
Frictionless bearings
Fusion becomes much easier
Portable coilguns
Celebrities can wear floating rainbow dildos that orbit their bodies

>> No.15640159

this is probably a stupid idea but couldn't you hypothetically make rotors that are only attached with magnetic fields (I'm sure there's a better term for this) using superconductors?

>> No.15640168

Magnetic bearings already exist, they just use electromagnets and thus require power.

>> No.15640172

But will it be useful? Doesn't this LK99 stuff have a low max current and therefore won't be able to store much energy?

>> No.15640175

we've even made them with high temp superconductors, just to see the results!
One of the first major successful uses of a RTSC is supermagnetic bearings, along with massive improvements to electric motors and generators. They would be simply /amazing/

>> No.15640176

you can levitate superconductors on other superconductors.

>> No.15640188
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from what I understand its due to the rough nature of the material. Imagine the material is made of blocks that work like a two way cable would, and each block in this material in its current state is in a random orientation. If just one block is the wrong orientation in a circuit that block pathway isn't super conductive. There needs to be some way to make the material consistent. Ideally I think the material's structure should resemble muscle fibers.

>> No.15640190

RTSC can turn everything into magnet land.

>> No.15640205

people say this but nobody can explain why. the confusion comes from the initial paper which showed ~250mA at room temperature for the sample they had. nobody knows how many "1D superconductive channels" they tapped with their probes, how wide a single channel is. they just got 250mA for the rock they measured, that's extremely vague.
I think of it like many optical fibers packed together.

>> No.15641244
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why didn't walter white just make a superconductor?

>> No.15641248

R u mad rn x

>> No.15641279

It's hard to tell, but it takes place in north america.

>> No.15641292

So a few days ago, somebody on Twitter asked him if they were to cut off the part that touched the magnet, would the entire thing hover, and he said "yes". Did he ever show this? Or is it impossible, because one part must always touch the magnet?

>> No.15642026

Only type 1 superconductors are perfect and they are all low temperature.

>> No.15642065

Where the heat come from in wires?
That's right its the resistance and current interacting. What are traces on a board or the components in a CPU but tiny wires? Obviously not every part can be replaced with superconductors but any part that can will decrease the waste heat.

>> No.15642071

t. big heatsink

>> No.15642136
File: 519 KB, 1200x1405, tumblr_c17d3a0083ba061e7d963ebd9c1f875e_35820d37_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK99 is sadly probably not a solution but based on simulations, it does seem to be in the right direction for the miracle Super Conductor. This is still positive even though it is looking more likely that it is not exactly a superconductor. Something to keep in mind too is that most of the authors didn't want to publish it at this time as there are issues with the findings at this time.

Again, this could very well be a major step in the right direction and it got a WHOLE LOT of people interested in physics and electromagnetism.

>> No.15642183

Try and research something before shitting with your brain, ICs are shit at interfacing with poorly compatible materials and fabs are sluggish at best to adopt new tech. It's gonna be a revolution in almost everything but chips, for a long while

>> No.15642202

why are these samples so small

>> No.15642207


We never left!

>> No.15642211

>no updates aside from the fake videos thing
What's going on? How long until we get some news? I don't even care if it's real or not anymore

>> No.15642224

>I don't care
>but tell me

>> No.15642226

>I don't even care if it's real or not anymore
then why ask?

>> No.15642261
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Very nice and it's white men doing it.
Good of them to have that spec of ferromagnetic shit in there too to show the difference.
>It's diamagnetic

I guess it really comes down to whether this is superconductive or a giga powerful diamagnet.
Can't wait to see some tests.
And even if the tests show it to be a shit conductor, it still doesn't say much because clearly this process needs to be refined a lot and who knows what changes happen when you tweak the ingredients and baking time etc..

>> No.15642275

Why the fuck is this "research" done over on Musk's personal 4chan and not in real scientific journals?

>> No.15642292

It's twitterfags coming here. From the same circles as that chinese tron fong who along with others have been hyping this over there.

>> No.15642303

will they be able to improve on this? ie optimize the process and turn it into products?

>> No.15642313

>behaves like iron shavings when near a magnet
Uuuuh bros?

>> No.15642329


>> No.15642341

>alien scientist X-files research
Backbros… where is MIT? Why are randos and schizos the only ones replicating?

>> No.15642359

All rifles worth their salt break the sound barrier, it's literally no big deal. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.15642366

>Argonne National Labs are amateur students
Lmao, you stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.15642370

>it got a whole lot of people interested in superconductors
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.15642377
File: 63 KB, 693x529, this kills the twitter troon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this. Aren't superconductors by definition supposed to have, you know, /zero/ resistance?

>> No.15642394

dramatic room for improvement because we're literally at
"common rocks shouldn't make funny rock, but do" stage. The way everyone has been getting "replications" suggests we don't even know how we're making it- it's just showing up in some of the attempts.

>> No.15642400

see >>15642207

>> No.15642412
File: 53 KB, 455x428, 253168-1208779550_ilmh3_sarge_bustblk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks need heroes, chief - to give em hope.

>> No.15642422

Notice how chips were only half of that post.

>> No.15642456

"it still has a way way resistance than copper"

>> No.15642504

the original gook team and everyone else just crush and dump random shit into an oven to get mystery rocks, so of course we know jackshit about how to actually make what we are after (the superconductivity or diamagnetic properties). Basically playing alchemy which is why most samples utterly fail, others have wildly inconsistent properties with the original paper and others get only a nugget out of a pile of metallic dogshit that appears to be LK-99

>> No.15642510
File: 464 KB, 1674x1686, steamed lk99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

backbros, it is so over.

>> No.15642544

good meme but they're already working on making more samples to give for testing

>> No.15642550

They say they are doing it to keep up the grift/appearance. In 2 more weeks there will be other excuses why they can not deliver them

>> No.15642554


>> No.15642589
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690586947815539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But [we’ve already shown] the jump and zero resistance via actual measurements in the first paper [Ed: in Korean], so we didn’t feel to include them in the second paper [Ed: the first one in arXiv]. There has been enormous requests for samples all around the world, and we have no time to spare, let alone showing what we already know again.

>> No.15642593

kinda like we know how gravity exists, without knowing how gravity actually works?

>> No.15642636

>mfw I can't discuss a new movie im interested in because I don't have phd in cinematography

>> No.15642650

Can someone qrd on LK-99 and why is a big deal?

>> No.15642661

how did they make the thin film? do they have more than one manufacturing process?

>> No.15642675

The biggest red flag to me is that they gave incomplete instructions for synthesis and they won't elaborate further on why everybody is failing.

>> No.15642687

prolly because they have a patent and they didn't want in the first place for people to find out the recipe.

>> No.15642752

Then why publish the paper? And don't tell me they were forced to, because they were clearly going to publish one later when they were finished.

>> No.15642802

does coca cola have their recipe in their papers/patent?

>> No.15642804
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>> No.15642805

because some untrustworthy member of the team got greedy and published first, wanting all the credit

>> No.15642874
File: 214 KB, 2048x1235, t-1e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time's up monkeys

>> No.15642883

you could unironically charge that with a superconductive USB-C cable.

>> No.15642927


>> No.15643398

You're talking about replacing the components that produce 1% of the heat. 99% of the heat will still be their because transistors are semiconductors that cannot be replaced by superconductors.

>> No.15643404

>And don't tell me they were forced to, because they were clearly going to publish one later when they were finished.

>> No.15643745

I am talking about replacing copper with something like this. Same thing happened decades ago when copper replaced aluminum.

>> No.15643750

Of course I forgot the link

>> No.15643776

Sorry to post so much just cant stop dunking

>> No.15643888
File: 9 KB, 197x201, 1672697449944740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh josephson gaymer wet dream retardation again

>> No.15644189

Who said gaming? This is about power dissipation and efficiency. Stop moving those goal posts.

>> No.15644693

Over-bros, we are so back!

>> No.15645283

I own multiple air rifles that break the sound barrier, which I'm not sure how that's possible but I'm not going to worry about it