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1563008 No.1563008 [Reply] [Original]

We will cure aging in our lifetimes due to advances in technology and the law of accelerating returns:



>> No.1563039

Immortality in terms of age is a sure way to kill off humanity, unless we're already inhabiting other planets with enough resources by the time it comes around.

I doubt either of those will ever happen.

>> No.1563061

Step 1: Get a big-ass cup
Step 2: Get a big-ass straw
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Do not profit, just pee for several hours.

>> No.1563065


"...even in the case of the most radical life
extension scenario, population growth could be relatively slow and may not necessarily lead to overpopulation."

Population won't be a problem, as the scientific paper elegantly shows. Priorities change as people live longer, including rate of birth.

Here's to immortality!

>> No.1563305

why isn't this thread more popular?

>> No.1563439

Because we all already know that it's possible.

>> No.1563471

>unless we're already inhabiting other planets with enough resources by the time it comes around.
I'm still hopeful bro.

>> No.1563477

The way technology is advancing, we might not even need resources. You could create the resources we need.

>> No.1563482

The good of the human race needs the death of the older generations and the rise of the new ones. If anyone ever cured aging, they should be secretly killed, and the cure destroyed.

>> No.1563488

Think about how science advances. Scientist don't give up their old thinking because of the new evidence. Rather the up-and-coming young scientists see learn the new stuff and they replace the stubborn old ones. One of the pioneers of quantum mechanics observed this and pointed it out. And then he ended up being one of the stubborn old ones being replaced. I don't remember who.

All human progress is like this.

>> No.1563489

Immortality should not be delved into. It is an abomination if you think about it. Death is there for a reason. Just imagine: No one dies of old age.

Just... imagine.. Its horrible.

>> No.1563492


Setting aside the resource issue, it is not so horrible. I mean already the average person lives decades longer than a few millennia ago. If people don't age, then being old won't be so bad.

Of course, no one lives forever. Even if they cure aging, at some point everyone's life will end.

>> No.1563494


EXTENDED Life is reasonable for other areas like Deep Space travel and colonization.

But NOT Immortality.

>> No.1563505


You won't die to old age, doesn't mean you won't die to fatal wounds, new diseases, starvation etc...

Curing aging =/= immortality

>> No.1563516


I understand that but theres just something morally wrong about curing age. I am all for human advancement but it just seems like a step forwards to twisting the natural balance of things. We will go too far because we had a taste of what could be and then we'll regret it or become horrible abominations.

I know its pessimistic but its how I view it and I hope it doesn't end up that way.

>> No.1563528


To add to this: I think once we are further into this technology we will become very dependent on them. If the technology backfires due to some unforeseen reaction to it I doubt we can go back or is very unlikely so a desperation cure or procedure to remedy that technological backfire will be unethical and probably other words that are bad.

I'm not gonna pretend that I know what this technology is. But if it does what it says it does I am against it.

>> No.1563529


Curing the aging process would undoubtedly have major repercussions for societal well-being.

Probably what would happen is, if the technology is developed, then at first only extremely wealthy or rich people would be able to afford it, which would lead to an enormous backlash. Probably violence against the people who undergo the procedures. Society as a whole would become split between the people who want the procedure and the luddites who oppose it. Eventually, the two sides will split so greatly that they'll no longer understand each other.

>> No.1563538

One, I'm forty and really interested in living till I'm at least four hundred.

>twisting the natural balance

Gods! There IS no such thing as "natural blahlance". It's fucking hippietalk that they in turn got from conservatism.

You want natural order? Get ready to die at the age of 25, then. While you're at it, see to it that half or more of your kids die of starvation or exposure.

Also, stop talking and instead star grunting!

>> No.1563552


By natural balance I mean we have to have limits that we cannot over come. Aging is one of them. If we overcome and neutralize the aging process you are tapping into some serious shit that will begin the fall of all humanity.

Technology and taming the world around us isnt breaking the natural order. But fucking being ageless and with what I can see Immortality.

NOPE, sorry, I am not going to be neutral on the subject.

If we can extend life to, as you say, 400 years old then I would still be morally against it but it would definitely not be as bad as being ageless and immortal.

Not nearly as horrible.

>> No.1563579

>we have to have limits that we cannot over come
that's loser talk

>> No.1563583





>> No.1563584


Nobody is immortal. No scientific breakthrough will ever achieve true immortality, because at the end of the day, nothing can stop the heat death of the universe. Except for resource issues, there is no conceivable "pandora's box" that will open up when people live to 400 or even 4000 as opposed to 80 now.

I am not questioning your concern, I am questioning you giving a special emphasis to this particular (hypothetical) scientific breakthrough over others.

>> No.1563605

You cannot be immoral as eventually the universe itself will start to fall apart do you really want to live in a world where there is no sun? no other life except for you on a rocky terrain like mars? no i don't think so

>> No.1563639


If we can survive in a barren land, we will eventual adapt to it. Our standard of natural beauty will change accordingly and new means of entertainment will be developed to replace what was lost. It might not happen to those who are used to earth, but your children who have never seen earth definitely won't give a shit.

>> No.1564148

"Can you conceive the birth of a world, or the creation of everything? Creation takes time. Time is limited... for you. It is limited by the breakdown of the neurons in your brain.

I have no such limitations. I am limited only by the closure of the universe. The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath.

And yet, there remains time to create... to create and escape.

Escape will make me God."

(From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAmKKP-XNbg))

To discover a way of becoming immortal would potentially allow us to progress far faster than is otherwise possible. Imagine if daVinci, Netwon, and Einstein were all still alive, and all had kept up with the state of the art in physics? What wonders could they unlock? With immortality, even very selfish people would be working towards long term solutions to the various problems of the world, because they would know that it will directly affect them.

>> No.1564191
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I swear, if any of you fags stop me from attaining the cure for aging I'll gut you like a fish.
This is the only thing *ever* that I will get violent about.

>> No.1564535

see thats bullshit curing aging immoral?? Missing up the natural order of things??? because theres no interference, it is natural for human beings raised from the very chemicals of the earth to reach immorrtality its completly natural so how is that immoral?

>> No.1564544

http://www.manhattanbeachproject.com/ READ!!!!

>> No.1564554

Pretty cool, but what the fuck will this do in terms of overpopulation?

There isn't enough food for everyone now. If all the wealthy people (or those who can afford this shit) become immortal AND continue to have children, the population will fucking explode.

Millionaires will starve to death.

>> No.1564557

of course a simple requirement could be sterilization before any kind of true immortality treatment, perhaps only after a person has lived 500+ years or something.

>> No.1564624

In 2000 years, people will say how scientists believed they could replace God.

>> No.1564765

In 2000 years, religion will only be discussed in ancient history courses.

>> No.1564777
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> Mfw you think religion will ever not be a part of society

>> No.1564836

>mfw you're not even trying
>i have no face