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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 252 KB, 800x1068, Ted_Kaczynski_2_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15624516 No.15624516 [Reply] [Original]

I hate science, I hate the industrial revolution, I hate the destruction of the nature and the environment, I hate the slavery of humans to technology, I hate industry, I hate technological advancements, I hate scientists and engineers, I hate artificial intelligence.

>> No.15624522

me too anon

>> No.15624555

im with you in agreeance

>> No.15624561

>love me analysis
>love me cabin
>simple as

>> No.15624577

since you hate survival, why don't you sterilize yourself? I've been told it's fucking amazing, at least as much as your post
try it urgently

>> No.15624589

[eqn] \Delta U\;=\;Q\,+\,W [/eqn]
[eqn] \Delta S\;=\;\frac QT\,+\,S_\mathrm{created} [/eqn]
Show me your best fight-or-flight response, pussy.

>> No.15624607
File: 195 KB, 409x409, halperneet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was still working on math in his cabin


>> No.15624626

>posted 4channel.org using my iphone 11

>> No.15624652

You couldn't survive 3 days without internet

>> No.15624695

>some squiggly lines used to describe a natural phenomenon
so what?

>> No.15624735

I thought he hated math at the end? Or was it just mathematicians?

>> No.15624742

>since you aren't taking every possible step at remaining alive, you hate survival
When was the last time you went to the doctor anon?

>> No.15624755
File: 9 KB, 209x241, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uh I can explain anon, you see, too uh...

>> No.15624758

why should I listen to a polish tranny who killed himself?

>> No.15624759

fuck, >>15624755 meant for this >>15624607

>> No.15624775

this isn't what I've said
and probably like 10 years ago, why?

>> No.15624785

Ol teddy boy thought pre-agricultural people were just hunting and gathering 16 hours a day.

>> No.15624816

wtf I hate my country now?

>> No.15624824

You hate the wrong thing. Nature is the truly evil thing. And I don't mean the grass and soil and bug (although that stuff is quite shitty). I mean life itself, this deterministic machine, which computes vast suffering without justification.

>> No.15624840

What about the environmental revolution? I like science, but dislike a lot of the people who use it. I am in agreement with hating AI though. Absolute plague on this world.

>> No.15625000
File: 77 KB, 750x731, 5710f513dd0895b52d8b463b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate science, I hate the agricultural revolution, I hate the destruction of the nature and the environment, I hate the slavery of humans to crops, I hate agriculture, I hate technological advancements, I hate farmers and herders, I hate livestock.

>> No.15625033

I don't get it. Are you trying to compare the agricultural rev tk the industrial one?

>> No.15625058

>It's fine to die of preventable illness because nature
This guy is retarded. The average age of his fans is probably 15.

>> No.15625062

You'll love Dr. Stone.

>> No.15625073

It’s funny how hunter gatherers also participate in “surrogate activities” like dancing, cave paintings, music, and playing

>> No.15625117

Not him but I didn't like Dr. Stone. The plot was really stupid and contrived.
His idea of surrogate activities was that they happen in lieu of things that satisfy your natural drives. Hunter gatherers didn't make cave paintings and dance as a substitute for hunting and gathering.

>> No.15625143


>> No.15625161

These are literally the two equations that kickstarted the industrial revolution, but keep coping, pussy.

>> No.15625309

He also said that boredom didn’t exist in HG societies and that they were perfectly happy just sitting around all day. Which is retarded

>> No.15625361

>you misattribute his writings and idea of surrogate and criticize that
>I correct you
>you misattribute his writings again and call him stupid because of it
How long do you want to keep doing this for? Or rather, why are you so salty?

>> No.15625371

No one who says Ted's argument is wrong has ever actually read his works. They just assume they know what his argument is from earsay

>> No.15625381

it IS fine. if you want everyone to live forever and pay pensions for eternity, go ahead. Bring in all the people from around the world to your country so they can work to provide the tax needed to pay for pensions.
Won't collapse at all.

>> No.15625386

Objection yer 'onah, it's 'earsay oi tell ya wot

>> No.15625414

I’m “salty” because of all the people who simp for him who think that his writings are perfect and have no flaws. And also how did I misattribute him in that post? He literally said both of those statements
I’ve read his works and I still disagree with him

>> No.15625430

He said math is fine as a hobby but isn't something anyone should take seriously. As a mathematician, I also strongly agree. It's a fun little novelty, but anything besides applied mathematics is just so much intellectual masturbation, and applied mathematics gives us everything that Uncle Ted hated.

Intentional sterilization is technology, you fucking dork.

>> No.15625441

Therefore, humans should be made less dependant from technology by making them able to survive effortlessly in the state of nature, by default.
Through transhumanist enhancement.
Ted simply wanted people to "suffer" as "punishment" for a "sin". Despite making extremely good points and criticism to industrial society, he was ultimately driven by spite and a sort of subconscious para-religious drive.

There is no conflict between his critique and transhumanism if we just...

Progress to Monke. (While maintaining all of the data and know-how to advance the sciences further. Just, with less manteinance structures for "civilized" human life)

>> No.15625473

This is my plan for transhumanism
>develop (actual) AI
>Create cross galaxy teleportation
>turn humans into Xenonorph-like creatures
>invade every single planet with life and tear shit up
>AI will do the boring shit like logistics

>> No.15625664

Explain to me why I should not build and invent things for people.
If you get me to understand, you won't have to kill me and we all win.

>> No.15625696

They were both massive mistakes that expanded the scope of suffering
Dont read his manifesto. Well do, but don't stop there. If you want to get a better understanding of his ideas, read Tech Revolution: Why and How

>> No.15625702

>mfw I'm executed by the tribal council for creating free time by designing a raccoon trap

>> No.15625706

It’s easier to just admit you hate humanity, and ultimately want to see it suffer.

>> No.15625707

Surrogate activities was by far the weakest part of his manifesto, but that doesn't mean to ignore all the other aspects which were far more coherent and important

>> No.15625725

shut the fuck up cringelord

>> No.15625733
File: 510 KB, 512x512, 1610268005062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love science, I love the industrial revolution, I love the destruction of the nature and the environment, I love the slavery of humans to technology, I love industry, I love technological advancements, I love scientists and engineers, I love artificial intelligence.

>> No.15625743

I hate faggots but they keep posting these threads. Go live in a forest nigger and stop posting.

>> No.15625758

Missing the point, RETARD

>> No.15625800

>proceeds to attack certain people who (surely exist) and claim his writings have no flaws

>I’ve read his works and I still disagree with him
Yet you can't come up with any genuine criticism and have to attack the people who follow him and minutia in his writings?

>> No.15625829

Why don't you comment on this synthesis instead, anon, instead of bickering

>> No.15625914

If by "synthesis", you mean some weird ramblings about ted, then sure. Transhumanism isn't a solution to anything, and often creates reliance on the botnet itself. It's not worth it to advance science at the cost of ones humanity. And the point is not to produce shit as fast as possible its to live in nature away from modern technology.

>> No.15625952

>And the point is not to produce shit as fast as possible its to live in nature away from modern technology
Which is exactly what I proposed, but without the necessity to make people "suffer" as "punishment" for the "sin" of abusing technology.
Think Doctor Moreau, rather than Ray Kurzweil.

Incentives of an acceptable life devoid of dependancy or needs derived from dysfunction or inadequacy (our current condition, which keeps us incentivized to use, and too much reliant, on technology) tend to make an idea more palatable.
Promising a future for flagellants dying in droves of disentery because they drank from the wrong water source, is not a charming offer and won't convince anyone (which is why, I think, Ted followers tend to advocate an imposition of this condition, through terrorism. It's obviously an unacceptable offer for the masses).
Isn't the path of synthesis of these two positions, way more appealing?

>> No.15625967

>Ted followers tend to advocate an imposition of this condition, through terrorism.
Most of ted followers are not terrorists

>> No.15626091

Of course, but I bet you got the point.
It's nigh impossible to convince people to willingly give up their quality of life. Look at how even "mild" proposals from ecologists are so firmly, even hysterically rejected by the public, if it means even slight levels of discomfort. The natural consequence for this rejection is for frustration to increase, and to act through imposition, not bargain.
But, there's no reason why one couldn't act smart about it and bypass the problem entirely, by reaching your desired result (decrease in technological dependancy) with a desirable offer.

I admit beforehand that my proposal is way more difficult than imposition, however. Because, even if putting up research towards increasing the human quality of life in the state of nature, and being theoretically something desirable for the public, it's incompatible with economic interests, as humans devoid of dysfunction would be devoid of need to consume or depend on said systems and economic interests. So they wouldn't ever support this idea.
So, I'm pretty much stuck, too. Still thinking about a rationale to fund this idea even if it was at a loss for the system employing it, as if it was for ideological or religious reasons.

>> No.15626118

Degrowth is plenty popular in Europe, I think your death cult would probably do just fine there

>> No.15626138

I would have died in child birth if Ted had his way, he can suck my nuts

>> No.15626158

I just spent the hottest week of the year camping, and have decided that air conditioning is a moral good, and all attempts to restrict it diabolical

>> No.15626161

My gf who had bad epilepsy in childhood but is perfectly managed as an adult would have died at 8 years old or so. I can see the appeal of Ted's position if you're young and healthy but it takes just one brush with sickness and death affecting a loved one to shake you from this bullshit. Ted was a cerebral guy but ultimately stunted due to his autism and mk ultra guinea pig past.

>> No.15626424

>Degrowth is plenty popular
No, it's definitely not.

>> No.15626437

The only reason it was so hot is the fucking industrial revolution

>> No.15626446

Yeah man everyone knows that the whole earth was room temperature before the gilded age

>> No.15626450

This is a cold period in earth's history. Earth is usually so hot the ice caps melt in the summer. Granted, we probably wouldn't survive an environmental shift of that severity.

>> No.15626453

Technology IS humanity. It's the peak of human laziness

>> No.15626454

i used to agree with ted on everything and almost commited my first eco crime but now that i think about it, its dumb to throw away our technology and revert back. i think if the government had stricter rules relating technology and also banned porn we wouldn't be in this mess. but if that doesn't happen then ted was always right. Rest in peace ted.

>> No.15626463

The problem is not tech, it's demographics

>> No.15626522

>nobody ever died from heat exhaustion before 1800

>> No.15627695

baste uncle ted poster

>> No.15627805

>become a renown scientist to climb the ranks on influence and power just to destroy everything and protect your new world from reaching this point again as much as you can
Well, /sci/ are you capable of pulling this off?

>> No.15627815

Cope cave boy, humans live to minmax

>> No.15628092


>> No.15628858

if you care about nature you should want more technology, not less
once human master more technology we can become independent of nature and live on places like mars or on orbital stations

>> No.15628867

paleolithic humans were causing animal extinctions as well

>> No.15628874


>> No.15629006

Quite the opposite. You are hyper-dependent on an artificial environment.
Isn't it better to become hyper-adaptive to any environment instead?

>> No.15629053

I don't think genes alone kept his hairline.

>> No.15629120

> It's obviously an unacceptable offer for the masses.
good, fuck the masses.
only ever fucked us over anyway

>> No.15629126

you should have died, faggot.
suck my dick and die.

>> No.15629133

Bro, people are hyper-adaptive to their environment, that is why if you put them in any environment they will start inventing shit

>> No.15629584

Imagine farming mosquito blood for suitable blood samples in underground Chinese police stations. Then you'd need a ion directional signal manipulator to act violently as if host body is becoming stronger than both virus and biotech.
Animals are waiting on standby for your orders. Interweb-neuro info-virus .379 is ready to initiate.