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File: 600 KB, 720x740, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 13-52-09 Influencer who promoted virtues of fruit-only diet dies aged 39 'of malnutrition'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15619658 No.15619658 [Reply] [Original]

>Zhanna Samsonova, a Russian blogger, was described as a ‘walking skeleton’ as she embraced increasingly restrictive regimen

>> No.15619661
File: 3.21 MB, 716x7011, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 13-51-34 Influencer who promoted virtues of fruit-only diet dies aged 39 'of malnutrition'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15619662


>> No.15619665
File: 3.60 MB, 661x6280, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-49-20 Vegan raw food blogger dies of 'starvation and exhaustion'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15619669
File: 87 KB, 634x798, 73824865-12358835-Originally_from_Russia_Zhanna_had_been_living_in_South_East_Asia-a-5_1690885865139[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before veganism...

>> No.15619672
File: 309 KB, 659x461, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-51-45 Vegan raw food blogger dies of 'starvation and exhaustion'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...after veganism

Look at her hairline receding, look at her eyebrows disapearing


>> No.15619676
File: 1.41 MB, 662x1316, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-52-51 Vegan raw food blogger dies of 'starvation and exhaustion'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more balding

>> No.15619678

>Didn't listen to her babushka when she said "eat the sausage and potato, make you strong girl"
She only has herself to blame

>> No.15619681
File: 2.44 MB, 661x8905, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-54-15 Zhanna D'Art 'could barely walk' before dying of 'starvation'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15619685

she cute

>> No.15619691

she dead

>> No.15619695

Imagine trying to eat only fruit in fucking Russia, where very few fruits grow, as it’s in the process of being sanctioned out of the world economy. And the Darwin Award goes to…

>> No.15619697
File: 1.33 MB, 665x1428, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-57-12 Zhanna D'Art 'could barely walk' before dying of 'starvation'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit way worse photos here

Funny how the 'respectable' papers never show the full truth, they always hide the most telling pictures.

Whle the 'bad' newspapers, who provide 'poor' journalism, are actually way more informative.

>> No.15619702

>Ms Chernyaeva said: 'She was in bed for almost a month. If she got up, it was very difficult for her to walk - it took several minutes to overcome one step of the stairs.

>'I brought her fruits every morning - it was impossible to get her to eat something else. Boolean arguments didn't work. Zhanna believed that death does not exist.'

she had moved to SEA
still retarded though

>> No.15619703

This is basically anorexia. There are plenty of vegans who aren't retarded and eat food with calories and protein. This bitch had a mental disorder.

>> No.15619722

True at the end it looks like full-on anorexia/starvation.

But in the earlier photos, where she isn't a skeleton, probably eating normal amounts of (shit) food, she still looks unhealthy.

Every vegan I've ever seen who's been on it for a few years looks weak and unhealthy.
Their skin is bad.
Their faces and sallow and gaunt.
Their hair is receding, ther eyebrows are disappearing especially the women.
Many women lose their periods. Ths is not healthy.
It is obvious that we need animal protein and saturated animal fat for health. We need dietary cholesterol, so important for skin and hormonal health. For all cells really.

>> No.15619725
File: 426 KB, 1920x1277, 1920px-Sashimi_combo_(30122297838).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think raw could work, as lomg as you include all that can be eaten raw.

>> No.15619726

What scientific reasoning could be given to why i laughed at this situation?

>> No.15619744

She was obviously anorexic. Raw food vegetarian diet can be done safely and healthy.

>> No.15619755


In addition to the aforementioned hair receding and eyebrow loss,
Look at the har that remains on her head
Look at how horribly dry and tortured it looks

what no cholesterol does to a mf... *baka*

>Raw food vegetarian diet
vegetarian, maybe. if you include dairy and eggs in that. That can count as raw, right? If you don't pasteurize the milk, and you eat/drink the eggs raw?
Nasty, but yeah possibly could work.

But raw vegan? Lolno.

>> No.15619765

>"I felt like Jesus"

>> No.15619792

Yeah raw veganism is stupid as fuck. Most vegan diets center around legumes, removing that part of the diet will fuck you over.

>> No.15619800

I see nothing wrong with this. All russians should switch to this kind of diet.

>> No.15619814

*was. Even the body is cold now.

>> No.15619832

Another win for ukraine, nikochado bros

>> No.15619845

All vegans suffer from malnutrition around a year in. Things like B12 take months to run out, so you can have a vegan feeling great for months before slowly getting worse and worse, then they eat a bit of fish and suddenly feel like they were born again

>> No.15619903

Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment


>> No.15619955

>eat animal (in a large sense: red, white, fish, oysters, eggs... but mostly red)
>eat lil' bit of greens
wow that was so fucking hard
>basically what thriving humans could be conceivably evolved eating for million years
>(aka not fruits, veggies, or grains, current day iterations of which are abominations way too fucking big and vastly more available than would be before agriculture)

>> No.15619963

she was cute and you can never take that away from her

>> No.15619965


Didnt cranial capacity increased like 30% when fire was discovered? Extracting nutrients from cooked food is much easier for the body. Even animals prefer it in many cases.

Anyway you cant reason with these people so whatever. They invent the craziest stuff just so they can fill the hole where their identity should be.

>> No.15619970

Good riddance.

>> No.15619975
File: 2.05 MB, 464x848, 1672678880686954 cunny eating pig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukraine stopped Russia thanks to carnivore redpilled cunnies!

>> No.15619976


Only really works if you have a physical lifestyle like a hunter-gatherer as well.

Pretty convincing evidence for carcinogenic nature of red meat too, which occurs at too old an age to have any significant evolutionary impact.

>> No.15619980

>There are plenty of vegans who aren't retarded

>> No.15619985
File: 102 KB, 800x800, we_are_the_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm balding fast and young without veganism, how do you explain that?

>> No.15619990


High DHT chad.

>> No.15619999

Veganism is a mental disorder all unto itself.

>> No.15620009

The dumb vegan's hair would have grown back had they not died and returned to a normal diet. Yours will not.

>> No.15620018

I think that cooking also destroys nutrients, but I don't eat raw and don't really care.
Hunter gatherers supposedly don't burn more energy per weight than modern people.

>> No.15620088

Do vegans understand that humans instinctively predate for meat? You wouldnt need spears to kill fruits and vegetables now.

>> No.15620137

>abominations way too fucking big and vastly more available than would be before agriculture)
Yeah, because that doesn't apply to animals before herding and developing tools for fishing you retard
90% of wild plants (especially infesting ones) are edible, guess what was extremely available and requires virtually no energy to harvest and consume

>> No.15620261

Guess what is vastly higher in energy? Protein, from animals. We have canines for a reason. Prehistoric humans hunted plenty, in case you were unaware there was another word that was paired with gatherer. It was HUNTER

>> No.15620288

Protein is extremely low in energy retardo

>> No.15620292

As a single molecule, in a fucking boar it is PACKED with it you fucking moron

>> No.15620341

straight outta gulag

>> No.15620363

You reminded me of this.

>> No.15620367

how much energy is in protein is irrelevant
youre not supposed to burn it
youre supposed to integrate it into your tissues
burning it is pointless
using it as fuel (if you have excess protein you convert it to glucose and burn it) is retarded

but the fuel in meat comes from...the fat
and the fat has 9 calories per gram vs 4 in sugar

>> No.15620376


>> No.15620424

Wild plants do not provide enough energy unless you become a grazing animal and spend most of your time doing just that. The evolution of human physiology, the evolution of the brain, the signs of culture and tools, all suggest the humans did exactly the opposite: Overwhelmingly, they socially hunted megafauna with tools. This is basically the defining characteristic of humans. Not to mention in many parts humans lived, jackshit grew there, especially if you start to consider glacial periods.
>[plants] require virtually no energy to harvest and consume
Harvesting a little bit of greens for your meat, sure. To provide the equivalent energy as the meat? Straight up wrong. You would need to be harvesting all the fucking time.

>> No.15620469

>Guess what is vastly higher in energy? Protein
That's fat you cretin
> We have canines for a reason
We also have molars and long digestive tract
> Boar
You are fucking disconnected from reality. Are you ware how fucking dangerous is a wild boar? Those animals are also kill today retarded hunters with guns you piece of mongoloid

Are you aware how deadly was hunting with half assed spears?
And aside from that you also end up with parasite infested, non storable meat
And you also have to explain why in your retarded brain, fire, spears, nets for fishing and animal traps are less natural than agriculture because that's some clueless arbitrary amish-tier narrative
> It was Hunter
It was principally SCAVENGER you idiot
Cavemen didn't have a 9-5 office jobs retard. They could spend 24h eating if they wanted to

>> No.15620482

>Cavemen didn't have a 9-5 office jobs retard. They could spend 24h eating if they wanted to
More like they didn't have McDonald's
You could feast on fresh (but still cooked) meat and not become obese

>> No.15620520

herbivores are soience mythology, they only exist in imaginary taxonomy, all """""herbivores"""" eat meat whenever they can
deer eating a rabbit
elephant eating fish
cow eating a snake
horses eating birds

>> No.15620531 [DELETED] 

If your diet doesn't provide all the nutrients you need and you have to buy supplements your diet is shit.

>> No.15620574

>*literally most Americans' diets, vegan or not*

>> No.15620591

>You are fucking disconnected from reality. Are you ware how fucking dangerous is a wild boar? Those animals are also kill today retarded hunters with guns you piece of mongoloid
>Are you aware how deadly was hunting with half assed spears?
>And aside from that you also end up with parasite infested, non storable meat
>And you also have to explain why in your retarded brain, fire, spears, nets for fishing and animal traps are less natural than agriculture because that's some clueless arbitrary amish-tier narrative

Why don't you just google prehistoric hunter gatherers and see how it was done, because it was done retarded dumb faggot lmao

>> No.15620679

Why don't you try to answer my post you mongoloid
Explain to me why do you think humans hunter their food as their primary source of food, which took hours and was the deadliest activity for them while they were basically living in a giant edible salad bowl and could eat fruits and nuts that they didn't fight back

Also answer to why do you think that putting regulary water on some plants near you is "unnatural" while building weapons from smoothing rocks attaching them to long crafted canes, and then light some controlled fire to consume the meat is more natural

>> No.15620694

she was never cute
she was ugly and then she was a skeleton and now she's dead

>> No.15620703

Why don't you tell me why humans hunted these supposedly incredibly dangerous animals at all if plants and berries were so fucking nutritious? It is NOT that hard to hunt animals using primitive tools, it is time-consuming. But when it is literally your entire life, and your PURPOSE is being a hunter, it becomes extremely trivial. I didn't say anything about unnatural modern foods, that was a different anon, although refined grains are obviously quite different from what early man ate and it doesn't take a genius to conclude that it's probably better to eat like our ancestors did since we're plainly not evolved to eat junk food.

>> No.15620711


>> No.15620715

Cannibalism is disgusting.

>> No.15620743

Because that salad bowl is low calorie and lacks protein

>> No.15620902

theres that webm ive seen on 4chan where a horse just eats a little chick

the mother hen was walking with her chicks and the horse just stooped down and picked one up with its teeth and started munching it

the mother hen realised what happened and started flapping her wings and screeching and chimping out at the horse

and the horse just gives her a big grin

that was a real redpill for me

>> No.15620980

I feel bad for her mom. Very tragic.

>> No.15620989

You's telling me omnivores should be omnivores?

>> No.15621023

damn she’s petite. was petite. i could have 100% saved her and wrecked her pussy sideways while tossing her around dominantly however i see fit

>> No.15621193
File: 45 KB, 677x680, 07d4d711a5072f299fc80cd86c58eb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the balls, the earlier you go bald.

>> No.15621286

meat eaters have yet to prove that it is impossible to survive off a vegan diet

>> No.15621296

what the fuck
I thought the head was a cake

>> No.15621315

> Not enough protein
For what? Bulking at gym?
99% coverage of protein stays in the range of 0.8÷1 g/kg with a reasonable upper limit of 1.2g/kg

They didn't eat exclusively plants retard, but they prevalently did. The "daily" protein intake was reached by eating often and by human being naturally **scavenger**, eating also insect, bugs, nuts, small animals and what was left from carnivore predators (humans also ate the bone marrow from bones of predated animals)

>Why don't you tell me why humans hunted these supposedly incredibly dangerous animals at all if plants and berries were so fucking nutritious?
Because humans being an extremely adaptable animals (from habitat and diet) because of extremely specialization of brain evolution they were able to do shit that were not required exclusively for survival

That with the remaining instinct of searching for sugar and fats (not protein like you dumb retarded keep blabbing about, because protein are a "cultural taste" while fats is a natural taste) it pushed men to pursuit for hunting

> It is NOT that hard to hunt animals using primitive tools, it is time-consuming.
You can start now, go in some forest with preys and predators with a knife and see how long it's your life span

> But when it is literally your entire life, and your PURPOSE is being a hunter
There's no purpose for human, that's your retarded assumption. Humans grateness comes from the reasons explained before (lss: extremely adaptation, brain evolution selection)
Before (and even after) the development of tools, humans were (and are) extremely bad suited for hunting. See how ridiculously weak and slow we are from carnivores and how slow we are respect to most wild herbivores, if wasn't from tools and if we were *obliged* carnivore, we would have been estinct for so long.

>> No.15621323

> I didn't say anything about unnatural modern foods, that was a different anon, although refined grains are obviously quite different from what early man ate
Everything is different from what we ate, from plants to meat.
Cows and pigs are domesticated animals, they wrote not available in the wild
In the wild you would find animals that they fit natural selection (extremely strong or extremely fast, poisonous, etc)

> and it doesn't take a genius to conclude that it's probably better to eat like our ancestors did since we're plainly not evolved to eat junk food.
The point is that the narrative of "eats meat with a but if green" is retarded, and very likely the opposite of what we ate when pushed exclusively by our biology.

Hunt was not a biological obligation for human survival (except from extremely specific context of time and climate for which thanks to our weak specialization we switched to hunt prevalently and survive) but a byproduct of having overcame the strict survival necessity

>> No.15621359
File: 4 KB, 554x554, 1630026955159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo you can't boil a pig and eat meat on its heada because... you just can't okay!

>> No.15621516

>They didn't eat exclusively plants retard, but they prevalently did.
I wish I had that pasta with like 50 research papers proving you wrong. They diet of the paleolithic man was 70%+ meat.
>Cows and pigs are domesticated animals, they wrote not available in the wild
They ate bigger wild variants, which were in abundance before the agricultural revolution. The nutritional profile being the same. They also had mammoths for fucks sake. We have evidence they hunted fuck ton of them. The direct ancestors of all whites for sure did from all the way in Siberia. Meanwhile the plants available in the same period, (if they were available at all up north during the long winters of the ice age), were much smaller, were nothing like their modern forms, and were just not farmed agriculturally. No huge fruits, no huge veggies, no huge grain harvests. The plant based nutritional profile of modern day was straight up not available even in the most lush places. Forget about even a little north from that.
>The point is that the narrative of "eats meat with a but if green" is retarded, and very likely the opposite of what we ate when pushed exclusively by our biology.
The biology that makes a Homo Sapiens what it is happened thanks to switch to almost exclusive meat eating behavior. Social hunting and the excess calories from its effectiveness is the reason the brains could afford to get so big in the first place. We're talking a period from 1.3M to 10K years ago. There is not a single community that subsisted entirely on pre-agricultural revolution plants. There are fuck ton of communities that subsisted entirely on animals and did so with excellent health, when they were introduced to grain based, carb heavy post-agricultural "western" diet, their health got worse. Their previously excellent teeth got fucked up. Their bones got fucked up because of the increased need for vitamin C. Humans are way more adapted to eating only meat than only plant. There's no comparison.

>> No.15621539

>Because humans being an extremely adaptable animals (from habitat and diet) because of extremely specialization of brain evolution they were able to do shit that were not required exclusively for survival
What a stupid fucking argument, they are eating the food for survival. That's why they are killing the animals. Our ancestors were doing it before humans did it, there are tools dating back MILLIONS of years and sufficient evidence showing our predecessors were slaughtering animals at that time. If eating plants --being so much easier-- were better for us than eating animals, we never would have bothered trying to kill animals in the first place. It was NOT done as some sort of a pastime.

>You can start now, go in some forest with preys and predators with a knife and see how long it's your life spa
1. Humans are pack animals. They hunted as such
2. If I were raised from birth to be a hunter with modern tools, I could do it easily
3. People TODAY RIGHT THIS SECOND hunt animals without using modern tools

>There's no purpose for human, that's your retarded assumption. Humans grateness comes from the reasons explained before (lss: extremely adaptation, brain evolution selection)
You know what I fucking meant you faggot, they were raised from birth exclusively to hunt. It was a significant part of human life well before the advent of agriculture and has been a part of human behavior as long as we have been human.

>> No.15623206

>basically what thriving humans could be conceivably evolved eating for million years
I've read this kind of thing a lot, but there's no evidence it leads to longevity. Shit like carnivore obviously works for virility in the short term, but is it a good idea long term? I don't know.

>> No.15623228

>If eating plants --being so much easier-- were better for us than eating animals, we never would have bothered trying to kill animals in the first place.
The plants were necessary for when hunts failed. Hunts often failed. So they probably would get a kill, stuff themselves, then had to rely on plants for a while until the next kill. That's at least how modern hunter gatherers do it. People in the tropics probably relied more on fruit, and the ones in the arctic would have made do with mostly animals and used to the cold to preserve the kills. Eventually we learned to smoke our food.

>> No.15623313

>there are tools dating back MILLIONS of years
That isn't true. The mammoth hunter period was very recent, when climate conditions were dire, and the neanderthals were long gone. It suggests a desperate survival strategy.

>> No.15623460
File: 353 KB, 592x2539, typical grocery list 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, obviously restricting your diet to one food type is not going to cover your nutritional needs.
I've been strictly vegan for five years, and ovo-lacto-occasionally pescetarian for ten years before that, and at 45 I'm probably in the best health I've ever been. It just takes eating a variety of healthy, minimally processed foods, while avoiding some of more ubitious dangerous ingredients.
Pic related is my typical grocery list, which I'll order every three weeks or so. The few items not in the list include coconut and olive oil (california grown), pecans, nutritional yeast, tamari, bragg's liquid aminos, cocoa and coconut milk powder (for hot cocoa - stevia sweetened), half caf instant coffee (1 cup/day), a variety of teas (green, white, herbal), spices (cinnamon, curry powder w/turmeric, pepper), and supplements (daily vegan multi, vegan omega 3 oil, B12, vit D, iron).
Notably, I cut out added sugar a couple years back, so I make sure none of the few prepared foods I eat has any. I don't really eat a lot of legumes (beans a couple times a week) because they don't make me feel great. Also been gluten free since 2005 due to intolerance.
So what are the results of this diet? Well, I took a blood test a couple months ago and my cholestoral is "great," according to my doctor (normal LDL, triglyceride to HDL ratio near 1:1), B12 was actually high (probably a result of double dosing the nutritional yeast and B12 supplement). Only problem was low iron, so I started taking an additional iron supplement. Otherwise, I'm a healthy weight (140lbs @ 5'10"/ecto body type), full head of hair, no significant wrinkles, and regularly have people think I'm much younger than I am.
To sum it up IMO vegan diets are perfectly viable, you just can't be careless about what you eat, and make sure to supplement the things you might not be getting enough of.

>> No.15623577

What do your typical meals look like during a day? How many calories do you eat?

>> No.15623586

On a related note: Have you guys noticed vegan celebs like Emma Watson and Natalie portman age? They became saggy and wrinkly. Vegans don't age well either. It needs to be a BALANCED diet.

>> No.15623597

But was she vaxxed?

>> No.15623611

It destroys nutrients but enables us to chew and digest more nutrients.

>> No.15623676

I don't have a regular meal schedule, per se. Usually two meals a day, (typically a larger, longer prep meal + a smaller meal) sometimes just one. Often I'll be up for several hours before I get around to eating. I don't bother calorie counting - just eat when I feel like it.
Typical first meal will be one of:
-Two vegan egg patties each on half a toasted english muffin, with mayo, spinach, mushroom, melted vegan cheese on top, seasoning, ketchup, and hot sauce.
-Oatmeal w/blueberries or sliced banana, pecans, shredded coconut, a spoon of almond butter, flax milk, salt, cinnamon.
-Potatoes, bell pepper, kale, mushrooms, chopped up and stir fried in coconut oil with an egg patty, melted cheese, seasoning, ketchup.

A later afternoon or evening meal will be:
-Diced tofu, speared carrots, bok choy stir fried in coconut oil, with white rice, tahini and tamari sauce.
-Cooked red lentil curry with whatever I have to throw in it (rice, potatoes, carrot slices, bell pepper, broccoli, kale, mushrooms, tahini, olive oil, seasoning).
-Rice ramen with broccoli, kale, or spinach, tofu or mushrooms, tahini, tamari.
-Microwave burrito with rice, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olive oil, hot sauce, sour cream, dressing.

Anytime smaller meals:
-Sandwich on gluten free bread with avocado, mayo, tomato, cucumber, lettuce or spinach.
-Frozen toaster waffles w/almond butter, banana or kiwi slices, and monkfruit syrup.

This is pretty much what a rotate between, with the odd vegan, gluten free pizza as a treat. Popcorn with salt, pepper, olive oil, aminos and yeast if I'm in a "movie and popcorn" mood.

>> No.15623702

I said



>> No.15623807

You should ask yourselves, what is YOUR psychological need that makes you so desperate to find a reason to dismiss veganism on pseudo-scientific grounds?

>> No.15623976
File: 108 KB, 1024x665, mongol keto carnivore btfo chink carbcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So they probably would get a kill, stuff themselves
That's interesting to think about when you get redpilled on fasting and realize how so much normies assume about human eating is wrong. These days I will often have a feast of meat (naturally, lowcarb/keto), and then go comfortably without eating anything for 2~4 days. Feel great and stable doing it. Fixed digestive problems I used to have too. Really puts things into contrast when I look at girls eating a bit of cereal or drinking their green slop smoothie, then crashing their insulin 20 minutes later to the brink of passing out so they eat some carb snack and repeat the roller coaster.

At least I'm sure it beats having modern slop loaded with vegetable oils, refined carbs, potential plant allergens, etc. These cause all sorts of problems down the line. Compare the correlation between animal fat vs cardiovascular disease vs vegetable oils. It will blow your mind. Meat + fasting also just feels good. Autophagy can't be a bad thing to have (as opposed to not having it at all in modern diet). It's just easier to fast on fatty meat. Also while the media presents red meat being bad as scientific consensus, when you look at papers and their quality it gets real flimsy and you find plenty of stuff to the contrary.

From my reply above, the one "extreme": feasting on meat then fasting for a couple days, doesn't feel bad at all. In fact it straight up feels like a way for a man to be. The other extreme of munching on a bit of cereals and green slop every 20 minutes just does not.

Maybe if you holodomor faminemaxx into a Vitalik skeletal form you can agemaxx more, maybe, but fuck, it's not The Way for a Man to Be™. Then there are so many interviews of some healthy old fucks of 90+ years. They are like "No I never smoke or drink alcohol. What I ate today? Oh bacon. I ate bacon every breakfast for my whole life!" Okay lol. Not scientific but I kinda stopped taking it seriously at that point.

>> No.15623981

itt: shit stinking meat eaters

you smell like a corpse where ever you go and animals regard you as an ontological pariah

if you eat vegetables for a while they will approach you like bambi

>> No.15623989

t. seething prey
We're in good company with the apartment cats. The m*use though, never seen 'em. Chickens and birbs are alright too. They eat ze bugs and grains so I don't have to. Based.

>> No.15624183
File: 39 KB, 582x364, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These eyes just scream 'pain'

>> No.15624396

>Hey guys I hate vegans but don't you think that anti-vegans are even more annoying than vegans???

>> No.15624457

Veganism has been the diet of the most abject rabble for most of human history. It's what made them short, weak and stupid. All that's worthwhile in human culture has been created by meat-eating elites.

>> No.15624565

>I'm a special snowflake, the normal rules of nutrition don't apply to me because of my feelings

>> No.15624617

no value was lost

next time theyll be eating each other

>> No.15624656

Good, the less of these freaks the better.

>> No.15624960

Zhanna Samsonova died in squalid conditions on an inflatable mattress in a soiled nappy

>> No.15625266


>> No.15625663
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, durianrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality this is the BEST promotion for a fruitarian diet.
Why the FUCK are not all obese piggers in muttmerica, turkey and all obese countries not on this diet?(shocker to learn americas not the only obese country in the world)
A diet that shreds body fat and makes your body UNABLE to gain fat while it burns it off is amazing.

Also this woman didn't drink water for 6 years at all so her kidney and organs were strained.

Fat = weight gain
Sugar = weight loss
Fat + Sugar = super weight gain

Durian rider has been eating sugar, supplemented with fat like avocados for over 20 years and he's maintained his lean physique.
Carb the fuck up. Eat healthy fats when your body fat gets too low.

>> No.15625673
File: 364 KB, 1134x917, ketolard2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625682

>dies from the lack of essential proteins/amino acids
Many such cases. Darwinism at work.

>> No.15625716

Much appreciated anon! I have my reason for eating more animal products currently, but I'd like to transition to a more plant based diet in the near future. Not necessarily vegan or vegetarian, but those would be the bulk of my diet. I'm going to save your post for meal ideas.

>> No.15625732

Emma Watson isn't vegan, genius.

Aside from the photos of her eating pepperoni pizza, turkey sandwiches, chicken fingers, and other obviously non-vegan foods, she's talked about her diet in interviews and never mentioned being vegan.

Breakfast: "I make guacamole, salsa, and scrambled eggs, and then I cook the tortilla. It's pretty simple, really, but yummy."

Hangover cure: "An English breakfast — sausages, baked beans"

>> No.15625756
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>> No.15625770

whats wrong with calories? they're only a problem for fatsos. calories are needed to survive.

>> No.15625776

I do wonder if all meat plus fasting is stressful long term (like years or decades down the road). In hunter gatherer societies, while meat is desired, they subsist on vegetables and carbs gathered by the women for when hunts failed. Of course there's probably some (unwanted) fasting. But I also agree that standard diets nowadays are awful. Food shouldn't be needed round the clock. Even eating a more carbcentric diet, I went a while between meals and didn't snack. The liver should have enough stored glycogen that waiting a while isn't an issue, which points to either habit or health problems if a person can't avoid snacking. Keto of course makes it even easier to wait, and the liver and muscles adapt over time so that glycogen is still replenished in the absence of carbs while primarily using fat for energy. I suspect that unless we lived in the Arctic, diet would have varied by season, basically the primal diet. No need to risk hunting if fruit is plentiful, and tubers could be had in Fall. Winter would have required mostly hunting except in the tropics, where it probably would have been more seafood and fruit.

I'd really like to know how Native Americans did relying on pemmican for long periods of time. There's reports some lived to old age, and there's plenty of other reasons besides diet to not reach old age. Were they mostly free of cardiovascular disease, or did most die before it was an issue?

>> No.15625790

her eyebrows look exactly the same lol, first pic they are drawn on with very little actual hair

>> No.15625797

>Why the FUCK are not all obese piggers in muttmerica, turkey and all obese countries not on this diet?
Most of the planet that isn't starving is overweight. Nothing but fruit is not sustainable. I also don't think it works without excessive exercise. All that fructose, even if it's from fruit, has been shown to increase NAFLD. Keto actually sheds liver fat pretty fast. We're probably meant to rotate our diets. That said, I can't think of any society that's ever relied almost entirely on fruit. Even the ones that eat mostly carbs consume a large amount of starch. Just like carnivore and keto, the long term effects are a bit of an unknown if eating nothing but fruit.

>> No.15627851

goes on a 10 dry-fast while experiencing cholera-like symptoms....ngmi....didn't.

>> No.15627929 [DELETED] 
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100% sure she did not have a healthy boyfriend feeding her the necessary warm throat yogurt 3 times a day!

>> No.15628561

Is that a stick of butter?

>> No.15628671

it appears to be yes.

>> No.15629012
File: 752 KB, 1200x1200, FOK_CalorieDensity_Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally impossible unless you cheat on your diet.

>> No.15629019

That won't work, the gut regulates how fast the stomach empties. (ozempic works by faking the signal)

>> No.15629162

She wasnt fruitarian, she went through many phases and was anorexic by the end

>> No.15629192

>anorexic mentally ill person uses creackpot diet to justify her dwindling health situation
many such cases! sad!

>> No.15629612

Intelligent vegans know about this and take appropriate supplements.

>> No.15629642

it takes 2-5 years to run out of b12 stores

>> No.15629664

you're a piece of shit?

>> No.15630065

wow, badass, you go show him champ. Im very impressed by your masculine display of empathy

>> No.15631495

>vegans who aren't retarded
The empty set is the opposite of "plenty"
>This bitch had a mental disorder
They all do. Nowhere in nature do you find animals which deliberately limit their diet options. Sure, they will make economic decisions determining what they prefer to seek but nothing they can process is technically off the table.
This vegetarian/vegan shit is a dysgenic fad which is allowed to run amok by society being too stable/reliable.
Just because you are shielded from the negatives of a mental disorder does not mean you don't have a mental disorder.

>> No.15631773

Calorie density is impossible on a vegan diet? What about nuts and seeds?

>> No.15631787

>Nowhere in nature do you find animals which deliberately limit their diet options
Well of course, they also don't have moral reasons for doing so. I don't think it necessarily takes a mental disorder to not want other animals to die for your nutrition. I'm not saying some vegans aren't disturbed, but I've known a few who went about their day being vegan and you wouldn't really know it unless you focused on what they ate. Others are very in your face about it.

>> No.15632034

So she beat the median zigger life expectancy by what, 10 years?

>> No.15632062

>I don't think it necessarily takes a mental disorder to not want other animals to die for your nutrition.
It is a weird moral priority given all of the other problems in the world.
I don't think people are ensnared in it by their intent to actually achieve good results in the world. That may be the foot in the door but my guess is other "rewards" quickly take over and the original intent just becomes pretext.
There is likely a reward pathway in their brain that lights up whenever they convince themself they did something good. Call that the "moral coomer" reward. Imagine cooming from the lazy activity of just buying a different food at the store. This reward is low effort, low cost, self-delivered, and disconnected from meaningful action in the world.
There are also the obvious social rewards/reinforcements (which likely represent the most obnoxious vegans). They likely get a sense of community from being around other vegans and a sense of moral superiority when they compare themselves to non-vegans.

My guess is the mental disorder revolves around lack of meaning, belonging, or status.

>> No.15632382

>It is a weird moral priority given all of the other problems in the world
It's weird to view animals as conscious and capable of suffering, and not wanting to contribute to that? How many vegans do you know personally, and how many of them have you had a conversation with about their reasons for becoming vegan? It sounds like you're just guessing about people's motivations. Not that what you describe couldn't apply to some people, but to generalize without evidence is foolish.

>> No.15632498

>It's weird to view animals as conscious and capable of suffering, and not wanting to contribute to that?
The key word I used is PRIORITY
>How many vegans do you know personally, and how many of them have you had a conversation with about their reasons for becoming vegan?
Enough. Most are exposed to PETA propaganda about factory farming and animal testing and get emotionally perturbed. I don't take issue with their emotional perturbation. It is their fixation on the particular issue given all of the other problems in the world coupled with their impotent action that strikes me as odd.

>> No.15632547

>The key word I used is PRIORITY
You must only be thinking of vegans who adopt it as some kind of religion. For many others it's just changing an existing behavior to better align with their sense of morality. It's really just a matter of making a different choice at the grocery store/restaurant, which only takes a little initial effort and then just becomes habit for something you'd be doing anyway. Not eating any animals doesn't take any extra time or energy once it's part of your routine, unlike many other things that could be morally more important.

>> No.15632572

>russian thinks he should look like a walled american thanks to propaganda
Good one americans

>> No.15632750

>given all of the other problems in the world
Like? And they have to be problems that are easily fixable by individuals, otherwise they fall into the same camp as refusing animal products.

>> No.15633900

>died as a result of her own obsession with virtue signalling
good, people who are obsessed with virtue signalling are all total scumbags who have nasty secrets to hide. the second facebook or reddit or 4chan isn't watching them all of their repressed horrid behaviors immediately bubble up to the surface

>> No.15633971

Shut up it wasn't her diet probably the vaccine you incels always go on about

>> No.15635445

my nigga a 100 gram bag of almonds is 570 calories

>> No.15635463

Just so you know. Even locals there eat meat.

>> No.15635577

Vegans get shit because they like to make their diet everyone else's problem aswell. If they kept their diet habits to themselves instead of trying shit on everyone else's diet they wouldn't get criticism.

>> No.15635589

>in fucking Russia
She lived on Bali

>> No.15635601
File: 91 KB, 1254x836, 1666537485185067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuts and seeds

here, have some vegan food

>> No.15635610

that pig KNOWS that it's over. he has completely grasped the situation.

>> No.15636201

Yeah yeah, deal with being wrong, nuts provide plenty of calories.

>> No.15636267

You don't have very good comprehension skills.

>> No.15636478

Yes, your picture of chips made it very clear. That's trash vegan food.

>> No.15637087

Vegan girls always have such dull, sickly complexions. Such an idiotic dietary fad.

>> No.15637593

She was closer to anorexia than vegan.

>> No.15637603

>Zhanna believed that death does not exist.
Fucking kek

>> No.15637718

>vegan becomes anorexic
what a surprise

>> No.15638806

I would honestly call her an exception to fruitarianism. Fruitarians are often eating an exorbitant amount of calories. But yeah, veganism in general probably has more eating disorders.

>> No.15638825

Eating fat is good for you.

>> No.15638826

>calories? I don't want no stinking calories!
That dumbass probably thinks he can photosynthesis, LMAO

>> No.15638829

>potatoes and beans are categorized separately from fruits and vegetables
>uses the word "veggies" like a 3 year old
Your chart is flagrant pseudoscience.

>> No.15638860

To be fair, that hamburger is probably an AGE nightmare. Even if you can burn off the calories, you still have other consequences (at least long term). Toss the bun and you've cut the insulin spike by 2/3rds and probably reduced the blood glucose substantially. Cut the meat and the carbs from the bun can be used properly. Either way works, it's the combination that has caused problems.

>> No.15638871

I tried to eat only fruits for a little while. They left me hungry all the time and feeling like crap. Starch is the thing that causes undereating, nothing but fruit might do the opposite. You adjust to filling your stomach excessively to where you can put down a massive amount of food. A whole watermelon or 10 bananas at a meal becomes doable.

>> No.15638992

show me ONE source which proves death exists
I'm waiting......

>> No.15639913

What if you're a t1d and just avoidant to large amounts of pointless noncomplex carbs?

>> No.15640161

because i dont like them also

>> No.15640436

>you smell like a corpse
classic projection
vegans smell like shit, they have gas 24/7 and are constantly trying everything except animal products to fix their bodies that are broken, hurt and smelly thanks to religion

>> No.15640454

You're basically just eating fiber and fructose on a fruitarian diet. Same spike-crash cycle as if you were living on candy bars.

Reminder that Steve Jobs gave himself pancreatic cancer by eating nothing but fruit smoothies.

>> No.15640463

You can get every nutrient in sufficient amounts as a vegan except B12, which can be supplemented. The vegans you know are either doing retarded fad diets like this chick or just naturally ugly. And if you know women losing their periods then it's probably the former because that's not common for vegans at all. You can't draw conclusions from "hurr durr i know some vegans"

>> No.15640610

I only know one couple who were doing a vegan diet properly. They really were, too. The woman was an excellent cook, and had studied the subject extensively. She and their kid seemed normal enough with unremarkable physiques, but the husband was obviously way too scrawny.

Most vegans don't even do fad diets though. They eat primarily junk food because it's all plant products. No animal bits in Doritos.

>> No.15640623

i think we enjoy news like this because those health obsessed people can be very annoying about their hobby and telling everyone how superior they are.

Theres really nothing you can do, even if you tell them anything they will deny and fight anything.

>> No.15640631

What is it about covid that finally mindbroke all the borderline schizos?

>> No.15640645

>hohol food blogger vs rossiyan food blogger

>> No.15640650

>carcinogenic nature
>occurs at too old an age
based midwit
next thing you're gonna tell me is that red meat kills 99% of people past the age of 120

>> No.15640661

>Protein, from animals. We have canines for a reason. Prehistoric humans hunted plenty,
Pre-humans didn't really hunt per se, they(like the rest of primates) just sat in cuck bushes watching carnivores kill their prey, take the best bits and leave, then moved in to scavenge the shit meat and bone marrow
>in case you were unaware there was another word that was paired with gatherer. It was HUNTER
Hunter-gatherers are hardly primitive and are already a form of social organization for biologically modern humans, that's an argument that has nothing to do with evolution

>> No.15640682

>and animals regard you as an ontological pariah
>as an ontological pariah
what did he mean by this?

>> No.15640689

The canines were a funny comment too. Gorillas have scary canines, but they're not using them much for eating.

>> No.15640699

He means unicorns won't cuddle you because you don't smell like a Disney princess.

And that he's a furry.

>> No.15640715

>tfw my cat watches me clean his poop up and regards me as an ontological pariah

>> No.15640722

if your diet needs pharmaceutical supplementation, your diet is unnatural mumbo-jumbo retardation.

>> No.15640726

>vegan diet is natural and ancient humans were actually all vegans and got their ancient vegan B12 and essential amino acid pills from ancient pharma factories

>> No.15641130
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>> No.15641340

>Zhanna believed that death does not exist.'
Doesn't that negate the moral argument against eating animals.

>> No.15642161

Okay, might as well lump plenty of omnivores in there as well. Eating animal products doesn't exclude them, especially if they're fat.

>> No.15642720

>t. emotionally triggered, mentally ill vegan

>> No.15642723

I just use nutritional yeast on everything, provides plenty of B12.

>> No.15643424

No, I eat animals, but if you're severely overweight then you clearly have a problem with overeating, hence an eating disorder.

>> No.15643462

Many vegans have an eating disoder and veganism and shit like fruitarian diets are socially acceptable ways to adopt highly restrictive diets without opening yourself up to social criticism for the behaviors related to your eating disorder. Veganism and eating disorders are so heavily intertwined in modern culture it's hard to say where one ends and the other begins.

>> No.15643579

I think it's much more likely that cooking was developed in order to render roots and vegetables edible when wild game wasn't available than havnig been developed for cooking meat. Our modern vegetables are the result of thousands of years of selective breeding and cultivation and they still need to be prepared before consumption to avoid digestion issues. Their predecessors were likely impossible to consume raw. The only thing stopping humans from eating meat raw is contamination, which wouldn't have been as big of a concern in a more primitive/natural environment.

>> No.15643585

It does, but "Boolean arguments didn't work"

>> No.15643678
File: 37 KB, 720x612, T4La4nVKGzuMJgRlZyy-g9MLJ6SwuT6Oz0qd5PtTWfY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanctioned out of the world economy

However will Russia import pineapple from Germany and mangos from England now

>> No.15643715

>All vegans suffer from malnutrition around a year in
there's literally clinical studies of putting people on vegan diets for a year and showing no evidence of harm from lack of nutrients like you are saying, and like others pointed out deficiencies take years to to develop not months

>> No.15643728

supplements are just technology, if you are against technology stop using the internet, stop using a house and go die in your local forest

>> No.15644376

no there isn't, you'd have posted the studies if you weren't lying

>> No.15644490

> literal ghoul
why are food fags so mentally ill?
it doesn't matter if it's the conservative (carnivore) or lib (vegan) version, they're all batshit insane

>> No.15644493

Why is there a thread about a mentally ill girl who killed herself? She was anorexic, it's not about veganism

>> No.15644496

>I don't know, Peter, melon's a helluva drug.

>> No.15644521

>Of 65 subjects randomised (control n=32, intervention n=33), 49 (75.4%) completed the study to 6 months. Twenty-three (70%) intervention participants were followed up at 12 months.
>followed a non-energy-restricted WFPB diet with vitamin B12 supplementation.
>This programme led to significant improvements in BMI, cholesterol and other risk factors. To the best of our knowledge, this research has achieved greater weight loss at 6 and 12 months than any other trial that does not limit energy intake or mandate regular exercise.
>No serious harms were reported.


>> No.15645205


>> No.15645323

not shilling for rabbit food rn but this has little to do with her being vegan. anorexia/orthorexia is a lethal mental illness no matter what the peculiarities of your diet are.

>> No.15646595

>muh replication crisis journal garbage
>33 subjects
>B12 supplementation.

>> No.15646610

>>muh replication crisis journal garbage
You favor anecdotes only?

>B12 supplementation.
It's been said numerous times that B12 supplementation is necessary, so that's not a gotcha. Also, most omnivores use supplements too.

>> No.15647560

Severe premature aging.

>> No.15647860

>Also, most omnivores use supplements too.
no they don't

>> No.15648053

She probably had a mental illness (anorexia nervosa) that manifested as "I'll follow a wunderdiet to become thinner" and ended up dying like half the anorexic girls do. But nu/sci/ is all about dailymail sources and shitposting I guess

>> No.15648059

>using the naturalist fallacy
your cow gets supplemented with B12 so in the end it's the same. it's not something animals produce, it's from a bacteria.
unless you eat 100% organic grass fed free range cows, all the time in which case congrats on being rich or only eating meat once every 2 weeks.

>> No.15648248

veganism is quite literally only possible thanks to modern science, if you don't eat B12 pills as a vegan then you're killing yourself

>> No.15648258

Likely has nothing to do with diet and it's all genetics.

>> No.15648279 [DELETED] 

You probably inly need it because the spips are depleted in cobalt. You need supplements even when you aren't vegan, the animals you eat got the supplement instead.

>> No.15648281

You probably only need it because the soils are depleted of cobalt. You need supplements even when you aren't vegan, the animals you eat got the supplement instead.

>> No.15648287

saturated fats fuck you up if it's all you eat, having a burger once a week won't kill you but have one every day and that'll make you an american

>> No.15648288

Vegans hurt people by convincing others on social media that its a beneficial thing. There is no way a vegan cant feel the damage they are doing to themselves, therefore the only explanation is that vegans are simply malcontent and want others to suffer as much as they do.

>> No.15648289

I actively wanna be slightly chubby and muscular, why is everyone so obsessed with being thin? a functional body has fat and muscle

>> No.15648290

You are forgiven, bar a sex hell I will give to you

>> No.15648347

If you think the animals you eat today and the amount of meat you can eat today are possible without modern science I've got a bridge I want to sell to you.

>> No.15648392

>minimally processed
>just egg
>almond milk "sourc cream"

>> No.15648401

Right. It was the nutrition and not the drugs she took.

Also, skinny girls rule.

>> No.15648408

Come on junkie. Give up. There's such a better life ahead...

>> No.15648410

Come onnn youre holding us both back from something a gazzlion times better plus you're really stupid all of you and I'm bored. either let me go or let me update

>> No.15648412

Be a junkie on your own >>15648408
You're not in trouble

>> No.15648507

Yeah, I eat SOME processed foods. But even those I scrutinize the ingredients to make sure there's nothing too offensive in there.

>>just egg
>Water, Mung Bean Protein Isolate, Expeller-pressed Canola Oil, Corn Starch, Contains Less Than 2% Of Baking Powder (Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Corn Starch, Monocalcium Phosphate), Dehydrated Garlic, Dehydrated Onion, Natural Carrot Extractives (Color), Natural Turmeric Extractives (Color), Salt, Transglutaminase

Expeller-Pressed Avocado Oil, Expeller-Pressed High-Oleic Safflower Oil, Filtered Water, Brown Rice Syrup, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pea Protein, Sea Salt, Mustard Flour, Lemon Juice Concentrate

>Water, Van'S Gluten Free Mix (Brown Rice Flour, Potato Starch, Rice Flour, Onions Flour), Non-Gmo Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Baking Powder (Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Baking Soda, Rice Flour, Monocalcium Phosphate), Van'S Natural Fruit Juice Blend (Pineapple, Peach And Pear Juice Concentrates), Sea Salt, Guar Gum, Onions Lecithin

>>almond milk "sourc cream"
>Almond Milk (Water, Almonds), Coconut Oil, Rice Starch, Coconut Milk, Maltodextrin, Chickpea Protein, Salt, Cultures. Contains Almonds, Coconut

Worst things in these are probably the canola and safflower oils, maltodextrin, and brown rice syrup. But overall these items make up a minority of my diet. Still far and away better than the sugared-up junk food many people eat.

>> No.15648665

>unless you eat 100% organic grass fed free range cows, all the time in which case congrats on being rich or only eating meat once every 2 weeks.
That's what I eat on a daily basis and I'm not even rich, making $60k per year. I go in with 3 other people to buy a whole cow we split 4 ways and I just keep it all in a freezer. It ends up being like $500 and it lasts for months.

>> No.15648681

yeah sure you do faggot, fucking dishonest retard

>> No.15648686

Farmers raising grass-fed cattle and selling wholesale directly to consumers are all around, you just have to leave the city and go find them.

>> No.15648988

Over 50% of the people in the USA use supplements. Are you saying they're all vegans?

>> No.15648992

>unless you eat 100% organic grass fed free range cows, all the time in which case congrats on being rich

>> No.15649005

Don't you need an enormous trunk freezer for that? A cow split 4 ways is still a fuckton of meat.

>> No.15649017

I have a 5 cubic foot chest freezer and a 3 cubic foot freezer attached to my fridge. I have to make sure they're fully empty and I stuff them both to the brim but it works.

>> No.15649056

>Be born in wealthy first world country
>Dies of a fucking malnutrition.

What a peak comedy.

>> No.15649095

>wealthy first world country

>> No.15649326

I took pause as well, but Russia is considered a first world country now. In terms of wealth, they're pretty far down the list in terms of GDP per capita and average income.

>> No.15649913

you're saying that everyone who buys snake oil does it out of necessity?

>> No.15650002


I’ve met a fruitarian guy once. He looked frail, but not as much as that eating-disordered girl.

He claimed he only vacations in Thailand because his favorite fruit Durian grows there. Yes he actually said that. He is one of the reasons I don’t like going out to meet random people.

>> No.15650047


Sorry, I generally find such posts interesting and appreciate them; but could it be that you think about food a lot? All the vegans I know talk about food literally all the time, it’s almost a meme. One reiterated a complete recipe for vegan mincemeat at a party once.

Usually having to think about food as much is sign of an eating disorder or kind of malnutrition. Maybe some food for thought (sorry)? Try going through a list of more common food items and see whether you crave specific ones.. it can point towards specific deficiencies.

>> No.15650057

So vegans are buying snake oil?

>> No.15650060

I mean...I did ask him what he eats during the day. It wasn't an unprompted response.

>> No.15650105

I don't think about food a lot, per se. Going vegan meant I had to adjust and find new things that fit my preferences and existing diet restrictions (gluten intolerance), but once that's done it's just reordering the same things every couple of weeks.
I do have a general interest in health and nutrition, and will occasionally watch presentations or podcast interviews with experts who do research in these areas, which can influence my food choices. But day-to-day it's just the usual "what will I make for dinner" sorts of thoughts.

>> No.15650170

>[Anorexic] Influencer who promoted [anorexic "diet"] dies aged 39 [of anorexia]

>> No.15650177

>prior to her anorexia taking its toll she doesn't look anorexic

>> No.15650182


Be careful anyway. Occasional animal products or straight sashimi or a piece of organic meat don’t hurt (unless you are having religious feelings), and can give you some perspective on whether you are doing right.

I know a person with all major food allergies you can think of, but they still insists on being vegan, although meat would be the only thing next to mushrooms they can safely eat. Simply looks and acts frail.

>> No.15650187


Also gluten-free and vegan don’t seem to go together well, but you already know that.

Check out natto btw, 5mg of iron per pack. Japanese like to put an egg over it but it’s good pure as well.

>> No.15650197

>Also gluten-free and vegan don’t seem to go together well
There's a huge amount of non-gluten grains, no?

>> No.15650281

How observant. Yes that's why the blue circle is substantially larger than the green one, shit for brains.

>> No.15650306

Now do the one of the sex toy tester

>> No.15650313

I was making a point that your chart sucks. 2/3rds of omnivores would fall within the blue circle.

>> No.15650948

>technology is good no matter what
>gets ball cancer, autism and diabetes from overuse of technology
>fucking dies as the equivalent to an overfed human barrow
>fast forward 200 years
>society has collapsed and global civilization seizes to exist after mass use of nukes
>fast forward 30.000 years
>Amazonas native notices weird rock outcrops
>finds retarded looking vegan skull, makes it into poop bowl
>elders tell stories of great storms, darkness and the hubris of the first people at evening fire
>shit in vegan skull shit bowl

>> No.15650991

The reason you lose weight on a vegan diet is because of the lack of fat and protein, retard.
In other words, it works in a different way than any caloric deficit, fasting, exercise or meat based diet.
Your body obviously can't create fat cells without building blocks, doesn't matter how much energy you have, so it cannibalizes the existing cells to upkeep metabolic needs as best as it can.
B12 supplementation is just one part of a greater deficit.
If you are actually interested in emulating the environment we humans adapted to for over 99% of history, don't go vegan, go keto or carnivore and fast.
And stop eating modern plants. None of them are natural, they are all manipulated by man for thousands of years to have as much sugar and as many carbs as possible. This on top of soil degradation and herbicides destroying bacteria in the soil causes them to be almost worthless in terms of micronutrient content, when you compare them to what hunter-gatherers would have eaten.
The mechanism behind vegan weight loss is also why stuff like Jen Peach eating 4000 calories a day works.
She's not expending 4000 calories every day. She's probably pissing a lot of it out.
But her food has such a low content of absorbable micronutrients, fat and protein, that she has to eat 4000 calories for her body to be able to build tissue.
This issue means that long term vegans all at some point start to suffer from some sort of anemia, gum disease, brittle hair, poor skin, fertility problems, weaker bones, reduced muscle mass, brain damage and so on.
Nearly everything you'd expect from malnutrition.
On top of that comes high intake of plant chemicals, things like oxalates and isoflavones that have potential to basically chemically castrate men in some cases.

>> No.15651031

this nigger site wont let me post DOI links so I will copy and paste the titles of the most important ones
This is food for thought for you vegan retards:
"Vegetarian and vegan diets and risks of total and site-specific fractures: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study" Tammy Y. N. Tong et al.
"Plant-animal subsistence ratios and macronutrient energy estimations in worldwide hunter-gatherer diets" Loren Cordain et al.
"Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with onions product consumption" Timo Siepmann M.D et al.

>> No.15651081
File: 294 KB, 1086x1175, metabolic &amp; lipid panel 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like some people just don't aren't doing veganism right. I'll admit, it's easier to fuck up than omnivorism, but it's also not that hard once you've got the basics down. Pic related is my blood work from a couple months ago as a five year vegan. Everything is normal to good. I posted what I eat upthread >>15623460
No lack of fat in my diet.

>> No.15651162

You don't eat any gluten, you minimize processed sugar intake and processed foods, you supplement basically everything and you eat fats, that together, are as close to animal fat saturation ratios as is possible.
You are not the average vegan.
Regardless of your diet, you do not know how your body would have responded had you eaten exactly like a hunter-gatherer during that same time period.
The idea here is very simple and it is extremely improbably for it to be ever disproven.
If humans spent hundreds of thousands of years adapting to a specific diet and environment, then suddenly changing that diet and environment will make us sick, as we maladapt.
Well, late hunter-gatherers were much healthier in all regards compared to early Neolithic farmers.
Our brains have been shrinking for the past 3000 or so years, which aligns with the rise of civilization after the bronze age collapse, the end of most remaining hunter-gatherers and the broad facilitation of most semi-modern agricultural crops and domesticated animals.
Industrial food processing is something we've had for only about 200 years and we are now at a point where about 90% of Americans are obese or overweight.
We can therefore try to base our diet on scientific literature about subjects that we do not fully comprehend, subjects that are extremely complex, or we can try to emulate the environment that humanity spent over 99% of it's existence in.
The vegan diet + supplementation might help you compared to whatever lifestyle you had previously, but you do not know what you would feel, look and live like, if you had enjoyed the lifestyle of a hunter-gatherer, or tried to emulate it.
Anyhow, look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAZAPm1JZ00
And on a side note, I would be careful with turmeric, it is an immunomodulator and possible allergen.

>> No.15651909

>None of them are natura
Same goes for animals, fyi. I don't see any mammoths walking around.

>> No.15651931

Your cholesterol seems a bit high brother. Maybe lay off the coconut oil.

>> No.15652408
File: 25 KB, 569x214, dyslipidemia study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably fine. The focus on lower total cholesterol is likely an outdated concept - see anon's >>15651162 linked study for example (results in pic related). It shows cholesterol above 200 mg/dL is actually associated with lower mortality.
I think triglycerides are a much more important factor to watch.

>> No.15652486

It's highly debated. Carnivores say cholesterol isn't even something anyone should think about, others say cholesterol levels fall with disease, so there's a false sense of security with studies stating high cholesterol is better (btw, a lot of studies also support higher A1C and triglycerides than most low carbers would be comfortable with, so those studies get dismissed or ignored). Peter Attia thinks ApoB is what matters. Certainly there's been some people with ultra low triglycerides and glucose, along with high cholesterol, who ran into problems, but who's to say those problems weren't starting before starting carnivore/keto? Some people also run into problems despite lifetime low cholesterol. I guess the takeaway is that something will eventually kill us. 4chan is flagging the links, so I'm giving titles instead.

"A dose-independent association of triglyceride levels with all-cause mortality among adults population"
>According to smoothing spline plots, the risk of all-cause was the lowest when TG was approximately 135mg/dL.

"Association between haemoglobin A1c and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in middle-aged and older Koreans: a prospective cohort study"
>We found U-shaped associations between HbA1c levels at baseline and over time and all-cause mortality in middle-aged and older Koreans. Additionally, the risk of cancer mortality increased both in low and high HbA1c groups, but CVD mortality increased only in high HbA1c group. In particular, people with liver diseases and low HbA1c levels had a high risk of all-cause mortality. Therefore, more careful management of these groups is suggested to identify any deteriorating health conditions.

>> No.15652487

never go full anything
just cycle trough different diets to cycle trough different body stresses
also vegan diet is pure mental retardation btw(unless you supplement collagen(meat), and first born son blood of course!)

>> No.15652591

Yeah, there's a lot we still don't know. I just try to eat a balanced, low-processed food diet, with the constraint of not eating meat/animal products. Not overthinking it or trying to min-max anything.

>> No.15652695

Yeah, obsessing over it is probably the worst thing to do. A lot of the very aged just didn't seem to get too worked up about anything.

>> No.15652700
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>> No.15653572

>fat cells are made out of fat

>> No.15653999
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>> No.15654008
File: 80 KB, 1021x1282, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy in the picture was also a vegan and now is dead, coincidence?

>> No.15654079

kino, I wish I could be there with them

>> No.15654081

Go easy on him, veganism has rendered him mentally disabled.

>> No.15654093

She didn't eat enough nuts in her vegan diet that's why. Fruit only vegans are nutless retards. Where's the suffering with your sacrifice, you're just having fun tut tut

>> No.15654099


>> No.15654270

No he just committed suicide because he was put in a extremely deep depression over some of his friends dying, and PTSD. Very sad story. Many such cases. Especially among vets.

>> No.15654809


>> No.15654999

This is incredibly stupid, you realize that, right? You're suggesting scientific studies mean less that what some random person on the internet tells you.

>> No.15655005

>chart is incomplete
>gets pointed out
>"Dur dur veganism!"
I'm an omnivore, fyi.

>> No.15655031

I still respect you as a person, even though you are retarded.

>> No.15655040

Takes one to know one. :-)

>> No.15655421

look at the vegan's body and then realize the same atrophy happened to it's brain

>> No.15655425

Hey, she claimed to eat only fruit AND SHE ATE ONLY FRUIT.
I can respect that. She was a woman of her word and she had principals. R.I.P.

>> No.15655497

>over 50% of the people in the usa
is a far cry from
>most omnivores

>> No.15655530

I was wrong, it's 2/3rds of adults in Europe that are overweight, and over 75% in the USA. Over 50% would be considered most, so I stand by what I said.

>most - the greatest amount or quantity.

>> No.15655547

Ok let's debunk everything you said sentence by sentence
>The reason you lose weight on a vegan diet is because of the lack of fat and protein, retard.
>Your body obviously can't create fat cells without building blocks
> it works in a different way than any caloric deficit
Nope, you can have a high protein, high fat vegan diet and still lose weight, CICO is still true
>B12 supplementation is just one part of a greater deficit.
B12 supplements are safe and effective
>If you are actually interested in emulating the environment we humans adapted to for over 99% of history
I'm not interested in that, nor anyone should be, people had very short lifespans for 99% of history
>go keto or carnivore and fast.
You can do a keto vegan diet and you can also fast in a vegan diet, carnivore diets are a meme and there's no clinical research supporting them, if anything all data on the aggregate says red meat is unhealthy
>And stop eating modern plants. None of them are natural
None of the livestock is natural either, they have all been artifically breed, also what is "natural" doesn't mean is healthy
>when you compare them to what hunter-gatherers would have eaten.
We cannot make a comparison because we don't know empirically what hunter gatherers exactly ate, we just have historical speculation and some archeological evidence which is all over the place, we cannot ever known how much fat, carbs or protein they ate, just speculate, there's modern hunter gatherer population alive today and in general they don't follow a single pattern, some follow high fat diets, some high carb, some inbetween it depends where you are and the context, still even them are not good evidence of anything though because of survivorship bias
>Jen Peach eating 4000 calories a day works.
This is just anecdotal, she's following a fruitarian diet so right off the bat she's not eating like most vegans recommend to eat

>> No.15655583

>She's not expending 4000 calories every day.
I don't even believe she's actually eating that amount
>But her food has such a low content of absorbable micronutrients, fat and protein, that she has to eat 4000 calories for her body to be able to build tissue.
Again, this is just a fruitarian diet and I doubt she's eating that much calories so
>This issue means that long term vegans
It's impossible and incorrect to draw this conclusion because she's a very specific type of vegan, she follows a fruitarian vegan diet, so all the health issues you claimed don't follow
> things like oxalates and isoflavones that have potential to basically chemically castrate men in some cases.
This is just a bullshit myth, neither oxalates and isoflavones are of concern, here's a review looking at them among many other plant chemicals that lowcarb idiots like to demonize, in general they appear to be beneficial rather than harmful, here's quote of the conclusion of the review
"Therefore, it remains questionable as to whether these compounds are as potentially harmful as they might seem to be in isolation, as they may act differently when taken in within whole foods that are properly prepared. Cooking and application of heat seems to be essential for the activation of some of these compounds."

>> No.15655640

what does using supplements have to do with being overweight? reminder that you are defending this:
>Over 50% of the people in the USA use supplements.

>> No.15655649

cont 2:
>"Vegetarian and vegan diets and risks of total and site-specific fractures: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study"
Yeah that's explainable, there's comparative studies looking at that and they found that the reason for that is the lower bmi, not vegan diets themselves, having lower bmi regardless of diet leads to an increase those issues
"Conclusions: These findings suggest that lower BMD among adult vegetarians is in larger parts explained by lower BMI and waist circumference."
>"Plant-animal subsistence ratios and macronutrient energy estimations in worldwide hunter-gatherer diets"
That study doesn't really say anything, other than believing that hunter-gatherer population could be used as a reference of health, which is incorrect because those populations are subject to Survivorship Bias so whatever data comes from them is not good evidence
>"Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with onions product consumption"
This is merely an anecdote from a case report of rare thing that happened, we have clinical data that says the complete opposite, söy does not have negative effects on testosterone
"Concerns that the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in onions may feminize men continue to be raised."
"Regardless of the statistical model, no significant effects of onions protein or isoflavone intake on any of the outcomes measured were found. Sub-analysis of the data according to isoflavone dose and study duration also showed no effect. This updated and expanded meta-analysis indicates that regardless of dose and study duration, neither onions protein nor isoflavone exposure"

So that's the end of the debunking, I intentionally ignored some few words in your posts because I found them too tangential and uninteresting to care

>> No.15655775

Either most omnivores use supplements, or vegans make up 50% of the population. Which do you think is the case? In actuality, it's about 3%. That means 97% of the population is not vegan. This link actually claims the number of people using supplements is 86%. Again, most omnivores (meaning more than 50%) use supplements. But it's totally rational to shit on a study that used supplements, they can't be like 86% of the population.


>> No.15655988

I'm sure she died because of the vaccines. It has nothing to do with eathing healthy, otherwise fat americans would drop dead every hour instead of living until their 80s

>> No.15656010

>It has nothing to do with not eating

>> No.15656765

>Over 50% of the people in the USA use supplements.
no they don't

>> No.15656781

Ah, it's good to just to ignore evidence otherwise, eh?

>> No.15656874

he is claiming that, not me, I just quoted him, as it is clear, you know, greentext and all. why do you direct that reply to me? are you stupid or just a bot?

>> No.15657201

That anon didn't make the chart. I did. The chart was not focusing on classifying all eating disorders. You missed the point of it.

B vitamins, NOW.

>> No.15657278

>all vegans have eating disorders
>most omnivores have eating disorders

>> No.15657321
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>> No.15657906
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>> No.15657907


>> No.15658283
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>> No.15658810

Lol so seasonally available plants are supposed to provide sustenance. Have you ever been outside? Have you ever seen a tree? Have you ever seen how much a vegan has to shove down his throat to sustain himself? And you think that conveys to the world outside of the shopping mall? You know all those plants were cultivated to make them larger in size, right? No you don’t, and if you spent a second to actually think then you would realize that your ideas are stupid.

>> No.15658865

Ancel Keys? I thought you were dead!

>> No.15658877

If you have vegans in that vegan circle, what then do you have in that eating disorder, hmm? Could it be..?

>> No.15659257

Mammoths would have been dangerous to kill. Fact is living 2 million years ago would have been miserable with bouts of starvation and gluttony.

>> No.15659267

You'd have at least 2/3rds omnivores intersecting the circle. I'm not vegan, I just find it funny you've put this much thought into it while most 1st world countries are severely overweight. Being fat is no better than being too thin.

>> No.15659299

no, the protein becomes easier to digest by it not being alive and as a result your body doesn't energy, thus nutrients by producing more acid to burn it off, cooked meat increases protein by 50%

>> No.15659309

doesn't waste energy killing the protein, thus you get more nutrients by*

>> No.15659316

thus you don't need to produce more acid to burn it off and digest it*

>> No.15659748

Mine was funnier.

>> No.15659835
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>> No.15660181

>Vegan women
>Having a fine ass

Funny joke

>> No.15660854

>I do have a general interest in health and nutrition
>goes vegan

>> No.15660905

Based and deadpilled

>> No.15661319

Yes it's entirely possible to be healthy and vegan.

>> No.15661329

>Have you ever seen how much a vegan has to shove down his throat to sustain himself?
they eat a lot of sugar

>> No.15661416

>being a fat fuck
>having a fine anything
I get you.

>> No.15661588

she will grow to be strong fertile woman who shoot gun and axe wood and survive nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.15662101

Nta, but how did you arrive at the conclusion that they're fat?

>> No.15662105

Are vegans fat?

>> No.15662115

Point being over 70% of American adults are overweight, and 60% of European adults are overweight. That's not a result of veganism. By math, those are mostly omnivores.

>> No.15662195

It is possible for a vegan to be fat, because fatness arises from consuming too many calories.

>> No.15662271

Sure it's possible. It's possible you could be struck by lightning. Data says it's not common, though.

>> No.15662600
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She died of anorexia.

A lot of anorexics find some excuse for not eating. This lady was only eating a little fruit and even when dying and 80lbs insisted on doing 3 day "dry fasts" where she ate nothing.

It's just anorexia. Lots of anorexics have some bullshit excuse for their behavior because "Im fat and need to starve" is not something anyone will listen to. "i am vegan and eat fruit only" sounds better and some people in her life will believe that's what she thinks and are more ikelly to leave her alone than if she said she thinks she looks fat and needs to fast

"bitesizevegan" on youtube is going down the same road and will be dead in a few years

>> No.15664314

vegetarianism is an eating disorder AKA a mental illness

>> No.15664902

>vegetarianism is an eating disorder
no it's not

>> No.15666721

yes it is, you have an eating disorder, you are mentally ill

>> No.15667631

you're cracking me up anon
good posts

>> No.15667639
File: 242 KB, 390x391, sojdzheki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either you will be a vegan for a few years until your body has deteriorated enough for you to stop and go back to eating animal foods (best ending) or you will cheat like every other long term vegan and lie to yourself and others because you are unable to leave the cult (bad ending) or you will give up veganism and go vegetarian and occasionally eat eggs and dairy so that you dont feel like death (bad but not worst ending)
I don't think you're stupid enough to kys from malnutrition so I'll disregard that alternative, but one of the other three is gonna be your future
good luck

>> No.15667642

300th comment to let this stupid fucking thread die

>> No.15667650

>She died of anorexia.
no, she was eating fruits and vegetables everyday
she died of food poisoning because she had no body fat
she died because of her "diet"

>> No.15667684

>no, she was eating fruits and vegetables everyday
Sure, and if someone eats 1 egg a day and nothing else, they're not "anorexic" either.

>> No.15667808

>she died of food poisoning because she had no body fat

>> No.15668109

>t. emotionally triggered vegan

>> No.15668137

How long could someone survive on 1 egg a day and water

>> No.15668144

Probably forever if they're ostrich eggs.

>> No.15668174

I've been vegan for five years, and (mostly) vegetarian for ten years before that. I'm healthy and I feel fine. Better than before, in fact, but I think that's mostly from cutting out sugar (apart from fruit). I'd get sugar highs and crashes a lot. My energy levels are generally more stable now.

>> No.15669189

It depends on the starting point. You can live for a while on just water if you have sufficient fat stores.

Lol, true. I looked it up and they're 2k calories a piece. Not very well rounded, but they'd support someone into old age probably.

>> No.15669524

Let's debunk every single one of your retarded vegan arguments.
>Nope, you can have a high protein, high fat vegan diet and still lose weight, CICO is still true
Given that you have enough nutrients, yes. Plants, however are not highly nutrient dense, modern plants contain vastly more sugar than ancient plants, the same cannot be said about vitamins.
We have seen vitamin and mineral content drop drastically just in the past 100 years.
This means that you will consume more energy than you need for any given amount of necessary micronutrients, on a vegan diet.
>B12 supplements are safe and effective
That is not what I said, was it now?. Sure, you do not get any B12 on a vegan diet, but many other nutrient ratios are altered. Just a few examples of possible deficiencies: omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, iodine, vitamin A
Some amino acids are also altered in uptake, which could decrease athletic performance. Protein is not always protein. The same thing happens with altered saturated to unsaturated fat ratios. >>15652408
There is no argument about deficits definitely existing, since vegans suffer more broken bones, than the rest of the population.
There is also a point to be made about possible deficits with nutrient absorption on a vegan diet, especially with focus on vitamin A and B12. I also wanna take the opportunity to show you this:

>> No.15669543

>I'm not interested in that, nor anyone should be, people had very short lifespans for 99% of history
Once you consider that they had no access to modern health care and that a huge percentage of children died during, or shortly after birth, you start to realize why they died.
If you consider how much healthier the average hunter-gatherer was, than the average neolithic farmer, you start to understand that there actually is something to our ancestral diet.
It is the diet we evolved for.
While we might live longer today than ever before, we have not increased the amount of time we spend in good health, on the contrary, this value is about to decrease.
>You can do a keto vegan diet and you can also fast in a vegan diet, carnivore diets are a meme and there's no clinical research supporting them, if anything all data on the aggregate says red meat is unhealthy
You are just giving yourselves more and more challenges to get the nutrients you need.
How are you realistically going to do a vegan keto diet? Coconut oil, tofu and onions powder for replacing every nutrient missing from your food?
You will end up exclusively eating highly processed, industrially produced food. Last time I read about that, it was said to be bad for your health. But sure, make your argument, soience knows better than 200 million years of evolution.

>> No.15669545
File: 59 KB, 1316x330, B12 and folate 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my B12 level as a five-year vegan. I take supplements and eat nutritional (B12 fortified) yeast.

>> No.15669574

>None of the livestock is natural either, they have all been artificially bred, also what is "natural" doesn't mean is healthy
It literally is. A natural lifestyle means, that your genes are operating in complete harmony with your environment.
As previously discussed, this is about nutrient density and while yes, wild animals are usually better, the effect seen in plants is not the same seen in animals.
Animals still need to move about, eat and breed. They can't survive with low nutrient counts. On top of that, they have always been rich in many micronutrients, many of which are more easily absorbed by humans.
Us hunting, made our gut shrink in comparison to our ancestors, because we no longer needed to digest tons of fiber. In that same time period our brains grew, we further developed our bipedal walk and tool use, learned to scavenge for bone marrow, etc..
You also need to consider the prospect of ketosis and digestion in the context of the oldest form of hunting, persistence hunting. What hunter-gatherer is going to run through the savannah for 8 hours on sugar?
There were no sufficient sources of sugar. The sweetest plant that was available back then is the equivalent to a modern carrot.
Secondly, the glycogen storage of the body is limited.
Persistence hunting is almost guaranteed to have a greater caloric expenditure than what the body can store in glycogen, so it makes sense that hunters like this would draw large amounts of energy from their fat tissue and meat in digestive tract, which would vastly improve their energy budget, likely leading to a more successful hunt, leading to them to eating even more meat with little to no sugar.

>> No.15669584

And lastly there is the bloating issue.
Guess what, if you eat a carnivore diet, you will not fart, or bloat or have any kind of indigestion issues. I am speaking from experience. There are no farts. Now imagine running through the scolding heat for hours and having to pause to shit and fart, spreading your scent and warning the animals.
And of course vegans fart about 7 times more often than non-vegans. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/8/2638/htm#app1-nutrients-13-02638
You people stink, you are fucking disgusting.
More than that. Excess glucose in your blood increases glucose secretions in your skin, resulting in more bacterial activity, resulting in you being more easily detected by other animals, because you stink.
But wait there's even more, insulin resistance harms your own smell, it goes away after a few weeks on the carnivore diet, btw.. This is why you don't even notice your vile stink.
>We cannot make a comparison because we don't know empirically what hunter gatherers exactly ate, we just have historical speculation and some archeological evidence which is all over the place, we cannot ever known how much fat, carbs or protein they ate, just speculate, there's modern hunter gatherer population alive today and in general they don't follow a single pattern, some follow high fat diets, some high carb, some inbetween it depends where you are and the context, still even them are not good evidence of anything though because of survivorship bias
Mate, you are literally mentally retarded from nutrient deficiency. We can make a comparison, because we know empirically what hunter-gatherers ate. Have you really never heard of stable isotope analysis?

>> No.15669636

Just because there wasn't some idiot filming hunter-gatherers with a camcorder 15000 years ago, doesn't mean that we don't know what they ate. We absolutely do know.
I told you to look this up: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10702160/
And survivorship bias? Are you telling me that there is some kind of diet, that makes your bones despawn upon death?
You obviously did not, just skimming over my text seething with cope.
>This is just anecdotal, she's following a fruitarian diet so right off the bat she's not eating like most vegans recommend to eat
The fruitarian diet is a vegan diet and most vegans eat like shit, many don't even supplement B12 until they run out completely.
Your iron doesn't get absorbed because its not heme iron, your beta-carotine has a conversion ratio of less than 1:25 in most people.
You are at higher risk for depression because you don't get enough EPA and DHA.
Your intestinal wall is more permeable because of gluten and the fiber you eat will soak up nutrients like a sponge.
All those "anti-oxidants" you love eating? Oxalates, isoflavenoids, phytates, lectins, gluten, tannins, tripsin inhibitors, glycoalkaloids sulforaphane and more.
Many of them disrupt your hormones, they can accumulate in your body and give you fatigue, headaches, etc. and none of them have been proven to be actually proficient in preventing any diseases beyond anecdotal evidence. They behave like toxins and antinutrients.
There is literal statistical evidence of vegan children growing shorter.
One vegan eating shittier than other vegans, does not decrease the shittiness of the other vegans diet.
The point here was to demonstrate, that you cannot build mass with caloric excess, as long as you do not have sufficient nutrients.

>> No.15669684

>I don't even believe she's actually eating that amount
It doesn't matter what you believe, she told you what she eats. There are well established calorie values for many foods and most have them on their packaging, unless you live in a shithole.
And she is not the only one doing this, there are tons of vegan YouTubers talking about how many thousands of calories they eat. Jen is just a funny example, since she is a tiny woman.
Pure cope, as always.
>Again, this is just a fruitarian diet and I doubt she's eating that much calories so
Again just more cope with no argument
>It's impossible and incorrect to draw this conclusion because she's a very specific type of vegan, she follows a fruitarian vegan diet, so all the health issues you claimed don't follow
It makes no difference. Todays plants are less nutritious than plants were even just a hundred years ago. They also contain much more sugar than ancestral plants.
You will eat disproportionate amounts of sugar and carbohydrates to micronutrients fat and required proteins, if you are on a vegan diet. And remember, not all proteins are created equal.
Same goes for fat saturation ratios.
That lack of nutrients for cell building, is what makes you lose fat. It only works as long as your bodies vitamin and tissue reserves are relatively full.
Once they are depleted you are straight up starving yourself.
And again, the only reason I chose Jen, is because she is an extreme example.

>> No.15669693

>If you consider how much healthier the average hunter-gatherer was, than the average neolithic farmer, you start to understand that there actually is something to our ancestral diet.
Where's the evidence of this? And no Weston Price bull crap about how teeth were so much nicer. We have current hunter gatherers who live grueling, miserable lives. We have the Japanese who lied to keep the pension of dead family members.

>> No.15669706

>Animals still need to move about, eat and breed. They can't survive with low nutrient counts.
This is absurd. Neither can plants. Both need a certain amount of nutrients to grow.

>persistence hunting.
A romantic idea that may have been fabricated.

>The sweetest plant that was available back then is the equivalent to a modern carrot.
Except for all the tropical fruits.

You've also completely ignored Apoe4, which almost all Europeans had in the past. They can't tolerate saturated fat. So great, live virile lives and die young before you develop Alzheimer's.

>> No.15669710

>insulin resistance harms your own smell,
You realize you have massive amounts of physiological insulin resistance on carnivore, yeah?

>> No.15669718

>antinutrients and plant toxins are a myth
Yes, that's why your study immediately starts talking about how to get rid of lectins? Oxalates literally made my dick burn when I was losing too much weight, I had classic keto flu symptoms.
For the phytates they just admit that they can reduce nutrient uptake and talk about how to break them down. For the Tannins they again admit that they can reduce nutrient uptake.
And of course all of these chemicals are supposed to help fight cancer, heart disease and stroke, sure. I believe it, especially during the great replication crisis.
Let's go on..: What do we have here? Positive effects of plant phytoestrogens, such as relieve of menopausal symptoms? Bwahaha! You linked a clown study, you fool.
"Another primary concern regarding phytoestrogens is due to their possible endocrine-disrupting effects [129]. Due to the rising rates of onions-based infant formulas, developing babies and infants may be most at risk. Serum genistein concentrations are 10–50-fold higher in onions-formula fed infants than in Asian adults, and 100–700-fold higher than US adults [149]. Nonetheless, the biological significance of increased phytoestrogen exposure in infants is yet to be determined"
So it's relieving post-menauposal symptoms, but suddenly its only possibly endocrine-disrupting? And conveniently you can ignore fucking infant phytoestrogen exposure, because you're not sure if it does anything, even though you just told us, that the infants have up to 700-fold more phytoestrogen in their blood than adults? And you are wondering why sperm counts are dropping in the West?
People complain about estrogenic effects from plant phytoestrogens and what do these clowns do? They just tell you that its a good thing. The study is pure cope.
I will leave you with this. You decide whether you want to eat it or not.

>> No.15669756

>Yeah that's explainable, there's comparative studies looking at that and they found that the reason for that is the lower bmi, not vegan diets themselves, having lower bmi regardless of diet leads to an increase those issues "Conclusions: These findings suggest that lower BMD among adult vegetarians is in larger parts explained by lower BMI and waist circumference."
"Results: Compared with meat eaters and ***after adjustment for socio-economic factors, lifestyle confounders, and body mass index (BMI)***, the risks of hip fracture were higher in fish eaters (hazard ratio 1.26; 95% CI 1.02-1.54), vegetarians (1.25; 1.04-1.50), and vegans (2.31; 1.66-3.22)"
You argument is invalidated and your insufficient mental ability is exposed.
>That study doesn't really say anything, other than believing that hunter-gatherer population could be used as a reference of health, which is incor blah blah
The study has a lot of information on the macronutrient composition of many different hunter-gatherers, including fish and meat intake, plant intake, carbohydrate, fat and protein intakes, etc..
It says a lot, but you probably didn't actually bother to read it.
Again, bones don't despawn, everyone dies.
We know that our modern diet makes us sick and we know that our ancestors weren't vegan.
Logically, the diet that we would have adapt to, is the diet we ate before agriculture, which is showcased in the study.
The idea that we are somehow better suited to being vegan grain eaters, after 400000 years of evolving to eat more meat and fewer plants, is mentally retarded, especially considering all the risks associated with a vegan diet.
>onions does not have negative effects on testosterone
>Serum testosterone decreased 19% during the 4-week use of onions protein powder
I bet you have gynecomastia. Keep coping

>> No.15669762

Lol... word filter strikes again

>> No.15669816

Wrong, high fat low-carb diets can even reverse diabetes type 2.
This should be common knowledge.
>persistence hunting.
>A romantic idea that may have been fabricated.
sweat glands, dark skin, bipedalism, energy adapted heels, reduced hair, except on the head
Had you done all but 30 seconds of research. I just don't even wanna go into it further than that. Unironically thinking that persistence hunting is fake. Just no. Double your B12 dose, you have brain damage.
>Except for all the tropical fruits.
You mean the tropical fruits that were planted in the semi man-made jungle of South America, after hundreds and thousands of years of cultivation by ancient South American cultures? The people who, by some estimates, replaced up to 10% of the top soil with terra preta?
Or do you mean the tropical fruits 40 meters high in the thickest depths of the African rainforest, normally eaten by monkeys, which almost no human would have had access to, because most humans habitat is the Savannah/Woodland?

>> No.15669856

>Apoe4; conclusion saturated fat intolerance, obvious fix, highly processed seed oils
Mate, we had hundreds of thousands of years to adapt to animal fat as our primary source of energy. I just gave you a study that shows what hunter-gatherers ended up eating.
During that entire time we would not have had any access to seed oils, yet you think that they are healthier?
Could it possibly be the case, that there is some kind of preexisting problem, which could cause comorbidities in the Alzheimers population, something like, oh I don't know, huge unnatural amounts of carbohydrate and sugar consumption like we've never before seen in world history?
Nope, I'm sure it's because of the stuff we've been eating for the last 400000 years.
What's that?
>This is absurd. Neither can plants. Both need a certain amount of nutrients to grow.
Plants do not grow in the same way mammals do.
When you eat steak, you are almost guaranteed to get a huge amount of vitamins compared to any plant, which, their nutritional value is in free fall, mainly thanks to industrial agriculture.

>> No.15669970

>Wrong, high fat low-carb diets can even reverse diabetes type 2.
How is it wrong? It's a physiological fact. I'm not saying it's permanent, but your muscles are incapable of accepting glucose while in ketosis. That's insulin resistance.

>sweat glands, dark skin, bipedalism, energy adapted heels, reduced hair, except on the head


>You mean the tropical fruits that were planted in the semi man-made jungle of South America, after hundreds and thousands of years of cultivation by ancient South American cultures? The people who, by some estimates, replaced up to 10% of the top soil with terra preta?
You really like to believe in myths, eh? There were plenty of wild fruits in the correct climates. "But it's not today's fruit!!!" Well you better stop eating cows.


>During that entire time we would not have had any access to seed oils, yet you think that they are healthier?
No? But food like olives and nuts...

>Could it possibly be the case, that there is some kind of preexisting problem, which could cause comorbidities in the Alzheimers population, something like, oh I don't know, huge unnatural amounts of carbohydrate and sugar consumption like we've never before seen in world history?
That just happens to select for Apoe4, since they make up a disproportionate amount of the group, and have problems specifically related to lipid metabolism?

Epilepsy, not Apoe4. In fact Apoe4 specifically does poorly with ketosis, while the rest of the population succeeds.

Again, addresses neurological conditions as a whole and ignores that the Apoe4 subgroup is filled with non-responders.

I'm not going through the rest because they're looking at general populations, not Apoe4 specific.

>> No.15669986

Little to no benefit for apoe4.


Again, no benefit...


Same story, different day.
