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15618217 No.15618217 [Reply] [Original]

The drug was tested on 70 different cancer cells in the lab - including those derived from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancer - and was effective against them all.

The pill is the culmination of 20 years of research and development by the City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles, one of America's largest cancer centers.

Paper - https://www.cell.com/cell-chemical-biology/fulltext/S2451-9456(23)00221-0

>> No.15618223


>> No.15618251

Good result, works on most solid tumors. But not a silver bullet.

>> No.15618953

There's a big difference between a petri dish and a human body. Inb4 myocarditis is a side effe-ACKKKK

>> No.15619042

We just have to wait. If someone mysteriously dies, we know it works.

>> No.15619339

Cigarette smoking back on the menu

>> No.15619350

>tested on 70 different cancer cells
Petri dishes aren't patients.

>> No.15619359

>More and more world changing technology is being "discovered/invented" shortly post alien UFO confirmation
Are the ayyliums really sharing their technology now?

>> No.15619363 [DELETED] 
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For fuck sake, I saw that on r/singularity and ignored it because I know plebbitors are gullible tards. I was actually relieved I didn't see it here until now.... I cannot believe how dog shit this board has become.

I am an unironic medical doctor, this is literally the 1000th time someone come's up with a "miracle" drug that cures cancer. You can literally check every week and someone would say they found something. Its all garbage. I read the paper, the drug works on an antigen found in ALL replicating cells. Its literally another glorified chemotherapeutic agent. If this doesnt fail clinical trials because it causes agranulocytosis, it will still not be a "cure" for cancer. It arrests cell cycle, it'll probably arrest tumor growth, reverse it? Unlikely. And even if it does, cancer cells mutate rapidly as there is no regulation in the cell cycle. There will be cells that will have mutated PCNA antigens and the drug then becomes useless just like other hormonal and biological therapies.

I cringe hard seeing these papers, it feels like medicine has stagnated ever since the invention of penicillin. All we have is statistical RCTs that show a 1% "significant" improvment over placebo or some glorified "new" drug which isnt new at all

>> No.15619365

>cure for cancer
kek this ain't communism buddy.
you want to "treat" an illness not cure it, prolong it, make it good to live with, use it as your ally to get all the money out of the patient and his family and whever is willing to give him money to hand to you - and when they're all drained empty they're useless to you and don't deserve a cure unless ofc they have regular income that you can continue to extract.

>> No.15619366

Radiation also killed over 70 different types of cancer cells in the lab. In fact it kills every known type of cancer cell in the lab. Oops

>> No.15619382

>selectively kills cancer cells
>Messes with cell reproduction, doesn't actually kill anything
Quality post

>> No.15619390

>I am a medical doctor
Opinion discarded

>> No.15619412

>brainlet commie doesn't understand economics
a tale as old as time. here's a hint, the people who have incentive to find cures are not the same people or even in the same industry as the people who profit from long term treatment. also a cure alone would be extremely lucrative even when excluding sales but no chance of you understanding why that is

>> No.15619429

They already cured cancer, all you need to do is fast for a few days and then apply chemo drugs

The fasting protects against the damage the chemo drugs otherwise does on healthy cells. Medical doctors are arrogant retards though and never change their mind on any medical controversy after turning 30

>> No.15619502

the cure for cancer is turning your immune system back on to do its job (kill cancer cells). This requires some level of gene therapy. There is no drug that can cure cancer, its just a glorified chemo therapy

>> No.15619555

>works on most solid tumors
That in itself is crazy

>> No.15619558

assuming it's small, a risk of myocarditis vs actually having cancer is a deal I'd take

>> No.15619570

Obsessed faggot

>> No.15620097

The thing is a lot more things and therapeutics are effective against cancer cells in petri dish but only small portion of things are effective in patients as well.
No use taking drugs that does nothing to actual disease and instead decrades your health even faster eventually killing you faster compared without treatment.

>> No.15620105

>I'm a medical doctor

>> No.15620106

Ever heard of Chemoresistance? It's one of the reasons why cancer kills.

>> No.15620119

You cant "cure" cancer, as its a cell going haywire not some bacterial or viral infection. Curing cancer would require reworking how the RNA works in all of your cells to prevent mutations that lead to cancer, otherwise the only method is simply destroying the malfunctioning cells. Our immune system does that but it does to shit as we age so eventually cancer will kill of us assuming we dont get organ failure first.

>> No.15620230

But can it cure cancer of the soul ("depression")?

>> No.15620247


No him, but oncologist here. He's right. It's nothing amazing at the moment, just a slightly new way of targeting metabolically active/rapidly replicating cells.

Might be useful, might not. Needs clinical trials.

>> No.15620276


What the fuck are you talking about.

There are plenty of curable cancers.

>> No.15620293

virology, endocrinology, gynecology, US law, the ukraine, climatology, and crypto

>> No.15620340

>I am an unironic medical doctor, this is literally the 1000th time someone come's up with a "miracle" drug that cures cancer.

I am also an unironic medical doctor and cancer / molecular biology researcher for many years.

I strongly concur with my colleague's findings. Cancer is a statistical game. You find something that cures 50% of cancers, then optimize this or that and move up to 55%, and so on. It's a law of iterative optimization and diminishing returns. A lot of the wins have actually been in screening, catching the cancer early before it becomes so large as to become uncurable.

Anyway, PCNA is a ring scaffold structure that scans DNA (inside the ring); a lot of DNA repair and management is physically built around this scaffold. It's a known entity, I knew about it before this "novel" article came out. We've been targeting DNA replications since almost 100 years anyway, it's nothing new.

Get your buttholes screened bros.

>> No.15620357

>Get your buttholes screened bros
Asshole is not the only place you can develop cancer. As of today there are only screenign programs for roughly 5 cancers so there is still much to be desired in early detection.

>> No.15620383

the drug: bleach

>> No.15620416

>the people who have incentive to find cures
lmao, there is no incentive, it is better to make slightly good treatments

>> No.15620487

>Cancer is a statistical game
if you play the game like a retard. all cancers were cured, more or less, about ten years ago.

>> No.15620644

sad news :(
but thanks for posting. I read about this from other source and they said it had only been tested on animals and that they were successful against multiple types of solit tumors, but.. yeah, seemed too good to be true

>> No.15620898 [DELETED] 
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Don't give up hope bro, someday we'll get there

>> No.15620908

Cancer cures have existed for years, they just don't make money like the chemo/surgery racket. Why do you think hospitals are so big? They don't cure or prevent disease, they only want to persistently "treat" people. Corrupt politicians nationalizing a corrupt industry is no solution.

>> No.15621183

There is no logic hiding a cure.
With Cancer you are guaranteed with new customers every single day willing to throw hunders of thousands of money at you for a cure.
If one develops an actual cure working for every single cancer not only will they take the entire pharmacy market overnight they will simply be swimming in so much money they will make Elon Musk look like a street Hobo.

>> No.15621216

You should look at trials regarding cancer mrna vaccines.
Phase 1 tests are reporting clinically beneficial results.
Especially for Pancreatic cancer where 8/16 were still in remission after 18 months.

>> No.15621274

Doctors will just start recommending healthy diets now that they aren't incentivized to poison the population.

>> No.15621310

>The drug was tested on 70 different cancer cells in the lab
You know what else kills cancer cells? Cyanide. In vitro results are meaningless.

>> No.15621317

>Doctors will just start recommending healthy diets now
Uh, they already do don't they?
I've yet to meet a doctor that advocates consuming alcohol and whipped cream.

>> No.15621326
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>> No.15621330

In vitro or in vivo? If in vivo, was it in mice?

>> No.15621337

Memecarditis is not a real condition.
No bro don't trust le big pharma joos, try natural remedies to fight cancer I'm sure that'll work well.

>> No.15621345

We've made incremental advances into detecting and eliminating cancer for decades now.

>> No.15622520


You're right /sci/ has gone to shit with third-rate (probable drunk and junkie) doctors like you polluting it

I hope you're a vet for fish, not an actual physicians for humans

>Neither of you "actual doctors" read the paper

> antigen found in ALL replicating cells. -

>> Moreover, the identification of a distinct isoform of PCNA associated with cancer
cells has potentially opened a novel avenue for the development of new chemotherapeutics. Early effects in targeting PCNA have
identified several molecules of interest,

> And even if it does, cancer cells mutate rapidly as there is no regulation in the cell cycle.

>> unlike oncogenes, target genes in these non-oncogenic pathways do not undergo oncogenic mutations or functionally significant genomic alterations in tumors.

Lazy fuckers

>> No.15622706
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>> No.15622746

it's neat seeing this paper catch on in popularity, but yeah as others have mentioned we gotta wait til clinical trials. these "cancer cure" papers pop up more often than you'd think, there was something promising as this just a couple months ago.

>> No.15624210

Don't listen to these morons, they didn't read the paper.

This isolates a specific isomer found only on cancer cells and one which doesn't mutate


>> No.15624252

>Maybe myocarditis for a flux vaxx that works for 3-6 months
>Maybe myocarditis to stop a cancer that will 100% kill you

>> No.15624377

>We've been targeting DNA replications since almost 100 years anyway
Oh yeah we've been targeting DNA replication before we even discovered DNA or knew it's structure. Let's not even talk about targeting mechanisms we only discovered less than 50 years ago.
Thanks for the heads up mister scientist.

>> No.15624431

How much will it cost if it works?

>> No.15624442

Like lots of diseases, cancer was never not cured.
This is just another layer of deception and profiteering.

>> No.15624466

I don't need to read the paper - I'm an oncologist. It can't tell me anything I don't already know.

>> No.15624473

>otherwise the only method is simply destroying the malfunctioning cells
I mean yeah that's exactly what we do. Never heard of anyone trying to turn cancerous cells back into non-cancerous.

>> No.15624477

>simply destroying the malfunctioning cells
That's fine though because the cancer means you have loads of extra cells that shouldn't be there.

>> No.15624481

>There is no logic hiding a cure
lol. the real purpsose cancer research isnt to cure plebs. the purpose is to manage our bodies after "we" reach longevity escale velocity. i say, "we" but obviously i dont mean you and i. "they" have absolutely no intention of dispersing long-lived lifespans to the majority; nor should they, that would be insane. on the the topic of cures, its been pointed out elsewhere that there are great many effective drugs available. the problem is off-targeting collateral damage. but what say if you had the perfect delivery platform? maybe its not such a problem then? maybe the field in which the problem lives isnt the source of the solution?

>> No.15624484

natural remedies help your body fight cancer (if caught very early). just like environmental factors promote cancer.

>> No.15624486


>> No.15624489
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>> No.15624496
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You are nothing but sheep to them.

>> No.15624549

what did she mean by this?

>> No.15624567

looks like a nothingburger. moderna will release their cancer """vaccine""" in 2030, i doubt they'll let any competitor release an alternative in the meantime

>> No.15624630

This reads like a botpost.

>> No.15626748

Still the original statement stands. If a silver bullet exists then they will take over entire oncology treatment market fully.
I doubt though such a thing will ever occur since cancer is deadly and most of all mutating disease.
Sure as you said there are effective drugs on the market today but the problem is that ORR for drugs vary greatly this is why some people are able to live with same type of cancer many years compared to someone else who has no response.
Even if there was a perfect delivery platform and patient responses to treatment the cancer can simply mutate around whatever the drug does and then it becomes useless basically.
To counter tumor mutations we need a drug that can be changed on the fly to counter cancer's mutations. So far I only see the cancer mrna vaccine as good solution BUT there are many problems with it that prevent it from being effective and one major hurdle is tumor micro environment.

>> No.15626761

Steve Jobs went this route.
It didn't end so good.
The mad man tried to beat cancer with juice diet IIRC.
The only sensible solution for early cancer is to cut it out as soon as possible.

>> No.15629034


>> No.15629039

He doesn't know...

>> No.15629077


It's actually a pretty common strategy for treating cancer; inducing differentiation gets rid of a lot of the cancer phenotype and is part of the mechanism of action of methyltransferase inhibitors.

>> No.15629086


Come back with a KM curve, hypebeast.

>> No.15629116

I thought the problem about curing cancer is firstly to stop cancer cell replication, and second to kill the cells without major damage to healthy cells and organs.

I mean I'm sure you could dissolve cancer cells in corrosive acid, but that doesn't mean drinking acid is a cure for cancer.

>> No.15629529

What kind of worthless existence do you have that you feel the need to meter your own optimism? What kind of trauma causes this? Consider suicide.

>> No.15629548

when chinks and indians start infringing the patent(based)and mass producing it? a few cents

>> No.15630131

His diet was retarded because sugar is goyslop for cancer. He should have fastest with intermittent carnivore.
He had AIDS anyway so whatever.

>> No.15630377

>To counter tumor mutations we need a drug
no. bachelet's work went dark after announcing the beginning of human trials at a london fundraiser. they are privately funded so you see a lot of grant proposals or publications. they accomplished this all within a few years, ten years ago.

>> No.15630385

>they are privately funded so you'RE NOT GOING TO* see a lot of grant proposals or publications

>> No.15630856

>It can't tell me anything I don't already know.
Please tell me which state you're in so I can avoid you for certain

>> No.15630931

>The drug was tested on 70 different cancer cells in the lab - including those derived from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancer - and was effective against them all.
Hydrochloric acid is also effective against cancer cells big whoop. It's not a matter of effectivity but selectivity.

>> No.15630942
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