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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15617327 No.15617327 [Reply] [Original]

I hereby order all scientists to allocate all resources and ratiocination to their mystery
We ARE ensouled and therefore they are the capital M Mystery you WILL study

>> No.15617335

>We ARE ensouled
Prove it.

>> No.15618557 [DELETED] 
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soience: the concept that there is something inside you which determines your fundamental characteristics, strengths, weakness, talents. potential, character, etc. is completely absurd.

also soience: everyone had DNA which determines your fundamental characteristics, strengths, weakness, talents. potential, character, etc. is completely absurd.

>> No.15618645

Don't worry, you'll soon find out.

>> No.15618832

>can't measure it
not real.

>> No.15618836


>> No.15618854
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I already have and did. I can tell you EXACTLY what a soul is using medical science and physics.

>tell me plx
Youre not even a doctor, I dont do debates with retards that simultaneously admit utter ignorance while hailing for or against things they just admitted to be utter ignorant about.


>> No.15618878

only I exist fuck off

>> No.15619362


>> No.15620394

Souls are real, DNA and the biblical concept of a soul are identical. All of the big ideas in science are just slightly modified versions of biblical wisdom.

>> No.15622196

Yes we have souls no scientists can't admit it

>> No.15622262

you are hereby told to fuck off and die

>> No.15622343

>I can tell you X
every time kek

praise yeshua!

>> No.15622356

Based based BASED i sooo need to give all my money to rabbi yeshua bar joseph’s church of all latter day christ adventist saints of the baptist presbyterian catholic methodist association run by pastor steve (fled a sex abuse scandal in Arizona in 1995) and clerically administered by Dot (87 year old civil rights campaigner with 3 mixed grandkids that covered up her husband molesting kids in the church in 1987). We are SO BACK CHRISTBROS

>> No.15622678
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Real scientists do. Pencil pushing scientism rats can’t. (Picrel)
Imagine someone saying you have a soul provokes a response to ‘fuck off and die’. You are beyond stupid.

>> No.15623651

scientists don't have souls, they're all atheists

>> No.15624393
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There is only one fundamental material emanating from the Source, or The One. New age schizos are on to something when they say that "everything is light and vibration"; What we refer to as "matter" is essentially just frozen light

The water molecule acts as an antenna or "intermediator" of sorts between explicality and the ephemereal ether of pure potential, and thus conscious experience is born as a result (the universal trinitarian principle of creation in action)

Hence, once you bleed out the union between flesh and the soul is broken permanently and the psychophysical "you" ceases to exist

>> No.15624546
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time is a linear end at two points
heaven and hell.
something is either right and affiliated with life
or it is wrong and affiliated with death.
the sun is represented by gold, saturn is represented by lead.
the son vs satan.
an alchemist wants to change lead into gold. death into life
pride is masturbation. self-love.
where before masturbation would end in ruin, they want to create
artificial wombs, and various methods to continue the life of a person.
long after their natural end. after they have accumulated a lot of sin
and are only in life for themselves. there is no mystery to them.
they are merely masturbating.

>> No.15624575

>every time
I literally pour it out here constantly, stop acting like youre aware in life, youre asleep at the wheel and desperate to not look retarded. Thats why you make claims about shit you know nothing about. I can see your soul with this dumb shit, writing check you ass cant cash.


Get a job you lazy retard, scientific research isnt for you.
>Youre not even a doctor,
Oh, yeah, youre not a doctor, are you?


>> No.15624592

the human soul is a collection of ideas
either pursuits of material or the spirit
life on earth is a faith based existence to
keep everyone critically superimposed over the situation
to keep them honest out of fear and out of love.
this forms their soul, a collection of ideas between right and wrong.
thats all consideration is. a collection of ideas between right and wrong.
the seven deadly sins and the seven virtues of life.
naturally their is a backdrop for everything. you cant have light
without dark
thats all awareness is. perception over light and dark
and time is a filter inevitably sorting life into heaven or hell

>> No.15624640

>the human soul is a collection of ideas

Its the Bioelectromagnetic field/charge of your body that other lifeforms subconsciously perceive and fascilitates evolutionary directions via gene activations and as well as leading you towards certain situations in life for said gene activations.

This is /sci/, not /x/.

>praise yeshua!
I know what Jesus is and his genetic/evolutionary direction.
Why are you on this board, mortal-human?

>> No.15624649

Measure consciousness

>> No.15624667


>> No.15624669

>DNA and the biblical concept of a soul
No that's retarded and you don't know what you're talking about,

>> No.15624680
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>can't measure it
Here, take this fuck that I gave (You). I wont be needed it where Im going.

>> No.15624690

you can look at something on a molecular level
and say this is what it is. ive found it! thats pride and its always something else
and you can view the situation in its complete
authority and say this is what it is.
logic and the frame which encapsulates the motion
consciousness is decision making. everything is wisdom
its the word of God
we are able to perceive out of our dominion of the knowledge of
good and evil.
everything we think of is either one of the seven deadly sins
or the opposite.
they are the branches of the tree of knowledge which encapsulates
all thought.
you have to have a level of conception that allows you to understand
what the world is around.
the observer effect.
you can understand based on these parameters. theyre your tools to visualize the world

>> No.15624800

come on bruh it's literally the current year get your bot to make some sense outside pol

>> No.15624853

consciousness will be measured sooner or later.

>> No.15624877

whats not to understand
dont think you are wasting time
but try to understand what im telling you
the worship of nature, alchemy symbols in the streets of dc
as above so below
what do gay people and jewish people have in common? pride
you cant discriminate against them without facing a potential legal issue
they are sons of the devil. what is satans sin? pride
pride is self-love. if you love yourself and recreate yourself through masturbation
you are attempting to turn what would end in ruin any other time into the continuation of life
how is that not attempting to turn lead into gold?

>> No.15624916
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Thats some beautiful poem. I assume its titled "Your scientific research doesnt stand a chance against the certainty of my ignorance!"...since youre in the league of Philosophy that states "u cant kno nuffin" and here you are forcing the world down to your level of "nuh uh cant kno nuffin too" while claiming I am what youre doing; Pride.

Hark, the Ego on this unevolved proto-human...such a simple monkey!

>everything we think of is either one of the seven deadly sins
or the opposite.
"Thats pride and its always something else..."

Checkmate was called years ago...you should try to learn and stop trying to teach.

>> No.15625281

full of insults and hot piss
what are you so angry about

>> No.15625598

emotionally triggered atheist

>> No.15625760
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I can see the demons in even the best of men. Im angry that the creator made such a fallible species.
>You post, such a small post woth so many errors.
You put so little effort into your works but expect the maximum reception, you got what you deserve.

You make ugly faces and act insulted when someone spits in your face, again...YOU ARE WHAT YOU CLAIM OF OTHERS.

>> No.15625777

>>everything we think of is either one of the seven deadly sins
>or the opposite.

These are not accidental typos, these are intended choices. The equivalent of making ugly wojak faces to repulse and disgust another person, operating on a baser level of emotions instead on intellectual or conceptual, a reaction animal.

Begone, youre a mess.

>> No.15625792

We are still waiting for any empirical evidence. Millions have studied nobody has been able to prove.

>> No.15625806

homosexuality is wrong

>> No.15625808

Lmaoing at cult of trannydom, gnostics are cut from the same cloth

>> No.15625850
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Reality doesnt xare about your "don' kno nuffin" slave mentallity.

Im defined the linitations of the Holy Spirit (God to you). What it is IN REALITY. Limits if perception AND conception.

>muh infinite

Shut the fuck uo finite maggot, you are an NPC speaking like an authority figure about an entity you know NOTHING about except pure propaganda.

You are the equivelent of a Riding with Biden bluepille normie acting like you understand global geopolitics, its fucking laughable...

>Without the All-Seeing Eye (Me) your species Falls into Damnation.
God bends the knee to me and loves and hates me for that, who the fuck are you?

>> No.15625949

Most 'Scientists' are too narrow-minded to accept this.
Most of the 'Science' establishment is staunchly ANTI-God, Anti-Spirit, etc., however, Some of the recent Physics has been moving in a direction that MUST include, at least the possibility of extra-dimensional beings.
String-Theory with it's minimum 10-dimentional universe, inherently provides context, and physical room for this and more. It also provides a very rudimentary explanation as to how we may perceive things from higher dimensions.

>> No.15626142

God is the end and beginning,
who set the constraints that all operates out of
and he was before the difference
between right and wrong.
the holy bible is a book of logic, those with eyes will see it.

>> No.15626160

The soul is fundamentally necessary for reality.

t. quantum physicist

>> No.15626170

sup chopra. you're not a physicist tho lol

>> No.15626171

>Most of the 'Science' establishment is staunchly ANTI-God
atheists are not capable of doing science, the scientific method was developed by Christians and for Christians. science is a subset of Christianity, people like atheists who think that its OK to lie and steal are not capable of adhering to the scientific method, which required honesty for it to function.

>> No.15626679

is it possible the soul is a combination of mind body and heart. you look in the mirror. you see the same self you've always seen.

cowards/criminals/npcs don't have a heart. they aren't like thinking men. when you look them in the eyeball you don't really see a soul.

frontal lobe is like the quality assurance part of your brain

>> No.15626903
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>> No.15626907
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>> No.15626913
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>> No.15626963

Socionics Beta NF schizo thread. Please just stick to art and fiction.

>> No.15628273

The bible says theres some intangible essence within you that determines all of your most fundamental characteristics and potentions
>noooooooo thats just fairy tales
The Science® says theres some barely tangible essence within you that determines all of your most fundamental characteristics and potentions
>OMG it was in a school textbook therefore it must be true!

>> No.15631628

this, being a christian is a prerequisite for being a successful scientist

>> No.15631687
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enough with the hubris.
admit that your creator endowed you with a soul.


>> No.15631813

"potention" isn't a word, retard.

>> No.15631906
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you know what else is real? MY FIST NERDS

>> No.15631913
