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15616451 No.15616451 [Reply] [Original]

what now

>> No.15616458
File: 92 KB, 217x280, 1670611920568853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol some diversity hire sent the wrong shit and now thats tens of billions down the toilet
good job burgermutts

>> No.15616465

It has procedures to correct alignment automatically.

>> No.15616473

Thankfully it is programmed to periodically reset the dish to point towards Earth. Afaik the next reset will be in October.

These things are built with lots of redundancy, we haven't lost it

>> No.15616492

And how far out of the solar system has your country's probe made it?

>> No.15616493

clickbait, the probe will repoint itself to earth automatically. "it could mean the end" just means there's not 100% certainty it will correct itself

>> No.15616516

Anyone not a paper clipped nazi is basically a diversity hire.

>> No.15617206

stop being racist

>> No.15617211

iirc it doesn't have enough maneuvering fuel left

>> No.15617226

it will self align back in like 3 months or so lmao
but this is funny as shit prolly an intern fucked up

>> No.15617272


>> No.15618056

hire more women to work for nasa

>> No.15620203

>The men who designed and launched it in the 1970s are still more competent than the people who currently working at NASA even though they all died decades ago

>> No.15622851
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>> No.15622933
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Was it a diversity hire that fucked this up? lmfao

>> No.15623018

>tens of billions down the toilet
It's really not. Voyager probes have operated for so long now that they have far exceeded their mission expectations, and their power supplies are dying, so a lot of their systems have been gradually shut off one by one.
They were not intended to keep working forever

>> No.15623022

have you ever heard the word called opportunity cost?

>> No.15623065

Power output from the nuclear batteries in Voyager 1 and 2 is expected to drop low enough to shut off all of their instruments by 2025 and 2026.
I doubt anyone considers 2 or 3 more years worth of data from them to be worth tens of billions

>> No.15623645

NASA only spends other people's money, so they don't understand value or budgets. They're like a child using daddy's credit card

>> No.15624438

The ayyys have it now

>> No.15624448

the dish itself isn't adjusted with thrusters, it just needs electricity

>> No.15624488


>> No.15624507
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>every fucking time

>> No.15624605
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>> No.15624793

the entire world thought the greatest generation would carry us forever but now theyre gone it all just crumbles to shit

>> No.15624797

this is an old as fuck copypasta from the 90s back on BBS sites, stfu fag

>> No.15625572

why so upset?

>> No.15626194

Did NASA publish the name of the person responsible for the mistake or are they covering up for her?

>> No.15626252
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2002 came and there were no trade wars in space.

>> No.15626540

>Thankfully it is programmed to periodically reset the dish to point towards Earth
bro does it even have enough power for that?
its already running on fumes

>> No.15626582

The short sleeve shirts were cool

>> No.15626689

op absolutely destroyed

>> No.15626723

They probably don't even hold anyone responsible internally.

>> No.15627853

I was thinking the same thing. The competency crisis is real. It is one of the reasons why we also have a replication crisis.

>> No.15627879
File: 57 KB, 640x360, (((Greatest))) Generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greatest Generation was the most destructive generation compared to Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Zoomers. The Greatest Generation was a generation that firebombed Europe and nuked Japan. Then they came back to America and tore down our cities for suburbia, sent Boomers off to Vietnam, started the Cold War, took us off the Gold Standard, implemented social security, created welfare programs, passed the 1965 immigration act, and more disastrous things. Anyone who praises the greatest generation is not paying attention.

>> No.15629509

Guaranteed replies

>> No.15629525

>The competency crisis is real.
I blame black people

>> No.15629564
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this but unironically

>> No.15629925

which is a good thing, because jews were indeed bad and the only thing the nazis did wrong was lose a war against the collective of civilization ganging up on them.

>> No.15629935

seconding this ironically but also slightly unironically

>> No.15629962
File: 49 KB, 1024x463, 1634646120958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real.
Voyager1 & 2 make no sense.
Heliosphere makes no sense.
> we are here
> on a 1040mph spinning piece of dirt
> that orbits the sun with 67000mph
> which moves with 0.5 million mph through space while dragging all planets perfectly with it
> while the milkyway spins with 1.5 million mph and dragging the sun and solar system sideways
> space dust also does not effect anything because of heliosphere which encapsulates the solarsystem
> otherwise every satelite or probe that travels within the solarsystem will be shredded by 0.5 million mph fast dust, while we move through in space
> which is the the only magnetic field, that is A: heated beyond currie point B: defying the inverse square low of electic fieldstrengths
> because closer to center the field magnetism is almost indetectable but at distance over 2.8 Billion Miles the field is strong enough, to create a super strong ion force field
> heliosphere is discovered by Voyger1 Probe
> The Vayager 1 supposedly started in 1977 and reached the end of our solarsystem in 2012. Thats 35 years.
> Neptune (furthest planet) is ~4,400,000,000 km far from earth.
> Which means that the voyager 1 had the Average speed of 14500 km/h which is ridicolous.
> within our system we have space dust
> ranging from 0.0001mg to 100mg
> average dust density 0.000001 grain/m^3 (assuming we never collided with a dust cloud within 35 years)
> voyager diameter 3.66m
> chances of hitting a dust grain per traveled km in the best case scenario 0.7%
> 100% chance hitting a dust grain every 145 km traveling through space
> amount of dust collided with from earth to end of solar system
> at least 30.344.827 particels of space dust dust MUST have been colided with voyager 1

>> No.15629990


>> No.15629997
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Nasa them selves say the voyager 1 Moved with 38000mph through space.

A collision at 38000mph ( ~7km/s) with a 100 mg grain of cosmic dust would have a energy of 14428 J
> reference 1kg Cannonball with 100m/s : 5000 J
> now lets extrapolate it
> since V1 uses the Saturn to slingshot itself into space, by entering its close orbit, let's assume V1 encountered one (1) 1g (one gram) heavy tiny asteorid grain
> KE = 24500 J
> reference 4kg Cannonball with 100m/s : 20000 J
And by Wikipedia the average weight of incoming space particles such as tiny meteorites, space dust and meteorites would be 1.6g .
Meaning that the particles in space could also be on average 1.6g in weight, (not only considering space dust)
"An estimated 25 million meteoroids, micrometeoroids and other space debris enter Earth's atmosphere each day, which results in an estimated 15,000 tonnes of that material entering the atmosphere each year"
> s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteoroid

m = total mass per year = 15000 tonnes = 15,000,000,000g
x = ammount of asteroids per day = 25,000,000
avg weight = m/( x * 365days) = 15000000000g ÷ ( 25000000 × 365 ) = 1.643g

Collision with 1.6g Object = 39200 J

This whole story is fake and gay and extremely retarded.
They simply cannot account for all the crap that is in space, let alone the sling shot maneuver and acceleration around saturn.
A acceleration and change in direction with that speed would induce bending in all the exterior parts of the satelite because of momentum and torque.

This shitty story is so retarded.

>> No.15631803

thats a pencil neck nerd in a dress, notice the strong jawline, the brow, shoulders much wider than hips and the male proportioned feet

>> No.15631876
File: 135 KB, 1280x844, Interstellar_probes_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost as if most of the dust is in the plane of the ecliptic and they both knew and planned for it hence all probes taking trips to interstellar space outside of this band of orbiting material.

>> No.15632049
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>> No.15632068
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>> No.15632158 [DELETED] 
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MIT engineering graduate Thomas Massie destroys liberal arts humanities major John Kerry

>> No.15633260 [DELETED] 


>> No.15633269

They need to hire more autistic femcels like this
so I can date them

>> No.15634144
File: 189 KB, 1001x1000, 1654734043189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
