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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 316 KB, 666x546, LK-99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15613538 No.15613538 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what it feels like to witness a major breakthrough in real-time? Like when we first discovered fire, electricity, split the atom. Why do I feel like humanity is on the precipice of monumental change?

>> No.15613726

because real life is shit and you desperately want fantasy to be real

>> No.15613802

Nothing will change for YEARS even if LK99 is true. You'll go back to wanting to rope in a couple months tops.

>> No.15613814

There will be the most insane bull run of all time in tech stocks and metal commodities. If you don’t make 10,000%+ on an investment you are a retarded nerd who will always be a slave to Chad the CEO.
You piece of unscientific shit.

>> No.15613818

Let me get a small loan of a million dollars

>> No.15613820

kek, that's why you're here? all that /biz/ shitposting has made you millions, right?

>> No.15613824

Biz/raelli here kys

>> No.15613825

wrong, the process is public, no one will control this. some companies that capitalize on it first will see a modest bump, but nothing you're imagining.

>> No.15613829

>when we first discovered fire, electricity,
This is in no way comparable

>> No.15613834

Really? When it is confirmed that you can discover new exotic materials just by cooking random stuff in the kitchen, then a whole new era of science experiments will come.

>> No.15613845

wait so you're telling me change takes years instead of the span of a TikTok video? aww jeez not so interested anymore
>kys zoomer

>> No.15613852

Name 1 company I can invest in that will pop off from this

>> No.15613868

AMSC for now. Get in on R&D superconductor companies when they sprout. They will come.

>> No.15613887

so you're telling me this isn't an invest in those who are selling shovels in a gold rush situation?

>> No.15613893

does wall street or hedgies even have a playbook ready for superconductors

>> No.15613924

correct, because the gold is everywhere.

>> No.15614078

lead and copper are already very widely used materials and replacing regular copper wires with lead apatite doped with copper might even decrease the need for copper in general
too early to start investing in anything, it needs to be shown and then industrialized
perhaps you could try to invest in a company that makes superconducting tape or similar already? they will probably try to make this too as they have relevant knowledge and the company doing that will have a much, much larger market than with just high temp superconductors like before which were really a niche product
then some companies that develop new products on based on this that disrupt some incumbent might be a good investment, but startups take a while and take even longer to IPO and there will probably be multiple startups in the same space competing, so you would still have risk (even if you assumed the market was big, the incumbent would fall to the innovators dilemma)

>> No.15614084


ching chong copper mining inc

>> No.15614092

Awfully lot of depressed people getting emotionally invested in things that are not relevant to their life quality all over twitter and 4chan
This is like the Ukraine war for Trekkie faggots

>> No.15614099

>Name 1 company
BYD or any other chinese electrical equipment manufacturer

>I can invest in
this is the real problem

>> No.15614104

except this will affect investment strategies and future purchases. If we have new computer chips 5 years from now, don’t spend all your money on the hottest computer. This is just an example

>> No.15614130

>This is like the Ukraine war
He said the thing, he said the thing

>> No.15614137

Yeah just like the Ukrainian offensive,
2 more weeks
2 more billion dollars for Ukraine

>> No.15614455

Because you're a delusional optimist that doesn't live in the real world.

>> No.15614456

>ceramic superconductor

>> No.15614488

the most widely used superconductor is a ceramic

>> No.15614960
File: 29 KB, 381x382, 1675879819111235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the ticker for that?

>> No.15615024

Define ceramic for me

>> No.15615034

The internet was that and boomers lived through it

>> No.15615036

Yes. Take the biggest loan humanly possible and dump it on 10x leveraged spx futures

>> No.15615044


>> No.15615283

This isn't like with crypto or AI where you could invest in GPU manufacturers. It's way too early before any specialized manufacturer enters scene able to mass produce quality SC components. There's also a good chance that these won't be all that complicated to make which means any company could do it, which is completely unlike chip manufactures who sold shovels.

If legitimate, this discovery would be closer to the discovery of efficient photovoltaics. We would still need about a decade before companies refine the process and experiment with better structures before we start seeing these used in appliances.

>> No.15615470

>The best conducting (superconducting) materials are ceramics which are mostly (if not all) insulators.
>Also conductors are said to conduct mostly on the surface not with the whole volume.
Maybe we fundamentally misunderstand how electricity works - i.e. electricity doesn't happen in the conductor, it happens on the boundary between insulators and conductors and in those doped ceramics, in very specific circumstances that boundary is effectively of infinite surface area making resistance = 0.

>> No.15615495

Its just a shitty simulation

>> No.15615678


>> No.15615704
File: 52 KB, 680x559, 1690525277418111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not a superconductor
>Ok it's a superconductor but it will take years to develop
>Ok it won't take years to develop but it only has a narrow range of applications
>Ok it has a wide range of applications but it's expensive
>Ok it isn't expensive but it's made of LEADIRINOOO

>> No.15616084



>> No.15616107

>the process is public, there's no way for the entire economy to take advantage of this
Lmao we're bringing back double digit gdp growth and you cannot stop it

>> No.15616254

Sounds to me like superconductivity is just an electromagnetic black hole as opposed to a gravitational black hole. Or maybe a white hole, since they expel magnetic fields.

>> No.15616312


every year there is a new superconductor scam


>> No.15616410

The fact that multiple random teams and even individual weirdos seem to be getting results from this is pushing me towards this being legit. It's coming too quickly from too many different places that couldn't all be coordinated.

>> No.15616676

>See floating rock someone experimentally made: Nope i dont believe it
>Hey everyone i saw a floating rock so I made up a model and chose my parameters such that numbers i made up are over a threshold i made up: WAOW REAL SCIENCE!!!! WE ARE BACK!
Kill all academics

>> No.15616695

I can already smell the lead hysteria from boomers

>> No.15616720
File: 4 KB, 200x200, E951447D-3960-40EA-A297-46EBAA172CBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are already lead poisoned, what would it matter?

>> No.15616752

It always looked legit, we're just waiting to see if it's a mistake.

I'd ignore the individual weirdos though. Only accept evidence from people with something to lose.

>> No.15616761

replication vids by randoms not doing this professionally are worthless because they can easily be faked for attention without affecting their career