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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 246x205, MATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15608042 No.15608042 [Reply] [Original]

Math General

Von Neumann edition

Previously: >>15571520

>> No.15608069

Sõyjak is a shit meme. Kill yourself

>> No.15608118

How long will it take me to learn pure maths to a decent professional level If the max math I've studied is Calc II, and have an IQ of 142? I want to get into it just purely based on interest.

>> No.15608198

I'm taking General relativity and differential geometry next semester
How smart do I have to be to get an A+ in this
i don't want to ruin my perfect GPA

>> No.15608217

I'm learning geometry on my own, it's incredible that I didn't learn most of this basic shit in high school like for example congruents triangle or how to make a two-column proof.
I don't see the issue

>> No.15608255

U sound like a fag

>> No.15608262

Correct, what does my sexual attraction to other men have to do with this?

>> No.15608484

Have you done real analysis? Or is this some shitty version for physics majors?

>> No.15608500

> decent professional level

I don't know what this means. Anyone who uses math in a professional is probably an engineer, which means some calculus, Matlab, and google is about it. Newton's method? Nah, just chop that nigga into linear pieces. That's how we roll dawg.

If you mean being a mathematician, then the way to do that is to become competent in an active area of research. You really need an advisor to help you guide you to where that is. I suppose you can hang out on arXiv, but you'll need to put the threads together yourself.

What's the end goal here? If you just want to learn, download hatcher and get working.

>> No.15608503

Yeah I did it, only course I ever not gotten an A+
That bitch gave me an A-
Only stain on my 4 page transcript

>> No.15608526

Lol it is a physics course. nah you'll be fine bro.

>That bitch
Hate when this happens. Get some women to parrot the textbook who doesn't actually understand the material, and can't express why it's interesting.

>> No.15609132

So would it be better to do a master's again first? Is there anything else I could do to increase my chances after being away from academia/math for so long? I'm a little reluctant to do a master's since I've already done one but I can see how it might be useful since I've been away for ages.
What are part-time PhDs like? I see a lot of even very good unviersities advertising part-time math PhDs but I can imagine a lot of professors insisting you have to have 100% of your time on the PhD.

>> No.15609138
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Can someone educate me on why I'm wrong?

Each day it's doing x^2 with a limit of 30 days
So it's
>lim[x->a](x^2) where a=30
Equals 900, i.e. full reservoir
Half of that is 450
Reverting the x^2 is sqrt
sqrt(450) is 21

Apparently the answer is 29

>> No.15609141

> double itself in just one day
Ask yourself if the reservoir is 50% full how many days does it take to become 100% full?

>> No.15609143

Oh fuck, that's right

>> No.15609278

what the fuck.
what is wrong with "education" today
>Each day it's doing x^2 with a limit of 30 days
No man it's C0 *2^x
this is like a basic example when they teach you exponentials in school.
How old are you?

>> No.15609409

midwit take

>> No.15609556

Is Topological Data Analysis legit or a huge meme? In general, how would you rank the different subfields of Statistics and Machine Learning?

>> No.15609563
File: 1.36 MB, 1140x4777, official mg curriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609654

Can we actually have a decent math chart for once?

>> No.15609992

What are some good real world word problems that need linear algebra to solve? I'm a lazy TA and need to make some homework.

>> No.15610496

any news?

>> No.15610598
File: 1.23 MB, 1x1, Fractional_Distance.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15610613

No I don't wanna be an engineer or Matlab or all of that stuff. Just regular math. Just to be more competent in math. Call it Autistic, but there's no endgoal apart from just being really good at math, just like Autists end up learning random languages for no real reason. It's just emotionally satiating to be able to do math, and frustrating for me to look at something mathematical that I don't understand.
But you're saying it's not possible just with self-study and I would necessarily need an advisor or something?

>> No.15610616
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>> No.15610619
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>von neumann edition
>no onions paper
let me help you with pic related

>> No.15610777
File: 508 KB, 640x850, 1669925266532019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 y/0 kid asking for cheese cubes
>ask him how he even knows its a cube
>says it has "four stairs"

He got angry when I asked him to explain further. Could you devise a proof defining shapes based on the number of "stairs" each shape has? I'd have to make all regular Polyhedra out of cheese to see what he is defining as stairs.

>> No.15610792

Nevermind, it wouldn't work if they're edge paths. It takes four steps to circumnavigate a cube and 3 for a tetrahedron, but an octahedron is also 4 steps, and unless I'm visualizing this wrong, a dodecahedron and icosahedron are both "5 stairs" to completion.
Brb gotta beat my kid.

>> No.15611103

>see it's a tooker paper
>ctrl+f "neighborhood of infinity"
>50+ results

I remember reading the first paper when I was an undergrad. Excited to take a look at this as a bonerfied mathematician.

>> No.15611323

I mean, do you understand enough about math to know what "regular math" or "pure math" is? Cuz it sounds like you read that guy's answer and came away with "engineers are the next level of math to study," which, no, like he said, engineering in practice really isn't going to use much past Calc II or III.
Likewise, if you want to be a practicing mathematician, someone who contributes something new to math, then... well, theoretically you don't need a PhD program or advisor or anything, but in practice practically nobody has the time, focus, and motivation for it. Unless you're somehow both a NEET and yet still are able to apply yourself to something like it's a job, it's somewhat unlikely you'll get to a point where you can contribute something new -- not impossible, but unlikely.
(A side note: IQ isn't irrelevant -- math is one of the few fields where it's pretty important, actually -- but the fact that you mentioned it is concerning, because hard work and practice is about ten times more important for actually learning or making progress. If you've been reading a textbook and watching lectures, you're not learning math -- take notes and then do the fucking homework problems (without cheating), that's where you'll learn. Math is in many ways processed like a language - actively practicing gets you fluent, not letting it roll past you.)
If you just want to study pure math, though... well, sure, I guess there's plenty of places to start. So many, in fact, that you should probably have some idea of what subfields you might be interested in studying -- analysis? Algebra? Something more concrete or abstract? Combinatorial or less so? etc. Of course, having an overview of math as a whole is also very important...

>> No.15611327

In general, I'd say that a typical math undergrad ought to have seen:
- Certainly Calc I, II, and III (multivariable calc), Intro Linear Algebra, Intro Differential Equations - these are your basic, applied courses that everyone in STEM should take.
- Then, or concurrently, for pure math, I'd say find decent course/textbook in introductory Combinatorics, intro Real Analysis, and intro Abstract Algebra -- these courses are also usually where colleges will teach proofwriting (some split it into its own course, or combine with a discrete math course) -- make sure you find a textbook with homework assignments, and *do them*. (Unfortunately, this is actually the stage where you benefit from a real teacher -- there's an element of aesthetics in proofwriting, and a lot of skill and such, that is often really hard to convey through text; and people who write bad proofs are notoriously bad at identifying this fact, so even if you think you wrote a good proof, that likely doesn't mean you did so.) Analysis/Algebra is one of the big splits in math direction, and it's very important you're exposed to the basics in both; meanwhile, basic combinatorics is just fundamental to every field.
- Finally, branch off and pick some electives. For a more combinatorial/CS-ey direction, graph theory is a deep subject with connections to number theory, geometry, algebra, etc. For pure algebra, you can spend a loooong time just getting through a basic algebra sequence (group theory, ring theory, field theory, and then take a brief moment to learn basics of category theory and representation theory). Analysis, I'm not an expert, but likewise you can spend a long time studying basic sequences (functional analysis and such). Or an applied field - as one random example, stuff like further studying applied methods for PDEs, ODEs, linear algebra, etc, is actually really deep and pure field, despite not being thought of as such. Or, study statistics (ew, imo, but it's there).

>> No.15611334

And, of course, there's a million other directions you could go; math is as deep as the ocean. Disabuse yourself of the idea that you'll understand "all of math" - that's not really been possible since the 1930s or so, at least not to understand every possible subject on more than a surface level (enough to, say, understand papers in any given subfield).
Honestly, my advice would be to find a mid-to-high tier college, go to their math department's website, and dig through some class descriptions, their requirements for graduating, which textbooks they use, etc. Also, I think old /mg/ threads have book lists, although take all that with a grain of salt (there's a lot of fucking idiots here, and also some savants who're smarter and have a better math background than you or I).
A useful book btw might be "All the Mathematics You Missed: But Need to Know for Graduate School," although you really, *really*, **really** need to do more practice exercises than that book provides to actually learn the subjects - it may feel like you know them, but you don't if you haven't/can't apply it. Still, it's a good overview. (It should go without saying that you should pirate this and all your other textbooks, unless you want a physical copy.)

>> No.15611723

I require all your best visual sources for geometry and measure theory

>> No.15611773

I do understand the difference between applied and pure math, yes.
I am not a NEET, but I can fit enough time in my schedule (I do have quite a bit of free time) depending on how long it is going to take. If 2-3 years is a reasonable estimate, then I can do it. But If it takes say 6 years, then that might be hard especially since I'd be doing this as a hobby not for career.
I mentioned the IQ only to avoid the responses like "Your IQ is too low anyways if you only studied calc II, give up, It's gonna take 30 years". I fully understand that math is very practice based and you can't skim it like Humanities.
I see this is all really good advice and a helpful guide. I will definitely look into the textbooks and the math depts.
What really prevents someone from understanding all of math though, If we're being real? I mean if you work hard enough, I'm sure a person can learn all of it, no?

Thanks a lot for the advice though.

>> No.15611863

Bros.... just tell it to me straight, how many of you just went the actuary route? Looks like in one year I can get done with VEEs, exam 1/2 and all DISC's and get an analyst job. Probably 3 years of the job and a few more exams to make ACAS....
Its not pretty, but it pays the bills and isn't torture, right?

>> No.15612154
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>> No.15612318

>What really prevents someone from understanding all of math though, If we're being real?
I'm not him, but imo: the sheer variety and quantity.
My argument is simple:
Mathematics involves creating or modifying proofs, definitions, etc. in a language or creating a language entirely for such purposes, and translating those back and forth to natural human language.
But with the popularization of mathematics people have created more and more topics, fields, approaches and sub-topics and definitions and this is continuously expanding. So strictly speaking, knowing "all of mathematics" is impossible.
This point brings on a couple of finer details:
1. Many of the variations and results are equivalent reformulations of previously known results. So in many cases, you might say knowing one form you know the actual mathematics.
However usually each form will then branch off with results unique to it.
For example, old school diff geo books don't use differential forms. But nowadays I've seen people say you should necessarily learn them because modern results in differential geometry and adjacent fields are from using differential forms.
2. On a more hopeful tone, it is plain fact that not all mathematics is equally useful, beautiful, or worth learning. If I tell you you don't know geometry you might be offended. But do you know all the properties and results of solids in higher dimensions? of course not.
Does that mean you don't know all geometry?
Yes indeed.
and in fact no one does.
And Euler Gauss and Newton and Leibniz did not either.
So in conclusion, it is a foolish idea to want to know "all mathematics". Instead learn how to learn and work with mathematics, and learn to your heart's content

>> No.15612523

are there 'levels' of indeterminance, like how there are 'levels' of infiniteness? For example, as n -> infinity, is
0 * 2^n
as indeterminate as
0 * (-2)^n
since the latter one changes sign?

>> No.15613011

Each is a generalization of what's below:
>counting on your fingers

>> No.15614358
File: 3.01 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Sixty-Six_Theses__v4-20230726.pdf_compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a long one about my research in physics too.

>> No.15614367
File: 117 KB, 1241x907, TIMESAND___3u12qnKZyg3GZyFY9yMfaPZtPvZgwLgsZde45t88ZdkLl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was completely unintentional.

>> No.15614377

>What really prevents someone from understanding all of math though, If we're being real? I mean if you work hard enough, I'm sure a person can learn all of it, no?
The description I gave above roughly covers an undergraduate math education -- ~4 years, which could probably go down to 2 if you work year round, drop the gen-eds, and just are smart and hardworking about it. A PhD takes, usually (it's hard to generalize), about 2 more years where you study general topics at the graduate level in more detail, with more focus on a particular direction (eg start narrowing down to "okay, I want to study, say, algebraic topology, so I'm going to spend these 2 years taking courses in graduate algebra, topology, start the algebraic topology sequence, get some differential topology in there, take a class or two on category theory... and maybe take the Analysis sequence for breadth). Followed by ~3 years in which (after passing qualifying exams) you work with an advisor, take further closely-directed classes, and just generally do research. At the end of that process (if you make it), you'll have done novel research, discovered something about math nobody ever knew before. Somewhere in those 3 years, you'll know enough to be able to read papers in your tiny subfield and be able to skim adjacent fields' papers to use them in your research.
So, that's... maybe 6-8 years total, assuming you come in with a really good high school level understanding of math? That qualifies you for whatever subfield you chose to study, out of the ridiculous breadth of math as a whole.
So, could someone "learn it all" to a grad level? Maybe - not enough to do research, but enough to pass quals. Starting from Calc II, maybe 6-8 years? But that doesn't necessarily make you qualified enough in those areas to read research (depending on the subfield - eg graph theory's relatively "shallow" (maybe a good place to start?) vs, say, again, algebraic topology).

>> No.15614389

Guys, the physics world is having a watershed moment right now. How can us mathematicians help them?

>> No.15614466

I've heard it has its uses in data exploration and feature engineering for some specific applications and shouldn't be too hard if you have the prerequisites (algebraic topology and its prerequisites).

I would need a statsfag to confirm that though.

>> No.15614840
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>> No.15614864

First time in a while someone posts something that's actually useful. Thanks anon.

>> No.15614942

I see I understand now. Thanks for your thorough explanations anon. Really helps put it into perspective, have real expectations and goals and a timeline. As well as a general guide to how to do it. Seriously I appreciate it a lot. Knowledgable and helpful responses, extremely good quality posts not common on 4chan. Bless. Hope you make it in academia.

>> No.15614963
File: 99 KB, 796x1000, 2A78E9F3-9F0C-4C67-8CE1-80495247F90D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you’re saying is I fucked up by buying these and should’ve bought something else or is this good ‘nuff at the start for a retard who was never willing to learn in school?

>> No.15615145
File: 499 KB, 843x1350, 68d9d5df1ec447b796f3d0c686f73b55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to start getting into Operator Algebras soon, what resources do you guys recommend?
Assume that I have a good math undergrad education.
Here's your complimentary anime girl as a thanks in advance.

>> No.15615166
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how do I solve picrel?

I'm guessing the span is [0, 2, 1], [1, 0, 3] where the vectors represent [x, y, z] based off the relations y = 2z and 3x = z

Is that correct even when it's a complex module?

>> No.15615497

Holy shit I love linear algebra

>> No.15615647
File: 105 KB, 1007x1175, cbe7b9f1d789de6f86978de6a8809888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Afternoon Math /Sci/entists.

I am working on MAID-LISP which is a language for abstracting language into Recursive Transition Networks and then using the networks to make strings.

Please post Advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research about analyzing and abstracting languages.

Thank you Math /Sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.15615753
File: 6 KB, 259x194, ert34t34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you prove that every convex polyhedron is rigid (that is, the angles between the faces cannot be changed without breaking the shape)?

>> No.15615951

Not all universities have the same difficulty level for each subject. I know some retard who got As all of the time. I checked their learning content and saw that it was high school tier difficulty.

>> No.15615961

Did anyone from sci verify if he was a schizo or not?

>> No.15616167

What is the lipschitz continuous gradient of the Lp norm over R^n?

>> No.15616259

for the love of god, please go back to /g/ instead of schizo posting here

>> No.15616315

agreed, fuckem

>> No.15616369
File: 378 KB, 1190x1684, Consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already asked twice on the Dra/g/on Maid Board, but nobody had answers. If you want me to go away, send me research and I will leave to look at it.

>> No.15616717

Can the power set the following power set functor be equipped with a monad structure:
[math]P(f)(A)=\{y\in Y\mid \forall x\in X(f(x)=y\to x\in A)\}[/math] for [math]f:X\to Y[/math] and [math]A\subseteq X[/math]?
Note that this isn't the usual power set functor [math]P(f)(A)=\{f(x)\mid x\in A\}[/math], which has a well-known monad structure via [math]{-}[/math] and [math]\bigcup[/math].

>> No.15616862

Wegge-Olsen: K-theory and C*-algebras, Blackadar: Operator algebras and K-theory for operator algebras, Murphy: C*-algebras and operator theory

>> No.15617225
File: 52 KB, 500x507, A polite request for information.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15617621

Anything similar to this for Physics? I'd like to apply what I learn from the books in the rec to physical situations. That always seemed to help me understand the Maths better.

>> No.15618322


>> No.15618377

What you're describing is not functorial: apply [math]P [/math] to
[eqn]\mathrm{id}:X\overset{\iota_1}{\to} X\sqcup X\overset{p}{\to} X, [/eqn]
it gives
[eqn]P(X)\overset{(\mathrm{id}, c_{\emptyset})}{\to} P(X)\times P(X)\overset{\cap}{\to} P(X), [/eqn]
which does not compose to the identity.

>> No.15619415

That assignment is functorial (this is for example an exercise in Barr & Wells).
I wish this functor had an agreed upon name so I could actually properly google for this, but every author just makes something up on-the-fly

>> No.15619727


>> No.15619891
File: 124 KB, 820x539, 304-3046157_pointing-a-gun-at-you-girls-und-panzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spent like 4 hours trying to understand a basic theorem in homotopy theory and still don't understand it. I feel retarded.

>> No.15620042

Lmao who the fuck is this guy
>The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
>Quick Disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis
I would like to know more

>> No.15620426

Is it just me or are the Chinese not that great at pure math? I don't remember ever seeing anything in math named after a Chinese person, even though they do super great at olympiads and what not. Do they all go into applied or something like that?

>> No.15620447

They are good at rote memorization.

>> No.15621029 [DELETED] 
File: 908 KB, 768x768, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a box which has an unlimited number of white balls, red balls and blue balls. You pick one ball at random. The probability of picking a red ball is A. The probability of picking a blue ball is B. Given that B < A, what is the probability that you will pick a blue ball before picking a red ball?

>> No.15621063 [DELETED] 
File: 908 KB, 768x768, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a box which has an unlimited number of white balls, red balls and blue balls. You start picking balls one ball at a time. For a single pick, the probability of picking a red ball is A and B for blue.

Given that B < A, what is the probability that you will get the first blue ball before the first red ball?

>> No.15621299
File: 102 KB, 798x1280, 7cw6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You roll three dice at the same time which counts as one roll: a 10-sided dice, a 100-sided dice and a 1000-sided dice. The dice have one side colored so that rolling that side has the probability 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000 for each dice respectively.

1) Given that you begin rolling the dice an unlimited number of times, what is the probability that the first time that a colored side occurs is when it occurs on all of the three dice in the same roll simultaneously?

2) What is the probability that you have rolled the 1/1000 change before rolling the 1/100 even once?

>> No.15621398

p = 10^(-6) + (1 - 10^(-1))(1 - 10^(-2))(1 - 10^(-3)) p
p = 1/109891

p = (1 - 10^(-2)) (10^(-3) + p)
p = 99/1000

>> No.15621748

>I don't remember ever seeing anything in math named after a Chinese person
lmao ur so dumb

>> No.15621756

Sorry I only have white balls

>> No.15622153


>> No.15622190


>> No.15622938

Does anyone have any resources or tips on how to memorize when negatives flip to being positive and when you also need to switch an addition or subtraction sign along with it? Basic algebra btw. This was always one of my hurdles

>> No.15622973

Why ?

>> No.15624090

expanded a factorial tree, and groups of terms corresponding to combinatorial combinations of the terms popped out. as in the written out combinations of (A,B,C)
1C3 -> A B C
2C3 -> AB AC BC
3C3 -> ABC
but with [(r), (r+1), (r+2)]. I'll look more into it tomorrow

>> No.15624736

How much does it cost to hire a math consultant

>> No.15626009

g(x):= (f(x),h(x))
What's essentially evil is just a phasor lazor.

>> No.15626891
File: 50 KB, 633x315, 1676338899781063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know why is this true? I have a hard time finding the proof of this.

>> No.15626933

Your question was genuinely so stupid that I had to second guess myself

>> No.15626944

Imagine moving one chord along the other chord while keeping the chords at the same angle. As you do this the x angle will increase at the same rate as the y angle decreases as you can see visually by tilting your head. So the sum will be conserved.

So first move one chord to be at the center, then adjust the other chord to pass through the center of the circle. The sum x+y will be conserved and so will the angle between the chords as you haven't rotated them at all. But now clearly x+y = x' + y' = 2*angle between the two chords

>> No.15626962

that doesn't even make sense

>> No.15627326

Symmetry is pretty, but if a problem is too symmetrical then different angles of looking at it are the same, and you are forced to just solve it all at once

>> No.15627336

Tao is Aussie

>> No.15627413
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I think I finally get it anon, thanks a lot.
It doesn't at first, but if you manage to find the right theorems, it's incredibly easy to prove.

>> No.15627468

By the way, I learned this thanks to this video here. Hope it helps too.

>> No.15627753

Chinese remainder theorem.
God you're fucking dumb.

>> No.15628033

Whatever. It’s over. I admit it. I can’t learn math. I’m not smart enough

>> No.15628185

prove it

>> No.15628246
File: 136 KB, 1140x1226, secants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it with a more basic start

>> No.15628891

There is a thing i dont understand about Riemann surfaces. Suppose you have a polynomial p in C[x,y] whose partial derivatives dont vanish at any point. Then its curve is a non compact Riemann surface and you can compactify it by adding a third variable and making all degrees equal. The resulting curve might have some singularities which can be "removed" by blowing up or whatever. But then why is resulting curve important when you could have started with a non singular curve in C[x,y,z] to begin with?

>> No.15629328

Is there a thing that's more general than group or ring theory and less general than universal algebra or category theory?

>> No.15629478

I'm not abusing notation, I'm extending it

>> No.15630498

I've got a deep and abiding lust for studying mathematical foundations and I have to tear myself away from foundations to focus on other topics in math. Foundations are like Collatz, it sucks you in unless you consciously reject it.
Is this true for the majority of mathematicians?

>> No.15630502

I'm mentally retarded. How do people find the square root of a number so easily? I only just figured out today 3^2 is 3x3 not 3x3x3

>> No.15630647

visualize what 'three squared' means nigga

>> No.15630870
File: 50 KB, 1124x135, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriosly how the fuck? i tried defining A*the remaning vector of the orthonormal base so that the result is perpendicular to the other one given and the norm is 12 in that direction, but it didnt work because that's stil not the maximum (gram matrix diagonalization shows it's 15).

>> No.15631177
File: 24 KB, 700x176, 700px-Fancy_noun_recursive_transition_network.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for showing me these. Attached in an image of a Recursive Transition Network sourced from Wikipedia. Do you know what latex package I would need to make latex draw an RTN?

I consulted Google but the results were useless and unrelated to RTNs or latex.

>> No.15632484

when given 3^2, imagine a square of side length 3 and calculate its area. With 3^3, imagine a cube.

>> No.15632541

No. I hate "hardcore" foundations

>> No.15632793

Then you did it wrong.

[eqn] A \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 2 & 2 \\ 2 & -1 & 2 \\ 2 & 2 & -1 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 9 & -12 \cdot \frac{12}{5} \\ 0 & 12 & 9 \cdot \frac{12}{5} \end{pmatrix} \\
A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 9 & -12 \cdot \frac{12}{5} \\ 0 & 12 & 9 \cdot \frac{12}{5} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 2 & 2 \\ 2 & -1 & 2 \\ 2 & 2 & -1 \end{pmatrix}^{-1} = \frac{1}{15} \begin{pmatrix} -66 & -111 & 78 \\ 112 & 52 & 4 \end{pmatrix}[/eqn]

>> No.15633990

I just learned about math job rumors only to find that it was axed. Anything else in this vein? Someone I know was getting shit talked on there and called out as a fraud but now I can't ever see it.

>> No.15635367

Groups and rings are both Malcev varieties.

>> No.15636243
File: 4 KB, 197x256, trig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any alternative to the picrel? This book is terribly structured and ordered. I am trying to learn Algebra and Trig before I do precalc

>> No.15636409

what do you call automatons where the transition function can change.

>> No.15637099

What's a good book to learn about partial orders, lattices, pre-orders and all that stuff?

>> No.15637151

how do i center the columns in an array in latex

>> No.15637161

nevermind i got it. you have to put c's after \beginarray{cccc}

>> No.15637436

I fucking hate LaTeX. Why won't a journal accept my neatly handwritten pages?

>> No.15637713

I've been researching this exact same topic, with expansions to higher operations beyond linear (summation) and geometric (production) -- it relies on my own definition of hyperoperations beyond exponentiation and prior to summation. What would be nice is if you could define a geometric analog of the Riemann-Liouville differintegral and see if the pattern goes on to higher operations!

>> No.15637961
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>reimann-liouville differential
I skimmed the Wikipedia page and I dont know what any of that is. I might get more into it after I finish up this stuff. I've been living in integer land for a little while. I'm going to see if I find anything interesting in a factorial triangle, analogous to pascals triangle. in pascals triangle I was seeing numerical answers to combinatorials, but in the factorial triangle I was seeing algebraic structures that represented combinatorials. also gonna see if I can independently find what I know was already figured out 150 years ago. I am interested in what you mean by hyper-operations

>> No.15637982
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I don't know much about the kind of structure you're looking for but I've learned a lot from Stewart's book.

>> No.15638055

Fixed point browser theorem can be proved trivially with a chain of fundamental groups + functor axioms.
Learn the foundations of logic, then move on to type theory and computation models.

>> No.15638249

differintegrals are just a way to partially apply the derivative, so you can have fractional order derivatives/integrals. what got my attention from that post is the idea of iterating the product operator, but you didn't think about applying it partially i.e. an operator P such that P(P(f(x))) = π f(x) and so on

>> No.15638352
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I'm reading a book on "analytic number theory" by iwaniec and kowalski out of boredom
all I see is pages upon pages of messy formulas and I simply cannot figure out
what the fuck has this all to do with numbers??

>> No.15639053 [DELETED] 
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Interracial cuckold is the thinking man’s fetish

>> No.15639131

whitehead is the best mathematician

>> No.15639174

Can someone explain what's wrong with this? [math]1 = (-1)(-1) \Rightarrow \sqrt1 = \sqrt{(-1)(-1)} \Rightarrow 1 = i^2 \Rightarrow 1
= -1[/math]

>> No.15639192

[eqn]\sqrt{(-1)(-1)} \neq i^2[/eqn]

>> No.15639319

aslong as you have it pre-defined, it's fine

>> No.15639327

more rigour

>> No.15639330

Results are the only thing that matter.

>> No.15639339

Sqrt() is technically multivalued -- after all, 2*2 = -2 * -2 = 4, so shouldn't sqrt(4) equal both 2 and -2? To avoid this, we generally *define* sqrt on the reals as taking the positive square root, and for complex numbers as the branch such that sqrt(-1) = i, not -i.
In cases like your equation, you're mixing the two possible outcomes of sqrt -- sqrt(1)=1 is choosing the positive outcome, sqrt((-1)(-1))=sqrt(1)=-1=i^2 is the negative outcome. Your equation would work if you consistently chose positive or negative for both.

(Math sidenote: Incidentally, in complex analysis, that's called taking a "branch cut" of sqrt. sqrt is multivalued, and while we can't visualize a function C->C since that's 4 total dimensions, you can graph the real and imaginary parts of the input z=x+iy on the xy plane and graph Re(sqrt(z)), or Im(sqrt(z)), or |sqrt(z)|, among others, on the z-axis -- if you do this, you get graphs of "sheets", and whereas a single-valued function is just a single "sheet" where, for each input z, there's a single output point on the sheet - sqrt is multivalued, and in this case has 2 outputs for every point other than 0 and infinity. A branch cut is basically choosing some line from (in this case) 0 to infinity such that, if you start on one sheet of the sqrt function, and if you don't cross that line, you won't end up on the other sheet -- making it single-valued. In this case I think you just choose some random branch cut such that it doesn't intersect any of the numbers you're using, say eg the negative imaginary axis or something, and then all your calculations will work out fine; the issue mostly arises if you plug in an interval - eg calculating sqrt(e^it) as t goes from -pi to 3pi will arrive at a different value than when you started, even though -1=e^(-pi)=e^(i*3pi).)

>> No.15639342

IN my mouffffffffff

>> No.15639349

>Every smooth curve can be adequately approximated between two points with the right polynomial
>Polynomials cannot have transcendental zeroes
How does a polynomial approximate a smooth curve with a transcendental zero?
Example: pi-sqrt(x)

>> No.15639352

U doopid

>> No.15639363

Is there a version of complex analysis that avoids principal branches and just works with the multivalued surfaces as they are?

>> No.15639371

If you want to actually destroy /mg/ for realsies, just copypaste post titles from reddit math help boards and post 10-20 of them on /mg/ a day for three weeks

>> No.15639383

read what "approximate" means in that context
it means that for every [math]\varepsilon>0[/math] there exist a polynomial [math]p(x)[/math] such that for [math]|f(x)-p(x)|<\varepsilon[/math] for every [math]x[/math] in the given interval

>> No.15639385

Is mafs smrt

>> No.15639391

>Polynomials cannot have transcendental zeroes
Who told you that?
Polynomials can't have transcendental zeroes if they have integer coefficients, but there's nothing stopping them from having transcendental zeroes in general

>> No.15639413
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Hey guys hey guys hey guys
When I need to calculate this why can’t I divide up and down by n^2 and get 7 ?

>> No.15639428

because you'd end up with a denominator of [math]\frac{3n+2}{n^2}=\frac{3}{n}+\frac{2}{n^2}[/math], which is decidedly not 1 like it would need to be for that to equal 7

>> No.15639435

anon post your calculation

>> No.15639449
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Hey guys I've been struggling with this problem for a while now, and I need some help

A real [math]n \times n[/math] matrix [math]A[/math] has an eigenvalue [math]\lambda[/math]. Show that there exists some [math]k \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}[/math] with [math]k \le n[/math] such that
|\lambda - A_{kk}| \le \sum_{j=1, j \not= k}^{n}|A_{jk}|.

So I thought of assuming that [math]|\lambda - A_{kk}| > \sum_{j=1, j \not= k}^{n}|A_{jk}| \:\: \forall \:\: k \le n [/math] and proving it by contradiction, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. It was very easy to prove for the specific case of [math]n=2[/math] but I can't even do it for [math]n=3[/math].
I feel like this must have something to do with algebraically manipulating [math]\det(A - \lambda I)[/math] but I really have no clue what to do.

>> No.15639451
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>> No.15639495

Not an expert, but I think that's where the concept of 'Riemann surfaces' - a connected 1-dimensional (that is, wrt C, so 2D traditionally) complex manifold, aka a space that locally behaves around any given point like C but globally might have a different structure.
So, eg with sqrt(z), locally around any point in the image of sqrt(z), it's perfectly smooth and all that -- it just happens that trying to graph the whole thing at once would give you self-intersecting surface, trying to travel certain paths around the origin might take 720 rather than 360 degrees of rotation to end up where you started, etc. In this view, z -> sqrt(z) is a holomorphic map from C to this surface (call it X). Branch points/ramification points occur when the function has a single output at some point but has n outputs everywhere else in a small neighborhood around that point (eg z=0 and z=inf for sqrt(z)).
Now, this is where I don't know anything else, but I recommend Wikipedia ('branch point', 'Riemann surface', 'Riemann-Hurwitz formula', etc), and so forth. It looks like there's a whole field here, that goes into algebraic geometry/topology more generally.

>> No.15639506

Polynomials with rational coefficients can't have transcendental zeros (that's the definition of transcendental in R).
However, it's perfectly possible to have a polynomial with real coefficients, and you can approximate smooth curves with them.

>> No.15639544

Getting into architecture as a hobby , which books on geometry do you bros recommend?

>> No.15639835

I have a question about the applications of PDEs, I'm a chemical engineering major taking a basic PDE course next semester. I'm wondering what are the applications of PDEs and what is required to get into advanced PDEs?

>> No.15639912

I know how to solve [math]\partial_tu(\mathbf{x},t)-c^2\nabla^2u(\mathbf{x},t)=0[/math]

>> No.15639923
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How are younger people performing in maths? Have people looked into that?

Intuition tells me they are not studying enough to unlock their full potential but I don't want to dismiss the possibility of them performing better than older generations, besides nowadays we have access to many resources to study. But are young people even interested in becoming good in mathematics, engineering etc. anymore?

pic unrelated

>> No.15639938

There are no prime numbers in [math]\mathbb{R}[/math].
A prime number is a number that
1. isn't invertible;
2. isn't zero;
3. whenever it divides the product of two numbers it divides one of the factors.
[math]\mathbb{R}[/math], however, is a field, meaning that all of its elements are invertible. Thus, there aren't prime numbers on [math]\mathbb{R}[/math].

>> No.15639979

All textbooks are more or less structured the same way. If you're looking for the perfect book that will explain everything in a manner that allows you to understand everything perfectly, you're out of luck, it doesn't exist. Use the textbook's structure to guide your thought and make sense of the concept you're trying to wrap your head around.

>> No.15640148

You are absolutely right

>> No.15640177

How did you guys get good at understanding probability? I did really bad in my intro to probability course a while back because a lot of it just felt unintuitive to me compared to calculus or linear algebra.

>> No.15640223

i've noticed people obsess the same way with art materials
they'll hoard all sorts of video materials and books thinking they've found the perfect one and they'll get started tomorrow on a straight shot to fulfillment
nah they just start hoarding more shit lol

>> No.15640679

>primes aren't invertible

>> No.15640712

Has applied category theory ever been applied?

>> No.15640766

Given lambda, choose its corresponding left eigenvector v.
Multiply v by A and look at the kth component.
Sum[ v(j)*A(j,k) ] = lambda*v(k).
Move v(k)*A(k,k) to the RHS.
Sum[ v(j)*A(j,k); j!=k] = (lambda-A(k,k))*v(k).
|.| both sides and use triangle inequality on the left.
Sum[ |v(j)|*|A(j,k)|; j!=k] >= |Sum[ v(j)*A(j,k); j!=k]| = |lambda-A(k,k)|*|v(k)|.
Choose k such that |v(k)| is the largest component.
Use |v(k)| >= |v(j)| for each v(j) on the LHS.
Sum[ |v(k)|*|A(j,k)|; j!=k] >= Sum[ |v(j)|*|A(j,k)|; j!=k] >= |lambda-A(k,k)|*|v(k)|.
Divide by |v(k)| (it can't be 0 since that would imply v is the zero vector).
Sum[ |A(j,k)|; j!=k] >= |lambda-A(k,k)|.

>> No.15641067


>> No.15641079

why are my verbal scores always in the single digit percentiles and my maths in the normie ranges

>> No.15641085

Can anyone recommend me a book on algebra that goes into depth about decomposition of modules through idempotents/involutions in the context of Clifford algebras? I've looked through a lot of literature, and most of the time idempotents are not even mentioned or mentioned only in passing (most texts on algebra, rings/modules, and Clifford algebras), or the text is way too specialised ("Book of Involutions").
So far the only textbook I've found that somewhat fits the bill is Lounesto's "Clifford Algebras and Spinors", but the treatment there is rather informal.

>> No.15641352
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Is this problem really instructive/valuable? Does it maybe help to develop the machinery behind some cool linear algebra result?

It seems like they started with the eigenvalue equality Av=cv, fucked around a bit, and then said lol figure out what I did.

>> No.15641801

Hey, thanks anon, I also solved the problem myself just a couple hours back. I proved it via contradiction. My proof is pretty similar to yours except for the last part.

Let [math]v[/math] be the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue [math]\lambda[/math]. Then we have
Av = \lambda v\\
\implies \sum_{j\le n}A_{kj}v_j = \lambda v_k \quad \forall \: k \le n \\
\implies \sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}A_{kj}v_j = v_k(\lambda - A_{kk}) \\
\implies \sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{kj}||v_j| \ge |v_k||\lambda -A_{kk}| \quad \text{(triangle inequality)} \\
\implies \sum_{k \le n}\sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{kj}||v_j| \ge \sum_{k \le n}|v_k||\lambda -A_{kk}| \\
\implies \sum_{k \le n}\sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{jk}||v_k| \ge \sum_{k \le n}|v_k||\lambda -A_{kk}|

Suppose [math]|\lambda - A_{kk}| > \sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{jk}|[/math]. Then we have
\sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{jk}||v_k| < |v_k||\lambda - A_{kk}| \\
\implies \sum_{k \le n}\sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{jk}||v_k| < \sum_{k \le n}|v_k||\lambda -A_{kk}|
which contradicts our previous result. Hence there must exist some [math]k\le n[/math] such that [math]|\lambda - A_{kk}| \le \sum_{j \le n, j \not= k}|A_{jk}|[/math].


>> No.15642219

What is the name for when two real numbers are algebraic multiples of each other? Like pi and 3sqrt(pi)?

>> No.15642285

It can be used to give a loose bound on the location of the eigenvalues.
It is important enough to have a name.

>> No.15642286

I think this is about the 'algebraic closure' of a given field, specifically a given extension of the rationals Q. The algebraic closure of Q is the algebraic numbers Q^alg = A. You can then talk about, say, ( Q(pi) )^alg, the closure of Q extended by the transcendental pi, which'll give you the field containing Q, pi, and the roots of all polynomials with these contents.
For further info, go look into basic field theory and algebraic/transcendental extensions; it turns out "the" algebraic closure is indeed unique up to isomorphism (field theory in general, at least the basics that I've seen, is all pretty clean in these sorts of regards).

>> No.15642396
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What should I read to begin to have a basic working understanding of the Reimann Hypothesis (and or Dirichlet series, zeta functions, L-functions)?
I currently have pic related and heard it's pretty good, but I'm trying to put together a small library.

Also any papers I can start by reading?

>> No.15642727
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>> No.15642855

How much prior analysis knowledge do you have?

>> No.15642880

Two semesters of graduate Real Analysis and one semester of graduate Complex Analysis. My NT is probably the weaker part of my background since I only ever had an undergrad course.

>> No.15642887

Anon, what math says about the meaning of life?
Does algebra or geometry can give a people something to not KMS?

>> No.15642912

Start with Apostol's intro to analytic number theory, then you should be able to follow this survey book:
It will guide you to further reading.

>> No.15642919

Try the gervais principle

>> No.15642930

Are there any two distinct positive integers a and b where [math]\frac{arctan(a)}{arctan(b)}[/math] is algebraic?
I haven't done anything besides programming for three years and I've forgotten most of calculus. This has been bugging me all day.

>> No.15642980

Thanks anon.

>> No.15643055
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best advice out there by one of the best living physicists . Good luck anon dont chicken out and do the work

>> No.15643080

>Can algebra or geometry give people something to not KMS?
Yes, practice problems. If you're spending time thinking about suicide, that's time you're falling behind in abstract algebra.

>> No.15643127

Not sure, but I think by (after googling) the 'Lindemann-Weierstrass' theorem, which can be used to show that sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) are transcendental for algebraic x (other than x=0). So if x is an integer, arctan(x) must be transcendental (as otherwise tan(arctan(x)) would map an algebraic input to algebraic output). Thus arctan(a)/arctan(b) is a ratio of transcendentals, which is transcendental.
...I think this works

>> No.15643153
File: 28 KB, 393x525, IMG_7918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked if I want to self-study Papa Rudin?

>> No.15643167

wait I'm a fucking dumbass, eg (pi/4)/(pi/5) isn't transcendental

>> No.15643249

I find integration much more rewarding and fun to solve than i do derivatives. I know im just starting with calculus so i need a lot more practice with both.
So far it feels like theres more tricks with integrals. Like a lot of the trig stuff i feel was used heavily vs doing the chain rule endlessly.

>> No.15643848

takes me literally all day to make a beamer every fucking time i am the slowest person in the world at this shit

>> No.15643918

I have the original 1974 Academic Press version
of the book at home.

>> No.15644043

It's doable to easy if you have any talent at all
It's more likely to make you suicidal in my experience
I suggest doing a bunch of HS-level olympiad probability problems

>> No.15644104
File: 75 KB, 1646x666, sum of two convex functions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with this? The use of the theorem that the sum of two convex functions is convex was required for an exercise for a calculus exam but the demonstration isn't in the book, it was left as an exercise to the reader lol. But unless I am doing something very stupid, it seems that I found a counter-example? In the pic w and g are convex, but w+g isn't?

>> No.15644417

Use basic mathematics of serge lang or start using a calculus book and use Khan Academy when you stuck in a precalc problem.

>> No.15644441

if by convex you mean any path joining two points on the surface is contained in the surface, then the surface corresponding to [math] g [/math] doesnt look very convex.

>> No.15645720

That book she's reading...yes, please.

>> No.15646104

Hey anons. Trying to learn maths after over a decade not doing it. Right now I'm reading the proof for why the square root of 2 is an irrational number using this site: https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/square-root-2-irrational.html

Something that's tripping me up: the site says that since m^2 is a multiple of 4 (since all squared even numbers are multiples of 4), then n^2 should be a multiple of 2, since m^2/n^2 = 2.

I don't understand this. Why is n^2 necessarily a multiple of 2? Why does m^2 being a multiple of 4 make n^2 a multiple of 2? I thought it was to do with their odd/even status, but 666/333 = 2, so it's not necessarily that to divide an even number to get 2 you have to have an even number, but rather something to do with the fact that they're squared and that squared even numbers are multiples of 4... but I can't make the connection.

Any help?

>> No.15646133

We start by saying (m/n)=sqrt(2), and so (m/n)^2 = 2. Thus, m^2/n^2 = 2, or m^2 = 2 * n^2.
Thus, since m^2 is 2 times something, m^2 is even; and only even numbers square to even, so m must be even.
Then since m is even, m must be 2 times some number, let's call it k. That is, m=2k.
Substitute this back in: (2k)^2 = 2 * n^2. Evaluate: 4*k^2 = 2*n^2. Thus n^2 = 2 * k^2.
...but then, n^2 is 2 times some number. So n^2 is even, and for the same reason as before, thus n is even.
But then, m and n are both even. This contradicts our assumption that m/n is in least terms. Therefore, we conclude it's impossible to represent sqrt(2) as m/n in least terms, and since every fraction can be simplified to least terms, sqrt(2) can't be a fraction -- it's irrational.

To repeat the step you're focusing on in a different way: m^2/n^2=2, or to write it another way, m^2 = 2 * n^2. But if m is even (a multiple of 2), then m^2 must be a multiple of 4. If 4 divides the left side, then 4 divides the right: 4 divides 2*n^2. Thus 2 must divide n^2.

>> No.15646193

I bet Q shaman can solve riemann's

>> No.15646203

By the way there is a proof of the Radon-Nikodym due to Von Neumann in the book. Just went through it today and it was surprisingly easy though the trick comes out of nowhere as it is written in the book.

>> No.15646972

What foreign language would be the most useful for mathematics? Almost everything is published in English these days but making connections with people will always be something worth putting effort into.

>> No.15647206

My biggest mistake in maths exams seems to be overlooking small details, like a sign, or a decimal etc, which makes me lose marks.
How do I even get over such a problem? If it was me simply being weak in a particular topic, I could do deliberate practice till I got better, but how do I even fix a habit like this?

>> No.15647226

The top three languages I could think of would be
French, German and Russian. Plenty were
published in these languages, and French gave us
some words that became part of our terminology
(injective, for example). Latin is a classic that
built up French and English but isn't published
in that today.

I'm not saying the top three should be united to yield
some krautburger borscht linguistic abomination for
our sake. Rather, we could trade terminologies in
their language (and some equivalents) to supplement
and grow mathematical fields.

>> No.15647241

by doing deliberate practice until you get better? also just double-check your work -- unless you've got dyscalculia or something, you can just look at your work and going, "okay, I started with this, then I did such-and-such to get that, then I did such-and-such to get -- oops, made a typo there." you should be able to justify every step. but you get better, both at avoiding mistakes and in catching them when you see them, only through practice.
math isn't magic or something -- it's like saying "I'm learning Spanish but I keep making these mistakes when I speak it! What do I do?" the obvious and only answer is to a) be more careful, so you don't reinforce bad habits, and b) speak it more until doing it correctly becomes a habit.

>> No.15647288
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>> No.15647309
File: 228 KB, 1x1, quick disproof riemann.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need, it's already been solved

>> No.15647357

Shit chart, kys
Even shittier, kys immediately

>> No.15647386

kek, good chart anon

>> No.15647403
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>> No.15647468

That's kind of the case for a lot of beginners in a lot of fields. Maths, Programming, Drawing, Japanese. They're afraid of learning the wrong way, or want to learn X in the shortest and most efficient way possible. All that matters is that you take the initiative and take the first step to learn; you'll learn what works and what doesn't for (you) as you try it out.

>> No.15647663

virgin 16 page "proof" vs chad handwritten refutation

>> No.15647847

if an item has x% chance to drop from a mob, how can i calculate what are the chances that i don't drop it by nth attempt?

>> No.15647854

(odds it doesn't drop)^n

>> No.15647914

wow that's a bitch to calculate anything easier?

>> No.15648039
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Unfortunately there is little easier than multiplying whole numbers. Maybe you should finish your summer school homework before going back to your game. You don't want to fail grade 3 twice, do you?

>> No.15648095

yeah dude let me just 0.34^300 in my head

>> No.15648242

Find the nearest small denominator fraction, which is [math]\frac {1}{3}[/math]. Exponentials are easier with fractions instead of decimals:

[math]{\frac {1}{3}}^{300} = \frac {1^{300}} {3^{300}} = \frac {1}{3^{300}} [/math]

>> No.15648280

conveniently omitted 3^300

>> No.15648329

Is their any abstract proof for Newton's formula which is used to solve quadratic? (Other than the high school proof) ?

>> No.15648426

[eqn]0.34^{300} = 10^{300 \log_{10}(0.34)} \approx 10^{300 \cdot (-0.4685)} = 10^{-140.55} \approx 2.8 \cdot 10^{-141}[/eqn]

There is a magic tool called the slide rule that you should always have nearby to calculate logarithms.

>> No.15648442

[math]a^b = 10^{b* log_{10}a} [/math]
[math]3^{300} = 10^{300 log_{10}3} [/math]
[math]3^{300} = 10^{approximately \; 143} [/math]

>> No.15648446
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>Les do Marfs like good goyim

You people are retarded kys now

I mean it ive had enuff of you faggits

>> No.15648518

>A course in functional analysis

>> No.15648553

I consider myself an elightened programmer and I would like to study category theory and lambda calculus. However, my math knowledge stopped at high school. How fucked up am I?

>> No.15648560

How comfortable are you with mathematical reasoning? proofs?

>> No.15648569

I can do basic algebra..
Regarding proofs, I think our teacher showed us one or two in high school. So I would say low proficiency. Do you think those are mandatory?

>> No.15648575

>i can
>one of humankind
LUL stopped reading

>> No.15648590


>> No.15648615

Ull c

>> No.15648807

just ignore barkun, he's irrelevant
some level of proofs is necessary, at least imo. For computer science especially, understanding the "proof" that an algorithm works, often is essentially the same as understanding why and how the algorithm works/verifying that it does; being unable to do or read proofs in that context would mean you're unable to think carefully and in detail about how and whether something works. Any decent book on algorithms should include a basic guide to the tools of basic proofwriting (reasoning about recursion, proof by induction / contradiction, etc); just do homework problems.
As for studying category theory and lambda calculus... yeah, the former especially is upper-level to grad-level math, and therefore is exclusively proofs in substance. I don't know if anyone's tried to present category theory without proofs, or what that would even really look like... maybe try a guide to Haskell and its type system? idk. Alternately, category theory takes some really heavy machinery to understand in practice, since otherwise it may just seem like abstract nonsense if you can't see connections to other parts of math, but you might be able to find a "for beginners" book that includes exercises at an appropriate level... I remember finding one textbook pdf that came at it specifically from the direction of type theory and coding applications, though I don't remember what it was.
Lambda calculus I can't comment on, don't know much about. Seems like a decent course in introduction to Turing machines, finite state machines, computability, etc might be useful; you can find plenty of books on this, try to find one that'll ease you in and include proof exercises. (they often also include time analysis, P vs NP etc, which you might find useful and also includes good opportunities for a CS person to do proofs)

>> No.15648849


>> No.15649098

that's actually useful

>> No.15649120

whats a good textbook to self learn high school level geometry relatively fast (like in a month ideally); i cheated my way through it in high school so i retain next to none of it, and want to go back and actually learn it; the book from the faq (elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint) is a bit too complicated for me

>> No.15649231

Probably just any high school level geometry textbook because they all cover the same material and are written for literal children.

Studying category theory without any knowledge in either algebraic topology or algebraic geometry (preferably both) is pointless. Like yes, you can learn some things but you haven't seen enough examples to understand the motivation for the underlying theory. I know that they use "category" "theory" in programming, but if you read a textbook on category theory for math students you'd get completely lost. Try reading some of "Categories for the Working Mathematician" a bit of and see how it feels.

For lambda calculus you should probably read an intro to proofs book... I like Journey into Mathematics: an Introduction to Proofs. Very fun and good for self-study.


Take an abstract algebra class and you'll see a lot more theory about polynomials.

>> No.15649249
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How do you prove it?

>> No.15649255
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>> No.15649273

You should try learning agda. It'll check your proofs for you.

>> No.15649274

LOL I remember this quote. It was about the Collatz conjecture.

>> No.15649605

/mg/ qualityposters, is there any proper roadmap for learning advanced math?
i'd say i'm on something of a good high school/college freshman level now. would be nice to go over everything again to be fresh, too.

i've suddenly come to like it, for some reason. i get the beauty mathematicians talk about now.

>> No.15649732

Hello, I am 25 and just starting my first calculus class in uni. Is it too late for me? Should I give up? Or should I willingly pursue in blissful ignorance?

>> No.15649753

how good are your foundations? do you already have a notion of what calc is, or a familiarity with what you'll study?

>> No.15649769
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Mathmajor bros, how the fuck do I learn fast enough to get to the point where I can work with a prof on research while in undergrad?

>> No.15649784

Precalc/Trig was a breeze for me. I've recently bought Spivaks Calculus and am going through it now with not much difficulty. Limits seem pretty intuitive to me. I've been trying to go through Professor Leonard's Calc videos but his pace is so slow and I get a little bored with his teaching style. I went through the whole Stewarts Precalc book so I would say my foundation is okay but I still have to study hard to get a solid understanding of some topics.

>> No.15649791

go look into the medicine bubble. those guys have some insane amounts of information to learn while in rotations, and get it done.
the quickest is using most of your free time and breaks to study more.

>> No.15649794


>> No.15649799

You sound like you're doing great, anon. Just keep at it, go a reasonable pace so you're not skipping anything, and do the homework problems (the most important part). Plenty of folks start later (dude at my work's like 50 and just took Calc II).

>> No.15649815

Thanks, anon. It's funny because I feel like at the ripe age of 25 I am much more driven to learn mathematics than I ever would have been if I was 18 or in my early 20s.

>> No.15649854

Yitang Zhang's result on bounded prime gaps was one of the biggest advances in math of the last decade

>> No.15649922

Some people struggle with motivation on moving from single variable calc to multivariable calc - this may not happen to you, but if it does, bring linear algebra forward, do some of it and then return to calc.

>> No.15649933

How much linear algebra do I need to know for calc 3? In precalc, I studied matrices, Crammer's method, determinants, and Gaussian elimination. (pretty much the first unit of linear algebra). Will this be enough?

>> No.15649962

>crammer method
Nearly worse than Reimann hypothesis

>> No.15649971

oh fuck off it was a typo

>> No.15649975

You don't really need to know that much to begin doing research with a prof. You should just directly speak with your prof and tell them you're interested in doing research and they will find a suitable problem for you to tackle. You're still probably going to have to learn some stuff on your own, but I think a lot of people fall into the trap of "I need to take 500 classes and read 800 books before I do research" when that's not the case at all with a few exceptions (which would be grad level work anyway).

>> No.15650041
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>just learned a colleague of mine has 3 fumos
What is the deal with mathematicians and Touhou, statistically speaking?

>> No.15650055


>> No.15650385
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So all that stuff about RH having implications about prime numbers, that's because of p-adics, yeah?

>> No.15650833

All of the usual relations to primes use Perron's formula applied to something with 1/zeta.
The zeros of zeta will be simple poles in 1/zeta which will be sampled with the cauchy integral formula.
The zeros all having real part <1 gives the prime number theorem.

>> No.15650868
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みんなー! チルノのさんすう教室はじまるよー!

>> No.15650992

[math]-1= abc=a^{2} =b^{2}=c^{2} [/math] doesn't have any complex solutions, but it does have quaternion solutions.
Is there a way to transform it into a sentence of the form [math]f(a,b,c)=0[/math] and still keep the property of having no complex solutions? I've tried factoring, adding and subtracting but I can't get all of the terms on one side.

>> No.15651075

[eqn] |abc + 1| + |a^2 + 1| + |b^2 + 1| + |c^2 + 1| = 0[/eqn]

>> No.15651275

Just watched this talk by Rudin : https://youtu.be/hBcWRZMP6xs

Do you know a book in which I could find results on unicity sets ?

>> No.15651277

Yes i must become negative

>> No.15651868

>Basic Mathematics
>Any of the great Calculus books
>Any of the great LinAlg intro books
>How to Prove It
>Dummit and Foote
At this point you have enough background to look at any of the math monk youtuber videos and decide on the rest of your path by yourself.

>> No.15652008

Does anyone have any experience with condtional expectation operators?
Im trying to find a the operator norm of one and I am kind of stuck.

In particular, we have:
1) A random variable [math]X: (\Omega, \Sigma, P) \rightarrow (\mathbb{X}, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{X}), \pi)[/math]

2) [math]f \in L^2(\mathbb{X}, \mathcal{C}, \pi; \mathbb{C}^d)[/math]

Here, [math]\mathbb{X}[/math] is some euclidean space, [math]\mathcal{C}[/math] is a sub sigma algebra of [math]\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{X})[/math] and [math]\pi[/math] is the appropiate pushforward measure defined by X.

3) [math]\mathbf{A}:(\mathbb{X}, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{X}), \pi) \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^{l,d}[/math] is a matrix valued random variable

4) A measurable map Y that restricts [math]\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{X})[/math] to some sigma algebra

I want to estimate:
[eqn]\left \lVert E_X[\mathbf{A}( \ \cdot \ )|Y(X)] = \sup{||f|| = 1} \left \lVert E_X[\mathbf{A}(X)f(X)|Y(X)] \right \rVert_{L^2}[/eqn]

I know the setting is convoluted, its a strange problem. My current guess is that my norm is just [math]E_X[ |\mathbf{A}|^2][/math] ie the L2 norm of the operator norm of A. But all these dependencies are really hindering my progress

>> No.15652013

Fucking latex renderer:

Y is a measurable map that restricts [math]\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{X})[/math] to some sigma algebra

I want to estimate:
[eqn]\left \lVert E_X[\mathbf{A}( \ \cdot \ )|Y(X)] = \sup{||f|| = 1} \left \lVert E_X[\mathbf{A}(X)f(X)|Y(X)] \right \rVert_{L^2}[/eqn]

I know the setting is convoluted, its a strange problem. My current guess is that my norm is just [math]E_X[|\mathbf{A}|^2][/math]
ie the L2 norm of the operator norm of A. But all these dependencies are really hindering my progress

>> No.15652017

This is what I get for phone posting I guess RIP

>> No.15652073

reading comprehension do be difficult

>> No.15652085

When is log(z)-log(conjugate(z)) rational?

>> No.15652138

log(z) = log|z| + i arg(z), the latter +2πik for k in Z, so log(z) - log(z*) = (log|z| + i arg(z)) - (log|z| - i arg(z)) = 2i arg(z). This is real-valued iff arg(z) = 0, so (we need the principal branch of log) we're looking at the positive real number line. Thus, log(z) - log(z*) is rational iff z is a positive real number (because the expression equals 0 in this case, and a strictly imaginary number otherwise).
Unless you mean "when is log(z) - log(z*) in Q(i)"? In which case it's whenever arg(z) is rational, and I don't think you can give a more useful answer than that since arctan() maps nonzero algebraic numbers to transcendentals iirc.

>> No.15652666

>Proportion of ARXIV publications since the beginning of the decade that are focused on 2, 3 or 4-dimensional geometry topics, to one decimal place:
>Proportion of Quanta Magazine publications since the beginning of the decade that are focused on 2, 3 or 4-dimensional geometry topics, to one decimal place:
If not for learning python, I could never have discovered this colossal disappointment.

>> No.15652720

You're only looking at the math stuff, right? You aren't counting biology BS in your percentages?

>> No.15652727


>> No.15652949

hey guys I am a board tourist of sorts.

what makes you guys like math so much? are you autists that dont value human contact? I can do math, but dont enjoy it to the point of learning more than I need for work, or esoterica


everything in europe is published in english and, specifically, in france, they have a talent problem. the ENA is getting closed because it's just an incestuous grift machine that restricts the ability of others to publish.

for reference, the superconductor technique of the koreans was taken from old soviet research that had been abandoned.

>> No.15653105


>> No.15653292

its incredible how many complex and self-consistent patterns spring up out of a number line.

>> No.15653296

I've nearly got it figured out, I can feel it

>> No.15653822


>> No.15654222

Thanks a lot mate.

>> No.15654821

Is it possible to make a useful classification of all maps from Z to Z or is the task too big?

>> No.15654972

There are uncountably many such maps.

>> No.15655072

Which book can be considered as "RUDIN" of high school algebra ? (Pre-calculus - quadratics, sequence, binomial, trigo etc). By "RUDIN" I mean with extremely rigours problems (PLS DONT SAY ART OF PROBLEM SOLVING OR EVAN CHEN)

Are the ring theory books helpful ?

>> No.15655077

Another questions, if a study a little bit of grad maths ( I am an engineering major) will it be easier for me to tackle high school tough problem ? Like those Olympiad level ones ?

If yes pls let me know which topic of grad maths can help me do that ?

>> No.15655097

Algebra by Serge Lang

>> No.15655285

There are uncountably many groups and that isn't an issue apparently

>> No.15655342

> what makes you guys like art so much? are you autists that don't value human contact? I can do art, but I don't enjoy it to do more than I need for birthday cards and posters, or occasional doodling
It's just cool, anon. I was good at it, I kept taking classes, and eventually your sense of aesthetics gets warped enough that you start thinking it's "beautiful" and "amazing." I enjoy learning and this lets me spend all my life learning things that are new to me and that I think are interesting.
That's the practical answer. The wankish answer is that -- leaving aside the philosophy-of-math-tards and the foundations fuckers, math is the closest thing to objective truth you can get, to the point where some people *define* it as the study of that which is objectively true independent of reality (the latter to exclude, say, physics, which attempts to model reality using math and theories). And math builds on itself, endlessly. I think it's really neat that, if and when I research and publish, I'll have contributed something that I know is true (none of that questioning about if the study replicates or not you get in other fields), that depends on the math that came before me, and that will be cited by those who come after. I think it's incredible to add to that tower of learning, and to put my name -- in however minor a way -- into that history.

>> No.15655451

What exactly do you mean by "maps"? Going down the list by how much structure is preserved by the map:

If we mean as sets, then there's uncountably many. (Counting the input elements in Z as 0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3, ..., and using this to give an order to the map's output, another way of phrasing your question is "how many sequences of integers are there?" This is uncountable - directly, by basically exactly the same diagonalization argument as is used for the reals, or by taking your sequence (eg {19, 2, 45824, -69, 5439043854380925, 5, ...}), mapping it mod 2 (eg {1,0,0,1,1,1,...}), treating these as a base-2 'decimal' (eg 0.100111...), and noting you've just mapped (onto but not 1-to-1) into the real interval [0,1] in binary.
You can apply an ordering to these sequences of integers (first and foremost, lexicographic ordering), but I doubt there's a well-ordering. And there's almost certainly no meaningful classification beyond the characterization I gave -- there's no structure beyond "sequences of integers" (unlike groups, which have restrictive enough rules to them that classifying them is nontrivial (and extremely difficult)).

If we mean as (additive) group homomorphisms, phi(0)=0, phi(1) = k, and so phi(x) = phi(1+...+1) = phi(1)+...+phi(1)=kx.
Thus, there are countably many group homomorphisms, each determined entirely by where it sends 1. (To use needlessly fancy notation, Hom(Z,Z) in Grp is isomorphic to Z.)

If we mean as ring homomorphisms, we get the same argument as above that phi is determined by phi(1). But now, phi(x) = phi(x*1) = phi(x) phi(1), and since Z is an integral domain, phi(1) = 1, unless phi(x) = 0 for all x. So the only ring homomorphisms of Z are the identity map (phi(x) = x for all x) or the zero map (phi(x) = 0 for all x).

>> No.15655499

Favourite math software?

>> No.15656565
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>> No.15656574

The calculator that comes with linux mint.

>> No.15656578


>> No.15657112


>> No.15657480

Mathematica, if it weren't for their subscription
prices. Otherwise, it's Maple. Pay it once and you
keep it, basically.

>> No.15657983

Why is a line with angle 'a' y = x*tan(a)?

>> No.15657995
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Nevermind I just figured it out. That was easy

>> No.15658110

it is never too late

>> No.15658850

>Learning some math for fun
I wanted to solve f(x) = x^2 without doing its exponent.
Let x be 6 and since the derivate of f(x) is 2x,
I can say 36 is roughly equal to the sum 2x' six times, where x' increases by 1 for each iteration.
Since dx is 1, for each iteration i'm exactly 1 short, and this matches x, what i'm trying to find.
36 = 2 (1+2+3+4+5) + x
36 - 30 = x

I found out later on that 2 (1+2+3+4+5) is a triangular sum.
But doing this triangular sum REQUIRES knowing x, because otherwise I wouldn't know when to stop adding numbers.

Does this have a solution of any kind?

>> No.15658882

Multiply a/b by d/d (1)
Multiply c/d by b/b (1)
Add normally

>> No.15658917
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> I wanted to solve f(x) = x^2 without doing its exponent.
What does that even mean??

I can't follow your derivative argument at all, but you did (accidentally?) come up with the following:
> (1+2+3+4+5) is a triangular sum
And the formula for that sum is [math]T_n = \dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}[/math]. In your argument [math]n = x - 1[/math], so
[eqn]2 T_{x-1} + x = 2 \dfrac{(x-1)(x - 1 +1)}{2} + x = x(x-1) + x = x^2[/eqn]

I have no idea how you are expecting to calculating a series sum without knowing how long it is (x).

>> No.15658994
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>I wanted to solve f(x) = x^2 without doing its exponent.
>What does that even mean??
x^2 = 36
Wanted to find out that x was 6 without doing sqrt(36).

>you did (accidentally?) come up with the following

It was an accident because I had no idea what triangular numbers were, but it seems to resemble their formulas and then I found out about them.

>derivative argument
Don't do exponents.
Say x^2 is roughly equal to 2x.
In order to get to 36 you'd have to sum 2x over and over:
2(1) + 2(2) + 2(3) and so on.
2x is however only an approximation of the function (x+dx)^2
When dx is 1, its actual derivative is
2x * 1 + 1^2, or 2x + 1
So the difference between the approximation and actual function is just 1.
In reality you are doing
2(1) +1 + 2(2) + 1 + 2(3) + 1 and so on
But this is more convinient:
2 (triangular sum) + x

>I have no idea how you are expecting to calculating a series sum without knowing how long it is (x)
I don't know the first thing about series yet, can't even follow your math confidently but it's about time I guess.

>> No.15659035

Yeah it is, we probably have no chance of classifying all infinite simple groups.

>> No.15659043

>I doubt there's a well-ordering
Every set can be well-ordered.

>> No.15659046


>> No.15659176


>> No.15659725

I still can't tell if latex is good or awful

>> No.15659832

It can't be both?

>> No.15660081

Lmao you guys are hilarious

>> No.15660103

maybe I just need to find a good tutorial course, instead of adding a new package from stackexchange every 20 min. proficiency in it cant be a bad thing. would you confide in me, how bad are the worst parts?

>> No.15660142

Not the guy you're replying to but in my experience the beginning is the worst. I was also googling like crazy in the beginning but things begin to settle in your mind quite quickly and before you know it you can write without many interruptions.

>> No.15660150

use overleaf

>> No.15660342

the usual pattern. I'll look for a more thorough tutorial tomorrow. fucking tikz
if I'm gonna invest time in some computer stuff I feel the desire for a local instance

>> No.15660465
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I cannot. I cannot understand this proof. He's just telling me to draw the rest of the owl.
please help.

I just want to finish my bachelor, and then never touch mathematics again.

>> No.15661143

guys what do you think about this fucker?


what can you tell me about this stuff?
i'm really into it

>> No.15661158
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>realised that I was so good at math and calculus only because I could just recognize what formula/transfer to use where

>> No.15661338
File: 60 KB, 960x949, 1487014619530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see equation
>instantly know the answer because i solved one earlier that was just like it
>peers think i am super fast with numbers

>> No.15661630 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think I have a chance at grad school admission if I meet GPA, GRE requirements but have an absolutely atrocious transcript history (moved around a lot, different schools, lots of withdrawals)?

>> No.15661636
File: 258 KB, 1200x1200, creamy-pesto-pasta-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think I have a chance at grad school admission if I meet GPA, GRE requirements but have an absolutely atrocious transcript history (moved around a lot, different schools, lots of withdrawals)?

>> No.15661821

Goddamn...I could go for a dish of that right now...

>> No.15661909

I dont endorse this...I met a guy who claimed he was an asexual jew with mental illnesses and he got what he wanted. But, you can never go back if you do this.

>> No.15662108

most based way to prepare for the putnam?

>> No.15662239

The sum of the proper divisors of integer A is equal to B, and the sum of the proper divisors of B is equal to A.

Does there exist an infinite number of different pairs A and B?

>> No.15662424

It is an interesting open question. Such pairs are called amicable numbers, or more generally aliquot sequences of period two.

>> No.15662670

Yes. I didn't know about them until I found this video by James Grime

>> No.15662673
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As of this month we've found a billion amicable pairs. Pretty neat.

cool related discussion:

>> No.15662675

That nerd couldn't have me. Neither could you. End of story

>> No.15662731

new >>15662730

>> No.15663539

I was thinking of writing my MSc thesis in TDA but no one from my stats department is familiar with it. Someone told me that TDA exists only as a way for algebraic topologists to get funding since AlgTop is not very lucrative/applicable. There was only one company (Ayasdi) that used TDA, but they recently completely changed what they do. Fishy.

The absolute best field of stats imo is Bayesian Nonparametrics. You need a pretty good understanding of Real/Functional Analysis, Measure Theory, Probability (and some Stoch processes), since you'll be dealing with random probability measures on spaces. Insanely flexible, immune to overfitting, etc etc. The computational aspect is a bit of a pain in the ass, unless you're into that.