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File: 59 KB, 550x429, sleep-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1560709 No.1560709 [Reply] [Original]

I need 10 hours sleep a night. I know this is within normal range but modern life doesn't seem to give me enough time. Can I train myself to function on 6 hours a night?

>> No.1560712

Yeah. Set your fucking alarm clock

>> No.1560713

I would start by implants in the brain.

>> No.1560719


I'll bet that's your answer to *everything*, isn't it?

>> No.1560722

Yes, but you will die sooner if you only sleep 6 hours a night.

>> No.1560727

Then eschew modern life. There's a lot of ways to make money that don't involve a 9 to 5 workday.

>> No.1560769

I have the same problem, OP. But now I freelance and everything works out fine. I plan to work in a studio for a couple of months maybe even years, though. I already fear the waking up early shit.

>> No.1560801
File: 1.21 MB, 2400x1600, Pahoeoe_fountain_edit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish days were 36 hours long. Nothing feels more perfect to me than being awake 24 hours and sleeping 12.

>> No.1560809
File: 77 KB, 844x1054, 1267124221779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mess with your sleep cycle, OP.

It takes months or years to settle into a new rhythm and even then people tend to slip back.

You'll be a lot happier staying like you are.

>> No.1560814

I can adjust my sleep cycle in two days.

I have to, I'm a truck driver.

>> No.1560815
File: 36 KB, 399x310, ihasasad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this as well... but then I realized, if the day was longer, we'd work longer and sleep longer, but the sleep we would receive would not be what we want due to insufficient sleep now. It would simply be what is required of a human for a 36 hour day.

Now I has a sad...

>> No.1560820

You can train yourself to function on 6 hours. Make sure to use all ten hours when you get the time or mental breakdown shortening your life can occur.

>> No.1560852
File: 1.73 MB, 1006x4018, hack brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find some actual evidence for that. I keep hearing about it but I'm reasonably sure a lot of it is the media diligently categorising everything into the two camps "will kill you" and "will make you live longer".

Unfortunately the cochrane database is down for maintenance and medline has no free articles. I'll post when I get something.

Also, can anyone give me some feedback on whether the picture is spouting bullshit or not?

>> No.1560877

I love how if you "screw up" the "discipline" you go back to "normal".

Seriously, that's NOT how sleep should be!!

>> No.1560891

Ye, exactly why I was sceptical.

>> No.1561081

I live on 4 hours sleep every day, but then at the end of the week I might sleep 12 hours to catch-up.

Many psychotic episodes, muscle failures, uncontrollable or impulsive twitching, and after aerobic bicycle activity it might feel like I have pulmonary or blood-pressure issues.

It's a known fact that the first 2 hours of sleep are important, then the next 4 hours is where the body's organs and systems heal theirselves. If you get less than 5 hours of sleep, then your body will digest it's own muscle mass for nutrient. Be careful.

I just got 10 hours of sleep yesterday and I feel like a million bucks, If you sleep 4 hours here and are awake working 8 hours, then sleep another 4 hours then I hear this will work-out fine. Napping a 2 hours here or there where you catch-up to the necessary rest.

Sounding like an old man, and I'm only 30 years young/old. Report to /fit/.

>> No.1561118

Lucky. I'm lucky if I could get even a normal amount.

Slender Man sees to that

>> No.1561166

Ok OP in order to provide real advice you'll have to provide some real info. Give us a general day for you. Start with when you wake up and then report everything you normally do during the day until you hit the sack.

Also go see /fit/, exercise can help with sleeping too much.

>> No.1562214


Wake up at 10am
Sit about
Go to sleep at midnight

>> No.1562217

i thought normal sleep was between 6 and 8 hours, and anything less or more decreased your life expectancy.

>> No.1562220

Albert Einstein slept 10 hours a night.
Thomas Edison slept 4 or 5.

>> No.1562222

Sleep schmeep

>> No.1562261

Heh, I'm generally up for 18 and then sleep for 8.

Fuck 24 hours, but now college is gonna restart and I'll forced back onto it >.<

>> No.1562270

Makes sense. Einstein was a dreamer, Edison was an engineer.

>> No.1562309

10 hours of sleep is high. 6 - 8 is supposed to be the norm with 7 being ideal. The further you get away from 7 hours of sleep (in either direction) is detrimental to your health, or so they say.

>> No.1562332


I read somewhere that edison could fall asleep standing upright and would sleep basically whenever he could, taking like a million short naps a day

>> No.1562338

Switch to 28 hours days OP.
Sleep 10 and stay up 18.
Just modify it a bit

>> No.1562346

18+8 =/= 24

>> No.1562366

It's not necessarily that sleeping more is itself detrimental... it may just be that those with worse health need more sleep. Correlation, causation, etc.

>> No.1562392


He's saying that he stays awake for 18 hours and then sleeps for 8 hours, so his 'days' last 26 hours. Thats why he says he hates college begins and he's forced in a 24 hour day.

>> No.1562413


I also do fine on 18/7, but 17/7 and 18/8 give me problems (I just don't feel sleepy and end up battling a constantly retreating bedtime with light sleep deprivation)

>> No.1562421

Scratch that, 17/7 and 18/6 give me problems.

>> No.1562430

OP: check out uberman sleep schedule

>> No.1562464

i live on 4-5 hours of sleep

>> No.1562479

You can train yourself to get 2 hours a day, the first two weeks are hell but its worth it, look up uberman sleep cycle

>> No.1563157

The slogan "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" is a fact.

Men have sleeping hours that correspond to Mars having a 25/26 -hour days, while women have sleeping hours that correspond to Venus having 22/23 -hour days.

Spooky, isn't it?

>> No.1563282


If you go to school, then SLEEP your 10 hours, I've been sleeping 6 hours for several years and my grades were bullshit...Until last year were I got 100s everywere because I actually started to sleep 10 hours myself every nights. Feels good man.

Don't go to school? Then feel free to sleep and wake up before that.

>> No.1563338

My experiences with short sleep :

First year high school, decent grades all As except 3 subjects which I got Bs, didn't even study hard.
Second year high school : The bad habit of sleeping very late began to develop, together with my thought that I was intelligent enough to endure it, it became devastating. Muscle twitching occured daily, microsleeping in class, skipped classes. Ended with 5 Bs and A on the rest. Considered really bad.
That was a year ago.

I still have the habit to sleep late, like now. But at least it's summer break. I've tried to sleep for a longer time like 8-9 hours and it seems to make me more alert and focused. Also physically more enabled to do things.