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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15605475 No.15605475 [Reply] [Original]

What are you studying right now? Would you like to have study partners to discuss theory and help each other with problems?

I sure fucking would. Currently revising linear algebra/calculus and classical mechanics/nuclear physics and quantum mechanics

Trying to do MIT assignments.

>> No.15605763


>> No.15605853

Bump, and I'd like some reccs on books, if you could help.
I wanted to start from the ground up with
1. mathematics, so I can fully understand Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, or asymptotic analysis
2. physics, to work up to supersymmetry, string theory (with Edward Witten and whatnot), as well as superconductitvity
Thank you in advance

>> No.15605859

I'd like to add that I don't have much experience with physics and mathematics

>> No.15606279

Zorich Analysis if you are autistic and enjoy width and depth.

Physics - start with things like Berkley course and then once you know physics basically go to Landau Lifshitz

>> No.15606436

Thanks you! This is very useful, I was at a loss. I fell into a rabbit whole, first, when I wanted to understand how B-theory of time is defended in theoretical physics, without the linguistic approach, and I realised I wanted to study physics and maths autodidactly

>> No.15607358


I was actually going to make a thread asking if there were any decent lecture series on maths but specifically set-theory/algebra that begin with fundamentals but develop onto a more intermediate level of understanding.

>> No.15609550

There must be on MIT

>> No.15609832

Is their any advanced version of 1 dimensional motion ? Other than the stuff we are taught at school (basic kinematics)

>> No.15610064
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math self study guide

>> No.15610556

wtf do you mean?

>> No.15610601

I had a friend get an A+ in his Organic Chemistry Class where the average was a C (It's a tough college with a toigh professor) and I asked him how he did it. He said he just self studied and learned all of Orgo the summer before he took the class. So when he actually took the class, it was just revision, so he ended up doing really good.
Question, was the man lying (from your self-study experience) and do you think it's worth it for me to do the same? Do I even have time now (I have a month left before the semester starts and I'm taking Orgo next semester). I am really good at learning stuff very quickly by self-study, for example when I took regular chemistry or Bio or the other 101 classes two years ago, I barely attended lecture and just learned the stuff from the book and lecture slides the day before the exams, and still ended up doing very good on the exams(Like B+ A- good, not A+ good. But an A- was still good for me based on the minute amount of work I put in). But Orgo is more difficult than any of those classes at my college and many end up failing as well. I don't wanna ruin my gpa since I'm pre-med so wanna cover my ground. Will I be able to do it, is it worth it, and are there any resources you can recommend for orgo self study? I'm thinking just Khan Academy, is that good?
Also, I'm taking Physics next semester as well (don't shame for not having taken these classes yet, people in my major at my college take them later because they're harder, so get through the other rough stuff first), so open to any helpful resources for that as well.

>> No.15610723

>and then once you know physics basically go to Landau Lifshitz
This is terrible advice. For one thing please let me know when Landau and Lifshitz release their long awaited volume on supersymmetry and string theory.

>> No.15610930

>For one thing please let me know when Landau and Lifshitz release their long awaited volume on supersymmetry and string theory.
No need, since those are wrong.

>> No.15610939

I'll let you in on a secret: the best students tend to work MUCH MUCH HARDER while often downplaying the effort.

What do you fucking think?

>> No.15610945

There's no magic in studying via uni vs yourself. There's just a bunch of elements in uni that tend to help study (accountability, deadlines, help from professors and peers) but aside from that it's still up to you to do

>> No.15611187

Whenever I do it I end up getting A's but I usually burn out 1/3 of the way there. That is usually good enoigh for me when class comes around.

>> No.15611262
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Gave up on picrel after the chapter on sphere bundles made me want to kms, don't know where to go from here.

>> No.15611665

How do I motivate myself? I want to want to study science. I just feel like it is pointless given how society is crumbling.

>> No.15611842

>I just feel like it is pointless given how society is crumbling.
By this argument you may as well do nothing. Instead, focus on something you are interested in and try to improve it. It's better than doing nothing.

>> No.15611865

Collegiate level mathematics to build the groundwork for a university degree in computer science
>inb4 mockery
I need to make a good stable living for my family and my brother's horror stories of academia with his work in Chemistry have scared me off an academic career.

>> No.15611887

I can only study when I'm spiteful and want to prove someone wrong or get a higher grade than somebody else etc. But can't study when I need to for class and stuff otherwise. Basically, no competition means no motivation to study. How do I fix this?

>> No.15611906

I will compete with you anon. What classes are you taking fall semester?

>> No.15611916

uses ZFC to construct mathematics from scratch

>> No.15611976

Any good book recommendations for statistics beyond elementary stats and probability?

>> No.15612074
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If you actually wanna study nuclear physics, best intro textbook is Professor Krane's book (Introductory Nuclear Physics). Would also recommend Professor Knoll's book on nuclear measurements (Radiation Detection and Measurement), it's a great intro for nuclear physics lab work

>> No.15612096

I'm taking mostly niche Neuroscience & history of science classes (I'm double majoring in those two). Only generic class would be Classical Mechanics. But I'm done with 101s so I doubt you and I are taking any of the same classes, unless you're also taking Classical Mechanics.

>> No.15612534

Guess I'm in luck cause that is what I'm studying. Is there an analogue for atomic physics where they deduce all the spectral lines and atomic phenomena from QM?

>> No.15612535

> I'm taking mostly niche Neuroscience & history of science classes (I'm double majoring in those two). Only generic class would be Classical Mechanics.
Lmao Aced them no problem without trying. Doubt you'll actually do well on those ;)

>> No.15612568

I need to study for quals, but I'm procrastinating.

>> No.15614291

No sorry anon
>history of science
Sounds lame and useless

>> No.15614306

Professor Krane also has a general modern physics textbook, but I haven't read it so idk how good it is. Max Born also has an atomic physics textbook that's supposed to be really good, and I would bet is a million times better then all the SOVLless modern textbooks

>> No.15616073

I got it in the bag. No problemo A's. Only one that might be troubling is Classical mechanics, but I got that as well this time. I appreciate it anon, I'll post the grades in December once I'm done getting a 4.0 this semester. (If there is a self-study thread then)
It's useless for careers, yeah. But gotta keep yourself sane with some non-STEM courses otherwise I'd go insane studying just Neuroscience and Physics all day. I was taking them initially mostly for fun and socializing, they're enjoyable, interesting & easy courses (Just like most humanities) and has many non-nerds to talk to (my college is FULL of try-hard geeks, especially the STEM courses), but then realized I could actually major in it because I had already taken so many of them just for fun.

>> No.15616326

better not to waste your time with string theory:

>> No.15616374

>But can't study when I need to for class and stuff otherwise.
Same here anon. I'm taking the medical physics ABR exam tomorrow and I haven't studied one iota despite asking my advisor for time off from research to prep for it. I just can't bring myself to open a book or look at any of my notes despite being seriously anxious about failing the exam. The worst part is I've actually made it through my entire academic career like this, just coasting on my natural ability to recall info. I know it's going to come back and bite me in the ass eventually but I can't stop myself every time.

>> No.15616512

>Max Born also has an atomic physics textbook that's supposed to be really good
those are always outdated tho

>> No.15617525

Is there a chart for physics?

>> No.15617826

I want to study math and formal logic with the goal of preparing myself to go back to school in order to study it formally. I have to start from the bottom because there are too many gaps in my knowledge.