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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 164 KB, 528x767, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15603384 No.15603384 [Reply] [Original]

Can /pol/ please go back to their containment zone now?

>> No.15603385

2 more weeks sweaty, just trust the Q

>> No.15603392
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>> No.15603395

>source: CDC.gov
CDC is a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization

>> No.15603417
File: 77 KB, 929x767, bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country is this, doesn't seem to match with any first world country? Oh wait this is an anti-vaxxer post so you have no clue what is being said.

>> No.15603423

Alright, which scientific organisation agrees with you?

>> No.15603427

does it have to be an organization?

>> No.15603435

YouTube nurses and /pol/ scizos are not reliable sources of medical information

>> No.15603439

Your mom is fine too.

>> No.15603448

t. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10292034/

>> No.15603449
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wait this is an anti-vaxxer post so you have no clue what is being said.
persecution complex and paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.15603453

You mean that country who’s cooking the books and can’t be trusted, oh wait you kind of trust them so you don’t look completely insane, but the data is still unreliable and doesn’t actually correlate anything anyway?
Are you actually trying to pretend antivax has been a conspiracy for decades?

>> No.15603458
File: 74 KB, 700x475, 165445423642243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third grade mom jokes
you lost.
its undeniable retard


>> No.15603462

>You mean
I did a reverse image search to find the paper to answer your question. No idea what the rest of your post means.

>> No.15603464

Oh look more vauge scary out of context graphs

>> No.15603468

Yes you do, don’t play stupid nigger

>> No.15603470

how is it out of context?

>> No.15603474

Because it has nothing to do with the vaccine, and you have no ability aside from monkey brain pattern recognition to see they occurred near each other, to actually correlate the two and prove they are connected in any substantial way

>> No.15603476

who talked about the vaccine?

>> No.15603480

See you in a few hours nigga

>> No.15603481

insurance analysts sees 7% reduction in life expectancy for every vax dose

>> No.15603487

That doesn’t say that at all, did you even read this?

>> No.15603493

>if you claim something is unreliable in some way that means you think similar things contain absolutely no information because that is one meaning of the word "unreliable".
>all things described with the same word are the same
You have the mind of a humanities major.

>> No.15603512

And you believe unsubstantiated claims made by emotional Facebook moms and unstable people on /pol/ who have nothing after 3years of “investigations” aside from scary unrelated links to diseases, deaths that I’ve still yet to eve the actual causes of, which I’ve been told CANT be seen because the information is unreliable by nature, and this is good somehow, and no actual logical reason why they would make a vaccine to kill people when there is literally 10 thousand easier ways....including a diesel that would have done fine

>> No.15603523

The Covid-19 Vaccine saved millions of lives stop immediately misleading people on the internet and make them believe your misinformation.

>> No.15603530
File: 266 KB, 1024x512, DR192Cover1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15603536

It’s like I’m reading a /pol/ thread

>> No.15603555

I haven't been posting in these threads. I just want pseuds who think in word games to stop defending the honor of Science.

>> No.15603568

>word games
The fuck are you even talking about?
No ones defending anyone’s honor I’m calling you retarded for trying to push conspiracies that have no basis in reality, I’m sorry that offends you

>> No.15603578
File: 179 KB, 1059x748, 165443462642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamo russia is not vaccinated and in the best condition

>> No.15603580

Anon they literally are, they named it Sputnik and it’s based off western vaccines

>> No.15603594

last time i checked the distribution status was 40-50%

>> No.15603600
File: 40 KB, 1170x1145, 50136FE6-8D21-4436-BF4E-0C0EB4679341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15603662

is that a hunter biden reference?

>> No.15603674

>russia is in the best condition

>> No.15603693

>”What third world country is that data from??”
>Oh you mean the first world country that is cooking the books based on my schizo opinion for ??? reason??
Lmao kill yourself low IQ faggot
>data is unreliable
In what ways?
>Doesn’t correlate to anything anyway
Except excess mortalities, the very thing being discussed
I hate monkeys like you
Even as a troll you can smell the faggot behind the keyboard

>> No.15603736
File: 182 KB, 1003x708, 16543462466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i took 4 shitholes countries with low vaccination rate from eastern europe and south africa to compare them with highly vaccinated new zealand.
look at this huge offset retarded shill, this is kinda scary

>> No.15604223

>Are you actually trying to pretend antivax has been a conspiracy for decades?
A lot of people who believed in vaccines turned against this one.

>> No.15604228

The vaccine is totally sa-ACK!

>> No.15604234

The fact you started a thread to whine for no reason is an indication you have been mentally broken

>> No.15604235

You're a retard.

>> No.15604378

In your head maybe

>> No.15604380


>> No.15604503


>> No.15604562

You’re more alone than you think vax boy

>> No.15604599

In what way did you take my comment as a defense of the vaccine?

>> No.15604612

Pee pee poo poo nigga

>> No.15604646

You can joke all you want, but you're genuinely stupid.

>> No.15604661

Yep. Broken.

>> No.15604664

Remember, you’re reduced to personal insults, you have no actual data or facts to give, your beliefs are fantasy

>> No.15604677

Remember, when you lack the reading comprehension to understand a one line post, you're stupid.

>> No.15604682

Thank you for proving my point honey, you can’t actually defend any of it, just move on to a new topic and hope people get bored

>> No.15604707

>you can’t actually defend any of it
I'm not vaccinated and I've been accused of being a vaccine shill, by someone who was too stupid to realize I was speaking out against vaccines.

>> No.15604724
File: 123 KB, 748x620, BCF1B537-0E2E-414F-A6E1-77DDA1C90685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it hard to believe I’m simply mocking you? That your entire case is so shit that it’s impossible to take you seriously at all and incredibly predictable to boot?

Watch, your next line will be something like you mocking me for “only pretending to be retarded”

And you still haven’t been able to defend any of this, just mine for (you)s on /sci of all pkaces

>> No.15604735

>Is it hard to believe I’m simply mocking you?
Yup. You made a wrong assumption and you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

>> No.15604741

Lol too bad I am, go suck some tree roots for their medical purposes or something nigga

>> No.15604746

Okay retard, go walk into a wall.

>> No.15604748
File: 29 KB, 640x361, A55EC04A-BD8F-499C-B636-6F549E71E86E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I’ll continue to mock you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.15604760

You'll also continue to be pitifully stupid and there's nothing you can do about it. I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't read, but it's good that you're not letting it get to you.

>> No.15604762

All you did was shove words in my mouth and pat yourself on the back for it.

>> No.15604764

Lol so much for the deadly vaccine

>> No.15604779
File: 604 KB, 381x304, 1676032414623740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there you go again.

>> No.15604781

Remember, you’ve now completely given up even pretending this is about vaccines are are reduced to crying about 1 shit poster

>> No.15604786


>> No.15604800

You're going to give yourself a heart attack if you don't take it easy, clotboy.

>> No.15604801

>imagine unironically believing corporate oligarchy government statistics

>> No.15604810

Why are you participating then?

>> No.15604812

If you repeat it enough it’ll be true! When you wish on a star~
I like mocking scizos on 4chan, watching them slowly give up

>> No.15604816

>mocking scizos on 4chan
This has nothing to do with science, have you established an ld50 yet?

>> No.15604820

Of course they give up, you're too retarded to make a cogent point. What is it Twain said? “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

>> No.15604821

>This has nothing to do with science
Yeah that’s for certain kek
Pee pee poo poo nigga, yet you continue to feed me (you)s, what’s t

>> No.15604823

>yet you continue to feed me (you)s, what’s t
You don't even know how to post. Were you trying to quote me or something? Moron.

>> No.15604826

>If you repeat it enough it’ll be true!
deny it all you want, cattle brain slave. but this "democracy" is just an illusion.

>> No.15604827

I never even said anything about the vaccine in the first place.

>> No.15604828

Lmao he’s still trying to convince the person who is literally on record saying he’s here to mock him, who’s the retard now? OH NO SCARY LINKS

>> No.15604830

Then why are you here? Nigga this is /sci/ sliding the thread manually is gonna take us a while

>> No.15604833

If you knew how to read, you wouldn't have to act like mocking was your original intent.

>> No.15604834
File: 253 KB, 479x749, pfizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15604837

nah, i literally don't care about what some cattle thinks. i just wanted to post the link that scares you so much. byeee.

>> No.15604838

I refuse to read
I like how you have to dehumanize people so you can ignore any evidence or conflicting opinions

>> No.15604841

>I refuse to read
Ah, willfully ignorant, that's neat.

>> No.15604844

I know you are

>> No.15604845

You just admitted you started this thread to whine
You are broken

>> No.15604849
File: 614 KB, 1024x1024, 8EDF59CD-BD0F-4776-8287-D150BB8B1385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u are

>> No.15604851

Non sequiturs are fun too.

>> No.15604853


>> No.15604867
File: 90 KB, 828x621, F434A081-EC65-4429-9173-1F4E9858318A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you guys in a few hours! Hope you mention me on /pol/, remember I’m FBI agent #7627563!

>> No.15604880

Did anyone say anything in that pic or did you just try to force it onto me?

>> No.15604881

weve reached the new normal

>> No.15604882

Two more weeks

>> No.15604888

it’s a jpeg on the internet, that was good enough for you for the last 3 years and suddenly it isn’t? what’s changed?

>> No.15604911

I control your every thought, go on, try to prove I don’t ;)

>> No.15604914

Because it goes against their internal narrative AND THATS BAD OK?

>> No.15604924
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, 1685882526514159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting on /pol/ should automatically ban you from all other boards for 24 hours

>> No.15604936


>> No.15604938

I’m welcome

>> No.15605037

Our government has downplayed the number of covid deaths, there are investigations about it.

>> No.15605044
File: 91 KB, 531x712, pfizer testing sites equal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling for Pfizer
>in 2023

>> No.15605054

That just means that there aren't any real Germans left, they're all Turks.

>> No.15605055

Yea they pay me to make fun of you nerds, hell there is t even a problem they just like to know you suffer

>> No.15605058

>there are investigations about it
Where? By who?

>> No.15605068

whoever said that the exercise of righteous anger is the best high one can get was right
i see meathooks in your future, and it makes me indescribably happy

>> No.15605107

Lmao I love impotent rage nigger your on 4chan crying about vaccines, why would you think that’s threatening, or that I was actually telling the truth?

>> No.15605108

You are an embarrassment

>> No.15605111
File: 671 KB, 250x250, 71FAE97E-3520-4230-88AE-6B00C6831FE8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I’m not the one making ominous threats on a basket weaving fourm and expecting to be taken seriously by a man claiming to be from the government specifically hired to laugh at you

>> No.15605120
File: 71 KB, 510x412, A740EA02-4BA4-4B4C-B287-98C737332D0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, /pol/ bigger #746427885
Doesn’t take me seriously anymore, I am ruined!

Oh wait this board is anonymous

>> No.15605264

Whaz about 2021 ?
It appears really wierd to me, that 2021 spikes, which coincides with the administration of the vaccines.

And in 2022 the majority was already vaxxed and the vaccination rate went down.

Also Cardiac arrest != Mycarditis, pericarditis etc.

This graph only looks at one really specific ICD 10 code for the people at the age >35.

There are like 130 ICD-10 codes that relate to cardiac events.

For example ICD-10 Code for myocardial infaction is: I25.2

Heart failure is: I50

This post only looks at: I46

I30 Acute pericarditis
I31 Other diseases of pericardium
I32 Pericarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
I33 Acute and subacute endocarditis
I34 Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
I35 Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
I36 Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorders
I37 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve disorders
I38 Endocarditis, valve unspecified
I39 Endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I40 Acute myocarditis
I41 Myocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
I42 Cardiomyopathy
I43 Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
I44 Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block
I45 Other conduction disorders
I46 Cardiac arrest
I47 Paroxysmal tachycardia
I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter

I49 Other cardiac arrhythmias
I50 Heart failure
I51 Complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease
I52 Other heart disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I5A Non-ischemic myocardial injury

Odd pick here.
It should have taken all Heart rleated disease diagnoses and shown the difference, but it only looks at ONE type of ICD-10 Code

>> No.15605358

You mean they were dishonest and only showed data that supported their claim while ignoring everything else? Scandalous!

>> No.15605546

The ICD-10 Handbook is a obfuscation mechanisms, to let it appear that there are a buckload of completely different diseases.
Only a miniscule change in symptom Expression or circumstancial evidence is required to give a different diagnosis.
And also the ego of the Diagnosing doctors get pushed when they diagnose mos specific, it is a farce in general independent from the coof.
Same for DSM-5 in psychology.

>> No.15605594

>it’s all fake goy, nothing is trustworthy
>except me of course

>> No.15605598

Ill take dat reward. Me, of all people

>> No.15605600

So you admit to being untrustworthy?

>> No.15605601

touch my fart oh no dont

>> No.15605602

Peepeepoopoo nigga

>> No.15605660

>Cardiac arrest != Mycarditis, pericarditis etc.
Antivaxxers on /pol/ have been attributing every single sudden cardiac arrest on the news as "suspicious" for the vaxx, yet no sudden spike in 2022.

>> No.15605720

see >>15603736 >>15603578
take any vaccinated country and compare it to unvaccinated from the first half of 2022 to 2023(no covid) you can see that the excess deaths are higher in these countries.

>> No.15605731

Why though? Can you actually link the deaths to the vaccine?

>> No.15605735

Why was cardiac arrest down so low from 2015-2019. What were people/the world doing right then?

>> No.15605740

Not staying home and binge eating to stave off horrific depression

>> No.15605741

no, but it's an interesting correlation.
and it doesn't seem like there is any depth to this issue which is even more disturbing

>> No.15605747

No I don't just mean in the context of leading up to 2020. That 2015-2019 period seems to have a significant decline in cardiac episodes compared to the years before 2015 also.

>> No.15605750

So you’ve decided that vaccines kill people because of a coincidence? And you wonder why people here think it’s a joke?

>> No.15605755

i just show you the information
lol, very unlikely

>> No.15605759

From BardAI:

>In 2015, the FDA banned the use of trans fats in most foods. This ban was a major step forward in protecting public health, as it is estimated that trans fats contributed to an estimated 7,000 deaths from heart disease each year in the United States.

>> No.15605764

Nice deflection

>> No.15605765

You called it a coincidence yourself retard

>> No.15605769

you are the one deflecting you misinterpret me and determine that something is coincidence without even know shit

>> No.15605773

The fuck did you just babble?

>> No.15605780

coincidence is not correlation retard
coincidence refer to events that show relationship but they are not driven from the same cause

>> No.15605784

Yes, just like the deaths you point out and vaccine administration

>> No.15605793

nobody know if the vaccine is responsible for this,
but it can't be ruled out either.
what information do you hold that you are so certain of denying it?

>> No.15605818
File: 2.01 MB, 300x300, shubashuba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pfizer Males 12-15: (1st dose) 1/100K (2d dose) 15/100K (3rd dose) 6/100K
>Pfizer Males 16-17: (1st dose) 1/100K (2d dose) 14/100K (3rd dose) 19/100K
>Pfizer Males 18-29: (1st dose) 1/100K (2d dose) 8/100K (3rd dose) 4/100K
>Pfizer Males 30-39: (1st dose) .2/100K (2d dose) 1/100K (3rd dose) 2/100K
>Moderna Males 18-29: (1st dose) 2/100K (2d dose) 10/100K (3rd dose) 6/100K
>Moderna Males 30-39: (1st dose) .4/100K (2d dose) 4/100K (3rd dose) 7/100K
Incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children and Younger Adults in the United States
Goddard et al
myocarditis/pericarditis 0 to 7 days after mRNA vaccination

links to all papers: https://textup.fr/703201hO

>> No.15605848

not disputed by the cdc, what is your point even?


>> No.15605877

Where is the excess mortality then? Also other European eastern countries with low vaccinations rate show pretty much the same thing - going 2022 forward excess mortality drops significantly (at some periods it's actually negative) compared European western countries with high vaccination rates. It really begs the question if overall for the past 3 years or so, the higher peak mortality rate during certain Covid-19 waves on low vaccination countries isn't leveling up and going neutral now that excessive mortality is gone and still going strong on high vaccination countries. I think the only exception is Sweden.

>> No.15606239
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>> No.15606285

I think COVID-19 was particularly deadly to the obese and elderly. Countries that dealt with it head-on instead of vaccinating experienced excess deaths early, but then immunity was reached. Countries that vaccinated are experiencing deaths 1-2 years later for whatever reason (COVID-19 because the vaccines suck, vaccine deaths themselves, etc.). It's simply mortality displacement.

>> No.15606372
File: 13 KB, 684x220, suppresed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using now the tool.
I checked out the following query:

Ages 1-44
UCD - ICD-10 Codes:
I46 (Cardiac arrest)
I46.0 (Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation)
I46.1 (Sudden cardiac death, so described)
I46.9 (Cardiac arrest, unspecified)

Wanted to check specificly the start of the vaccine.
So I aquired the deaths

592 2018
559 2019
610 2020 (jan-nov)
And since the vaccine started in december 2020
I wanted it seperately:
and see what happens

>> No.15606440


I used some more queries to verify the shit this retard said in the OP:

Ages 1-44
UCD - ICD -codes:
I20-I25 (Ischaemic heart diseases) + sub categories
I26-I28 (Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation) + sub categories
I30-I51 (Other forms of heart disease)+ sub categories
I70-I78 (Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries)+ sub categories
I87 (Other disorders of veins)+ sub categories

13,664 2018
13,570 2019
13,907 2020 (jan-nov)
Start of vaccination for sensitive population
1,342 2020 dec

16,031 2021
15,110 2022

Ages 1-44
UCD - ICD-10 Codes:
I46 (Cardiac arrest)
I46.0 (Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation)
I46.1 (Sudden cardiac death, so described)
I46.9 (Cardiac arrest, unspecified)

592 2018
559 2019
675 2020
794 2021
682 2022

Ages 1-44
UCD - ICD-10 Codes:
I00-I99 + all sub categories

20,207 2018
20,266 2019
22,985 2020
24,150 2021
23,019 2022

Ages 1-44
UCD - ICD-10 Codes:
R96 (Other sudden death, cause unknown)
R96.0 (Instantaneous death)
R96.1 (Death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained)
R98 (Unattended death)
R99 (Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality)

3,809 2018
3,784 2019
4,062 2020
4,646 2021
5,110 2022

>> No.15606484

Interesting that "Other" spiked more above the norm than anything else and has not come down.

>> No.15606507

Huh.. why are they being intentionally dishonest? Your numbers clearly show an increase in the range of 10-30% for all the code examples you provided. It's crazy how anyone conducting such analysis would neglect all this alarming data for this age group (0-44).

>> No.15607240

>russians dropping like flies in donbas and crimea
>a-acksually there is no excess mortality, death has almost been eradicated by glorious glowie GOYDA
the absolute oblast ong

>> No.15607419

>it can’t be ruled out
>thread is immediately followed by spamming that IT TOTALLY DOES

>> No.15607474
File: 163 KB, 972x1684, chantix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not.
look at the graphic OP dropped.
Just nobody gives a flying fuck.
What you have to ask is:
"What happened in 2006?"

There was the big release of the anti smoking drug Chantix (by Pfizer)
And guess what its side effects are....

>> No.15607748

unfortunately for him laughter is temporary but retardation is permanent

>> No.15607794

Says the man that thinks the government wants to kill everyone . Why is that?

>> No.15608032

>Why is that?
Why would the government want to kill a lot of people?

>> No.15608059

I dunno but they are pretty damn good at it, judging from the last century

>> No.15608077

I love when you niggers play stupid to avoid answering a question

>> No.15608078


>> No.15608082

>play stupid
Better to play stupid than to actually be stupid.

>> No.15608083

The Jew cries out as he strikes you

>> No.15608087

Nope, try again.

>> No.15608088

>da joooos
let me guess, you think the earth is flat too

>> No.15608092

Not so funny when it’s used against you eh? Post nose

>> No.15608108

Actually this is hilarious

>> No.15608117

No it really isn’t, you think being mocked for thinking the world government wants to murder everyone for no real reason other than THRYER EVIL and they’d use a vaccine for some reason other than literally the million other ways.

>> No.15608135

Look at you. You can't even spell anymore.

>> No.15608168

I thought you were here just to troll everyone? Why so serious?

>> No.15608223

Lol, says he's here for the lulls, then throws a fit.

>> No.15608316

So who made the decision to send you guys in groups of three?

>> No.15608424

I don't feel very mocked. You've lost your main objective.

>> No.15608470

CANT mock someone with no shame

>> No.15608475

You did

>> No.15608486


>> No.15608546

I'm not the one claiming to only be here to troll others and throwing around "nigger" when people irritate me. I'm not the one claiming to be doing this for fun, and then getting uptight when things don't go my way. At least I thought you were just stupid troll, but now I think you're a bitch as well.

>> No.15608561

what did they mean by this?

>> No.15608649
File: 67 KB, 1080x1215, 1679634138737906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that it is supressed.
quit the antisemitism.

>> No.15608657

Lol nigga

>> No.15608669

Meh. We know you're stupid and a whiner now. Your trollishness has lost its luster.

>> No.15608698

Lol you believe in anti vax and wild government conspiracy, that’s automatically 10x as dumb as anything I’ve said so far

>> No.15608713

Bye bye then!

>> No.15608794

We know from your previous posts that you're not laughing.

>> No.15608822

Can you prove that? You seem to have a hard time proving thing ;)

>> No.15608853

This wasn't very funny >>15608117. Turns out you're being dead serious and a little whiny bitch.

>> No.15608855

Poor evidence as always, biased towards your own views, oh /pol/

>> No.15608858

Interesting take from the person who lacks reading comprehension and made wrong assumptions throughout the thread based on a biased viewpoint. Shocker.

>> No.15608859

I’m honestly just interested in how long you’ll keep responding and what your insults will be, I’m sure this is some kind of catharsis for you

>> No.15608868

>I’m honestly
Don't pretend to be honest with a blatant lie. Your true intentions were made clear earlier.

>> No.15608888

Keep going

>> No.15608898

>174 posts
>35 IPs
this is just OP bumping his vanity thread over and over and over again. what a way to spend a weekend, must be a really popular guy with a lot of friends and social activity

>> No.15608930

Nah I’ll admit I’ve had fun making this devolve into bickering shitposts

>> No.15608963

It isn't a third world. However you don't believe the third world can collect accurate data? Or is it you don't care about them as people? Maybe you're the one that should go back to /pol/.

>> No.15608967

I’m not even sure what they consider real data honestly

>> No.15609031

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/436378118