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File: 173 KB, 1170x1582, fk1iRZ8IinBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15602779 No.15602779 [Reply] [Original]

Science proves real milk is healthier than fake vegan "milk", yet again proving that vegans are dumb and low IQ. Their malnourishment has been proven to cause brain atrophy.
Its a gross misrepresentation for vegan to even be allowed to use the word milk in their products, why do they even want to? Same goes for the work meat. Why are vegans so dishonest?

>> No.15602812

They are not designed as a nutrient rich drink. Drink some Huel, if you manage to not throw up you will have gotten more nutrients than milk ... does that suddenly make milk useless?

>> No.15602832
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Milk is just sugar with some protein. So it's somewhat better than sugar, but it's not some miracle food. So I would prefer even vegan milk because it tastes like shit, so at least you would end up consuming less of it. Milk is important for the youth for growth, see picrel, but as an adult, drinking milk is just making you fat unless you're adding protein supplementation to it. The youth moves around a lot, similar to the steppe herders who developed milk tolerance for the first time, so they don't get fat on it and can benefit from all the nutrition in it. Unless you're moving around as much, or going to the gym regularly, (Which most adults are not doing in the west at least) milk is detrimental to your overall health. Consuming so much sugar and getting fat outweighs the nutritional benefits of milk as an adult.
I do consume milk a lot because I gym regularly, but for the rest of /sci/ who doesn't, just drink a cup of vegan milk.

>> No.15602847
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fake news, dairy products prevent diabetes

>> No.15602860
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When your diet causes you to be bone thin, no way you'll be healthy.

All the supposed vegan athletes aren't actually vegans.

>> No.15602932

But also, vegan link doesn't cause inflamation of the stomach when you drink them.

>> No.15602950

>Science proves real milk is healthier
Nowhere does it say healthier. Just that there's less nutrients, which is obvious to anyone who ever read what's written on the carton. Does it really need scientists to read milk cartons?

Also, I bet that oat milk contains less puss than cow milk.

>> No.15603047

>Milk is just sugar with some protein
The emulsification is not of carbs bro. Consuming the same calories with a worse profile, in vegan milk, is not an alternative unless it's significantly cheaper.

>> No.15603066

The only nutritional purpose of drinking milk in modern diet is getting calcium

>> No.15603072
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New milk substitute just dropped, my fellow milk enjoyers.

>> No.15603110
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>> No.15603119

Why even bother with fake meat then? Just gobble some protein powder sludge and call it a meal.

>> No.15603156

Yeah, duh. Nobody drinks plant based milk because they think it's nutritionally the same, they drink it because plant milk is just better.

>> No.15603298

Why are vegans so determined to eat "milk" and "meat"? Why do they have to name their ersatz products after the real thing if they're so determined not to eat the real thing?
Why do vegans feel so driven to culturally appropriate omnivorous culture? You don't even see meat eaters calling their products "carnivore onions" or "beef veggie burgers" or anything like it.

>> No.15603320

Why do they need to call it "milk" if it does taste "better"?

>> No.15603334

>Why are vegans so determined to eat "milk"
Mostly for coffee and for recipe substitution, habits die hard.
Milk has been used for almost every white liquid ever.
>You don't even see meat eaters calling their products "carnivore onions" or "beef veggie burgers" or anything like it.
They also call a ton of different meat products burgers and steaks.

>> No.15603352

>Milk has been used for almost every white liquid ever.

No, it's just deceptive product labeling. Official definition of milk only refers to the liquid produced by female mammals.

>> No.15603360

I drink almond milk because it tastes good, not because it's healthy.

>> No.15603388

vegetable "milk" is just oat/grain/legume smoothie

>> No.15603419

>it's just deceptive product labeling.
It's deceptive in that it's marketing and is implying certain properties which it might not have. It's not deceptive in that anyone think it's cow's milk.
All marketing is deceptive, not least of which cow's milk marketing.

>> No.15603445

almond milk is a traditional beverage that dates back thousands of years, it used to be an extravagance that people who could afford it would drink on Christian fast days. Before that, ancient Romans liked it because they made by boiling ground almonds and the boiling sanitized the water in the drink. They typically sweetened it with honey or by adding dates to the boil and spiced it as well. I forget the traditional name of the stuff, but its considered a secret ingredient by fancy bartenders.

>> No.15603687

M8 a lot of people don't drink milk at all, and also none of the arguments I've heard people make for veganism had anything to do with brain size or w/e.
Your etymological pedantry is unrelated. There is no governing organ that decides how people are "allowed" to use words and there is no actual confusion surrounding substitutes for animal products. So perhaps you are being dishonest here.

>> No.15603692

So if you want to be an athlete, you should just chug oil
Why even bother with real meat then?

>> No.15603919

Because calling it "rice juice" or "oat juice" is weird and all milk is is just some proteins, fats and carbs suspended in water.

>> No.15604055
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vegans drink milk substitutes because they crave milk
vegans eat meat substitutes because they crave meat
vegans eat egg substitutes because they crave eggs
vegans make all of their meals resemble animal foods with red sauces and red garnishes because that's what their bodies are craving

>> No.15604083

Every other society has different names for different drinks. Be they white and liquidy. Only the US and co. call everything that is white and liquid "milk". Why exactly is that?

>> No.15604140

>Why even bother with real meat then?

Because it's tasty and required for a healthy diet.

>> No.15604191

I don't know what Huel is, but unless it was created to substitute for milk, then that's a poor comparison.

>milk is just sugar with some protein
>milk is designed to make you grow like crazy
Those two don't go together.

>> No.15604737

That pic is misleading. You will go through bigger food faster. That's how that ozempic etc. drugs work. They fake the "don't send more, we are full" signal that the guts send when there are still nutrients to process.

>> No.15606400
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>> No.15607699

yep, vegans base their entire lives around trying to imitate people with healthy diets while still maintaining their holier than thou savior of the animals status
vegetarianism and veganism is an eating disorder, a form of mental illness

>> No.15607737

>Those two don't go together.
yes they do.

>> No.15608051

Give a child nothing but sugar and a little protein and they'll end up malnourished, meanwhile, breastfeeding is still considered the best option if possible. There's a lot in milk, especially if it comes from grass fed animals.

>> No.15608213
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>> No.15608745

>vegans get their milk from nuts

>> No.15608848

>Deez nuts

>> No.15609070

What are the goals of vegans?

>> No.15609079

To exert power over normal omnivores.

>> No.15609107
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>> No.15609155

>Why do they have to name their ersatz products after the real thing if they're so determined not to eat the real thing?
First of all, speak English, faggot.
Second of all, if that's a legitimate question, you're legitimately retarded and don't understand why people avoid animal products.

>> No.15610175

>you're legitimately retarded and don't understand why people avoid animal products.
There's not one answer to that question.

>> No.15610180

Tastes better for coffee unironically, I'm not lactose intolerant at all and still keep some in me fridge.

>> No.15610199


take all 122 doses of vaccines and you won't need nutrition

>> No.15610217
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But everyone already knew this, why is this even a topic?

>> No.15610921 [DELETED] 

ersatz is part of the english lexicon, you have poor literacy, your limited vocabulary is the result of your low iq, vocabulary and iq are tightly linked phenomenon

>> No.15612299

people avoid animal products because they are mentally ill, its an eating disorder same as anorexia

>> No.15612468

Some don't want animals to be abused for their nourishment. Some believe it's the healthiest diet. Some want to feel superior.

>> No.15615082

>I am the savior of the precious animals
You don't mind abusing your father by putting him to work and making him pay all your bills, but you care about cows. Explain that inconsistency

>> No.15615139

The fact that people need some "study" to prove this means they are deeply lost.

>> No.15615168

First, I'm not a vegan or vegetarian so don't make this personal. Second, fathers had some choice in the matter by having sex. They also had some choice in their career. What choice do animals have before they're led to slaughter?

>> No.15615195

>Some don't want animals to be abused for their nourishment.
I don't want that, either, so I buy all my meat from a local farm where I personally know they treat the animals well.
>Some believe it's the healthiest diet.
They're deluded and lied to.
>Some want to feel superior.
They're misguided.

>> No.15617322

Animals had some choice in the matter by allowing themselves to become domesticated. They could've been cool dudes like the zebras and wolves, but instead they chose to be compliant in exchange for a free lunch

>> No.15617492

moommy milkies wins again!

>> No.15617577

There should be a milk alternative for non-vegans that is just liquified meat.

>> No.15617726

It's interesting that the same scientists have also proven that dairy milk is more feminizing than plant based milks

>> No.15618387


>> No.15619323

Nice try.

>> No.15619331

True, I'm the only person I know who drinks milk. It's something only children are "supposed to do", but for whatever reason every other dairy product is perfectly acceptable if you're an adult.

>> No.15619361

lactose is bad for you. some dairy products don't have lactose. milk isn't one of them.

>> No.15619386
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Pastoral chads... Titty sucking is so back.
Americucks need not apply. Even in this shithole called turkey they sell 3 liter raw milkies in every local grocery. Imma chug it and also make yogurt (the Jew hates the indoor bacteria farmer redpill just like indoor chickens (DO NOT RESEARCH)).

>> No.15620396

Because... calling it "rice juice" or "oat juice" is for weirdos? Can you seriously call milk "cow juice" with a straight face? If you really care so much start calling cow's milk "dairy".

>> No.15620435

>vegans drink milk substitutes because they crave milk
It's called milk because of lactose intolerant people

>vegans eat meat substitutes because they crave meat
Actually shit like beyond meat is for people who eat meat regularly. The point is to mimic meat so meat eaters can occasionally "feel good" about using fewer resources while also having something which resembles meat. One of the biggest complaints by vegans is that beyond meat wasn't really for them.

>vegans eat egg substitutes because they crave eggs
OR because you need eggs to cook some stuff, like cookie, cakes, etc. as a an emulsifier. Pretty sure vegans/vegetarians don't actually eat vegan scrambled eggs and shit, that's not the point.

>vegans make all of their meals resemble animal foods with red sauces and red garnishes because that's what their bodies are craving
Not vegan, but should we really disrespect people's choices? This is so obviously not true, I've seen vegans eat a fuck ton of rice and beans next to veggies.

>> No.15620444

>real milk is healthier than fake vegan "milk"
Who the fuck cares, though. Real milk gives me gas and acne, oat "milk" doesn't.

>> No.15620453

Milk is lactose with suitable fats and proteins, EVERY NEEDED AMINO ACID is found there.

Milk is drink of GODS. Milk have made mammals the kings of earth. Lactose tolerance has made white people rulers of all nations.

>> No.15620474

Milk is the drink of manchildren.
Agricultural revolution was a mistake.

>> No.15620481
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They are really pushing this anti milk agency. Well, if you want powerful v8 engines out, just go for anti gas.

>> No.15620492

Milk is fine, just don't drink shitty American ultra processed milk with bovine growth hormones.

>> No.15620561

>If you really care so much start calling cow's milk "dairy".
What are you going to call yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, cream, butter, etc?

>> No.15621240

Dairy? If it comes from a cow it's dairy

>> No.15621292

That's literally what is known as dairy products. What do you think they're called? White yummy stuff from cow tiddies?

>> No.15621383

The UK is literally banning milk replacement products from calling themselves milk, even if its shit like "almond milk". They can't even call themselves milk replacements.

>> No.15621492 [DELETED] 
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>sugar is LE BAD

>> No.15622005

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Let me guess you also drink pasteurized milk too huh nigger?

>> No.15622046

but anon i thought science was dumb and fake

>> No.15622424

The only remarkable thing about vegan milk is that cows don't have to suffer

>> No.15622441

Who says dairy cows suffer? Are you a bovine psychiatrist?

>> No.15622472





>> No.15622621

I don't drink almond milk for the nutrients. I drink it because my stomach hurts and I puke when I drink animal milk.

>> No.15622695
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>Milk is drink of GODS
The ultimate truth Brahter.

>> No.15622712
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paranoid schizophrenia.
your mental illness is likely instigated by your eating disorder, which is another form of mental illness

>> No.15622741

They live in a factory farm walking around all day in their own shit in a crowded suffering nightmare 24/7 with barely any room to move around full of machines that mess with them and retards that torture them.
Their kids are immediately taken away from them and they are flamed.
They are nice, social creatures on par with any pet for intelligence.
It's inhuman what people have done for profit

>> No.15622820

But I mean, are you literally going to call everything dairy and that's it, or are you going to require the dairy preface, like "dairy cheese?" To this point, terms like "milk" have sufficed, whereas the vegetable products have needed an extra word, i.e. "almond milk."

>> No.15622848

You're just projecting your own human emotions on them. Since you've now admitted that you have no training whatsoever in bovine behavior, your only way of presuming you know their emotions is thinking about "how would I feel if that were me", and if you think that is an accurate model of bovine perception then your are also presuming that you and a cow are on equal terms with respect to intelligence.
Whats it like being as dumb as a farm animal? Do you enjoy it?
How do you know that the onions beans used to make vegan fake milk aren't suffering? Why can't you project your emotions on them too? Is it because they don't have a face?

>> No.15622857 [DELETED] 
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more like picrel

>> No.15622862

You're cool with slaughtering dogs too, I'm sure.

>> No.15622870

>Buy half gallon of milk
>Drink it in two days

>Buy gallon of milk
>Have to throw away a quarter gallon a week later

>Buy pickle jar
>Eat entire jar
>Buy second pickle jar
>Sits opened in fridge for six months without going bad
Life's mysteries

>> No.15623023

nta, but I am. Nothing wrong with killing a couple dogs here and there.

>> No.15623334

Poor doggos.

>> No.15623454

EU needs to crack down on these vegan "foods" like they do with cheese
Instead of vegan milk, it should be called dairy imitation product

>> No.15624509

in the old testament any cow that was killed without the tabernacle was considered murdered
God is the God of All Living Flesh.
i trust God who answers life's hardest questions.
All is wisdom.
All is idea.
Consideration between right and wrong.
life and death.
white and black.
The Lord split the difference between right and wrong
which caused the effect of time.
Our souls do things that are right or wrong and thats what makes up our being.
Heaven is heaven because the soulless types are led into hell.

thats the point of life here on earth.
cows are loving social creatures. evidenced by their life and attitudes
they like anyone just want to graze and exist with their families in a happy
open field in the sunlight.
even bugs run when they sense danger. everything does.
try not to be so soulless. you will lose it someday.
plants are stationary and while alive drop from themselves fruit and beans,
their seeds are meant to be ingested. its quite clear.
and as well the bible speaks about giving us these things as food.

the Almighty as well gave us all that split the hoof and chew the cud
but that we show respect for the animal's life and the sacrifice.

>> No.15624659

Instead of sausage, it should be called "cucumber imitation made of cadavers". A consumer that can't tell oat milk from dairy milk probably can't tell a cucumber from a sausage.
Or maybe we don't let the government regulate the market as if the average consumer had an IQ of 30.

>> No.15624722

Raised culturally, so they can't let go.

Sorta like cigarette smoker trying to quit with "mint flavored patches".

>> No.15624734

Ice cream that doesn't contain cream has to be called "frozen dairy dessert." Ice cream that doesn't contain dairy has to be called "frozen dessert." Milk that doesn't contain milk gets to be called... milk??? It makes no sense even under other current standards for dairy labeling. And it's not just about people buying the wrong things by mistake, it's about giving people the impression that the two things are nutritionally equivalent when they're not at all. People will give oat milk to their kids thinking it's exactly as nutritious as real milk when it's not, and that's the actual problem with allowing it to be labeled as milk. Using your cucumber example, it would be like labeling cucumbers "vegan sausage" and giving the impression to people that it will contain essential proteins and fats equivalent to what's found in sausage when it doesn't. That's why it's so important to protect terms.

>> No.15625294

vegans are pathologically addicted to corporation designer substitute foods. suggest that they ought to participate in their local market and they'll turbo sperg about how farmer macdonald is literally hitler for sustainably slaughtering well-cared-for animals.

veganism is a malthusian new age suicide cult

>> No.15625305

the only reason to abstain from meat
is to detract from the need for factory farms
animals suffer and giant gluttons gorge on their flesh
corporations waste it and youtube retards make videos playing with food
its insanely stupid. you will want to have loved as much as possible
in the end. love is the wealth of the spirit. compassion is understanding
retards are a menace

>> No.15625323

>the only reason to abstain from meat
>is to detract from the need for factory farms
You don't have to abstain from meat to not buy from factory farms.

>> No.15625370

Exactly. I dont care about what anyone else do, I just dont eat meat because of pain/suffering of the dying animal as the life is snuffed out of them.

Sure factory farm is likely cruelty is worse than a million holocaust combined, but its still outside of my peripheral. To me, the proximate suffering is more my thing. If I see/know/understand the animal put on my plate was put there under duress, it doesn't bring me joy. Yes, you could say, I'm selfish because one of my reason to not eat is personal suffering to know others were killed for this. Its true. Personal motive drives me.

>> No.15625701

>You don't have to abstain from meat to not buy from factory farms.
That's questionable. I doubt there's enough grass and pasture room to feed everyone if there's a huge appetite for meat. Either everyone would have to agree to cut back, or factory farms are a necessity. I will say, hunting isn't for me, but I have some relatives who rely on it almost exclusively for their meat. The deer they kill probably live much better lives than the cows I eat

>> No.15625728

>i am the savior of the animal kingdom
why do you presume plants don't suffer?
because they don't have a face so you can't project your emotions onto them as easily?

>> No.15625767

>i am the savior of the animal kingdom
I think you misread me. I don't care about animal kingdom. I'm driven my personal empathy, the proximal empathy. I dont care about factory farming.

I dont care about plants as much because the promimal evolutionary distance between plants and me is too high up the chain that the similarities that would evoke empathy is minimal. I'm not going to hold a baby plant in my arms and play with its bark as if its a puppy. Not because I'm the savior of animal kingdom, or hate plants, but merely because proximal empathy.

>> No.15625779

I est meat every day but I don't even drink milk, it's irrelevant to me if real or fake milk have nutrients or not

>> No.15625782

im trying to find a farm local to me
i know there are plenty around thankfully
the easiest is to buy from the store
so until i can buy from a farm im stuck eating tofu and wild caught fish
i know in some locations, there is no farm around so that is a reason for veganism
i wont buy the factory farm meat out of the principle of inhuman suffering applied to the animals

>> No.15625783

Suck milk out of my dick faggot.

>> No.15625796
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>Ice cream that doesn't contain cream has to be called "frozen dairy dessert." Ice cream that doesn't contain dairy has to be called "frozen dessert."
Lmao in what clown country do you have to call ice cream frozen desert if it doesn't contain cream?
> Milk that doesn't contain milk gets to be called... milk???
Yes. Just like sun milk. Did you know that it's actually to prevent sunburn and isn't actually MILK??????
>it's about giving people the impression that the two things are nutritionally equivalent when they're not at all
Bro are you gonna be pissed when you learn about skim milk.

>> No.15625802
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apparently so

>> No.15625811

Every milk I see in the store says that it doesn't have them.

>> No.15625817

>Bro are you gonna be pissed when you learn about skim milk.
There was a law suit about this.

>> No.15625835

>because they don't have a face
They also don't have brains, at least not in the typical sense. I'm not saying I agree with veganism, but it doesn't have to be black and white, i.e. everything suffers or nothing suffers, everything feels pain or nothing feels pain, we can't say for certain that plants feel pain, therefore it's okay to eat other animals that likely feel pain.

>> No.15625970
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>Lmao in what clown country do you have to call ice cream frozen desert if it doesn't contain cream?
In the USA. The fact that they can get away with the term "non-dairy ice cream" literally flies in the face of the definitions set out by the FDA, pic related. This is the same problem as with milk alternatives and why they shouldn't be allowed to call themselves milk. Ben & Jerry's should not be allowed to use the term "non-dairy ice cream" because it's a contradictory term based on current definitions.
>sun milk
I have literally never heard of this before in my life. It's called sunblock or sunscreen. But anyway, cosmetic product labeling is a whole other thing, though I do think that name is fucking retarded and also shouldn't be allowed.
>Bro are you gonna be pissed when you learn about skim milk.
Don't you worry, I AM pissed about skim milk, but that's a whole separate topic. As >>15625817 points out, skim milk has to be fortified with a certain amount of vitamins to qualify as milk and if a dairy producer fails to do so they can't call it milk and there are lawsuits on the books over this. Again, the purpose of protecting terms like "milk" and "ice cream" and "cheese" is to prevent imitators from misleading people into thinking that their imitation product is exactly as nutritious and healthful as the product they're imitating when it's not.
There are children who have literally been hospitalized over malnutrition because of their parents thinking oat milk or almond milk was sufficient nutrition in the same way that whole cow's milk is just because it's called milk and advertised as healthy. Fake-milk supporters always deflect with the argument that it's about people buying the wrong products by mistake, but the problem is far deeper than that and there are literally children suffering and becoming ill because of these labeling practices misleading parents.

>> No.15626015
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>The fact that they can get away with the term "non-dairy ice cream" literally flies in the face of the definitions set out by the FDA
Oh no, not the FDA. It's sacred! Its regulation are literally the Bible.
>Again, the purpose of protecting terms like "milk" and "ice cream" and "cheese" is to prevent imitators from misleading people into thinking that their imitation product is exactly as nutritious and healthful as the product they're imitating when it's not.
Oh yeah, healthful ice cream. Can you imagine your lack of nutrition of your ice cream didn't contain cow cream?
>I have literally never heard of this before in my life. It's called sunblock or sunscreen.
Well, it's a thing. Deal with it. Have you ever bought scouring milk? Don't drink glacial milk, I heard it's not so healthy, but I've never seen it in a supermarket.

What's your stance on sawdust in parmesan cheese? I honestly thought that product naming autism was an EU thing, while in the US you can buy stuff like "cheese with real cheese (1%)".

>> No.15626034

Your picture is basically proof that ice cream is ordinarily a dairy product, and that additional verbiage is needed to clarify when it's not dairy. It also is kind of non-sensical since "ice cream" implies the use of iced cream, but English is stupid anyway.

>> No.15626043

So that's actually pretty dumb. I could say just don't let them sell it without fortification, but that's a different issue. They can sell their product, they just can't all it skimmed milk even though it's milk that's been skimmed? My mom used to do that all the time as a child growing up on a dairy farm.

>> No.15626068

>scouring milk
never heard of it
>glacial milk
never heard of it

Maybe just let it be called what it is, skim milk, but the label has to say contains little to no vitamins A or D.

>> No.15626230

>Oh no, not the FDA. It's sacred! Its regulation are literally the Bible.
Their regulations exist to establish and protect consumer expectations for the products they buy. Terms that are defined need to have their definitions respected and enforced in order for it to mean anything.
>Oh yeah, healthful ice cream. Can you imagine your lack of nutrition of your ice cream didn't contain cow cream?
Sure, ice cream isn't particularly healthy, but people still deserve to have expectations about what's in the food they buy. Same reason common allergens have to be openly declared. I shouldn't have to scour every ingredient list to figure out if the ice cream I'm buying is actually ice cream, it being called ice cream should tell me that.
>Have you ever bought scouring milk? Don't drink glacial milk
No, I'm genuinely not familiar with either of these things. But I'm not going to get worked up over that any more than I'm going to get worked up over moisturizing cream not involving heavy whipping cream or your dad's dick cheese not being real cheese. Items are labeled within the context of their categories; if a BEVERAGE is labeled MILK then it MUST CONTAIN ANIMAL MILK, simple as.
>I honestly thought that product naming autism was an EU thing, while in the US you can buy stuff like "cheese with real cheese (1%)".
US labeling is actually a lot more stringent and detailed in most cases than EU labeling. A lot of care goes into definitions and effort is made to protect them. The problems come when retarded vegans try to misuse labels and literally mislead people on purpose because they believe they have a moral obligation to getting people off of animal products at any cost, even if it means lying. That's why we see definitions slowly eroding.

It's all about standardization of nutrition expectations. If you buy milk it needs to always be of a certain level of nutrition so that people have reliable expectations for what they're buying and how healthful it is.

>> No.15626320

>but the label has to say contains little to no vitamins A or D.
That would work, or state that it's non-fortified. Everything else specifically points out (at least in the USA) that vitamins have been added.

>> No.15626322

more like all of them

>> No.15626376
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>if a BEVERAGE is labeled MILK then it MUST CONTAIN ANIMAL MILK, simple as.
Objectively and factually incorrect.

>> No.15626392

In that instance I'm speaking of the ideal world, not the one we live in that's been corrupted with substandard products misappropriating labels. Ideally that beverage should not be allowed to carry the label of milk.

>> No.15626420

>The problems come when retarded vegans try to misuse labels and literally mislead people on purpose
Hardly any vegan products are made by vegans or companies that only produce vegan products. But 2 points concerning this remark:
1. For vegans (I'm not even vegan, but I know some vegans) it's actually the opposite. So much stuff contains unexpected/unnecessary animal shit. Crisps with some pork's grease. Bread glazed with egg yolk. Wine filtered with gelatine etc. So from a pure convenience and marketing perspective this doesn't make sense. If you offer a vegan product you want vegans to immediately see that a product is vegan. That's why there are big yellow/green labels that say VEGAN printed on these products, as seen in >>15625796 on the right. Did you know that M&M's aren't even vegetarian? The confusion happens way more often in the other direction. No one says "damn, those knockoff m&ms are vegetarian, how can I enjoy them if they don't even come with dead animals?"
2. If people are dumb enough to think that a product called "ALMOND MILK" is produced by cows, they deserve it and they're probably too dumb to understand that they have been "fooled".

>> No.15626434

The world we live in has the dairy mafia convince individual countries that vegan ice cream must be labelled frozen desert. I can only assume that they donate quite substantially.

>> No.15626475

>So much stuff contains unexpected/unnecessary animal shit.
All the more reason for clear and consistent labeling on all sides, don't you agree?
>If people are dumb enough to think that a product called "ALMOND MILK" is produced by cows
No, this is a misrepresentation of the actual problem. It's not that people think almond milk comes from cows, it's that people think almond milk is nutritionally equivalent to cow's milk. This leads to problems like: https://www.insider.com/baby-starving-from-almond-milk-diet-2023-1

>> No.15626486

If we're talking about honest labelling, dairy milk should have a written warning that it contains over a million somatic cells per tablespoon, part of which is pus.
On average that's only a few drops of pus per cup of milk. If consumers would object to someone popping a pimple into every cup of milk they drink, we should warn them. What if a consumer expects a pus-free beverage and then accidentally buys dairy milk?

>> No.15626497

People like you are the reason no one takes vegans seriously.

>> No.15626500

>This leads to problems like: https://www.insider.com/baby-starving-from-almond-milk-diet-2023-1
Seems like the text book definition of a self-resolving problem to me.
Also, the baby would have suffered from drinking dairy milk as well. Cow milk isn't baby formula.

>> No.15626510

Please point out what part is wrong. Then, if it's about consumer misconceptions, make a poll. I bet that more people know that babies can't survive on almond milk than how much pus there is in dairy milk. One of common sense, the other one is fucking disgusting.

>> No.15626574

It's an extreme example and I agree that cow's milk isn't a perfect replacement but it would be a whole hell of a lot better than any nut milk, especially with its better fat content.

It's not wrong, statistically speaking, it's just dumb, irrelevant, overblown, and a pointless appeal to emotion. That's why people don't take vegans seriously, they just try to scare and gross people out instead of actually dealing in relevant facts.

>> No.15626589

>It's not wrong, statistically speaking, it's just dumb, irrelevant, overblown, and a pointless appeal to emotion.
So...... exactly what you're doing by bringing up that one story of a malnourished baby.

>> No.15626623

>The world we live in has the dairy mafia convince individual countries that vegan ice cream must be labelled frozen desert.
Well there's no cream. It's like advertising your car as a boat.

>> No.15626634

No, that's a pointed example of how associating grossly different foods with the same name can lead to serious misconceptions about the nutritional differences between those foods. Microscopic traces of pus in cow's milk don't have any tangible effect on the nutritive qualities of it as a food.

>> No.15626651

Human breast milk also contains somatic cells. At a certain point you wouldn't stop with the labeling. Every single product on the market should have what pesticides and dioxins it contains. Or we could just call the product a common sense name. Juice actually makes a lot of sense for vegetable products.

>Also, the baby would have suffered from drinking dairy milk as well. Cow milk isn't baby formula.
Had a neighbor grow up on goat milk because he was allergic to human milk for some reason. His mom kept a goat in the backyard. He seems healthy enough as an adult. Of course a milk exclusive diet is a very short term thing.

>> No.15626744
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>> No.15627709
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>> No.15628445

you are mentally ill and you have an eating disorder

>> No.15628464

So you're fine with me popping a pimple into your cereal?
I'm sure more people have a problem with that than with the fact that almond milk contains less protein and fat than cow milk. Also, the nutritional content is written on the carton, the pus content isn't. Why should the information which is already on the carton be reflected in the product's name while the information that is hidden from you should stay hidden? Kind of feels redundant.

>> No.15628474

>But I mean, are you literally going to call everything dairy and that's it
Yes, if it's cow's milk derived then it's dairy, this isn't difficult.

>> No.15628478

Go back to /pol/.
Go back to Facebook.

>> No.15628509

>The youth moves around a lot
You mean you don't?

>> No.15628514

So when you send someone to the store to get you dairy, you mean the whole fucking dairy section since you're not specifying anything?

>> No.15628536

you get easily triggered by memes because you are emotionally unstable

>> No.15628546
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nta but your meme was shit

>> No.15629706

The people who get really angry that milk substitutes still get to be called milk are the same people who get really angry that I can dress like a woman and be called a woman. I didn't think you'd need a really high IQ to grasp such things, let alone be emotionally unaffected by them, but I guess I overestimated the average American.

>> No.15630597

Okay, so you finally badgered me enough to actually look it up instead of taking what you have to say at face value and your claim is just flat out wrong. Somatic cells are not pus, it's nothing like popping a pimple into your drink, and somatic cell counts are monitored and kept under specific counts to ensure that the milk of sick/infected cows doesn't get into the food supply. Vegans are liars.

>there is no such thing as a “pus cell”. Pus is made up of dead white blood cells, dead skin cells, and bacteria, not one type of cell.
>Generally, these “experts” equate somatic cells with pus cells. Somatic cells are living white blood cells located in the udder of cows. Like all white blood cells, they fight infection so an elevated somatic cell count indicates that the cow is fighting some sort of infection, such as mastitis. Milk is tested both on farm and at the processing plant, and one of the tests run is called a “somatic cell count” test. This test shows the level of somatic cells in a sample of milk. A healthy cow with no underlying infection will have a low somatic cell count (SCC). A cow with a somatic cell count below 100 000 cells per milliliter is considered to be in optimum health by most industry sources, she is not fighting any sort of mammary infection.

>Dr Steenson says: 'In relation to milk containing 'pus', this isn't accurate and this misconception comes from the fact that all milk naturally contains some white blood cells that are part of the immune system.'
>White blood cells are present in the milk of healthy cows and provide gut immunity against dangerous pathogenic bacteria.
>'Levels of white blood cells in milk are monitored and have to be kept low, as this indicates that cows are healthy,' adds Dr Steenson.

>> No.15630663

youre not badass because you eat an animal that was tortured
i want to eat steak too but not like this
retards are a menace to everything that moves

>> No.15630742

Do you consider a cow raised on a small, non-industrial farm and only fed grass/hay and never put on a feedlot to be tortured?

>> No.15630794

small farm with access to sunshine and grass?
thats fine if its not cramped nightmare walking in its own shit
because it cant move anywhere because they
stuffed the whole place with cows to maximize profit

having some cows at a small farm in the country is cool
and its what everyone should do

>> No.15630848

Okay, just checking because some people are just absurdly extreme about these things. I think it's reasonable to be against industrial farming practices but animals raised for meat humanely do exist and those farms should be supported.

>> No.15631849

its retarded that vegans want to call onions meal suspended in water "milk"
why do vegans even want to drink milk?

>> No.15632582

cows don't mind walking in their own shit, they shit while they're eating, they'll eat grass thats covered in their own shit, even if theres shit free pasture a few feet away they won't skip the shitgrass just to get to the clean stuff, they'd rather eat both, it doesn't make a difference to them.
you only presume it upsets them because you project your own emotions on everything you see because you're not capable of imagining that something might not share your opinions or feelings

>> No.15632740

I don't know if they care or not, but it ruins the meat.

>> No.15632759

Anon you have no idea how a cow thinks
Nothing should be abused just because it's possible it doesn't care.

The level of extreme abuse in a factory farm is an inhuman act done to any other living creature.

I'm willing to bet they hate every second of it and no living being should be treated like that.
It's absurd.
They try to be near their young ones as they are taken away instantly. Cows are social and nice to human beings.

We should scientifically study if they care about their situation then.
While retards stab them with screw drivers and drag them around when they're too fucked up to walk.
And flame them after they give birth.

Chickens beaks are ground down so they don't peck each other's eyes out. They can't move an inch in their setting.

It's clearly fucking retarded. And soulless.

>> No.15632884


>> No.15632890


>> No.15632919
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am the savior of the precious animals
>i am the savior of mother nature
>look at me virtue signal, i'm so much holier than thou
>i hate everyone who disagrees with me, they should all be rounded up and murdered

>> No.15632924

I guarantee you can find worse than I'm posting

>> No.15632930

Fuck off peasant that shit is what happens.
Something needs to be done to stop it

>> No.15632938

That picture is retarded AF. Try eating ONLY rabbit meat, you will starve despite having all the nutrients you need. Rabbit meat is so low in fat you will consume more calories from digesting that meat than the calories you will obtain from it, so you need to eat it with some other food than can provide energy, like honey.

>> No.15632943

>u r peasant
>i m KANGZ

>> No.15632951

True and real. Vegan milk is ONLY for the poor fuckers who can't digest real milk.

>> No.15632965

99% of the people on this planet are retarded.
Retards are the reason for evil.
They don't have the intellectual fortitude to understand compassion.
Retards are mean and soulless.
So long as they can slam hamburgers down their throats and make meme shit soulless videos about wasting and gorging on animal flesh they will not care.
They don't have the responsibility to care because they are the soulless masses.

It doesn't matter what I think. Pride is masturbation. Pointless idiocy.

The world grows more soulless by the minute and those videos are evidence of what is already understood at least to a degree

>> No.15632979

How do vegans know that plants aren't being tortured to produced their milk
>this cow is getting its tiddies massaged to make it give milk, thats SO evil OMG!!!!!
>i'd rather smash baby almond trees to death to get milk
Cows really seem to enjoy getting milked, they line up for it voluntarily without being coerced, they push and shove each other to get to the front of the queue. Do s o y beans ever do that? No, the beans would rather go into the dirt and mature to full grown plants, but they're not given the opportunity because of greedy vegans want to kill them to make fake milk

>> No.15632986

>99% of the people on this planet are retarded.
>i am so superior to everyone else
>Pride is masturbation. Pointless idiocy.

>> No.15633005

You're mad at me because it's easier for you to ignore it and you get your hamburgers.
Life is fine if you just ignore it but you're a nonsense soulless construct that is made to be in the way and set the backdrop for righteousness.

>> No.15633034

>more narcissistic virtue signalling

>> No.15633077

None of it is about me.
It's wrong to cause animals suffering.
such obvious bullshit exists in the world and if we could group together enough we could stop it.
It's frustrating.
You argue in favor of hiding away from it.
Suggesting that I'm uppity for having a problem with it.
It's very clearly retarded.
I'm sick of letting retards get away with monstrous acts.

>> No.15633313

>more narcissistic virtue signalling

>> No.15633366

"No shit" said everybody.
I don't know anybody that was drinking nut milks because they thought they were better for you, people drank them because they were either vegans or sensitive to lactose.
Milk provides all the nutrients to turn a calf into a cow, nut milk doesn't even have all of the nut in there it's more like nut water.

>> No.15633369

>One of the biggest complaints by vegans is that beyond meat wasn't really for them.
what a bunch of shitheads
they can still eat it if it's not "mAdE fOr tHeM"

this one's always hilarious to me as someone with chickens. if our hens were set free, they'd be dead and in the belly of some other animal within a couple of weeks - and i say this despite the fact we never clip their wings. they are essentially pets that produce a food item.

>disrespect people's choices
that wasn't so much disrespect as it was just not understanding the choices being made
i will however absolutely reflect the disrespect shown by "waaah we can eat beyond meat but it wasn't made for us so we don't wanna even though something like that made for us would go bankrupt in a matter of hours"
especially since it tastes like shit compared to mycoprotein

>> No.15633376

do almonds produce more milk if you activate them first?

>> No.15633379

what the fuck is sun milk

>> No.15633384

Yeah but you have to look really hard for the nipple.

>> No.15633839

Why are people like this

>> No.15633912 [DELETED] 
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Notice how it says most? They're are dozens of plant milks and only one kind of dairy milk. Onions milk is pretty to diary in proportion and it's often fortified with calcium and vitamin D. And that's without all the growth hormones.

>> No.15633943
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Notice how it says most? There are dozens of plant milks and only one kind of dairy milk. Onions milk is pretty close to diary in protein and it's often fortified with calcium and vitamin D. And that's without all the growth hormones.

>> No.15633949

people engage in narcissistic virtue signalling and become obsessed with controlling their public image because they are terrible people in private and their carefully crafted public image is a means of disguising their true personality

>> No.15634047


>> No.15634358

no i mean why are you ignoring something obviously cruel and trying to claim im just trying to look better than other people?
its a very clear and wrong disgusting thing humanity is doing

youre a joke for burying your head in the sand that far
desperately hiding, coughing up the same line of logic that isnt even reality

its wrong. its something only a retard would accept or partake in

>> No.15634815

>it's wrong

>> No.15634863

Vegetarians don't crave this btw.

>> No.15635505

the animals clearly suffer

>> No.15635637

> I doubt there's enough grass and pasture room to feed everyone if there's a huge appetite for meat.
you've arrived at the crux of the thing, which is sadly the reason nobody will reply.
ethical meat consumption is possible but not if everybody wants their half pound steak daily and cutting back to a level where free-roam farming can support 100% of the consumed meat is a very tough sell

>> No.15635649

If it's not raw, they shouldn't be calling it milk. It's sterilized.

>> No.15635671

1 steak per week and its free
the animal lives a respectable life free form torture

>> No.15635695

Have you ever killed anything?

>> No.15635753

>1 steak per week
probably in the realm of doable but this is a complete guess on my part
>and its free
would be the best solution to keep it from becoming a food for the elite but you better prepare to do it the swiss way, i.e. paying taxes on 'luxury goods' such as sweets and oversea imports, that free meat isn't going to grow itself
>the animal lives a respectable life free form torture
that would be the ideal, i think a good start would be to raise awareness for the consumption of local goods, where i live, hunters have more boars than bullets right now but even if they give it away for free they are left with a lot of surplus because people simply do not cook boar at home anymore, only pork
get people to eat what lives and grows around them and alot of problems get smaller
the absolute optimum would be meat grown in a petri dish but until that is a marketable reality (and doesn't use harvested bovine stemcells anymore lol) we still have quite a few years left i'd wager

>> No.15635846

And that's bad because?

>> No.15635917

other guy but unironically because of cosmic karma/the noosphere/whatever you want to call it
if that's not your cup of tea then
>factory farming requires the use of antibiotics and vaccinations to prevent mass infection
>this leads to the discharge being absolute hell for the ground ferilized with it, coupled with it's sheer mass it leads to degradation of farmland and ground water quality
>the animals do not move enough, leading to lower quality and less tasty meat
>factory farming entails many stressors for the animal, the released stress hormones can also lead to tougher, less tasty meat
>it has been proven that people who work in factory farming and industrial slaughterhouses have a high rate of traumatisation
i could go on

>> No.15636518

Ok but that's not what's wrong with eating animals, that's what's wrong with current farming methods
animals suffer, that's just normal

>> No.15636782

yes and to keep meat consumption at the current level these methods are needed to supply
>animals suffer, that's just normal
they are currently suffering at levels which were never normal before the advent of idustrial farming

and no, breaking your leg and starving or getting hunted, killed and eaten after years of freedom is not the same suffering as getting slaughtered after a (mostly equally short) life in a cage

>> No.15637199
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>Objectively and factually incorrect.

Go to a store and take a picture of a milk alternative that a says milk. nigger. They are have all been renamed to "Silk" or "Beverage". Retard.

>> No.15637309

by projecting your own emotions onto cows you are telling everyone that you consider yourself no more intelligent than a cow.
by presuming that you can estimate what members of other species do or do not like you are telling us all that you vastly overestimate your own perceptiveness.
why do you presume that plants don't suffer?
only because they don't have a face you can project emotions onto?
why do you presume that life is supposed to be free of "suffering" for cows while you have no misgivings about making everyone here suffer though seeing your put your savior complex on display?

>> No.15638186 [DELETED] 

Animals feel pain, anon.
Pain is how they understand something is wrong just like us. Fire, cramped quarters, electricity, being cut etc. They react to it.
They cry out because of it.
If they step on a spike they react to it.

>> No.15638207

Only in clown countries.

>> No.15638436

>by projecting your own emotions onto babies you are telling everyone that you consider yourself no more intelligent than a baby.
yeh, just chop that shit off, how do you even KNOW they can suffer? no babie ever told me 'stop, that hurts!'
>why do you presume that plants don't suffer?
who the fuck said this? and why do you presume he isn't against monocultures and indoor farming as well?
>why do you presume that life is supposed to be free of "suffering"
and again, nobody said this, it is about needless suffering which could be avoided under the right circumstances while aslo raising the quality of the food we consume
>for cows while you have no misgivings about making everyone here suffer
"oh no! a opinion different to mine? why do they persecute us so?"

why not try to answer

>> No.15638474

Milk is unironically the drink of conquerors
>Mongols drank milk = conquered quarter of world
>Brittish put milk in tea = conquered one third of world
Milk just gives body a boost in every way possible.
Not drinking it just handicaps you.

>> No.15638691

>they can still eat it if it's not "mAdE fOr tHeM"
Retardo why expose yourself to the extra plastics, sodium and onions when they could eat a normal vegan meal? Contrary to what /pol/ would believe vegans don't eat onions filled meat substitutes every day, and actually avoid them.

>> No.15638693


>> No.15638821

>why expose yourself to the extra plastics, sodium and onions when they could eat a normal vegan meal?
Plenty of vegans still eat a diet loaded with processed foods. When they end up with the same health problems as the SAD, they start considering keto or wfpb.

>> No.15640073

>Why do vegans feel so driven to culturally appropriate omnivorous culture?
they have a massive and unreasonable sense of entitlement

>> No.15640435

Reminder that savior complex vegans who want to sacrifice human health in order to supposedly benefit other species are the same people who want to ruin your country with immigrants in order to benefit other countries.
their virtue signalling isn't just a mental illness of their own, everyone around them suffers because of their mental illness

>> No.15640888

no they don't. farm animals have been bred to be farm animals for thousands of generations. the theory of evolution dictates that they are accustomed to that way of life and prefer it

>> No.15640915
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Yeah... no. This hasn't been like this for thousands of generations. Also, what drugs do you have to take to believe that farm animals prefer this over being outside, having more space?

>> No.15640969
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how come you can't stop projecting your emotions onto dumb animals, why do you presume that animals are intellectually equivalent to yourself? how come you have no feeling of empathy for plants? because plants don't have a face you can project emotions onto?
your eating disorder has gotten so bad that is causing your brain to atrophy

>> No.15641012

>projecting your emotions onto dumb animals
What makes you think I do?
>why do you presume that animals are intellectually equivalent to yourself?
I'm actually starting to presume that animals are intellectually equivalent to you
The claim was that animals preferred this. It should be easy to prove: open the door and wait how many animals will stay in their "preferred" factory farm and how many will fuck off.
Also, I know that cattle prefer parts of farming. If they're inseminated frequently, they want to be milked. Full udders cause them discomfort so they actively go to the farmer to get milked (and fed). That doesn't mean that industrial farming is okay in any sense.

>> No.15641043

>Milk is just sugar with some protein
based retard

>> No.15641049

>twitter trannies discover that men, even without estrogen pumping, can lactate

>> No.15641086

you know for a fact that animals suffer. they cry out in pain and they
are stressed by various factors. the same as any animal
you are simultaneously saying i dont know how animals think
and are also saying you do know how animals think
and about something criminally insane and obviously wrong.

and you know that we should not cause animals to suffer or anything to suffer
ultimately God is the reason there is any moral integrity on this planet
and the God of All Living Flesh considered it murder any animal that was killed without
the tabernacle.
plants are stationary existing in 1 spot and are prone to receive damage more so
than animals. and they drop fruits while still living.
animals are made to move around. cows are made to graze and enjoy
the sunlight.
they keep to certain other cows,
some are timid and others are social.
cows are not cold blooded creatures packed into a drawer
its insane how retarded you are. youre going to nitpick anything and not listen to reason.
you are arguing in such an insane and retarded way it doesnt matter if you know its right,
youre so retarded you are probably doing more damage to your beliefs
than i could by arguing as a voice of reason.

>> No.15642181

>farm animals have been bred to be farm animals for thousands of generations
True, but CAFO's are a fairly new phenomena.

>why do you presume that animals are intellectually equivalent to yourself?
They're not, yet most people (in the West) would be disgusted by the thought of eating a dog or cat, especially one that's their pet. It's not about the intelligence.

>how come you have no feeling of empathy for plants?
Either everything has feelings or nothing has feelings, regardless of whether or not they even have a brain?

>your eating disorder has gotten so bad that is causing your brain to atrophy
I'm an omnivore btw, and insults will get you nowhere.

>> No.15642737

you claim to know that the animals are suffering, projection is the only way you could claim to know that

>> No.15643050

Huel is a meal replacement drink
Basically all nutrients for a somewhat healthy diet crammed into a drink.
Tastes like ass though

>> No.15643954

Interesting. I guess it works from a simplicity standpoint, kind of like a military ration but for ordinary folks.

>> No.15644431

>noooo animals can't suffer!!
>thats not fair!!!!
so why is it ok to kill plants and eat them?

>> No.15645333

they dont have neurons
they can drop fruits while still living
they exist in one spot not meant to move around
they have never cried out in pain, they dont have the ability
they arent animals that do cry out in pain and have the ability to walk around
plants arent tortured they grow in the way that they grow naturally

>> No.15645566
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>plants don't have stress responses
>plants are meant to grow in acres of monoculture
>plants don't live in diverse ecosystems
>plants can't communicate with one another
>plants don't have an observed ability to provide nutrients to other struggling plants through their interconnected root systems

>> No.15645571

plants dont have to move around
they dont cry out in pain
they arent tortured
they grow in one stationary spot

>> No.15645583

beyond that i dont care if plants are tortured or not in regard to this argument
i assume they do have a voice
nothing should be tortured
but a cow is a very different lifeform than a blade of grass

>> No.15645605

>plants dont have to move around
>they grow in one stationary spot
That doesn't mean they're meant to grow in acres upon acres of homogeneous rows.
>they arent tortured
>they dont cry out in pain
So you only respect the stress responses of things with mouths and vocal chords like humans? Fish don't cry out in pain, either, so you must not have a problem with torturing fish, right?

>> No.15645610

dont torture anything

>> No.15645612

I think we all agree that animals feel pain. If you don't, slap a bull and learn. Plants can either feel pain/suffer or they can't.

If they can't: easy, eat plants, no harm done.

If they can, we should minimise the suffering. For every calorie of beef you need about 20 calories of animal fodder (plants). You could eliminate 95% of plant suffering by switching from beef to a plant-based diet.

In either case, a vegan diet is superior. The question whether they feel pain doesn't matter, because we won't live of light and sit alone. We can either not care about plants suffering or we can minimise the amount of plants that suffer.

>> No.15645627
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But fish don't cry out in pain, anon. So if that's not actually an important criteria, how did you determine that the plants aren't tortured anyway?

>> No.15645651

i dont want you to torture fish either.

dont torture anything and its fine
we should respect all life

>> No.15645669

>i dont want you to torture fish either.
How do you know I'm torturing it if it doesn't cry out in pain?
If you can recognize a fish being tortured despite it not crying out in pain, how do you determine that plants are not tortured by monocrop farming practices?

>> No.15645674

im sure it can be manipulated by pain
maybe they are tortured. dont torture anything
let things be naturally and only take what you need

>> No.15645676

It doesn't matter when the consequence doesn't depend on the answer of the question whether plants feel pain. That's like asking "how should I decide whether to eat plants or meat if I don't know the weather on Jupiter?"

>> No.15645678

I don't feel pain when animal feels pain, therefore i don't care

>> No.15645683

If youre not meant to eat strawberries, why do they grow? Done yet?

>> No.15645692 [DELETED] 

some things are going to feel some pain
animals sacrificed on the tabernacle probably
didnt want to be in that position but they were
most likely given a better life than cows in a factory farm
plants are walked on and bounce back, some are not ready for harvest until theyre dead
they cant move around, they dont run away from pain and cry out so its likely they dont
feel the same level of pain as animals. its very likely that animals feel pain because if they didnt
they would get fucked up from all kinds of things and die stupid deaths.
just dont torture anything at all
having some farm animals on a farm in the sun, letting them roam and eat grass is a lot better than factory farming
grass, idk fuck sakes anon. are you insane? dont torture it either. better to be safe than sorry

>> No.15645716

>let things be naturally and only take what you need
What's natural about monocrop farming?

>it's wrong to kill animals for food because they feel pain
>there is no reason to even investigate whether plants feel pain because it's completely irrelevant
This just shows that the vegan argument is completely dishonest. Vegans don't care about truth or consistency, they just care about feeling good and making other people feel bad.

>> No.15645721

>there is no reason to even investigate whether plants feel pain because it's completely irrelevant
What would you do if we find out that they don't feel pain? Eat plants.
What would you do if we find out that they do? Eat nothing? You starve. Eat animals? You torture 20 times as many plants.

>> No.15645724

I'm not a vegan I'll eat meat from a farm
I'm saying don't torture anything
That's the entirety of my argument
Have respect for all living things

>> No.15645775

If plants suffer then it renders the whole thing moot, leaving no reason not to farm animals as long as we treat them well in life. If plants feel pain from being killed for food as much as animals do, what's the point of avoiding one in favor of the other? You say that raising animals tortures "20 times as many plants" but that's not true because the animals we raise extract nutrition from plant matter much more efficiently than we do (especially ruminant animals like cows) and turn it into much more calorically dense meat. Every 100 grams of meat has far more nutrition and calories for humans than 100 grams of any given plant. Just compare 100g of beef to 100g of soibeans, for instance.

Okay, I thought you were a different person. I agree with you.

>> No.15645825


ya, plant is just mineral water with some plant powder thrown in.

>> No.15645842

I don't think I believe that nutritional science is advanced enough for meal replacement drinks to be safe.
People who drink Onions always seem to look bony and malnourished, for example.

Your anthropocentrism is showing. Grass screams when we cut it, it just does so with scent instead of sound. Plants are conscious, but their consciousness is incomprehensible to us.

What do you think about bonsai?

>> No.15645882

I'm saying plants likely don't suffer as much because they exist in one spot and can't run from pain
You shouldn't disrespect or torture them anyway

>> No.15646414

Do plants have a brain in the traditional sense? You have to eat something. Again, it doesn't have to be so black and white, i.e. "if you eat one thing, then you should be willing to eat everything because everything feels pain." That's dumb. Again, would you eat your dog or cat? Would you eat another human? Just because you feel pain doesn't mean everyone else is lying when they say they do.

>> No.15646428

>I don't think I believe that nutritional science is advanced enough for meal replacement drinks to be safe.
As the only form of nutrition, absolutely not. I wouldn't do them at all, but I could see the benefit occasionally.

>> No.15646446

>Do plants have a brain in the traditional sense?
Maybe not in the ANIMAL sense, but what does that matter?
>it doesn't have to be so black and white, i.e. "if you eat one thing, then you should be willing to eat everything because everything feels pain."
If everything feels pain from being killed to be eaten then there's no reason to avoid eating something on the basis of it feeling pain from being killed to be eaten.
>would you eat your dog or cat?
No, because I have an emotional attachment to my pets and I keep them for reasons other than food in the first place. Would I eat a dog or cat in general? Maybe, but the meat of carnivores generally isn't great for consumption so why eat those animals when there are far better animals to eat?
>Would you eat another human?
No, because I have a species in-group preference due to not wanting to live in a world where I'm in fear of being eaten by another human myself. Plus, again, there are far better animals to eat anyway.

>> No.15646471

>Maybe not in the ANIMAL sense, but what does that matter?
Because we know from human experience that at least some animals experience pain. We also have indirect evidence (hormonal changes, behavioral changes, etc), we have no idea about plants except some signaling nonsense. They have no pain receptors, no neurons, no brains. Of course I'm open to being wrong, but so far as I can tell, you're using the very unlikely to falsify the very probable. That's not how it works, you have to prove your opinion, that plants experience pain or animals do not.

>If everything feels pain from being killed to be eaten then there's no reason to avoid eating something on the basis of it feeling pain from being killed to be eaten.
Except you have no proof plants experience pain in the traditional sense. We have plenty of proof other animals do.

>No, because I have an emotional attachment to my pets.
So? According to you, everything is on the table. Also, dogs aren't obligate carnivores.

>No, because I have a species in-group preference due to not wanting to live in a world where I'm in fear of being eaten by another human myself.
Irrelevant, we're talking about pain, not your feelings.

>> No.15646491

>we have no idea about plants except some signaling nonsense
Pain in animals is just some "signaling nonsense," too.
>Except you have no proof plants experience pain in the traditional sense.
I'm saying it's something that should be researched if feeling pain or not is such a fundamental cornerstone to the morality of eating.
>dogs aren't obligate carnivores.
Where did I say obligate? They still primarily eat meat.
>So? According to you, everything is on the table.
>Irrelevant, we're talking about pain, not your feelings.
Do you still not understand that my argument is that using pain as a measure of morality in what you eat is reductive and stupid?

>> No.15646516

>we have no idea about plants except some signaling nonsense
we don't consider fish to feel pain either this way btw, but fish can definitely feel suffering

>> No.15646597

>Pain in animals is just some "signaling nonsense," too.
The signaling nonsense is to other plants. There's no evidence plants actually feel pain, just that they detect trauma and warn other plants. There's a difference between detecting trauma and having it be painful.

>I'm saying it's something that should be researched if feeling pain or not is such a fundamental cornerstone to the morality of eating.
It has been researched! Are you debating this with no knowledge on the subject?

>Do you still not understand that my argument is that using pain as a measure of morality in what you eat is reductive and stupid?
No I don't because all evidence points to other animals suffering while plants do not. You're making the opposite argument to prove a point, but you're not using any evidence in the process. I could easily argue there's a six eyed alien far off in the galaxy that doesn't detect pain and would be a better food source, yet without evidence it's a foolish argument. You can argue it's best to eat all things because everything suffers, but you're doing so as a hypothetical only.

>we don't consider fish to feel pain
Evidence says they do. They have all of the traits we'd look for, they just lack the vocal cords to scream (in particular, nociceptors, brains and nervous systems, behavioral changes to trauma, positive response to opioids when under duress). However, there's still a difference between saying it's okay to eat fish compared to other mammals. That's why pescatarians exist.

Look, I'm an omnivore. I eat meat. But I get it that some people don't want to be a part of that suffering. To suggest animals don't suffer, or plants do suffer, while eating both is either ignorant or disingenuous. Is there a tiny chance plants feel pain? Sure. Is there a tiny chance every other animal doesn't feel pain? Sure. However, both are highly unlikely, so if it was something that bothered you then you would go with the evidence. Also, FRUIT.

>> No.15646616

>The signaling nonsense is to other plants. There's no evidence plants actually feel pain, just that they detect trauma and warn other plants. There's a difference between detecting trauma and having it be painful.
The signaling nonsense is to other animals. There's no evidence animals actually feel pain, just that they detect trauma and warn other animals. There's a difference between detecting trauma and having it be painful.

>> No.15646632

>The signaling nonsense is to other animals.
Cool, provide evidence that animals release VOC's when in pain. I'm not aware of any such evidence for animals, but plants do it.


>There's no evidence animals actually feel pain.
Sure, there's no evidence when you intentionally ignore all of the evidence.


>There's a difference between detecting trauma and having it be painful.
Yup. Since you're taking this line of argument, I guess it's time to go Vegan now, eh? Or are you content with not backing up your argument in any way and just rehashing what I said in a nonsensical way?

>> No.15646692

>provide evidence that animals release VOC's when in pain
Animals cry out to warn other animals verbally. Hearing a fellow animal in pain puts other animals on high alert and engages fight or flight. It fulfills the same purpose.
This is just anthropocentric nonsense asserting that only pain felt in human-like ways is valid.
>I guess it's time to go Vegan now, eh?
No, not at all. It's time to accept the harsh reality that everything lives at the expense of something else's life.

>> No.15646775

>Animals cry out to warn other animals verbally
Already established that fish, which make no noise, have a similar biological response to other animals. Why is that? It's not to warn other animals.

>This is just anthropocentric nonsense asserting that only pain felt in human-like ways is valid.
I'm still waiting for a single bit of proof that anything else matters. Remember the six eyed alien? You're the one being nonsensical, applying value to something that doesn't have a shred of proof of even existing.

>No, not at all.
But the evidence we have is pretty clear, animals feel pain, plants do not. You've not even attempted to disprove that, thus you should become Vegan since you believe pain should be the barometer of what we eat.

>> No.15646812

why do you feel ok about constantly torturing humans with your incessant virtue signalling and holier than thou attitude?
virtue signalling is only ever done by people who have horrible toxic personalities, they virtue signal in order to disguise the truth about themselves

>> No.15647229

Do you have down syndrome?

>> No.15647275

Yes, but that's not the point.

>> No.15647333

They think everybody like eating things called "meat" and "milk", no matter what those things are.
Of course the opposite is true, everybody likes eating milk and meat, no matter what those things are called.

They think they can manipulate people using wordplay.

>> No.15647340

Farmers markets in America sell raw milk. Fuck the feds.

>> No.15647342
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>> No.15647809

>Every 100 grams of meat has far more nutrition and calories for humans than 100 grams of any given plant. Just compare 100g of beef to 100g of soibeans, for instance.
and how many grams of plants do you need to get 100 grams of meat? Caloric density doesn't matter if you need 20 times the amount of calories. Animals aren't magic calorie-multiplying violations of thermodynamics.

>> No.15647816

theres a black market for unpasteurized cheeses in england and france, the eu created that black market.

>> No.15647974

>baby formula
Ok Nestle, you can go now and claim exclusive rights to pump water from a nature preserve now

>> No.15649466

>Just compare 100g of beef to 100g of soibeans, for instance
estrogenbeans contain more estrogen

>> No.15649742
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This thread has already triggered me thrice on the catalogue so I'll post something.
Nobody ever argued normal milk was less nutritious. The argument is that it's too nutritious/made to feed a calf/less healthy than veggie alternatives.
Whenever I see a headline that serves industrials it's this kind of shitty half-truths that trigger my autism.

>> No.15649833

Fernandel is not the epitome of Frenchness.

>> No.15650256
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>> No.15651057

Milk is a good replacement for grain, anon

>> No.15651361

Vegans going all industrial conspiracy theory mode when it comes to meat and dairy production is so funny to me. Like the vegan shilling essentially for factory food isn't industrialists. Like vegetable oils aren't literally an industrial conspiracy to feed you industrial waste at the expense of public health. Like onions shilling isn't industrial conspiracy to maximize cheapshit slop crop.

>> No.15651365

You're not above propaganda.

>> No.15651368

Did I make a sacrifice? Q

>> No.15651370

An unintentional moan ensues qq

>> No.15651371

Whatever. I want access to grass fed raw beef and dairy. Not have them reduced and replaced with some ersatz crap that's shilled to you as an upgrade (and sometimes not even to you but to some vague moral idea).

>> No.15651848

lmao pebble now sucks Musk's cock? Why?

>> No.15651876

animal life suffering is a lot worse than industrial waste
trash is going to accumulate and its bad but the point is to minimalize suffering
while not having sympathy for others you can expect to not have sympathy shown to you
its not a threat but a question of karma, how can you expect to receive what
you arent willing to give?
i know you want to eat cheeseburgers but you cant deny that causing an animal
to suffer is not good. you have to turn a blind eye and claim its not bad
its undeniably soulless to ignore the suffering you cause to animals
when it is to that extreme extent. it mars the soul
you know its not right and you will offer some rhetoric but you will have to
accept that you are wrong somewhere deep inside your soul
where some remnant of innocence exists
we dont deserve anything that we have and society ha made everyone uppity
you dont like to see it on anyone im sure.
we will be humbled some day

>> No.15651979

Elon Musk is giving away money on Twitter???

>> No.15652399

They could have simply looked at the nutrition facts on the bottle.

>> No.15652409

Are omnis really that stupid?

>> No.15652442

You really don't have to make up new words for "straight".

>> No.15653507

yes, large amounts to all the most popular accounts.

>> No.15653518

let the vegans kill themselves

isnt this a GOOD thing? think about how nice the world would be if people stopped liking niggers

>> No.15653550

Anyone that is okay with torturing animals is soulless. On par with the chinese eating dogs

Buy the meat from a nice farm in the country, that's great but if you're okay with cows living in a factory farm you are soulless

You are the problem existing as a barely cognizant buffoon sitting in a lazy boy drinking poison coca cola and eating tortured animal meat watching zog cartoons

Again because I know your kind does not have any memory retention, eating from a regular farm is what needs to be done, not vegan but eating from a regular farm not a factory farm is the way it's supposed to be

Retards can't into sympathy because they don't have the brain. That's why they are retarded

>> No.15653554

I literally dont do any of that

I am pro small farm and pro free range livestock

vegans are still retarded. they literally dont even understand what an amino acid is.

I hope all vegans die

>> No.15653559

god gave men souls and dominion over all living creatures. exercising that dominion is exactly what demonstrate you do have a soul.
why do you think its ok to kill plants and not animals? just because plants don't have a face you can project your human emotions onto?

>> No.15653573

As long as you don't advocate for factory farming that's fine. My apologies.
Don't torture anything but respect all life.

>> No.15653582
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Just post the papers' doi, pal

>> No.15653702

>pro free range
Careful with your words. The term these days is "pasture-raised." Free range is a broken term full of loopholes, pasture-raised is much more specific and better protected. If you buy "free range" eggs, for instance, you're likely buying eggs from chickens that are raised in horribly cramped indoor conditions but technically have access to a 100sqft outdoor patio that they don't bother going out on anyway. Whereas "pasture-raised" has requirements about square footage of pasture per animal and how much time they actually spend freely roaming outdoors. You can't just say a pasture-raised animal "has access to the outdoors," like you can with free range animals.

>> No.15655025

Even that can be misleading. For livestock, it's 100% grass fed. I'm not sure about eggs, pastured raised is probably as close as we can get, but you need to look on the package for whether or not their feeding has been supplemented.

>> No.15655050

True, but pasture-raised and grass-fed are two different labels for different things. You're right that it's also important to identify grass-fed AND finished meat, though with chickens it's basically impossible to find ones that aren't given some kind of grain feed as a supplementary option and you just have to rely on them spending enough time outside that they get enough forage they don't have to rely on the grain feed.

>> No.15655423
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>> No.15655680

>nobody talks about how the thumbnail looks like an interracial couple (specifically BMWF) making up while sexxing
/sci/ is decaying....

>> No.15655791

Well one of those guys is dead, so...

>> No.15655816

because "abusing animal bad so we must convert as many other people into being vegan with shit products"

>> No.15655847

How did they do this study? Did they look at the nutritional label? I could have told you this years ago

>> No.15655856
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>> No.15655910

>it’s too nutritious! I might get stronger and that’s for hecking fascists!!

>> No.15656712

This, "vegan hamburger" is oxymoronic. Just call it a soi sandwich, stop constantly lying to yourselves and everyone else about your stupid, childish eating disorders.

>> No.15656741
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>Why are vegans so determined to eat "milk" and "meat"? Why do they have to name their ersatz products after the real thing if they're so determined not to eat the real thing?
The intended message is "you don't have to sacrifice anything to join our moral superiority club", which makes sense: the people most swayed by the hysteric sentimentalism that drives vegan "culture" are lowly, selfish and unprincipled consumerist golems.

>> No.15658240
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>> No.15658262

Do you get all your nutrients from milk? How poor are you?

>> No.15659456

the only thing that didn't shrink was her nose

>> No.15659843

>hey goy, stop eating all the foods that have sustained humanity since before the dawn of recorded history
>eat this plastic soience vomit instead, its got artificial estrogen in it

>> No.15659945

>Jesus has already declared all foods to be clean
Then almond milk should be fine with the Lord, right?

>> No.15660114

>too nutritious
God help you.

>> No.15660525
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>Milk is just sugar with some protein
>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.15660530

the problem is torturing animals

there is nothing wrong with eating meat
everyone should have a small farm

>> No.15661347
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most people are way too lazy and stupid to do all the work involved in raising their own food

>> No.15661418

I wouldn't even know where to start desu. I can't even grow a small garden.

>> No.15661453

>whereas the vegetable products have needed an extra word, i.e. "almond milk."
>duuurr whai dey call it almond milk when cow milk good
Ultimately it's a semantic bullshit argument. You seriously sitting here arguing that people shouldnt drink almond milk because it's called almond milk, do you realize how idiotic this is? Perhaps if the cow was never domesticated we would be calling almond milk "milk", but not in this timeline, not right now.

>> No.15661487

I am ending this thread

>> No.15661512

>too nutritious
Only a vegan could be this mentally retarded.
They say this, meanwhile vegans will literally eat 5000 calories a day and piss most of it out just to get enough nutrients to build some muscle.
What do you think fed the Mongol warriors who conquered China so many times that it bottlenecked them?
I'll quote a famous book.
"The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warriors to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook. Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones."
Vegans are the most retarded people on earth. They all have brain damage from their shit diet.

>> No.15661742

>Contrary to what /pol/ would believe vegans don't eat onions filled meat substitutes every day, and actually avoid them.
why is every vegan like this? none of you can imagine anyone else living differently than yourself
all of the vegans I know are constantly talking about food and the new meat substitute product that hit the shelves
worst of all is one of my friends who used to avoid processed foods because of their low nutritional value and cancer ingredients somehow thinks it's not as bad when the same cancer trash only includes vegan ingredients
actual cult full of well meaning but totally lost people

>> No.15661750

>Basically all nutrients for a somewhat healthy diet
>Tastes like ass though
pick only 1, retard

>> No.15661760

>You seriously sitting here arguing that people shouldnt drink almond milk
Come again? I said calling it almond milk is stupid, I never said people couldn't drink it. People can eat whatever the hell they want, I don't care.

>Perhaps if the cow was never domesticated we would be calling almond milk "milk", but not in this timeline, not right now.
You're saying there was no word for an animal's milk prior to cow domestication? I highly doubt that.

>> No.15661767

Meanwhile Mongolia isn't shit, and people who survived on gruel ended up ruling the world (most Western empires).

>> No.15661770

plants want you to eat their fruits, that's why they taste sweet
plants dont want you to eat them, that's why they taste like shit and humans need to be socially conditioned to "want" to eat them and even then, only after they've been cooked to death

>> No.15661791

Bankers who eat steak and caviar every day rule the world.
You get to live as an indebted wage slave, inside a pod block settlement, eating monoculture nutrient free products full of chemicals, fake meat and other highly processed garbage, while your body slowly decays away from all the empty trash and endless poisons.
You're not allowed to have children, since it is cheaper to replace you with immigrants and you aren't allowed to own any land, if you think you do, the bank will take it from you the second you pass away.
You have the privilege of becoming an obese low T faggot or a starving low T faggot, who owns nothing, has nothing, takes responsibility for no one and nothing and will not pass on anything.
You exist to serve and you do not even realize it.
Who would survive if our entire civilization were to collapse in a huge nuclear war?
Mongol nomads.
You have abandoned nature and you are doomed for it.
Now eat your onions protein bar, get back in the wage cage and work yourself to death, retard.

>> No.15661800

And just to get my point across.
Why do you think the Chinese are the most complacent people in the world?
The never ending culling by the Mongols literally genetically bottlenecked them to a point where most Chinese men can't even grow beards anymore.
It's like the flappy ears in dogs.
The Mongols domesticated the Chinese by killing the men who resisted them for millennia.
But you're too retarded, you actually enjoy being complacent, that's who you are. You will never change.

>> No.15661828

>Bankers who eat steak and caviar every day rule the world.
Did they conquer other countries, or was it the people eating gruel? The rest of your post is pretty off point about myself, I'm just making a point that the shit you consider slop sustained the greatest empire in history, and those meat eaters (Alaskans, Maasai, Mongolians) didn't amount to anything.

>> No.15661835

>Who would survive if our entire civilization were to collapse in a huge nuclear war?
Also, I'm assuming you're making a point here, but do you really think the yuppies who subsist mostly on steaks from the grocery store or butcher are much better off? Everyone who isn't willing to kill other humans is doomed, because it's going to be a fight over the best resources. You better get off the internet, you've abandoned nature and are doomed for it!

>> No.15662396

Mongolia was surrounded by the two largest communist empires in history and still managed to maintain it's independence because both the Soviets and the Chinese feared the Mongols that badly. Mongolia also currently dominates Japan's national sport, there hasn't been a non Mongolian yokozuna in sumo yet this century. Mongols are the absolute chads of east asia and they've held that title for the past 800 years

>> No.15662414

Current Mongolian sumo wrestlers are not eating ketogenic diets, so I don't see how that's a defense of anything. The argument was they were great because they ate only animal products. Great at what? They never invented anything worthwhile. They succeed at sumo wrestling while not eating like Mongols, which is a testament to their genetics, not their diet. Therefore success means being born Mongolian and don't worry about the diet?

>> No.15662498

"Mongoloid" isn't something positive, no matter what your mom told you the other kids meant.

>> No.15662624

This is insane. Plant milk is watered down nyrs and legumes. You'd have to fortify it with petrochemicals to get close, and even then, it's a protein shake.

>> No.15662625


>> No.15662912

Dairy milk has a fraction of protein co,pared with a protein shake (vegan or whey)

>> No.15662913

Also, what petrochemicals?

>> No.15664320
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>oy vey stop drinking real milk goys, drink this legume juice loaded with estrogen instead