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15597181 No.15597181 [Reply] [Original]

I healed my depression after 20 years of looking for solutions by making myself smile all day and night long for a month. Is there any scientific explanation for why this worked? When I first started, I noticed it was really hard to think negatively, but I can't find any information about what would cause that, especially since I still felt emotionally low for the first 2 weeks of doing it, so I can't imagine it was an increase of dopamine. I don't need to force smiling anymore, but I naturally do it pretty often now and my emotions are finally regulated, I'm just trying to find any answers as to what my brain may have done to overwrite a lifetime of negative thinking and feeling numb all the time, since "trust me bro" wouldn't be enough to tell anyone else to do it.

>> No.15597193

he's done it bros... he's discovered the cure for depression

>> No.15597196

I'm just saying it worked for me and finding out why would be helpful

>> No.15598497

this really isn't something new
there is an experiment where two groups get the same presentation but one uses adjectives which we accociate with being young and healthy, the other one is coded with words which are accociated with being old and decrepit
after that both groups walk through a long hallway to a coffee table
guess which group needs longer to get there
but still, good on you, very good in fact, if it works it works

>> No.15598526

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15598561

I thought about doing this sometime a year ago. But before I actually tried it I had the fear that it would sort of desensitize me to true smiling, and that I wouldn’t actually be smiling. But I think I’ll try it but with a slight, confident smile, rather than a typical “happy” smile

>> No.15598602

feeling a little mood lift from faking a smile is one thing, curing depression with it is another
pretty crazy if it really worked

>> No.15598654

Read about another anon who did this some years back. It was cute as fuck and good for you man

>> No.15598680

true but if doing it for an hour can have an effect why shouldn't it be more pronounced the longer you do it? could be a feedback loop

>> No.15599227

In my own experience, all I can guess is that since the smiling interrupted negative thinking, the long period of not having that reflection of a low mood eventually made it so it didn't make sense to have the low mood there. It's hard to say what happened, because when doing it, I didn't feel anywhere close to good in the beginning, it was just like the habit of negativity was cut off.

>> No.15599992

well as i said, may well be a positive feedback loop
if i were you i would be conscious of the fact that a month or two are nothing compared to the 20 years of depression you allude to
i would prepare to go through with this procedure multiple times
and there is really no other option you left untouched?
>that since the smiling interrupted negative thinking, the long period of not having that reflection of a low mood eventually made it so it didn't make sense to have the low mood there
yeah, positive reinforcement, pretty much what therapy ought to teach you

>> No.15599998

Relax your body and mind.
Talk with your subconscious.

>> No.15600008

I made my sentiments known: any attempt to make it better would make it worse. Then they made it worse with the pit. When they did, they said it was fine for them to do that and then other people dug four or five more pits into my face, and I bet that isn't the last of them since they have been deemed eternally fine in the avoidance of the liability of the rape surgeon. Then after the pit fucked my face up much worse than the mole had, these bubbles fucked it up much worse yet still, all while I had published overtly my sentiments that any attempt to fix it was just going to make it worse. Now the guilt of the mole implanter is irrelevant because the people who fucked my face up 500 times worse with their botched rape surgery already determined that doing medical experiments on my face, against my own better judgement, is fine. These people are evil, and the rape surgeons are more evil than the mole implanter.

>> No.15600013

>These people are evil, and the rape surgeons are more evil than the mole implanter.
To wit, look how much worse they fucked up my face. Beyond that, the mole implanted did absolve himself of guilt, but the rape surgeons tell themselves that what they did is something other than pure evil.

>> No.15600018

>the mole ***IMPLANTER DID NOT*** absolve himself of guilt

>> No.15600037

If my opinion was that any attempt to fix it was going to make it worse, who declared themselves the owner of the flesh of my body such that it was their decision to make? At least when the mole implanter implanted the mole, he was saying, "I'm desecrating his face on purpose." The other people lied about what they were doing when they were desecrating my face on purpose. They are far more evil. I would have liked to have had the chance to try Moh's surgery, but they robbed me of that chance, dug a giant hole under my eye, said digging giant holes in my face i s fine so not I have four giant holes dug on my nose too and one on my forehead, and then they implanted these puffy swollen bags under both eyes so as to accentuate the pit, overall making everything at least 100 times worse than the mole was... and all of that a competent doctor could have almost certainly removed the mole easily with Moh's surgery.

>> No.15600044

I've tried many, many things and didn't really get anywhere. Even the things I did that supposedly worked directly on the brain like neurofeedback didn't do much. As far as therapy goes, I don't think talking about the problems ever did anything other than finding slight relief in being able to bitch about things, and I did a lot of therapy with many different people. I also had depersonalization for 10 years straight, so trying to work with thoughts was pretty much impossible due to them seeming distant from me. I'll make another thread in the future with any new insights. I just put a mirror in front of my couch so the smiling gets a visual feedback loop as well. My results are pretty good, but I am wanting to see if you can become happy as a kid, since I think that has more to do with brain chemistry than just being ignorant of the world.

>> No.15600046

>the chance that this medical experiment might come out in our favor is worth the chance that we might fuck his face up
>that's our decision to make, not his
>oops! we fucked his face up!
>anyways... the chance that this medical experiment might come out in our favor is worth the chance that we might fuck his face up again, way worse than we already did

>> No.15600049

>didn't really get anywhere.
That's bullshit. If it hadn't gone anywhere, it wouldn't be 100 times worse now. You made a lot of progress, fuckhead.

>> No.15600056

>happy as a kid
i know this topic might be unwelcome on /sci/ but meditation could be worth a try, i have had some profound experiences with it seeming to give me a taste of childhood happiness for the first time again
(it didn't last but i didn't stick with it)

>> No.15600066

Yeah, but how was someone else able to overrule my multiply published opinion that any attempt to fix it was going to make it worse? They overruled my opinion twice, in fact, making it 20 times worse with the pit and then 100 times worse with these fucking bubbles. Puffy bubbles under your eyes are like the #1 most undesirable eye configuration, and that's the one their rape surgeon chose to write onto my face, against my expressed opinion that any attempt to make it better would make it worse. So, then, I want to know who it was that thinks my face belongs to them so that subjecting me to medical experiments is their prerogative rather than mine.

>> No.15600069

Yes there is, look up Karl Friston's "active inference" theory. Your brain wants to alleviate inconsistencies in its world model. By forcing yourself to smile you're setting up an inferential tension that the brain attempts to resolve by modifiying internal states to make the smile "make sense."
That's the theory anyway.

>> No.15600070

You see, if they hadn't moved forward with the rape surgery, I could have consulted with non-incompetent doctor at some point in the future, and I could have discussed the Moh's surgery with him to see if that was something I wanted. However, they have irrevocably robbed me of that option forever now, and now the problem with my face being fucked up is 100 times worse than it was. Furthermore, the fact that they tried something other than Moh's surgery shows that they are as incompetent and stupid as they are evil.

>> No.15600082
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>> No.15600085
File: 839 KB, 1821x699, TIMESAND___3GyuccJ79uvKyg8yMf7tPd66jFn9jdkLl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15600142

Very interesting, thank you

>> No.15600240

>25 posts
>9 IPs
narcissistic personality desperate for attention and internet dopamine so it makes a thread about itself and bumps it obsessively

>> No.15600296

10 posts are from the same idiot talking about nothing

>> No.15600306

>huh sounds interesting
>Let's see what my subconscious has to say:
>haha good one bro.
>see you next time.

>> No.15600317

>the rape surgeon.
>the pit
>mole implantation
go on...?