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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 448 KB, 1488x1352, Clauser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15596358 No.15596358 [Reply] [Original]

The guy who won the Nobel physics prize for making climate models says that global warming is fake news.
Global warming is officially canceled

>> No.15596360


>> No.15598129
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>> No.15598146

I mean, how does anyone who isn't clinically retarded not know this already?
They have been telling us we're ten years from the point of no return since 1989!
How many times do the predictions have to fail before these morons catch on?
The arctic was not ice free by 2000, as the CLIMATE SCIENTISTS (not the media) said it would be, nor by 2008, nor by 2013, nor by 2018, and so on.
The number and severity of hurricanes is NOT increasing. The glaciers were already receding hundreds of years before we released any significant CO2.
EVERY metric they can't simply lie to us about has turned out to be inconsistent with their claims.
This has become the ultimate IQ test: If you STILL believe in global warming, you are retarded.

>> No.15598151

soo why should we trust you anon?

>> No.15599024
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>> No.15599033

>The guy who won the Nobel physics prize for making climate models
>Clauser was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science".
Is this bait or is OP just retarded?

>> No.15600040

understanding photon interactions is the most important aspects of climate models because nearly all energy input comes in to the form of solar photons

>> No.15600352

Why do deniers always have to alter their graphs and sources?

>> No.15600389
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't, the replication science fraud are the only ones who falsify data

>> No.15600525

>trust the basedience (tm)
While crackpottery is a thing that comes with age, I think that someone who pioneered climate models would have enough clout when speaking about climate models to not be summarily dismissed.

>> No.15600548

>crackpottery is a thing that comes with age
not really, being too wet behind the ears to understand someone who has half a century more professional experience than yourself is something that comes with youth

>> No.15600622


>John Francis Clauser is an American theoretical-

Stopped reading there. You people should know better by now than to trust anyone who's a "theoretical" anything. It's a stupid field full of fart-sniffers. There's no bigger academic welfare queen than a theoretical physicists.
He probably joined his Carbon Club because the scam is over and no university will hire him to do nothing but pick his nose and write useless fucking books and papers about useless fucking shit nobody can confirm or deny.

>> No.15600669

sounds very communist

>> No.15600710

It's gonna mention Shockley and Watson isn't it
Of course it fucking did

>> No.15600717

now this is the type of science i trust

>> No.15600848

Both. It's always both.

>> No.15602524
File: 416 KB, 1x1, JohnClauserSaysGlobalWarmingIsFake.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15602857

>dat pdf
LMAO even the cover page already looks cheap af

Imagine the quality of the actual "science" within

>> No.15602893


>> No.15602924
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He got the Nobel for quantum entanglement. That makes him even more based. Deboonking the mainstream global boiling narrative is nothing compared to his achievement of disproving local realism. He proved experimentally the theoretically predicted results which make superdeterminist losers seethe endlessly.

>> No.15603229
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>also became a member of the board of directors of the CO2 Coalition

>> No.15603250

>World's foremost climate expert says
but he isn't a climate expert at all

>> No.15603282

why would joe biden's wiki page contain his son's laptop scandal?
rightoids arent very smart

>> No.15604063
File: 640 KB, 1920x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a blatant lie, the temperature trend is well within the models predictions.

this one hasn't even be updated since may and since then we've had record warm june and july in most of the northern hemisphere.

Care to respond? Probably won't because you're just presenting misinformation and passing it off as fact.

>> No.15604236
File: 82 KB, 960x864, 1622488002769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept that 'Climate Change' is just a modern version of the Christian End Times narrative. Man is sinful, we have wronged the deity, deity will punish us, a few will be saved but only if they are virtuous and believe.
We should be focusing on plastic pollution and overfishing, not this fucking nonsense.

>> No.15604240
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>no citations

>> No.15604242

>the temperature trend is well within the models predictions.
>I mean once they FALSIFY THEIR DATA to make it fit the predictions.

>> No.15604244

the "left" referred to by that article aren't actual leftists like the soviets but rather capitalist larpers brainwashed by globohomo megacorporations.

>> No.15604753

Damn, scientists suck at predicting temperatures.

>> No.15604771

>everyone who doesnt believe what I believe (right this second) is retarded!
This entire board were on the climate cult train and calling me a schizo for saying climate "science" is a pseudo-scientific cult with no double studies or accurate predictions and is completely predicated on a computer models that have never been right about anything

>> No.15604783

>This entire board were on the climate cult train
not even 3 years ago. there was a "how do we solve global warming" thread literally always on the board and no one in it ever questioned any of it and when I did I was viciously attacked by droolers who had no idea wtf they were even talking about

>> No.15604858

>water can somehow "remember" the chemical properties of substances diluted within it,
pretty sure this turned out to be true

>> No.15604876

>pretty sure this turned out to be true
No, chemical substances cannot even "remember" (consider what that word even means for a second) the previous compositions of *their own atoms* much less transmit any such interaction information (again, whatever that is supposed to mean).

>> No.15604943

I don't know how it works and no I don't mean it in the homeopathy sense but there is evidence that water does remember what it was previously diluted in idk why idk where I read it but did sound credible at the time. Probably read it here we did have a water thread once.

>> No.15605070

>The guy who won the Nobel physics prize for making climate models says
> "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science"
If OP lies about this, the rest is probably a lie too.
Protip: if you're a grifter try not to lie about completely obvious things.

>> No.15605080

How does this make sense if you look at the actual data? It's just a manipulated graph. The second column is the yearly temperature anomaly, the right column is a smoothed value.
2010 0.72 0.64
2011 0.61 0.66
2012 0.65 0.69
2013 0.67 0.74
2014 0.74 0.78
2015 0.90 0.83
2016 1.01 0.87
2017 0.92 0.91
2018 0.85 0.93
2019 0.98 0.92
2020 1.01 0.91
2021 0.84 0.91
2022 0.89 0.90
Sauce: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/
Only if you make shit up.

>> No.15605081

>if you're a grifter try not to lie about completely obvious things.
if thats the case then someone who lies about completely obvious things is not a grifter.

>> No.15605088

OP is a grifter but he's bad about it. The good ones probably post in forums with a higher average IQ. You see how long it took until someone pointed out that John Clauser didn't get the Nobel prize for climate models.

>> No.15605096

The good ones probably were sent to the Ukraine and died.

>> No.15605200

>John Clauser didn't get the Nobel prize for climate models.
stfu grifter

>> No.15605216

a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization

>> No.15605946

roy spencer's chart he failed to ever publish for peer review (lmao) still making the rounds a decade later, how charming.

>> No.15605965

I have a lot of empathy for cultists I just wish the dominant cults weren't all so fucking gay and retarded. When are we gonna get a new cult that informs beneficial decision making and isn't so nihilistic?

>> No.15605972

Give a better source then. Ideally one that replicates the image in question. Let me guess, you can't.

>> No.15606141

But he's not a climate expert, guy's a physicist

>> No.15606165

Do you think that's the only thing OP would lie about?

>> No.15606264

>give the scientist a Nobel prize and he suddenly thinks he’s too prominent to censor himself
Most of the “examples” of Nobel prize winners “going crazy” in that wiki is innocuous things like “schizophrenia might be caused by vitamin and nutrition deficiencies” to things we know are true like eugenics and race science and extrasensory perception and ghosts. I don’t think disagreeing with Matt Dillahunty is sufficient cause in itself to declare a famous scientist as mentally insane and to be ignored by the rest of humanity. They literally revealed secret correspondence where EO Wilson, the most prominent biologist in the us throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, secretly believed genes explained iq differences between races. He also said in the correspondences that he was afraid to publish these views because he was afraid of losing his job. And the woke journalist was looking over these letters in the article swooning that this proved science was racist and evil. But just think about it, the top biologist in America was afraid to voice what he believed to be scientifically proven. That’s why “race science” is debunked. It’s because scientists are easy to intimidate because they tend to not be independently wealthy so their prominent sinecure is not to be gambled with.

>> No.15606307

>The guy who won the Nobel physics prize for making climate models says that global warming is fake news.
From Wikipedia:
>John Francis Clauser (/ˈklaʊzər/; born December 1, 1942) is an American theoretical and experimental physicist known for contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt inequality.
>Clauser was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science
Keep lying, some of your bullshit might stick

>> No.15606352
File: 95 KB, 908x605, Putnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something similar happened more recently in sociology. Robert Putnam, one of the most respected sociologists in the world, did an extensive study that concluded diversity erodes society. He says he was devastated by the results but he couldn't refute his own data. He sat on the results for years, refusing to publish them because we was afraid he'd be ostracized and called a Nazi. When he finally did publish, he crouched it in generic statements that diversity had many other benefits that couldn't be measured. This didn't save him from being labeled a white supremacist and hate monger, even though his leftist credentials were impeccable and lifelong. It didn't matter how sound his methodology and data were, they produced an unacceptable outcome, so they were dismissed as a product of systematic hate.

>> No.15606368

>Something similar happened
Do you mean that you also make up most of it or did it actually happen? People like OP poison the entire discourse. His lies make me doubt your story even though I have never heard of that guy.

>> No.15606379

Which study are you talking about? Cannot be this one:
>Putnam published his data set from this study in 2001[21][22] and subsequently published the full paper in 2007.[20]
because you said that it happened more recently.

>> No.15606381

>to things we know are true like eugenics and race science and extrasensory perception and ghosts.

>> No.15606415
File: 194 KB, 406x431, 1668450355599607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but nasa says!

lol you NPCs are amazing. You literally have zero self awareness. This is why I feel zero guilt treating people like as cattle in real life. You are too stupid to know better.

>> No.15606478

>/sci/ is one person
Junior, I was concluding "global warming" was bullshit well over a decade ago.

>> No.15607156

>Hunter Biden laptop
bruh these bots are stuck in 2020

>> No.15607169

No. I can't believe I keep having to explain this shit to you morons. He is not at all an expert in climate.

>> No.15607214

>the predictions to the left were actually plotted in retrospect

>> No.15607349
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>> No.15607353

freeman dyson used to call it bullshit too...if hes still allive though he probably cant even talk

>> No.15607376

sure you did, and pray tell what was it that red pilled you on this esoteric truth? Because I can tell you the exact moment that red pilled me in 2004, junior

>> No.15607505

btw my point wasnt to measure dicks, it was to highlight the point that people don't know. How could they? I am not a gigabrained genius who spent all my free time studying climate studies and saw through this nonsense and neither are you. I was red pilled by a genius who explained it to me like I was a child by reading state of fear. It was just happenstance that I got red pilled on it by reading one of my favorite sci fi authors who WAS an actual giga brained genius and read the studies and wrote a book to explain it all to midwit like myself.

>> No.15607513

>to midwit like myself.
to a dumb college student (at the time) like myself

>> No.15607520

Only low IQ morons believe in that globohomo shit.

>> No.15607528
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat the bug and fuck off you piece of shit.

>> No.15607532

to be subtle, also leftists hate Joe Biden as well. He's just "better than Trump" in their eyes.

>> No.15607537
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Based AF.

>> No.15607551
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It can't go up even more because they run out of ways to massage the data.

>> No.15608003

Man this is perfect example of projection. Reject the hard data, cry "muh gubmint conspiracy!" because you have nothing to fall back on except living in your delusional conspiracy world. The only NPC here is you, a typical retard that think's he's much smarter than everyone else by falling into conspiracy rabbit holes that make you think you have the answers no one else does lol. Pathetic.

>> No.15608786

this, no one ever plans anything you idiots. All those "based on a true story" movies about the CIA shipping drugs and overthrowing governments, watergate, all the "gates," all the RICO cases every year of conspiracies all that was when we were less evolved a few years ago. Politicians never do anything in their own interests, they became politicians because they are saintly creatures who want to sacrifice everything to take care of you like you are a child which is why all the jokes about lawyers and politicians being the scum of the Earth are just tongue in cheek irony. In reality they are basically clergy touched by God and you need to follow their doctrine without question. Imagine how retarded you have to be to think people with money and power actually plan things. pffft the entire notion is so juvenile, you have to be so gullible to believe that. Me, well yah I am a leftist and think you should eat the rich because billionaires are evil and corporations and (((special interest groups))) negatively impact politics but they support trannies and niggers replacing white people in movies now so it's fine. pfft what do you mean cognitive dissonance? There is no contradiction here. What I believe is fact you are just a conspiratard though.

Imagine how fucking stupid and/or mentally ill this person is

>> No.15608829
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>hard data
they can't even decide what gender they are

>> No.15608860

Someone once told me to follow the money. So here we go.
>John Francis Clauser is an experimental physicist and member of the board of directors4 of the CO2 Coalition, a group that claims that both CO2 emissions and associated global warming would be “of great benefit to life on earth.”5
>The CO2 Coalition was established in 2015 from the remains of the now-defunct George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) and registered as a 501(c)(3) organization for the purpose of “educating thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide and fossil fuels to our lives and the economy.”1 2
Let's look where the money comes from:
That list is the who's who of fossil fuel lobbyists. Incredible.

>> No.15608962
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.15608983

I followed the money too and found out just stop oil is funded by an oil heiress. What an odd coincdence

>> No.15609067

>just stop oil
Never heard of them. Also, they didn't win a Nobel prize, so I'm not sure they belong on /sci/. If they're funded by the oil industry, fuck them. But on /pol/, not here.

>> No.15609215

only poor people plan things you dumb fuck

>> No.15609218

Big Oil money pays very good.

>> No.15609293

Yeah, that is the sole prerogative of the warmeristas, right?

>> No.15609301

I bet you think the vaxx causes you to be gay too dont you nazi conspiracy theorist fuckwit?

>> No.15609338

/pol/ is a cancer that has extended to every board on this site. It's incurable at this point, RIP 4chan.

>> No.15609341

I guess the anti climate-change measures have worked and we should keep implementing them, thanks for confirmation anon!

>> No.15609355

I’ve been on this board for two days and it’s probably some how WORSE than /pol/

>> No.15609358

Just a reminder that leading expert Pauchari was a railway engineer, clearly in a far better position to talk about climate than, say, Ivar Giaever.
The questions regarding financial anomalies and sexual harassment only bolsters his alpha position.

>> No.15609440

>“schizophrenia might be caused by vitamin and nutrition deficiencies”
you can't even type what he really said

>> No.15609457

Montagnier made the experiment and got results, everyone called it improbable without bothering to replicate it or explain it, and that was that. Science.

>> No.15610521

why don't you kiss a man already you absolute faggot

>> No.15610985 [DELETED] 

Wikipedia is a fake news site

>> No.15610992 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should just face up to the fact that you will never be willing to accept any facts that contradict your political biases because your politics is your religion

>> No.15611956
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just accept that 'Climate Change' is just a modern version of the Christian End Times narrative. Man is sinful, we have wronged the deity, deity will punish us, a few will be saved but only if they are virtuous and believe.

>> No.15612574

uh oh climatebros, this doesn't look good for us

>> No.15613509

Photons have nothing to do with climate modelling lmao sick kid

>> No.15613551

It really doesn't, it's completely dwarfed by the billions spent by the UN linked bodies

>> No.15613578

Yeah, someone from a completely unrelated field who's on the payroll of the oil industry says he disagrees with actual experts. Climatebros on suicide watch.

>> No.15613579

You don't get it. Everything is particle physics. Neurons firing erratically? That's just chemistry, which is particle physics.

>> No.15613587

ipcc is corrupt and agenda driven

>> No.15613593

This has nothing to do with my comment. Do you bots just default to generic shit-throwing if you run out of arguments?

>> No.15613617

>The number of cyclones
per year over the globe is shown above the time axis; there is no trend
in these counts.
>Also, there is no trend in the median lifetime-maximum
wind speed,
Paper is cited like thousand times by "omg hurricanes are going stronger we all gonna die" fags.

>> No.15613621

No, it's just a statement that needs to be repeated many times.
if you don't give the ipcc what they want you don't get funding, it is dangerous that they and their allied bodies have such a monopoly on climate research because they're agenda driven and have been exposed as liars repeatedly.
oil money is throwing peanuts
This position is extremely dangerous.

>> No.15614187

>we've had record warm june and july in most of the northern hemisphere.
No we didn't stop lying. This has been a cool summer here in Europe. June was cold and July was normal.

>> No.15614207

But the media said it was the hottest on record, they wouldn't lie to me would they?

>> No.15615311
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>> No.15617285

>completely unrelated field
Before climate science was it's own discipline, it was a subset of physics known as atmospheric science, it was made into it's own discipline only a quarter of a century ago, so Clauser was probably instructing climate science until it became it own discipline and gave up on most of the mathematical and physical rigor. Modern day climate science doesn't even require knowledge of calculus

>> No.15618036

Stockholm Syndrome, many such cases. SAD!

>> No.15618043
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>> No.15618479

so go back to /pol/ if you hate it here

>> No.15618510

At one point /sci/ was better. But yeah.
Try /x/ but filter it hard

>> No.15618511

Even before it became its own discipline clauser never worked on atmospheric physics. He's simply not qualified, even if he is paid to say what you would like to hear.

>> No.15620264

he is extremely qualified, you're just not knowledgeable enough of physics to understand that, since you've never studied it even at an undergrad level

>> No.15620275

Science by consensus isn't science it's popularity contest

>> No.15620277

>one dude says X therefore we must doubt le everything
Not how science works. Consensus is important for a reason.

>> No.15620282 [DELETED] 

>low IQ nigger doesn't understand science

>> No.15620325

Yeah, well. These sick people saying this accusation will simply lock you up, or send you to the gas chamber/lethal injection chamber for exercising your freedom of speech. It is not a right to call me that. Nothing is right in this world, our lefts and right wings of the political spheres are in atrophy and diminished.
Everything's getting fucked by spies on 4chan [redacted], and we're all going to die b/c environment or kill ourselves/eachother. [redacted][...]

>> No.15620364

>debating with peple who wear their stupidity like a badge of honor
they are literally don't look up tier. This movie nailed them

>> No.15621043

>previous models simply forgot to take clouds into account

>> No.15621069

>einstein says "muh relativity" therefore we must doubt le newtonian mechanics

>> No.15622270
File: 840 KB, 2303x2303, 929E06C3-0B05-49C5-AB7D-3BA9C68C1252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.15622283
File: 15 KB, 445x299, 29357F5C-07F8-4B0D-ADE3-3B4A3A23B4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh gubmint conspiracy
Are we pretending the government doesn't actively conspire to gain power on a constant basis now?

>> No.15622335

two more weeks

>> No.15622420
File: 64 KB, 953x720, 1686122050677430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chart clearly shows that water vapor is the only significant greenhouse gas in out atmosphere, hope you're not misinterpreting that graphic and thinking it suggests that CO2 is even slightly significant.

>> No.15622748

since when are scientists known for their graphic design skills?

>> No.15622809

>waaaah woes me
quit crying and man up bitch. what are you prepared to do about it?

>> No.15622811
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>> No.15622816

I am not. You are correct. CO2 doesn't do shit.

>> No.15622823

I'm arguing for your point, nigger reading level retard. Also, I think there will be significantly more climate shilling than two more weeks worth.

>> No.15622853


>> No.15623590
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA is a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization

>> No.15623647

>she really can't

>> No.15623652

>man-made 3.2%
No need to take this seriously and think about the other numbers, it's just ridiculously wrong.

>> No.15623966
File: 102 KB, 567x579, Plass 1956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOd by a 1950s paper
Scientifically speaking, why are all GHG deniers either decades behind everyone else or straight-up lying?

>> No.15624058

Can confirm for cornwall, been wearing jumpers a lot lately.

>> No.15624073

Why is so fucking cold?

>> No.15624150

>temperature data trackers no longer paid for accurate records.
>only want models

>> No.15624164
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Lakes coast checking in to report normal temps, in line with the same thing every year for the last 40 years

>> No.15624191
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>> No.15624288

But they aren't promising paradise?

>> No.15624295

It's about the "CO2 is plant food and the Earth will flourish and that's why you must keep pumping fossil fuels into the air" retards

>> No.15625539

fuck off we're full

>> No.15625558
File: 451 KB, 1686x992, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 2.00.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple threads with images from the CO2 coalition or other known oil industry astroturf websites
They're getting desperate now that warming is increasingly harder to ignore as a physical reality that the public feels

>> No.15628218
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't post co2 coalition data
>here some information from the USA federal government
>the USA federal government never lies
in 2012 congress and obama cooperated to make it legal for the USA federal government to propagandize americans

>> No.15628221

I'm so confused.
I'm told to believe the experts.
But then I'm told not to listen to them when they don't say what they're supposed to say.

>> No.15628230

>Y-yeah, it's the people who provide the fuel to give us food and heat who are conspiring to lie, not a bunch of useless academic leftard marxists whose careers LITERALLY END if climate change isn't real.

>> No.15628245

>Satellite based observations of temperatures are fake because I say so :(

>> No.15629335

full of massive cocks in your tight little bussy

>> No.15629344

tin foil hat, now

>> No.15629377

dangerously low iq detected, return asap

>> No.15629390

You're retarded.
Why are people not being paid to report accurate temperature data but only those giving dodgy models are seeing funding.

>> No.15629391

>I'm told to believe the experts.
Believe the experts, not some people from outside of the field who are paid by the fossil fuel industry.

>> No.15629949
File: 259 KB, 1280x1918, 1686497860436761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking august and i had only like 1 week of real hot. this was unthinkable 10 years ago. its global cooling in eastern europe

>> No.15631914

if global warming is real, how come theres no hot weather?

>> No.15632121

its only hotter in countries with a lot of homosexuality. coincidence?

>> No.15632162

To those who say we're approaching a new ice age, what's your time frame, and why? AFAIK the last interglacial period lasted a few thousand years, so if the theory is correct, wouldn't we be just entering an interglacial period now?

>> No.15633392

two weeks

>> No.15633484

It's funny, I caught the local evening news tonight because my parents were watching it on the bbc literally ever couple of minutes they found a reason to bring up climatchange or global warming, meanwhile I was sat wearing a jumper just yesterday.

>> No.15633793

>the study of NATURE
>not an expert on nature

>> No.15634002

Good thing I can’t physically sense the temperature outside and use my eyeballs to see what it’s like around the world.

>> No.15634019

We've actually never left the Ice Age. We're not in a glacial maximum or anything, but this is an Ice Age.

>> No.15636070

Real science was never about trust; it was all about doubt and process.

>> No.15636075

Same in Scandinavia, weather has been miserable and wet.

Also in places with hardly any population such as Sahara.

>> No.15636095

Newton was really into alchemy.
Even being a supergenius doesn’t make you immune to being wrong or believing dumb stuff.

>> No.15637334

The peer review process was instituted to replace the Christian scientific method and substitute it with a conspiracy of amoral atheistic liars

>> No.15637339

Why would trump's wiki clntain half the bullshit it does?

>> No.15637542

but he's not an expert

>> No.15637550

what shouldn't it contain?

>> No.15637598
File: 161 KB, 270x340, 1678083174920017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alchemy gets a pass since it led to chemistry. Plus, the mysticism is cool

>> No.15637940

July was fucking hot

>> No.15637963
File: 783 KB, 2560x1464, Record_Temperatures_in_the_Mediterranean_Sea_in_July 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty liar.
>Starting on 10 July 2023, the record-breaking Cerberus anticyclone affected many European countries, with the effects felt most severely in parts of Southeast and Southwest Europe such as Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Spain.
>The event also led to record-breaking high temperatures in the Arctic, following a week of the hottest global average temperatures ever recorded. Several regional temperature records have also been broken, and the heatwave has prompted health warnings and government action in several countries.
The sea surface was 5° warmer than normal. This is the opposite of a "normal summer".

>> No.15638985

fake news, its been cool and raining all summer

>> No.15639000

It was cold wet and miserable

>> No.15639002

Maybe that just means you don't know as much about alchemy as you should

>> No.15639026

Do you honestly believe every single thermometer is controlled by the shadow people? It is easy to check this data. Last month has been the hottest July ever recorded.

>> No.15639310

Hottest where?

>> No.15639377

Average temperature over the entire world.
Here is a graph, try looking at it.

>> No.15639528


>> No.15640476

how many sigma is that out of the soientists' predicted range?

>> No.15640504

Most educated sci user

>> No.15640508

So that's when this board started going to shit

>> No.15640510

>i hate /sci/
why are you here? theres dozens of npc safe space websites out there that cater to your ilk, why not use one of those if /sci/ upsets you so much? why torture yourself by coming to /sci/ and seeing that global warming is fake when you can go to reddit and maintain the illusion of your end of the world fantasy life?

>> No.15640555

"results, in part, from a tendency for Nobel winners to feel empowered by the award to speak on topics outside their specific area of expertise"
Quote from the first paragraph of the article you posted. He is talking about the thing he got his Nobel prize for, this is literally his area of expertise. Don't go around posting links to look smart when reading the first two sentences reveals that you don't even understand what you are claiming.

>> No.15640634

>why would you look at things you don't agree with?
Logic of the avg climate change denialist

>> No.15640683

Imagine writing this unhinged rant and somehow coming out thinking that the guy who can read data is the mentally ill one

>> No.15640760

And what are the data sources?

>> No.15640782

Open the link, retard. Overcome your ADD and look at the content for more than 30 seconds and you'll find it.

>> No.15642555

>sponsored by the global warming institute
really objective source you got there

>> No.15642597
File: 179 KB, 1080x1233, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based virtuous eco warrior

>> No.15644258

>degenerates engage in virtue signalling
errrrry singe time, the only people who feel drawn to the virtue signalling lifestyle are people who have horrible toxic personalities that they want to disguise