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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 1000x636, neil-degrasse-tyson-girhter-conspiracy-theory-1516800886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15593019 No.15593019 [Reply] [Original]

Are you smarter than him?

>> No.15593068

does he even do actual science? has he published anything?

>> No.15593117


>> No.15593129

Poster boy for pseuds. Barely any citations. His PhD thesis is hidden away.

>> No.15593152

how is it hidden?

>> No.15594132

proof that it isn't?

>> No.15594137

proof that it is?

>> No.15594152

yes but not by so much. He’s actually kinda smart, though a little socially retarded

>> No.15594187

He is not a real scientist, and is a pseud. But he is smarter and more acheived in life than the vast majority of /sci/ so it doesn't make sense for them to hate him (unless it's envy). I feel like most of /sci/ would love him if they actually watched him, considering the low IQ of this board.

>> No.15594189

yes, without a doubt

>> No.15594236

what the fuck is this schizo shit
why would he hide phd? hes not a politician like merkel who faked it

>> No.15594237

>more acheived in life than the vast majority of /sci/
he is 65 years old

>> No.15594250

>Jeff Bezos is richer than me only because he is older
He was more well achieved than you even when he was your age.

>> No.15594297

What's this then?

>> No.15594306

that's his "fake" PhD which was "planted there" by the "jews" to "subvert" "white" people

>> No.15594329

And where's the full text ? This is a joke

>> No.15594343

academia is paywalled and nepotistic

>> No.15594358


>> No.15594361

Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 53-04, Section: B, page: 1887

>> No.15594371

Oh wait, that's just the abstract. Seems it was presented at a conference though:
Back to the Galaxy. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 278, pp. 141-144

>> No.15594380


>> No.15594383

>cited almost zero times
>Couldn't cut it at university of Texas
He's a pseud.

>> No.15594393

idk but my astronomy professor claimed to have been friends with him and Tyson tried to convince him that microfiche was the future and to invest into it or something.

>> No.15594592

>has he published anything?
I think he was the eighth author on a paper back in about 1960 or so.

>> No.15594618

Fix the infinity hat nonsense first

>> No.15594646

Why you on this mans nuts OP?

>> No.15595951

does he even do actual science? has he published anything?


I probably am.

>> No.15596506
File: 41 KB, 387x543, NDT-83-Topps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was ambidextrous as a baseball player, I wish I could figure out how to do that.

>> No.15596769

Neil is the kinda guy to wake up his wife just to tell her he's going to sleep.

>> No.15598256

why are there so many black s o y e n c e man threads?

>> No.15598293

because OP is obsessed

>> No.15598489

I definitely know things he doesn't
-- Science things --
-Historic Science-/ Scientific History-
--> that many of his 'Beliefs' are just wr- incorrect.

>> No.15598531

i did that lol
i need help

>> No.15598539

His doctoral thesis said that stars closer to the center of the galaxy have more metals than those on the edges which are purer in hydrogen and helium. Original topic? Dunno, sounds like 1950 type of research

>> No.15599979
File: 35 KB, 285x337, the face of scince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants the big black s o y e n c e

>> No.15600759

Didn't Tibees do a video on his thesis?

>> No.15600781
File: 111 KB, 1170x928, F1ZNchwaAAMaaGu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But he is smarter and more acheived in life than the vast majority of /sci/ so it doesn't make sense for them to hate him (unless it's envy).
He's unjustifiably smug, which wouldn't be enough to hate him on its own, but he also drags down society with his messaging.

>> No.15602555
File: 21 KB, 1024x546, tyson soyence man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15603553

yes i am

>> No.15604476

>poses with exercise gear
>still has a double chin
can science explain tyson's paradox

>> No.15604512

BMI tends to increase as you age.

>> No.15604518

Probably eats like shit. Doesn't matter how much you work out if you just eat all the calories you want.

>> No.15604723

This board laughs at him because they can't admit to themselves that they are exactly as dumb as him.
Can we get a /psy/ board already? I'm getting tired of being lumped in with you midwits. Retard IQ and zero EQ over here.

>> No.15606405

>i hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15606482

>Are you smarter than him?
Yeah, but that's not saying much.

>> No.15606721

>considering the low IQ of this board.
it is low, but not "WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST!" low.

>> No.15607936
File: 210 KB, 698x1148, negro climate destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15608650

>65 years old
>still confused and astounded by the mirror test

>> No.15609686


>> No.15609691

>just eat all the calories you want
who wants to eat more than 3000 calories a day?
i couldnt

>> No.15609876

Probably not. I’m not an absolutist skeptic, though.

He seems to think aliens visiting earth is impossible, when it’s one of two outcomes—if we can leave, even if only hypothetically, then something can come to us.

I also don’t doubt that our (human) perceptions of spacetime are heavily limited.

What is possible/impossible is relative. Consider just how -absurd- the present would be to someone from antiquity.

>> No.15610887 [DELETED] 

thats because you're lazy and don't exercise. people who exercise often consume way over 3000 cal

>> No.15610928


Meh that's novel enough. You only really need to be known for one thing in your career/life. Plus he's a media person now.

>> No.15612359

Mike Tyson is old and he doesn't have a double chin

>> No.15615076

Anyone who presumes that they're more intelligent than NDT is racist

>> No.15615080

I bet he doesn't even know all the type categories of bacterial secretion systems.

>> No.15615094

Reminder that if citations are worth anything, then discovering a new method to isolate a protein slightly better is orders of magnitude more valuable than discovering a new fundamental physical theory. It also means that if you don't major in biology or some very specific subfields of medicine you're worthless by default.

>> No.15616261

I'm as smart as him.

>> No.15616994

So you're saying you're low IQ?

>> No.15617816

Yes and it's not even close

>> No.15617840

>Are you smarter than he (is)?

>> No.15620113

>Are you smarter than her?

>> No.15620271

High school NDT could literally beat up every anon on this thread (except me, of course). So he can make them all submit and accept him as smarter.

>> No.15621420

Smart enough to not eat so fuckin much lmao

>> No.15621476

I liked his interview with the guy from cumtown. He seemed a lot more human there and able to bant. His tweets are pretty insufferable, but I don't think that shitty social media app brings much good out of anyone that uses it.

>> No.15621489
File: 102 KB, 451x646, gay space nigger from outer space .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15621500

It's difficult not to be.

>> No.15621612

No idea and I don't care.

>> No.15621653

I put him as a reference on my resume and gave a fake e-mail address. After I got the job, my boss would always ask me about him and I would have to tell him made up NDT stories like how we played basketball with my dad and liked to go tuna fishing. After a few years, my boss brought up, in a meeting, that I went tuna fishing with NDT. I had told so many lies that I forgot that one. I said that I had never told him I went fishing with NDT and that he was mis-remembering. He basically forced me out after that.

>> No.15623170

Why did you feel the need to correct your boss?

>> No.15623173

>His PhD thesis is hidden away.
wait, what? Enlighten me.

>> No.15623184

He actually came to visit my college once and hang out with the students at my dorm

He's qualified to do what he does but he's not some kind of genius. Yes I am smarter than him. He's more of an actor and a spokesman for science than a real scientist. You will never catch him questioning the party lines where they exist in academia.

>> No.15623188

We can't leave, and nothing can come to us. That's the end of it.

>> No.15623261

None of that happened

>> No.15623281

i could believe it because i did a similar thing with a previous employer, only it was scuba diving not tuna fishing.

>> No.15623337

Damn, I did it but with golfing.

>> No.15623349

I used to like him.
The more famous he became the more retarded shit came out of his mouth.
I don't think he's dumb, he's just a parrot now.

>> No.15624265

here you go.

>> No.15624378

Im white and part German and part jewish so yeah.

>> No.15624445

your potential doesn't matter. Nobody knows what you're capable not even yourself. What matters is how much you benefited the community or the world. The highest recorded iq man liked trains, yet nobody cares about him except reddit.

>> No.15624845

Anyone who is strength training and building muscle, 3,000 calories isn't even that much, anon.

>> No.15624850

objectively so yes

>> No.15624851

That’s too much of an absolutism for me.

>> No.15624857

LOL no offense, but it is obvious you do not work in STEM, he is a pop-sci laughingstock. Race has nothing to do with it, Thomas Sowell is unquestionably smarter than me and anyone on this board, and I am a Physicist at a decent ranking US university.

>> No.15625582

>and I am a racist Physicist at a decent ranking US university.

>> No.15626998
File: 1.18 MB, 3954x2749, Columbia 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neil is just the new Carl Sagen....

PROPAGANDA Voice for the Pagan NWO

Fake Science
Stupidifying of America

>> No.15627014
File: 1.22 MB, 2835x2244, Columbia 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if he's a Liar, because I don't know if he truly Believes what he says ...
But he is the voice of CIA/NASA dis-information service

>> No.15627392

his panel literally disbanded because they couldn't flunk him, since he was a post desegregation ivy league posterboy a la little rock nine

>> No.15628426

"trust the science" has nothing to do with populism. having a class of infallible ivory tower soience priests dictating whats what to everyone else is elitism

>> No.15631599
File: 197 KB, 1248x1229, 1673470782336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15631629

Yes.im white.any white person is smarter than a nigger

>> No.15632869
File: 93 KB, 851x832, uzHjke2CZZ4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15633661


>> No.15633672


>> No.15634290

thats just the abstract