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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 450x600, 20230726_235916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15592260 No.15592260 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think /sci/? World changing, or elaborate hoax?

>> No.15592267

It's an elaborate, wold-changing hoax.

>> No.15592276

its real in my mind

>> No.15592283

>is a korean person telling the truth?

>> No.15592284


probably a honest mistake

>> No.15592286

Probably yes

>> No.15592289

it works fine but it makes you gay

>> No.15592295
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will it make the next xbox really good?

>> No.15592315
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i hope with all my heart that its true
As a zoomie i don't think i've ever witnessed a massive technological leap unlike previous generations, so I hope that this turns out to be a significant paper
Also since i'm still young i'll probably reap some of the benefits from it as well

>> No.15592329
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The universe tends toward entropy so I would not be surprised if something made of lead ends up being the cause of the next industrial revolution.

Leaded electrodomestics will be everywhere.

>> No.15592969

Kys srsly

>> No.15592974

Another case of Fleischmann–Pons. People who aren't physicists delude themselves in thinking they have produced some miraculous result but when actual experts check the results they get shit on.

>> No.15593007

It will make electronics 1000000% more efficient but will cause insanity after prolonged exposure

>> No.15593017

probably true. the early superconductors used lead. and we already have room temperature superconductors but only at high pressures like one million atmospheres. they claim to have found a novel way to create internal pressures rather than needing external pressures. what they're claiming isn't outlandish. it's combining stuff already known but in a novel way.

they've given interviews already to korean news giving some background on why it seems so rushed. they had this working 3 years ago but were unable to turn their results into a published paper. they didn't know how to navigate the world of science journals which are mostly in English. they hired a Korean/English writer who helped them but when they submitted to Nature and Science they got rejected both times, told to try smaller publications first. they tried smaller publications and are still waiting. but waiting is what causes this next thing to happen.

so one of the researchers got worried about their discovery being scooped. the glory and money only goes to the first to publish. without permission of the others he published an early draft of the paper to arxiv, which is a free-to-publish site. the other researchers are pissed about this and published another draft of the paper but conspicuously take his name off the authors list. fighting over credit is a good sign they believe what they're saying.

they've also taken out patents on the process and explained how to make it in the paper. they're very confident it's real.

I think they believe it's real. and I think they know enough about the science and testing to not fool themselves. there is the chance they're wrong but I'm leaning more towards they're right.

>> No.15593023

>they've given interviews already to korean news giving some background on why it seems so rushed. they had this working 3 years ago but were unable to turn their results into a published paper. they didn't know how to navigate the world of science journals which are mostly in English.
Pile of bullshit. There's a whole industry based around helping researchers translate and edit their papers. I know this because it's my main source of income. Every Korean scientist has heard of Editage, Enago etc.

>> No.15593024

I can't see it being released any other way with all the vested interest of oil barons selling energy

>> No.15593097

I'm a retard. If a room temp/pressure superconductor is meant to levitate when it's put on a magnet, wouldn't that make the whole thing levitate and not just part of it?
Based subject matter expert. So dim scientists (in which case high chance they just fucked the experiment up in some way) or just lying, in your opinion?

>> No.15593104

Levitating side is less dense than the other side, it's an imperfect sample.

>> No.15593105

Not all of the material could be superconducting. The mechanism they are claiming is the source of the effect is localised into pockets.

>> No.15593106


>> No.15593114

Oh, I see, thank you.
Could that effect be replicated with known materials?

>> No.15593124

If this completely new mechanism is confirmed to be true then every lab in the world will be racing trying to replicate it in new materials.

>> No.15593131

Oh, not the superconductivity, I meant the visual effect of part of the material 'levitating'. Would a regular magnet not do that?
Ah, wait, no, you can't have a magnetic monopole can you. Disregard, I'm dumber than I thought.

>> No.15593132

>try publishing it through conventional means
>oil companies get tipped
>get suicided by 2 shots on the back of your head

>rush it to arxiv
>oy vey the goyim know
>shut it down
>it's already on Twitter and people are trying to replicate

>> No.15593136

why would big oil care about a room temperature SC? in fact they would probably be all in favour of it since it would reduce their running costs.

>> No.15593143
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>It is a hoax but the scientists had to create monopolium and magmatter in order to fake it
Mfw we become modosophonts because of a faked paper

>> No.15593144

Because room temperature SMES and superconducting motors would kill gas cars if ever commercialized.

>> No.15593148

>expecting the average "everything is a Jewish conspiracy" poster to think

every single power company on earth would love for this invention to exist

>> No.15593151

haha fucking retard because electric batteries and motors would become absurdly efficient, effectively killing oil. gtfo my board.

>> No.15593154

It's called diamagnetism.
An opposing field is induced by the magnet so it floats instead of just turning over and sticking like a regular magnet would.
You can have a diamagnetic material that isn't a superconductor.

>> No.15593155

gas cars are already dead

>> No.15593160

He said oil company, not power company, retard. If oil-burning power plants double in efficiency, that means half as much oil is needed.

>> No.15593164

oh so why don't DA JOOS!! running power companies cancel our DA JOOS!! running oil companies. It's almost like we live in a market of competitors and not everything is a fucking global conspiracy

>> No.15593181

>that means half as much oil is needed.
Or you can pull off twice as much production for a given input. Improvements to efficiency generally never lead to a reduction in consumption, just to a justification for even more of it at the other end.

>> No.15593183

relax Elohim I was just using the "oy vey" as an expression for covert conspiracies, purely as internet jargon and not a direct attack towards your people. Shalom.

>> No.15593193
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>market of competitors
Theyre fighting for (You)!

>> No.15593194

Yeah, except improvements in efficiency don't necessarily equal more demand. People don't want twice as much stuff; they want wageslaves to wait on them hand and foot. Even if a RT superconductor revolutionizes industry, it's more likely that industrial jobs will shrink from 15% to 5%, and former industrial workers will begin delivering food to each other on grubhub.
Without national programs creating demand for industry, people will inevitably demand their own temporary comfort at the expense of the commons.

>> No.15593196

They already are. Gas engines only get around 20-30% efficiency

>> No.15593212

No. PUs are optimized with silicon semiconductors to the point that using superconductors between chips are going to provide only meaningless improvements. RTAP superconductors would make some Star Trek tech seem actually possible but it's going to have very little impact on conventional computing.

>> No.15593267

Sounds really easy to verify so I assume every material science lab with the time to do so is trying it out in the next couple days

>> No.15593272
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If they're so efficient, then why aren't they everywhere?

>> No.15593279

Go look at the price of the cars

>> No.15593301

you triggered him pretty badly.

>> No.15593305

so ops are always fine.

>> No.15593315

because it takes time to scale and there are a lot of gas cars out there, even with 100% new cars being electric it would take like 20 years to replace the whole fleet

>> No.15593414

Not quite, my grammatically challenged friend. It's because mining the necessary amount of lithium to make all the electric cars is beyond human capability. It's all in China, and there's not enough to replace all the cars.

>> No.15593445


the largest problem in nuclear fusion reactor designs is maintaining the strength of magnetic fields to contain the reactiom
modern designs use superconductors to actually mantain the field, however the cooling required makes it unfeasible (we need to keep temperatures down with specific materials).

nuclear fusion is the holy grail of energy generation if it becomes feasible
also batteries and shit (but oil can still exist if it only had impact on energy storage as petrochemicals are a primary source of energy generation)

>> No.15593463

>the largest problem
nah it's just one of the many problems

>> No.15593869

wrong, retard

>> No.15593886

Lol in this day and age everybody can just create a series of videos and upload them to YouTube. No need for those bullshits. I believe that Koreans are lying, again.

>> No.15593972

Some nigga on X is live tweeting making the material in a factory. Getting Pb(SO4) takes time on Fedex Express. No doubt we will know soon, question is how will you test it? Floating it on magnets gets you clout but doesn't prove that its a nobel prize winning discovery.

>> No.15593982

its alright anon. They get very sensitive if people think they're one of the chosen ones. Especially if they've simultaneously claimed to be and not be white in the last 48 hours. Shalom habibib.

>> No.15593989

>some nigga on twitter is liveblogging about some current event to ganerate a tremendous amout of attention for himself
Wow im sure he will get to the bottom of it right away

>> No.15593993

You can be doing that right now. The materials are there and all it takes is a furnace and a vaccum. Again, social media moving faster and more recklessly than real science. It's far from perfect but its massively entertaining.

>> No.15593995
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>> No.15594019

In order to do that, you need multiple magnets.
Diamagnetic materials cannot stay in one place over one magnet.
The video linked in the paper is a little ambiguous, however it doesn't get rolled off to the side like you'd expect diamagnetic materials to.

>> No.15594031

Its solely entertainment, the guy won't replicate it successfully and nobody will consider his failure to replicate to be in any way definitive

>> No.15594049

i dont give a fuck about some magic meme tranny material, im not getting rid of my Hyundai Stinger for eco faggots

>> No.15594051

Why do they claim found it in 1999 thats 25 years ago

>> No.15594054

Didnt this same thing already happen at least once? I swear i remember something like this ~15 years ago

>> No.15594056

>they claim to have found a novel way to create internal pressures rather than needing external pressures. what they're claiming isn't outlandish.
lol. The material they made was physically crumbling

>> No.15594059

>he doesn't know that the jews literally control it all and fight all the time regardless

>> No.15594065
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Happening cancelled

>> No.15594069
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>> No.15594072

this happens about every month anon. some china"man" or korea"man" claims to have invented "room temperature" semiconductor (2 degrees Kelvin wow its so warm!!!!!) made entirely out of beeswax, dreams, and plastic and it turns out to be a hoax, so he gets a big medal and money pours into his companies out of nowhere and then he disappears immediately before the cycle repeats. Every so often an Englishman or an American or a German will announce a "room temperature semiconductor" which isn't even close to room temperature and is extremely expensive to produce, half of these are hoaxes, and the other half are extremely minor advancements in science on the difficult long road to the promised cure-all snake oil conductor.
The pattern is clear: When someone worth trusting announces something, it's a coin flip between a nothingburger and fraud. When a bugman announces something, it's fraud.

>> No.15594074

>degrees kelvin
ignore the degrees, thanks

>> No.15594083

Oil producers would actually benefit from RT superconductors because it would lower the overhead of cracking. Very little oil gets used directly as electrical power, and normally only in areas where transfer cables just don't exist. The people who would be hurt by this tech are just coal mines, who already have very little political power.

>> No.15594088

>Diamagnetic materials cannot stay in one place over one magnet.
They can if the the material is impure and physically touching the magnet, thus creating friction which can hold it in place

>> No.15594097

trump lost, superconductors aren't real, Ukraine will win, the vaccine does work, racism is a problem, bug protein is good
get over it LOL

>> No.15594104

No, yes, yes, no, no, and no.

>> No.15594111

Trump will win in 2024; room temperature superconductors aren't real; Russia has already won; mainstream COVID vaccines with the major exception of AstraZeneca do work; racial profiling is just applied Bayes' theorem and bug protein is unironically good.

>> No.15594112

Why is bug protein bad?
I get why fake meat shouldn't be trusted but bugs are natural

>> No.15594114

>I have bad news, I am growing increasingly convinced
wow... someone on twitter grows increasingly convinced... it's over...

>> No.15594140


>> No.15594146
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>> No.15594161

Bug fractions aren't any less 'natural' than onions patties or lab grown "meat". But for one thing, unless you actually get the protein isolates, which is not really practical, you're going to be eating mostly chitin. The animo acid balance is also fucked. It also tastes like shit. Most importantly, it simply shouldn't be accepted on the basis that it's being offered as a "solution" to a total non-problem.

>> No.15594169

So did these researchers just commit career suicide?

>> No.15594176

The grift is up...

>> No.15594177

Video from same uploader (claimed to be an MSc from Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Comparison between fake superconductor (bottom left) and real superconductor (large pic)

>> No.15594179

so did many researchers

>> No.15594182

Isn't humany already half retarded ? Giving them lead , what could go wrong ?

>> No.15594200

Are you talking about AI porn

>> No.15594210

The crime boom in the 80s and subsequent falloff was directly caused by leaded gasoline and its subsequent banning

>> No.15594213

I will wait and see.

>> No.15594216
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it isn't safe to use lead in any application a super conductors needs to be in, this is dangerous and retarded, and needs to be illegal

>> No.15594218

Yes and the real superconductors were the trace elements in their mortar. What a tragic story

>> No.15594221

I will simply wear heavy gloves and a respirator around my house.

>> No.15594226
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BTFO by an actual engineer working on fusion


>> No.15594227
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It's over

>> No.15594228

Nothing showed it has zero resistance.

>> No.15594234

Never heard of nickel plating?

>> No.15594242
File: 536 KB, 1080x1467, Screenshot_20230727_195517_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two tweets next to each other is, scientifically speaking, VERY funny.

>> No.15594244

The two main authors have been doing it for decades as a last wish of their mentor.
There is no doubt they believe it's true and are putting their names and reputation on the line, whether it replicates or not is a different question.

>> No.15594246

>Kaplan in German signifies “chaplain” or “curate.” The same meaning is to be found in the Polish and Hungarian languages. It is a name common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanin).

>> No.15594254

It's fucking over.

>> No.15594256
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I refuse to believe its over

>> No.15594264

Yeah there's basically zero chance it's fraud, but they're probably wrong

>> No.15594265

But we will make those superconstructors right just a little bit later?

>> No.15594266
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>> No.15594273


>> No.15594275

No. It's probable that there's simply no way for superconductivity to function under standard temperature and pressure, or anything even close to it. Shit just moves around too much.

>> No.15594277

I'm going back to school and I'm gonna do it. Gove me a decade.

>> No.15594278
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How is that? Do you need superconductors around your house?

>> No.15594280

I'm no scientist
But my understanding is that the scientists mixed lead and copper
To create an alloy of lead and copper
With worse conductivity than copper?
I dunno that seems like the opposite of a room temperature superconductor

>> No.15594283



>> No.15594285

Huh? Lead is a superconductor. At low temperature but it is. T. Worked on one

>> No.15594289

Even if the specific material, LK99, sucks as a superconductor or even a normal conductor, does the general principle of using the physical pressure within a material to produce superconductivity hold water? Could it be applied with a better material to get the results we want?

>> No.15594290

almost everything is a superconductor at low temperatures lol

>> No.15594299
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>> No.15594301

how long until thunderfag posts a busted video

>> No.15594302

I wish we could genocide xeeters

>> No.15594304

>does the general principle of using the physical pressure within a material to produce superconductivity hold water?
No. Materials that can resist gigapascal pressures have extremely high electron density, which inhibits even normal conductivity.

>> No.15594305

If this is true and if FTL speed is a limit we can all just suicide right now, nothing will save us.

>> No.15594307

4chan is an anime site.

>> No.15594324

I hate that stupid retard and his audience of limey British trannie commie fucks who keeps him afloat.

>> No.15594326

thunderfoot is alt-right, his most discussed topic is anti-feminism

>> No.15594338

May have found the dumbest post on /sci/

>> No.15594410

>Bachelor's of Physics at Princeton
So he has his fundamentals but has no working nor specialized knowledge of the subject at hand. Better than /sci/ but probably worse than any materials science post-doc probably keeping quiet while trying to quickly order as much Cu3P as they can.

>> No.15594414

What is the point in ruining your own career with something so easily debunked and replicated, nothing to gain at all.

>> No.15594419

Save us from what? Were you planning on living forever? Did you think the human species could persist forever? Do you even think it should?

>> No.15594424

Fraud ruins your career. Just being wrong is a hiccup.

>> No.15594426

I don't get it. If they had 24 years to test this stuff, why didn't they show the world something that was unquestionably a superconductor instead of showing us an impure sample not exhibiting the correct magnetic properties?

>> No.15594427

Nah some physicist already established the theoretical capacity of a superconductor based on temperature that gave us an "upper temperature limit" for superconducting of sorts, and it's always a couple hundred degrees C. Superconductors we've made are like, 30% of that capacity, and a room temp superconductor is like, 65% of that capacity. So finding a RT superconductor isn't like figuring out FTL or something, it's more like figuring out how to get a sailing ship to move faster than the wind.

>> No.15594429
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Will it make true virtual reality achievable? If no, then I don't care.

>> No.15594436
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>fake your way to international fame
>get exposed
>no one in science wants to be associated with you
>government covers it up because they pegged their political careers on you
>you spend the rest of your days cloning prized camels for a bunch of rich Saudi princes.
Only in best Korea. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>> No.15594438

>Superconductors we've made are like, 30% of that capacity,
Not at standard pressure

>> No.15594442

That's not the principal on how this works. This uses doping that creates quantum wells (a known process) but having them arranged in a certain structure so they're all less than :checks paper: 3.7 and 6.5 Ångstroms apart.

>> No.15594445

People speculate that there was some infighting for the third place in the list of authors, that's why there are two papers with different people beyond the two main authors, Lee and Kim, and why the papers are so rushed

>> No.15594452
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What are the chances no work in the EU is done on this because of European regulations

>> No.15594456

Asian thing. Same thing happened to gallium nitrite; the Japanese sat on it for nearly a decade.

>> No.15594457

Yes yes yes

>> No.15594459

Pretty sure a confirmed superconductor would see the laws and regulations change in a heartbeat

>> No.15594460

The EU is all about control, and what expresses your control more than telling people they can't do anything with a revolutionary new technology.

>> No.15594462

That thing probably uses some sort of MRI to read inputs from the brain.

>> No.15594463
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>Yes yes yes

>> No.15594467

I like the concept, would make for a good EU mod or something, but the bloodthirsty capitalist overseers of Europe will 100% grant an exception for superconductors. They are not going to Qing dynasty themselves.

>> No.15594471

RoHS has a bunch of exceptions for industrial applications. You can still use lead in electronics shipped to EU if they're for industrial use only and aren't sold to consumers.

>> No.15594478

Didn't even notice second paper listed different vacuum pressures than the first. 10^-3 torr instead of 10^—5.

>> No.15594485

It wasn't elaborate though? It's just preying on hopium and reddittards.

>> No.15594487

The susceptibility plot in their first paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2307........ shows the same data as in their second paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2307........, except multiplied by a factor of thousands. The units are the same. This is very, very sloppy.

>> No.15594507
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>> No.15594510

Lets goooo, that level of confidence is all I need to know, there's a superconductor and we've achieved it at room temp

>> No.15594511

back to your containment board

>> No.15594512

I don't feel so good bros

>> No.15594516
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>> No.15594551

This kind of discourse perfectly encapsulates the 2020s. John Nash would feel right at home.

>> No.15594580
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its so over

>> No.15594588
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> 1. The most basic plot you can make is resistance vs. temperature. (This was Onnes' famous plot.) Here is that plot for YBCO vs LK-99. Note that LK-99 clearly still has resistance at the claimed Tc.

>> No.15594591
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>> No.15594594

Retarded Gook Discovers Time Travel THIS WILL CHANGE THE WORLD 300,000 Upvotes

>> No.15594595
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at 10s it flips pivoting on the piece that is touching the metal

>> No.15594600
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If it's true, then energy costs would greatly decrease. Of course (((they))) can't have that, so it will either be a hoax or they'll find an excuse to say it can't be used in large scale (e.g. it affects climate change or some bullshit).

>> No.15594601

I'm pretty sure it would have to be some new type of superconductor not experiencing the meissner effect or something at this point or the piece has so little actually superconducting parts that the diamagnetic parts are dominating the interaction

>> No.15594615
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Yeah seems to track.

>> No.15594645
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>> No.15594649

we need to ask Elon to reproduce this and to sell it through X.com

>> No.15594653
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Dude's an avowed midwit (and it's obvious from the tweets) so why do I care about what he says?

>> No.15594662
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>> No.15594667

This guy seems like an absolute retard.
1. Yeah, I guess the authors just accidentally included a graph that directly disproves their claim. It couldn't be that there are impurities in the sample causing the residual resistance.
2. The graph doesn't even go up to Tc so how could it show specific heat changes at that temperature.
3. So his claim is that it's just magically the most diamagnetic material in the world that's not a superconductor?

>> No.15594677

uh guys? where is /sci/? why is this a mix of /biz/ and /pol/?

>> No.15594680

/sci/ knows it's bullshit and arent responding to tranny bait threads

>> No.15594681
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>> No.15594682
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Scientific-Military-Industrial Complex

>> No.15594686

/biz/ are like vultures to anything they can bet on.
/pol/ has been everywhere for 9 years

>> No.15594687

I'm definitely huffing hopium but really, all he's doing is collecting the opinions of people that are experts by his judgement, and changing his own opinion based on the quantity that tilt in a direction. He has no analysis to offer. This guy is a tweet addict who serves coffee. Wait for the replication attempt.

>> No.15594690

some fag or a group of fags keeps tring to kill these threads for whatever reasons. oddly, their only source is a couple of twitter retards

>> No.15594693
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>EM Drive
see the pattern here?

>> No.15594694

>Here's my opinion of what I thought about thinking about this superconductor I read about but didn't try and make
Why should I care about the opinions of these people if they think a post on Twitter makes for a valid criticism

>> No.15594695
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>> No.15594697

>I really think this could be in-fighting for the third Nobel prize spot (if it turns out to be legitimate). I pointed this out in another comment, but the first two authors are the the LK-99 material namesake and will likely always be the first two authors.
>"YW Kwon" published the first paper with himself as the 3rd author, and "HT Kim" published the second paper a few hours later with himself as the 3rd author.
>Pretty interesting drama if that's the case. May indicate neither paper was ready, but that they all think the result is legitimate.
fuck the superconductor, I'm waiting for the movie adaptation

>> No.15594700
File: 208 KB, 600x533, Awoo brain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You CAN'T make an STP superconductor.
The electron oscillations exceed the crystal-lattice distance under those conditions.
It's a physics thing.
That's how I know this is bullshit.
I don't need to "wait and see." I already know.

>> No.15594701

>Maga poster
>Thinks he knows what he's talking about

>> No.15594703

So I should follow that Varda guy trying to synthesize it on the factory floor of his company.

>> No.15594706

no, you're full of shit

>> No.15594710
File: 220 KB, 654x900, 1690480016521096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of them is actually live tweeting the replication process.

>> No.15594711

>I no know what "lektron oserashun" and "crystal-lats" are, but CNN say I are smarter than drumpf-sporter, so he wrong!

>> No.15594714

the problem is that even if he doesnt replicate the results, its always easy to huff some more copium and say its due to him being an amateur in this specific field, so he must have done something wrong
I guess it would be one more data point though

>> No.15594717

That sad part is you won't even apologize to me when the truth comes out. You'll just pretend you knew all along that it was horse shit.

>> No.15594723

Should be no different than current "insider" reports. >>15594615
The most realistic timeline is 2-3 months for a positive verification. 6 months for a negative verification (and never published, just widely reported).

>> No.15594724

Here's your (You), silly word-salad person

Thank god someone's actually trying instead of being like "Uhm I actually ALREADY KNOW it doesn't work, it's this little thing called a posteriori kid ;);) trust me I have a piece of paper that tells me I'm really good at thinking about this subject"

>> No.15594728
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It's called PHYSICS, anon.

>> No.15594733

Wait. Are you telling me that didn't actually test it for current and resistance, just said "look it float"?

>> No.15594736

Injecting expletives like this to add emphasis is very gay.

>> No.15594740

not that anon but I think /sci/ folks consider both options and are waiting for results. you can be biased towards one way or the other depending on your spidey senses. calling it without evidence is just retarded, we can control our emotions.
that's what gives away non-/sci/ faggots

>> No.15594746

They did in fact test for current and resistance

>> No.15594747

>Wait. Are you telling me that didn't actually test it for current and resistance, just said "look it float"?
That's certainly what everyone HERE is doing: "LOOK! IT FLOATS! LET'S SEE YOU REFUTE THAT, PHYSICS-MAN!!!"

>> No.15594757

>They did in fact test for current and resistance
Just like Fleischer and Pons tests for net energy output of their "cold-fusion" device forty years ago.
They either LIED about their results, or they were incompetent.
(Incidentally, lots of other researchers around the world said, "Looks promising!" at first about that, too.)

>> No.15594761

I don't have to take that from someone who uses the words 'electron oscillations' in a discussion about quantum wells. The potential amperage has been discussed in every thread before this one as "Who the fuck actually cares" because nothing is perfect the first time 'round. You didn't get LEDs first you got Raytheon tubes.

>They either LIED about their results, or they were incompetent.
>(Incidentally I also didn't try and replicate it)

>> No.15594764

Being 100% convinced that this is fake before anyone has a chance to replicate is foolish

>> No.15594765

What are you, Mormon?

>> No.15594766

>just replicate it bro

>> No.15594767

No, I don't care about swearing. It's just this specific way that has very gay energy.

>> No.15594768

They tested resistance and found it had higher resistance than copper lol

>> No.15594773
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Isn't that definitionally not a superconductor then???

>> No.15594775
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>I don't have to take that from someone who uses the words 'electron oscillations' in a discussion about quantum wells.
Let me google that for you in the peer-reviewed community.
Hmmm, seems like a pretty common phrase in physics.
There's no need for you to admit you were wrong; we can all SEE that you were wrong.

>> No.15594784

this tech really would make purifying uranium much easier

>> No.15594785

I mean, yeah. If there is fraud or mistakes involved, creating the material the way they did it would reveal it. Saying it is fake without proof doesn't cut it.

>> No.15594790

Yes. Their explanation is that it's just not pure. But then, what proof do they actually have? fuck all

>> No.15594791

what if you are manic-depressive

>> No.15594794

Its Koreans, its quite likely >>15594436
But then why publish the methods piece? Like its zero bullshit unlike the cloning one where they made some nonsense about metal chopsticks. The paper seems rushed, no doubt, but the clarity of the methods seems too easy to disprove if they knew it would not hold up to scrutiny. They needed this to get people to do the real work of verifying for them, and so they can get the credit if it does work - they don't really know for sure either.

>> No.15594800

It sure is interesting the reaction I'm getting to pointing out that an STP superconductor is physically impossible.
I'm seeing a lot of people tacitly admitting they don't know what the fuck I'm talking about because they don't know physics.
What I'm NOT seeing is anyone refuting my assertion. There are certainly physicists who don't agree, but I'm not hearing their arguments put out for consideration.
I offered a SCIENTIFIC reason why this Korean claim can't be factual: Superconductivity requires the electrons to link in a Bose state. Thermal excitation destroys that state. There are two main ways to prevent that: freeze it or squeeze it. They aren't doing either.
Now if you think they are somehow employing an alternative mechanism, I'd like to hear it.
But spare me your mid-wit denial reflex just because you didn't actually study physics like I did.

>> No.15594805

>Hmmm, seems like a pretty common phrase in physics.
it's like you looked for a pretty common phrase in physics. can't go wrong with a pretty common phrase in physics.

>> No.15594808

It is, by analysis, not pure. It actually looks super spongy for a polycrystalline material.

>> No.15594810

It's cause they think it could be real. But why bother doing all the extensive testing yourself when you could just trick every material lab in the world to do all the testing for you and post all the results on twitter? lol.

>> No.15594812

>Gets linked directly to THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed scientific papers using the phrase "electron oscillations."
>Keeps trying to pretend it's not a phrase used in science.
I keep smelling cope. Anyone else smelling that?

>> No.15594819

but they say they are squeezing it through some inner pressure/stress that is left over after the heating of the material
and why is the threshold STP and not something like 500K and 10 arm? I mean that seems pretty arbitrary for it to become impossible right at room temperature and pressure

>> No.15594821

I didn't say it wasn't impure, I'm saying that the poor conductivity of the copper doped lead sponge is not evidence of small amounts of semi-conductive material, but evidence of being a moderately conductive alloy of lead and copper.

>> No.15594826

>Superconductivity requires the electrons to link in a Bose state. Thermal excitation destroys that state. There are two main ways to prevent that: freeze it or squeeze it
What is the difference between 100K and 300K, or 100KPa and 100MPa that makes it so that no material can achieve superconductivity? What is the actual theory behind?

>> No.15594829

Phase equilibrium

>> No.15594832

>but they say they are squeezing it through some inner pressure/stress that is left over after the heating of the material
This is the part that smells the most like bullshit to me. That's not how pressure works

>> No.15594833

Bose state link can exist at very high temperatures, just extremely to astronomically low probability - not impossible. The paper proposes quantum tunneling between particular lead atoms and the adjacent oxygens of the phosphate groups bound to them, in effect making a two-dimensional “electron gas”, thus a link similar to bose state.

>> No.15594834

NTA but google outright lies about the number of results, they have admitted it.

>> No.15594839


>> No.15594842
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They pulled in a physical chemist with 11k citations and a h-index of 45 on the second paper.

He signed off on the Meissner effect levitation.

>> No.15594849
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that theory of superconductivity is not generally accepted

>> No.15594858

That's a measurement of resistance to pressure, not actual interior pressure. If you suspended something in a drop of glass like this, it would not be subject to more than 1 ATM of pressure.

>> No.15594860
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he seems to have written some crankish papers (or maybe he is a genius, who knows)



>> No.15594865

>but they say they are squeezing it through some inner pressure/stress that is left over after the heating of the material
Which makes me think that at best it would be unstable over time.
>and why is the threshold STP and not something like 500K and 10 arm?
That's a very fair question, and you're right, of course. It's just that everyone WANTS an STP superconductor.
Going directly by the math, the actual thresholds should be around 250 K for standard pressure and around 50 000 atm for room temperature.
Here I'm assuming a lattice distance of 0.3 nm.

>> No.15594866
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Anyone who talks this much public shit about this, naysaying in such an insufferable form without even attempting replication, should be legally barred from enjoying ANY benefits of this technology should it turn out to be real.
Full stop.

>> No.15594871

>just extremely to astronomically low probability
Yup, hence my extreme skepticism.

>> No.15594873

These motherfuckers could have a confirmed floating sample in their own two hands and will still run their fucking mouth about how it just doesn't fit their models and is fake
Useless parasites

>> No.15594878

This is actually fucking hilarious

>> No.15594880

>Anyone who talks this much public shit about this, naysaying in such an insufferable form without even attempting replication, should be legally barred from enjoying ANY benefits of this technology should it turn out to be real.
I'll risk it.
And anyone mindlessly promoting an extremely improbably claim like this with nothing but the self-serving word of wannabe "famous scientists" should probably be banned from voicing their stupid opinions publicly for life.

>> No.15594885

And then we have retards like this who will claim even after this turns out to be bullshit that there was a secret conspiracy by big-oil to bury the totally-not-fraudulent discovery.

>> No.15594886

>around 250 K for standard pressure and around 50 000 atm for room temperature

>> No.15594888
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i accept these terms.

>> No.15594891


>> No.15594897

>unclear that the current authors are even aware
>manifestly insane
>only 2 outside citations!

>> No.15594900

That's not what they're claiming.
actually their attempt to explain the mechanism behind their results is built directly on strong theory that came before them

>> No.15594905
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Lotta this going on over the last two days.
Let's just wait and see.

>> No.15594906

>i accept these terms.
Reasonable, yes? Look, maybe I'm just fucking wrong and the world has just changed and you will all get to post screenshots forever of "that dumbfuck-says-he's-a-physicist guy in /sci/ who was sure it wasn't real" to taunt me the rest of my life.
What I'm seeing here is a lot of people running on pure hopium and no objectivity and no ability to ask how such a huge jump in physics could have come from literally nowhere all at once.
I suspect copium will soon replace the hopium. But then I'm justified to say, "I told you so, and I gave you a good reason why."
I guess we'll see.

>> No.15594911

Well I'm just an undergrad in physics, but I'm gonna doubt this. It seems to just be diamagnetism. Though, if I had the lab, I'd be keen on trying it out myself

>> No.15594914

But I am an expert

>> No.15594916

It’s over isn’t it

>> No.15594918

>around 250 K for standard pressure and around 50 000 atm for room temperature
Freeze it or squeeze it. Those are the main two choices.

>> No.15594924

>Well I'm just an undergrad in physics, but I'm gonna doubt this. It seems to just be diamagnetism. Though, if I had the lab, I'd be keen on trying it out myself
I mean who knows—it could prove super useful for something else, but I sincerely doubt it's an STP superconductor.

>> No.15594927
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Address this
There has to be an answer for this

>> No.15594932

>pure hopium
if placebo effect works in medicine why can't it work in physics?

>> No.15594934

The answer is simple: snitches get stiches. Nobody wants to be That Guy who's known for calling bullshit on other scientists when they could be wrong.

>> No.15594939

The placebo effect doesn't actually cure you, it just makes you feel better. Likewise, if you like, you could convince yourself that the RT superconductor is real and feel genuinely happy about it.

>> No.15594943
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Time's up

>> No.15594946

>Address this
Well, I'm just as chicken-shit as the rest of them.
Notice that I'm not out right now publishing a paper with my name on it saying my belief that this is bullshit because the physical theories to which I subscribe say we will NEVER have STP superconductors.
More likely than not, they wouldn't even publish me in a journal, not even as an opinion piece.
And there's an even chance I would get accused of "racism" for daring to assert that the Koreans might be lying and/or incompetent.

>> No.15594948

Dilate harder, discorder.

>> No.15594957

I think it's OVER

>> No.15594962

yeah, but this would lead to a condition where that is actually viable rather than forced through without enough thought. you either need nuclear or this, ideally both

>> No.15594963

What's the issue stopping interatomic / intermolecular pressure in an engineered material taking the place of the external pressure in RT samples?
If you're actually a physicist that is.

>> No.15594982

>Literally nowhere
Korea University is the K in "SKY" universities, the three prestigious universities that every gook aspires to, since graduating from one lets you immediately enter middle management at a chaebol
No Asian college can quite compare to Stanford or Oxford, but it is still very much one of the worlds major research institutions

>> No.15594983


>> No.15594991

from what I understand, the people who wrote the paper are not theoretical physicists, so it makes sense that their guess as to the theory behind the phenomenon they've observed in lab would not be exact
but I'm just a layman

>> No.15594997

im just waiting for the acollierastro video to drop

>> No.15595002

The majority of korean scientific community thinks it's not even an elaborate hoax. Apparently the guys used a specific machine to test the characteristics of the material, and he works at the company that builds the machine.

>> No.15595004


>> No.15595008

now imagine what would happen to such a thing, without giving away the recipe.

>> No.15595011

>thinks it's not even an elaborate hoax
Does that mean they think it isn't a hoax, or just not a very elaborate hoax?

>> No.15595019

>now imagine what would happen to such a thing, without giving away the recipe.
It probably would have been quickly dismissed. Having the recipe, and specially such a simple one, actually gives it *something* resembling credibility, since you can actually test it out which means a hoax would be caught quickly.

>> No.15595023

Tourist here
What do I think of this?

>> No.15595026

That's correct. They're experimental chemists and the esteemed hyuk-tan guy who signed off on the paper declared point-blank that he thinks physicists are wrong on this topic. In the unlikely event that this is real, it would be funny if the theoretical mechanism was bullshit but it still worked, inadvertently validating his methods anyway.

>> No.15595031

You think
>Wow this could be cool, but I need to wait a few days to see if anyone can replicate the results

>> No.15595032

Thanks bud

>> No.15595034

Post about it everywhere. Tell your friends and family that we are now in year 0 AK (Anno Korea) and that we are entering the Jetson universe.

>> No.15595035

if true lots of money politics and other interests like crazy. now its fog of war, by design

>> No.15595041


>> No.15595044

that is fucking weird and we need to wait.
the paper looks sketchy enough, but at the same somewhat correct enough to be real. And the authors have actually published how to make it in an easy way so that is a point in their favor

>> No.15595059

ya at least if they're wrong, they're wrong in an easily verifiable way

>> No.15595062
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Replication tomorrow?

>> No.15595069

Lead times are long so maybe Sunday-Tuesday

>> No.15595071

Sounds reasonable
For what I understood this supposed superconductor is lead based?
And some smart guy is trying to replicate it live on Twitter? If he does it, that's it? Superconductor?

>> No.15595076

>Post about it everywhere. Tell your friends and family that we are now in year 0 AK (Anno Korea) and that we are entering the Jetson universe.
Fucking kek! The Finno-Korean Hyperwar is about to begin!

>> No.15595081

>from what I understand, the people who wrote the paper are not theoretical physicists, so it makes sense that their guess as to the theory behind the phenomenon they've observed in lab would not be exact
And therefore it would also make sense that they likely fucked up their observations.

>> No.15595083

>It sure is interesting the reaction I'm getting to pointing out that an STP superconductor is physically impossible.

its cause you're just wrong,
you're not up to date with theory
and you smell bad

>> No.15595085

everyone says this is world changing, but i have yet to see why it is such a big deal aside from

>your computer will consume less energy
>you can get electricity from the sahara desert
>muh quantum
>muh fusion

>> No.15595089

>What's the issue stopping interatomic / intermolecular pressure in an engineered material taking the place of the external pressure in RT samples?
Interatomic? I really don't know how you would achieve that.
Intermolecular? Well, maybe the kind of tempering pressure seen in surface-freezing of glass, but that again implies it's not a very stable material.

>> No.15595094
File: 91 KB, 624x530, Screenshot 2023-07-28 074447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean MSM reached out to Lee on 27th
>Regarding this, the research team is in the position that it will be verified through sufficient data in the future. Lee Seok-bae, CEO of the Quantum Energy Research Institute, who led the research, met with Chosun Biz on the morning of the 27th and said, “In 2020, we submitted our research results to Nature for the first time, but Nature felt burdened about publishing the thesis because of Professor Dyers’ situation, and we decided to publish it first in other professional journals. He said, “It was first published in a domestic academic journal, verified by domestic experts, and uploaded to the archive, a pre-disclosure site.” CEO Lee added that he also submitted a thesis to the international academic journal 'ALP Materials' on the 23rd. He explains that he will be recognized by world-class physics journals.
>CEO Lee said, “Since we are a company, not a research institute, we have to obtain patents and make profits as a result of technology development. has been conducting research and experiments for 20 years since the mid-1990s with the late Choi Dong-shik, professor of chemistry at Korea University, to realize a room-temperature superconductor.” CEO Lee said that he had also applied for a patent for a normal-pressure, normal-temperature superconductor.
>He said, “After seeing the results of this study, we are constantly receiving calls from famous overseas universities asking us to conduct research together.”

>> No.15595095

>everyone says this is world changing, but i have yet to see why it is such a big deal
Anon, ten genetically engineered cat-girls for each man can't be far off! Trust us!

>> No.15595099

If you're waiting for that twitter guy he doesn't get all the materials for another few days, so at least a week away if you count in the actual work time.
Surely at least one lab has all these materials on hand though

>> No.15595105

If it's real and the patent hold up, that company is going to be the largest in the world. Imagine if someone had a patent for steel itself

>> No.15595106

Are the last remaining Suomi superhumans hiding in the Kuiper belt going to wake up from cryosleep soon? They can't let the Hwan empire be revived.

>> No.15595107

>Surely at least one lab has all these materials on hand though
A lab in China has (supposedly) already made a sample, but says they aren't getting the same results claimed in Korea.

>> No.15595109

bruh I think even smart people understand it's complicated to fully understand how such a material will affect us, say in 20 years from now. there's lots of details and each one of them can have more impact that anticipated.
hence you'll only see the fusion/more efficiency/cut losses examples. it's just too complicated, at least for now. I'm not sure it's yet worth the effort of really thinking about it until it's proven as real.
thinking it's clearly more impactful than anything you can image could work here, maybe even for high IQ anons.

>> No.15595114

>A lab in China has (supposedly) already made a sample
It's literally temporally impossible for anyone to have replicated this yet.

>> No.15595115

That's very fast, doesn't the process include heating the material for 3 days?

>> No.15595116

>Trusting chinks
>Trusting gooks
I can't think of a harder choice than this

>> No.15595117
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>> No.15595118

So if you actually read and understood the paper you would see that their theory is that the doping along with the thermal contraction of the end material results in unrelieved internal stress, i.e. some kind of thermal wigner effect that enables the sqw and this the effect
You see why I asked right? You didn't read, or didn't understand, the paper.

>> No.15595123

>Muh quantum
>Muh fusion
Those two alone can already be a huge deal, and I don't even know what the fuck kind of things people are going to come up with thanks to quantum levitation.

>> No.15595124

>whole thing proven to be a larp's fraud
Pack it up hopeniggers

>> No.15595125
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>Is the superconductor a hoax?

Literally worth BILLIONS... do you honestly think anyone who had a room temp superconductor would announce ANYTHING until they patented it, licensed it, and could reproduce it in bulk?

>> No.15595126

extremely small, cost effective, hypersensitive antenna picking even the faintest signals. wearable MRI tech in your clothes
direct drive motors, power, huge gains in power per mass/volume, huge gains in energy storage per mass/volume
low cost, long lasting, inherently stable magnetic levitation. potential replacements to ball bearings, springs, hydraulics

>> No.15595128

Good news, it's patented

>> No.15595129
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>from this to one of the largest companies in the world
would be hilarious if it ever happens

>> No.15595130
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it's located in the basement of the building btw

>> No.15595131


>> No.15595132
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>Good news, it's patented

Actually that is GREAT news!!

>> No.15595133

Um, no. You should actually read it. It applies only to a very atypical superconductivity scenario.

>> No.15595134
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yeah, and Arms looks like this. it doesn't really say a lot

>> No.15595138

They delayed releasing any of this for like 2 years while they got patents squared away and the groundwork goes back to 1999, that's what the 99 in LK99 stands for. Exactly why these two bizarre & unorthodox papers were released when they were isn't known and implies some kind of dissent within the team. But they've been at this shit for quite a while.

>> No.15595141

But it tilts away from the center of the magnet whereas pyrolytic graphite flips towards it
What gives
If you had a really heavy superconductor and a really weak magnet it would do the same thing and touch the ground where the field is weakest

>> No.15595143

>all those billones of dollars spend by big corporations only for a litelally who to end winning
God truly has a weird sense of humor

>> No.15595144


>> No.15595151


>> No.15595153

>Um, uh, um, uh, YOU'RE UGLY!
Apparently you can't tell when someone's talking out of their ass.

>> No.15595160

I like catching them directly in the act and shaming them visibly I don't know feels good man

>> No.15595169

>I like catching them directly in the act and shaming them visibly
you're a match made in heaven with shaming kinks. what I'm trying to say is that they are playing you brother.

>> No.15595172

Which, replying to myself, makes sense now that I think about it. Thermal contraction isn't going to be equal so they probably do have pockets of SC material surrounded by heavy lead, so of course it doesn't float cleanly

>> No.15595175
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The really funny part is nobody ever fucking learns. Every "I LUV SCIENCE" retard on this site is jizzing in his panties over this almost-certainly-false claim and this time next week they won't be embarrassed or apologetic or any degree wiser than they are right now.

How many times does this have to happen before these displaced-reddit morons start to catch on?

>> No.15595177
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>> No.15595179
File: 788 KB, 1x1, KCI_FI002955269 (1).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s joever dudes

>> No.15595180

>Don't shame me bro!

>> No.15595182
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>> No.15595191

for it to be tomorrow, whoever would do it would need to happen to have all the required material and time since it was public.
that one looks way better than the one in arxiv

>> No.15595208
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It’s a dogshit translation

Hyperloop mentioned

>> No.15595237

>Korean corporate dynasty cyberpunk future

>> No.15595239

how do I invest??

>> No.15595242

>how do I invest??
Send me your money! I'll invest it for you.

>> No.15595282

This is gonna be exactly like Shadowrun. We're going to be raised in chaebol arcologies because public schooling and civil life in general is going to shit. My grandchildren will live and die under the auspice of the Samsung corporation. All who reject chaebol hegemony will live outside the city walls with no superconductivity. They will hunt and farm like cavemen while we enjoy all the gadgets autistic asian scientists can provide during our allotted 4 hours of free time.

>> No.15595325

>he typed with sweat running down his beak
>"I've been found out!" He said.

>> No.15595378
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Literally no country will respect a foreign country's patent for a no-fuss superconductor. Or, at best, they would allow variations so irrelevant as to effectively reject the patent rights.

>> No.15595393

they have patents for potential combinations
filed back in August 2021

>> No.15595431

China ain't gonna respect that for shit

>> No.15595433

It's a patent in the United States isn't it? The only countries who aren't going to respect a US patent are the ones that don't already (russia, china, north korea)

>> No.15595523
File: 9 KB, 480x360, bustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think they have a hot jewish secretary?

>> No.15595720

So really the only two countries that matter.

>> No.15595752

I can't stop thinking that this is Stein:Gate tier science, this is so absurd.
I haven't even finished the anime yet.

>> No.15595922
File: 433 KB, 1600x1200, yummo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you lick lead miniatures they taste sweet

>> No.15595953

It's a polite way of letting the thing collapse in on itself, you'd be wise to use the same strategy in your own life rather than be baited into traps and lead down rabbit holes. It's like a parent smiling at their teenagers latest fad or provocation rather than being roused into a strong rebuke, because they know in few weeks the child will outgrow and abandon the phase.

>> No.15595964
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>one of the potentially most revolutionary papers in history looks like a badly formatted college essay
Now I get latex folks.

>> No.15596023
File: 50 KB, 790x475, Superconductor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thermal excitation destroys the potential for a superconductive state because of the kinetic energy of the atoms causing interference within the structure of the molecule which slows down the movement of electrons as well as causing the eddy currents that are generated by the movement of that object to decay.
What you need to counteract that is freezing the movement of the atoms, causing the atom's internal structure to align, squeezing that to prevent that movement and forcing that internal alignment, or creating an internal structure that both allows for a high degree of electric permitivity as well as low degree of magnetic permeability so that the electrons within the material are not subject to much (or any) internal interference, but it is also capable of maintaining that lack of interference by not allowing external magnetic fields to influence that internal behavior.
Basically, both the diamagnetism of the object is important, as well as the dielectric constant. You can see why the most successful superconductors we have seen thus far are comprised of compounds that have a high native dielectric constant, as well as a high level of native diamagnetism (e.g. a lot of bismuth and copper oxides (calcium is also great for magnifying the effects of copper oxide through stabilizing it's structure, which is why you see calcium also have a prominent role in most of the successful SPCs)).
I do think it's possible to create a superconductor alloy (I personally think that boron might play a role as a stabilizer like it did with neodymium magnets), but it will be very difficult, and I am not sure the Korean team managed to do it, at least just based on what they presented.

>> No.15596025

Zoomber here, science & technology has only gotten worse since I was born therefore this can't be true.

>> No.15596041

>250mA max

>> No.15596051

>the holy grail can only hold 5 floz
shut up

>> No.15596062

>it's the holy grail because I say so
and the wright's brothers plane make them a lot of money, right?

>> No.15596087

No, reading through korean sources, most are skeptical like the rest of us. They think its not an outright hoax but more of the researchers making a mistake or finding out a different reaction other than superconductivity.

>> No.15596185

>"From a scientist's point of view, it is true that the integrity of the entire paper is incomplete, and the authenticity of the study is concerned," said Won Byung-muk, a professor at Sungkyunkwan University's School of Advanced Materials Engineering, "The authenticity of the research should be proven through other scientists, but considering the impact of the paper, more faithful data and careful words should have been used." Some point out that they wonder why a paper that emphasizes strict and restrictive language uses the promotional phrase "the world's first".

Even korean researchers are calling it incorrect.

>> No.15596366

Not a single word of what you quoted says the findings are incorrect you treacherous jew.

>> No.15596388

codyslab levitated a flake of graphite on a single magnet like 6 years ago retard; it isn't that special or hard to do just because some rando woman in a university says so

>> No.15596397

why is chitin a problem? it's digestively pretty much inert, and makes for healthier stool
>t. hate the bug protein meme, but I also love eating mushrooms

>> No.15596405

go ahead and post that video

>> No.15596490

>that's strange, my room temperature superconductor stopped working
>and I just patented it too...
inb4 SERN mercs this gook

>> No.15596704


>> No.15597288
File: 1.08 MB, 1105x1377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, one of the researchers presented LK99 just a few hours ago at the International Symposium on Metalic Multilayers in Korea University. General consensus is its NOT a superconductor but another method of magnetism.

Its fair to say it wasn't a hoax, but the chemists not understanding physics.

Sorry bros...