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15588132 No.15588132 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15588137

Have you not heard about autism?
Seriously, google it

>> No.15588138


>> No.15588206

You need a huge amount of time and focus to produce genius-level work. Women takes too much of both.

>> No.15588212

Newton, like Tesla, had zero problem getting access to pussy. Neither wanted to bother with dealing with women but certainly had plenty of choice if they so desired.

>> No.15588219

>When Tesla achieved world glory he could not avoid popularity among women but he did not attribute much importance to it. On one occasion, while he was sitting in front of a Paris café with his fellow scientists, a lovely woman came across. She was wonderfully dressed and with a nicely combed red hair. Tesla immediately recognized Sarah Bernhardt, the famous French actress. The Divine Sarah passed by close to their table and, when she was a step or two away, she dropped her handkerchief. Tesla quickly stood up, grabbed the handkerchief, and, holding a hat in the other hand, he bowed low. He handed back the handkerchief to the beautiful tragedienne, saying: "Mademoiselle, your handkerchief."
The original 'Muy Lady'
>Without even glancing at her lovely smiling face he turned around, went back to his chair, and continued his conversation about a problem that bothered him at that time: a world wireless system of power transmission. Science above all! That’s why Tesla never got married.
The original "Ignore women, acquire knowledge" .

>> No.15588234

Genghis Kahn had like 80 wives. You don't think conquering all of Asia took up a lot of focus and time?

Come on, how long does it take to impregnate a woman? 2 minutes? Isaac Newton had 2 minutes to spare.

>> No.15588235

>Neither wanted to bother with dealing with women but certainly had plenty of choice if they so desired.
having pussy early in adult life allows you to focus on more important shit later on, instead of being consumed by frustrations.

>> No.15588237

Newton lived in a country and time period where fathering bastards was not acceptable behavior. If he sired a child, it would have been a scandal and he would have been required to provide for its needs.

>> No.15588241

I'll lend credence to your theory when you out perform Newton and Tesla.

>> No.15588248

that only tells you didn't fuck much.

>> No.15588253


>> No.15588291
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Because they're mentally ill. >>15584047

>> No.15588546

You will quickly learn if you don't personally put in the time and effort not much gets done.
Correct move treating famous women the same as any other.
He missed out on life for the sake of his work, I know he wasn't the most attractive or agreeable person but he defiantly missed out.

>> No.15589014
File: 14 KB, 220x221, 1690352718409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because women despise intelligence.

>> No.15589027

Women prefer dumb BBC

>> No.15589060
File: 454 KB, 602x768, 1690354208008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an ongoing genocide against highly intelligent men. We are ridiculed, bullied, ostracized. We are stigmatized as "nerds", "geeks" and "freaks". We are excluded from reproduction. We are sentenced to a life in loneliness and depression.

>> No.15589159

Lol focus on what? Geniuses like newton don't need that, focus comes naturally. Normies have to distract themselves with women when their brain gets too hot for thinking too much.

>> No.15589161

lmao is that how you cope by telling yourself a genius who will be remembered probably forever missed out?

>> No.15589171

This may be what monogamy is useful in producing. Otherwise woman choose visual ascetics or power but maybe they are correct choices. Who’s to say, but industrialization did come after a few solid generations of monogamy, perhaps a threshold of geniuses in the general population was reached to cause stacked innovation

>> No.15589253

not true

>> No.15589254

Why do you not fuck retarded baby animals?

Thats why.

>> No.15589266

Autistic geniuses won't become Gengis Khan level patriarchs because they have flaws and can barely tie their own shoes, metaphorically speaking. They arise as one-off flukes that may benefit the herd but their genome isn't fit to proliferate.

>> No.15589269

>their genome isn't fit to proliferate
Youre not the species as me.

Earth is a polluted and corrupted cesspool, youre unworthy of genius DNA, yoy will simply make the retarded assumptions of superiority while being mentally retarded.

Every single person you have ever met in your life is equally retarded to me, 100% of them...ALL OF THEM.

>> No.15589272

>not the same* species
Your geniuses are fools, name one...I will destroy him.