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15585897 No.15585897 [Reply] [Original]

explain what "stupidity" is philosophically. Is it
>a tendency to make mistakes?
>the absence of a functioning autopilot mode? (we all have an autopilot mode)
>The inability to remember things well?
>all of the above?

help me out here.

>> No.15585925

at the most basic level intelligence is the ability to learn
if you keep burning your hands on hot stoves you are stupid
if you have been "interested" in a topic for years but your fundamental knowledge of it has not increased you are stupid
if you are trying to find meaningful discussion on /sci/ you are stupid

>> No.15585928

It's having no self-awareness. That's it.

>> No.15586120

The refusal or inability to learn, change and adapt in order to improve various outcomes in life.

>> No.15586241

I would add being annoying in a way that messes things up for other people.
Lack of patience.
Inability to understand new concepts even when carefully explained to them.
A lack of will to learn new things/ they believe they know everything they need

>> No.15586628

Stupidity is not about intelligence but social conformity. A 160 IQ is just as stupid as a 40 IQ. Both are socially dysfunctional.

>> No.15586703

I would like to enrich the definition of stupidity according to what i learned.

We must make distinction between "intelligence" and "problem solving", because the most basic way to solve a problem is to use an heuristic approach, like trial-and-error.
The advantage of this method is you could solve every problem assuming you have unlimited trials and finite solutions, and even optimize existing solutions, and best of all you don't need a brain. The downside is: it is extremely inefficient, you need a lot of time and resources to accomplish that and a way to generate new solutions. Biological evolution is a practical example of how impressive and hard at the same time trial-and-error is.

Now, there's a reason why brains with memories evolved with it systems of ideas instead of just DNA info, you can make and simulate a solution without the need of compulsive pragmatism, it's more cost effective and makes you solve problems with limited trials. It's more efficient than just trying random shit. It's not perfect because you could be stuck in a vicious cycle, and i assume this is where stupidity come from, stupidity is being stuck in a loop where you do the same solution over and over again, you would think a thief learned his lesson after 20 years of jail, right? And yet when they come out they start stealing again, because they like that particular survival strategy even if it's risky and success is limited. Stupid people don't know better, won't learn and won't evolve, they don't have the will to do that and this is the same even for high IQ individuals (they can be stupid as well).

tl;dr read this >>15585925
>if you keep burning your hands on hot stoves you are stupid
>if you have been "interested" in a topic for years but your fundamental knowledge of it has not increased you are stupid
>if you are trying to find meaningful discussion on /sci/ you are stupid

>> No.15586730

fuck off normienigger.
you're not human

>> No.15586731
File: 136 KB, 500x601, 1363599967171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence is the capacity to reach a correct conclusion on the basis of the information provided. The less information required to reach a correct conclusion, the higher the level of intelligence. This is why we describe minds like Newton or Galileo as high intelligences, because they proved their ability to reach correct conclusions on the basis of the same limited information provided to their intellectual inferiors. Whereas low intelligences are observably unable to reach correct conclusions even when all of the information required to do so is comprehensively provided to them.

>> No.15587200

Here's a great example, OP.

>> No.15587216

It is a lack of making things right.

>> No.15587217

Fuck off normienigger

>> No.15587243

>explain what "stupidity" is philosophically
>>>/his/ you fucking retard

>> No.15587287

I wasted quiet a lot of time pondering about politics and I don't think my knowledge of it increased significantly.

>> No.15587295

You believe your ancestors were fish. That's stupid.

>> No.15587565

Median answer seems to be an "unwary distraction".

>> No.15588107
File: 165 KB, 602x348, Cattell-Horn-Carroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well scientists already have a working definition of intelligence in place, which is just the ability to process & apply information and derive conclusions. Stupidity would be the negation of that.
Picrel is the Cattell Horn Carroll Model of intelligence. Specific abilities (Gf, Gc, etc.) account for 46% of variance in cognitive tasks. General intelligence (G) accounts for 54%

>> No.15588222

politics is a complicated mess, observing it through public mediums will confuse you rather than teach. general history must be understood before you understand politics.

>> No.15588680
File: 297 KB, 1600x1200, 1684531789545879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether you are smart or stupid comes down to MEMORY. think about it quickly and realize that all definitions and the mechanics of intelligence in the very animal kingdown comes down to memory and not anything else. the theories about human intelligence, I mean the whole spatial-verbal-logical and so on IS BS! it's pretty much categorizing ability to memorize to specific sets of "intelligence" which I think doesn't even exist. when people are smart they are usually good at everything and so on, it's bs and you know it

>> No.15588715

>comes down to MEMORY.
imagine a pc that only has 0200mb or ram

>Intelligence is the capacity to reach a correct conclusion on the basis of the information provided
there two categories of people. truth-seekers and must-protect-feefees.
the truth seekers have adopted models of sorting reality so they get to Truth, no matter what that is.
the must-protect-feefees have developed models which shield them from certain things. kinda like duping yourself into believing shit.
now, when you take psychedelics, they specifically affect your brain, instead of your dick. so they basically just pump up certain parts of the brain, so the result is that whatever was there, is now supercharged.
yes, you do "drop the ego", BUT...you are working with the same models for reality which are specifically crafted to either show you the Truth, either to bullshit you and thus protecting your feefees.

the feelfeels guys which are like...50% of the population are gonna keep reaching the same conclusion. stab you in the back cause they're disloyal like their parents

>> No.15588723

Holy cope, that's some prime midwittery.

>> No.15588736

Stupidity is inability to learn, not tendency to make mistakes. People make mistakes all the time. From the smartest to the dumbest, everyone makes mistakes. Frequently.

>> No.15588746

Agreed. As a "truth"-seeker (most of the time), I have a model of world built in my mind that can be networked/inferenced given new data. Foundational consistency is what I seek to understand more so than the "apparent" truth. While most of the time, foundational consistency means the new information fits the model in my mind, in rare cases, the old ones change to fit new information. The world model in my mind has certain amount of locality such that you can change a good chunk of network without affecting everything I know, resiliency of the locality depends upon how thoroughly/consistently the world model is structured such that it allows for certain level of locality when an external ground breaking information is adopted in the world model.

For example, I can change see information about the media/science communicators manipulating science, but that doesn't mean the entire science is wrong, just that the tampered science is hugely a suspect and needs to be looked in a new light to see issues.

It is critical to me that I see any inconsistent information in my understanding of the world and isolate them. If the inconsistency is based upon falsehood, it is to be removed entirely. If inconsistency is due to ignorance/missing information or where I do not have a clear foundational knowledge of the subject, its isolated in its own island with weak structures binding to the main world model.