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File: 3.97 MB, 576x1024, 1690221660650078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15585326 No.15585326 [Reply] [Original]

Well, go ahead, explain this if you’re so smart.

>> No.15585336

Shiny surface, bouncy picture
Ooga Booga

>> No.15585342

>explain this
American public schools are abysmal. That's the only explanation for this meme.

>> No.15585346

as long as you can see it, it means there is a way the light can reflect at such an angle that it appears blocked but isn't; you cant see it when looking dead on as the light is being blocked by the plate/paper but when looking at the side.
The image explains it better than I can

>> No.15585355

shiny rock bounce egg vision

>> No.15585360

Kiss on lips

>> No.15585367
File: 46 KB, 474x728, th-1753659581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem with OP's post is
>explain this

The school systems only trains people to be told what is true.
This is how you Ace a test. That's how children are trained.
It doesn't mater if what they're told is true or not, which is why we have a crisis of conspiracy theories and misinformation in this day and age.

The simplest things that don't have an explanation immediately presented are mystical and baffling, and people can't figure it out for themselves because they were never taught critical thinking skills. They were never taught the most basic tools of science.

also, to people posting ITT, don't bother explaining the egg to OP. You're only reinforcing the problem of "telling them what is true." To you OP, and anyone else in the same boat, I recommend you read pic related.

>> No.15585452


>> No.15585455


>> No.15585467


>> No.15585684


>> No.15585720

>The school systems only trains people to be told what is true.
You cannot teach someone how to learn or have a functioning brain. Expecting them to "teach" such things is literally delusional.

>> No.15585755

you can obviously draw line of sight from a point on the mirrors surface to the object.

>> No.15585765

The light from the egg doesn't have to reach behind the mirror. It only has to reach the spot on the mirror that intersects your line of sight as you look at the reflection of the egg.

>> No.15585776

What exactly is a "functioning brain" to you? I'd argue you don't need to "teach" this as almost everyone has a "functioning brain" from birth but what people are lacking are an instruction manual of logic and rationality to operate it. They're lacking an environment that nurtures the use of logic and rationality, and instead are forced to focus on rote memorization end master employment of mathematical functions that they do not understand.

You can teach skepticism, or reward rational thought, or train people to be aware of their own thought processes and know how to look out for logical fallacies and errors in their own thoughts as well as recognize them in arguments made by others. These things are certainly possible.

>> No.15587157
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x3000, 20230725_165403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15587848
File: 21 KB, 683x384, 1690222474011322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15587862

The average person is frighteningly stupid.

>> No.15587863

Everyone in the video is very clearly a mouthbreathing moron (which was already obvious from the fact that they watch science memes on tiktok)

>> No.15588602

fucking kek

>> No.15588618

sòyentists BTFO yet again

>> No.15588625

I gave you a B+

>> No.15588632

Consciously I know how it works but it still seems uncanny when I actually see it

>> No.15588639

I wonder what the percentage of people pretending to be retarded to retards is in this dumb ass trend?

>> No.15588644

Light from egg to eye, eye's light to mirror.

>> No.15589092

since when do eyes reflect light lol

>> No.15590185

Light bounces on and off every surface, including our goblin eyes. Tapetum lucidum .. fo shizzle muh nizzle

>> No.15590186
File: 793 KB, 984x1077, 1663640216495897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll explain it to you but first you need to hire me on as a DEI coordinator for $150k a year

>> No.15590192

Everyone in video is a woman or brown or both except the one doodle nigger. They're not faking.

>> No.15590201

Basic geometry.
Come on, use your fucking brain.

>> No.15590235

Thank you anon. I figured it was something like this, but was having trouble visualizing it.

>> No.15590243

I think it's dumb zoomers who think a mirror is powered or something and has a camera behind it recording.

>> No.15590533

What is the term for where the egg appears to be in the imaginary space inside the mirror?
I knew what it was called when I took physics in college, but I forgot.

>> No.15592446

They produce it you fucking moron

>> No.15592614

u no normies are gonna get super smarter in the next 10 years right? they're gonna stumble onto porn sooner or later. stop worrying about your reflections god damn it.

>> No.15592657

Mirrors reflect the eyes, not the body, if it did, the image would be more abstract

>> No.15592667

I was about to draw all edge cases but
Solved the problem for me

>> No.15592673

The side bits see the egg

>> No.15592736

This still doesn't explain it, by this graphic you would see the back of the paper not the demon egg

>> No.15592779

The mirror KNOWS the egg is there because it is a living demon that serves as a portal to the copy-demon world. Know that!

>> No.15592792

