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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1558503 No.1558503 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, where's the respect for/interest in this man? I thought this was supposed to be a science board?

>> No.1558510

ITT Tech is not a prestigious place to be educated.

>> No.1558513


>implying accomplishments don't outweigh school prestige

Seventeen year old detected.

>> No.1558516


>implying you can accomplish something worthy of external recognition at ITT.

>> No.1558529


>implying being heavily sought after by the United States military for your genius isn't an accomplishment

>> No.1558532


>implying working for the military is prestigious

>> No.1558537


You've just officially outed yourself as a dumbshit high school kid.

>> No.1558577


>implying you are logical

>> No.1558605


>discredit someone's work based upon schooling
>call someone else illogical

>> No.1558608


>get trolled

I said he went to ITT Tech. Obviously trolling.

>> No.1558616


You just got trolled hard bro.

>> No.1558619
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>> No.1558625


>let me detract from how butthurt I am with a typical /b/ inspired troll image

>> No.1558629


>implying i am the faggot above


captcha: kemball largest

>> No.1558638

His experiments with the Poltergeist Machine are amongst the most interesting experiments going on in the scientific community today.

>> No.1558643
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>> No.1558645

I never hear anyone talk about this guy. Why?

>> No.1558647


You don't know about the Poltergeist Effect?

>> No.1558654


He makes shit move with magnetism, static electricity, etc.

>> No.1558674


Yeah kind of. He fucks around with electromagnetism and experiences anomalous results that sort of defy conventional physics. Anti-gravity effects, fusion of properties, etc...It's pretty interesting stuff.

>> No.1558687
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He does nothing outside of known physical laws.

>> No.1558714

bumping for more science about this guy.

>> No.1558732

is this the guy that stuck rocks in a carboard tube and faked electricity coming out of it? some kind of zero point energy bullshit?

sounds legit bro

>> No.1560988

John Hutchins?

He's been around for 30 years on my watch.

Lives in Canada, because the Jewnighted States of Amerikkka continually harassed him for his experimentaiton, so he moved to another country that was less free yet it's leniency was a form of greater liberty than his former country.