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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 114 KB, 1052x773, 1684084386280737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15583566 No.15583566 [Reply] [Original]

How much more awesome is life on Earth going to be when enhanced atmospheric CO2 allow plants to grow at their maximum rate?
Every other creature on Earth is dependent on plant growth for survival. Humanity already produces way more food than it needs as it is, what are we going to do with all the excess of massive bountiful harvests in 200 or 300 years when CO2 gets to the sweet spot of peak plant performance?
How much more wildlife will be able to survive with much, much more food available in the wilderness?

>> No.15583567
File: 76 KB, 1280x500, life by mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart show some current numbers for the breakdown of life on Earth by mass, with twice the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, these numbers should at least double. All those endangered species numbers should rebound to much larger amounts.
On the downside, maybe this means that people will be more likely to be eaten by wild animals if theres more of them. Does your car get twice as much bird shit on it with twice as many birds flying?

>> No.15583589
File: 13 KB, 211x239, Gov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when enhanced atmospheric CO2 allow plants to grow at their maximum rate?
>Every other creature on Earth is dependent on plant growth for survival. Humanity already produces way more food than it needs as it is, what are we going to do with all the excess of massive bountiful harvests in 200 or 300 years when CO2 gets to the sweet spot of peak plant performance?
>How much more wildlife will be able to survive with much, much more food available in the wilderness?
How do you expect the WEF and China to dominate the world with a one-world goverment if people realize everything is going to be ok and they don't need government to stop any climate issues, because there are no issues?

>> No.15583845

humans would need respirators to breath the atmosphere

>> No.15583895

no they wouldn't, lots of people work all day every day in greenhouses that have CO2 enhanced atmospheres. urbanites also live in atmospheres with CO2 level far above average and they never seem to even notice. CO2 is necessary for human respiration, you would pass out and die without it.

>> No.15583926

That's silly.

>> No.15583979

Yes it will be great eating all those empty calories because the soil has been depleted of all its nutrients.

>> No.15583981

Are you that schizo that thinks lead is an essential nutrient?

>> No.15583991

No, I mean, all your massive bountiful harvests will be all sugar and no actual nutrients.

>> No.15583993

That's why greenhouse-grown crops are so nutrient-rich. Because they're all sugar and no nutrients.

>> No.15584137

plants that grow faster above ground also grow faster below ground, deeper rooting plants have more access to nutrients than otherwise.

>> No.15584342

it gets more than that in your house, besides, tibetans adapted to their conditions, so will the rest of us.

>> No.15584690

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15585191

Life on this planet evolved in environments with far more CO2 than is around today.

>> No.15585204

Life yes. Humans no. I don't know about you, but I'm not some single-cell plankton, I prefer human levels of CO2. Most of modern humanity was formed around 280ppm.

>> No.15585378

There's more CO2 than that inside your house by a huge margin.

>> No.15585389

There's more CO2 than that outside, too. That's exactly the problem.

>> No.15585390

There is no problem, you just made it up because you're a narcissist with a savior complex.

>> No.15585471

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15585721
File: 45 KB, 600x436, Maskinz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans would need respirators to breath the atmosphere
So "wear your mask" would be cool again?

>> No.15585733

Oh yeah, more co2 please. This psyop or a massive cope. I honestly can't tell.

>> No.15585931
File: 537 KB, 1536x2279, lime containigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so with CO2 in the optimum range, we'll have over a trillion tons of plants growing and presumably a similar increase in all those other categories.
what will we do with all of those extra resources?
eat only prime rib off the cows and leave everything else for compost or dog food?
seems like paradise

>> No.15585933

holy fuck I hate contrarians so much, suck the sweat of my left nut

>> No.15586539

Maybe we can use those excess resources to colonize the seabed or Antarctica.

>> No.15586556

>what will we do with all of those extra resources?
Probably nothing desu, judging by the last 50 years of biomass trends. I hope you like the color green.

>> No.15586571

I love green. Plants are based and being around trees is essential to mental and physical well-being.

>> No.15586734

There are paid fossil fuel shills on /sci/

>> No.15586751

>All those endangered species numbers should rebound to much larger amounts.
Yes, there's certainly bound to be huge amounts of endangered species after a global and rapid change in the ecosystem.

>> No.15586778

Do you think so? 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought that the fossil fuel industry would pay for shills on 4chan. But I also wouldn't have thought that people unironically spread fossil fuel propaganda for free, and one of the two must be true. It's way too elaborate and consistent for some "lel BP good" trolling.

>> No.15586820

I really hope white people aren't making these threads

>> No.15587034

It's super obvious. They don't understand the board or site culture, they don't understand the difference in speed between boards, they use obvious shill tactics to defend their propaganda like astroturfing and deflection, they have preprogrammed responses ready to go for any reasonable argument you could make, but they fall apart when you refuse to engage with their script, and they go ballistic when you point out the direct financial link between their source material and the fossil fuel industry. Typically I'm inclined to believe that they're useful idiots, but useful idiots aren't coached and trained to the degree that this shills clearly have been.

>> No.15587090

I think you underestimate some people's capacity of mentally deluding themselves when threatened by a slight inconvenience. Like, they literally think their entire way of life is being threatened by people asking them to maybe turn off the engine while at a stop light. Also consider the large overlap between climate deniers and anti-vax covidiots. Like, they cried fascist totalitarian dicatorship non-fucking-stop for two years for not getting a haircut for a couple weeks.

Some people are just born that dumb. I mean, sure there must be some big fish pulling the strings, but I'd say 99.9 % of climate deniers online are just cowardly idiots. Cowardly because they can't cope with the fact that maybe they ought to change their way of life, so they instead cling to the easy solution of muh hoax, and idiots because they're the kind of tech-illiterate boomers who fall for obvious shill posts on Facebook. You can't expect someone who's too stupid to not fall for the Nigerian prince scam to understand the intricacies of climate change.

>> No.15587096

Oil is abiotic and infinite, midwits.

>> No.15587106

Thanks for the scoop, I'm going to short it then.

>> No.15587196

I believe that's mostly how they achieve their astroturfing in a cost effective manner, but I'm certain there is at least one professional shill that organizes the discussion in a way that favors their goals, namely casting doubt on the science, or "proving" a global conspiracy, or convincing people that climate change is actually a good thing, ect. It could also be the case that narratives are tested and refined on smaller platforms like 4chan before being deployed on larger platforms and in echo chambers. Losing an argument on /sci/ with maybe a hundred people observing the thread doesn't lose as much traction for your argument as it would if several thousand people were observing, but you'll largely get the same arguments and responses, especially if you create the same thread repeatedly. Once you know what people will say you can formulate a response that maintains your credibility or harms their credibility, which is all that matters when you're trying to convince observers who don't know much about the topic.

>> No.15587290

>retards on /sci/ want the planet to return to a period that humans aren't biologically adapted to
>retards on /sci/ refuse to admit that rapid temperature changes won't affect civilization or cause a nuclear war over resources because their oil spook masters said so
Literally the most cucked people on earth. Of course the antichrist wouldn't be a figurehead, but a movement of retards who thought they were redpilled instead.

>> No.15587765
File: 404 KB, 1521x868, 95 iq post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15587817
File: 24 KB, 474x354, kewls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years ago I wouldn't have thought that the fossil fuel industry would pay for shills on 4chan.
You never thought the leftwing governments don't use tech to push their propaganda? Really?

>> No.15587847

Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland because he knows that its all going to get more and more productive every year so its a deal to buy it now

>> No.15587878

Nice try, not buying your bags.

>> No.15587959
File: 455 KB, 678x876, 1679540861483922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much more awesome is life on Earth going to be when enhanced atmospheric CO2 allow plants to grow at their maximum rate?
Thankfully scientists are hard at work making sure we never have to find out!

>> No.15587972

There nine threads climate denier threads active right now, including one posting an image from the CO2 Coalition that’s a fossil fuel think tank.

>> No.15587983
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, consensus says global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the /sci/ consensus is that global warming is fake news. why aren't you willing to trust the results of peer review, do you think you're some sort of special snowflake or something?
everyone with a brain knows global warming is fake, only low iqs think its real

>> No.15588035

>high IQ

>> No.15588364

oh yeah? then why did this summer feel so hot to me personally

check mate

>> No.15588393

>people unironically spread fossil fuel propaganda for free,
There is a middle ground.
i.e. people who really do work legitimate jobs in the oil industry and post their sincerely held beliefs (rationalizations) online.

>> No.15588415
File: 109 KB, 1392x788, Idiot I Mean Biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been cooler than normal here. Nature balances things out.

Humans are egotists and narcisssists to think they can override Nature.

>> No.15588564

What about the greenhouse effect co2 has, won’t that warm things up?

>> No.15588574

Everyone shills. Even you.

>> No.15588575

thats a cool biden photograph do you mind if i download it?

>> No.15588626

You’re right, capitalists they can think override earth’s climate by carelessly emitting known greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Oh and what a little coindink, earth started getting warmer when the trend was getting cooler. The earth is warming faster than it has in tens of thousands of years. Just a coincidence though, right?

>> No.15588628

>global warming is saving us from another ice age
What a disaster!
You think some rising tides and rainstorms and flourishing greenery is bad? How about if it kept getting colder and the oceans receded and plants started getting harder to grow?

>> No.15588633

Neat thing is is that earth’s climate generally changes quite gradually. Yes the earth would very gradually get colder. But the speed at which it has been getting warmer is putting lots of things at risk. That’s like saying taking a beer out of the freezer and throwing it in a fire because it was at risk of freezing/exploding in 2 hours

>> No.15588636

Agreed, climate never stays static. It operates on a cyclical basis. We cannot override millenia long cycles

>> No.15588641

What drives the cycles?

>> No.15588645

4chan is the most astroturfed website on the internet, obviously this is the case. Even reddit requires you to do the bare minimum of farming up karma on a bot by posting retarded memes for updoots.

Any retard can just come in and say anything and get his thread permabumped by other bots.

>> No.15588649

The most common type of bicycle is operated by one person, could be adult or child (whichever the bicycle size favors)

>> No.15588667

Thanks, ChatGPT.

>> No.15588721

if you think reddit is so much better, why are you here instead of there? viewing 4chan clearly makes you angry and upset, why not just go to one of the many, many internet safe spaces available to you and never come back? if you do that then you won't have to be so angry and upset all the time. stress is a killer, you're probably reducing your lifespan just by being here

>> No.15588728

Reminder, Earth only has ~200-300M years left before Sun's expansion makes the earth hot enough to kill most animals.

If we're in a massive extinction event right now, the next life resurgence wont happen until ~100-200M years from now. On top of that, intelligence life arising out of the next new life resurgence isn't guaranteed.
Based on this understanding, humans may really be the last great hope of Earth, or indeed all life in this universe to expand outwards towards the cosmos. If we dont seize this moment to advance past Earth and colonize other planets, life/consciousness may forever be extinct in this universe, assuming conscious intelligent life is rare.

>> No.15588745

sun's expansion won't make it any hotter, the sun's surface brightness will just decrease in lock step with it's expension, it will change color and size, but the amount of energy it delivers will remain the same. after maybe a trillon or two years into the white dwarf phase it might start to cool off enough that life on earth would be negatively impacted

>> No.15588749

I'm not that anon, but they both have strengths and weaknesses. I'm pretty sure I'm not violating ToS by telling you to kill yourself here, but that would get me banned on Reddit.

>> No.15589153

all of the doomsday scenarios that are presented by midwits require ignorance as a prerequisite to believe in them.

>> No.15589157

Humans aren't the last hope of anything.

>> No.15589180

The thing that has me convinced is that they won't denounce the talmud. The way /pol/ screeches you'd think it'd be the other way around.

>> No.15590631

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15592272

Plant growth rates don't just double with 2x more CO2 in the air, plants are 3 dimensional, so their growth rate doubles in all 3 dimensions, resulting in 8x growth rate

>> No.15592793

Fuck off you antivaxxer antisemite miusoginst.

>> No.15592838

As of my last update in September 2021, the Earth was not experiencing a CO2 famine. In fact, quite the opposite was true. The levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere were at historically high levels due to human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This has led to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations, contributing to global warming and climate change.

CO2 is a crucial component of the Earth's atmosphere, and it plays a vital role in maintaining the planet's temperature and supporting life. However, the rapid increase in CO2 levels over the past century has raised concerns about its impact on the environment and climate.

It's essential to monitor and address the levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect the planet's ecosystems. To accurately assess the current situation regarding CO2 levels and climate change, I recommend checking the most recent scientific data and reports from reputable sources, as the situation may have evolved since my last update.

>> No.15592843
File: 83 KB, 501x576, human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This human makes a lot of sense.
We humans should listen to that human, that's the human thing to do, as humans.

Like this post if you're human!!

>> No.15592863

You lov me too much

Let go now and let's make the best stuff out of our love.

>> No.15594116

>historically high levels
thats good though
plants like it better that way and every other organism on the planet is ultimately dependent on plants for survival

>> No.15594128

he's probably talking about phosphorus, or the things we need to make fertilizer running out (such as phosphorus mines) as the phosphorus in the ground has been depleted.

>> No.15594135

No, Bill Gates is a lucky schizo retard. He's buying up all the farmland for the opposite reason. He thinks FOOD is going to rise tremendously in price, and only the richest and most well-connected schizos (himself) will have the means to produce food. Perhaps he will maintain his wealth by being wrong, maybe he will be right.

>> No.15594150

>people work all day every day in greenhouses that have CO2 enhanced atmospheres
not all the way to 1000 ppm

>> No.15595235

>he doesn't know about C3 and C4 plants and the calvin cycle
lmao filtered back in school already or underage
get out

>> No.15595333

it is

>> No.15595411

1500ppm is standard

>> No.15595706

I stopped reading at this weasel word.
So, how long have we been measuring atmospheric CO2?
Do you think we were measuring it in 1000 AD?
How about in 1750?
No, we've been measuring it for about a century, and only paying close attention for less than half of that.
So out of BILLIONS of years, we are saying this is a 50-year record.
Gee fucking whiz.

>> No.15596519

Why do people get so angry when they find out all the benefits of enhanced atmospheric CO2?

>> No.15597532

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15598236
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15599428

If you're looking for a serious answer, it's that ecosystems, animals, and plants take time to adapt to changes in their environment, when the climate changes over a very long period of time (thousands of years) life can adapt to that. However, if the changes happen over the course of a hundred or so years, the life can't adapt quick enough, and instead you'll see mass die offs from the plants and animals that can't adapt quick enough. of course, this won't be the end of all life on earth, but the world as we know it will be gone. We humans will. probably still survive, but in much worse shape than we were.

>> No.15599446

what if it's asymptomatic? do I have to wear single use surgical mask for 30 days straight?

>> No.15599454

are you that guy that posts his asian wife getting pounded by various guys on redgifs?

>> No.15599496

Of course it's white people making these threads.
The dumbest white people are the dumbest people on earth.

>> No.15600068

>posting racism outside of /b/
shigi digi

>> No.15600087

awwww muffin
why don't you report me?

>> No.15600623

The exclusively positive effects of enhanced atmospheric CO2 is the only sci-fi like futuristic scenario that is going to come true. You will never live on Mars, you will never have an anime robot waifu, you will never have an extended lifespan, but in 100 years you will be able to grow more food on a quarter of an acre than you could grow on a whole acre 100 years ago.