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15580115 No.15580115 [Reply] [Original]

What's causing the huge increase in the prevalence of people identifying as the opposite sex in the last 15 years?

>> No.15580118

pollutants and political gaslighting

>> No.15580130

i don't know. but as an incel, i enjoy it. i like to think that it ties in with the incel issue. many men becoming frustrated with being undesired, so they try jumping to the other gender in hopes of finally becoming desired. i enjoy it when it makes people angry.

>> No.15580133

>This thread again
Please fucking kill yourself

>> No.15580145

The "vaccines" they give babies, the chemicals we ingest or are otherwise exposed to, the backlit screens ruining the quality of our sleep, lack of sunlight, sedentariness, and porn viewing.

>> No.15580163

Porn viewing, inceldom, lack of proper beatings

>> No.15580172

I think the people were always there, they are just more visible because you have access to the internet. I don't know a single tranny in real life.

>> No.15580177
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better sex. imagine attracting a lesbian. lesbos are so fucking hot bros you can't fucking believe.

>> No.15580188

Is there actually an increase or is it just more visible/talked about?

>> No.15580198

Less oppression and the new red scare makes it more visible.

Not science or math btw.

>> No.15580202

Perhaps there was a reason for all those taboos around human sexuality beyond "evil jealous old men with small penises"

Perhaps societies have been through all this before

>> No.15580209
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God sent angels to clean up Sodom & Gomorrah, God sent Hitler to clean up Wiemar Germany. What does that make Hitler?

>> No.15580231

It's more socially acceptable to do so nowadays plus it isn't as common as you think it is it's just right-wing media plays it up a lot.

>> No.15580233

culture bound syndrome

>> No.15580529


>> No.15580534

took a moment

>> No.15580558

It is stage four inceldom.
Work it out from there, anon.

>> No.15580561

being mentally ill is now a teenage fad and this is the mental illness du jour

>> No.15580567

Man wants tibbies and vagoo and nobody else will gibs

>> No.15580584

decrease in bullying and murder of them, i'd think

>> No.15580593

Some people have probably always been like this but it was suppressed since society doesn't accept it. The overwhelming majority have been infected with a social contagion.

>> No.15580630

People don't give a shit and simply do what they want to do instead being eternally conformist. Why is it so unacceptable to your own stick and mantra up yer ass?

>> No.15580653
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>> No.15580671

Most people are conformists who do what the prevailing ideology tells them to do. And right now the prevailing ideology tells people to mutilate their genitals. Simple as.

>> No.15580674

fuck your rome you little nazi shit.

>> No.15580675

Oh fuck off, chudie.

>> No.15580681

i can't help to see trans people like a subculture
i guess they could be cooler if they'd name themselves "biopunks", but they are natural descendants of self-harming emos

>> No.15580742

>ad hominem
I accept your concession.

>> No.15580767

Propaganda works

>> No.15580774

actually the fall of rome didn't really have much effect at all on people outside of rome

>> No.15580776

Did someone argue that point? Work on your reading comprehension, pedo enabler.

>> No.15580786

What? It completely changed society throughout all of Roman Europe. Even as far away from the capitol as England there was a societal collapse that led to people abandoning Roman suburbs and moving back into Iron Age hillforts for protection.

>> No.15580794

Not that anon but Rome departed England long before Rome's collapse. Causes for that was the same cause for Rome's eventual collapse: incompetent rulers.

>> No.15580795

autism, estrogen in the food and water, propaganda, so on and so forth

>> No.15580800

Roman rule remained enforced in most of England and Wales until the collapse, when Magnus Maximus pulled out the legions from England to attempt an invasion of the mainland and claim the Empire for himself.

>> No.15580815

The weight of today's average woman smothering civilization.

>> No.15580819

Grass is greener effect and all men are autogynephiles.

>> No.15580886

For the same reasons that zoomers film themselves eating tide pods and cut their hair into broccoli sprouts

>> No.15580889

Brainwashing, literally sissy hypno.

Near 50% of the American youths identify as one of the alphabet soup gender.

>> No.15580891

The natural rate had always been ~0.5%. The 50% American youths identifying as trannies isn't just a social contagion, its a fucking propaganda.

>> No.15580917
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>political gaslighting
Also, allowing children to be groomed by faggots.

Society used to round up and dispose of fags for thousands of years, similar to snake roundups, to keep their numbers in check. Society hasn't been doing that in the last few decades.
Science calls that "Boom and Bust" when referring to a species population.

>> No.15580920

>The weight of today's average woman
This certainly has hurt reproduction rates.

Fatties are gross. Like fucking a greasy sweaty pig.

>> No.15581011
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In previous centuries white countries took a retarded approach when dealing with the faggot problem. Instead leaving them alone, so their genes would not make it into the next generation, those morons created laws with severe punishments that made sure faggots would never get out of the closet but instead they would even impregnate females to avoid getting exposed.

>> No.15581022

Indeed. I meant it both literally, and also in the sense of the level of control and influence the average woman exerts in society today.

>> No.15581438
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Boys subconsciously notice the discrimination against the male gender and the privileged treatment of females. It thus takes only little encouragement to motivate them to transition.

>> No.15581485

DSM 2012 change

>> No.15581574

Mainstream Archeology.

>> No.15582181

Could it possibly be related to the unspeakable horrors that are the systemic genital mutilation of men and hormonal sterilization of women??

>> No.15582543

Culture, porn, single moms, inceldom

>> No.15582575

So you are saying there is no increase, but it is merely talked about more.

>> No.15583331

By the time Rome was sacked the western "empire" was smaller than modern day Italy.

>> No.15583337


>> No.15583350
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She WAS hot, now it is a freak that needs to kill itself.

Society used to round up and dispose of fag/trannies and ugly lesbians, leaving only hot lesbians to exist. Selective Evolution in action!

>> No.15583374

This shit >>15582542 plays a part. Imagine being on amphetamines since elementary school. Insanity.

>> No.15583391
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also dumb hippies and commies successfully deconstructed morality over the decades, so it's sexuality going totally unchecked because moral reasoning is now dead.

>> No.15583405

Good point anon.

>> No.15583471

Recently had my first irl direct trans event when a co-worker told us his son had trooned out after a couple of after-work drinks.
I got the vibe that's it's the new "my kids gay" thing which is interesting.

>> No.15583488

Western propaganda + overabundance of resources. We are living in a mouse utopia.

Essentially good times create weak men.

>> No.15583550
File: 554 KB, 507x900, Lt Governor Minnesota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's causing the huge increase in the prevalence of people identifying as the opposite sex in the last 15 years?
China trying to weaken western society before they start WWIII

>> No.15583574

>before they start WWIII
China has no intention of ever having a military conflict, because they would lose badly. Thats why they engage in shilling destructive cultural revolution instead

>> No.15583580

Of course China would lose.
Chinese leaders are super arrogant and think Han Chinese are the only real humans on Earth and all other humans should be genocided.
Most all wars are started by dumb people.

>> No.15583585

these make me so horny I'd dress up like a girl too

>> No.15583595

All China has to do is bide their time for 50 years and not get goaded into a war with the US before they are ready.
By that time we'll have zoomer politicians and most military leaders will be millennials.... god help us.

>> No.15583648

>By that time
The USA will have Balkanized, and China will be bankrupt from lack of WalMarts shilling their plastic dog shit.

>> No.15583701

control eff hedonism?

DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE COWARDS/CRIMINALS THEY HATE THEY'RE OWN IDENTITY. silence of the lambs shit. only cure is a stray bullet to the noodle. it's just bad blood pumping through their veins.

>. but as an incel,
politics is always for cowards. a nigger is any person that can't think for themselves

>> No.15583715

>By that time we'll have
The first generations without extreme heavy metal poisoning in charge, and China will have a 0.23 fertility rate with each productive worker supporting 5.2 elderly, their military not even able to manufacture ammo, much less naval power.

>> No.15583724

>Instead leaving them alone, so their genes would not make it into the next generation, those morons created laws with severe punishments that made sure faggots would never get out of the closet but instead they would even impregnate females to avoid getting exposed.
OK, look at all the gays that insist on having a right to adoption. Then you have surrogacy, and lesbians who have the ability to pull a guy off the street if they want to have a kid badly enough
Referring to the sack of Rome property sure, but the decline and collapse of the empire was a slow, and arduous process which left a power vacuum in its wake and a regression of of human progress

>> No.15583740

>bide their time for 50 years
I'd be surprised if they last 30 years, and that's being generous. China is in terminal demographic decline, and with it their economy.
>first generations without heavy metal poisoning
What about PFAS?

>> No.15583768


>> No.15583903

>China is in terminal demographic decline
They've been saying that about Japan for the last 30 years. They've also been covering up the same thing in the West with mass immigration for at least the last 10 years.

>> No.15585740

>They've also been covering up the same thing in the West with mass immigration for at least the last 10 years.
That's not the reason the rich 1% government elite are importing shitholers though.

>> No.15585841

Is interesting how trans people can give you uncanny valley feels, even by the smallest details you can tell something is off.