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15578959 No.15578959 [Reply] [Original]

Why can numbers be multiplied by 0 but not divided by 0?

>> No.15578962

>>Why can numbers be multiplied by 0

>> No.15578968
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Because Mathematics is a field full of 128 IQ normies even at the highest level at Oxford.

Actual geniuses know that anything divided by 0 is infinity.

>> No.15578975

Anything divided by 0 would be 0, just like how anything multiplied by 0 is 0.

>> No.15578976

Here's a way to look at it from a calc 1 perspective. What's the limit of 100/X as x gets smaller and tends towards zero? What's the limit of 100*X as x gets smaller and tends towards zero?

>> No.15579000

Think about what you just said. Try to explain your point and you will realize you are a retard

>> No.15579008

Dividing 1 by 1/x is equivalent to multiplying 1 by x/1. What do you think multiplying 1 by 0/1 is equivalent to?


>> No.15579016

hey retard, you are a fag and you should kys

>> No.15579116
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You fucking retards....

Anything divided by zero is the original number.
10 / 0 = 10. You simply didn't divide, because it's zero.

Anything multiplied by zero is zero because you're saying there's zero original numbers.

>> No.15579126

That's not the question. You answered 1/(1/0)=0. While that is true, In reality you just proved that 1/0 is infinity, since 1/infinity=0.
What you're meant to answer is simply 1/0 by itself. And you kinda already did accidentally, but you don't get it. Try to figure that one out friend.

>> No.15579130

>inb4 nooo 10 / 1 is the original number idiot
Both are true.
10 / 1 is saying you split 10 up into a bunch of ones and then add them back together again.
10 / 0.0000... is infinity.
10 / 0 is saying that you don't divide at all in the first place.

>> No.15579153

Assuming that multiplication is the inverse of division is retarded, demonic, and wrong.

>> No.15579175

>>15579153 (samefag)
>1 x (x/1) = 1 / (1/x) = x
>Yes, I agree
>OK, so 1 x (0/1) = 1 / (1/0) = 0
Hopeless retard basketcase

>> No.15579179

Here's a useful rule of arithmetic that we'd like to be true.

0*a=0 for any number a. 0 times anything is 0.

Another useful rule is that for any number a there exists another number a' such that a*a'=1. For example 5*(1/5)=1. Say there was a number 0' such that 0*0'=1. This violates our previous rule that 0 times anything is 0.

Either we agree to not let 0' exist (in other words 1/0 is invalid) or we get rid of one of the rules.

>> No.15579180

Not an argument. Prove that division is the inverse of multiplication. You can't, because 1/0 = 1.

>> No.15579188

No it doesn't

>> No.15579198

0 is not a number, it is the absence of a number, like infinity. That's why infinity/0 = 1

>> No.15579205

Infinity is the opposite of an absence of numbers.
Infinity is the inverse of 0.
Multiplication is NOT the inverse of division.

>> No.15579217

1+0 = 1
1-0 = 1
1x0 = 1
1/0 = 1
1^0 = 1
√1 = 1

How many did i get wrong

>> No.15579221

Those are all correct.

>> No.15579232

>Multiplication is NOT the inverse of division.
Yes it is.
F(x) = x*n
F inverse (x)= x/n
Explain how this happened retardo?

>> No.15579246

That's undefined. It breaks the basic rules of arithmetic.

>> No.15579248

Yes, calling something demonic is not an argument.

>> No.15579257

We have successfully implanted new schizo vocab

>> No.15579269

>>1 x (x/1) = 1 / (1/x) = x
>>Yes, I agree
>>OK, so 1 x (0/1) = 1 / (1/0) = 0
That is correct, but since you are retarded and lack a faustian spirit, you didn't go all the way to the real answer.
1/ (1/x) = x
so 1= x * (1/x)
1 / (1/0) = 0
1= 0 * (1/0)
anything times 0 equals 0


If you disagree, you are a retard and should kys. If you agree, congratulations, your IQ is 140+

>> No.15579274

0+, not 0, if "anything divided by 0 is infinity" I could say the same about negative infinity

>> No.15579275

Do you have peer reviewed published research backing your claim?

>> No.15579281

You are an undefined demonic error.

>> No.15579283
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multiplication is "start from 0 and add a number x times" so it makes sense to choose not to add any
division is "start from a number and split it into x chunks" so it makes sense for "zero chunks" to be an impossible concept
i failed calculus btw

>> No.15579312

For something to be negative or positive, it must have a defined magnitude. infinity doesn't have a defined magnitude. Saying negative infinity is just like saying negative zero. Both don't exist.
"Negative infinity" is just a convenient way of saying getting to infinity through the negative path. That is to say, no matter which path you take, negative or positive, at the end, the destination is the same, just infinity.
Think about it in terms of reality. There is a direction. You can move forward or backwards in space (Positive or negative). You can say I moved "+2 feet", meaning you moved forward by a mgnitude of 2 feet. But once you are outside of reality (Which is what infinity is, it is not "Real", it is beyond real. Just like Zero is beneath real, or lack of reality), there is no space, no directions. No positives, no negatives. Since there is no space, there is no "where" to move to, there is no "2 feet" neither in the positive nor in the negative, there is no magnitude of anything at all. It's all just infinity. Just infinite magnitude, infinite everything, beyond human comprehension. There is no "negative" of this infinity.

In short, I could say something like this
-(infinity) = (-1)(infinity) = (infinity)

>tl:dr Negative Infinity is not a thing

>> No.15579323

>i failed calculus btw
Well then you're probably the most qualified to discuss transfinites in this thread, ironically.

>> No.15579427

0 does not exist

>> No.15579433

How do you say that again ?

>> No.15579465

twe, mult an div

>> No.15579548

0 does not exist. it's a concept like infinity. when you "multiply" by 0 you describe a concept of turning something into 0.

>> No.15579555

You can divide by 0 but the maths base system we use is false on many accounts of fucking retardation.

You literally think there's no number smaller than 1.

>> No.15579562

0 is the concept of the black hole. "multiplying" by it means throwing something into a black hole.
the event horizon turns it into nothing in our outside-the-event-horizon reality.

>> No.15579564

Dividing by zero always produces a unique result

>> No.15579565

just like radiation away from a black hole

>> No.15579740

DAMN this is actually a good question

>> No.15579758

its always the simple and approachable statements with the most relentless proofs. This one seems to involve cosmology, quantum mechanics, and infinities. Who knew

>> No.15579854

When dividing imagine splitting an object like an apple into equal groups.
So 1/1 is 'splitting' the object into an equal group of 1, a whole apple, 1/2 splitting into equal groups of two leaving two halves of an apple at the end 0.5, etc.
So what would it mean to divide an object until it is zero equal groups? It's a kinda paradoxical statement.
Like would it mean you just keep dividing into infinitely smaller groups? What would be the number at the end then?
Does it mean the apple just wouldn't be?
There isn't really an answer for it.

>> No.15579973
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>You literally think there's no number smaller than 1.
Correct, each unit is 1 and all are proportions of side lenght ones as a ratios.

t.Number Theory Condo Xeno

>> No.15581209

Yes it does. Consider how many bitches you've fucked.

>> No.15581223

0 is not a number

>> No.15581255

so you say the fucking did not exist

>> No.15581258

exactly bitches he's fucked don't exist

>> No.15581310
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>> No.15581342

If I gave you the number y in the equation
0*x = y, could you tell me what x was?
No, you can't. And that's why you can't divide by 0.

>> No.15581348

Penis = ass + butt + cunt

>> No.15581373
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>> No.15581382


>> No.15581404

what algebra does to a mf

>> No.15581470

P = a + b + c + d
d = 0 units
(fourth side is has magnitude 0)

>> No.15581665

X / 0 = link to the more recent /sci/ thread about division by zero

>> No.15581817

>How much nothing does an abstract something have in it
Okay then.