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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 500x613, 1686083154867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15576692 No.15576692 [Reply] [Original]

>Darwin makes the groundbreaking discovery that: finches make... finches
>atheistrannies think this proves man came from apes which came from fish which came from soup which came from a rock which came from nothing and they think that's science and not blind faith
When will evolutionists admit their religion is of blind faith and not science and has no place being tax-funded and forced on kids in public schools?

They don't even critically analyze their own religion of evolutionism of kinds. They just get angry whenever it's criticized because they can't prove it.

>> No.15576891

Lol, I guess nobody disagrees. Good. It's nice to see people interested in science on a science board actually be interested in science, not in defending baseless atheist creation myths that violate laws of matter, thermodynamics, information, biogenesis, logic, and reason.

>> No.15576894

Funny enough, geneticists confirmed that finch beak size is a conserved trait in Galapagos finches, which means that they never speciated in the first place.

>> No.15576928

Genetics also proves that evolution is impossible. Not even getting into the fine tuning and all the systems of information within a single cell that need to simultaneously exist, but even simply genetic entropy proves evolution never should've happened in the first place.

Many evolutionist "scientists" have even wondered "why aren't we dead many times over" -- of course, that never makes it into the school textbooks

>> No.15576935

You don't understand shit about natural selection lol

>> No.15576946

in a few sentences, can you provide your understanding of how natural selection works?

>> No.15576956

Sealions begone.

>> No.15576970

>Have feature
>Retard next to me born with slightly different feature
>Turns out he can eat better with that slightly different feature
>He gets bitches and food whilst I starve

>> No.15576993

Every thread deserves a reply

>> No.15577028
File: 92 KB, 477x610, Cetacea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.15577032

>which means that they never speciated in the first place
You could’ve just said you don’t know what speciation is

>> No.15577037

Darwin didn't know that they were the same species of bird with slightly different beaks.

>> No.15577044

They’re weren’t classified as the same species then and they’re not now. There’s 5 genera of Darwin’s finches, let alone multiple species

>> No.15577060

It’s more that everyone can see through your half assed attempts to bait and that you clearly don’t have much of an understanding about genetics, phylogeny, speciation or anything else you’ve mentioned. Your type loves acting like they’ve got it all figured out though. I’d bet you’re the same person who made a fool of himself on /an/ so came here instead, it’ll end the same though

>> No.15577076
File: 485 KB, 1920x1282, 1920px-FMNH_SUE_Trex[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blind faith

>> No.15577089


>> No.15577102

fun fact: sue has bone damage consistent with that caused by a parasite still found causing disease in all sorts of birds today

>> No.15577116

Explain the mechanism that prevents small changes from adding up and becoming big changes over many generations.

>> No.15577139


>> No.15577153

okay bro. maybe wolves and coyotes have a common ancestor. but not dolphins and chimpanzees.

>> No.15577211

>you can measure in centimetres sure, maybe even metres. But kilometres? That’s absurd

>> No.15577212

every single eukaryote has the same ribosome, the same tRNAs, the same ATP synthase, and more or less the same basic biochemical pathways. the difference between dolphins and chimps is even smaller than that between bacteria and yeast

>> No.15577216

It’s unfortunate she’s in a room with a ceiling that’s too low for her to stand at her full height

>> No.15577236

>They just get angry whenever it's criticized because they can't prove it.
I bet you have these arguments a lot and don’t understand the proof presented to you or don’t like the answers provided to your questions

>> No.15577400

so what? am i a banana bro because i can babble on about microscopic similarities?

>> No.15577446

nigger detected
opinion discarded

>> No.15577533

do what you want BRO

>> No.15577883

>a jpg of a T. rex skeleton has the most replies in the thread
How can OP recover from this?

>> No.15577892

you seem like the type of cuck who completely chooses to ignore that his wife's pussy is being obliterated by clearly a bull, you even find his cum filled condoms in the trashbin, and just choose to think of them as coincidences. your wife is surely faithful.