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15576347 No.15576347 [Reply] [Original]

The reason there is no progress in physics is because it costs a lot of money, most money is sent to defense contractors and they can't release anything to the public because of the "national security" so significant scientific breakthroughs are kept secret.

>> No.15576358
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We know there's few breakthroughs (on the sort of scale like when humanity first split the atom) in those places too. What's needed is more fundamental physics research. But particle physics seems to have hit a brick wall.

>> No.15576380

Rip material research

>> No.15576450

>The reason there is no progress in physics is because…
…scientists are low iq atheists.
the scientific method was developed exclusively by and for christians, others cannot do science.

>> No.15576703

there was an anon on this board that had an interesting conspiracy about fundamental physics. the theory was basically: Louis Witten, general relativity expert and father of Edward Witten, was involved in antigravity research in the 50s-70s which was funded by the US defense administrations. (that’s true) his son Edward was initially uninterested in physics and math, but was known to be a genius. he had no prior education in physics or advanced math. suddenly Ed changed his mind and was expediently admitted to Princeton and quickly became the student of David Gross and went on to become the leader of String Theory in the 80s. the conspiracy theory is that Louis Witten’s antigravity group actually made some discoveries, and Edward was recruited to push fundamental physics in an unrelated direction so as to keep anyone from finding out what they discovered and on an unproductive path. add to this that Louis’ wife and Edward’s mother is completely disappeared from any sources (not even a newspaper obituary even) and it all is very suggestive

i don’t believe this theory but I thought I’d mention it

>> No.15576731

the actual reason is because too many physicists cling on to the myth of muh free will which prevents them from considering any sensible completion of qm.

>> No.15576800

Interesting conspiracy theory. Although he was clearly deserving of it in retrospect, I always thought it was messed up how easily Witten got to start at the top of the game as a phd student.

>> No.15576806 [DELETED] 

>I always thought it was messed up how easily Witten got to start at the top of the game as a phd student.
jewish nepotism is commonplace.

>> No.15576837

the age of physics is over, the age of biology has begun, we're just fucking shit at it.

>> No.15576839

yes coming back from the other side of the event horizon of a black hole.

>> No.15577294

>The reason there is no progress in physics is because it costs a lot of money
No, it's because our smartest physicists are pushed to do research in bullshit non applied stuff like string theory, if we had them all do solid state physics research we would rule the world.

>> No.15577307

There's more funding for physics than ever before in human history. Physics also gets a disproportionate amount of public funding despite poor results.

>> No.15577316

>What's needed is more fundamental physics research. But particle physics seems to have hit a brick wall.
No, the opposite, especially in the US we piss billions away on these retarded dead end string theories and other bloated theoretical fields that have little to no oversight. They managed to accrue MORE public funding than astronomy, computer science and engineering combined. Yet the last decade saw massive leaps in AI and actual cool physics like astronomy while retards in ST are still doing stupid symbolic computations on toy models and jerking each other off.

It's a citation gang that's good at capturing review boards of public funding agencies, but very little else. That's part of the reason why Europe managed to build the LHC and make the only actual progress in theoretical physics in the last decade while the US only has a few peashooter accelerators to this day.

The public funding pool to theoretical physics should be cut by about 95%, 50% of that should go to pure and applied math, the rest to tech/engineering and applied physics.

>> No.15577326

More funding to gender studies!

>> No.15577336

This is true and it's frustrating to pretend otherwise. All the atheistic euphoria fags in my department are lazy wastes of public funding and don't truly understand science and are stuck in single digit h-indexes. They just want to be called physicists, they don't actually want to do physics and don't even understand what natural philosophy really means (some of them haven't even heard of the term!). They get no, or shit, publications. They have no unique ideas, mostly they just build on the paradigms of others without advancing it, doing the bare minimum to graduate or keep their adjunct position.

After my last nature publication at the special seminar the Professor ordered the others asked me what motivates me and the fuckwits actually thought I was joking when I said I want to understand the nature of God. Only the Professor understood.

It should be illegal for non-Christians to get scientific positions. Deism should be the bare minimum passing criterion. Even Platonist and Gnostic heathens are ok. But if your soul is dry and void you have no place in Physics and no business even taking an interest in our discipline.

>> No.15577337

>we are not retarded we're just keeping the smart secret
lel sontist contractor cope

>> No.15577340

How did the conspiracy theorists miss the fact that all of that is just (((nepotism))) at work?

>> No.15577343

>he was clearly deserving of it in retrospect
How so? What has he actually accomplished other than "reviving string theory" and getting a generation of wasted minds into the field which has produced nothing of value to others?

The field is still stuck on fucking toy models which get BTFO by every LHC data release to this day.

>> No.15577424

first, you are controlled opposition. also you can be sure witten had mastered physics before the age of eighteen. the truth is the fruit borne of the antigravity conferences was the result of reverse engineering crashed ufos; specifically constants and formulas extracted from solid-state components. other details, such as features of the universe, were filled in by actual aliens in exchange for food and water. where do you think this https://youtu.be/GL77oOnrPzY?t=1336 came from?

>> No.15577430

Based knower. The glowies have alternate physics and mathematics

>> No.15577442

It can be a fruitful topic if done properly

>> No.15577445

Peak american arrogance. If glowies have it russians and chinks have it too and it would be applied for gaining an advantage

>> No.15577450


>> No.15577451

You think it isn't? The B-2 Spirit was well known for having some sort of electromagnetic apparatus to increase lift.

>> No.15577460

Whatever they have it's pretty fucking useless since they still fear soviet icbms

>> No.15577461

Sure thing agent smith

>> No.15577463

I'm agent chang. We kow you have nothing laowai

>> No.15577471

You can optimise society based on gender. For example gender specific educatuon. For that you need to study gender differences

>> No.15577477

Right, yes.

>> No.15577479
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Glory be to chairman xi
this litle one spoke out of line

>> No.15577521
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It's because it's completely fake and gay and all the technology is developed in secret, tightly controlle and released under various fake narratives (aliens next one)

>> No.15578177

If you are actually asking me, he revived and improved on the Skyrmion idea which is the best pencil and paper approach we have towards nuclear physics. He came up with the correct explanation for why the eta prime meson is much heavier than true goldstone bosons, and a quantitative formula for its mass. He worked on Chern-Simons theories which underly the quantum hall effect in condensed matter. He came up with Wess-Zumino-Witten models which are fundamental to the study of 2D conformal field theory which have applications in statistical physics. He also did things like invent supersymmetric quantum mechanics which is applied even in fields outside of physics through its connection with stochastic path integrals. Here I am only talking about things that have some experimental connection.

>> No.15578188

>you can't replicate a small scale orbit
At least research the topic a little before spouting your inane conspiracy theories. You're making the rest of us respectable conspiracy theorists look bad, although I'm sure that is your intention, you fucking glowie plant.

>> No.15578736

nice list anon, good post. this is all early witten right? could you give the paper dates (or titles so i can look them up on inspire)?

what’s sad is that he’s only now remembered for his meme shit like calabi-yau compact of ovations and M-theory and his follow-up paper on Maldacena’s (until then overlooked) paper. even the positive energy theorem stuff and supersymmetry breaking and gravitational anomalies are more well known than the stuff you listed; in other words the only things he is remembered for now are pure theory with no experimental relevance. but good to recap that he did make some real physics contributions too

>> No.15578747

Scientific breakthroughs always trickle out into the consumer market. Theres way too much money to be made.

>> No.15579636

So, hype aside, no accomplishments other than toy models built on old ideas?

Sorry, but this doesn't justify the fact that the next Newton or Leibniz could've lost their spot to him. He's productive and good at getting famous, I'm the first to admit that. But other than building the biggest citation eco chamber in human history I don't see his name surviving the century.

Considering many of the most important SUSY theories have already gotten BTFO by LHC data I'm also fairly certain this whole period in theoretical physics will be viewed as a massive waste where an entire generation of otherwise intelligent physicists were cowed into applying baby intro topology ideas to try and make models fit the math instead of using math to fit models on data.

>> No.15579643

>The reason there is no progress in physics
Why should there be "progress in physics"? Basically everything has already been figured out. Certainly nearly everything that's relevant on earth. inb4 muh black holes and other bullshit that is too far away from earth to matter.

>> No.15579646

>thought I was joking when I said I want to understand the nature of God

>> No.15579649

Antigravity would be cool to solve here on earth desu

There's no real proof that's impossible under current theories, yet it recieves no funding.

>> No.15579657

You're presuming antigravity is a real problem to solve in the first place. What is your reasoning for thinking it could be real? Too much science fiction.

>> No.15579672

>Basically everything has already been figured out

>> No.15579747

Do you have any reason to believe it's not? SUSY actually predicts anti-gravitons (and mathematically requires it).

Even without that GR shows as that at the very least gravitational wave shielding should be possible even if anti-gravity.

>> No.15579928

If you want to burn public money on speculative bullshit, you should have better reasoning than this.

>> No.15580011

>what implications?
so will rich people be able to go visit a black hole singularity up close?

>> No.15580033
File: 439 KB, 1080x1836, average space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild science golem appears.

>> No.15580046

Imagine if defence contractors starting selling F-16's publicly >:D

>> No.15580064

Nobody would buy them except governments?

>> No.15580104

>Witten-Veneziano formula
Nucl.Phys. B156 (1979) 269
Nuclear Physics B185 (1981) 513
>Skyrme model
Nucl. Phys. B223 (1983) 433
Nuclear Physics B223 (1983) 422
Nuclear Physics B228 (1983) 552
>Non-Abelian bosonization and WZW model
Commun. Math. Phys. 92, 455-472 (1984)
Commun. Math. Phys. 121, 351-399 (1989)
>Chern-Simons is a string theory (bonus)
arXiv:hep-th/9207094 (1992)
>Early AdS/CFT (bonus)
arXiv:hep-th/9802150 (1998)

>> No.15580376

losts of great research is still being funded thanks to defence spending
especially in the states

>> No.15580402
File: 249 KB, 700x700, superconducting-super-collider-12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's part of the reason why Europe managed to build the LHC and make the only actual progress in theoretical physics in the last decade while the US only has a few peashooter accelerators to this day.
Congress would only fund either the Texas Superconducting Super Collider or the International Space Station. President Clinton was allowed to choose and being a good campaigner, he knew space was far more popular with the public than a super collider.

>> No.15580442
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst_april_2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both were worthless boondoggles. cern's total lack of meaningful or useful results proves that.
spending money on soience is a total waste unless it has some useful goal in mind. jwst will also produce nothing of any benefit, just more replication crisis garbage.
imagine if all that money had been spend on something decent instead of stupidly squandered

>> No.15580576

itt: cope

>> No.15580704

thank you very much anon. the 81/83 papers are great early Witten that i need to go back and actually read. the Skyrmion stuff is actually something i never paid attention to so i appreciate it, especially since in my field there has been some buzz about Odderons (and Pomerons etc) which i had trouble finding good papers on so this is nice

>> No.15580716

>cern's total lack of meaningful or useful results
Higgs is not meaningful to you? Yukawa couplings measured to high accuracy explaining the origin of all particles’ mass… not meaningful?

that accompanied by lots of new results on new QCD states (tetraquarks, pentaquarks, QGP, etc) as well as much better results on parton distribution functions, top quark and b-quark physics, heavy ion physics…

do you know anything about particle physics or are you just parroting some Sabine shit?

>> No.15580728

>b-b-but muh gigaquarks tho
all worthless and useless
cringey schizophasiac rant btw

>> No.15580743

i bet you back when the Periodic Table came out, there were idiots like you saying “oh all the elements you need stop at Argon. people worrying about Palladium and Rhodium are fucking stupid theorists and their research is totally useless”

many such cases. just wait until 2450 when everybody’s laptop is powered by an island-of-stability battery or a heptaquark power cell