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15569728 No.15569728 [Reply] [Original]

Explain the phenomenon of high IQ savants also being unhinged extremists with inflexible thinking

>> No.15569741

Because they can come up with a robust enough justification for almost anything and don't bother with self scrutiny because it would mean tearing down the crock of shit they just invested all that intellectual and emotional effort into concocting

>> No.15569760

Didn't uncle Ted graduate school early? Yeah, those people are frequently unhinged. When you miss out on that much socialization you inevitably detach from reality.

>> No.15569765

He was also badly damaged by unethical psychiatry experiments as an undergrad.

>> No.15569773

Went to Harvard at 16

>> No.15569867

What you refer to as "inflexible thinking" is just a resistance to normalfag social shaming.

>> No.15570030

Ted had normal fag thinking. He only became extremist after he was rejected by a woman.

>> No.15570090
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>try to gaslight and brainwash someone into thinking a horrifying unnatural life is normal and good
>they're smart enough to see through all your bullshit and don't buy into it
>why are you such an unhinged extremist with inflexible thinking?!

>> No.15570098

Thinking a single number dictates someone's entire personality personality or success in life is laughable. You IQ'tards are worse than people who believe in astrology.

>> No.15570207

>personality personality

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.15570210

Because IQ is only one type of intelligence. There are many.

>> No.15570223

if any of you become parents (nearly impossible) just remember to never let your kid skip anything or graduate early, it really does fuck them up

>> No.15570251

My parents tried to get me to skip grades and graduate early. I refused and told them I didn't want to leave my friends. They hated me for it because they saw it as throwing away my potential, and that made me resentful toward them and I actually did just stop trying in school, which they hated me for even more, and it all turned into an endless feedback loop that spiraled into my life now at 35 with no college degree, full of regret, making $60k per year in a job that I lucked into and if I lose it my life will literally be over because I have no other prospects and don't have the skills to get any other job that pays this well.

Just let kids be kids. Burdening them with grand expectations for being exceptional will burn them out and make them self-destruct in ways that may be difficult or impossible to recover from.

>> No.15570259

I also started going to a t10 at 16. How does that make you unhinged? It doesn't.

>> No.15570312

I never graduated early but I also dodn't have any friends and was sad and lonely. So it was kind of a lose lose situation not getting any education but also not socializing.

>> No.15570329

There is a certain combination of high IQ and autism that leads to this mental state, I should know because I’m diagnosed autistic and IQ around 135-140.

It’s a unique pairing, because most autistic people actually have pretty low IQs. Likewise, most very intelligent people are neurotypical. But when combined, you get the high-IQ knowledge of how the world really works combined with the autistic attention to detail, stubbornness, and refusal to accept the status quo.

This leads to extremism and radical thinkers, but in a good way. Unabomber is probably a good example.

A comment on inflexible thinking. Obviously it’s a common trait of autistics, but normoids seem to think it’s a negative one. My point is that when you have the correct ideas, being a stubborn, inflexible retard is a great quality to have. High IQ autists simply don’t care what normoids think. They will hold onto controversial ideas however unpopular they are. These people are really our only hope.

>> No.15570330

This is gender studies 101 bullshit

>> No.15570348

>but in a good way. Unabomber is probably a good example.
what did he mean by this

>> No.15570357
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>he did one bad thing so that means we have to disavow everything he ever said as wrong and dangerous

>> No.15570359 [DELETED] 

His analysis of certain social trends was very prescient. If you read his essay on the people he calls "techies," he predicted AI boosterism decades before anyone even conceived of LLMs.

>> No.15570363

Put it this way: if neurotypical people are wrong, they are wrong in a way that mirrors other neurotypicals

If an autistic person is wrong, they are wrong in a way that doesn't typically mirror other people, because they have a deficit in mirroring

This is why they are shunned

Everyone is wrong because each individual human can only perceive only one limited facet of the truth (if any exists at all), but the most popular wrong opinion tends to be judged as 'correct' by wider society

>> No.15570395

You wouldn’t understand

>> No.15570432
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Because soiciety discriminates against highly intelligent people, worse than racism. They are excluded, bullied, ridiculed, persecuted. While retards at the other end of the spectrum at least occasionally receive help and attempts to integrate them, people who are dysfunctional due to highest intelligence are always met with utmost hatred and contempt. One might already describe it as a genocide against intelligence.

>> No.15570435

Have you considered that intelligence beyond a certain point is just self-destructive? Even in societies?

>> No.15570439

You just have a narcissistic complex that causes you to believe your lack of success is due to advanced intelligence. In reality you're a halfwit with an odious personality that keeps people from liking or supporting you.

>> No.15570444

Yes, especially when those bad things had nothing to do with his beliefs and were just expressions of his misanthropy and antisocial personality.

>> No.15570452

Being flexible between correct and incorrect isn't a high IQ thing.

>> No.15570459

>unhinged extremists with inflexible thinking

What do you mean by that ?
What kind of thinking did Ted do that was "inflexible"

Most people arent able to grasp Teds idea that he was doing what he was doing out of self defense.
Its also sad that most people discredit his ideas because they cannot understand his reasonings for doing something so "morally wrong"
These are the same people that happily cut their sons pee pee
The same people that also stand up for muslims but then tell the muslims they have to be nice to gay boys

>> No.15570461

His post made you uncomfortable, that is funny!

>> No.15570465

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.15570473

I don’t know.

>> No.15570487


>> No.15570525

simply arrogance

>> No.15570539

Stop being smartphobic.

>> No.15570651

>Dad was unhinged
>Went to Harvard at 16, lacked social connections
>MKULTRA victim
There’s more shit too. Probably would’ve been just as insane without the IQ.

>> No.15570674

This only true because intelligent try to socialize with normies because they appear similar and dumb themselves down to try to get more attractive mates, who tend to be of lower intelligence, but you would never see an attractive person with a bunch of ugly people or smart people, they only associate with other attractive people, intelligent people need to learn they should just socialize with other intelligent people and learn to love being one.

>> No.15570684

>i'm smart, thats why i can't figure out how to get what i want
no, you're dumb, thats why you can't figure out how to get what you want.
you can presume yourself to be smart as a coping mechanism for emotional reasons as much as you like, but that won't make you delusions of grandiosity true, you will still be a failure no matter how hard you cope

>> No.15570943

this is a retarded chimp way of seeing things.
what happens in those circumstances is that a lot of his peers will seethe because he is different. different in a way that makes them feel bad about themselves, so they'll start fucking with said capable kid. that kid instead of focusing on his passions and life now has to deal with a lot of extra bullshit just because. kid did nothing wrong, yet gets a lot of bullshit from peers.
I have no idea about the dude in op's photo, I don't know US culture that good, but an ice cold observation is that you idiots did it to yourselves. that is the result of your society, of how your kids treat other kids, that are different than them. you kinda deserve it, and you need to learn.
or else you are just proving to everyone you are still a fucking chimpanzee society, where anyone different from most plebs should be sacrificed.
you all know this is the truth, stop fucking around with mental gymnastics. educate your fucking society so it's really inclusive.

>> No.15570945 [DELETED] 

True. Equality mrans that everyone has to act like the biggest retard, otherwise you would be an elitist if you did something that the retard can't do.

>> No.15570946

True. Equality means that everyone has to act like the biggest retard, otherwise you would be an elitist if you did something that the retard can't do.

>> No.15570953

>Equality means that everyone has to act like the biggest retard
no, it means you have to do what's needed so kids who don't fit in the midwit majority have the same chances at life.
society needs to make these acomodations, just like it built the schools and the rest of the system. that is if you want something extra vs how it now happens. bonus you get to seriously reduce wild cats like op's photo.

>> No.15570957

hasn't he been mentally abused under a psychological experiment for years?

>> No.15570973

In reality you have two choices:
1. adapt to the retard
2. be the "asocial" autist

>> No.15570984

You know, the problem is that
1. smarter people can learn to act like dumber people
2. dumb people can't learn to act smarter
So the equal society by pure necessity will begin to slip to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.15571000

I'm not him, but I think killing normies is fantastic.
get fucked.

>> No.15571006
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Still NO.

>> No.15571019

the "abuse" (he knew its an experiment) he went through is basically what anyone posting on 4chan for any significant length of time goes through

it was literally just some dude calling you a retard and a faggot for a set amount of time. Amazing use of taxpayer money, I know, but do you really think this could give someone serious trauma?

>> No.15571024

You're on 4chan(nel). You clearly failed at life.

>> No.15571136

>MK ultra is like shitposting on 4chan
i don't think so anon you better read about this before you make your moronic senseless claims

>> No.15571196

not quite.
they would prepare essays and the dude would criticize their work harshly, it wasn't just random insults ala 4kek.
even if all or nearly all of the criticism was unfounded, it would clearly, with reasonable likelihood, make someone with a brain review and refine their values and morals. Ted's realizations probably started there. He never fit in in grad school/professorship

>> No.15571206

Anon, he was like 13 years old and totally socially isolated when he went to Harvard and got "recruited" for the experiments. They literally just took all the weird precocious kids and put them in one dorm together, and then decided this group would be great to run socialization experiments on.

>> No.15571249
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this post target such a low iq audience that i don't think is even exist anywhere on this site, doubt that someone who believe this dogshit statement can navigate in a 90's format shitposting forum.

>> No.15571275

when you're surrounded by midwits and don't appreciate their company, rather you're bitter that they aren't as smart as you, you start thinking of how to cull the population down to those as smart as you.
like >>15569741 said.
you're smart enough to come up with reasons to hate the less intelligent, but too up your own ass to ask if you yourself are an insufferable dickhead.
That's the hypocrisy of many intelligent people. Smart enough recognize the lack of IQ around them, but not smart enough to realize they should share their intelligence.
I have a friend who isn't the brightest bulb in the kitchen, but i find it to be a good self challenge to try and put complex subjects in simple ways to her.

>> No.15571279

>smart enough to see through it
>too stupid to do anything about it
writing a book doesn't actually do anything, you get a movie made, maybe.

>> No.15571280

>industrial society bad!
>blow up people i perceive as bad!
why didn't he use that intelligence he supposedly had and show us how to make everything better?

>> No.15571283

Diarrhea Diarrhea Diarrhea yummy yummy let's eat. The more diarrhea you leave on your plate I can finish for you if you like? I cum over diarrhea, a special boon, a bounty for my young poo to cower from. A sloppy, poppy, malnutritious diarrhea more for me, less for you - you wouldn't like that. Shit down my fucking throat and fart lots of times until the diarrhea come please

>> No.15571282

>industrial society bad!
Yes, industrial society as it is should be condemned.
>blow up people i perceive as bad!
No, violence toward innocents should also be condemned.
>why didn't he use that intelligence he supposedly had and show us how to make everything better?
He wrote a whole book about that.

Welcome to nuance, enjoy your stay.

>> No.15571290

>he wrote a book about that
refer to >>15571279
as evidence of what i said, look at all the documentaries on him. wow, they've made such a difference.
of which you don't even understand

>> No.15571292


>> No.15571293


>> No.15571295


>> No.15571297


>> No.15571300



>> No.15571304

>you start thinking of how to cull the population down to those as smart as you.
that shit doesn't really work out. plus both sides as it were need eachother, still. at least for a while.
in the grand scheme of things 8 billion "souls" is not that much, considering mars as a future expanding place. if we were to freeze this number, and get dimwits and midwits a bit higher, we could all enjoy it. with robots and "AI" and shit...there could be a long term stable configuration.

>> No.15571308

>that shit doesnt really work
i know, but shitstains like bill gates, soros, shuab and others do.
kill all scoio/psychopaths

>> No.15571311

>Why didn't he give us instructions?
>He did, there's a book.
>But no one read and followed that book so it doesn't count!
Retarded glowie.

>> No.15571315
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Farplane niggers

>> No.15571319
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Sketchers sketching NiGGEr, niggi, agaskyplop

>> No.15571322

>there's a book
yeah and if you think the solutions in the rantings of a schizo are true, you're just as mentally retarded.

>> No.15571325

I'm a schizo and I'm completely sane and dapt. Don't know where that came from homofag

>> No.15571331

>im a schizo
that explains why you even consider ted to be a source of rationale.
please refer to the last statement in >15571308

>> No.15571333

Shit for shit


Itch my cock now you ruffian.

My cool smelly knobcheeselets eat them now


>> No.15571335

since i know you'll be too retarded to look at the post number since it doesnt provide an easy, hand holding method.
kill all socio/psychopaths

>> No.15571336

Like sucking cum out a straw through a little _______


>> No.15571340

Chip the poo from my tiny little cheeks you moron, suck _______

>> No.15571373

You've provided nothing but ad hominem attacks. Not a single actual refutation of anything in Ted's book. Your only arguments are, "he did a bad thing" when no one disputes that and, "he's a schizo" when he was always found fully mentally competent despite attempts to diagnose otherwise.

>> No.15571936

What is there to refute when his premise is wrong to begin with?

>> No.15571981

You could start with actually refuting the premise instead of just declaring it to be wrong.

>> No.15572106

Confirmation bias dude, nothin' more

>> No.15572114

>dysfunctional due to highest intelligence
Ever considered that your issue might not be IQ related?

>> No.15572139

Yeah that's what lack of pussy does to a mf

>> No.15572685
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RIP in peace Ted Kosinski, inventor of the Ted talks, you will be missed.

>> No.15573308

>muh friends
Where are your friends now?

>> No.15573318

I still keep in touch with one of them.

>> No.15573327

Flexible thinker is another way to say lying filth.

>> No.15573335

What a perfect showcase of a spiteful mutant you are.

>> No.15573394

Socialization is worthless garbage retard stacy
Unhinged geniuses live on a different level of will to power than needing to suck others life essences because you need to be "socialized"