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15568093 No.15568093 [Reply] [Original]

Why were cigarettes attacked from every possible angle and basically framed as legal euthanization when it's really not as bad as other things we commonly eat or use, like soda? What the fuck prompted this attack?

>> No.15568112

>it's really not as bad as other things we commonly eat or use, like soda?
This post was sponsored by Philipp Morris

>> No.15568311

Because regulating cigarettes was a gateway to regulating PM2.5 (soot) which allowed the government to have complete regulatory control over all industries and automotive vehicles without having to make an individual scientific case for each industry.

>> No.15568337

And you think it isnt correct?
If someone calls to ban soda you start calling them the fascist "my gunt my right" but then go 1488 on cigarettes and see nothing weird about it. Dumb NPC

>> No.15568346

>If someone calls to ban soda you start calling them the fascist "my gunt my right"
No, I'd applaud them because that would be based as fuck
>but then go 1488 on cigarettes
Why, yes, people in the cigarette industry belong in gas chambers. What's your point again?

>> No.15568360
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I saw that 5 days ago in a /sci/ thread

>> No.15568529

Because you're a fucking retard and disgusting.
There's no second hand soda, you filthy animal.

>> No.15568531

Cigarettes fucking stain walls, seep into cars, and do absolutely fucking nothing for you; they're about as much of a stimulant as a fucking cup of strong coffee.
Fuck off, they're such a pussy ass drug and you're such a dumb faggot for actively allowing yourself to get addicted to one of the weakest, worst, most pathetic drugs there is.
It's legitimately LAUGHABLE how utterly fucked your body is getting by a drug that's weaker than weed or beer or energy drinks.

>> No.15568613

Post the one with asbestos

>> No.15568616

what is wrong with soda?

>> No.15568618
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I smoke and this shit stinks bro. And it's expensive. Don't smoke.

>> No.15568658

move to new delhi if you hate air quality regulation so much

>> No.15568869
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Get fucked secondhand smoke is not more toxic than inhaling the fumes from the gas powered bus you ride to fairy school. 20 years of drinking has wrecked by body far more than 35 years of smoking ever has.

>> No.15568873

They are still going at it full force even though I rarely see anyone smoking nowadays.

>> No.15569013 [DELETED] 

I don't have it, sorry :/

If you can tell me a description of it I will try to find it

>> No.15569176
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I don't have it, sorry :/

If you can tell me a description of it I will try to find it.

>> No.15569185

amerifag problems

>> No.15569304
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>> No.15569317

>Why were cigarettes attacked from every possible angle and basically framed as legal euthanization when it's really not as bad as other things we commonly eat or use, like soda?
Soda doesn't harm the people around you.

>> No.15569320

>Get fucked secondhand smoke is not more toxic than inhaling the fumes from the gas powered bus you ride to fairy school.
This is true, which is why smokers have to stay outside now. Imagine being stuck inside some boomer's kitchen with a bus engine, kek.

>> No.15569322

I once held a smokers lung. It was like a black bag filled with asphalt. Smoking is way way worse than soda my dude.

>> No.15569340
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Yeah, 22% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Soda doesn't hold a candle to that.

>> No.15569368

This whole "self destructive faux masculinity" culture that's blossomed online is really confusing to me. I was a young man once, I did plenty of stupid dangerous shit, but I did it because I was a stupid kid, not because I was trying to prove myself to an anonymous audience.
I guess it's just the cultural pendulum swinging back, but the kids these days only know internet caricatures of cultural trends so they just do whatever any tiktok grifter tells them will make them men.
many such cases

>> No.15569539

Yeah who cares about 70% obesity, diabetes, inflammatory disorders, etc. caused by sugary drinks.
The world was a better place back when 2/3 of adults smoked cigarettes and corn syrup was only used in candy making.

>> No.15569562

>Yeah who cares about 70% obesity, diabetes, inflammatory disorders, etc. caused by sugary drinks.
Two things can be an issue, even if one of the things is worse. Hope that helps!

>> No.15569615 [DELETED] 

>secondhand smoke is not more toxic than inhaling the fumes from the gas powered bus
Neither is actually that horrible for society, according to scientific analysis.

>> No.15569617


>> No.15569619

>scientific analysis
>it's one guy's schizo powerpoint presentation

>> No.15569620

If you don't know who he is, he's the guy whose epidemiological research was used to justify the ban on smoking.

>> No.15569621

There is no ban on smoking, you can go buy a pack right now.

>> No.15569622

They wouldn't have gotten cancer if they didn't drink alcohol, not exercise, and not been obese. Look up the Japanese smoking statistics and leave this board.

>> No.15569626

Humans are creatures of habit which means they're creatures of addictions. We need to analyse and weigh the benefits and costs of addictions and encourage people to adopt the healthier ones. I genuinely think smoking was a healthier alternative to what replaced it (over eating and even more alcohol consumption) of course you could always find a better addiction to have people use.
>just don't be addicted to anything
lol lmao

>> No.15569627

Or the British doctor's study >>15569304

>> No.15569631

Ye if I every time I went to a restaurant bunch of chug bros forced me to down a bottle of coke and then those same people sprayed it all over the walls and floors and left empty cans on every street corner then I would be for banning soda too.

>> No.15569635

>In 2020, 378,356 people died of cancer in Japan, according to a Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare report. This accounts for 27.6% of all deaths that year and equates to one in four people dying of cancer. The death rate for cancer—the number of deaths per 100,000 people—has been rising steadily and in 2020 reached 307.0. For men, the type of cancer with the highest death rate at 88.8 was lung cancer (53,244 deaths), followed by stomach cancer (27,769), and colorectal cancer (27,715).

>> No.15569636

The government subsidizes corn syrup and soyuz bean or rapeseed oil in every food item.

>> No.15569638

nice goalpost move, but your statement was:
>Soda doesn't hold a candle to that.

>> No.15569648

tobacco itself is incredibly healthy

what happened is that nazi scientists genetically modified the tobacco plant to produce viruses that cause cancer while at the same time making it more bug resistant than the non cancer variants

>> No.15569649

>nazi scientists

>> No.15569651

this happened in the late 40s not to mention theyre still arouns

>> No.15569672

Yes, smoking is objectively worse than soda. Hope that helps!

>> No.15569674

>nazi scientists

>> No.15569677

The life expectancy of an obese diabetic is lower than a chronic smoker, therefore it is not objectively worse than soda.

>> No.15569682

>an obese diabetic
Weren't you just screeching and crying about goalpost shifts?

>> No.15569715

What's shifting the goalposts about that? We're just comparing like for like. A guy who smokes once in a while or drinks soda once in a while isn't going to see the same health effects of habitual users.

>> No.15569719

>We're just comparing like for like.
Ok, let's do that then.

What's the difference in life expectancy between someone with smoke induced lung cancer, and someone with diebetes?

>> No.15569724

If I recall correctly the difference in the age of death between obese diabetic soda abusers and chronic cigarette smokers is 10-20 years (in favor of smokers). This shouldn't surprise anyone though because cancer risk rises with age whereas obesity-related diseases are dangerous at all ages.

>> No.15569732

What's with the pro-cigarette posts on this site lately? Saw a bunch on another board, every time someone posts about how smoking cigarettes will make you thin, healthy and attractive. Is it the same tired contrarianism that dictates 4chan culture these days, or is the cigarette industry just getting that desperate?

>> No.15569737

There's more room to wonder about the validity of past studies now that the thrust of the lobbying has shifted towards vaping.

>> No.15569740

You're shifting the goalposts again. Are you retarded, by any chance? You don't get to compare presently healthy smokers to someone who already is obese and diabetic.

>> No.15569742

There is nothing wrong with cigarettes and there are people who will do everything the can to collect your children's foreskin - and your tax dollars.

>> No.15569744

>What's with the pro-cigarette posts on this site lately?
It's brain-rotted smokers desperately trying to convince themselves they're not killing themselves.

>> No.15569747

>You don't get to compare presently healthy smokers to someone who already is obese and diabetic.
This is a very bizarre complaint. Everyone is "presently healthy" until their symptoms appear. Obesity and diabetes present in soda abusers as early as their teens, whereas chronic cigarette use leads to cancer very late in life.

>> No.15569750

The majority of people curious about re-evaluating these studies don't smoke and never would. It's more about truth in science.

>> No.15569756

>Everyone is "presently healthy"
People who have obesity and diabetes are not "presently healthy", you utter spastic. You are comparing sick people with healthy people, it's painfully disingenuous.
>Obesity and diabetes present in soda abusers as early as their teens
The overwhelming majority of people with type 2 diabetes from shit diet are diagnosed in their mid to late life. And when they are diagnosed, they have a far better prognosis than someone with lung cancer or COPD.

>> No.15569762

>And when they are diagnosed
Now it's you who's being disingenuous. I'm comparing age of death, whereas you want to track lifetime after diagnosis.

>> No.15569770

>I'm comparing age of death
The life expectancy of a population that is already sick will obviously be lower than the life expectancy of a population that isn't already sick. Not sure how you couldn't figure something this simple out.
>whereas you want to track lifetime after diagnosis.
That's exactly what you're doing with obese/diabetics. Christ you're stupid lol

>> No.15569772
File: 210 KB, 1080x887, sealioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The life expectancy of a population that is already sick will obviously be lower than the life expectancy of a population that isn't already sick. Not sure how you couldn't figure something this simple out.

>> No.15569780

Why is it called "sealioning"?

>> No.15569786

It's a reference to a comic where a sealion asks disingenuous questions of the main character as a means of argumentation (because sealions are loud and annoying).

>> No.15569798
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1688318298239771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo don't use critical thinking to question my laughable understanding of statistic
>you're sealioning me!!!

>> No.15569809

>soda abuser has 30-60 year lifespan of pure agony
>cigarette abuser has 60-70 healthy years then gets cancer
>that means cigarettes are more dangerous

>> No.15569817

>soda abusr
That's not what you said earlier. You specifically said obese/diabetics. Shifting the goalposts once again.
>has 30-60 year lifespan of pure agony
Post sources.
>>cigarette abuser has 60-70 healthy years then gets cancer
Do you think cancer is the only thing smoking causes? How naive.

>> No.15569823

>The life expectancy of a population that is already sick will obviously be lower than the life expectancy of a population that isn't already sick. Not sure how you couldn't figure something this simple out.
The British Doctors Study >>15569304 shows that people can abuse cigarettes until their 40s and quit and rarely suffer any ill effects. If you overate goyslop and drank soda you'd be screwed for life even if you quit. Just look at how ruined most fat people are. They're only in their mid 30s and look 60 with the joints of an 80 year old. Those can't be healed.

>> No.15569822

>cigarette abuser has 60-70 healthy years
healthy is a stretch, heavy smokers tend to run into a variety of mounting health issues before that point such as asthma, heart disease and COPD

>> No.15569830

>The British Doctors Study
That isn't a study, it's an unsourced graph. Post primary sources or I don't care what you have to say.
>If you overate goyslop and drank soda you'd be screwed for life even if you quit.
My 95 year old grandmother has had type 2 diabetes since the 80s, she still drives herself around and doesn't even use a cane.

>> No.15569831

90% of all cases of lung cancer are linked to smoking. True story.

>> No.15569834

>That isn't a study, it's an unsourced graph.
It's a graph of data from a very well known study. If you don't know what it is or can't look it up then you're in no position to talk.

>> No.15569837

>so stupid he can't even link his own primary sources
kek. What a deeply unserious person you are.

>> No.15570150
File: 42 KB, 768x432, Taxpayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government has to have "bad guys" to attack.

Attacking and removing rights and freedom is all government can do.