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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15567564 No.15567564 [Reply] [Original]

Advanced math education for children:
Is it based or is it cringe?
Should it be eliminated or not?

>> No.15567568


>> No.15567590


>> No.15567595
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>sending your kids to government schools

>> No.15567638


>> No.15567640


>> No.15567700

Let me guess: parents started hiring tutors to teach their children advanced math after the schools stopped doing it but the few "students of color" who would have qualified for the classes in public school don't have parents willing to hire tutors for them. Net result is a larger gap between the groups.

>> No.15567703

One cohort is just dumber than the other, so they hope to teach the smarter kids less to level them all out.

>> No.15567709

Bamboo ceiling effect

Also known as affirmative action. Asian American kids are used to institutional discrimination from the left

>> No.15567717

it's not like they teach life skills in those places, so what else could they teach a child over the course of more than a decade that would be useful besides basic numeracy?
the fact that middle-school algebra is considered "advanced" speaks for itself

>> No.15567733

And then they become adults and vote for those who discriminated against them.

>> No.15567747

Middle school algebra was great didn't have to deal with the retards who bullied me and it was all fellow nerds. The disperities meme is trash for not even having the program. Like I can understand why they might want affirmative action for admissions even if I disagree.

But the program existing doesn't negatively affect poor kids, if anything it gives some really smart poor kid the chance to get more advanced education because their family couldn't afford to send them to a private school to get that.

Also Saying it widens the gap between black and white kid is literally implying that they think black kids are to stupid for algebra lmao.

>> No.15567820

>middle school algebra
fucking retards

>> No.15567824

Asians vote for the left

>> No.15567827

Proof that intelligence is more than just IQ.

>> No.15567866 [DELETED] 

slant eyed bugmen aren't high iq, they just have more time to study because they're socially unpopular. china was economically on par with subsaharan africa until 1990 or so when americans started showing them how to run things successfully. if the wall street businesses had decided to use africa instead of china as their offshore industrial park then africa would be the big economic powerhouse currently

>> No.15567867

Their most important quality is their subservience. That's what makes them the ideal industrial park.

>> No.15567894

>if the wall street businesses had decided to use africa instead of china as their offshore industrial park then africa would be the big economic powerhouse currently

>> No.15567995


This is why I will be homeschooling my kids. If they won't have to study the mainstream nigger curriculum, they'll be doing calculus by grade 9.

>> No.15568003

>they'll be doing calculus by grade 9.
you can get them doing calculus way earlier than that. addition, subtraction, multiplication & long division can be done by four year olds, you can move on to geometry and algebra from there and once you've done that you can start in with derivatives, you can probably have a kid completely schooled in integrals and multivariable calculus by age 10

>> No.15568006

top kek

>> No.15568394

spending money on schooling for negros has proved to be a total waste. brown vs. the board of education was decided wrongly. negroes are not educable no matter how much effort and funding is put to the task.

>> No.15568592


>> No.15568612

motherfuckers not getting how the lower working class is being maintained.

>> No.15568620

but now they extend the lower class into the middle class

>> No.15568778

>Advanced math education
What is that? algebraic topology?

>> No.15568798
File: 9 KB, 769x551, gravitational constant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You >>15568003 can derive the main ideas behind calculus using addition and subtraction (finite calculus). For example here's how to derive the gravitational constant just subtracting. To set this experiment up you could record a video and note the position of the object being dropped each second after. Galileo used bells for a similar experiment however his was done on a slope.

Also math alone is a useless subject if never applied. I can't think of a single mathematical revolution that didn't come hand alongside a revolution in physics. Anyways my point is math should be motivated by something.

>> No.15568868

People should be studying bachelor's degrees by middle school. It's a waste of time to spend your most valuable decade going to useless middle school

>> No.15568904
File: 338 KB, 891x1200, harrison-bergeron-by-kurt-vonnegut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White kids and Asian kids are on average smarter than Black and Latino kids
>The genetic IQ gap can't be closed with special educational programs to accelerate the Black and Latino kids, because they lack the cognitive capacity to be accelerated
>Instead of admitting this, declare advanced classes are racist and abolish them
>Now everybody who is smart is as uneducated as the dumbest Black kid in the school
>Nobody is allowed to use their unfair genetic IQ advantage to excel in disciplines that low IQ students literally can't even grasp
>This is "equity"
Every day we get closer to living in Harrison Bergeron.

>> No.15568926

no they just dumped all the smart kids in the regular classes, raising the average score, so now when the teacher grades on the sliding scale the other retards (who would have passed without the smart kids in the class) now fail.
It was never about lifting up the retards; it was about destroying and demoralizing the intelligent.

>> No.15568933

>9.81 m/s
>gravitational constant

>> No.15568941

yes its true people who are in a low socioeconomic state are usually retarded and don't have a fair allocation of resources to be better at math.
can you deny this?
thing is, that eliminating such a fundamental component is not a solution, they should have a fair starting point, why someone can get a private teacher while the other can't?
is that funny to you? what if you born in a nigger neighborhood would you laugh then?

>> No.15568946


>> No.15568949


>> No.15568968

>what if you born in a nigger neighborhood would you laugh then?
What do you mean? I'm not a nigger.

>> No.15568973

acceleration due to gravity*
Here's your favorite constant.
> boohoo 6 million
I was in one of those low socioeconomic groups and being around niggers made it 100x worse. I learned math by myself off libgen books and eventually got sick of how dumbed down the school curriculum was to cater to niggers and the drug addicted children of wealthy people, so I left. People who believe things like you can afford to because you don't grow up around these subhumans. In fact you people look down on poor people for being racist, and tend to side with them against us in school and the workplace.
It's not just poverty that makes being poor bad, it's niggers and their admirers such as yourself.

>> No.15568974

Poverty doesn't cause low IQ, low IQ causes poverty. This is why people living like medieval peasants in Eastern Bloc commie countries were still able to become scientists or mathematicians on talent. Even with poverty externally imposed on them by their political system, they could still learn science/math and advance it, because they had the genetics to produce high enough IQs.

Your future gas station cashier literally would not be able to learn advanced topics, no matter how much money you waste on trying. They experimented with just inserting Black and Latino kids into advanced classes, regardless of ability, and the end result was them overwhelmingly failing out.

Let the smart kids study advanced topics and teach the dumb kids how to support themselves so they don't end up doing crimes and going to prison.

Genetics aren't fair, and some kids roll a low IQ and have their potential top out at being the assistant manager of the second worst McDonald's in town. Work with what you have and try to help the dumb kids reach those lofty heights of mid level service work and avoid spending any part of their lives locked in a cage.

Don't try to gimp the smart kids over the limited potential of the dumb ones.

>> No.15568986

This, honestly. It was plainly evident in my classroom which kids were more intelligent, and wealth had little to no impact. I thankfully don't live in America, so the classroom was never held back by the Somalis. I don't think all the measures employed by the school were technically legal and we did abide by the "No drooling retard left behind" thinking which slowed us down a little, but it was better than nothing.
The advanced maths class was entirely European and Indian. Not an African in sight, not even the ones from well-off households.

>> No.15569002

>Poverty doesn't cause low IQ low IQ causes poverty
>This is why people living like medieval peasants in Eastern Bloc commie countries were still able to become scientists or mathematicians on talent
oxymoron what a retard
>It's not just poverty that makes being poor bad
yeh i just baited. basically its a mentality baseline among many other factors, you can't expect a nigger to be better at math since he is within an environment that does everything to suppress the preoccupation with the matter, individual cases like your larp are very rare and more related to the life events that led him to this

>> No.15569025
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Your mentality is a problem too. Not everything is about intelligence. Asians are smart yet they were also the cucks protesting white supremacy when they kept getting killed by blacks.
Because in this political system it makes sense to if you're a career climber and want to get ahead. Actually alot of this system is based on the fact intelligent people are on the aggregate spineless cowards that won't stand up for the truth.
Truth is becoming just the opinion of the powerful, just like it always does in the end. See Thrasymachus in Platos republic.

Worshipping intelligence has ruined education. Something similar happened with sports where it used to be something people played themselves, but turned into a passive spectacle where you watch giant giga niggas throw balls.
The same degeneracy has happened with education. Instead of refining the ability to teach a subject, schools just select for raw intelligence since that kind of person will understand the material no matter how badly taught. Linear algebra is my favorite example of a simple subject made mind numbingly obtuse by overeducated morons.

>> No.15569085

Regardless of your opinion, the naked fact is that you can't teach a chimpanzee to do advanced math. The potential isn't there, and it doesn't matter how many resources you waste, because short of miraculous genetic engineering, it will never be there.

Denying that reality just because it is unpleasant does not change that reality.

>> No.15569095
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why all the iq fanatics are dimwits?

>> No.15569150

OK but you can teach a regular person math and science. That's what Feynman learned out of, some book called "Calculus For the practical man". Our culture has been degraded to the point this kind of book is no longer being written. What's written now is "Calculus For the Sperg". There needs to be a culture of explaining things In a manner understandable to the "lay person" in education, as opposed to concentrating on high iq freaks or retarded niggers. If not math will just become mental masturbation only Chinese virgins find fulfillment in with no practical application.

>> No.15569986

>OK but you can teach a regular person math and science.

That's completely false. Are you from the US? Have you went to any public school in the US? Regardless of intelligence, you can't teach people that are unwilling to learn. People that complain about schools being underfunded ignore the fact that the funding for many schools is dependent upon attendance. You can't teach delinquent students that don't even attend classes.

>There needs to be a culture of explaining things In a manner understandable to the "lay person" in education, as opposed to concentrating on high iq freaks or retarded niggers.

We already have Common Core, that's about as dumbed down as you can get with math, but that didn't change anything. High IQ "freaks" are rare. Seems like you have a hatred for people smarter you.

>> No.15570003 [DELETED] 

>OK but you can teach a regular person math and science.
A regular white person yeah.

>> No.15570089

The face the Feynman was able to learn calculus from a for dummies book and go on to become one of the worlds most influential physicists says nothing of the book he read, but everything of his latent potential.
This doesn’t mean society shouldn’t be structured such that being born stupid or average doesn’t doom you to poverty and strife. We can maximize the utility of the gifted while also ensuring all who participate in society in a positive function can earn a living wage. However, the billions already spent on the subject have proven that you can’t nurture out of average intellect.

>> No.15570139

> common core is dumbed down
So is "higher" education. Open up a modern calculus book and you'll see things like "L'hopitals rule" which is because math teachers here are too incompetent to introduce Taylor series, so they come up with these dumb little rules to concentrate. Just like the acceleration due to gravity, >>15568798
taylor's theorem can be worked out using just pascal's triangle and some finite differences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton_polynomial , though this wikipedia entry was written by data spergs missing Gregory's contribution. Don't get me started on how badly the number e and logarithms are treated.

My point is math as it's taught is a joke even at the supposed "higher" level. Very intelligent people will succeed no matter what, and educators can hide behind them as proof of their dogshit curriculum being worthy of respect. It's average people this unintuitive and ahistorical way of teaching math and science fails.


>> No.15570205

>Some people are illiterate, therefore we should stop teaching kids how to read.
Why would that be unacceptable, but avoiding math is a good thing?

>> No.15570206

>yes its true people who are in a low socioeconomic state are usually retarded and don't have a fair allocation of resources to be better at math.
Asian Americans coming from a background of disparity join together as a community to make sure their children get ahead. Why can't other ethnicities do the same?

>> No.15570600

Who says it would be unacceptable? The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because ZOG wants people to be able to read it's retarded propaganda.
They don't want people to be able to learn math because if they do then they can figure out how much they're being stolen from by ZOG.

>> No.15571583

its cringe, nobody should be encouraged to become a nerd. telling a kid that they're good at math should be taken as an insult

>> No.15571653

Public school is the worst thing you can subject an above average child to. I literally had to do algebra like 6 years in a row (5th grade to 11th) with only slight changes between the concepts. I wasn’t even allowed to take Community college summer classes because my guidance counselor thought the average student couldn’t handle it (despite the fact that I was at the top of my high school math classes without ever having to study for a test once). This was on top of the many literal children(11 at the earliest) openly doing drugs, fighting (every fucking week one year), and other shit you’d expect in a fucking prison. This was in a nice suburban area too, schools were 90% white and republican. Based on my own experiences, my children will 100% go to private schools and I’d recommend for anyone else to do the same

>> No.15571687

>Open up a modern calculus book and you'll see things like "L'hopitals rule" which is because math teachers here are too incompetent to introduce Taylor series, so they come up with these dumb little rules to concentrate
Where should I look for better understanding of calculus/math in general? Or are the /sci/ wiki recs good enough. I’m doing all my lower div math at a CC and the professors/curriculum here leaves a lot to be desired. Especially since I’d be essentially going from Calculus/LA/DE at a CC to a summer basic proof writing class to my transfer unis hardest undergrad math course sequence, Real Analysis.

>> No.15572738

>low IQ causes poverty.
wrong, the rothschilds' reserve banking system causes poverty by systematically looting the wealth of every nation

>> No.15573138
File: 44 KB, 1093x867, pasca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start at the beginning by proving taylor's theorem. I got this idea when looking at a Galton board, which if you don't know what it is go that link.

Figure 1
It turns out we can think of Pascal's triangle as telling us how many different paths there are to each point in the triangle when beginning from the top. Well that also tells us how many paths there are beginning from each entry at the bottom to the top.

Figure 2
Imagine I pick 4 different y co-ordinates on a graph, and they're all equally spaced out. The first I call y0, the second point y1 and so on. I then take the difference of those points, and then the differences of those differences and etc. This image might help make more sense of it >>15568798 because it's the same process.

Now imagine i take the difference table we first made, and rotate it so that y3 is at the top and the first differences are at the bottom as shown.

Notice that we can find out many paths each of our first differences can take to the top of the triangle where y3 is. Well how many paths it can take to y3 is also how many times y3 contains each of those entries.

But we know how many paths each of those first differences can take up by Pascal's triangle, so we get the relation inside the black box at the end.

>> No.15573149

My father was an alcoholic white trash welder who came and went and my mother had psychiatric episodes

I still took my SATs at 11

>> No.15573151

Long division wasted like 2 years of elementary school, once we started using fractions for everything it all made sense

>> No.15573156

Are you a child or was your uni trash? Taylor series are standard in the calculus curriculum anywhere.

>> No.15573158

The algebra experience I had was the same. I literally don’t understand why it takes so damn long. Once you know x is a replacement number you should be doing quadratic problems within 12 weeks

>> No.15573231
File: 70 KB, 1166x1174, taylor's theorem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the second part of the proof, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AuV93LOPcE&ab_channel=Mathologer this video gives another "proof". I recommend the math stackexchange, wikipedia, mathologer and 3blue1brown on youtube, and the book "Calculus Reordered: A History of the Big Ideas" by David Bressoud to skim over to makeup for the education system.
Taylor series are introduced after integration where I am, an example of an issue with this is there's no way to deal with indeterminate forms like 0/0 or inf/inf. Hence L'Hopitals rule to make up for this deficiency. I don't like cute little rules in what should be a serious subject.

My point is it makes no sense to leave it that far into the calculus curriculum, especially since it's building up towards series when it would be best to deal with them right away.
Also its' ahistorical: Taylor series were originally used to interpolate data without limits applied.
That's another issue I have with how disconnected from reality and intuition these worthless academics have made the subject.

>> No.15573253

If you actually want to learn, it's better to just homeschool or go to a private school. Public school is where you go if you want to chill and make friends.

I was homeschooled and learned calculus by 8th grade, but my parents made me do precalculus for 2 years, mainly because of trigonometry.

>> No.15573494

>I don't like cute little rules in what should be a serious subject.
What is not serious about L'Hôpital's rule? Also, using Taylor series where L'Hôpital's rule would suffice is way more work typically.

>its' ahistorical
The subjects are taught in an order that is easier to learn. Learning everything in context and in the historical order would take forever.

>disconnected from reality and intuition these worthless academics have made the subject
Did you get a B in Calc II and now you're salty about it what?

>> No.15573761

>way more work typically.
oh no!!
i hate working!!!
i hate doing math!!!
i don't care about accuracy!!!
i'm just a lazy crybaby

>> No.15573772

The black scum doesnt even bother doing the dumbed down math you already give them so removing the advance classes is completely pointless

>> No.15573979

>ZOG wants people to be able to read it's retarded propaganda
no literacy is required to be propagandized by most forms of media. ZOG would much prefer a thoroughly illiterate population who can only "learn" through videos of talking heads explicitly telling them what to think.

>> No.15573985

Who the hell is dumb enough to pick on polynesians?

>> No.15573988

This describes me more than I wish...

>> No.15574030
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That so called Black scum at least have awareness that this shit is pointless.

You do all this schooling just to get into a debt economy where most of you need to take out a loan for a degree, a car and a house just to be considered """"middle class"""". Meanwhile your tax dollars are given to foreign countries to pacify them and illegals for food/shelter so they can do undocumented work.

>> No.15574119
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Explain the number e

>> No.15574120


>> No.15574123

This, literally never used long division after elementary school. Even middle school teachers held it in contempt and told us to use pocket calculators.

>> No.15574879

The White neet wins again.
NPNW, NPNT, hop to Tracy and Shaniqsha, I need me some tendies.

>> No.15574882

what, blacks can't into mafs?, but what about kemetic calculus?, they wuz, man, they wuz...
but in all seriousness, hoteps are a cancer onto black americans

>> No.15574883


>> No.15575411

>My golem and its masters say you have low iq
You sure showed him fagot

>> No.15576088


>> No.15576099

Bernoulli came up with l'Hopital's rule.

>> No.15576237

You had to study it until the dumbest kids in your class understood the concept. If you're been home schooled then you would only have studied it until you learned it and then you'd have moved on to something else

>> No.15576683
File: 3 KB, 736x78, L'hopital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can figure out L'hopital's rule just by looking at the Taylor series expansion of two functions. You cannot work out Taylor's theorem from L'Hopital's rule. Plus you have to remember a bunch of conditionals
Hear me out,
You can just teach Taylor's theorem and raise your shitty education system to a higher standard than memorizing little poo poo's and pee pee's.

>> No.15576721

I agree with you in spirit, but long division by 4 year olds and calculus by 10 year olds sounds like a stretch to me. A smart 10 year old is a lot dumber than an average adult. If it were easy to accelerate math education to that extent we would see lots of parents teaching their kids calculus by 10.

>> No.15576804
File: 391 KB, 1079x1837, Screenshot_20230721-020219_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing tool

>> No.15576818

An unbiased, randomly selected sample of your writing was assessed as being very low IQ and that made you angry so instead of accepting the unbiased result you're trying to discredit the software by seeing if you can break it or find a flaw in it so you don't have to acknowledge the initial result.

>> No.15576844

Not him, this isnt just my first post on this thread but on this board as a whole. Lurking for a couple of hours and i wanted to use your tool to learn how to type like a retard but i guess it was already adapted for midwits like both of you

>> No.15576872
File: 197 KB, 1515x866, 149 high iq post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15577058

Since the invention of the internet, being bad at a subject is a deliberate choice. Everyone around me was concerned I'd get bored at school, but never understood 99% of my learning was outside of school so it didn't matter what they were teaching.

>> No.15577247

It’s so the “muh words in math” people can understand the topic. It’s unfortunate that they’re the ones being catered to but I’d guess they make up at least 90% of students at those levels

>> No.15577257

The Amish have it right: Schooling up to 8th grade, then you start working. You don't need more than that.

>> No.15577270

Have you tested this program at all? You can string together a bunch of jargon and get extremely gifted pretty easily. You can also pull excerpts from just about any genius’s writing and score above average. It’s a funny meme, though.. but you’re taking yourself way too seriously on a Samoan boat building forum.

>> No.15577283
File: 454 KB, 1125x1654, IMG_2227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a few 10 dollar words incorrectly and you too can become exceptionally gifted. What a piece of shit.
It really does something for dunning Kruger types, no doubt… >>15576872

>> No.15578370

An unbiased, randomly selected sample of your writing was assessed as being very low IQ and that made you angry so instead of accepting the unbiased result you're trying to discredit the software by seeing if you can break it or find a flaw in it so you don't have to acknowledge the initial result.

>> No.15578771

>You can just teach Taylor's theorem and raise your shitty education system to a higher standard than memorizing little poo poo's and pee pee's.
Just like you memorized Taylor's theorem? Are you aware that L'Hôpitital's rule is a theorem that is every in every single real analysis course, right? No different from Taylor's theorem or Bolzano's theorem or whatever. Fucking schizo

>> No.15578776

>that is every in every
that is proved in every*

>> No.15579124

>telling a kid that they're good at math should be taken as an insult
Yep, its like saying "you're not good at anything else, you're not athletic, you're not attractive, you're not talented in any other meaningful way, but hey look at that! You can do arithmetic almost as good as this $1.99 pocket calculator"

>> No.15579846
File: 69 KB, 440x540, trigonograph-hyperbolicsincos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> memorized taylor's theorem
The way I remember Taylor's theorem is that Pascal's triangle is involved
>>15573138 apparently proofs like these are above you.

The way your calculus books "prove" things is introducing them out of thin air as definitions and then proving them. In other words, with no context. Technically that's a correct method of teaching in things. In practice it makes absolutely no sense.

Let me give the number "e" as an example. It's introduced as a limit. Then the natural logarithm will be defined as it's inverse. Ok great. Then the hyperbolic functions will also be defined in terms of the number e. This is where the deficiencies of this approach become apparent. At this point no matter who you are, calculus becomes just memorizing things, so you don't know anything.

Pic related is the best way I've seen to derive the hyperbolic functions hands down. It builds upon the fact the natural logarithm is the integral of the hyperbola 1/x, which is where the number e pops up other than Bernoulli tinkering with interest rates.
However methods like these are too useful and intuitive to be taught because they offend eggheads who prefer formalities.

I'd like to finish by mentioning that the idea behind this worthless education system is that because Taylor's theorem can express functions as series in terms of their derivatives, if one learns a bunch of derivatives with no context, then you can write the function you know nothing about in terms of a series know nothing about using their derivatives you know nothing about.

You may not like this opinion, but it's obvious that science and empiricism have just as much a claim to Calculus as mathematics does. This modern notion that divorcing math from reality makes it more "rigorous" is actually the notion that making things useless makes them better. Well I don't think so. Save the mental masturbation for your goon cave.

>> No.15579849

I had calculus in middle school so clearly it's not about homeschooled vs public school.

>> No.15580685


>> No.15581281

> it's not about homeschooled vs public school.
your experience at school in the 1980s is not the same as what schools are teaching these days.
if you were in middle school right now you'd be learning about the holocaust and why you need to switch genders, not math

>> No.15581322

>Intelligence is when you agree with my politics
You seem like a smart man.

>> No.15581331

Schools are not doing that, why do you lie. I went to public schools in one of the worst (blackest & bluest) city in the country very recently graduated like 3 years ago, and they didn't have any ofthis shit going on. And I know for a fact they still don't. Education is somewhat stratified though, if your kid isn't learning Calc by 11th grade, that just means that he isn't good enough and you should discipline him more to study harder. If he's just stupid, of course he won't be studying calc, they don't put the retards in those classes. The max you go to if you're a certified retard is pre-calc senior year at 18 years old. Maybe even lesser. On the other hand, I was taking Calc at 13. Because I was deemed qualified to do so. It's not a uniform path for all kids, what you study depends on how good you're doing. If all they're teaching your kids is how to switch genders (Which they don't teach at all in hs even in, as I said, the shittiest bluest city), then your kids might be retarded.

Stop believing twitter doomer threads like a retarded boomer, it's the internet. people lie and exaggerate. It's not that bad in reality.

>> No.15581355

any book recommendations which are exemplars of pedagogy; calculus or otherwise? i know r.p. burn's books reflect this expository philosophy.

>> No.15581364

I'm not that old. I was in middle school in early 2010s.
Middle schools in my country were abolished a few years ago and elementary and high school are longer now but the program didn't change all that much. Kids start with limits and derivatives in 8th grade elementary last I checked.

>> No.15581406

everything should be tried early and then tried yearly. if kid is receptive to something or/and enjoys something, focus on that (but don't stop trying for more things). if nothing sticks, go with simple reliable stuff. that's called cat training principle and it works.
soviet principle of "teach everything to everyone and just let people fail some classes" is second best. it requires fat working ass but results are that hopeless russian high school dropouts are often better educated than average american.

>> No.15582217

>Middle schools in my country
>in my country
Why are you commenting on the state of American public schools when you don't even live here?

>> No.15583408

They don't need to, they rely on affirmative action and welfare gibes to survive

>> No.15583411

>Advanced math education for children:
Waste of time.
Don't use faggot words. It is feminizing society.

>> No.15583934

If you followed the thread you'd realize you're being retarded.

>> No.15584463

You said "clearly it's not about homeschool versus public school" when talking about subjects you learned in school at a certain ages but you're not American so you have no idea about the state of our public schooling and your declaration is pointless. In America it IS about homeschooling versus public schooling because our public schools are beyond shit and properly homeschooled kids have a huge leg up on public schooled kids.

>> No.15585051

So it's not about homeschooling vs public schooling as you just admitted. It's about shitty educational system.

>> No.15585056
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>twitter headline
in you go

>> No.15585314

In the US you have to homeschool your kids to avoid the shitty educational system because the people who want public education to suck ass far outnumber the people who want public education to be good. Private school is also an option for the same reasons but that comes with much higher cost and often baggage like specific religious teachings and things like that.

>> No.15585365

I'm a 20 year old 2nd year physics student at a top university and I still don't know long division. It just doesn't stick

>> No.15585459

Which makes this an issue of the educational system.

>> No.15585496

In the present time homeschooling is superior.

>> No.15585497

But not inherently, but as a consequence of a broken schooling system.

>> No.15585663

my mom came from europe (portugal) in the 70s and said even back then the american schools were multiple grades behind hers. I think she said she was in late middle school and was doing calculus but she came to the US and had to do algebra because they weren't equipped for "gifted" (normal) students.

and her school wasn't even in a minority area. it was like 95% white back then.

>> No.15585686

No, the superiority of home schooling is inherent. Nobody is ever going to want to give a child a good education more than the child's parents.
Edison was home schooled, so were the Wright brothers.
Black soience man went to pubic schools

>> No.15585991

anyone who learns math in middle school should be lobotomized and forced to stay in pre K until age 5, raped, injected with methylmercury, their limbs purposefully crippled, and their tongues removed.

>> No.15586029

>anyone who learns math when they're 13 should be forced to stay in pre-K until age 5
How do you think time works?

>> No.15586039

drunken boomer detected

>> No.15586059


>> No.15586065

I'm white, you fucking racist.

>> No.15586074

>t. drives a 1981 Toyota Corolla, balding, wears pedo glasses, a Hawaiian shirt, hiking boots, and white socks, watched Daisy's Destruction and Dafu Love

>> No.15586080

Only 18.75% correct.

>> No.15586084
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We must make the Whites dumber so the Blacks do not feel stupid !!

>> No.15586086

Numberphiles belong in prison.

>> No.15586095

Not my fault one of the points was half-right and it's awkward to write 1.5/8.

>> No.15587450

>lobotomized, raped, injected with methylmercury
that already happens to most public school kids

>> No.15587558

High school in 70s Portugal was pretty elite. We had "experimental" classes where students would have extra math lessons. They were even taught group theory. That all came to the end when muh fascism was abolished and now everyone passes high school easily. Nowadays the quadratic formula isn't taught until you are in 10th grade (where kids are 15/16 years old). I see the drop in quality in my university professors too. The best ones all belonged to the old generation before all went to shit.

>> No.15587564

I'm an American who went to public school and I was taught basic group theory as a high school sophomore or junior (don't remember which) too. It's not that elite.

>> No.15587583

It is elite by our current standards, where the most advanced concept you will ever see in high school are derivatives

>> No.15587638

I came to the US when I was about 11 and started high school here. For the four years of high school, I learned absolutely nothing new except for, obviously, US history, civics and stuff, and Calculus and Stats. Everything else was already taught to me in middle school. And I came from an extremely ghetto third world country. The type of country where you couldn't even force one of those tourist vloggers to go. And when there, I got bad grades sometimes like B's, C's sometimes, and wasn't at the top of my class. But in the US, I never got below an A and was easily top 3 in the school. To be fair, I was in a private school back there, and in a public school in the US, but the private school was just a mid tier pvt. school, not some elite school. And the difference was just too great. I trust that US private schools are probably better, but the Public education system here is absolutely dogshit, there is no competition if you know your basics. The teachers thought I was some type of mega-genius because I literally barely ever studied or worked in high school (because I already knew most things. for instance, I would go into the maths classes and do all the classwork and homework within the first 10 minutes of class and then just chill for the rest of the time), and I still graduated and started going to a t10 school at 16. Something I would've surely never been able to do back there at 16, much less to a t10.

>> No.15587653

>I came to the US when I was about 11 and started high school here.
>and I still graduated and started going to a t10 school at 16.
You went to high school 3 or 4 years before you were supposed to but then took 5 years to finish? Anon...

>> No.15587669

Why are you people so wrong all the time?

>> No.15587764

Why can you American fucktards just not admit that separate school tracks according to separate abilities, as well as high school being fully optional (though half of Ami high school is essentially part of middle school in Europe) is the answer?
Europe is usually perceived to be more left-leaning, but why are you guys so hellbent on this clearly commie principle of pretending everyone is and has to be "equal"?

>> No.15587807

>oy vey thats so racist!!

>> No.15587906

I didn't learn group theory until my junior year as a math major.

Granted, I think US focuses a lot more on the "liberal arts" part of education so I took a bunch of gen eds that I don't remember shit from

>> No.15588576 [DELETED] 

Came here when I was 11, started high school at 12. It took some months before I actually started going to school. Graduated in 4 years. I still got moved back a year because I had already finished 9th grade before I came here (and would have skipped to 11th grade had I stayed there), but I had to repeat 9th grade again because my parent's didn't bring my transcripts. And honestly, I prefer it that way, going to college at 15 would have been hell.

>> No.15588580
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>>sending your kids to government schools
This. Who the fuck does that anymore in the leftist groomer days.

>> No.15588587

>Advanced math education for children
Are you retarded?

>> No.15588597

>don't have a fair allocation of resources to be better at math.
Actually, allocation of educational resources is progressive due to state and federal funding: https://apps.urban.org/features/school-funding-do-poor-kids-get-fair-share/ . The poor retards get more funding than the middle class smart kids who can do something with it

>> No.15588601

Based and IQ-pilled

>> No.15588766
File: 141 KB, 654x639, 1626240897480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. No you weren't taught basic group theory as a high school sophomore. Some of the operative words here are misused by you, or lack entirely. For example, " was taught". No you weren't. You were maybe given an overview by a teacher on his own accord in one or two lessons.

Or perhaps it's "group theory". Maybe you were taught basic facts about commutativity and other shit relevant to groups, and somehow you think this is equivalent to group theory 101 or even more than that. It's basic algebra, nothing more.

>> No.15588954

Why the fuck are you acting like basic group theory is crazy hard or some shit? It gets advanced as you learn more, but groups 101 is about as involved as learning basic differentiation. You can teach elementary schoolers about 'symmetry groups' using reflections and rotations as examples, showing how two transformations that reverse each other combine to create a 'do nothing' transformation that must be part of any 'group', and generalize from this when students are mature enough to explore the more abstract implications of 'algebra on groups'.

>> No.15588998

Education researchers and policymakers are such frauds. It's just so weird how they do their research. They seem to have very little interest in how individuals learn math/fail to learn math. Instead, they are hyper focused on group designs at the school, district, or regional level and looking for this "one weird curriculum" that will fix the dumb ghetto kids.

It's not a mystery why these kids do worse. Low income family kids come into school with poor foundational skills. Poor basic reading, poor attention, poor handwriting (how you going to correctly solve a long problem when you can't read your own notation?). They go into classrooms where a sizable fraction of the kids are distracting if not plain violent.

Any society that really wanted to help these kids would identify the ones who weren't hopeless behavior cases and get them into focused classrooms to catch them up. Don't lower the standards, raise them. The remedial 8th graders who are performing several grade levels below need to learn *multiples* of that rate of learning of the mainstreamed kids. The remedial kids need longer more intensive school days. They need mandatory summer school to not lose gains. Of course this will never be allowed.

God, this is such an elaborate effort to dodge reality. Depressing. Terrifying that California, MA, and other states are trying to normalize this shit.

>> No.15589007

>The remedial kids need longer more intensive school days. They need mandatory summer school to not lose gains.
That's just going to give you kids who are not only retarded, but poorly socialised and pissed off.

>> No.15589040

It's not crazy hard. You just don't have time to teach group theory in high school. You have a limited amount of math lessons, and you need to jam calculus and other shit into it.
If your school was some literal autist academy that had math and only math, sacrificing things like languages or sciences, then yes, I would believe it. But you didn't visit autist academy, which I am sure doesn't even exist.
So what did you sacrifice? The answer is nothing. Because as you admitted it, some teacher just gave you basic overview that could also be accomplished with a 40 minute pop youtube video, about how groups "beautifully" work, like how some actions upon triangles are the same (like a 360dg turn and a 720dg turn etc).
Here's a test if you actually were taught basic group theory: if the top third of students after this were able to do modular arithmetic, then I will believe you.

>> No.15589087

>initial measurements are always accurate and should be implicitly trusted, even when subsequent analysis reveals severe flaws in the experimental method
Now you're thinking like a social scientist.

>> No.15589112

>if the top third of students after this were able to do modular arithmetic

>Timmy, if it's 7PM, and then 6 hours pass, what time is it? I know it's a really, really hard question, but since I know you're a super smart kid Timmy, I believe in you


>> No.15589868

>You have a limited amount of math lessons, and you need to jam calculus and other shit into it.
High school is 8 semesters long and middle school is another 4 semesters. It's not hard to teach algebra, basic geometry, graphing functions, basic sets and logic, complex numbers, trigonometry, calculus 1 and 2, vectors and matrices, scalar and dot product, and basic group theory (the definition of a group, some examples, some theorems about subgroups of finite groups etc).

I don't think I even took math my senior year and I learned all that in American public school (an AP/IB program)

>> No.15590712

>It's not hard to teach algebra, basic geometry, graphing functions, basic sets and logic, complex numbers, trigonometry, calculus 1 and 2, vectors and matrices, scalar and dot product, and basic group theory (the definition of a group, some examples, some theorems about subgroups of finite groups etc).
It is when girls have to learn it too, girls are dumb. thats why there used to be separate schools for boys and girls, so that both groups could learn at their own pace