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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 554 KB, 728x409, Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 10-46-43 National Forecast and Current Conditions The Weather Channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15562354 No.15562354 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to happen when most of North America becomes uninhabitable?

>> No.15562356

America will suddenly find an excuse to invade Canada where the amount of livable, arable land will massively increase rather than decrease.

>> No.15562373

No, the "arable" land that becomes available in Canada will be a rocky and unproductive wasteland that will be expensive to bring into production.

>> No.15562374

what's the best case scenario if yellowstone enters the chat?

>> No.15562377

the canadian shield isn't just one big rock you know.

>> No.15562415

>omg its hot in july!
>this never happened before!!
>how will ppl survive hot weather in july?
this kind of low effort trolling should be banned if /sci/ is to remain a high iq board

>> No.15562553

No, it's a bunch of little rocks covered in unproductive dirt.

>> No.15562558

This. Complaining about summer weather is childish behavior.

>> No.15562559


>> No.15562564

Import some of it and try to grow anything on it

>> No.15562566

>>this never happened before!!
Actually we just broke the record for hottest day ever several times last week. You're unironically right, this never happened before.

>> No.15562567

and here I thought it was mostly covered in highly active boreal forest that will inevitably continue burning down as it gets hotter and dryer, leaving even more fertile ash behind

>> No.15562572
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>> No.15562576
File: 55 KB, 640x427, IMG_8622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>125°F is a normal summer

>> No.15562577

True, for a very limited definition of 'ever'.

>> No.15562578

"Heat index forecast" lol

>> No.15562580

>The heat index was developed in 1979 by Robert G. Steadman. Like the wind chill index, the heat index contains assumptions about the human body mass and height, clothing, amount of physical activity, individual heat tolerance, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the wind speed. Significant deviations from these will result in heat index values which do not accurately reflect the perceived temperature.

>> No.15562591

I live here and study geochemistry dumbfuck, the entire middle of the country is incredibly fertile soil for plants like grasses and longer lived trees, just because the soil isn't being raped for basedbean and corn oil doesn't mean it's not plantable. Go talk about something you won't embarrass yourself about.

>> No.15562594

Isn't that only true of the older right half? Parts of the country are still volcanically active.

>> No.15562595

100,000 years.

>> No.15562596

>Go talk about something you won't embarrass yourself about.
That's impossible for him to do, because Global Warmism only tricks people with sub-80 IQs.

>> No.15562599

It's not even the hottest it's been in the last 100 years lol. Did people just forget the worldwide drought and famine of the 1930s?

>> No.15562603

Did you mean 100.00?

>> No.15562639

I don't know. I really wish they would do something about the nigger menace too.

>> No.15562651

You are incorrect.

>> No.15562655
File: 195 KB, 1284x1122, IMG_8603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15562658

Sure, kid.

>> No.15562660
File: 136 KB, 640x512, 1680573327236224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA wrote that out of the historical record
>Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

>> No.15562666
File: 64 KB, 600x600, 1680327287471752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15562675

Source for these two plots?

>> No.15562782

they both come from nasa

>> No.15564061

Can I see the sensor data from 90,000 years ago you are comparing it to?

>> No.15564113

That's not a source. Provide a reference where I can actually find it. The name and date of a publication would allow me to find it. Or a URL. Or a DOI. Any instruction or information that brings me toward finding the plots in their original context would Be considered a source. Remember failing that term paper because you wrote "source: google"?

>> No.15564116


>> No.15564127

So where is all this 90,000 year old ice in the North America OP pictured where they would be getting ice cores that go back 90,000 years?

>> No.15564221
File: 9 KB, 300x168, alois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant predict the future

>> No.15564235

Greenland is in North America, but also the claim in >>15562655 was about global temperatures. You can reconstruct global averages from ice cores and other archives: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/paleoclimatology
>Paleoclimatology data are derived from natural sources such as tree rings, ice cores, corals, stalagmites, and ocean and lake sediments.

>> No.15564240

By counting the density in defrozen mammoth coprolites. Estimated margin of error=1000%

>> No.15564247

Is that how you say it in Russian? Were all of your colleagues who spoke English killed in Ukraine?

>> No.15564254

lets just say its not an exact science, and by not exact i mean completely random

>> No.15564265

You can say that. It will show your ignorance and stupidity in case this wasn't clear from your grammar, but you can surely say that. It'd also be wrong.

>> No.15565021 [DELETED] 

But how do you prove that those are accurate about past temperatures? What's the control? One of the big problems that had to be covered up in Climategate was that the tree ring and ice core data they used didn't track with measured records, meaning that their pre-historical data was false.

>> No.15565072

And what are the error bars on those reconstructions? By how many orders of magnitude are they larger than the claimed "warming" trend?

>> No.15565083

You cant determine what the temperature was anywhere on earth 90.000 years ago, or even 100 years ago.
None of the techniques used are scientific, they are just based on untested theories

>> No.15565159

We turn the AC on and stay inside until Fall

>> No.15565162

>63F is the hottest temperature in history
what is he trying to say?

>> No.15565163
File: 48 KB, 500x500, avatars-y9uZTgJmNCmQCVFd-auINfw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia here. It's just another summer.

>> No.15565165

somethings letting in more sunlight

>> No.15565169

I love these comments that are short, make a wildly wrong claim without proof or nothing. I think it's highly efficient psy-op. It's quick to refute, but a hundred times quicker to compose. "Feet are not real and no scientist has ever proven the existence of feet" is a claim of that calibre. Id like to ask who pays for you, but your whole selling point is that you don't really engage. You shit on the floor and that's it.

>> No.15565174

The reason why it "changes" is because the 2000 graph was made in 2000 when the year hadn't finished. The plot gets higher because it got hotter in the remainder of the year. It's all just smoke and mirrors using unfinalized graphs.

>> No.15565177

*1999 graph
Notice how the 99 graph doesn't have a red line for the current year, because the year wasn't over yet and thus you couldn't compare a 5 year average. Fucking retard keeps posting the gif.

>> No.15565197

they stop the HAARP arrays and take all the land for themselves

>> No.15565200

>takes into account human body mass and individual heat tolerance
>everyone is obese
>obese people can't tolerate heat
>"um, scientifically, it will feel like 150 F°" (to these fat fucks)
>omit the "feels like" on your scary graphic with lots of red everywhere

>> No.15565214

>don't look up, bro

>> No.15565221

>its just like my hollywood movie

>> No.15565227

Your post boils down to "he's wrong and I could prove it but I don't feel like it". You sound like a lifetime smoker who declares they can stop smoking anytime they want but just don't want to.

>> No.15565235

well maybe if they stop weather modification this would stop happening, but no they want to create a “climate crisis”

>> No.15565394 [DELETED] 

People asked about that in this thread >15562360 but for some reason nobody wants to answer.

>> No.15565396

People asked about that in this thread >>15562360 but for some reason nobody wants to answer.

>> No.15565403

These temperatures look perfectly normal across the country for July going as far back as I can remember. The only difference is they shifted the color of the scale to make it look a lot more red than it did 20+ years ago.

>> No.15565405

They did this in Germany and in the UK as well to frighten people. Every year they make the summer graphics scarier and scarier even though temperatures are lower.

>> No.15565406

>heat INDEX
That's just how hot it FEELS. Do you also look at the "feels like" temperature in the winter and declare we're entering a new ice age?

>> No.15565407 [DELETED] 

Since the heat index is scaled to an assumption about average national BMI, as the population gets fatter the heat index rises.

>> No.15565410

>the heat index is scaled to an assumption about average national BMI
Holy shit, what a fucking joke.

>> No.15565412

See >>15562580

>> No.15565423


Why do people live there again?

>> No.15565425

Phoenix is in an extremely fertile part of the state (a dry river valley) which was reclaimed from the desert by irrigation. Los Angeles is the same way but for unknown reasons the Federal Government paved over the entire Los Angeles River in concrete in the 50s, making it into a scorching wasteland that flushes all its water out to sea.