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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15559045 No.15559045 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15559055

Keep it legal so less criminals are brought into this world.
If you hate black, Hispanic people, and mixed-race people born out of one-night stands, you have no excuse for not supporting abortion.

>> No.15559057

Disagree, they should face the consequences of their actions.

>> No.15559058

Anybody has that meme of a lady screaming being held back by a police officer that says "my social sciences teacher when she finds out why I'm pro choice"? lmao

>> No.15559061

It's murder everybody knows it deep down

>> No.15559063

>they should face the consequences of their actions.
Do you think they will? Nah, they're just gonna raise kids who are gonna become drug addicts, gang members, and school shooters. Black and Hispanic people simply don't give a fuck about taking care of their own children.

>> No.15559066

Yes, by having to put up with them.

>> No.15559071

>It's murder EVEN THO you can prevent hundreds of additional deaths due to gang violence and substance abuse by allowing minorities to axe their kids before they're born.

>> No.15559073

This. Most people who support it do so because they know it's infanticide, they just think it's murdering people they don't want in society.

>> No.15559078

Infectious disease specialist here. If they don't want their kids, give em here so we can uh, do some research.

>> No.15559086

They're going to be just killing each other anon. Gang violence and substance abuse just kills them, not the suburban whites.

>> No.15559090

>I believe that there is a secret conspiracy to genocide the white race led by Loominutties and ZOG
>But I also believe that Mexican and black women should be allowed to freely reproduce and have as many children as they want to even though that would reduce the percentage of white people in America
>And I believe that abortion should be illegal because uhhh we shouldn't kill people or something

>> No.15559100

It's protected by the first amendment (freedom of religion). The rest of us are not subject to whatever the retarded christians dream up.

>> No.15559103
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>Sacrifices to moloch are christian
good goy

>> No.15559110

brainlet post. if you want to reduce the global proportion of whites then you reduce the white birthrate. nonwhite birthrate within white countries is irrelevant because theres already 7 billion of them elsewhere

>> No.15559155
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hotwheels should have been aborted, otherwise it should be completely illegal.
isn't it astounding that the only medical procedure that the current crop of healthcare workers can reliably pull off without a hitch is murdering babies? you never hear about the baby's mother accidentally getting killed during the murder of an unborn child, but somehow or other medical error still manages to be the leading cause of death even when you disregard the amount of babies they murder

>> No.15559170

it should be legal

>> No.15559182
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Pro-choice because I wish I had been aborted by my parents.
I don't want other poor souls being forced to exist against their will in this hellhole.

>> No.15559184

this is sci not pol

>> No.15559215

it's part of the satanic baby killing ritual

if women weren't tricked into hedonistic sex then they babies wouldn't exist to be murdered

>> No.15559235

It’s murder, and if not murder of a human it’s murder of a humans timeline. Why do we get upset about murder? We have attachment to the victim and it was an unjust death, cutting their time unduly short. Leftists justify murder by xyz but scream it’s not actually murder because abc. As long as someone affirms its murder and, really, eugenics policy, and promotes it still, that is completely acceptable as a position to hold, because at least it’s honest.

I am in favor of certain eugenics policies, by the way.

>> No.15559244

It's murder.

>> No.15559247

It's murder. That being said, I don't give a shit if a woman murders her child, although she's certainly very fucked up if she does.

>> No.15559307

I'm against women's choice. Abortion should be illegal except in those cases where it should be mandatory.

>> No.15559349

It should be illegal for white babies, and compulsory for non-whites.

>> No.15559376

Should be free. Hell the government should be paying women to get abortions.

>> No.15559426

The use of abortion to prevent deadly health complications of a waiting mother or prevent a "rape" baby from coming to term is fair. But it's use has been abused to point where it can no longer be ignored as a low key tool for genocide.

Basically just like eugenics, abortion has been tainted. So any positive features of it is immediately ignored for the negative ones.

>> No.15559432

How about facing them by having to have an abortion? Explain what facing the consequences of your actions means. It seems to me that you're mad that you don't have sex.

>> No.15559435

kek, so will you.

>> No.15559438

The /sci/entific side is pretty boring. At least the biological part. You remove a lump of cells. I guess if you want to talk about social sciences, the picture is pretty clear, that a ban will just cause back-alley abortions and is generally terrible. I think this thread would be better in a political board, like /pol/.

>> No.15559440

Morally loaded word and concepts that has nothing to do with science or what the scientific decision should be.

>> No.15559443

This is a blue board. Go back to /pol/

>> No.15559555

Maybe but we shouldn't.

>> No.15559563
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Abortion is not murder because murder is power + killing, so only men can murder. Women can do no wrong. By the way we should legalize postpartum abortions to avoid all those awful back alley infanticide cases that endanger women's mentaland physical well-being.

>> No.15559570

I believe in the take Destiny has, legal only 20 weeks and earlier

>> No.15559786

It's murder but frankly I don't care, it reduces the number of brown people and there are more important hills to die on.

>> No.15559806
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>muh wedge issue

>> No.15559855
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So why don't you kill yourself? because you're already alive? if so, why do you support the murder of unborn children? do you support murder overall simply because you're a sad sack loser worthless piece of shit who doesn't enjoy life? please explain :)

>> No.15559858

Calling abortion healthcare is like calling a gunshot to the brain surgery.

>> No.15559875

Look up abortion laws in Israel. Very interesting.

>> No.15559878

I'm not pro life, but I find abortion incredibly distasteful.

>> No.15559880

It's killing babies, but since it's the lumpenproletariat that is doing the killing, I support it.
We should also hand out free fentanyl starting at 10pm and have a cleanup crew take all the bodies to the fertilizer plant around 5am.
>Margaret Sanger did nothing wrong

>> No.15559966

What exactly do you think being a blue board implies?

>> No.15559971

A place for us to support the mainstream narrative and shake our fists at the nazis for destroying our economy.

>> No.15559973

I'm fine with it. Getting preggers is a toll on the body and causes muscle damage sooner aging, risk of dying among other things. I'd def get an abortion if I got pregnant.

>> No.15559991

As long as its part of your body you should have full authority over it.

>> No.15560018

this. fuck life

>> No.15560025

NTA. Never being born is something entirely different. You might not have a loving family, so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.15560027

Sexhavers should suffer.

>> No.15560028

father or mother should be able to kill their kids legally, limiting abortion only to fetutses is cringe
for example, if father doesnt want to pay alimony for a 4 year old kid he should be able to kill it without mothers consent
got rid of single mother dillema

>> No.15560038

What race is it?

>> No.15560039

Why would /sci/ have a common opinion?

>> No.15560156

The wrong side, of course. The whole purpose of /sci/ is to rationalise bad takes.

>> No.15560220

Joe Biden and the Democrat party are nazis? Damn...

>> No.15560222

>I wish I was aborted so I wouldn't have to deal with this loving family of mine who supports me and would miss me if I were gone

>> No.15560288

Life is more than a loving family. Life sucks, that doesn't mean you must be an asshole to your family.

>> No.15560332

It's personally a deeply conflicting choice.

On one hand, killing babies is a good thing. On the other, I don't want to give women rights.

>> No.15560375

i am against killing unborn babies

>> No.15560463

Morally wrong, definitely not "essential healthcare", should still be legal

>> No.15560467

Yes. Pushing the guy onto the trolley track is also murder

>> No.15560479

Among other things, that it's not /pol/.

>> No.15560484

This. Why don't we wait till they're born to kill them?

>> No.15560487

So, abortion is the solution?

>> No.15560493

Abortion is not universally accepted even within the medical community.

>> No.15560497

Great. The medical community can discuss this is a politics board.

>> No.15560642

Accurate. When it comes to serious health complications it's an understandable choice and to the degree which behavior is inherited the abortion of rape babies may even be a moral good. Used as lazy contraception or in extreme cases like sexual gratification (abortion fetish is real, look it up if you want your day ruined) however is morally detestable.

>> No.15560868

why do you keep engaging with this thread you hate?

>> No.15561700

>I have to watch a blue haired cuck to get my opinion on things