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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 238 KB, 1440x1797, a9fQub2S7cnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15558463 No.15558463 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart? The meme about scientists being smart are in every form of media, starting from childrens' cartoons and storybooks, schoolbooks, movies, music, television, its on packaging in the grocery store, etc.
What if its all just a meme with no truth behind it?

>> No.15558467

sci is one of the most retarded boards on this entire website

>> No.15558470

Not Low IQ per se, but definitely not as smart as they're presented to be >>>15552710 # >>>15554492 # >>>15554556 # >>>15556478 #

>> No.15558478

they are stupid (maybe a bit less than the general population), but science as a concept is a bunch of tools that tries to circumvent that trait while investigating what is going ton

>> No.15558503
File: 1.02 MB, 2144x1424, sacramento-property-management-apartments[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even thinks that that looks good? A modern apartment building looks 20 times better. There's a reason why they stopped building stuff like that: they figured out how architecture really works.

>> No.15558550

Yeah agreed. Though overall I am a fan of older & classical architecture and detest modern architecture, OP pic just looks like shit.

>> No.15558575

I would hate that. Everyone can just look into your apartment and see everything.

>> No.15558578

Modern bugmen are conditioned to think that living in a fishbowl with no insulation against the weather is prestigious.

>> No.15558710

>bland, dead insect hive
>looks good
You "people" are lobotomized

>> No.15558719

most are dumb as shit

>> No.15558817

The OP is what looks like an insect hive. How little you know about insects.

>> No.15558903

Go outside and learn something about the world you dumb city cunt

>> No.15558965
File: 378 KB, 4272x2848, Paper-wasp-nest-on-tree-IMG_9884-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parrots other people
>but can't defend the point
>assumes stuff about people
>acts like he has never seen a hive
Don't just repeat what you hear other people saying. Think for yourself. Pic related is a hive. Does it look more like the OP or like >>15558503 ? You're gonna experience some feelings reading this post, but try acting like a man and not letting them control you; instead wait and think, and then reply.

>> No.15559178

>they figured out how architecture really works.
for profit. everything modern is built as cheaply as possible for as high a price as possible. just look at open concept. shit literally means less material was invested yet they mark it up and modernists will guzzle it down. lmao.

>> No.15559454

They are high IQ, but IQ actually measures how much you use your cerebellum.

>> No.15559519
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In USA all of the most ornate large buildings are federal and state capital buildings.

>> No.15559742

>The meme about scientists being smart are in every form of media
Really? I haven't noticed this much. "Climate scientists" have political backing, otherwise there is little backing.

>> No.15559771
File: 1.55 MB, 1400x1076, a9fQub2S7cnp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15559783

>Without all the orange lights
>we are left with
>Communist architecture

>> No.15559796

>communism is when buildings have 90 degree angles

>> No.15559885

Universities exist to scoop the most intelligent layer of society and put them on a hamster wheel doing stupid projects with easy life and decent gibbins.
Make sure they don't go out there in society and start causing problems for the ruling class.

>> No.15559911
File: 119 KB, 271x569, firefox_2023-07-13_14.34.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've cracked it, that's the REAL reason why universities exists, it's not like any scientist ever disrupted the status quo and caused problems for the ruling classes

>> No.15559923

Nah this looks like shit

>> No.15559932

Architectural ugliness gave way to massive real estate corruption, the builders freely use shit materials and labour.
This is common now

>> No.15559944

Yeah, scientists are runts in disguise. You think maths describes the taste of a burger? It's retarded, and hoodwink bullshit. They think it's everything, it ain't.

>> No.15559946

amerishart moment. at least you're not appropriating culture that has nothing to do with you like the rest of the deluded mutts in this thread.

>> No.15559979

you people should be fucking exterminated, barely even human, more like vermin

>> No.15559996

Only looks good because the photo has a better color composition. You could take a gothic building light some orange lights against a blue screen and have a nice lawn and it would look just as good And probably better

>> No.15559998

Depends on the scientist, you got the egotistical retard scientists how are close minded and manage to be dunning krugers despite their knowledge due to (the fact that it's impossible to know and understand it all).

And then theirs the smart ones who while they won't just believe something with no evidence they also don't completely dismiss it either. And are really focused on discovery above ego.

>> No.15560374

Copernicus never published anything controversial while he was alive, because he was afraid of the personal consequences publishing his ideas would have on his soft, easy life

>> No.15560824

What's with le square building = le communist architecture meme? Have any of you retards ever seen Stalinist architecture?

>> No.15560836


>> No.15560855 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but Copernicus wasn't all that controversial because not only was his model was mathematically equivalent to that of ptolemy, but he wasn't even arguing that it was physically true because astronomy in the 16th century was still a branch of mathematics concerned with making calendars. Astronomy wasn't a scientific discipline yet.

>> No.15560965

Are orange and blue lights an element of gothic architecture? Yes or no?

>> No.15560971

Orange lights (candles) are an integral element of gothic architecture.

>> No.15560979
File: 223 KB, 1488x992, Farnsworth_House_by_Mies_Van_Der_Rohe_-_exterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel trailer park tier house is what modern leftist intellectuals consider to be the height of sophistication in architecture

>> No.15561012

I dont even care about how ugly it is, fuck houses with gigantic glass walls for windows. Even an otherwise gorgeous log cabin is ruined by xbox hueg windows everywhere.

>> No.15561088

Major generalization, so I can't help you there. I will say this, each and every person who excels as a member of an institution displays the quality of linear thinking and has little if any resistance to authority. If you trust in that type of thing, good on you. Scares the ever-living shit out of me.

>> No.15561091

See >>15558578
You will have zero privacy and you will be happy.

>> No.15561098
File: 368 KB, 1300x956, the-hagia-sophia-the-church-of-the-holy-wisdom-or-ayasofya-in-turkish-CC34W1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Constrast OP poc with Hagia Sophia, picrel. This is much older architecture than OP pic, but the lighting and colors make it very visually pleasing. Same thing with >>15558503 It only looks pleasing compared to OP pic because of the lighting and color composition. OP pic genuinely looks depressing in that pic, at least from the outside, especially considering the background. It would look 10x less depressing even if the weather was just sunny.

>> No.15561454

If scientists were really as smart as the memes say they are then scientists would be all the wealthiest people on the planet and they would be the ones running everything.
in reality, amongst the people running everything are zero scientists, none of them can do calculus or care even slightly about the periodic table

>> No.15561483

Extremely jewish posf

>> No.15562144

The majority of people building it were effectively slave labor.

>> No.15562165

Nowadays you can call yourself a scientist just because you completed a meme degree

>> No.15562170
File: 838 KB, 2048x1527, wolfram-2023-fig-2-2048x1527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even physicists aren't that for above average these days.

>> No.15562491


>> No.15562698

WTF does this mean, jehovah's witnesses are smarter than me?

>> No.15562705 [DELETED] 

you're a retard gorilla soulless nigger NPC

>> No.15562753

no they weren't

>> No.15562833

>these days.
They never were anon.

>> No.15562853

science nerd love to pick out a few standouts from history and dishonestly use them as an example of an average scientist.
>newton was super smart and successful
>i'm a scientists too, that means i'm also super smart
they never use an example like samuel langley, who devoted decades of his career and million of dollars of government money to trying to invent the airplane and failed and was then shown up by a couple of bible educated rural yokel who never even went to school
>hurrrrr durrrrr mike tyson was heavyweight champion and he smokes weed, that means i'm also heavy champion because i smoke weed too

>> No.15562862

Yup. Many on /sci/ don't seem to understand averages. They'll use the exceptional tail-end of the bell curve to make statements about the average. This is the prime sign of a dimwit.

>> No.15563474

It's the British word for lawyer.

>> No.15563500

isn't it possible to separate the traditions from the architectural aesthetics? or would that just be superficial, and does that matter?

>> No.15563505

The traditions created a world where a sense of beauty could flourish.

>> No.15563516

We associate the Roman coliseum with beauty, but I don't see anyone thinking we should bow down to Jupiter and Neptune any time soon, or start sacrificing people to lions. So yeah, you can separate the architecture from the tradition, otherwise shit like all those cathedrals would have never been built and we would still be building Roman architecture.

>> No.15563526

It attracts self-important dummies.

>> No.15563555

Normies are all about status. I am a scientist, and at work people take me seriously like I am really smart. In street clothes and in public, people don't believe everything I say

>> No.15563582

>each and every person who excels as a member of an institution displays the quality of linear thinking and has little if any resistance to authority.
Are you sure you're not just a schizo?

>> No.15563596
File: 290 KB, 856x1200, Linda's daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears NASA t-shirt for science nerd street cred
>Linda Ham works for NASA

>> No.15564169
File: 111 KB, 1280x853, GettyImages-481686221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't compare your average modern building to a cathedral

>> No.15564636

Good thread.

>> No.15564925

who are some science personalities that are famous for being stupid? other than >>15563596
and black science man?

>> No.15565054
File: 997 KB, 800x1067, sky_lookup1_mg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that building in the pic is just horrible. Any modern skyscraper looks ten times better. Protip: just because it's full of visual noise doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.15565077

Then feel free to never post here again namenigger

>> No.15565088

Modern architecture is a result of it's economic status & culture (which in a globalized world is going to be nothing but influence by it's economic status), and things look like shit because they're cheaper to build. Why do retards have such a hard time grasping this concept?

>> No.15565270

There aren't any famous ones, they cover up the many failures and embarrassments and the never shut up about the vanishingly small minority of successes, thats how the "scientists are smart" psyop works, thats why so many people "trust the scientists"
Its a really shit tier brainless psyop, there isn't any cleverness to is it all, just basic bitch image shallow consciousness

>> No.15565535

People like you were helots in ancient times.

>> No.15565537

scientists are smart just like priests are moral and ethical


>> No.15565566

we don't have slave labor for vanity projects anymore

>> No.15565651

there is something terminally wrong with you

>> No.15565700

The stonemasons who built these cathedrals were some of the highest paid laborers in the entire medieval world. Their guild was extremely wealthy and influential.

>> No.15566267

scientists are smarter than the average. Just the everyone's getting dumber. Losing about 1 IQ point per decade. That gives us 200 years till civilization is unable to function.

Watch Ed Dutton

>> No.15566372

This post really made the NPCs upset, good job.

>> No.15566998

>ancient stuff good
>ancient stuff beautiful
>you wrong if you no agree
>you uncultured and less human
I still haven't heard an actual argument explaining why older stuff is supposed to be better and more beautiful. I understand that:
>we can't make more of the old stuff
>the old stuff is part of artistic trends that don't exist
So what? I'm not telling people to destroy castles to build apartments on the land. I'm just saying that the 100 million apartments that exist are superior in art and engineering to the 1000 castles that exist; in the same vein that a cave painting is crap compared to any drawing of any manga or cartoon. There isn't a legitimate argument for older architecture being better, or at least the people who replied to my post haven't heard of it and are only parroting other people's reactions.

>> No.15567106

Kill all marble statue pfps

>> No.15567123

you're just looking for the wrong things.
the cathedral is meant to inspire different emotions than an apartment building

>> No.15567159

>a cave painting is crap compared to any drawing of any manga or cartoon
your gay and stupid

>> No.15567274

You just proved his point by lacking to have an argument. Even if you feel the cave painting is good, things can't be true based on your feelings alone.

>> No.15567280

Tranime is objectively gay though.

>> No.15568077


>> No.15569100

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart?
They don't think it be dat way, but it do

>> No.15570227

>scientists are smarter than the average.
nice cope

>> No.15570612

The scientists who can think up ideas the midwits cannot conceive of are ejected from the profession by the peer review process' demand for conformity

>> No.15570631

You are conflating contrarian autism with high IQ. If that was the case, /pol/ would be the highest IQ group of people in the world, but we know that's not true. Conformity has little to do with IQ

>> No.15570657

>but we know that's not true

>> No.15570658

>If that was the case, /pol/ would be the highest IQ group of people in the world
They're the highest IQ people on this website, and many high-tier universities are studying them to try and figure out how they changed American politics.

>> No.15570664

In that case the enlightement was started by people with "contrarian autism". The willingness to reject dogma is key.

>IQ is an invalid measure.
The neocortex is the part that actually makes you understand things. The cerebellum is the dumb lizard brain that operates on patterns and categories. The more you use the mammal brain (which can understand) the less you use the lizard brain (which can only make dumb guesses based on statistics). It's simply impossible to convey the enormous depth of understanding that people completely miss.
>IQ at best measures your reliance on the primitive brain, which has hardly any correlation with intelligence, as people evolved to be more neocortex based than almost any other animal - on the contrary, those with a poorly functioning neocortex rely on the primitive brain more, and will score higher IQ.

>> No.15571175
File: 2.01 MB, 4591x2580, IMG_20230716_212331598~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the design of my custom lego house

>> No.15571267

slit your throat asap

>> No.15571273

you are soulless drone with shit for taste. no wonder your kind will getting exterminated

>> No.15571276

Cucks are getting buttblasted because their modern trash architecture got called out

>> No.15571357

I love my soft, easy life. Fuck the plebs.

>> No.15571362

thread winner

>> No.15571379

There is a spectrum of intelligence in the sciences just as there are in any other field. Let's be honest though, anon, could you have invented the internet?

>> No.15571401
File: 794 KB, 500x446, based_dept.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and real.

>> No.15571419

this is also part of the problem.

Watch Ed dutton

>> No.15571430

Non Conformity does have a good deal to do with saying the truth. High IQ autistic have the intelligence to figure out what the truth is, and then autistically scream it out loud, regardless of the social pressure.

Universities start off as derelict institutions from the prior cycle, high IQ autists come to now forgotten institution as a safe haven for non-conformity. Artists make big discoveries at unis, midwits hear about how many fantastic discorveries are being made at unis, midwits invade unis looking for social status, midwits hate the non-conformity of truth seeking autists, so slowly distort the structure of these institutions in order to enshrine conformity. High IQ autists can no longer speak the truth, and instead go back to doing autism at home. Universities now filled with midwittery produce little of note, popularity thus declines, and we're back to the beginning of the cycle.

Watch Ed Dutton.

>> No.15571432

Or, you know, maybe people have different taste. Someone prefer older building and other like you the modern one. Thinking that something is better just because it's new is a really dumb belief honestly. You also believe that harry potter is better than LOTR, or that Drake is better than mozart? Do You understand how dumb you sound, now.

>> No.15572441

>Christians built the most impressive architecture in the muslim world

>> No.15572454

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ
Many are, but their typical IQ is above average.

Of course the people who are appealing to the supposed authority of a vocation are retarded

>> No.15572469

Anyone who can process a shitload of equations in a short time has to be high IQ at the minimum so no OP you are a fucking brainlet idiot who cant make sense of anything

>> No.15572517

>but their typical IQ is above average.
it isn't, if anything its below average, academia is a low paying profession filled with affirmative action placements, people who are intellectually competitive enough to succeed in the real world outside of the childish school system and earn decent money don't compete for academic positions, the only people interested in those jobs are those who have no better options due to low iq.

>> No.15572948

academia is also popular with creepy pedos who consider their access to children as a side benefit that compensates for the minuscule salary

>> No.15573038

top tier bait, cooked rare

>> No.15573046

You sound like reddit.

>> No.15573077
File: 6 KB, 178x284, burj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern man could literally build better shit if he only wanted to and DOES

I fucking hate these muh traditional culture revisionists so much.

>> No.15573086

The only truly smart people on this site are at the intersection of /pol/ and /lit/.

>> No.15573822
File: 273 KB, 1125x1373, MIT studies me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15573874

There's nothing to study about them though, it was literally an alternative information hub tapped into because the average person got fed up with shit reporting on the news not translating to their personal experience.

It's like the whole issue with Wallstreet and the average person's economic status. Somehow despite the continous rising unemployment and inflation rates the Stock Market still keeps going up.

People realize the numbers didn't make sense. People realize what was reported wasn't what they experienced. Despite /pol/ being a literal nut house they were at least more grounded at the "personal" level than other information hubs.

>> No.15574944

>because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart?
thats how brainwashing works, repetition is one of the 7 techniques

>> No.15575590

Then feel free to never post again on this website, twitter faggot.

>> No.15576248

You play with children's toys even though you are an adult, you have arrested psychological development

>> No.15577368

So you like it when modern ppl build nice architecture, but it angers you that people did so in the past?

>> No.15578007
File: 216 KB, 1300x866, IMG_3543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I personally think there should be designated areas based on height limits and architectural styles on buildings. For example a great way to not awkwardly contrast the visual landscape in a myriad of architectural juxtapositions, would be to find a transitory architectural style such as Art Deco being the prominent style in neighborhoods/districts in order to harmonically blend the visual landscape from say old classical architecture and style to contemporary modernist style. In addition to that you can have more separate good looking skycraper clusters developed selection and further away from the city centers such as the case for La Defense in Paris, in this way the visual landscape remains unaltered as the classical buildings remain unchanged.

I have many favorite classical buildings (Piazza della Repubblica) and modernist buildings (US Embassy Beijing)

>> No.15578083

The Burj Khalifa is stupid, but anyway, "I don't but COULD if I wanted to" is something dipshit posers say.

>> No.15578103


>> No.15578505

>people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart
When Hollywood shills a meme that hard, you have to wonder why they're putting all that effort into it

>> No.15578506

The Protocols have an extensive discussion on the power of science as a tool to break societies.

>> No.15579402
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the 2nd protocol. Science is their means of convincing people of giving up on their traditional religion and beliefs lead by their own people in favor of a new religion lead by influences selected by the jewish owned media

>> No.15579438

>le brick and mortar buildings are le expensive!
>unlike muh steel and glass ones

>> No.15579454

>and DOES
>just a bare bone glass nothing burger that wows you with scale
lmao imagine trying to defend your surroundings looking like shit with skyline of some oil arab city.

>> No.15579459
File: 487 KB, 500x370, 1677857519658071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't scientists considered smart because they get shit done?
Weapons, medicine, technology, and all that shit?

>> No.15579477

they don't do any of that, other people do it and the scientists dishonestly take credit

>> No.15579478

Architecture is not about taste. It's an objective science about achieving goals within technical constraints. It's like saying that horses are better than cars because it depends on taste; it doesn't, cars are better.

>> No.15579479

>other people

>> No.15579482

horses are better off road, in mud and on narrow paths

>> No.15579489

no, scientists create replication crisis literature and not much else.

>> No.15579496

So what do you call the people who get shit done?

>> No.15579509

Not that anon but most of my collueges alotb of them PhDs, are useless with anything not acedemic and/or their niche with regards to theory.

Honestly engineers and labores get more shit done than most PhDs.

>> No.15580547
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of my collueges alotb of them PhDs, are useless with anything not acedemic and/or their niche with regards to theory.
People who do hands on work are the people who see where improvements in the technology used to do that work can be made. People who sit around sniffing their farts all day in an office on a school campus thinking they're too good to do real work before going home to fuck the dog never accomplish anything of meaningful value

>> No.15581230

a tiny, tiny minuscule portion of scientists are successful at doing anything of meaningful value and then everyone who identifies with science in any way dishonestly awards themselves credit for having participated in the creation even though they didn't contribute even slightly.
but when a scientist gets arrested for fucking dogs as in >>15580547 or does anything else stupid or harmful or embarrassing then all the same people who rewarded themselves credit for the good act that they did not participate in somehow don't credit themselves for fucking dogs or inventing thalidomide.

>> No.15582590

>but when a scientist gets arrested for fucking dogs as in >>15580547 or does anything else stupid or harmful or embarrassing then all the same people who rewarded themselves credit for the good act that they did not participate in somehow don't credit themselves for fucking dogs or inventing thalidomide.
Its funny because its true.

>> No.15583879

The meme of scientists being smart is definitely not backed up by the success they tend to have in life. They are average people of average intelligence

>> No.15584085

Not all scientists are the smartest people, but all the smartest people were scientists. The first results that comes to your mind when you think about smart people are scientists (Newton, Einstein etc).

>> No.15585202

>all the smartest people were scientists
no they weren't
plagiarism isn't smart, engaging in plagiarism is admitting that others are smarter than yourself

>> No.15586290

theres millions of people working in the sciences, its statistically impossible for most of them to be high iq

>> No.15586348
File: 2.09 MB, 260x404, 644vdl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ
probably not seeing as the person making this argument posted a twitter screenshot

>> No.15586355

>but when a scientist gets arrested for fucking dogs as in >>15580547 # or does anything else stupid or harmful or embarrassing then all the same people who rewarded themselves credit for the good act that they did not participate in somehow don't credit themselves for fucking dogs or inventing thalidomide
curious how white people want the credit for establishing western civilization but not for pedophilia or bestiality

>> No.15586818

>There's a reason why they stopped building stuff like that:
>they figured out how architecture really works.
They figured out that beautiful architecture is expensive and time consuming. Property investors are more concerned with profit margins and fast turnover rates, so they don't care about aesthetics too much.

>> No.15587560

>plagiarism is admitting that others are smarter than yourself

>> No.15589090

just because twitter triggers you emotionally doesn't mean that you're intelligent, it means that you lack self control

>> No.15590411

IDK but there might be education chasers who just publish low quality papers. Midwits who maxed out education and ended up as a scientist because they're too dim to go for anything else but not dumb enough to fail.

Unironically this. Good modern architecture is good. Bad modern architecture is bad. Simple as.

>> No.15590501

the structing in the post you replied to won't last more than 50 years, cathedrals last 1000 years or more

>> No.15590517

>the structing in the post you replied to won't last more than 50 years,
Good. It means we can replace it with new updated designs more adapted to future needs. Old building are pain in the ass to work with. And god forbid if it ever gets designated as historic, then it's really fucked.

>> No.15592224
File: 467 KB, 1320x2379, black soyence man hates white ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592230

>horses are better off road, in mud and on narrow paths
Ever heard about trucks and quad bikes retard?

>> No.15593983

>and inflation rates the Stock Market still keeps going up.
it's not going up, its "up" 15% over the past 3 years, but inflation means that +15% is really a net loss of about 30%
bitcoin is up 200%, thats up

>> No.15594028

Im pretty sure hes talking about the current world, not how universities were 600 years ago

>> No.15596070

scientists are dumb people. nerds are not intelligent, if they were then they'd be getting all the stacies and wealth that they envy chad for having
>noooooo, i'm gonna use soience to invent super relativistic quantum particle beam death laser rays
>then i'll finally be able show chad and the rest of the normies whos really the boss around here

>> No.15596568

if you're in the middle of nowhere and your quad bike breaks down, can you eat it to survive?

>> No.15598227

given that there are many, many scientists, it is statistically impossible for all of them to be high iq, most of them must be low iq

>> No.15599123


>> No.15599290


>> No.15599295

Imagine how cold those floors are

>> No.15600060

>i need to have the neighbors watch me defecate

>> No.15600973

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ
nerds are genetically defective

>> No.15602594

They get grandiose delusions of exceptional intellectual ability as a coping mechanism for the fact that in reality the are of inferior stock.

>> No.15602617
File: 55 KB, 427x640, breker prometheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart?
This is not only true, it has been done deliberately by a certain tribe, starting with Albert Einstein.
Some scientists in academia are still good, but most (in my experience as a scientist) are just power-hungry sociopaths or feminist women trying to prove that their (metaphorical) cock is longer than the men's.
The true seekers of fire are elsewhere after they turn 30-35, particularly in this day and age when you can learn without depending on academia.

>> No.15603588

>grandiose delusions
common coping mechanism

>> No.15604686

Jesus is loling his ass off at that one

>> No.15605709

You could just look at research that measured this and found out. (No, scientists aren't retarded.)

>> No.15606566

>scientists publish research that says they're smart
delusions of grandiosity

>> No.15606568

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart? The meme about scientists being smart are in every form of media, starting from childrens' cartoons and storybooks, schoolbooks, movies, music, television, its on packaging in the grocery store, etc.
>What if its all just a meme with no truth behind it?
This is what ugly le /pol/ face rednecks tell themselves why they fall for every 60iq LARP on the Internet that gets posted to their board.

>> No.15606594

>marble statue avatar
>blue checkmark
certified chud moment

>> No.15606764

I think your picture is ironic

Compare the most skilled artists in history, like the ones that built that church and decorated. Now compare that to the average person that can only draw a stick man. Think about the massive gap in ability between them within the same species, same race, same geographic region etc.

There are people like that, except instead of exceling at art, they excel at math and memorizing facts. You are a troglodyte compared to them. Enjoy your day

>> No.15607128
File: 147 KB, 512x384, 133681021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers fix problems without knowing why it works and scientists research to explain why it works. Both disciplines feed into each other.

>> No.15607968

>i am emotionally triggered by OP pic
thanks for letting us know

>> No.15608623

Yes, scientists being smart is just a media meme

>> No.15610269

its only a recent meme, 40 years ago they were all portrayed as retarded awkward nerds

>> No.15610291 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is "Low IQ" you dumb nigger monkey.

>> No.15610902 [DELETED] 

the n word is racist

>> No.15611444

It's actually a meme. The vast majority of scientists, experts, are only good at learning by heart, and applying without thinking. They take everything they have learning as the truth, and never question anything. NPC behavior, that is.

>> No.15611466

Well since the hyper inflation of students, that will work less and less. They don't have enough position to satisfy everybody. NPC tend to be both numerous and good at performing the stupid learn and apply required at university exams. Every smart young man who see his ambitions unsatisfied, because no more posts left, will antagonize the ruling class.

>> No.15612503

If scientists were smart then they would be able earn more money than truck drivers or electricians, but they don't, all they can managed to achieve is being low paid, unproductive members of society.

>> No.15614438

don't insult insects like that
an anthill has more soul than that hideous facade-laden real estate tumor

>> No.15614500

leftist architects are generally brutalist
urban liberals, though? they will absolutely eat that shit up.

you've likely mistaken the social progressive urban liberals for leftists, common mistake.

academia is absolutely full of social progressive urban liberals - they don't pay attention to the institutional grift because they're too busy seething about "culture war" distractions, and their seethe becomes primary sources in mainstream media to feed that distraction engine.

the tweet is retarded (corporate capitalism means everyone building new stuff cheaps out as much as possible - wood frame prefabs, and nothing else), but yes, much of academia is just retarded. all you have to do is pay for the certificate and you're "qualified". the purpose of universities isn't education or research, it's selling those certificates (and using them to get research funding from elsewhere).

>> No.15614543

It's it "iamverysmart" of 4chan

>> No.15615465

this, tradies make more money than scientists do because they do work thats more useful and important than playing expensive sandbox games and taking them seriously, which is what scientists do.
too bad media doesn't reflect real life

>> No.15615596

modern wonders are created in the digital space and engineering designs. who gives a fuck about a clever arrangement of rocks?

>> No.15616052

Top center left window frame isn't seamlessly on, and I can see other gaps like it such as where the sloped roof rests.
In fact some parts of the building look like they're bending. Structural problems?

>> No.15616291

Yes, knowing much does not mean you are intelligent, intelligence means that you can use your knowledge and use it in creative ways, and maybe even give your knowledge to other people.

>> No.15616921
File: 332 KB, 750x726, 1689471631648412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a concept created by scientists (IQ) to call scientists retarded

>> No.15617912

if iq is a dumb concept then that just makes soientists that much more retarded

>> No.15620138

yep, they're the ones who invented the concept

>> No.15622765

>elevator repair/maintenance
>started apprenticeship in high school.
>bought my first house at 22 years old
>bought 2nd house at 25 years old and rented it, currently owe less than half per month what I'm charging in rent and the value of the remainder of my fixed rate loan is evaporating with inflation.
thinking about buying an apartment building, trying to round up a bunch of guys from the other relevant unions to pitch in on it, the amount of money to be made on an apartment building if you're not paying for maintenance is massive, cause we charge a fortune to keep all your technology functioning safely.

>> No.15623609
File: 27 KB, 583x433, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do redditeirs get the sense of entitlement that tells them they should feel welcome here on 4chan?

>> No.15624515

Incorrect. In fact, most cathedrals built in the middle ages were constructed mostly by accomplished masons on their free time, voluntarily. People had a shit ton of free time back then. Even a peasant had more free time and possessions than you or me combined even though technically all a peasant produced and his very own life belonged to whatever noble owned the land.

>> No.15624536

I should also add that a cursory glance at OP's pic should make this apparent to anyone with a shred of common sense or a mind not fully lobotomized by academia.

>> No.15624895

>source: my ass

>> No.15625606

from their personality disorder

>> No.15628235

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ
Its a guaranteed fact because science jobs are not earned by merit, they're given our randomly on the basis of nepotism and racial or gender grievances

>> No.15631553
File: 95 KB, 778x658, b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15631734

Real science would attract investors and not need “funding.”

>> No.15632888

most practicing scientists are rigidly affixed to a small area of research and work in a lab all day, doing cultures if they're a biologist, tweaking sensors if they're a physicist, running columns if they're a chemist, etc.

it's a kind of tunnel vision that isolates the individual from science and its greater context. a lot of retards spout that philosophy is retarded and science actually has real life application without realizing that science is a form of philosophy and all systems of knowing are integrally related with science.

science has such a good track record and devoted following because it's a system of knowing about the real world that works when applied to things. it's easy to get lost in the content knowing it's effective when applied to peripheral results and to completely disregard its foundations and its actual mechanisms, to proverbially rip it out of the ground from its roots to get a closer look at the petals. this is sad because the real 'magic' or 'juice' of the thing is precisely its foundations.

ultimately, science is (roughly) a method of inductive reasoning that relies heavily on quantitative data in its practice. there are unprovable assumptions you tacitly make when you practice it, the main one namely being that induction works in our reality despite the inductive fallacy or in other words, that the way our world functions is eventually reducible to a set of invariant laws that we can approach with inductive reasoning.

this isn't an anti-science thing. part of the magic is seeing that, despite it's fallacious method of reasoning, that it still seems to work so damn well. understanding the way this works is a way of approaching the deep epistemic mechanisms of science and the scientific method, and the fact is that if you ask the average practicing researcher what they think of the inductive fallacy as it relates to the scientific method, you'll see them go confused and blue in the face.

>> No.15633675

>science has such a good track record
no it doesn't
>and devoted following because
theres a lot of gullible low iq ppl in the world

>> No.15636053

>Real science would attract investors
Often it does.
Investors will, however, not pay for PhD students to get their degrees.

>> No.15636098

I discovered this because I was raised as a craftsman and went to school for computer science and did ok until the last year when every door I pushed was just a bunch of coffee obsessed projects projects don't you LOVE projects projects are better than sex and life itself I hope to die for a project and the project is requesting three bits of data over the Internet and I've neeted ever since because only faggots are allowed to do projects for money anymore anyway

>> No.15636108

>no it doesn't
skyscrapers, airplanes, modern medicine, internet, spaceflight, landing a man on the moon...

>> No.15636131

>skyscrapers, airplanes, modern medicine, internet, spaceflight, landing a man on the moon...
>psychiatry, stomach ulcers
>fanta sea
>Nazi rockets without the swastika put a man on the moon 60 years ago

>> No.15636164

Ancient architecture was an expression of culture and cultural identity, whereas modern architecture is meant to destroy both of those things.

If all building look the same and all cit8es look the same, it becomes harder to develop distinct local cultures.

It is part of an attempt to largely homogenize humanity to make people easier to control.

>> No.15636173


>> No.15637327
File: 269 KB, 1488x1488, you don't recongize him because he isn't jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skyscrapers, airplanes,internet, spaceflight, landing a man on the moon
scientists had nothing to do with any of those, but they sure do like to claim credit for them
>modern medicine
flemming's work is his own, the entire rest of the gang of soience frauds produces toxic garbage like thalidomide and then credits themselves for the good work of one guy.
you know you're a lamer when you have take credit for other people's work due to having nothing of your own to be proud of

>> No.15638975

>to make people easier to control.
for a NWO single government for the entire world, which is a fantasy that only appeals to narcissistic god complex cases AKA atheists

>> No.15640043
File: 33 KB, 720x487, eMxUmahv7YhA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, retards believe anything thats on tv

>> No.15640052


>> No.15640811
File: 38 KB, 420x314, dog laughing with assburger who didn't get the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every mooooovie, TV show, comic book and cartoon is filled with the same meme of the super intelligent science nerd. Its all a big lie.
If scientists were legitimately intelligent then they would not be fucking dogs, they'd be able to figure out how to get the real women they crave

>> No.15641561

Uh, yeah. That's like a known fact. Take me for example. I'm smarter than scientists. Life's going great.

>> No.15642666

>If scientists were legitimately intelligent then they would not…
…need a massive decades long media campaign to convince everyone that they were intelligent

>> No.15644368
File: 58 KB, 1045x953, leftists fuck dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come when one scientist does something good, all scientists try and take credit for it, but when one scientist is caught fucking dogs, all the scientists act like it was just one guy who fucks dogs?

>> No.15646518

>What if its all just a meme with no truth behind it?
Thats how it is

>> No.15647765

Science will never be able to answer this question

>> No.15647772

Scientists, even with the highest IQ, tend to have narrow competence due to hyper specialization. It's why stuff like cross disciplinary work bothers them so much: stay in your lane.

It's the difference between an AI and AGI. You have to look for the polymaths if you want scientists with good takes.

>> No.15648325
File: 532 KB, 1342x1730, 8vje8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art Deco was actual peak civilisation, only downhill from here

>> No.15648429

Art Deco was already a downfall from Art Nouveau.

>> No.15649688

>even with the highest IQ, tend to have narrow competence
so you're saying they're smart, but they also have an inability to master new disciplines? that sounds more like they're just stupid.

>> No.15649841

General competency and high fluid intelligence is quite rare to maintain into old age.

A lot of gamer and techies tend to have very high fluid intelligence, thinking it's the norm. The average person tends to lose that ability over time.

>> No.15650485

so you're saying they're average rather than high iq

>> No.15650652
File: 665 KB, 1843x2592, FrrEJWsX0AAzI0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can spend 10 minutes reading up on what fluid intelligence is.

>> No.15651221

yes, there is no truth behind gravity existing or anything. Gallileo explored the concept, Newton did but they are just "portrayed" as smart. I mean, things obviously don't fall towards the core of the Earth at 9,8m/s, no, it's just portrayed that way in cartoons!
RETARD, listen. The only reason you are fucking alive in a society where you can post this shit is because the computer was invented for you to use it and post dumb shit here. That couldn't have happened without SCIENTISTS. Also, important distinction, being useful to society and having a high IQ don't usually corelate, so keep that in mind when determining if someone is "smart" or not.

>> No.15651235

So being smart is gaining capital, not... doing research on how shit works, then applying it in inventions or atleast laying a groundwork for said inventions? No, that isn't being a "productive member of society" to you. Then what is? Manipulating a market to suit yourself? And that is also being a "productive member of society"? WTF kind of twisted definitions of intelligence and societal benefit do you have, dude?

>> No.15652416

contributing to the replication crisis is not productive, the idea that scientists do meaningful, useful research is just a meme. they publish lies and waste other people's money

>> No.15652437

The point of the scientific method is that you don't have to be a genius to make discoveries large or small as long as you follow the method.

>> No.15652447

Anybody who says that just has never been to college. They can only pretend to know what college is. They see people partying and college and they assume it must be easy. I can assure you, even the dumbest major (such as woman's studies ff) is multiple times more demanding than your electrical, plumbing apprenticeship.

>> No.15652472

>shit board
>full of retards
Good thing there's /lit/ for the most dumb.

>> No.15652473

Zarathustra On the Scholars
For this is the truth : I have moved from the house of
the scholars and I even banged the door behind me. My soul sat hungry at their table too long; I am not, like
them, trained to pursue knowledge as if it were nut
cracking. I love freedom and the air over the fresh
earth; rather would I sleep on ox hides than on their
decorums and respectabilities.[...] But they sit
cool in the cool shade: in everything they want to be
mere spectators, and they beware of sitting where the
sun bums on the steps. Like those who stand in the
street and gape at the people who pass by, they too
wait and gape at thoughts that others have thought.

and it goes on and i wholeheartedly agree

>> No.15653520

So you're saying that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart

>> No.15654792
File: 79 KB, 205x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you listen to a Greek statue pfp

>> No.15654828


>> No.15654951

Yet despises the eternal Jew*

>> No.15654965

Oh no! Not my traditional (Jewish) beliefs in [Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Mormon, Islam]!

>> No.15654968

There was a very sharp break around the time of Darwin when scientists shifted from well rounded men of knowledge to professional tinkerers and materialist wage slaves

>> No.15655418

>Science will never be willing to answer this question
because they all fuck dogs and are deeply ashamed of themselves

>> No.15656663

I'm really starting to like this "scientists are dogfuckers" meme.

>> No.15657538

>they all fuck dogs
but then again who doesn't, right?

>> No.15657585

I'll take gothic architecture over modern insectoid soulless aesthetic any day

>> No.15658307

people who fuck actual women.

>> No.15658333

Retarded perspective. Instead you should be thinking that your bike can't eat you to survive; the horse could though. Also
>bring a bag of food in your bike
>you can go 3 weeks without eating
>water is more important that food; don't eat if you can't get water anyway
>what are phones
>what is GPS
You're not gonna make it.

>> No.15659500

its funny because its true

>> No.15661168

If scientists were genuinely high IQ then why can't they figure out how to fuck something better than dogs?

>> No.15661208

Scientifically speaking why do threads like this get obviously necrobumped for weeks on end, while others last for less than a day?

>> No.15661665

Scientists are brainwashed cattle. Most of them.

>> No.15662431
File: 42 KB, 850x400, einstein says soyentist are shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what the smartest man of all time says too

>> No.15662440

I ignored the meme. All modern science is trash; they promote nonsense like a number a trillion billion.

>> No.15662448

U doopid

>> No.15664229

>Einstein says soientist are as dumb as farm animals
/sci/ do you take offense at this?

>> No.15665138

dumb people are bound to make a lot of mistakes and those mistakes include mistaking themselves for intelligent people

>> No.15665194

Fucking retard.

>> No.15666746

Yes, but the whole premise of this thread is that people who study science are low IQ, so idiocy is expected of the overwhelming majority of ppl on this board

>> No.15667989

its a big conspiracy, we're all secretly out to get you, you're not really a massive schizo with persecutory delusions, don't listen to anyone who tells you you are

>> No.15668010

Reminder of who came up with IQ tests? That’s right, scientists. OP might be on to something.

>> No.15668021
File: 262 KB, 930x620, IMG_2287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfwit. You can still make something cheap AND aesthetically pleasing, what we see today with modern architecture are designs which go out of their way to be unappealing despite the cost.

>> No.15669285

>go out of their way to be unappealing despite the cost.
this is subversion, a jewish practice

>> No.15669351

>The OP is what looks like an insect hive.
Not a house to live in. Stereotyped to made obedient. Similarities to church of science pure coincidence, trust me.

>> No.15669367

No, it's not possible.
t. I know every scientist in the world personally and have administered IQ tests to each of them confirming that they're all very smart

>> No.15669408

>Is it possible that scientists are low IQ and that people only think that scientists are smart because they've all been bathed since birth in the meme that scientists are smart? The meme about scientists being smart are in every form of media, starting from childrens' cartoons and storybooks, schoolbooks, movies, music, television, its on packaging in the grocery store, etc.
>What if its all just a meme with no truth behind it?
I kind of believe it.

>> No.15669456

>Ask why a thread is being necrobumped
>Get accused of having a persecution complex and being a conspiracy theorist
You sound very defensive OP

>> No.15670206

He never published anything when he was dead, his posthumous publications were taken from his private writings and published without his knowledge, he died having expected his opinions to go to the grave with him