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File: 383 KB, 2000x1131, 6C165193-E088-4CF7-9806-9A6892980C36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15554623 No.15554623 [Reply] [Original]

The demand for bigger payloads is increasing. The launch pads can’t take the stress of launching larger rockets. IT IS TIME.

>> No.15554626

that's cool and all, but I WANTED it to be a space elevator >:(

>> No.15554642

sorry, we have to keep giving black people all of our money for some reason. Your ass is staying on earth

>> No.15554649

That's a lot of dead marine animals...

>> No.15554655


We’d need rockets like this to make a space elevator, at least the first one. We send up the raw materials and manufacturing plant in rockets and then lower the beanstalk down to earth. Then we send a bunch of earth made beanstalks, spooled up and ready to deploy, up that first one. It’s very possible, once we figure out the materials, which is probably impossible.

>> No.15554656


Oh, we probably won’t even deafen half of the whales.

>> No.15554659

americans bought slaves
those slaves got freed
be a real conservative and accept your responsibility
you cant just abort your responsibility

>> No.15554666

But you can always shoot it twice in the back of the head if you want to get rid of it

>> No.15554688

>abortion of children is bad
>killing adult negroes is good
stop being a degenerate and accept your responsibility

>> No.15554699

Most of those trading slaves and a disproportionately high number of those owning slaves were jewish so this should be israel's problem.

>> No.15554701
File: 1.26 MB, 284x247, 1508212176564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care more about children than niggers

>> No.15554703


>> No.15554723

that won't work, if you'd have posted in /sfg/ i would have explained why

>> No.15554804


Oh, then you add nothing? Ok, go away.

>> No.15554843

Billions for the rocket
Trillions for the poor

>> No.15555079

i demand reparations for all the black babies killed that could have been adequate chattel for the fields

>> No.15555087
File: 263 KB, 989x953, Sea_Dragon_Heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15555091

if we had just shot them all, then we would not have this problem. By doing this, you only encourage future civilizations to exterminate their victims, as mercy proves to be too costly.

>> No.15555109

Most retarded shit I've ever seen. Good job OP, here's your (You)

>> No.15555116

I had this stupid idea as a child after reading how some astronomical percentage of rocket fuel is to get the rocket 10 feet off the ground. (I forget exactly number)
You put the entire rocket 100 feet underwater and use air bladders to float it to the surface to gain momentum and just as it's breaking the surface you fire the rockets.

>> No.15555137


NASA generates a 1:7 return on investment.

>> No.15555796

Of that was true (which it’s not) then NASA would be entirely self-funded by now.

>> No.15555797

It’s always been time.
It’s just that rocket companies are risk-averse pussies who don’t want to be responsible for any failures that happen in the R&D stage

>> No.15555883


They don’t get to decide how they spend their money. It goes back to the government. Regardless of how much money NASA generates it has to keep writing grants and keep begging the government for money. I think as of now it’s getting .4 cents per dollar of the overall budget.

>> No.15555923


Just google NASA return on investment you fucking summer idiot. It might be closer to 1:8.

>> No.15555938
File: 354 KB, 2970x2262, rocket that carries 2 saturn v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this design? Rocket that carries two Saturn Vs.

>> No.15555975

Maybe Elon Musk needs another 44 billion to burn and we'll be on Mars next year, promise

Of course he could've solved world hunger like he pledged to do but why bother with that when we could be dying of so many more things on Mars

>> No.15556067

This scene was kino, this series is a 9/10 if you can ignore the cringy liberal crap in it


>> No.15556071

What return? What revenue does nasa generate?

>> No.15556074

>44 billion to solve world hunger
This is a science and math board, get out

>> No.15556078

billions of plankton must die

>> No.15556080

Nice fishing method, the blast catches the fish and whales

>> No.15556108


>> No.15556115

Way too little dv for all that hassle

>> No.15556117

>>abortion of children is good
>>killing adult negroes is good


>> No.15556165

Scientific developments. Intellectual property. Contracts. It’s a fucking gold mine.

>> No.15556185

This is like saying if your third cousin has a baby it's your moral obligation to adopt it despite having nothing to do with the baby being made and barely even know the mother.

>> No.15556329

Did elon pay for any of nasa's assistance?

>> No.15557831

Why not just build the launch pad and infrastructure on mount everest other than the increased political power to china that would give

>> No.15558268

>implying that's a problem that needs solving

>> No.15558902


No, but the money does move the other way. SpaceX got about 3.3 billion for multiple missions and Lunar landings.

>> No.15558907

Money moving the other way means it is a moeny drain.

>> No.15559079
File: 49 KB, 679x762, GigaChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is like saying if your third cousin has a baby it's your moral obligation to adopt it despite having nothing to do with the baby being made and barely even know the mother.

It is if you're the kid's closest living relative. That's the power of family

>> No.15559408

Progressives are pro aborting responsibilities

>> No.15560947

It won't get build because no one needs it, commercial payloads aren't getting bigger.

>> No.15560993

>solved world hunger
that problem has long since been solved, there hasn't been a naturally occurring famine on this planet since the 1860s. every subsequent famine was intentionally induced by politicians.

that concept won't work for the same reason musk's bottomless launch pad didn't work. the rocket would just bury itself in the ocean.
the only reason the sois itt are so sure it would work is because they saw it work in a cartoon and they are too dumb to differentiate between their childish cartoon fantasy lives and irl reality. high school physics should have taught them it can't work as depicted by they choose to believe in their gay cartoon world over reality because they are emotionally immature

>> No.15561914


No, that means the market is expanding.

>> No.15562012

Where u going lad

>> No.15562416

It's not actually expanding the increase in F9 launches is due to SpaceX getting launches that would have otherwise gone to ESA/Roscosmos. The commercial launch market isn't growing, its just that SpaceX managed to get a bigger share. inb4 starlink, because that's an internal SpaceX operation and even Musk is saying its losing money

>> No.15562419
