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15553240 No.15553240 [Reply] [Original]

Who is responsible for the NSA moon landings? I always heard it was Wehrner von Braun but now they are saying it was 4 black women?

>> No.15553245

>but now they are saying it was 4 black women?
Who is?

>> No.15553246
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>> No.15553248


>> No.15553276

It was a massive team effort consisting of many thousands of people. Reducing it down to individual heroic figures to fit a narrative, any narrative, is not going to give you a complete picture.

>> No.15553417

>what is a team

>> No.15553419

These are inspirational stories for children, anon

>> No.15553701


>> No.15554487

>These are inspirational stories for female negro children
For everyone else the story's message is: No matter how hard you work or what you achieve, the media will later credit your success to negro women

>> No.15554608

The best part? They lost the space race.

>> No.15554637

It was a team of people. With a bunch of people on it. Not just one nigga or 4 dumb bitches. This “you HAVE to credit ONE person for the accomplishments of a whole group of people” have been a disaster of history discussion. I ducking hate you people

>> No.15554647

none of the three calculators were ghetto black
weren't they all quadroons or more?

>> No.15554664

Why didn't they just invent calculators instead of getting some niggers to plug and chug?

>> No.15554943

Years from now, when AI has ascended, they will produce a movie showing how it was actually silicon based computers that got us to the moon, while humans took all the credit.

>> No.15554944
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>> No.15554978


>> No.15555430

Look at the control rooms White and not a woman in sight

>> No.15555524

AI was never a kike, it was a nigga all along...

>> No.15556288
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>> No.15556642 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15556647

99% white people

>> No.15556663


>> No.15556678

>now they are saying it was 4 black women?
That’s not what the book says but keep trying to find things to get mad about.

>> No.15556950

>Be 1/100th black
>Can claim persecuted minority status and diversity points
>All your achievements are magnified by progressive media


>> No.15556951

That's a work of speculative fiction, like Man in the High Castle.

>> No.15556990

Thats not how it always works out, for example, the case of Dr. Tyrone Hayes, PhD. He is the guy who discovered that atrazine turns frogs gay, one of the most important ecological discoveries of the past quarter century, but instead of becoming a celebrated scientist and hero of the environmentalist crowd, he lingers in almost total obscurity.

>> No.15557035
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>black Africans hate niggers, too
This is giving me a lot to think about.

>> No.15557959

>black Africans enjoy Wyatt Mann memes
I wonder if Nick knows about this and what his feelings on the topic are

>> No.15559218

Breaking News: The negro women who invented and built all the tech for the moon landings were all secretly gay and transgender, but they were forced to hide their true selves by the evil NASA administrator James Webb

>> No.15559341

That doesn't contradict what I said. Of course, if your actions ruin other people's livehoods, there will be heavy resistance.

>> No.15560044

this is just part of the full answer and you know its conclusion was the opposite.

>> No.15560473


>> No.15560481

I am flabbergasted by the amount of butt hurt these negro women have generated. Even the most niggardly girl watching this doesn't think four black women singlehandedly put a man on the moon. They were intelligent, hard working niggers by all historical accounts. And for people who keep bitching about niggers being unproductive, lazy criminals, you seem to take it way more badly when they're half decent citizens.

>> No.15561363

He is probably upset about the africans' cultural appropriation, he did some comics about how dressing up a negro to look white doesn't change whats inside the disguise

>> No.15561608
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>> No.15562308

arrianne still uses the von braun design, europeans have still not been able to surpass his work regardless 8 decades of trying

>> No.15562392

>It was a massive team effort consisting of many thousands of people.

Some people played a significantly more important role than others. A lot in the team were grunt who were quite expendable and pure fortune assigned their name to the list of participants. Nothing they did could not have been done by someone else.

>> No.15562404

The moon landing never happened

>> No.15562405

>pure fortune
in the case of the negroes, they were hired over whites for political reasons, the eisenhower and kennedy administrations would have insisted on it

>> No.15563302

Bro there are black people that think wakanda was real, unironically

>> No.15563310

pretty sure it was just because they could pay them less

>> No.15563318

>"We're not so different you and I"

>> No.15563320

The job itself wasn't exactly prestigious. Smarter and more professionally accomplished women became secretaries or typists. It was the 1960s equivalent of Amazon Mechanical Turk where they pay jeets half a penny to crunch big problems one operator at a time.

>> No.15563321

There are hwytes that believe hyperborea existed too.

>> No.15563323

I'm well aware, but they could pay black women even less to do it than white women.

>> No.15563325

Hyperborea is a term for a real place known by the Greeks, which was (to them) the furthest north known location. It roughly equates to the Helvetii (Celts) who lived beyond the northern frontier of Greece, though it could be Scandinavia or what's now Russia depending on how you interpret certain writings.

>> No.15563343

You know that's not what hyperboreanschizos believe.

>> No.15563354
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those aren't even a thing, talking about hyperorea is just code for I fucking hate niggers

>> No.15563357

>NSA moon landings

>> No.15563497

>those aren't even a thing
You haven't been to /wsg/ then.

>> No.15563839

NASA was woke before woke was mainstream.
That's why the racism depicted in that bullshit movie is so ridiculous

>> No.15564071

You should probably catch up on European history if you didn't think they hated each other too.

>> No.15564759
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>b-b-but white ppl

>> No.15565812

troy was considered mythical until it was discovered, negro city is known to have been invented by jewish comic book authors

>> No.15567492
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imagine how comfortable northern europe must've been during the minoan warm period

>> No.15568178

black women are so perfect and high iq, its unfair that they were ever slaves, we should send them back to africa to right the wrongs of the past

>> No.15568315


>> No.15568325

Pure kino. I hope we can go back to a world like that.

>> No.15568329
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Show it to the children, especially the children of color

>> No.15568952

Why are children of color incapable of doing anything but copying the behavior of people who look just like them? White kids have white role models, black role models, and all sorts in between, but black kids seem to literally only look up to black people and imitate them exactly.

>> No.15569226
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>> No.15570502

Do you even know what a scientist looks like?
Are you a noob or something?

>> No.15571437

>White kids have…black role models
they shouldn't, but they have been brainwashed to

>> No.15571480

I don't think it's brainwashing for someone to recognize positive traits in someone of a different race and respect them for it. I'm not talking about wiggerfied suburban kids listening to thug rap or whatever, I'm talking more about the fact that white kids seem to have no problem being inspired by positive examples from anyone while black kids seem to only take inspiration from black people. I'm not sure if it's a learned trait with their parents subtly suggesting that the kids can't be like white people for racist reasons so they just block out white role models or if it's a deeper cognitive issue where they literally can't relate to people who don't look like them, and either way it's just a fascinating difference that I think is worth studying but no one will because it would probably be seen as racist to do so.

>> No.15572669

>I don't think it's brainwashing for someone to recognize positive traits in someone of a different race
You are wrong, racism is a positive trait that should be encouraged. Media jews try to teach the opposite only because their parasitic way of life depends on other races treating jews as equals while the jews in turn stab everyone in the back. If you're not in favor of your own race then you are a detriment to your family and your community.

>> No.15572688

Why can this insane midwit forum do nothing else than rigurate the most idiotic clownworld hallucinations. Are you all not capable to do something else than lick up the vomit they puke in front of your consoooomer boxes?

>> No.15572710

No one thinks that retard

>> No.15572921

wait there's four of them?

>> No.15573876


>> No.15574946

the other one is hidden

>> No.15574968

Almost everything in that movie is bullshit.

>> No.15574969

The movie caused a huge surge in interest for the town of Wauconda Illinois.

>> No.15574974

>Why didn't they just invent calculators
They literally did. They calculators were put in place before John Glenn's launch and were dependable because they didn't ditch work, didn't steal shit, and didn't demand whitey pretend they were rocket scientists.

>> No.15574978

>You is mad because dey black!
I'm mad because it's a FUCKING LIE, and you should be mad, too.

>> No.15576106

owned by the (((newhouse))) brothers, ghislaine maxwell's american cousins
they own reddit too

>> No.15577252

>we wuz kangz
>we wuz nasa an sheeeeiiiitttt

>> No.15577260

Vast majority were white. Niggers did jack shit.

>> No.15577264

Who needs to cling to hyperborea when we had 1950s america

>> No.15578314
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Its just a made up story, there were no negro women that worked for NASA in the 1950s & 60s.
NASA is a political propaganda agency, they alter their history for propaganda reasons all the time

>> No.15578982
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Once everyone who experienced the 1930s is dead, NASA's deletion of the dust bowl era will be a fait accompli.
People who read history today rarely if ever question if what they're reading about ever truly happened the way it is recorded.

>> No.15579041
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>People who read history today rarely if ever question if what they're reading about ever truly happened the way it is recorded.

>> No.15579121

>white kids have black role models
Who? LeBron James?

>> No.15579125


>> No.15579671


>> No.15579679

holy kek even in their pandering wewuz propaganda negroes need it in the form of a children's book cuz words 2 hard n shiet

>> No.15580469


>> No.15581313

good documentary

>> No.15581483
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Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.

>> No.15581772


>> No.15581775


>> No.15582774

That word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.15583687

thank you i shall

>> No.15583696

>now they are saying it was 4 black women
So men were trying to escape black women way back then also huh? Dem bitches be wack!

>> No.15583702

>In this week's Maphead, Ken Jennings explores where Black Panther's fictional Wakanda would be in our world.
>fictional Wakanda

on 4chan the rule is always read the article before posting. /pol/ makes this mistake constantly because most people only go there to be angry. and everyone else goes there to provoke them lol.

>> No.15585141

negroes invented calculus, whites stole the credit for it from the negroes