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File: 309 KB, 1080x2553, z6bcr8ep40R9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15552492 No.15552492 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is Steven-Johnson syndrome?

>> No.15552502

It's from the infection. There were multiple cases of the disorder in unvaccinated people.

>> No.15552510

Scientifically speaking, can a board create a filter that uses image recognition to autoban people posting twitter/reddit/etc. screenshot threads?

>> No.15552580

These posts are literally made by bots, there didn't used to be so many reddit screencap threads here until recently. Probably doing less twitter threads because of Musk or something.

>> No.15552590

that means the vaccine is working TOO well. it can't be anything this obvious or people won't trust the science.


>> No.15552599

People who got this complication after their first or second dose of Pfizer couldn't get their boosters. They are therefore legally unvaxxed. So we can safely say this condition only affects the unvaxxed. It must hence be caused by the virus and not the vaxx. It wouldn't have happened if those antivaxx morons just took the vaxx. Case closed, the science is settled.

>> No.15552661

this, vax not working either

>> No.15553323

No more Adderall for you.

>> No.15554463

>vaccine that eliminates the possibility of viral infection by immediately killing the patient

>> No.15554470

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15554952

>he doesn't realize ibuprofen, tylenol, and antibiotics can also cause SJS

>> No.15556213

no they can't


>> No.15557144

behold the level of cope that the vaccinated need to resort to in order to avoid admitting that they made a mistake

>> No.15557148

you're a moron for not recognizing obvious b8

>> No.15558036

no u

>> No.15558054

>the nonexistent infection with a nonexistent virus is what caused this fatal disease
>it had nothing to do with the literal poison we injected into these people's bodies every 6 months for 2 years

>> No.15558058

Good argument for not using those, too.

>> No.15559477

100% effective

>> No.15560518

>t. emotionally triggered vaxxie

>> No.15560532

I got the vaxx two years ago and I'm still fine. 2 doses of pfizer in fact. What's up?

>> No.15561333

>I got the vaxx two years ago and I'm still fine
so far

>> No.15561445

>there is no covid faggot
Then why did Trump fund the vaxx?

>> No.15561632

mass vaxxie dying in 2 more weeks
trust the plan

>> No.15561767

This is demonstratably false

>> No.15561807

virus from betelgeuse star system in orion constellation.
the ayyylmaos invaded during covid,
lockdown was a cover for their united nations takeover

>> No.15562181
File: 99 KB, 750x839, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and to give big pharma companies obscene amounts of money.

>> No.15563452
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>mass vaxxie dying

>> No.15564893

soon getting soon

>> No.15565573

RIP my nigha knew too much.

>> No.15565796

It's always funny to see the difference in reactions between normies and anons when this comes up.
Normies: "Oh no please someone save them!"
Anons: "Can you please go faster?"

>> No.15567440

how theres all these syndromes nobody ever heard of that became common after the vaxxx was rolled out

>> No.15567448

Fuck off you antisemite bigot.

>> No.15567475

because zion don was trying to get some extra votes

>> No.15567534

then why did you take trumps vax?

>> No.15567541

Wait there's actual schizos here?

>> No.15567579
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>> No.15567584
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>> No.15567632

Adherence to germ theory is far more schizo than the recognition that germ theory has failed to meet its burden of proof at every turn.

>> No.15567637

Source: crack pipe

>> No.15567667

Read Virus Mania (find it on libgen if you don't want to pay) and/or check out this video: https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9
Try actually engaging with the opposing viewpoint instead of taking everything you've been told for granted and dismissing anything else as lunacy.

>> No.15568303

no it isn't

>> No.15569145

zoomers don't read books

>> No.15569630

>There were multiple cases of the disorder in unvaccinated people.
there were multiple cases of the disorder before covid19 even existed.
however, they have published 0 statistical data about exactly what % of this surplus syndrome sufferers is vaccinated, which you know can only mean one thing

>> No.15570547
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imagine trying to publish a paper which shows that the vax causes medical problems when over 90% of your reviewers are vaxxxies that don't want to admit that they made a bad mistake getting vaxxed.
they would just reject your paper on an emotional basis rather than admit an intellectual mistake on their own part

>> No.15570583

Trump is done!

>> No.15570593

Good riddance. I'm Australian and these pricks tried ruining my life for 2 years.

Suffer in agony vaxxtards.

>> No.15571553

probably a bad batch of vaccines

>> No.15571565

There's no such thing as a good batch of vaccines.

>> No.15572163

Why are you antisemites allowed to exist.

>> No.15572175

Antisemitism is a psy-op that protects all the evil people in power from criticism. Vaccines are bad because they're poison, vaccine producers are evil because they poison people for profit. None of this has anything to do with Jewish people and I resent your assertion that I would think otherwise.

>> No.15572182
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 92F952A4-8600-4340-BAC9-8BBA8723EB16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they stand by their vaccines, which means they want lots of people to die. NO REFUNDS


>> No.15572245

Yes, you're a good goylem, very good.

>> No.15572284

Literally a red herring to keep people from the truth.

>> No.15572935

no it isn't. antisemitism is based

>> No.15573198
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>> No.15573205

>Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis is a rare, acute, serious, and potentially fatal skin reaction in which there are sheet-like skin and mucosal loss accompanied by systemic symptoms. Medications are causative in over 80% of cases.
all of you can go back to your own board now

>> No.15573815

>Medications are causative in over 80% of cases.
so the vaccine is toxic

>> No.15574382

Can you, like, NOT be misogynistically antisemite for ONE post you racist bigoted nazi ?

>> No.15575046

sure am glad i didn't pointlessly expose myself to that
how low iq does someone have to be to voluntarily take an untested experimental drug?

>> No.15575073

It's the midwit mountain meme. The two areas with highest concentration of vaccine resistance were black people and PhD-holders.

>> No.15576172

>the vaccine is toxic

>> No.15577388
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>> No.15577847

Dayum bb dat not a bell curve dat a NAIL mmh mmh mmh...

>> No.15577852

Trauma control sounds like the type of ancestral knowledge the elites would inherit from these civilizations from the time before the ice age and not a thing you would discover in the 1950s

>> No.15577870

Not if the civilizations from before the ice age weren't run by complete assholes the way they are now.

>> No.15577876

Come on m8
It's not a cycle for nothing.

This happened how many time now, four times, five times ?
It's always the same fucking shit, and it'll keep repeating until a robust, self-sustaining artificial selection is put in place.

>> No.15577896

No, I don't buy it. If the old civilizations were just like ours the current elites wouldn't try so hard to bury them and deny they even exist. They're desperate to make everyone believe that human civilization began for the very first time 10,000 years ago or less, which is extremely suspicious and tells me humans were far more liberated in a way that terrifies the elites.

>> No.15578311

>the asian obedience meme
the unspeakable censored east asian legume did that to them

>> No.15578349

There absolutely is, you’re just fucking retarded. both the vax and covid cause problems like OP’s pic.

>> No.15579024

The so-called covid-19 epidemic never took place except in your imagination, it was a psyop, there was no viral epidemic, that was all a big lie

>> No.15580223

how are they claiming 80% vax rate if all demographics other than azn are well below 80%?

>> No.15581134

Same way they claim all sorts of other garbage, unsubstantiated lies which are contradicted by data

>> No.15582470

this, anyone who fell for the psyop is gullible and can only correct that problem by admitting that they are gullible and becoming more watchful so they don't fall into the same trap again in the future.
don't let your ego interfere with your ability to learn from your own mistakes

>> No.15582472

do you have proof of this covid?

>> No.15582762
File: 241 KB, 414x549, 1680301487888335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT: a rational mind should recoil in horror at the concept of government mandated injections
FACT: antivaxxers are on the whole so fucking retarded that they are actively dragging down the pushback against untested vaccinations