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File: 292 KB, 800x1129, pre-stethoscope auscultation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15549494 No.15549494 [Reply] [Original]

curse the inventor of the stethoscope edition

Previous: >>15512316

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15549606

Finally it's the weekend, no more neuropeds until Monday and no shifts. What are some cool guidelines/protocols you nignogs found recently and also found them interesting? Peds or adult.

>> No.15549655

How do you guys appropriately deal with frustration?

>> No.15549778

Anyone here a part of a medical examiner's office? What's forensic pathology like?

>> No.15549792

Reminder that any medfag that got the experimental gene therapy is not worthy to give you medical advice of any kind.

Reminder that 99/100 "doctors" have simply remembered everything their superiors told them to for literally two decades of their life.

Reminder that 99% of medical knowledge is of no benefit to any patient and that 99% of actual useful information (diet, exercise, nutrition) was purposely excluded from the curricula.

>> No.15549971
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is Anking/Ankihub a scam? seems like a good resource but people are blasting the dude for stealing other people's work and trying to monetize it.

>> No.15549974

I had the most peculiar experience today: I suddenly awoke at night, in complete darkness, and for few seconds I was hearing the most beautiful unearthly music (somewhat between Iasos and early Klaus Schulze.) What could it be? My first NDE?

>> No.15550154

People pay for Anki decks?
My dude. Just pirate it.

>> No.15550156

It means you're on the right board.
Hope you get the good voices instead of the bad ones.

>> No.15550164

It's a hypnogogic hallucination, dingus. Not that they aren't perhaps meaningful, it's how the structure of benzene was discovered.

>> No.15550177

Hypnogogic hallucinations happen as you're falling asleep. Hallucinations after you wake up are called hypnopompic

>> No.15550585

Ankihub is supposed to let you collaborate and share decks between you and your friends. instead of exporting a deck each time you can just push an update and your friends can just sync to update it on their own time. at least that's my understanding. seems convenient desu. the bullshit part is that all future iterations of zanki are now behind this paywall technically. and zanki never did shit besides put other people's decks together.

>> No.15551573

its only $5 a month, and you get access to other decks too. not bad when fucking sketchy charges $450 a year now and changed the videos to woke crap

anking is moreso useful for step 2 as updated content is gonna be a lot more frequent for guidelines compared to basic sciences. the step 1 cards carry over for step 2 though, so i would just subscribe now. in addition to new cards, theres also a lot of new tags, such as every single uworld question having a tag

anking himself has created most of the newer cards, but yeah he is technically profiting off of zanki lol

>> No.15551660

Medfags I have a question for you.
When i was about 6 years old I came down with a severe tonsil infection. Now briefly before I had my tonsils removed I got a temporary paralysis in my legs for like 40 mins before I regained it back. Was this related to the infection? Why were my legs paralyzed for a short time? It was full on paralysis i could not use a single muscle from the wait and below.

>> No.15551702

I've no idea, but I'm just curious
Could you still feel things, or did you also lose sensation?
Do you remember if your leg was tense and stuck flexed, or completely relaxed and just unable to flex?
Was this in the middle of the day at home, in bed? (... after you took some drug?)

>> No.15551708

Get a prescription for 5mg morphine sulphate.

>> No.15551738

I could feel things iirc. And my legs were fully relaxed and were not stuck or tense, they were rather floppy. I was sitting on the couch one afternoon when I tried to get up and couldn't feel my legs at all. I don't remember being on any medicine in the few days prior and I wasn't able to eat for like 2 days. I was on antibiotics a week before it though.

>> No.15551739

Sorry it's not "i couldn't feel my legs", i could feel them I just couldn't move them at all.

>> No.15552278

>curse the inventor of the stethoscope
Laennec came up with the stethoscope only because of Fat women. Because they were too fat to observe directly. So rather, you should be cursing fat women.
>In 1816, [he was] consulted by a young woman laboring under general symptoms of diseased heart, and in whose case percussion and the application of the hand were of little avail on account of the great degree of fatness. The other method just mentioned direct auscultation being rendered inadmissible by the age and sex of the patient, I happened to recollect a simple and well-known fact in acoustics, ... the great distinctness with which we hear the scratch of a pin at one end of a piece of wood on applying our ear to the other. Immediately, on this suggestion, I rolled a quire of paper into a kind of cylinder and applied one end of it to the region of the heart and the other to my ear, and was not a little surprised and pleased to find that I could thereby perceive the action of the heart in a manner much more clear and distinct than I had ever been able to do by the immediate application of my ear.

>> No.15552948

What's the best route for being an MD but also wanting to live out in the middle of nowheresville in the mountains?

>> No.15552968


>> No.15552998

tribal, rural family med, accelerated programs where you promise to be primary care, etc

>> No.15554154
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>you can only absorb so much of some metals
>absorption is mediated via enzymatic activity in your gut etc.
>some metals compete with one another, like zinc and copper
So... what is the pattern here? Are there regeneration times for these enzymes? Or you just have to avoid mixing meals and wait 4 hours between so your stomach empties?

>> No.15554275

Literally never seen a patient looking like that.

>> No.15554283

Because you're not a private doctor for an 18th century European noble Aristocratic family that does home visits to personalize treatment.
You work in the ER in an American city treating fat ghetto niggers who shoot each other as if they're playing laser tag irl.
That's probably the reason why.

>> No.15554307


Zinc is managed with just in time logistics. If you stop eating zinc, you run out very quickly. If you eat too much, it's just thrown away immediately.
It needs to be precisely regulated, or you get in all kinds of trouble. It's not like iron or some other things that have dedicated stores.

>> No.15555112

Dammit...I just want to be an esoteric physician à la Paracelsus.

>> No.15555205


ASA 325 mg PO x2, call MD in AM

>> No.15555212
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Do you ever lament the fact you can't prescribe the homeless pure fentynal and distribute it around your city in little baggies so they end their suffering humanely?

>> No.15555411

You still can be. Just practice esotericism in your down time.

>> No.15555415
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Yes, for all the obese diabetics drinking coke on the renal and vascular wards. How could you tell?

>> No.15555593

>Zinc is managed with just in time logistics. If you stop eating zinc, you run out very quickly.
Huh, weird. You can get copper toxicity over time but not zink? Like a metallic vit C? I guess it's water solubility. I kind of see why there's more available supplements for it then.

>> No.15555884

Can you do this but general surgery

>> No.15555947

Med/ped residency plus a general a general surgery residency to be the town's god figure.

>> No.15556058

Apart from Klinefelter syndrome (and associates), what else could cause really high estrogen levels (150 range)? No smoking, drinking, healthy weight, not on hrt.

>> No.15556087

A possible higher than usual (for male) estradiol receptor expression in the hypothalamus-POA would be my endocrinological guess

>> No.15556091

A higher than normal aromatase expression could also be responsible based on the theory behind T to E2 conversion

>> No.15556104

Hmm, if t is within normal range, but close to being below average? Also history of hypothyroidism (forgot to mention).

>> No.15556114

It's possible. Just because T is being converted to estradiol at an abnormal rate through aromatization, it won't have an effect unless the expression of E2 receptors in the hyp-poa complex are also higher.

>> No.15556132

Interesting, thanks. Will wait on the karyotype and go from there

>> No.15556534

how hard is it to match an anesthesiology residency? what do I need to make?

>> No.15556655

>what do I need to make?

can you turn dials? remember to look at a computer screen every couple of minutes? maybe if you're not too busy push a syringe so the MAP isn't 34 on my open heart? if so, congrats gas passer!! here's your stool

>> No.15556670

I can not stop worrying about not getting into medical school my cGPA is abysmal at around 3.3-3.4 and I have just a year to bring it up. I am applying to low-midtier MD schools and DO schools. I am an ORM. Shooting for the highest MCAT score I can get. Graduated college in 3 years. I should've slowed down and taken the time to do 4.

>> No.15556685

I meant what I need to make to get such a match. What should my curriculum look like

>> No.15556689

My GPA wasn't much better than yours, but the fact that I went back to school, this worked a salary position to pay for it, and made all As through the struggle of paying bills and going hungry is what got me accepted quickly. My advice is to just be honest with them.

>> No.15556703

Drinking, smoking weed abusing antipsychotics.

>> No.15556980

>My advice is to just be honest with them.
>I was struggling with changing meds to treat my life long depression exacerbated by social isolation because I'm an outcast from my peers
I don't think that would go over well

>> No.15557031

Yeah never tell them about any mental illness or being an asocial autist. Always act mentally normal. They don't like mentally ill people at all.

>> No.15557050

So then how do I explain my low GPA and what advice can you give me

>> No.15557188

>how hard is it to match an anesthesiology residency?

went from piss easy, to now everyone and their mother wants to do it

same shit happened to rads and pm&r

>> No.15557197

I went into fourchan to avoid the failure of God's world. I emerge from it as a God.

>> No.15557478

>What are some cool guidelines/protocols
guidlines and protocols suck

>> No.15557755

Oh, yeah don't be honest about that. I assumed you were a normal, well adjusted person, not a fucked up mongo. Sorry.

>> No.15557907

So what do I do then

>> No.15558082

Lie. Whatever everyone else does.

>> No.15558201

have an upward trend

also lie to their face and tell them your dream is to do primary care in an underserved area

>> No.15558413

Burnt out tech engi looking to be an ER nurse. Thoughts? B.S. in math, love high stress environments (deployment experience), but have never done any medical stuff.

>> No.15558450

>When i was about 6 years old I came down with a severe tonsil infection.

Inaccurate memory probably caused by the sedation and memory effects. You dreamed it.

>> No.15558469
File: 606 KB, 336x140, cypher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started looking up evidence (randomized trials) behind treatments and a large part of what I found was shit effects or outright false results fabricated by Big Pharma by torturing statistics.

I want to go back but it's too late

>> No.15558476

Dreamt* sorry I'm retarded

>> No.15558484

I was a pre-med, but recently I have been thinking about switching out to pre-dental. Every Med student I meet and every doctor I shadow seem to be miserable, and many openly advise against the Med path.
Sure the pay is good, but honestly, not much of a difference between $300k as a dentist vs $500 k as a physician, especially considering that schooling takes less longer as well (You can be working full time in 4 years as a dentist, <1-2 years for most optional residencies). On top of that, getting in is easier, dental schools themselves are easier, and Dental Jobs are much much easier and more comfortable than Med jobs.

Why I say this is I wanted to ask, aside from the "It's my passion" bs, why did you decide to stick with Med instead of dental? Genuine question because I can't seem to think of a good reason except for slightly more money. Which comes at disproportianately much greater costs though.

>> No.15558485

Clinical research in bacteriological infections. Always wanted to be a research physician, so internal med-infectious disease was for me. Won't make much as an "academic" physician, but idc.

>> No.15558514

that cant be a real word

>> No.15558519
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Unfortunately it is

>> No.15558544

before becoming a doctor
>enjoy several hobbies in depth
>have sex
>have enjoyment in life

>can't follow hobbies
>have to atcually start reading medical literature and even papers
>work sleep work sleep with 4 hours to myself if i'm lucky where i mostly take a shower and eat
>constantly worrying
>low libido

yeah nah bro i am getting my specialty and going down in hours, i dont give a shit about the money
i'll be 33, it's not so bad

>> No.15558990

>accelerated programs where you promise to be primary care
I'm interested in doing something like this but won't medical school but harder since it's accelerated?

>> No.15559013

>Why I say this is I wanted to ask, aside from the "It's my passion" bs, why did you decide to stick with Med instead of dental?
Pussy. Or in other words social prestige. Though that often translates to pussy. People just don't fuck with me anymore when I tell them I study medicine. But maybe it's all because I'm a thirdie living in the third world. I know white people nowadays frown upon making any effort at all so I don't know what I would do in your position.

>> No.15559092

What? We're talking about residency, not medical school. Anyway, go med-ped and then never stop working until you want to kill yourself. Enjoy.

>> No.15559124

Consider optometry.

>> No.15559361

dental school is often higher debtload, lower average pay, and specializing requires being in the top 10% of the class. also, residency costs expensive tuition dollars

there was an orthodontist who made national news for $1 million+ in student loan debt. this isn't far from the truth

>> No.15559365

>$1 million+ in student loan debt

>> No.15559368

it's often accelerated by compressing clinical years. 4th year is largely a waste at most med schools so this is easy to cut down
you want to keep your options open. i wanted primary care going in, and now I'm considering other options too.
also, if this is LECOM, it's a shitty ass school. they're cheap for a reason...they cut many corners

>> No.15559373

Where did the myth that MD and DO are equal begin?

>> No.15559527

i do
t. plastic surgery anesthesia fag
but also this when i'm at my normie hospital wagecucking

>> No.15559528

>The average debt for a dental student was $292,169 in 2019 while medical students owed about $215,900 in 2018, the last year data was available.
With the additional 3- 6 years of full time work that dental students do (depending on what residency, if any, the Dental and Med student do), it really makes up for the small difference in average debt. And by the time a Med student starts full time practice with full pay (again, depending on the specialty), the dental student has been working full time long enough that he can take initiative if he wants, save up $500k-$700k and even start up his own practice, at which point he's earning more than the average MD. The debt difference isn't great enough to offset the other financial benefits.
Just a thought though, just purely financially speaking, Dental seems like a smarter choice in the long run, especially with starting private-owned practices (Which majority of Dentists do), but I could be wrong.

>> No.15559533

umm shitposting on 4chan while machines work for me is serious work, sir
it's real medicine unlike your cutting&suturing, there's a reason surgeoids used to be merged with barbers and dentists back in the day

>> No.15559534

Is anesthesia in danger of collapsing soon? It seems to be going the way of EM with the number of new positions even as they keep introducing more midlevels into the mix to replace the majority of gas docs long term
Dentistry is oversaturated as fuck, if you don't inherit a practice or move into bumfuck nowhere you are absolutely screwed

>> No.15559535

Terrible idea

>> No.15559540

>Why I say this is I wanted to ask, aside from the "It's my passion" bs, why did you decide to stick with Med instead of dental?
Dentists are low iq and my pride forces me to pick a spec that makes me feel superior to others

>> No.15559542

I'm not American, so the midlevels thing is not an issue here; but it is getting oversaturated because too many brainlets want a high paying position while getting filtered by surgery's workload
They make terrible anesthesiologists though, and good ones are always gonna be in demand

>> No.15559843
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I always wanted to do medicine. Mom is a nurse and since I was young she encouraged me to do it because job stability. In my country the government agencies pay you since internship. I can't tell you if it is my passion since it's the only thing I've never tried anything outside healthcare. I wasn't accepted at my first try in med school so I did six months of dentistry but quit it because it lacked diversity. In my mind being an orthodontist was similar to being a endodontist while in medicine there is a huge difference between anesthesia (my spec) and psychiatry. In my young twenties as a student I switched from being interested in psychiatry, ENT, orthopedics and so on.
Bottom line I did medicine because I felt like doing it. Nowadays I'm 30 and looking back I've missed a whole lot of time with my family, relationships, money and life.
I've come to enjoy medicine, specially my spec. The thing about that is that I don't like it that much as in to have multiple jobs and shit. Would rather invest, get into entrepreneurships and do anesthesia on the side as a hobby rather than a job. I like it that much, if it makes sense.

>> No.15559847

>good ones are always gonna be in demand
You mean the eye candy femoid anesthesiologist?

>> No.15559972

DOs are even lower scum than Caribbean trained MDs

>> No.15560013
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>> No.15560087

>$300k vs $500k is not much of a difference
a 67% increase is not much of a difference?

>> No.15560127

I mean comparing US MD and US DO
End of the day, Caribbean MDs are literally just scams

>> No.15560175

My mom really wanted to me to be a doctor. Back then, I didn't think I could be one because of aversion to blood and talking to people. Now I don't have either of those things. Honestly, my educational experience was rough and now in a physics PhD. I think I would have made a decent doctor, perhaps in imaging or neurology. Any anons in either of those? Was it easy to get matched into those specialties and is it as comfy as I picture it?

>> No.15560254

Being honest I did it because having relatives inside the institution puts you on the fast lane at the time of being contracted. Taking the most secure and easier way I guess. Chinks call it wu wei.

>> No.15560496

Hey medfags, do teeth grow?
All of a sudden my lower canine teeth have been feeling really sharp and cutting into the back of my lower lip. I pull my lip in the mirror and it's all red and I see some healing wounds. I thought it might just be a inner lip being sensitive by when I run over the teeth with my tongue it does feel very sharp.
It this normal?
The only solution I found was to chew on wood, but the wood breaks after a while or I feel sick from chewing gross wood. The other solution I found was to push out my jaw so it was more turned in and lower my lips so that the teeth fit into the space between the lips, but it make my jaw and lips tired.
Last time I was at the dentists they said the quality of my teeth looked fine, but is there someone I should talk to in particular about this issue?

>> No.15560627

Can I become a doctor in Canada if my Bsc Physics average was only 79%?

Seriously, could I even make it?

>> No.15560723
File: 125 KB, 1440x1150, Olanzapine Tablets_26-01-2017-14 13 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we go back to huge psych wards where people were hospitalized more?

Schizophrenics nowadays are absolutely destroyed by large doses of anitpsychotics and all are fat, diabetic, ugly and zombified with brain damage. They also get hospitalized in somatic wards for all the different comorbidities they have and die at the age of 60 from a cardiovascular event. They all just look so unhealthy and sickly.

Isn't it better to have less medication allowing more psychotic episodes but also offering more acute management centers where you can both support people, but also medicate them acutely with anitpsychotics and benzos. Wtf is with people swallowing anitpsychotics for years on end.

>> No.15560907

not sure but you might be a beaver

>> No.15561037

do you think it's safe to file down my tooth a little?
they are really sharp and scratching the shit out of my bottom inner lip

>> No.15561119


Your first mistake was assuming altruism on the part of the policymakers.

The government doesn't want to pay for millions of mentally ill people to be put long-term in Psychiatric Institutes. Because the money mostly comes out of their pockets (A schizophrenic is NOT paying for his own time spent in a psych unit). So, unlike before, they now try to keep them there for as short as possible. To minimize costs.
What you are proposing is simply way too expensive, and it is for the treatment of a people that government officials deem to be not economically productive. So the government is simply not willing to pay that large of an amount for little return.
Medication probably same reason. Money. Somebody is making money from selling all the meds, so long term medication is better for them making more. But in this regard, I'm less sure.

>> No.15561120

most dentists now are corporate paid associates making $150k or less

they're equal in the sense that DOs can theoretically do any specialty and make the same pay.

but obviously thats not the reality. you get a few hundred new MD neurosurgery residents per year, and maybe a dozen DOs lol

>> No.15561124

caribbean trained MDs had a 56% match rate into Family med this year, and thats the bottom of barrel specialty

not a good path

>> No.15561238

I'm in internal med to go into infectious disease, and even I wouldn't touch family medicine. Yuck.

>> No.15561251

>infectious disease
Is it just me or is everyone in Infectious Diseases so nice? The nicest people in medicine to me are usually in Emergency Medicine and Infectious Diseases.

>> No.15561305

Being an engineer you're probably used to working alone/collaborating equally with others; as an ER nurse you're gonna be in a subordinate position taking orders in a potentially bitchy mostly female team while in a high stress environment with patients(and patients relatives) also whining and bitching at you too
Also if you're smart and have that math degree, it's likely you're gonna be in a situation where you see your order is suboptimal, but you're gonna have to do it anyway because the doctor said so(but maybe you're used to that from the military)

>> No.15561346

why is pseudoephedrine still prescribed? nobody has ever said "wow, sudafed really works and is worth the side effects". for any of the symptoms it is prescribed for, there is a better alternative. is it just lazy doctors/NPs?

>> No.15561420

You suck and your mother sucks dick lmao

>> No.15561423

very surreal to finally go into a pharmacy and write a prescription for myself

>> No.15561475
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Through military I've become used to everything you've said except for the relatives. I would choose medicine if it wouldn't involve blasting my 30s away as well as essentially my 40s. Plus I've been eyeing going from ER to a flight nurse. I understand medical high stress is different from a deployed environment, but I am also looking at medical volunteer opportunities. Not junping blind, and plus tech as a fallback is a fortunate position.
>Being an engineer you're probably used to working alone/collaborating equally with others;
I actually hate working alone. I have the autist dream job of working alone/remote 80% of the time and the rest of the time doing basic interactions. I'm a normalfag extrovert I can't help it. Team environments get me going. Financially there's no risk for me. It's all about time, but 2years for either a master's + RN, BSN, or just the RN ain't the worst involvement. I've had this jump to medical in my mind for about 3 years now.

>> No.15561530

Any mouth experts here? My saliva doesn't smell good and I'm afraid I have bad breath, through I've never gotten remarks on it and why I breathe into a plastic cup or bag I don't smell anything. Is saliva supposed to smell not-good?

>> No.15561592

Does general anesthesia make your dick bigger or does every patient just have a massive dong? Has to be cause of vasodilation right, it's not that I have a small dick surely

>> No.15561617

I've noticed that too, they often have these semi erect chubs that make it look like they've got massive shlongs

>> No.15561622

I'd recommend looking into anesthesia/ICU nurse, OR nurse, or ambulance paramedic too as alternatives that might be more fun for your background

>> No.15561630

dicklet cope

>> No.15561658

it's over for small cock anesthetits

>> No.15562145

wtf i went to my anesthesia residency interview and they had a penis inspector lady and they said i can't become anesthesiologist because I didn't 'fit the criteria'

>> No.15562154

penis too large
surgeon would feel his masculinity is threatened
anesthesoids should be submissive and small in every way

>> No.15562216

>anesthesia/ICU nurse, OR nurse,
Admittedly I don't know a whole lot about nursing so thank you. I'll keep this in mind as I explore options. Definitely considering doing part time EMT work.

>> No.15562432

The penis is full of blood and vessel’s so it’s very reactive to temperature changes and cardiac output. Theoretically it could be possible for cocks to appear large under the vasodilation produced by local anesthetics and sevofluorane.
I mostly deal with obese patients so their penises hide under their bellies. I haven’t witnessed that phenomenon but it could be possible. I honestly spend my time watching the monitor instead of the patient’s cock. It gives more information about his haemodinamics.

>> No.15562649

>I honestly spend my time watching the monitor instead of the patient’s cock.

>> No.15562672
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>> No.15562913

Can an X-ray continuously output radiation in the event of a careless operator? Or can it only output radiation when the button is pressed and there’s a beep?

Just got back from a chiropractor with an X-ray machine in their office and I spent like a minute in front of the X-ray machine while the electricity part was loudly humming and pointed at my belly button. The operator only took two X-rays but didn’t seem very competent. Seemed like he just wanted to go home on a Friday afternoon

Is it possible my guts were blasted with X-rays while I was standing there and the device was humming? I assume there’s a
Mechanism inside that should keep the radiation from blasting constantly and these devices are built to not expose people to dangerous amounts of X-rays… but still

>> No.15562951
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How much does a high GPA and MCAT overlook autism? I just got an interview invite and I'm now seriously regretting putting anime on my application... I hope no one brings that up.
That's the only red flag on my application.

>> No.15562958

>I just got an interview invite and I'm now seriously regretting putting anime on my application... I hope no one brings that up.
I forgot to add but I mentioned that I draw anime. If someone asks to see a drawing, I would seriously consider death.

>> No.15562979

assuming this was near the bottom of your work and activities section, you can spin it as drawing interest and that your current interest is manga/anime particularly the styles of (insert good/unique artists here).
Don't let this trip you up, and be prepared to speak on the rest of your application and your 'Why Medicine'.

>> No.15563043

Okay, I will do that. Do you think my race (I'm Asian) would make it less weird? It's part of my culture (I feel so stupid for saying that) so it's not like I'm a White guy that purposely went out of the way to draw anime.

>> No.15563082

boss, i talked about playing videogames in multiple interviews
if you included, you value the activity, and have likely learned from engaging in it. personally, i would avoid the 'cultural' route

>> No.15563222

>if you included, you value the activity, and have likely learned from engaging in it.
Oh wow, you actually made me feel better in that case. Drawing in general really means a lot to me. If I can show that (if asked), I think I'll be in the clear. Thank you, King.

>> No.15563561

>just want to look up if modern xray machines can be put into a continuous emission state by a negligent operator, and if the cathode/anode loudly spinning means EMF emission is taking place -- or if cathode/anode spinning can mean no EMF as long as no high voltage is applied
>literally just trying to figure out if xray machines can emit radiation outside of the length of the beep
>google for an hour
>get nothing but results written for children "uwu da big xway machine wiww make a noiwse when its weurking... de doctwr is taking ur picture pwease stay stiww uwu"

>> No.15563611

Gotta hope that a rads technician comes by to this thread or find a forum of theirs
For everyone else it's just a magic radiation machine that makes diagnostic images
But, based on how anesthesia tech is built - with lots of safeties, retard-proof functions and blaring alarms - I would assume all other medical tech is similar

>> No.15563654

>>get nothing but results written for children "uwu da big xway machine wiww make a noiwse when its weurking... de doctwr is taking ur picture pwease stay stiww uwu"
This is the best you can expect from google for anything medicine related nowadays. You legit have to add a combination of words like "journal" "pdf" etc. to get anything aIl and even then its still mostly shit. I am not surprised that the general population is dumb as rocks about anything medicine related, you cant even find information nowadays unless you know

>> No.15563793

>mexicans who don't speak any English get better coverage than most Americans and if they don't, have a million services to go to for free/vastly reduced treatment
>I have to act like I care about them
I'm tired of having to evaluate and treat mexicans all day, can't wait to move to a rural white area with minimal mexicans

>> No.15563797

Were you racist before medicine or did you become racist because of medicine?

>> No.15563808

Race realist before but became more race realist during.

>> No.15563812

Same. I kind of feel bad for being racist though. I'm tired of treating so many Mexicans and Blacks and I want to get away from them but at the same time, I feel guilty for having these feelings because I do see some kind patients from these demographics.

>> No.15563814

I'd be extra kind too if I were getting everything for free after having uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, so I don't feel too bad.

>> No.15563818

I don't see how anyone can have a bio-adjacent education and not be 'racist'(in the modern sense) without some advanced mental gymnastics

>> No.15563819

Maybe those people never had extended contact with minorities before?

>> No.15563822

it's impossible to find any useful information on google in general these days

>> No.15563823

Do you think Mexican and Black doctors become racist against their own kind after treating Mexican and Black patients?

>> No.15563827

To some degree unless they're hyper liberals who can excuse away all the wrongdoing by blaming slavery/oppression and socio-economic factors. They're still probably more racist toward whites/asians though.

>> No.15563845

I mean rather from a purely scientific standpoint everyone will agree that different subspecies/strains of a species ARE different, but you're expected to pretend that different subspecies of h. sapiens sapiens are totally equal and all variations are purely cosmetic and 'social constructs'

>> No.15563852
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Does vertebra fusion actually work? My t12 compression fracture is absolutely destroying my mental health and I'm considering checking out in my 20s

>> No.15563857

There's a reason why ethnicity is a part of any EMR. The push these days for a race-agnostic eGFR calculation seems valiant and just, until DaQuan develops end-stage renal disease that went unnoticed. Haplogroups are a thing.

Doctors from Africa kind of really hate treating Black Americans as a whole. Mexicans just hate chicanos, that has nothing to do with being racist.

>> No.15563997

I second the other anon. Being an ER nurse is chaos but it's not like a charming or fruitful or silver linings kind of chaos. Maybe a trauma floor but even then it could depend where you work. Anesthesia is more relaxed, OR nurse sounds up your alley too

What you're feeling is normal. It just means the dose of your ACEI-statin-SSRI 3-in-1 needs to be higher

>> No.15564051

I want to write a book about a doctor
but I don't know anything about that shit
should I become a doctor? I don't really wanna

>> No.15564078

A weird question. Is there a chance that a patient with VERY RARE medical condition that has no mentions in medical literature or medical articles at pubmed could interest any researcher who would be willing to investigate it?

>> No.15564259

Why is using normal saline in IV form fine but if I ask a doctor is it safe to drink normal saline they look at me like i am crazy?

>> No.15564278

>if I ask a doctor is it safe to drink normal saline they look at me like i am crazy?
Because it's just salty water you dumb fuck

>> No.15564304

Is bone pain, crippling exhaustion and regular bloody stools (daily for 1.5 month; ranging from tarry to bloody or maroon) can indicate something else cancer aside?

>> No.15564397

Gay chemicals in water

>> No.15564461

could be crohns but i hope youre shitposting cause it sounds like you're might be dying

>> No.15564574
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>> No.15564605

>have "normal variant" partial right bundle branch block
>speaking to doctor, say i prefer citalopram
>he refuses to prescribe it out of fear i could have developed long QT since then, so the drug's QT prolongation effect might kill me
>changes the subject when i ask him to explain why he thinks pRBBB could turn into long QT
>can't find any info saying that might happen
>looks like the drug is not contraindicated even in cases of complete RBBB
What is this, superstition?

>> No.15564634

Good med schools in Europe that aren't Belgian or English? I've around a year to prepare, currently working in a lab.

>> No.15564809
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>be me
>anesthesia resident in Italy
>doing some months in childbirth ward (don't know if it's the same in other parts of the world, here in Italy an anesthesiologist must always be present at childbirth)
>we are called for some girl going in labor, nothing out of the ordinary
>easy peasy
>recognize the girl
>she's my ex, my first gf ever in fact, from some years before
>got over it after so much time, but still, you know how it is
>she doesn't recognizes me under the mask and cap, probably, or at least she feigns ignorance
>she gives birth without problems, obstetricians give her the baby
>she's happy, her bf (husband?) is happy, everyone's happy
>be happy too but now can't help but wonder at what never was and never will

>> No.15564855

never had a gf so i won't experience that

>> No.15564861

Relationships don't exist. I've never seen one.

>> No.15564869

I talked about my exquisite boomeroid taste in music in most interviews and got a full scholarship at a high tier school where I bonded with the interviewer with fucking Weezer
Literally just bee urself

>> No.15564874

I know the feel

>> No.15564967
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How long is SSRI discontinuation going to last? I was on Lexapro for about 4 months and it sucked balls. Wikipedia says 1-4 weeks.
>Inb4 taper

>> No.15565013
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>be me
>develop a literal ALLERGY TO HUMANS as a covid complication
>cant go out without a full-face mask with P3 filter
>cant kiss
>have to maniacally clean everything I touch without mask
>have to eat only germetically sealed food
>every flare up when I touch something "not clean" and then touch my face results in my neuropathy getting worse
>doctors dont know what the fuck is it, consider just psychosomatics
>EP tests shows neural conductivity disruptions
Life sucks, guys

>> No.15565016

Have you tried vitamin d?

>> No.15565065

I have. Vitamin D3. No effect.
The only thing that allows me to put off the mask when there are other people is pouring dexamethasone into my eyes, nose and mouth 2 hours before

>> No.15565075
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>> No.15565084

Months. What didn't you like about lexapro? I often read that word followed by "saved my life"... but sometimes "made me projectile vomit."

>> No.15565094

Ok this may be off-topic but Psychiatry I think counts as medicine so I'll ask out here.

Gist is, Vyvanse is causing hair loss, what do?

I have recently started Vyvanse for about a month now. It's been really good mentally, But I'm experiencing a lot of hair loss. Like a lot, extreme hair loss. The drain is clogged after every shower and if I run a hand through wet hair, it's full of hair. Now genetically, I don't believe I'm that prone to early hair loss, my uncle's all have a full head, heck even my grandfather has a full head of hair, though some in the family are bald so It is still possibility. And I'm just 20 rn, which I don't think anybody in my family was bald at 20, so I doubt it's just genetic male pattern baldness.
I really don't wanna be bald at this age, but I also don't want to stop the meds because they have been so helpful. Is this going to stop at some point? Is this even related to the meds (my psych insists it's not, but it started right after I started the meds)? What should I do in this instance?

>> No.15565157

Yes, psychiatry counts, since you have to earn an MD to be a psychiatrist. Didn't read the rest of your post, since it's about psychiatry.

>> No.15565213


>> No.15565466 [DELETED] 

What are some substances that induce depression that aren't pharmaceutical grade? I'm thinking dopamine and serotonin antagonists that aren't sold as antipsychotics. Also, what are some substances or drugs that interact strongly with cocaine? I don't wanna overdose next time I go partying lol

>> No.15565477

What are some substances that induce depression that aren't pharmaceutical grade? I'm thinking dopamine and serotonin antagonists that aren't sold as antipsychotics.

>> No.15565657

>Learn that the girls I found cute in my class are all taken
At least I never talked to them... heh....

>> No.15565663

Why is this always the case though? All the cute ones in school are all taken, so what the fuck are we even supposed to do? It's over unless you get into a relationship before med school.

>> No.15565666

Be a Wizard like me and enjoy your arcane powers.

>> No.15565720

Have you tried risperidone?

>> No.15565723

Dxm is lyfe

>> No.15565725

Become a doctore, acquire money and status, snatch cute med students later

>> No.15565913

Explain why you want to "induce depression".

>> No.15566322

No, I didnt do any self-prescriptions besides Dexamethasone.
From what I read its a neuroleptic; Not sure how this can help if the problem is autoimmune/crossautoimmune

>> No.15566326

>first you value "extrenal" qualities like cuteness
>then you are surprised that they might also value boys who are more cute/masculine than you

>> No.15566448

what the fuck is the point of a woman if she's not attractive
i can be friends with guys

>> No.15566610
File: 35 KB, 640x731, 672f701fcd254a508ed3a8b7e4fddad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i was reading about chimerism in human (because rare and interesting) and was wondering why the body doesn't just outright reject the foreign DNA, I know there is an autoimmune response like in pic related.

>> No.15567066

>heart disease mortality decreasing
>cancer mortality decreasing
>diabetes mortality decreasing
>suicide mortality increasing
what gives, psychies?

>> No.15567119
File: 899 KB, 1080x2125, Screenshot_20230716_215316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat bitch has a medical condition
>Feels better if there's someone to blame
>Refuses to elaborate
>Comments are all "that's a lawsuit right there gurl", "that doctor needs to be executed", "I'm a medical trauma survivor myself"
It's all envy isn't it

>> No.15567126

>It's all envy isn't it
Envious of what exactly?

>> No.15567131

Other people walking maybe?

>> No.15567138

That's a fair thing to be envious of.

>> No.15567141

Get your test levels checked, as well as anything else that may be related. If it’s not the meds / you don’t want to get off them just start trying to save it with a fin prescription and over the counter minoxidil.

>> No.15567142

No, I'm just autistic and never talked to them or anyone else to learn if they were taken. I only learned about it by overhearing it.

>> No.15567144

Also stop the meds for the time being of course. Unless you think you can pull off the bald look

>> No.15567151

By anything else I mean thyroid and other shit btw. I was the only one to start balding at all within atleast my past 3 generations so trying to trace it back wont really matter
t. hairlet at an earlier stage than you, have a full head of hair now due to protecting it early

>> No.15567174

guys use anti oxidants for covid

covid makes your blood ionized and that makes it so your body cant metabolize fat anymore

you will literally gain weight forever if you dont clean your blood

>> No.15567186

i love ionized blood

>> No.15567395

Is it worth making notes? There always seems to be a better online resource

>> No.15567504

whatever this is, it's not treatable with antipsychotics
it's one thing to not give out free advice on /med/ but a different thing to outright suggest harmful therapies

>> No.15567556
File: 119 KB, 1000x570, big_pharma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what gives, psychies?
I could be wrong, but i think psychiatry is either neutral or perhaps even outright harmful
just look at >>15565094
the guy is 20 and some psychiatrist started him on literal METH. Anon's brain isn't even fully formed yet.
They do this to children too. Putting children on meth.
This only makes things worse and is harmful for the brain. What, are those people expected to take meth forever until they die? What about when they are 50, how will they function?

It's CRAZY that we are allowing psychiatrist to do this to young people.

and now look at >>15567141
telling the guy to get his test levels checked?? and also suggesting to him to start a whole new drug to disturb his hormones
Double win for pharma right there.

In reality dude is using meth and going bald, likely because he's 20 year old male and got bald genes. Oh well, in modern society you can't be bald, that's unattractive according to media even though it's perfectly natural and healthy for men to go bald

It's all fucked up

>> No.15567677

Okay i'll post off thread, but just this once, since i do not give a shit about your little big pharma lackeys.
Imagine thinking the germ theory of disease is true, in mid 2023.
Imagine thinking cancer is not psychosomatic, but some ridiculous explanation about cells dividing infinitely in an anarchic way.
You people really really are dumb, obedient sheeps.
No matter how white your coats is, for me you are stupid fucks, and ignorant lackey, just good at learning stuff by heart, and spitting it out, thinking this is smart, without having the first clue about how to question something.

>> No.15567727

>You people really really are dumb, obedient sheeps.
>No matter how white your coats is, for me you are stupid fucks, and ignorant lackey, just good at learning stuff by heart, and spitting it out, thinking this is smart, without having the first clue about how to question something.
these are both true

You are a pharma false flagging little shit trying to discredit justified scepticism like>>15567556

day of the discontinuation is coming, shill

>> No.15567768

intelligent anon, please prove:
>germ theory is false
>cancer is psychosomatic
Just diagnosed a guy in his early 50s with lymphoma - huge distended abdomen with pain. He'd really like to know how he can change his mind about his cancer and get better. I'll relay it to him for you.

>> No.15567799



>> No.15567818
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I honestly didn't need feeling the feels at this moment.

>> No.15568048
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>be hospitalist
>*pager beeping*
>recognize the extension…
>*sip coffee*
>*pager beeping 30 seconds later*
>it’s ortho
>look out window
>ortho is already in civilian clothing rearranging fishing poles in the bed of their truck

>> No.15568144
File: 163 KB, 1528x800, stock-image-haufrect_may_blog_fainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, at my old apartment I fell asleep on the couch (this was around last summer) and I woke up. Felt like my whole body was asleep, like pins and needles. I also had a lot of trouble opening my eyes and was having weird visual distortions. I shook myself extremely hard and managed to roll and sit up. Extremely dizzy and nothing like I had felt before, I honestly just thought it was my time to go. I stood up took a few steps to try and fight it and passed out. Woke up after honestly seemed like at least 30 seconds to a minutes and pushed myself to get up. The room was spinning, I was having extreme visual distortions. I started doing deep breathing like I do in weight lifting to oxygenate my blood.
Walked over to the bathroom and my face was bleeding and I could barely hold myself up. Started walking back to the couch to call 911.
I passed out again and smacked my head on the hardwood floor. This time for about 2-3 minutes, a lot of time had passed. I woke up extremely dizzy and numb feeling, and stood up. The couch (and my phone) weren't far away, but I blacked out again. This time on the carpet, I felt my head hit both the second and third time. I woke up and called 911 and could barely speak.
By the time the ambulance had arrived the feeling was already beginning to pass. They only gave me a CT scan because I had fallen and hit my head. Could this be an indicator of something worse?

>> No.15568195

>this was around last summer
my nigga drops unconscious three times in 10 minutes and waits a year to think about it

>> No.15568213

Have a history of seizures? Diabetes? Structural heart disease?
Any health history at all?
Drug use?
What meds do you take if any

You probably need an EKG just to rule out the serious stuff, and if there’s anything questionable you need an echo.

>> No.15569014

I have zero medical training but is CO poisoning possible? I’ve known it’s an issue with some apartments

>> No.15569032

You should kill yourself instead of bugging docs with your functional neurological disorder

>> No.15569161
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Damn... It's funny because they say time heals but I still never forgot...

>> No.15569923
File: 25 KB, 500x500, avatars-000742309378-7414id-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stuck myself while suturing
I hate surgery so fucking much bros

>> No.15570157

autistic people can squeak through med school, but it becomes hard to avoid once you hit clinicals

its nearly impossible to get below a "pass" on your evals at a US medical school. usually the people online who fail rotations mention they are autistic

>> No.15570181

>usually the people online who fail rotations mention they are autistic
Autistic doctors need to rise up and take over the system.

>> No.15570248

Psych so you can see everyone remotely.

>> No.15570390

na there'd be no teamwork

every autistic doctor thinks they're autistic and that everyone else who says they're autistic is lying

>> No.15570433

Why did the governments use to fund all that mental ward shit back in the day?? Look up the columbus mental hospital

Doctors are smart people trained to be dumb
The root of disease is toxicity and malnourishment
Vaccines are for retards
No we dont need them to survice

Bacteria is good
Stop washing your hands

Stop taking antibiotixs
For petty shit, or even for heavier shit
Mamy retard doctors prescribe them for viral infections lmao

Once you learn that being sick is actually a detox is when you can finally call
Your self NOT RETARDEd

Modern Medicine is for profit not for
Almost all it treats symptoms
I hope
Your faggots can treat the cause instead

>> No.15570495

Absolutely, CO poisoning is actually under diagnosed in the US. It’ll be higher on the differential if somehow, when obtaining the history, the patient reveals use of a gas powered generator or mentions a faulty heating system in their home, or having the stereotypical poorly ventilated area with a running vehicle.
It would be also be a stronger possibility if people living in the same apartment building went to the ED reporting similar symptoms.

>> No.15570529

How much will nurse practitioners take over in 10years?

>> No.15570533

CRNAs took over anesthesia with 300k salaries and 36 hour work weeks, and yet med students are still cumming in their pants to try and match into it

nurse practitioners will take over neurosurgery, and that wont stop anyone either

>> No.15570535


Despite the very recent study of worse outcomes with the use of nurse practitioners in the ED with increased costs with ordering unnecessary tests… they will probably take more of the share in primary care.

>> No.15570570

How much will it reduce the respective fields by, or will it remain relatively static due to legal concerns?

>> No.15570659

Define what you mean by "autistic".
Most autistic docs (high IQ, low "EQ") I've met have been great. Just straight to the point and get shit done.
It's the retards who did average on exams and squeezed in based on interview performance that usually cause problems. (charlatans)

>> No.15570660

Come to a country where the anaesthetic college is actually based and bitch slaps CRNAs from entering the country.

>> No.15570827

>every autistic doctor thinks they're autistic and that everyone else who says they're autistic is lying
Gatekeeping autism lol.

>> No.15571179

>they will probably take more of the share in primary care.

midlevels are going for specialties now. the bar is lower than ever
there was an NP who got a heme-onc job for "less than 15 minutes of heme-onc learning"

>> No.15571620

Stop whining about your midlevel shit, americans
It's your own fault for making your medical education into a club of pointless rituals and titles and jumping through hoops for 12 years, instead of just normal education+training like any other skilled job(i.e. engineer); so now the free market is finding ways to efficiently replace you
It's not an issue in normal countries where doctors are done in 6-8 years and nurses are just worker goons with a 3 year training

>> No.15571914

>as retard I am, I didn't acknowledge doc on ultrasound saying I have mild ascites despite liver, kidneys and pancreas being fine, no swelling in lymph nodes there either, no major inflamation in appendix
>my sed was low and crp so low that it was unmarked
>no family history of ibd and no signs of tb in relatives I've been living with. There is family history of thyroid diseases, cancer and sjorden syndrome tho
>yet I was vomiting, shitting blood on regular (from bright red to dark), lost weight despite not eating less, have swollen painful lymph nodes under jaw, crippling physical exhaustion that doesn't get better with rest, random acute flare that feels like I'm boiling (sometimes accompanied by adequate sharp raise in temp), regular night sweats and immense umblical pain and bone pain (fatigue and pain gets worse at night) for past 1.5 month
Place your bets on how likely it is cancer and which kind, I will get colonoscopy in like a month. I'm betting 90% cancer (GI or blood one) and 10% on lupus

>> No.15571930

i like nurses, they're mostly OK
doctors are ok
technicians are for the most part bros and so are the lab folk
secretaries/administrative assistants however are mostly just very toxic

>> No.15571937


>> No.15571941

Just do CAR-T bro
Also, why are they making you wait an entire month for a colonoscopy when you're shitting blood. Do you live in bumfuck, nowhere? Does the secretary want you dead?

>> No.15572274


>> No.15572293

How do I induce hypomania?

>> No.15572311

Low dose metamphetamine oral..?

>> No.15572470

any way that doesnt involve me getting hypertension?

>> No.15572645

Just keep your windows open. Way too many people have their windows closed 24/7.

>> No.15572708

>It's not an issue in normal countries where doctors are done in 6-8 years

nurses are taking out hernias in the UK. we haven't stopped that low in the US yet

>> No.15572752

This is my last week in neuropeds and will start neonatology for the next 6 months. Just received a transfer from neurosurgery. 17 y/o, bike crash into a tree, no helmet, missing half of his skull. Doesn't talk, cries a lot, shits and pisses himself, he has convulsions daily that barely stop after the basic Diazepam. When I see this kid, I wish he was dead because that is no way to live. It's a burden on his family and in this semi-conscious who the fuck knows what is going on through his head is scary.

>> No.15572755

>retard doesnt wear his helmet
>becomes more retarded

>> No.15572777

Yup. And his father is even more retarded. The kid didn't have a license and decided to take his dad's bike without his knowledge AND the parents said it wasn't the first time when he took it. Well, if it wasn't the first time, why didn't they hide the fucking keys.

>> No.15572817

>nurses are taking out hernias in the UK
Wut. Link please now. You just love to see the NHS in action.

>> No.15572878

Poland lmao. ICU here won't take me in unless I'm literally on death's door and I still ONLY have to wait month for colonoscopy, because I'm doing it private otherwise I would wait like 3-4 months if I did it on universal lol

>> No.15573045

one year into my physical medicine and rehabilitation residency. I'm having fun and I like it, although I know it's not the best money wise, but the work suits me and am currently working in a seaside resort town and I get to go chill out at the beach and I am not overworked. Any other physiatry docs here?

>> No.15573106

Did you have any non traditional old people in your class? How’d they hold up through it all?

>> No.15573114

>Way too many people have their windows closed 24/7.
I have the AC running, its 100° out

>> No.15573165

The UK is a special hellhole for doctors on its own.
You make minimum wage after graduation, have to rotate to a different hospital/city every couple of months while working as a doctor, you have no bargaining power because the NHS is a monopoly employer, nobody respects doctors because the NHS is free anyways, it takes like 10 fucking years after graduation to become a specialist.
No wonder they are leading the way in replacing doctors with nursoids that can't tell a migraine from a tension headache appart.
Anyone with half a brain left years ago

>> No.15573166

What benefits of sunlight are actually true? and out of those which are decreased/stopped by using sunscreen?

>> No.15573213

>be american

>> No.15573599
File: 333 KB, 1900x2500, E6rPyt9XEAcPGvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last semester of pre-med here. Orgo II, biostatistics, micro cell bio lab, and neurobiology.
>Pic unrelated, my first waifu

>> No.15573615

They're holding up alright (through optometry school so far). I think more young'uns dropped out than older individuals.

>> No.15573617

Does science know why I wanna kill myself?

>> No.15573854

is working in a hospital as comfy as it seems?
I'm sure the job can be stressful, but I moreso mean just the environment of being in a hospital

>> No.15573909

any radiologist basedjaks?

>> No.15574159

Premeds need to be beaten and taught a lesson.
Fuck premeds and fuck gunners.

>> No.15574329
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Okay faggot

>> No.15574355

>be in neuro rotation
>hey anon go do a basic history on this guy and learn his story
>27 year old
>brainstem damage from a ruptured AVM
>locked in syndrome
>only communicates with his eyes
I don't like neuro

>> No.15574409


>> No.15574441

Why don't we just do the right thing and let these people die?

On a related note, I had to put a catheter in some poor man who had anoxic brain damage s/p a cardiac arrest. He should have died instead, honestly. Poor dude, he just lies in bed the whole day.

>> No.15574469

Was the resident just fucking with you or did he not know? I mean TECHNICALLY you could work something out but damn that's dark.

>> No.15574484

>Was the resident just fucking with you
I think so, but its also a case of the whole you need to learn how to get histories from all sorts of clientele thing. Asked a lot of yes no questions, held up boards, and I just had to see which he stared at. He's actually a pretty cool guy and I hope there's some way he can show improvement in anything.
Neuro is so fucking interesting but you really do have the darkest cases just like >>15572752

>> No.15574509

>Premeds need to be beaten and taught a lesson.
They already get beaten plenty by the AAMC and they keep coming back for more, I don't think that would work.

>> No.15574534
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>56% average match even to FM
wtf that can't be real.
what happens with all that debt if you don't match into anything?

>> No.15574565

>your dream is to do primary care in an underserved area
make sure you have shit to back this up, work or volunteer at a rural primary care clinic

>> No.15574588

I had some dumb bitch proclaim how "there are no biological differences between black and white people" in a bioethics class. I fucking HATE admissions.

>> No.15574618

I’m worried I’ll be too old to get past the adcoms and to get in and will be even more isolated than the regular med students and residents being old.

>> No.15574619

Chief medical officers maybe?

>> No.15574721

The AAMC needs to intensify the beatings. Making the MCAT longer and harder is a good first step.

>> No.15574745

there is a biological difference between every living entity
race isn't a very useful classification, however

>> No.15574782

No advanced mental gymnastics, and I'm not racist. I used to be at one point, but it just didn't make any sense the more I thought about it and the more I experienced life.

>> No.15574962

Stop worrying. As long as you don't isolate yourself, no one cares. They're too busy caring about themselves and more important/interdasting school drama.
Also, you can either apply and become a doctor now, or wait until you're even older.

>> No.15575472

Is there anyway schools can force you to prove you are bi? While its small, my local school gives you a slightly higher consideration for being part of the LGBTABCXYZ+

>> No.15575571

Why are osce's such bullshit?

>> No.15575611

practice your physical exam skills

>> No.15575653

they'll assign a male penis inspector for you. If you don't get an erection, you will be outed as a liar

>> No.15575708

The fag shit bonus is completely retarded and I don’t blame you in the slightest for abusing it if it gives you an edge

also no they legally cant force you to take dick in your ass, maybe volunteer at a pride event (normal ones, not the ones with naked trannies and shit) if they somehow doubt you

>> No.15575711

>no they legally cant force you to take dick in your ass

>> No.15575715

I mean med school can’t force you to take it in a literal sense

>> No.15575716

>take this dick or im failing you
happens to the best of us

>> No.15576284
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Do large breasts produce more/better milk for infants? Is there a size above which a woman's breasts correlate with better outcomes for her children?

I'm asking you guys because this seems like the kind of thing where it's hard to find real answers because of social factors.

>> No.15576308
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If I graduated college a decade ago with a 2.5 but manage to get really good MCAT scores do I have a hope of getting into med school?

I studied accounting+economics and it was a really bad fit but I stuck with it. Wound up bouncing around in restaurants and am now doing programming.

The one thing is I'm real good at standardized tests. I got a 33 on the ACT both times that I took it, without any sort of study or prep material. Hell, I think I was high one of the times. I don't use substances anymore except an occasional drink.

>anon wtf makes you think you'd be a good doctor

I get obsessive about stuff I'm into. The way I was raised, doctors and medicine seemed stuffy and boring. But a couple of my good friends became doctors and I'm realizing medicine is actually really cool and would be the kind of thing I could endlessly nerd out about for the rest of my life.

Also I like interacting with people. Seems like most of the nerdy jobs where you get to be obsessive separate you from people and make you unrelatable, but medicine is a topic everyone has a reason to relate to.

>> No.15576312

Most med schools filter <3.0 gpa automatically. Do a post-bacc or master's before and raise your gpa first.

>> No.15576323

No, Breast size is positively correlated with poverty, facial unattractiveness and mental illness. They don't produce shit and there's no better outcomes with large breasts except for the fact that they feel soft jiggly and juicy when you place your face in them, and give you a hard erection.

>> No.15576329

Im 28 and have had a very rough go at trying to get back into school. Im not making excuses because im an idiot but a lot of work and relationship stuff happened and my GPA is straight garbage, >3.
In winter start of finals week i rolled my truck and missed them, and this last quarter week of i got fired and lost my house.
Do I have any hope of clawing my way out of this? I dont know if schools offer veterans preference but fuck i am banking on that hard to get just about anywhere at this point.

>> No.15576445

>Fellowship in getting her tits licked and pussy pumped

>> No.15576518

because he can communicate with his eyes and maybe he was asked that question and he said he wanted to live
your example is very different with anoxic brain damage
yeah, neuro does teach you how to take a history off any patient
also, I don't think the resident wasn't trying to fuck with you. It's probably just his way of telling you to develop a skill and to learn a patient's story. Locked in syndrome is important to know so the resident just wanted you to acquaint yourself with it by taking the patient's history

i think every specialty has sad or dark cases

>> No.15576526

I'd say there's a preference depending on the school. You ideally want to get your cGPA and sGPA above a 3.5, upward trends are also looked on favorably by most adcoms. A good MCAT can also help especially in the context of an upward trending GPA, but I'm gonna be honest a straight 3.0 gpa might be difficult to compensate for. It also helps if you can craft a narrative for your application. Volunteering taking vitals or something at the VA would look great, anything that you can tie into your past.

>> No.15576541

I was a volunteer firefighter for 2 years and im working at a hospital now so ive been building on my patient care hours.
Im still early in my academic career so ive got time to pull it up a bit but yeah this last year i was dealt a shit hand and i didnt handle it very well. I just finished my first year at community college.

>> No.15576548

Oh you're golden. Just make sure to get As in all your 4 credit hour classes like med micro and virology so you'll look good to med schools

>> No.15576552

Shit bro you've got another three years to bring that GPA up, I thought you were a sophmore/junior getting ready to apply. Being a non-trad student, veteran, having real world experience and actually putting your hands on patients before you apply is great. Practically an adcoms wet dream.

>> No.15576553

>In winter start of finals week i rolled my truck and missed them, and this last quarter week of i got fired and lost my house.
Imagine being White and still losing lol.

>> No.15576558

>three years
*two I guess, I can't remember how all that shit goes

>> No.15576564

Thanks for the encouragement guys, ive been down for a while because of how poorly things went this year. I was so excited to start college and then everything went south.

Cant win every time. My girlfriend left me too so i havent been on top for a while.

>> No.15576578

Are you White trash?

>> No.15576583

Nah i dont think so. Ive got a clean record, i dont do drugs, im not in debt, i feel like im as mentally healthy as anyone else, and im in decent physical shape.
Would being white trash help?

>> No.15576598

If you aren't White trash then why are you performing so poorly in school? Even niggers got you beat.

>> No.15576610

I missed some finals due to the reasons listed above and those counted for a lot of the grade in those classes.
I might also just be an idiot.

>> No.15576729


>> No.15576863

My only saving grace is im too stupid to know when to quit. Keep at it man, hopefully well see each other out there some day.

>> No.15576877

rope yourself cunt
you wouldn't talk to anybody like that in real life, and you'd get your ass beat real quick if you did

>> No.15576899

Med schools love someone who never quits bud

>> No.15576910

Not sure why you're mad on his behalf. I gave him the honest and objective truth. It's not a good look to have even niggers outperform you in academics. He's not even White trash/poor so there's no excuse for why that happened. He simply needs to get serious about academics.

>> No.15576952

I hope thats not sarcasm. Or is it a joke about how theyll love me because i have to keep paying?

>> No.15577011


2017, who knows how far they've gotten now

>> No.15577013

>The one thing is I'm real good at standardized tests. I got a 33 on the ACT both times that I took it, without any sort of study or prep material

not impressive. most people prep minimally for the ACT. MCAT is definitely harder to do well on

>> No.15577097

Bros, I realized I hate medicine.

I hate those fucking 24 hour shifts, having to dig for information and guidelines since everyone else does whatever. I'm tired of the kids yelling, parents coming at 2am for vomit, patient after patient coming, the phone ringing every 20min like a call center. skipping meals and so much bullshit. Bullshit reports when a kid becomes critical or dies, making presentations etc. I hate it all.

I quit but I still need to work 12 more days of this. Been on leave for a week since I said I had depression. Because of some contract fuckery I may have to pay back all my salaries from the past year and a half, but whatever. Slavery exists in some parts of the world and it's called residency.

>> No.15577098

Should've pursued comfy optometry.

>> No.15577169

You knew what you were signing up for.

>> No.15577358

what is even the purpose of specializing in FM over IM, when moms are just going to see the obgyn or take their kid to the pediatrician instead?

and rural life is gay, not a good excuse to pick FM

>> No.15577534

>rural life is gay
Shitty slicker detected. Go back to your ratcage.

>> No.15577546

>ruralites when there are rats in the city
haha, look how dirty you city slickers are
>ruralites after cleaning ten dead mice from traps around their house and also they had to kill an armadillo that was nesting under their porch
well that's just part of livin in the country, fella

>> No.15577643

>what is even the purpose of specializing in FM over IM
low iq but enough persistence to finish med uni

>> No.15577694

Are you the Asian rural FM that complains about racism?

>> No.15577864
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I know y'all dont want to offer advice here but I did see my doctor and I don't want to follow her advice. She wants to put me on blood pressure meds but I think that's ridiculous. I'm a /fit/, healthy 22 year old. I had an EKG a few years ago but no abnormalities. Any other tests I can do to find out wtf is going on?
Also, I donated blood yesterday and that seems to have helped bring it down a bit.

>> No.15577875

I dont drink coffee, smoke, drink alcohol, or do any other drugs. Started taking 10mg cialis every day 2 days ago. And i can feel my blood pressure going up while working out. Going to see a different doctor next week.

>> No.15577950
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>My only saving grace is im too stupid to know when to quit

>> No.15577954

stop neglecting cardio and lose weight if you dont want to take meds

>> No.15577957

I cant fucking do cardio without getting extremely light headed and dizzy, which I assume is due to my blood pressure.
>lose weight
I'm not that fat. 5'10 180lbs ~15% bodyfat. I am on a diet tho.

>> No.15577971

I'd take the meds to be quite DESU
It's not like you're on statisn or antipsychotics, you won't even notice

>> No.15577991

It should be done already, what are these rules actually saying, what is the consequence? Just do it.

>> No.15578012

Why are medfags like this? I want to figure out WHY my blood pressure is high. What if there's something else going on that is causing it?

>> No.15578018

That's orthogonal, my brotherino in chrisentema
You can keep trying to figure it out without walking around like you're trying your best for a future aortic dissection

I'm not saying you shouldn't try to figure out why your house is on fire, just step outside while they put it out. You have all the time to figure it out after.

>> No.15578021

>peds-fag gets btfo'd

>> No.15578027

you are fat
lose weight
dont take BP drugs
just lose weight
you should be 160-165 pounds max you fatass
>15% bodyfat
yeah right

>> No.15578038

Where do you hide a dollar from a ped?
Plain sight, they never seen one

>> No.15578041

Hey anon what's the NNT on telling people to just lose weight

>> No.15578068

The reason I posted in this thread is to ask for advice on what tests I can do to determine the underlying cause. Hopefully I can get a referral to a cardiologist next week
>you should be 160-165 pounds max you fatass
Eat shit, twink.
And if this is in fact due to my weight, explain why my heart rate is so low.

>> No.15578074

>And if this is in fact due to my weight, explain why my heart rate is so low.
Two different things. Heart can grow beefy both to fight the hypertension and because of exercise.
The hypertension is not your heart beating too fast, it's something else.

Your heart beats at a perfectly normal 60 because ventricles are thick. And actually the heart can become thicker because of hypertension, so there's no contradiction at all.

>> No.15578087

Fuck you. I'm going to lose the 20lbs just to prove you wrong. And when you're wrong, I will choke you out with your stethoscope. See you in 4 months bud

>> No.15578089

I better see your sorry ass 4 months there on the dot, punk
As if you're not going to forget in a week

>> No.15578452

Cut your grass if you don't want mice. Simple as.
No, white. Why would I like rural life if I were that complaining asian?

>> No.15578875

if my partner got ONE vaccine, but detox'd right after, at this point, is damage done, or are they possibly still contagious? i haven't seen them in 3 years and they got the vax 1 time and never anymore after that. worried about sex with vaccinated lol

>> No.15578971

149/92 is pretty atrocious